• Published 27th Mar 2019
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Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 77


Alarms started blaring throughout the ship as the newly released and enraged biotic tore through its chambers. Without hesitation Shepard ordered the team to pursue Jack, leaving the unarmed technician behind in the control room.

“Taylor, take point! Dash, keep our rear secure!” Shepard ordered as they followed the path of destruction left in Jack's wake. Fires dotted the ground around ripped open internal bulkheads. Dash ran after her two human companions who were following the path of destruction.

“Sector seven, nine, and eleven have lost life support. No survivors,” a mechanical voice blurted from the speakers that were still working. The entire ship was shaking as critical internal systems were breached by the rampaging human biotic. Mechs were released into the ship to control the prisoners that were escaping due to the damage.

This is madness! How can we follow Jack through all of this?!

“All guards, restore order! Lethal force authorized but don’t kill Jack! Techs, lockdown!” the warden shouted through the intercom as the situation on the ship degraded further with firefights between prisoners and guards. The group tried moving through the mayhem without drawing too much attention to themselves, but it didn’t take long before everyone opened fire on them as well in the free-for-all. A decision they would pay for dearly as the commander and Jacob returned fire with pinpoint accuracy.

“YMIR MECH! 11 O’CLOCK, THIRTY METERS!” Jacob shouted as a large, lumbering heavy mech moved into the room and advanced on them, firing a salvo with its twin cannons which hit the black man’s cover.

“Dash, move in and hit it hard!” Shepard ordered as he pointed down a gully with barricades for cover positioned throughout it. Without waiting for affirmation, Shepard pulled out his M-100 grenade launcher and fired a handful of successive shots into the machine killing its shields and damaging the armor.

Rainbow hesitated for a moment, but with the machine staggering back from the blast, she dove over the railing down to its level. Dash’s mind went into a trance as she completely focused on swiftly making her way between the different types of cover towards the mech, eventually only having one barrier between her and the heavy machine. Without saying anything Dash cocked the shotgun, a small smile tugging at her lips, and aimed it at the head of the mech before firing multiple times, the first slugs only denting the armor but the later ones punching clean through and destroying the delicate insides of the mech.

“DASH! BACK OFF, IT’S GOING TO EXPLODE!” Shepard shouted down, getting Dash to immediately spread her wings and take flight. The heat-wave of the explosion propelled her high into the room while simultaneously breaking the trance Dash had found herself in.

H-how did I… Did I enjoy that?…


Dash shuddered at the thought but pushed on as the commander and Jacob moved up past her and continued to advance. The next cell block was equally filled with guards who tried stopping them. Not that this stopped the two humans and pegasus from advancing as they mowed down the guards like weeds. Dash used her wings to rapidly switch between covers and blast the guards at close range, still reviled by the act every time she pulled the trigger.

“Everyone okay?” Shepard asked after clearing the block, smoke and fire surrounding them as the computer announced that more sections of the ship had lost life support.

“I’m good.”

“Y-yeah, me as well,” Dash shakily replied. Shepard did not miss the little stammer and kneeled down next to her.

“Keep it together a bit longer Rainbow. We’ll get through this,” he comforted in the little time he had before they had to move on, Rainbow giving him a nod as she inserted a new thermal clip into her shotgun and SMG.

“Let’s get it done,” Dash replied with renewed resolve and followed the commander into the next block.


A bullet ricochéd off of the ground next to them and was followed my more bullets impacting the covers the three of them jumped behind.

“You’re valuable, Shepard. I could have sold you and that primitive beast and lived like a KING!” The warden shouted from a raised platform in the far corner of the room, his personal shields brightly activated. “But you two are too much trouble. At least I’ll be able to recapture Jack.”

“My bucking flank you will, you ROTTEN APPLE!” Dash shouted and jumped the barricade, bullets impacting the ground behind her. It didn’t matter to Dash as she had a new fire burning inside of her.

“I do the HARD things civil governments are unwilling to do! This is for the GOOD OF THE GALAXY!” Pylons rose from the floor and a large shield appeared around the platform the warden was standing on, Blue Suns troopers dashing in through other doors in the block.

Dash pulled her SMG from her barrel and aimed it at one of the doors, a solid stream of projectiles flying at the troopers who had just entered the room and perforated their armor. Rolling to a stop behind a barricade, Rainbow took aim at one of the pylons powering the shield and destroyed it. “FOR THE GOOD OF THE GALAXY?! YOU’RE TORTURING PEOPLE IN HERE! AND FOR WHAT? MONEY?!” Dash absolutely raged, Shepard tried shouting something to her, but it was drowned out by Rainbow’s laser focus. Without pause, Dash rushed forward to another corner of the room that had a pylon jutting out of the floor. On the way there she encountered another group of Blue Suns grunts, bobbing and weaving through their fire as if she’d done it all her life, and blasted them with the shotgun at close range. It wasn’t long before the second pylon was down as well. Before Dash could go after the third and final pylon Rainbow was reminded that she wasn’t alone as Shepard and Jacob finished the last shield pylon off for her.

“I wouldn’t expect any of you to understand the good work we’ve done,” the warden growled as he opened fire from his raised position, a couple of his rounds hitting Dash and nearly knocking her shield out completely.

Ponyfeathers, that weapon is powerful.

Just as her shields started recharging and she was getting ready to jump over the barricade, Shepard slid into cover next to her. “Hold it! I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but if you charge him you’re ending as swiss cheese!” he said as he grabbed a hold of Rainbow’s armor to make sure she couldn’t vault.

“That motherbucker tried to bucking sell us!” Dash snarled as she replaced the thermal clips of her weapons.

“And he'll pay for that very dearly. I'm just making sure you remain in a single piece. Fluttershy would haunt my ass if I didn’t,” Shepard relatively calmly replied. “I'll give you cover to advance with the grenade launcher, and you put a slug into him at point blank. Got it?”

“Buck yes!” Dash readied her shotgun and waited for the opening, three dull thumps from the grenade launcher later she jumped the barricade. The three explosives hit the warden dead on, stripping the turian of his personal shields and part of his armor. To make matters worse for the warden, Rainbow smashed down in front of him the moment the explosions were gone and bucked him in the chest, sending him flying.

“Sleep tight.”


The warden's lifeless body slumped as Rainbow jumped down from the raised platform, a small voice in the back of her head telling her that what she'd done was wrong.

Should I have given that… monster, a choice?

Dash shook her head, deciding that giving too much thought to the warden wasn't worth it.

“He's gone. Let's go find Jack.” It wasn't more than a second later that they could hear a savage scream coming from one of the catwalks overhead, one with a view of the Normandy docked outside.

“Found her,” Jacob dryly stated as the female biotic could be seen overhead. The three didn't have to search long to find a staircase up towards the catwalk.

Jack was facing away towards their ship, seemingly really angry at the sight of the Normandy… and two Blue Suns mercs were slowly advancing on her. Jacob immediately reacted and put one down with a heavy pistol round to the back of the head. Shepard took on the second with a burst from his rifle.

The human female immediately jumped around to face them, ready to start a fight within the blink of an eye. “What do you want?”

“You actually,” Dash quipped, earning a glare from Jack.

“Shut up colors. Adults are talking here, not a little girl's wet dream.” Dash growled in anger but was cut off by Shepard stepping forward.

“If it wasn't for us you'd still be trapped in cryo. Show a bit more gratitude,” Shepard stated dangerously, but Jack just seemed to brush it off.

“Would've gotten out regardless. Now mind telling me why the fuck there's a Cerberus frigate here?” Jack countered stepping forward herself and getting up close and personal with Shepard.

“They're funding my mission, nothing more.”

Jack laughed at that. “Yeah sure, they just gave you a frigate to play around with… Tell you what, there must be some juicy Cerberus databases on that ship, give me access and I might consider not tearing it in half.”

“Done,” Shepard answered, causing Jack to lower her guard slightly and look back at the Normandy.

“Then what are we standing around for? Let's get off this hellhole of a ship before it explodes!”

The now larger group made their way to the Normandy's airlock, Dash bringing up the rear while brooding.

I should give that bitch a piece of my mind! I-I… Argh! She's already insufferable! Maybe I should just find something else to keep myself occupied with. I could let the doc give me a checkover… or I could just find another crew member to talk to…

1. Give Jack a piece of her mind.

2. Go see Chakwas.

3. Find another crew member to blow off steam to.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I've been incredibly busy and actually still am.

Currently I'm sitting on a compound in the slums of Tanji, Gambia in Africa to help repair a local school. The internet is spotty for me here and power outages happen so every now and then so I'll try to write some when here but can't say if I'll have the power to charge my phone or internet to upload a chapter.

Be back home on the 20th and will probably cover some ground on the story then to make up for some time.

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