• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,117 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Equestria Interlude: Three More Weeks

Author's Note:

Episodes covered this chapter:
It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Maud Pie
Leap of Faith (I had a lot of fun with this segment)

Twilight stared at Fluttershy after hearing the explanation of everything that was happening. "Alright...let me see if I've got this straight," she clarified. "The Breezies are these tiny little creatures who need pollen from a specific type of flower to survive."

"That's right," Fluttershy confirmed.

"And the flowers are so far from the portal that leads back to their own dimension that they have to migrate all the way back, using their magic to preserve the pollen," Twilight continued. When this got a nod, she went on. "And their magic only works if the breeze is strong enough to carry them, but gentle enough to not blow them off course...a line of difference that is about one and a half wingpower wide." Another nod. "So there's this entire society dedicated to taking care of creatures like this, arranging the conditions that allow for their migration. ...how'd they survive before that society?"

"Not very well," Fluttershy admitted sorrowfully. "Their numbers have been in serious decline. That's why it's so important that we-"

"And has no one at the society considered, oh I don't know, moving the flower patch?" Twilight asked incisively.

"This particular breed of flower can only grow in the unique magical conditions of that particular area," Fluttershy explained softly. "The gateway into the Breezie dimension used to be a lot closer to the flower patch, but it's been steadily moving further and further away ever since Nightmare Moon was sealed in the moon. It's believed this was because of some imbalance in how Celestia was handling the moon relative to their dimension." Her eyes lit up hopefully. "With luck, this process will reverse now that Luna is in control, and the portal will be back in its original position in 1000 years...assuming we work to keep the Breezies alive until then."

Twilight blinked a few times. "...huh. I genuinely wasn't expecting a logical explanation that made sense." She smiled widely and nodded. "Seems like you know what you're doing, so I'll leave it to you. I'm sure you can handle it...but let me know if you need magical assistance."

With that said, Twilight was happy to let Fluttershy handle everything. The only other thing she considered 'of note' for the day was the fact that Qwark made for one funny looking Breezie.

When Pinkie had informed everyone that her sister Maud was coming to Ponyville to visit, Twilight immediately began to grill the pink pony for information regarding her laconic relative. As such, she knew before Maud arrived that she was difficult to read for those who didn't know her well, and liked rocks, the rarer and more unique the better. On learning these two things, Twilight was glad to find something that she and Maud might possibly bond over.

After guiding Maud down to her lab (having made sure the Crusaders' Mechivy Kaiju was secured), she brought her over to a small table with several chunks of rock of various sizes, glowing bright pink with Nether Energy. "The larger and smaller ones are actual chunks of rock from the Nether Dimension where Neftin and Vendra come from," she explained, certain that Pinkie's sister would have heard all the same stories of Twilight's adventures from their father that Pinkie had...though their father apparently acted very differently at home than he did on the job, due to their mother being very traditional. "The middle size ones are synthetic crystals Vendra's managed to craft from her own energies. I've been studying them to try and understand the Nether Dimension better, to see if I can find a way to reverse the adaption Vendra and Neftin went through coming here to a halfway point, so they can survive in both realities."

Maud stared at the rocks. "Fascinating," she murmured softly, her voice otherwise completely monotone. "The qualities of the rock share similar qualities to the magical rock of Equestria, but are completely different from any rock elsewhere in the galaxy."

"I had the same reaction when I first found Carbuncle deposits on Veldin, only to learn it was called Mana Stone here," Twilight explained. "Do you think you can help me analyze the rocks a bit? You might see something I missed."

"I would be overjoyed," Maud replied, her voice still monotone. "However, I won't be staying in town long. I have quite a few obligations regarding my Rocktorate."

Twilight gently picked up one of the smaller, more portable, natural stones. "In that case, take this one with you," she offered. "You can write me your findings."

Maud cradled the relatively tiny stone gently in one hoof, the pink glow casting odd shadows over her face. "I have never been more excited in my life," she spoke up flatly. "Wee."

Twilight did her best not to giggle.

"...you want me to what?" Twilight asked flatly, placing emphasis on the interrogative.

"...turn me into a pony?" Qwark asked carefully. "Like you turned me into a Breezie...but for longer?"

"...why?" Twilight demanded, completely poleaxed by this request that had come out of nowhere.

"It's...um...hard to explain..." Qwark replied evasively.

Twilight stared flat eyed at him for a time. "...start at the beginning."

"Well...I've been spending most of my time recently helping out at Sweet Apple Acres," he explained slowly. "I mean, the town doesn't need much hero work, and they can always use an extra hand, and I have all these muscles..."

"Right, right," Twilight agreed, trying to hurry things along. Inside, however, she was pleased to learn why Applejack had seemed so distracted lately.

"Anyway, recently Applejack had a run in with these two unicorns named Flim and Flam," Qwark continued. "Now, I try to be understanding about pony naming conventions...but were their parents trying to turn them into con artists? Cause their names scream that more than Nefarious' name screams 'villain'."

Twilight chuckled softly. "Well-"

"And I know some ponies change their names when they reach adulthood and enter a career based on their special talent, choosing one that better reflects that, but even if you were going into a career as a con artist, why would you pick names that told everyone that's what you were?" Qwark continued. "...then again, it makes a catchy business name, and they are that good when it comes to sales..."

"Yes, I remember them," Twilight agreed. "Last time they were in town was for cider season...did Applejack tell you about that one?"

"She mentioned it when I asked her why she showed such antipasto to their mere presence," Qwark explained.

Twilight facehooved. "Antipathy," she corrected.

"Right, that flavor," Qwark confirmed, resulting in yet another facehoof. "Anyway, they were selling some sort of miracle tonic, and it was helping Granny Smith move around and enjoy swimming again. Applejack was suspicious, but didn't want to upset Granny...but it turned out the 'tonic' was nothing but apple juice mixed with sage." A smirk crossed his face. "Sweet Apple Acres apple juice, at that."

"They were selling Granny Smith her own apple juice back as medicine?" Twilight gasped out in shock.

"Yup!" Qwark confirmed. "Applejack was a mite upset when she discovered this...but they convinced her not to say anything so Granny would keep enjoying the effects of the 'tonic'."

Twilight nodded. "Right, the placebo effect only works if you don't know it's a placebo."

"Well, I know con artists, having been one...and I decided to act to prevent something I felt Applejack missed..."


As Applejack left the tent, Flim and Flam turned to each other to plan how to take advantage of this new situation with Applejack deciding not to say anything about the tonic's true nature.

"Gentlestallions, might I have a word?" Qwark spoke up as he stepped out of the shadows, towering over the pair. Before either of them could speak, Qwark leaned down. "See, I know your type. I wore those stripes myself once in my life...and I know how you think. But I will say this..."

Reaching out, he seized both stallions by their horns. "If you try to prey on Applejack's honest reputation by claiming she's 'endorsed' this tonic without her express permission in writing and witnessed, I will shove these so far up your plots you'll have to open your mouths to cast! Is that clear?"

Both stallions let out startled squeaks, nodding like terrified mice.

Qwark released them both. "I'm so glad we understand each other." He turned to go. "Oh, one more thing...I apparently have the ability to warp reality around me based on what I know and believe..." He turned and gave them a surprisingly convincing evil grin. "And I don't know the first thing about pony anatomy. Think about that before looking at my threat as harmless hyperbole."


"You actually used the right word," Twilight mused with a chuckle. "I'm pleasantly surprised, and impressed."

"I practiced that speech from the moment Applejack decided to investigate the tonic," Qwark explained. "I didn't want to screw up the menace by using the wrong constabulary."

"...vocabulary..." Twilight corrected with a sigh.

"I'd meant to not let Applejack know I'd done that," Qwark continued carefully, "but I didn't realize how good pony hearing is. She was...surprisingly appreciative. Said she'd never had anyone 'defend her honor' before." He scratched under his nose as his cheeks colored slightly.

A beatific smile crossed Twilight's face. "Was that the end of the incident with Flim and Flam?" Twilight asked curiously.

"No," Qwark admitted. "They kept selling the tonic, Granny kept buying...and she started getting reckless. To keep her from doing something that might have gotten her killed, she had to spill the beans about the tonic being worthless. Granny was really upset about Applejack lying to her through omission...and I stepped in a bit."

"...what did you do?" Twilight asked, frowning.

"Well, I told Granny that Applejack wasn't lying," Qwark explained. "And...the whole town as well, since everyone was listening. Told them that Flim and Flam never sold anyone any fake medicine...because they were never selling medicine in the first place. All along...they were selling hope. The hope that what they had could solve the problems everyone had, could give them the strength to overcome them. And if they were such good salesponies that they could take apple juice and sage and turn it into a miracle cure through a sales pitch...was it really fraud? They promised that by drinking the tonic, illness, aches, pains, and injuries could be overcome. Ponies drank the tonic, and they overcame it all. The power to overcome may have come from the ponies rather than the tonic...but it came out because Flim and Flam convinced everyone it would." He shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, my superpower is about making things happen because I believe. That's all they were doing...instilling belief strong enough that it creates reality. How can we fault them for that? We got what we paid for...we overcame our ills."

Twilight blinked in surprise. "That's...actually rather profound, Qwark. How'd everypony take it?"

"...Flim and Flam left town with a chest full of coins, the well wishes of a town, and an invitation from Granny to stop by for the holidays if they didn't have plans," Qwark explained.

Twilight smiled softly. "Rather impressive," she offered as she lifted her cup to her lips.

"And Applejack asked me out."

Twilight blinked, took her sip, and performed the spittake she felt that announcement deserved. "...and that's why you're asking me to turn you into a pony?"

"...it worked for Nefarious?" Qwark offered carefully. "Sides...Applejack was rather...affectionate when she asked me out, and I'm worried things might get..." He gestured with his hands, shaping Applejack's size relative to his own. Applejack barely came up to his knee. "...awkward."

"...so this is how Dad feels," Twilight murmured softly. "...I'll see what I can do..."

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