• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,556 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 174


Go to the Council, let the reinforcements take the Embassy district. 75%

“Send me their exact last location, I'll make sure they're safe. You get those reinforcements here, fast!” Fluttershy grumbled, turning to the guard leader. “I need one of those rifles, my own is at my apartment.”

“We have another, follow me.” he ran a little deeper into the embassy, entering a locker room and producing another one of the rifles.

“Thanks, help should be on the way and arriving soon,” Fluttershy told him as they ran back to the entrance.

“Glad to hear it,” he said as Fluttershy exited the building. “Close it up gentlecolts, we're not letting anyone through until C-Sec arrives!”

The shields appeared back in place, giving Fluttershy a little confidence that they'd be fine while she was gone. She opened up her omni-tool and brought up the location tag Bailey had sent her. Pony feathers, they're exactly the other direction of the embassies from the Tower entrance.

Fluttershy spread her wings and shot into the air, making sure to remain low to the ground to deter some audacious shuttle pilot from attempting a roadkill. Being flattened by a shuttle was one of the many things not on her planned schedule today.

As she arrived at the shuttle bay Fluttershy heard the rapid-fire of automatic guns going off inside the complex. Knowing she had to hurry up, Fluttershy went into a wing assisted Gallup and...

A figure materialised out of nothing, slashing a sword at her that crackled with energy. The pegasus was barely able to dodge the first swipe and just as narrowly blocked the second, downward, swipe with an omni-blade, that though left the Cerberus operative's midsection undefended. Lighting up one of the omni-blades on her wing, Fluttershy twisted and slashed her opponent across her stomach.

They cloak too now?! That's such a pain...

Fluttershy wanted to rush forward to get to the Council but knew that if Cerberus operatives could cloak too now she'd have to become that much more careful, that said, she still had to hurry to get to the Council in time. The few of the regular Cerberus soldiers that had been left in the rear were no challenge to the pegasus as she barely had to break her run to cut them down. Though it didn't take long until she came in contact with the next significant threat left behind for her.

A red laser dot appeared on her chest, prompting Fluttershy to jump behind cover as a round glanced off her shield, taking it down a significant way too. Steps from another approaching Cerberus operative prompted Fluttershy to peek just in time to see another one of the sword-wielding Cerberus operatives cloak. Fluttershy immediately did so as well, moving to another cover while cloaked so this operative... this Phantom didn't catch her behind there.

The pegasus tried to move up but the moment she left cover a round impacted her cloaked form, breaking the invisibility. The Phantom was upon her instantly, a violent but quick clash of blades ensuing between her and Fluttershy before the two of them managed to cloak again.

Damnit, that sniper is not going to let me get closer to the Council.

Fluttershy got her rifle ready and took aim at the location where the Sniper had shot from, a round impacting the shield around her head and taking it down. The round had been deflected ever so slightly but it still tore into her cheek, chipping the bone before punching through the cloth of her hood... but in return, it gave Fluttershy a shot at the Sniper.


The Cerberus operative was knocked backwards as the Equestrian rifle was more powerful than the one the human had, her shield collapsing and the round punishing into her head.

The Phantom immediately was upon her, striking down like what had been a fatal move to the previous Cerberus operative but now Fluttershy wasn't in a position to counter the way she'd done there. Throwing up her rifle, she managed to deflect the hit but not without sacrificing the rifle.

"I'm getting very sick of you," Fluttershy growled as she lit up her wings and threw a massive singularity in the direction the Phantom had run off to before cloaking. For a split second, the air shimmered as the cloak was interrupted by the gravitic anomaly, prompting Fluttershy to use another biotic attack and grab a hold of the human. "Gotcha."

The Phantom was smashed into the ground by the pegasus who didn't even wait for the body to hit the ground before continuing her run towards the Council. As Fluttershy entered the larger hangar her shield was barraged again by automatic fire, only the different sound to the rifles Cerberus used.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Fluttershy called out over the roar of the rifles "FRIENDLY!"

There was a momentary lapse in bullets flying in her direction. "Do not approach any closer!"

Fluttershy stepped out of cover to present herself to the Council's security detail. "Commander Bailey sent me to back you all up!"

"Can you confirm that?" the captain from up in the tower asked, keeping his rifle trained on the pegasus who nodded. Bringing up her omni-tool Fluttereshy discovered that C-Sec's network locally was still down, so instead she opted to show the recording of her conversation. "Alrigh-"

An explosion rocked the section as three heavy mechs dropped in through holes in the roof along with troops to cover them.

"CONTACT!" One of the guard positions got immediately obliterated from a combined volley from the heavy mechs. Fluttershy jumped into action, rushing up to the next guard barricade to be targeted and throwing up a shield. The three shots from the mechs slammed it hard, a fireball enveloping the shimmering barrier. A spike of pain shot through Fluttershy's wings as her biotics were being strained badly.

This though was the last straw for Fluttershy as her crap quota for the day was truly met.

Fluttershy activated the stare and looked at the pilot of the first mech, instantly feeling the corruption of the reapers in the mind of the pilot. The corruption was too deep-rooted for her to save, and besides, she wasn't about to accidentally put them under her control like Saren so she ripped the corruption out, letting the human's mind collapse in on itself. within seconds all three drivers were mere soulless husks, their machines frozen in their last position.

The guards slowly became aware of the rapidly diminishing fire, the ones close to Fluttershy feeling the heavy weight of Fluttershy's active stare while Cerberus agents fell like flies wherever the pegasus swept her gaze.

Fluttershy though felt the strain increase too like she'd never had before, a splitting headache coming up as she could swear she heard dark whispers in the back of her mind. As she finally cut off her stare she had to work to remain on her hooves, her legs shaking dangerously from exhaustion while the C-Sec guards finished off the rest of the diminished attacking force.

"What the hell was that?" The guard captain asked, having been one of the people close to her. Instead of managing to answer Fluttershy coughed up a significant amount of blood, her legs losing their fight to stay upright too. "Fuck. MEDIC!"

"I'm good," Fluttershy managed to say as no more blood came out of her lungs. "Let's just say I do not like to do that, Captain." She was pretty sure that the drugs floating around her system were the only thing keeping her going but she had more pressing concerns again now. "Where's the council?"

"Further back, we placed them in the husk of one of our shuttles. Cerberus had disabled all of them before we arrived here but their armour was still the best secure place to put them," The Captain said and pointed to a guarded shuttle. "Everyone, keep your eyes open! I don't want any surprises until we are sure there's no Cerberus present on this station!"

The captain sent one of his men with Fluttershy to the shuttle while he got to re-organising his remaining troops. The four occupants' eyes widening as they saw the state of the pegasus. The wound on her cheek had coloured her entire side of her face red, and a cut on her forehead had let blood drip into her eye, forcing it shut. The cloth of her hood being torn up pretty badly and in other places of her armour as well. "Are all of you okay?"

"Yes, we are unharmed," the asari councillor was the first to respond. "I would say that we hadn't expected to see you this soon."

"Bailey sent me, he's currently organising C-Sec's forces," Fluttershy provided once again as the turian Councillor got a message on his omni-tool.

"Communications have been restored," he announced, typing in a few commands."

"Councillors?" Bailey immediately asked as his hologram popped up on the Councillors omni-tool.

"Commander Bailey. Did you direct miss Fluttershy to us?" He asked.

"Matter of factly I did. There was a large group of Cerberus craft headed your way and my people were too far out." Bailey told him, backing up Fluttershy. "We are making headway in pushing out Cerberus forces in all sectors. Their initial attack took out most of our infrastructure but ever since Comander Shepard helped take back the Accadamy and our communications grid we have been able to push them back. He is headed over to your position as well."

"Understood and thank you, keep us posted Commander." He shut off the projection.

"What is the situation out there, soldier?" the asari councillor asked of the C-Sec guard that had accompanied Fluttershy.

"Lost a lot of good people, though we got lucky that miss Fluttershy here arrived when she did or those mechs Cerberus sent would have wiped us out."

"I see..." the asari looked at her colleagues to gauge their reaction.

"Nothing impressive," Fluttershy casually brushed off, letting her medical systems inject another dose of medi-gel.

"To the contrary, would be very useful as an operative," The salarian souncillor spoke up.

"You are not talking about what I'm thinking you are talking about, are you?" Udina frowned. "Her kind has barely established their embassy!"

"This is wartime, Councillor, we cannot afford to pass up useful assets," the Turian councillor shot him down. "With the network back up we can make it official too."

Udina grumbled but brought up his omni tool with the rest of them. Fluttershy meanwhile forgot all about her aching body as she couldn't believe what the four councillors were alluding to. They're not talking about... can they?

"Miss Fluttershy, as the council we are offering you a position as a Council Spectre. Do you accept this position?" the asari councillor announced after their quick vote. Fluttershy's jaw dropped a bit as she this outcome hadn't even crossed her mind, though it might make up for some of the shitty day.


"Then it is the decision of the council that you be granted all the privileges of the Special Tactics and Reconnisance branch of the Citadel." she announced.

"You have proven on more than a single occasion that you stand above the mere rank and file and can contend with the best," the salarian councillor added.

"You are now charged with upholding the safety of the galaxy, a great burden in peace time but now in war..." The turian councillor provided as the third councillor. Udina though remained silent so the asari councillor picked it back up again.

"This is a great honour for a species as new as yours to the galactic community, do your kind proud."

Author's Note:

I'm pretty sure that putting Fluttershy's choice up to a vote would have led to a fairly predictable outcome so to continue with the flow I just continued writing :raritywink:

Next up, let's see what Shepard found on Mars! :pinkiecrazy:

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