• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Confusing Situations

Twilight stirred slowly from a very comfortable nap. The Galactic Grand Prix had ended a week prior, the entire event a huge success. Not only had the rivalry between Qwark and Nefarious meant major ratings, but between sponsors, investors, merchandise, and broadcast rights, the Universal Government had turned a massive profit even after the huge bolt prize that had been awarded to Nefarious for his first place victory. On top of that, in what Twilight personally considered an even greater success, it had provided plenty of opportunity for her and Nefarious to engage in more normal date/courtship activities. Movies, amusement parks, alfresco dining...it had felt wonderful. The only drawback had been the amount of media attention it had drawn...but surprisingly, Nefarious had dealt with that quite readily. She chuckled softly as she remembered back to that event...

Twilight stared somewhat crosseyed at the ambush reporter that had caught her all unawares to badger her with questions about her relationship with Nefarious. She'd managed to field some of the questions, but others she had trouble understanding. But the one that caught her off guard was when the reporter had asked about 'how far they had gone'.

That had been when Nefarious had leaned in. "Tell me something. What demographic is Twilight Sparkle most popular with?"

The reporter had blinked in surprise, but readily answered. "12 year old or younger boys and girl, and the parents thereof. She's a huge inspiration story for children, and parents love holding her up as a role model."

Nefarious nodded. "And what qualities - other than being adorable, brilliant, and heroic - is she known for the most?"

The reporter listed them off readily. "Her kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and sense of humor." For some reason, hearing those qualities listed together always gave her a sense that she had forgotten something of great importance.

"Let's focus on honesty," Nefarious suggested. "That would seem to suggest that she would answer questions from reporters to the best of her ability, yes? With as much detail as possible, for complete answers?"

"That's right," the reporter confirmed, looking eager.

"And she will," Nefarious confirmed. "If you ask again about what goes on between two super geniuses capable of warping the very fabric of reality and rewriting the laws of physics for kicks and giggles what we get up to together in the bedroom, we will both happily answer in complete detail, even give you a play-by-play. But before you ask, I have something to ask you." He leaned over the reporter, who now looked pale. "Do you want your network to be the one known for destroying childhood?"

Twilight giggled wickedly as she finished mentally replaying the scene. The interview had never been published, and no reporter had ever asked about their bedroom activities since. Admittedly, that had confused Twilight to a certain extent, as she and Nefarious had never actually been in a bedroom together. She assumed the confusion was the result of her literal mindset.

As she opened her eyes, however, she frowned. She quickly realized that she was not in her bedroom. The walls of the room she was in were all solid stone, with a few manacles here and there making it look like a cell. However, the door was wood rather than stone, metal, or forcefield, and the floor was covered with plush throw rugs. The bed of pillows she was at rest in was practically a nest, large enough for three creatures her size and stacked high enough with comfortable cushions she could sink if she wasn't careful. The figure standing in front of her gave her some clue as to the situation. "Mervin, where are-"

"Dr. Nefarious right now," he corrected quickly but diffidently. "After all, I just kidnapped you."

Twilight blinked in confusion as she sat up. "...why?" she asked, a little confused as her mind started coming more awake.

"As a means of triggering Qwark to come after me for another battle between us," Nefarious explained readily. "And because you said you wanted to see me try."

Twilight smiled. "I see," she offered with a wide smile. "How'd you manage it? I'm really curious."

"I waited until you were asleep, then asked Ratchet for permission to abscond with you menacingly until Qwark came to rescue you," Nefarious proclaimed easily. "He shook his head, said he didn't want to know, and left the door open."

Twilight burst into giggles. "You...you asked my Dad's permission to kidnap me?"

"It worked!" Nefarious countered insistently. "It's the last thing any of you expected, and now I have you at my mercy, and Qwark must journey alone to confront my new fiendish lair of traps, hazards, and deadly robot soldiers to rescue you!" He proceeded to cackle madly.

Grinning, Twilight got to her hooves and braced herself, deciding to 'play along' somewhat. "And what's to stop me from doing thi-Aaaah!" Twilight's words were cut off by the gasping moan. She'd started to gather her magic, but the moment she did, a surge of pleasure shot from the tip of her horn through her entire body, breaking her concentration and dropping her back to her stomach. It was at that point she became aware of strange metal rings around the base of her horn, the base of both wings, and around each of her hooves.

"That would be the suppressor rings you're currently wearing," Nefarious explained. "When activated, they send a surge of energy along your nervous system to disrupt your concentration, and they're powered by any magic you extend beyond your body. This includes spell formula from your horn, flight magic from your wings, or how your magic boosts your physical strength and allows you to grip things in your hooves. These render you completely helpless!" He once more cackled madly.

Twilight lifted one hoof to examine the runic-circuitry embedded in the ring. "And if one of them is damaged, broken, or otherwise improperly deactivated, the rest will activate at full power because of the broken circuit?" she asked curiously.

"Precisely!" Nefarious proclaimed. "Running instead on your ambient magical energy as it attempts to rebalance the circuit." He grinned widely. "It's so nice having a hostage that can follow everything I'm saying."

"But why does it send pleasure?" Twilight inquired curiously.

"Well, villainous kidnapping aside, I didn't want to hurt you," Nefarious offered apologetically. "It only worked if I used pleasure or pain, and not only would using pain be emotionally traumatic for me, after all your adventures your pain tolerance is insanely high, and I'd have the choice between high enough that it risked damaging your psyche or low enough you could easily overcome it by sheer determination. Besides, pleasure is far more distracting, wouldn't you say?"

Twilight had to chuckle at that. "Oh, most definitely. Although it does leave me to wonder..." She glanced at the band around her hoof again. "Were these originally meant for holding me hostage...or something else?" Her eyes shifted to a nearby table.

On the table was a pale blue Princess dress in her size with a tiara resting on top of it. Next to it was a rather wicked looking obsidian crown, heavily jeweled with curved spikes, resting on an ermine cape that was red on one side and black on the other. These were also sized to a body her size, but not in her size.

Nefarious managed to look a tad embarrassed. "I like to multitask..." he admitted finally. "Besides, whether I'm the villain or just a mad scientist...you're still my Princess to me..."

Twilight smiled warmly, a soft blush on her cheeks. Her smile then turned impish. "Then tell me, oh Evil King, how long shall I be helpless in your wicked clutches, unable to resist anything your fiendish imagination can concoct to do to me, before 'my hero' comes to my rescue?"

Nefarious grinned wickedly as he converted his body to equine form, using his crystal lined horn to telekinetically bring the dress, tiara, cape, and crown over to them. "Oh, he's not coming for a long time, Princess!" he proclaimed with another maniacal cackle. Leaning in, he whispered, "I asked Clank to make sure Qwark didn't find out I took you for at least 12 hours."

Twilight giggled as she slipped into the dress and tiara. "Oh...you horrible brute!" she offered dramatically.

This was going to be a fun weekend.

Author's Note:

Ladrian actually went so far as to pen an idea of what the 'fun weekend' was like, which can be found here. Prepare for laughs and insanity.

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