• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,118 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Novalis

After a far too brief stint in space, during which Twilight and Ratchet both marveled at the vastness of space and the relative diminutiveness of Veldin while Clank reminded Ratchet to keep his organic appendages on the steering column, they arrived at the coordinates of planet Novalis. As they approached, Clank turned to Ratchet. "After we have breached the atmospheric envelope, be sure to remember to extend the landing gear."

"Extend?" Ratchet asked as they began reentry.

"I assume you retracted the landing gear once we took off, to protect the sensitive mechanisms from the ravages of space and the friction of reentry?" Clank inquired, somewhat nervously.


There were a few rather loud pings, followed by the scent of burning. "I assume incorrectly," Clank said, shaking his head.

"What was that?" Twilight asked.

"The pinging was in all likelihood the landing gear being torn from the ship by the friction of reentry," Clank explained. "The burning assaulting your scent detection organ is likely the friction playing havoc with the ship's internals through the holes left by the lost landing gear."

"So we're going to crash?" Twilight asked, completely calm.

"Yes," Clank agreed. "In all likelihood, quite violently." Noticing Ratchet screaming, he focused his gaze on Twilight. "Why are you not screaming and panicking?"

Just before the ship slammed into the ground, the cockpit popped free, launching itself into the air as various parachutes deployed, letting the cockpit slowly descend to the ground. "Because I installed an ejection system for the cockpit just in case of a crash," Twilight replied calmly.

Ratchet turned to Twilight as he calmed down. "And you didn't tell me...why?"

"Because I didn't want you to think I didn't have faith in your piloting skills, Daddy," she replied, looking up at him cutely through her long lashes.

Ratchet thought about that for a bit. "Well..."

"It is unlikely we will be able to reconstruct the ship, despite the intact nature of the cockpit," Clank interrupted. "We will need to find another conveyance off planet."

"We'll also need a clue as to where to go next to find Captain Quark," Twilight pointed out.

Ratchet nodded as he popped the cockpit open. "Alright. We've got a couple directions we can go. We can head down onto the plains, or we can explore the waterworks that way." He glanced back and forth.

"Perhaps we should divide our forces?" Clank suggested.

Ratchet winced. "I'd really rather not," he grumbled, glancing towards Twilight.

"Daddy!" Twilight complained. "I can take care of myself!"

Seeing her pout, he sighed. "Alright, you explore the waterworks. Clank and I will take the plains." Clank hopped onto Ratchet's back, attaching himself to Ratchet's tool harness.

"Okay Daddy!" Twilight said happily, bouncing off towards the waterworks.

'I do not understand your concern," Clank spoke up. "Her telekinetic capacity is quite potent."

"I know that," Ratchet explained. "And while there's probably nothing that can hurt her here unless she's caught off guard, not only is there the chance of that...but if we're here to help somewhat, I'd rather not cause more damage than the invaders."

"The only way she could do that would be if she decided to crush numerous enemy robots by ripping a mountain from its roots and dropping it on them," Clank pointed out.

"I've yet to see a limit to her telekinetic lifting capacity. How do you know she can't? Or wouldn't?" Ratchet shook his head. "That's why I sent her into the waterworks. According to the Gadgetron scans, there aren't that many robots or biological in there, just mechanisms."

Twilight carefully made her way through the waterworks, dealing with what few organic and mechanical hostiles she encountered. Her first run through led her to what was - for her - a dead end in a deep pool of water, as she didn't know how to swim. Not only were there few lakes or rivers on Veldin for her to learn in, the way her wings became waterlogged was both uncomfortable and weighed her down. Turning back, she noticed a couple of pistons that, for some reason, weren't moving. Seizing them in her magic, she forced them to change position so she could hop from one to the other so she could get out of the watery tunnels and into the actual waterworks.

Once inside, she discovered quite a few gaps she had to leap across. Normally they'd be too wide to leap across without aid, but her smaller frame and four-legged gait enabled her to gain more momentum in a run for a leap, and by spreading her wings at the apex of her jump she could glide the distance. She wasn't able to fly yet, much to her irritation, but short glides were within her abilities.

Before long, she reached the end of the waterworks. Stepping out into an open area, her eyes fell on a blue skinned being with a pointed head, thick body, a thick beard and mustache, a large mouth, and wearing dark brown overalls. "Umm...excuse me," she said, uncomfortable with addressing his backside as he was bent over some plumbing.

He raised his head. "Eh?" He pulled out some papers. "That's not in the script," he mumbled under his voice, too quiet for Twilight to hear. Putting the papers away, he turned to her. "Well now," he said with a wide grin, "you weren't who I was expecting at all. That's a pleasant surprise."

"What do you..." Twilight started to ask, but her voice trailed off as he began scratching her right behind her left ear. All thought left her mind as she relaxed into the gentle, euphoric caress.

The strange man chuckled. "Friendly little lady, ain'tcha?" He kneeled down to her level. "What are you doing all the way out here all on your lonesome, hmm? This planet's pretty dangerous right now."

She looked up at him. "Then why are you here?"

"Socioeconomic disparity," he proclaimed, grinning widely.


He sighed. "Never mind," he said, shaking his head. As he stroked her back, he paused. "Wings? Well, certainly wasn't expecting that. That's going to be a doozy when it happens."

Twilight tilted her head in confusion, unable to follow his words at all. "Who...are you?" she asked at last.

"Just call me The Plumber," he said jovially.

She stamped her hoof. "That's not a name!" she complained.

"Well, excuse me, Princess!" he countered. Then he chuckled. "Feels like I shoulda been wearing green for that one."

Twilight began to back up a little nervously.

The Plumber sighed. Then he raised his hands. "Cross my heart," he said, doing the motions, "hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, I am a friend and mean you no harm, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight's eyes widened, both at his knowing that promise and knowing her name. "How...how do you know all that?"

Grinning, he leaned in close and waved a finger at her. "That...is a secret!" He chuckled a bit. "Man, I've always wanted to say that!"

Twilight frowned. "Why won't you just answer my questions?" she demanded angrily.

"Because you don't need the answers yet," he replied, stroking her head soothingly. "But you do need this." He pulled out an infobot and played it for her.

Twilight watched the film in interest. "So we'll have to go there?" she asked.

"Not for a bit, but you will," he replied. "Time for me to go and you to head back to whoever brought you here."

"Right!" she said happily as she pocketed the infobot. "I need to find my Daddy!" She turned back the way she came.

"You could take the shortcut," he suggested, jerking a thumb at a large sewer pipe with water running through it, looking not unlike a waterslide.

"But...my wings..." Twilight stared at the pipe. While it would be faster, getting her wings clean was always so hard...

The Plumber sighed. "I'm not supposed to do this...but hop on!" He dove into the pipe to begin sliding on his belly.

Twilight eagerly leapt onto his back before he got too far. Keeping her body low, she banked with his weight as they slid down the pipe. Towards the end, she spread her wings wide as she enjoyed herself immensely.

"Here's your stop!" he called to her, bouncing her back up to the entrance of the waterworks. "When you meet my daughter again, give her my regards!" With that, he slid into a wall which - along with him - ceased to be there.

Twilight blinked in confusion. "Well...he was strange...but fun." With that, she headed back out of the waterworks.

"Hey Twilight!" Ratchet called out to her from in front of a new ship, waving her over.

"Hey Daddy!" Twilight called out, running up to him. "Is this our new ship?"

"Yup!" Ratchet replied. "We're...borrowing it from the planet chairman."

"It was his thank you for us helping fight off the Blargian assault troops," Clank added. "We also have a lead on Captain Quark's whereabouts. We must head to planet Kerwan."

Twilight nodded. The infobot the Plumber had given her had coordinates to planet Aridia, but it didn't include any clues as to Captain Quark's whereabouts. Besides, the Plumber had said they wouldn't need it until later. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She eagerly hopped into the new ship. "Ooh! Comfy seats! Can I call shotgun this time?"

"I'm afraid not," Clank said as he hopped into the discussed seat. "I need to sit there in order to access the controls and act as the Robotic Ignition System."

"Aww!" Twilight pouted.

"If you two don't behave, I'm pulling over!" Ratchet proclaimed as the cockpit closed on the three of them.

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