• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Size: Ryllus

As the group landed on Ryllus, Qwark let go of the outside of the space ship - as the cockpit hadn't had room for him, and he'd claimed he could handle riding the outside - dropping heavily on the landing pad with a thwump. Twilight immediately poked her head out to check on him, stupefied to find that he had somehow suffered no damage from space flight, reentry, or oxygen deprivation. Somehow, clinging to the outside of the ship like a limpet and 'holding his breath' had actually worked for letting him hitch a ride, and he claimed he'd done so before.

Meanwhile, Clank gestured to how ruined the area seemed to be, overgrown and untended. "The Technomites appear to have abandoned this area," he pointed out.

"Yeah," Ratchet agreed sarcastically. "The 'Technomites'..."

"Still don't believe?" Qwark asked, sitting up.

"Not until I see one," Ratchet countered. "I'll accept there's a possibility I'm wrong, given what you said about magic...but I'm not about to be pleasant about it. I know too much actual science to accept the idea of a race of microscopic beings making it all work."

"Fair enough," Clank replied. "But where do we go from here?"

"I'd suggest the biggest building," Qwark pointed out. "That's where all the functional tech is left. At least, that's where it was last time I was here."

"Thanks Qwark," Ratchet replied. "Let's go!"

"Actually..." Twilight began, drawing attention. "Think I could just wait here? It's...been a while since I was in space, and I'm feeling a little woozy."

"Really?" Ratchet asked in shock, rushing over to check on her. "In that case, we'll wait until you've recovered-"

"Luna's life is in peril, remember?" Twilight pointed out. "We can't waste time. You and Clank can go check out the building. Qwark can stay here and keep an eye on me, right Captain?"

"Of course!" Qwark agreed readily. "You'll be perfectly safe with me Twilight, or my name's not Copernicus Leslie Qwark!"

"Copernicus?" Clank asked, surprised.

"Leslie?" Ratchet snorted in amusement.

"And now you all know why I prefer to go by 'Captain'," Qwark replied sulkily.

"But are you certain you'll be alright without both of us, Twilight?" Clank asked. "You...tend to get nervous when we're away..."

"I'll be fine as long as Qwark's here," Twilight replied, smiling up at the Captain.

Ratchet's eyebrows climbed up to his ears at that statement. "...alright," he replied. "Stay safe. We'll be right back." With that, he and Clank began to explore the planet's surface.

As soon as they were out of sight, Twilight hopped easily up to the ship's computer console, calling up a search engine.

"You certainly don't seem woozy," Qwark pointed out.

"I'm not, really," Twilight replied, "but I didn't feel it was the appropriate time to tell Daddy about you being an orphan, and I wanted to help you research your family history to see if we can find out where you come from."

Qwark gasped in shock at her statement, then pulled her into a hug. "You're too good to me, Twilight...and I don't deserve a bit of it."

Twilight giggled and wriggled out of the embrace. "Come on," she said again. "Let's find your parents."

Qwark sat back, feeding her whatever information she needed as she worked the search engines to find out about his parentage. Partway through the search, however, a message for Qwark popped up from a company called Faux-Family.com. It contained within it what appeared to be the entirety of Qwark's family tree.

"Wow, can you believe it?" Qwark asked eagerly. "And look! My parents are still alive! I can go meet them!"

Twilight winced slightly at his eagerness, unwilling to disillusion him but knowing she had to point out the obvious. "Umm...Qwark? Don't you think this is...at all suspicious?"

Qwark rolled his eyes. "Of course it is, Twilight. I know what 'faux' means. French is literally the only course in school I aced. In all likelihood, some villain created this specifically so they could use it to manipulate me for some villainous scheme as dumb muscle. It couldn't be any more obvious if it was trying. I'm not that dumb!"

Twilight stared at him in surprise. "But...but if you know, then...why are you so excited?"

Qwark looked Twilight straight in the eye. "Because, Twilight...ever since the day I realized I wasn't a monkey - when I turned 18 - I've wondered...where do I come from? Who are my parents? Why was I left behind? Who am I?" He shook his head. "In all likelihood, this is a trap...but there's a slim possibility that it isn't...and I have to seize that chance with everything I have. In my shoes...wouldn't you do the same?"

Twilight lowered her head. "I...I guess..."

Reaching out, Qwark stroked her mane. "Don't worry. I'll keep my eyes open and won't take anything I'm told at face value. I'll guard myself against possible trickery...but I can't just walk away if there's any chance it's real." Leaning forward, he wrapped her in a gentle embrace. "We won't mention this to Ratchet and Clank, and I'll make my own way from whatever planet we go to next."

Twilight nodded, returning the embrace. "I understand. Good luck."

Not long after that, Ratchet and Clank returned with coordinates for Kalidon.

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