• Published 1st Sep 2014
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The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Time: Wibbly Wobbly

Twilight sat calmly at a small table across from Azimuth as Sigmund poured tea for the both of them. "How are you feeling now, General?" she asked softly. "Calm? Relaxed? Open minded?"

Azimuth shrugged as he took a sip of his tea. He then paused, staring into the cup. "...nostalgic," he murmured. "This is exactly how Vashiir brewed tea for Kaden and I back in school..."

"Huh," Twilight murmured. "It's Daddy's favorite blend." Shrugging her shoulders, she settled herself. "Are we ready to begin?"

Azimuth nodded. "Ten minutes."

"Starting now," Twilight confirmed as Sigmund started the timer. "Let us begin with the assumption that I will discover a way to safely send you back in time without tearing the universe apart, whether through modifications of the Clock's hardware or software." She giggled. "After all, if I can't the entire conversation is moot, anyway."

"I can accept that as a stipulation," Azimuth agreed.

"Then there are two possible ways it will send you back to when you want to go," Twilight continued. "Either you as you are now will be physically sent back into the past, or your personal timeline will be collapsed backwards to the point in question. The latter has two ways that could work, so shall we address the former first?"

"Makes sense," Azimuth allowed. "So I'm sent back to before I gave Tachyon access to Lombax technology as I am now. I'd be able to prevent him from gaining access-"

"How?" Twilight interrupted. "It's Past You that's in charge of that, not Present You." When Azimuth hesitated, Twilight pressed on. "As I see it, you'd have only two viable options. Either try to convince your past self to not give Tachyon access, or try to take out Tachyon yourself...in the middle of a Lombax city where the Lomaxes have become dedicated to maintaining the peace. You won't be able to use any weapon that could finish Tachyon off in one hit, and anything less would have Present You locked in jail and give Past You more ammunition to convince the other council members that the military needed to be rebuilt, and Past You would put Tachyon in charge." Twilight paused, waiting for Azimuth to refute her claims.

Azimuth turned her assessment over in his mind. "...I can't find any fault in your logic," Azimuth admitted. "How do you know so much about how we ran our civilization?"

"I used the time viewer to look back in time and watch a few council sessions before we started talking," Twilight explained. "Wasn't sure if my interpretation was dead on till you just told me, though."

Azimuth let out a soft chuckle. "Alright. But there's still trying to convince my Past Self..." Azimuth trailed off. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Just remembering how hard it was to convince you that Daddy was actually a Lombax when we first met you," Twilight offered with a smile.

Azimuth stared at Twilight for a time. "...fair enough," he admitted. He then paused as he stared at something Sigmund was handing him. "...I'm allergic to aloe," he replied simply.

"Apologies, sir," Sigmund replied, putting the burn cream away.

"Now, you were saying there's two ways that collapsing my personal timeline could work?" Azimuth began.

"Yes," Twilight agreed. "It would either work by taking all your memories up till now and implanting it in the mind of your Past Self like a vision of the future, or you'd wake up as your past self. Assuming the former, we're taking a big gamble."

"Why a big gamble?" Alister asked, confused.

"Well, assuming all that information funneling into an organic brain doesn't cause it to explode, there's just as much chance of you shrugging it off as a bad dream, and only a very slim chance of your Past Self actually acting on the information, assuming it even transferred accurately." Twilight sipped her tea as she finished that explanation. "And even then, there's only your Past Self's ability and experience acting on it."

"That's a crap shoot," Azimuth murmured. "And if I wake up back in time as you suggested?"

Twilight smiled. "Then you'll be able to block Tachyon from getting access to military tech...but you'll be in the same rut as far as doing anything beyond that, and Tachyon will just find a different avenue to pursue his revenge against the Lombaxes. Like, for example, offering his services in the medical division, where he'll be able to create a super-virus that will kill all Lombaxes, including Daddy. Then not only does he have access to Lombax military tech, but the Lombaxes don't escape to another dimension, and neither you nor Daddy are there to stop him when he uses the Dimensionator to bring back the Cragmites."

"Then I just have to make sure that he doesn't get access to any Lombax tech!" Azimuth insisted. "I can convince Kaden to help me-"

"How?" Twilight interrupted. "By telling him the whole story?"

"How else would I do it?" Azimuth countered. "Kaden was the one to theorize the Great Clock's existence!"

"And then he has confirmation of his theories," Twilight agreed, nodding.

"See?" Azimuth proclaimed. "It works perfectly-"

"And so does Tachyon," Twilight added.

"W...what?" Azimuth asked, confused.

"There is literally no way you'd be able to prevent the conversation from being overheard," Twilight explained. "And Tachyon is thorough. You suddenly changing your tune about letting him work would make him suspicious. He'd keep track of you, and any information you shared with Kaden about the Great Clock, he'd learn. And then he can pull the same thing Nefarious did here...except more carefully."

"What do you mean by that?" Clank asked curiously.

"He won't use threats," Twilight elaborated. "He'll be the kind, curious, benevolent scientist, seeking to learn and grow...an enlightened Cragmite. Orvus would jump at the chance at working with him, helping him develop."

Sigmund sighed. "Yeah...he would..."

"And that would eventually lead to discussion of the Clock, even if Orvus refused to reveal anything about the Clock's location or controls," Twilight continued. "And Tachyon would learn about the Zoni vulnerability to sonic based weapons - like what Nefarious used to scatter the Zoni - and he'd do the logical thing...tell Orvus about such a glaring weakness in the Clock's security."

"Okay," Ratchet interrupted, taking a sip of his own tea. "I was following you up till now...but how is that logical?"

"Duh!" Qwark interrupted. "Spycraft 101. He's done nothing to make Orvus suspicious, so Orvus would ask him to develop the proper countermeasures. Of course, Orvus himself can't stay and watch, since he's got all these other responsibilities, but he'd assign a few Zoni to assist Tachyon, including testing the devices as they're developed, creating the perfect opportunity for Tachyon to create a sonic device that lets him control the Zoni, including Orvus!" He picked up a handful of cookies. "I used that in one of my movies." He stuffed the cookies in his mouth. "These are delish!"

Twilight smirked. "And if Qwark can come up with such a plot, you can bet Tachyon would be able to carry it out."

"But the Great Clock has built in Quantum Actuators!" Sigmund gasped out. "If you did make hardware modifications to enable Azimuth to travel safely, those modifications would travel back in time as well to maintain quantum stability! If events played out this way, and Tachyon built the device to control all the Zoni..."

"...then doing this would hand Percival Tachyon total control of Time itself..." Azimuth murmured, sinking into his hands. "...you were right, Clank. Nothing is worth risking that." He turned to Ratchet. "I'm sorry Ratchet...I guess we...can't save your parents..."

"Now who said that?" Twilight interrupted.

"But you just-"

"I was explaining why your plan was flawed," Twilight countered. "I haven't even come up with my plan yet. I still need to study the Clock first. Gimme a month for a preliminary investigation and study, and I'll have a basic idea." She grinned widely. "We haven't failed to save Orvus, Kaden, or Vashiir. We've just discovered one more way not to."

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