• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,556 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 103


“So let me get this straight. There’s a race of machines that cleanse the galaxy of life every fifty thousand years, the last time around there were ponies who fought them, and now they’re maybe months away from arriving in the galaxy proper?” Particle Bit asked in astonishment after the newcomers had been given the short version of the structure of the galactic races and their situation. Luna had been silent throughout the story as she soaked in all of the information while Gabby was nervously rocking on her seat.

“Don’t forget the part where there’s a race of bug things called the collectors harvesting human colonies for some reason,” Rainbow added casually, for Gabby that was her breaking point as she jumped off her seat and ran out of the room they’d claimed for themselves.

“I’ll go after her,” Fluttershy said as she quickly got off of her own seat to chase after the young griffin. As the door closed behind the yellow pegasus, Luna leaned forward.

“So, mister Vakarian, how is it that the Element of Kindness looks as if she went hoof to claw with a hydra?” Luna questioned, keeping her eyes locked on the turian. Garrus didn’t even flinch a bit under the accusing glare of the princess.

“We spent time fighting gangs in the uncontrolled space of the Terminus Systems,” he answered truthfully. “There are things we did out there that neither of us are proud of, Princess. She might look different now and be much tougher than she used to be but at her core, where it matters, she still is that very pony we picked up right here on the Citadel two years ago.”

Rainbow looked a bit ashamed as Garrus laid out how he saw Fluttershy and Luna seemed to find this explanation acceptable. “It’s still jarring to see her in her current state, but if you claim her kindness has not left her I’ll trust your word as her bondmate.”

Garrus sighed. “That's just how I see it, I think Fluttershy herself thinks she's lost it… That she's a monster to be feared.” The turian glanced sideways at Rainbow Dash who made herself slightly smaller.

“That's... unfortunate, but I have confidence that you and Rainbow Dash can help her out in this matter,” the princess said, letting the topic slide as she had other things that needed discussing. “Would you excuse me and the captain? Since Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seem to be in no need of saving or help in the slightest, I'd like to know where we stand politically. Equestria is going to need much more help than we do and I’m sure there is going to be some conversation if a planet popped out of nowhere in places known by your civilizations.”

“Alright, see you around, Princess,” Dash chuckled as Luna and Shining went looking for a room where they could discuss in private. This left only Particle Bit remaining at the table with Garrus and Dash.

“So, what is on your mind, mister Bit?” Garrus asked as the stallion had been in shock through the previous conversation.

“I’m not sure, it's quite a shock when you get the answer to the question of 'are we alone?' and then hear you're threatened with extinction,” the stallion admitted. “Also, I have no interest in either politics or combat so, after figuring out how, I intend to enroll in a school here to learn about physics.”

“Sounds respectable,” Garrus said, approving of the professor’s plan. “The Normandy would have become rather crowded if every pony coming through would join,” he added in a chuckle.

Particle joined in with the chuckles as he placed one of the sets of saddlebags he’d hauled with him on the table. “I’ll make sure to keep in contact with everypony else. See you two around.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Dash asked and pointed at the set of saddlebags the unicorn had left behind.

“Those aren't mine, they belonged to Twilight Sparkle. I think you should take a peek, Miss Dash, you might find something interesting.” Rainbow watched Particle leave before grabbing a hold of the saddlebags and looking through the contents. She picked out some of the items she’d expected to find like food and water before her eyes widened.

“No way... what did you take these for, Twi?” Garrus looked at what Rainbow had in her hooves, raising an eyebrow as he didn’t see the significance of the object.

“It’s just a necklace? I mean, it’s a very nice one but you know...” he questioned as Dash pulled out another necklace and a tiara.

“They’re not just necklaces, Garrus. These are Elements of Harmony.”

Fluttershy ran after the young griffin who cried as she turned corners and evaded humans. Her path took her into a hallway ending in a dead end where she collapsed onto the ground and curled into a little ball.

“Gabby... Gabriella?”

“Go away,” the griffin croaked as Fluttershy carefully approached the ball of feathers. This didn't deter the pegasus who lay down next to the crying griffin and covered her with a wing.

“You’re missing home already?” Fluttershy asked gently as she carefully brushed Gabby’s feathers, the little griffin weakly nodded.

“I-I was supposed to g-go meet Auntie Gilda later, to go back to Griffinstone,” Gabby sobbed. “B-but then this purple pony a-approached and asked if I could help, of c-course I wanted to help! But then we m-meet up and teleport into this warehouse with a-all these strange machines! And now I’m in a w-whole new world and don’t know if I’ll ever see home again!”

“So Twilight needed your help...” Fluttershy surmised, Gabby meanwhile had scooted close against the pegasus. “Of everything I remember about Twilight, I don’t think she ever wanted to send you out here. She probably really needed the help to get herself out here... but we know how that worked out.”

Gabby nodded and looked up at Fluttershy with tearful eyes. “So what am I supposed to do now?”

“That’s entirely up to you. There’s plenty of wonders to see out here and I’m sure you’ll find a place wherever you go,” Shy answered, suddenly finding the little griffin attached to her in a tight hug.

“Then I’d like to stay with you.” Fluttershy went slightly pale at this exclamation, she didn’t exactly see herself as the best candidate to keep an eye on the griffin.

“Are you sure? I’m not— I don’t think I’m exactly the best pony to be around, not after all I’ve done over the last two years.”

“B-But you seem nice. You came after me to help!” she stammered, griping Fluttershy even tighter in desperation. “I can learn quickly, I won’t hold you back or get in your way!”

Fluttershy was lost for words as she couldn’t fathom why anyone would want to be around her.

She’ll probably become afraid of me after a while… unless… No! I can’t

1. I can’t take you, you’re safer here on the Citadel.

2. Only if Garrus agrees. And Shepard too when we get a hold of him.

3. If you’re coming with me I’ll hold you to my own standards, understand?

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

I'm back to finishing my space marine cosplay, I'll put up the pictures when I'm done :twilightsmile:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 90]

Now edited by gerandakis

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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