• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Clank: Quartu, Kalebo, Quartu

As the trio came in for a landing on planet Quartu, Twilight began asking questions. "So, what exactly are we doing here?"

"Apparently, Drek's producing some sort of Ultra-Mech weapon here," Ratchet explained. "We're here to look into it. We don't want Drek getting any more super weapons."

"Alternatively, we can acquire an upgrade for me to utilize in combat to counteract such measures," Clank added.

"Or get an Ultra-mech for you to ride, Twilight," Ratchet finished.

"I'd rather get a hold of one of those Ultra-mechs to tinker with," Twilight admitted. "They look like they could be fun."

"We'll see about that," Ratchet cautioned. "I'd rather you ease off on the tinkering until we find out why you've been suffering so much mental fatigue recently. You never used to."

"Daddy, it's just the new features of the modified pilot's helmet!" she complained. "It uses a neural interface which applies my thought patterns directly to the magical field. I just need to tweak the dampeners a bit to ease the strain of transition and I'll be fine!"

"Still, until you do..." Ratchet warned. "I just don't want to see you collapsing like that, Twilight. I worry."

"I know, Daddy," Twilight replied softly, nuzzling him. "I'll be careful." With that said, she turned and hurried along the path.

"You are a good father, Ratchet," Clank commented idly.

"I try my best," Ratchet replied. "But I'm only 16. I keep thinking I'm going to make a terrible mistake and screw something up for her entire life."

"You have adjusted well to the role," Clank pointed out. "And that is a worry all fathers share, or so I understand."

"That doesn't exactly make me feel better," Ratchet grumbled as he started down the path after Twilight.

"It should," Clank pointed out. "It means you are doing no better and no worse than any other father, and you started out with many disadvantages few fathers would ever face."

"Oh yeah?" Ratchet demanded as he smashed a robot Twilight missed with his Omniwrench. "Like what?"

"You were - and still are - much younger than most when they begin parenthood," Clank began. "From the scarcity of your kind in this galaxy, I can conclude you did not exactly have a normal childhood yourself." When Ratchet didn't respond, Clank continued. "Not only that, Twilight is a completely different species from you, and one never seen before in this galaxy. After all that, the fact that you are even 'on par' with most fathers can be seen as a rousing success. Not only that, but you put consideration for her ahead of your own personal desires. Few fathers can claim that with any degree of honesty."

Ratchet sighed. "So you're saying I'm doing good?"


"That's not a chicken!" Twilight wailed.

Confused by her outburst, Ratchet raced over to see what had happened. Twilight was surrounded by a pack of what had been small attack robots. However, they appeared to have been transformed into oranges with white feathered wings and yellow feet, walking around and banging their fruit bodies against the ground. One of them opened a wedge shaped mouth and let out a "Buk-KAK!"

"I was certain I had the spell form right this time!" Twilight whimpered. "I just don't know what went wrong."

"Exhibit D regarding your unusual hurdles of parenthood," Clank muttered dryly.

Ratchet quickly came up to Twilight. "Don't worry about it, Twi," he said softly. "You didn't originally design this weapon, so it's a completely new form of energy manipulation to you. It's to be expected you'll have a few hiccups, especially since you don't have anyone to ask how your magic works and have to figure it out for yourself. Just keep working at it. You'll get it eventually."

"In the meantime," Clank added, "this could be considered even better. The transformation result is even more unexpected, and a much bigger distraction to enemies."

"...Really?" Twilight asked, perking up.

"Yeah!" Ratchet hastened to reassure her. "It's a feature, not a bug!"

Twilight thought about that. "Well...alright. I'll keep track of this spell formula, even as I try to perfect the chicken transformation. Maybe I just need more exposure..." Pulling the Morph-o-Ray from Ratchet's arsenal, she ran off to run more tests.

Ratchet stood back, watching Twilight rush off. Eventually, he spoke up. "So Clank, about our wager..."

"I will admit defeat, but you can only claim victory if she perfects the spell before we fight Drek," Clank explained. "Otherwise, we'll call it a draw."

"Fair enough," Ratchet agreed, rushing after Twilight.

Ahead, Twilight could be seen handling Tesla soldiers, robots similar to the Thunder soldiers they'd sometimes encountered on Veldin, but armed with knockoffs of Gadgetron's new Tesla Claw. The Tesla Claw Twilight had recently received for final testing from Gadgetron, however, was the latest production model of the weapon Dr. Splodeya had been working on when Twilight first got her job with Gadgetron. Using the new functions, she caught the lightning being launched at her, used the uplink created to drain the enemy weapons of their ammunition, replenished her Tesla Claw ammo completely, and sent the excess energy back in a discharge which took the shape of a large blast which shot down along the path in a sphere, zapping every enemy that came in range until it faded out.

"Hmm..." Twilight muttered as she stared after the burst of electrical energy. Pulling out her tablet, she began recording specs for two new styles of Tesla weapons, one that would launch a sphere like she had just witnessed, the other for an energy barrier that would shoot lightning at any hostile that got too close. Those notes taken, she walked with Ratchet the rest of the way down the now cleared path.

Coming up to a scientist, Twilight decided to approach first. "Excuse me," she said politely, "we're looking for information about the Ultra-mech project?"

"Oh, that would be this," the bearded scientist replied gruffly. "Let's see...was it pi over infinity, or..."

"Need help fixing it?" Ratchet asked.

"Actually, I'm trying to destroy it," he replied. "I didn't know Drek was behind it when I was contracted to use my enlarging machine to make huge, heavily armed mechs! I want nothing more to do with it! But I can't leave the design where Drek can make use of it."

"Why not tweak it so it will only work with a specific robot design?" Twilight offered. "Drek and his scientists don't have the technical know how to reverse engineer it, and you can always blame their incompetence when it doesn't work for them anymore."

"Hmm...an interesting idea," the scientist admitted. "But what robot should I key it to that Drek won't be able to take control of or mass produce?"

Smiling, Twilight gestured to Clank.

"Me?" Clank asked, shocked.

"Hmm...with your design, I could probably even tweak my enlarging machines to let you reduce back to normal size as well," the scientist mused. "You seem to have similar technology built in...and you're a custom jobbie, not easily copied for mass production."

"Then you can do it?" Twilight asked.

"As sure as my name is Beige Maximum!" the scientist proclaimed. "But you can call me Big Max. All me friends do." Turning, he tweaked the machine. "Hop right on, lil' fella! You can keep the other mechs busy until the modifications are complete!"

Nervously, Clank stepped up onto the platform.

"That...was...awesome!" Twilight squealed after Clank was reduced back to normal size. "Oh, I hope I get to see you fight like that again! I wonder if I could manufacture a modular model that you could equip into your circuitry to expand and shrink back down like that at will!"

"Don'tcha think that might be aiming just a wee high?" Big Max cautioned Twilight.

"No," Ratchet said bluntly.

"Not in Twilight's case," Clank added.

"Hrmm..." Big Max mused. "Well, I must thank you for your help here. Perhaps this will be useful to you?" He pulled out an infobot, handing it over. "And distract the little filly from creating an accidental Armageddon..." he muttered under his breath as he walked away.

The infobot contained an advertisement for a gadget called the Hologuise, and coordinates for Kalebo III, where Gadgetron HQ was. "If we had that, we could sneak past those robot guards in that facility we passed by earlier," Ratchet pointed out.

"Robots are not so easily fooled," Clank complained.

"Actually, this model of Hologuise utilizes a special electrical signal transmitted on the visual spectrum when active," Twilight explained rapidly. "Robotic or cybernetic optics interpret that signal as a robotic image, causing the positronic brain to see an image of an echo of itself when looking at the subject. The cartoonish visual image on the ad is deliberate so that the guise will only fool robots, and not organic life forms." Seeing Ratchet and Clank staring at her, she flushed. "I helped design the basic format. The same signal can be tweaked to effect specific formulations of optic nerves so as to fool either other kinds of cybernetics or a specific form of organic life."

"Impressive!" Ratchet praised. "Think you could get us a freebie?"

"I can try," Twilight offered.

"In that case, let's get to Kalebo III," Ratchet directed.

Arriving at Gadgetron HQ, the trio discovered the place under attack from Blargian elite shock troops. At least, Ratchet assumed that was the reason for the different costumes. Twilight had sent in several designs of her own making for Gadgetron HQ's use which were proving to be incredibly effective. Luckily, Ratchet and Twilight were both registered employees of Gadgetron, so those same defense systems didn't target them. Clank was also ignored as he was with them.

"Guess we don't have to do any fighting this time," Ratchet mused as he watched the defense systems obliterate the invading Blarg forces with anything from focused attacks to overwhelming destructive force.

"Yeah, the defense systems here are state of the art," Twilight explained. She pulled out a sheaf of blueprints. "Look, I need to go talk with the CEO about a few of my new designs, and that Hologuise. I know the way, so I shouldn't be too long."

"You don't mind if I explore where those grind rails lead to, do you?" Ratchet asked.

"Not at all. Have fun, Daddy!" With that, Twilight gave Ratchet a kiss on the cheek before they went their separate ways.

Twilight smiled as she stepped off the employee elevator and into the CEO's office. Her grin widened as her elderly, bespectacled, green skinned employer came into view. "Mr. Fixxit!" she greeted happily.

The CEO grinned widely as he turned to face her.

"Twilight," he chided, "how many times do I have to tell you to call me Eiken?"

Twilight giggled. "I thought I should be more formal for our first face to face meeting, sir."

Eiken waved his hand dismissively. "Formalities are for factory workers, investors, and customers...not my number one R&D specialist, and certainly not for a friend!" He playfully tickled her under her chin. "So what brings you all the way here from Veldin?"

"Saving the galaxy, filing new patents, picking up some new gadgets, blowing things up..." Twilight shrugged her shoulders, fluttering her wings playfully. "You know, the usual."

Eiken laughed. "Young people these days," he joked. "Still, you seem to be sporting some new gear of your own." He looked over the armor she'd made for herself. "Very impressive. Stylish, intimidating, and dare I hope functional?"

Grinning widely, Twilight began explaining all the new technical functions of her new gear, as well as the new devices she'd constructed for herself and Ratchet, which naturally expanded into explanations of the new blueprints she'd brought to file. Eiken followed the explanations, asking pertinent questions, and taking notes about the technical details, focusing on those areas Twilight normally didn't pay attention to: potential misuse, public image, and the cost/benefit analysis.

When she introduced the depolluter mech blueprints, however, Eiken's focus was all the more intense. "Reports about that have already made it back here, and we already have nearly 200 back orders for that unit, especially if you can make an aerial model. I see that possibility has been marked here..."

"About those..." Twilight interrupted. "This...this blueprint will only be available to Gadgetron if I have it in writing that they'll be sold to the planets in need at cost."

Eiken looked at her for a time. "This isn't just some 'green cause' movement, is it?"

Twilight shook her head. "No...it just...feels like something I need to insist on."

"Another of your magical impulses?"

Twilight nodded. When she first started making devices for Gadgetron, every so often she would feel something inside her - something she assumed came from her magic - compelling her to make a unilateral decision regarding something she'd made. The fuss she'd made the first time she'd experienced such an impulse had been what led to her first interacting with Eiken Fixxit, as the decision regarding her contract in that regard had gone straight to the top.

As always when he encountered such an issue that logic didn't explain, Eiken reached into his desk and stroked the gilded mallet, a lucky charm he'd gotten from an old friend of his, a distant cousin who worked as a Plumber, but actually worked in so many disciplines Eiken had nicknamed him Mario. The man seemed ageless, and always seemed to have unexpected answers to perilous questions. Handling this gift from him helped Eiken work through illogical problems.

"Alright," he said at last, "here's what we will do. We will sell the units at cost, but the exact definition of 'at cost' will vary depending on where it's being crafted for installation in, and we'll also arrange a suitable maintenance subscription at a fixed rate as far as keeping the devices running. Is that acceptable?"

Twilight thought about it for a time, then nodded. "It is," she replied. "I just...don't want the civilians on these planets to go bankrupt from pork barreling on this."

"Understandable," Eiken agreed. "Most planetary governments get on my nerves too. So inefficient." Leaning back, he smiled. "Say, I hear you're pretty good on a hover board."

Twilight grinned widely. "I did win the Blackwater City championship race!" she crowed happily.

"Let's see how you do against my test bots on the new line, hmm?" he offered. "If you do well, maybe you can be in a commercial for them."

Twilight clapped happily at the idea. "Let's get started!"

Eiken could only stare in amazement as Twilight shredded the course even more intensely than she had the one in Blackwater City. The advantages she had back there were even more apparent this time around, as though her armor amplified her speed and maneuverability. Of course, when she'd gone into a triple spin off a ramp and shredded through the second place test bot as she lapped it for the second time, he knew that she was truly unmatched.

"Well done!" he praised her. "Now, let's see how you do on the air!" He gestured to the cameras.

Twilight gulped, still balancing on her board. "Hey everyone! Twilight Sparkle here. I just got finished racing a course against the XZ88 hover boards, the newest model from Gadgetron, and I have never seen such acceleration in such a small unit! Admittedly, they couldn't keep up with me, but then my small size and aerodynamics does give me a bit of an unfair advantage in speeding along...not to say the boards are bad! Not at all! The booster units enable all sorts of tricks, though they don't match up to what I've been able to pull with my wings...not that you all can't do just as good!" Blushing brightly, she hid behind one of the new model hover boards. Peeking out, she said, "Umm...buy our boards?"

Eiken chuckled. "Well, we'll see how that goes. Anything else you need?"

"We could use a couple of Hologuise units!" she pointed out.

Smiling, he handed two over. "Have fun with those. I'd like a report on how well they work if you don't mind."

"Not at all!" With that, Twilight ran out of the office happily to meet up with Ratchet and Clank back at the ship.

Sitting back in his chair, Eiken looked over what the focus groups had to say about the latest ad for the hoverboards.

"Aww...that little filly was so cute! I'm gonna get one of those boards right now!"
"Dude, did you see that awesome armor she had? Think those boards will make me look as badass?"
"Give me 20!"

"Hmm...note to self: get Twilight to do more advertisements," Eiken muttered, noting it down.

The Hologuises proved most effective for Ratchet and Twilight, and they were able to easily infiltrate the robotics factory back on Quartu. Once at the center, Ratchet and Twilight repaired the mother computer to get some information out of it. As it reactivated, Twilight had a few moments to wonder why Clank had been so quiet the entire time they were passing through the factory.

A message appeared on the screen.


"Mom?" Clank asked in surprise.

Ratchet and Twilight watched silently, though Twilight instinctively moved closer to Ratchet, nuzzling into him. He stroked her mane comfortingly.

You have done well

"I...tried, Mom," Clank replied, wiping one optic.

There is still more to do

"I know."

An infobot came out the conveyor belt, and displayed its message. Twilight and Ratchet gasped in shock when they saw Drek intended to blow up their home planet to make room for his synthetic one. "How dare he!" Twilight demanded angrily.

"We won't let him," Ratchet growled.

"Affirmative," Clank agreed.

Ratchet and Twilight headed back towards the ship, ready to head for Drek's fleet. A beep from the computer captured Clank's attention before he left, however.

Take care of Twilight

Clank nodded. "I will do my best," he promised. "I will make you proud, Mom."

As he left, he missed the last message to appear on the screen.

You already have

Author's Note:

The "orange chickens" scene inspired by Tangent.
Yup, I will use alt-scripts posted in the comments when they fit, and give you credit. Alt-script away! I love those alternate conceptualizations of what could happen!

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