• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,556 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 94


No, we’re not splitting up! We head to the closest thing first! 54%

“Really? First you want me to go at this alone and now you want to split up again?” Dash questioned, slightly angered. “We’re not splitting up and that’s not an argument. If we get caught by a bunch of krogan we don’t want to be alone!”

Garrus sighed and nodded in resignation. “We’ll head to the prison first.” The turian immediately relented, sending Dash a map of the ship, just in case, and motioning her to follow him as he could navigate without. “Prison is a small detour from the CIC, so we’ll head there first.”

“Got it...” The hallways were mostly pitch black, only every now and then did they find an emergency light that was actually working, not that their dim red light helped with the atmosphere of the ship which already stank of death. Behind them they could hear heavy footsteps echoing through the hallways, giving them a good indication that the krogan from outside were now in here with them.

“Shit...” The beam of light coming from Garrus’ sniper had fallen on what looked like a krogan corpse on the ground, only it looked as if it had been there for a while. Moving the flashlight around showed that it didn’t just stop at one corpse as more lay in the hallway. “At least we know where the smell comes from...”

Dash gagged from the immense stench in the hallway as they passed them. Dried blood stained the walls as the door they were all facing was opened. Garrus looked back at Dash with a grave expression. “That’s the prison...”

“They all have Blood Pack markings,” Dash commented as she looked at the markings on the armor.

“Must be the gua-” Machinegun fire rang out through the vessel along with the roar of a krogan in pain. It only lasted for a couple of seconds before everything returned to a deathly quiet again. “You know how we found the door barred, Dash?”


“I think that was because they wanted to keep whatever’s in here from coming out...” Dash swallowed nervously. “Let’s hurry up before we share their fate.” Garrus pointed at the slaughter from the hall.

The prison was completely empty, some cells having been opened and some remaining closed. Remarkable was that while, in the hallway, the corpses had been stacked up, here it was completely empty… not even the corpses of prisoners in their cages. Garrus headed for the main console and tried it to see if it still worked, finding it without power. “Guess that was to be expected,” he muttered. Dash was checking each of the cells for any clues.

“Uhm, Garrus. I don’t think that’s supposed to look like that...” The last cell of the block had its door bent outwards as if something had struck it from behind with tremendous force.

“She’s not here Rainbow, I’m sure of it.” Garrus pointed at the terminal he’d just tried to access. “Ship’s without power and it looks like the backup is too low to maintain power throughout the entire ship.”

“Are there sections that will have power?” Dash questioned as she looked at the storage lockers in the prison. Most of them had suffered a fate similar to the destroyed prison door.

“The CIC and cockpit should have gotten priority, so the datacenter should still be accessible with any luck.” Both Dash and Garrus jumped as another bout of machine gun fire echoed through the ship. “Let’s stop wasting time here.”

“No argument here...” Dash followed Garrus back out of the prison into the hallways past the massacre there. More emergency lights were in an operable state as they got closer to the center of the ship. The noise of metal bangs kept returning so every now and then while gunfire seemed to become rarer and rarer. The door leading into the CIC was again barricaded as they arrived, some more krogan corpses lying against it.

“Damnit, it’s welded shut...” Garrus looked up. “...The vents might still be accessible.”

“That will be a really tight fit for you,” Rainbow commented as she saw the entrance.

“I know, that’s why you’re going.” Garrus jumped up and pulled the vent out, nearly falling over as it simply gave away. “Well, there’s your opening,” he groaned.

“Seriously?” Dash grimaced and looked up. “First, there’s something in this ship killing the krogan that have been entering. Second, I can’t fly, remember?” Rainbow grimaced as she extended her right wing, the bone might have fused due to the medi-gel but flying would definitely break it again.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” Garrus responded, picking Dash up and holding her above him so she could enter through the hole into the confines of the vent. “We’ll keep contact over the radio, Good luck.”

“See you in a bit,” Dash responded slightly annoyed that they were splitting up, but if they were going to get the data from the ship quickly then they’d save a lot of time not looking for another door in. She climbed into the shaft and hoped there wasn’t a similar drop on the opposite side of the shaft into the CIC, because if so then she’d have a very hard time getting back. She slowly crawled forward through the shaft as she intently listened intently to the sounds of the ship, freezing at every strange sound she heard. Up ahead there was another vent, this one seemingly already open as she approached.

“Garrus, I think-”A thud from something dropping onto the floor came from the CIC, Dash Freezing again. “There’s someone hereaahh.” Dash shouted in surprise as she was flung from the vent by an unseen force and rolled over the floor.

“Dash! What’s going on!”

Rainbow’s heart was beating at its maximum speed as she pulled her SMG from the clamp on her barrel, only to have it ripped from her hooves. Dash immediately followed up by pulling her shotgun out and firing a poorly aimed shot in the direction of where she thought she saw something. She was rewarded by the shotgun also being wrenched out of her grasp and something hitting her in the chest, forcing her against a wall. Not wanting to give up the fight, Dash pushed herself onto her hooves and prepared to charge.

“Rainbow?” Dash froze as she heard the soft voice, looking at her attacker who stood in the dim light, two wings bathed in dim blue aura . “N-no, you can’t be here. That’s impossible.”

“Flutters?” Rainbow gasped, taking a step forward. “I-It’s really me, Shy. I’m really here.”

The other pegasus stepped into the light, tears in her eyes. Her face was marred with scars, some small and others large. Standing only a pony length away Dash stopped, aghast at the state of her friend. Shy slowly started to circle Dash who just stood her as the fact sunk in that she’d just found the pony she’d been looking for. Shy stepped in close and brushed a wingtip over Rainbow’s cheeks, almost afraid that she’d disappear the moment she’d touch… and then she shot forward and pulled Dash into a crushing hug while crying her eyes out.

“Broken wing! Hurts!” Dash blurted out as her wing throbbed under the strain, Shy immediately loosened her grip.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t… know...” Shy fell silent as Garrus dropped out of the vent behind Dash. Before Rainbow even realized what had happened, Shy had already made her way over to the turian and latched onto him.

“Took you long enough,” Shy sniffed as she placed a kiss on Garrus’ bony mandible. “I really want to hear how you and Dash found me but let’s get out of here first. This ship has held me captive long enough.”

Garrus and Dash grimaced at each other. “About that...”
“Our entrance might be cut off again as we accidentally alerted the krogan outside as we entered...” Garrus finished for Dash.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been planning my escape for a while,” Fluttershy casually mentioned, her demeanor changing as she looked between Dash and Garrus. “And with the two of you, it’ll only be easier.”

Author's Note:

She's baaack~!

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[No Vote]

Now edited by gerandakis and lordelliot

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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