• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Tools: The Last Line

As the group landed on Planet Jasindu, Ratchet turned to Ace. "You stay here in Aphelion," he instructed. "I don't know why Slag and his pirates weren't up in orbit - I meant to drop you off with them so you could be properly armed and armored to be safe - so we're going to play this safe and careful. Understand?"

"Got it," Ace agreed, ducking into Aphelion's back seat. "I'll just familiarize myself with whatever reading material you have-yowza!" Pulling up something from amongst Ratchet's bags, Ace let out a 'rowr' of appreciation. "Who's the sexy Cazar?"

Blushing, Ratchet snatched the poster - which happened to be an expanded holo-shot of Sasha Phyronix in her 'traditional Cazarian battle garb' - and stashed it away in Clank's storage compartment alongside his weapons.

Twilight giggled. "Careful not to let Talwyn see that!" she joked. "You don't want to lose the points you scored with her."

"I do not believe Miss Apogee would mind," Clank indicated. "While the three of you were discussing various details of our plan back at Apogee station, Cronk and Zephyr showed me her anime collection, which is - apparently - how she learned normal organic-being social interactions and mores."

"What's that got to do with it?" Ratchet asked.

"They were almost all old Earth titles," Clank explained. "To Love-Ru, Infinite Stratos, Rosario+Vampire, Highschool DxD, Love Hina..."

Twilight giggled loudly. "But those are all ecchi harem romantic comedies!" she pointed out.

"Precisely," Clank replied. Gasping, Twilight pulled out her tablet and added another 'Pro' check on Talwyn's profile for the 'Potential Mommies/Daddy's Harem' list.

"How do you know that?" Ratchet demanded in confusion.

"Because I was bored and they're funny," Twilight pointed out logically. "It's not like it's anything special to me if the characters in those anime ran around naked half the time. I don't normally wear clothes, anyway!"

Ratchet's jaw worked. "Umm...I don't know if that's something I should try to fix or not..."

"I think we should focus on getting the Dimensionator," Clank suggested.

"Right!" Ratchet agreed, turning to lead the way into Kerchu City, through the jungles they'd landed in.

In the distance, Kerchu City could be seen to be under heavy attack, but very few pirate vessels could be seen. The trio set off to get there as fast as they could. As they made their way through the jungle, they encountered the usual hostile wildlife, along with Kerchu automotons and Pirate troops doing battle with Drophyds...and, unfortunately, each other. Ratchet, Clank, and Twilight did their best to skirt these conflicts. After all, if there were Drophyds here, then Tachyon had arrived in force. While evading most of the battles proved difficult, the Pirates all recognized them on sight and did their best to provide covering fire for them to help them get past the Kerchu and Drophyds, who were indiscriminately attacking anything that wasn't themselves.

Once inside the city itself, the trio came across a heavily damaged section of the city maneuverable via grind rails. Ratchet took to the rails while Twilight flew on ahead. At the end, they found a severely damaged Kerchu mech, the pilot dead, a cracked open vault...and a very badly damaged Captain Slag and Rusty Pete.

"Captain! Pete!" Twilight called out in fear, rushing forward. "What happened? What are Tachyon's forces doing here? Why are-"

"Arr, lass...gimme a moment ta speak and I'll tell ya..." Slag groaned, sitting up. "Err...have ya seen me hook arm?"

Seeing the pieces scattered about, Twilight tried to repair Slag. However, she quickly noticed that his power core was heavily damaged. All she was able to do was piece him back together so he'd die...whole.

"Thank ye lass," Slag groaned. "Now, don't ya be given me that look. Ah know what's happened ta me. But ah swore mah life ta get vengeance on that scurvy dog Tachyon...and he didna get what he wanted here."

"He didn't?" Twilight, Ratchet, and Clank all gasped out in relief.

"Nay. Ah left the booty in the hands o' someone too stupid ta use it, and sent him off ta a spot we pirates know. He's got a few o' us goin' with him ta guard his back."

"You don't mean-"

"No names!" Slag cut off Clank. "There are ears all around us." He turned to Twilight...and took off his hat. "Lass...this crew needs someone ta lead 'em, with me gone. Ya got the heart...the soul...the brains...will ye?" He offered her his hat.

Swallowing convulsively, Twilight swapped the offered hat for the one she'd been wearing. "I won't let them down," she promised. "Tachyon's going to be sleeping with the Leviathans." At the confused looks, she shrugged. "Well, what other types of space fish are there?" she asked defensively.

Slag let off one last laugh. "Ah know...me crew's in...good hands with ye...even if ya don't have any..." With that, Slag's eyes went dim.

"We'll be with ya soon, Captain Sparks," Rusty Pete promised. "Just as soon as...we see ta Slag's final rest..."

Twilight nodded. "Alright. We're going to go spoke Tachyon's last wheel." Turning, she led Ratchet and Clank into a teleporter back to the ship.

"So...you know where we're going?" Ratchet asked as they leapt inside. Ace, noticing the seriousness of their expressions, said nothing.

"Yup," Twilight replied, taking off the hat. Inside were engraved two sets of star coordinates. One was marked as a hiding place, the other as a treasure trove. "Set course for the Ublik Passage."

"Affirmative," Aphelion confirmed, taking off.

Ublik Passage turned out to be where a massive Pirate fleet stood at anchor, a space fortification to resist Tachyon's assault. Upon their arrival, Twilight immediately opened up communications. "Attention all pirates!" she proclaimed. "This is your new Captain speaking. I regret to inform you all that Captain Slag has fallen nobly in battle, fighting Tachyon to the last spark. Now it falls to us to ensure that Tachyon does not get his mitts on the Dimensionator! Are you all ready to show that goat-buggering Cragmite reject what you're made of?"

"AYE!" The massive shout echoed back from the entire fleet.

"Then prepare for battle!"

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