• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,556 Views, 3,502 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 166


The lights in the ventilation shaft leading into the AI core turned off at the halfway point, plunging both Gilda and Fluttershy into darkness. It didn't matter much for either of them as both of their armour sets activated some sort of night vision.

Gilda was getting jumpier the closer they came to the core, her visor didn't tell her anything about the area around her since the security office couldn't tap into any drone-feed of the machines around the area. Fluttershy on the other hoof was completely calm, following Gilda closely and covering her as best she could with the new rifle she'd been given.

“This is it,” Gilda whispered, pointing at a vent cover. Her visor wasn't showing any way they could get closer by utilising the vents. “The rest will be open space right up until the AI itself.”

“Perfect,” Fluttershy said and pressed herself against the grate to push it out so she could advance but halted. “Look, Gilda, you don't have to follow me in here, it'll probably be really dangerous and you're not used to this kind of warfare.”

“Whatever this kind of warfare is, I'm pretty sure I'll have to learn it sooner rather than later anyway. Besides, what would the others say if they heard a pony went towards danger and a griffon didn't?” Gilda smirked, her bravado flaring up.

“Alright then, keep close and make sure you listen to any orders I give.” Fluttershy pushed against the grating and with some help of biotics ripped off the covering. The two of them immediately sprung out with their rifles raised to engage any threat.

The chamber they'd jumped into was rather large, machinery lining the walls of it and a combination of cables and tubes running towards a central node. Fluttershy quickly studied the central node, seeing frost on some tubes and machines. Though most of it seemed neat and well constructed some of the cooling system looked out of place, their components looking as if they were ripped from other sectors.

"The odds of you succeeding here are less than one percent, isn't it easier to just give up?" the Central node blasted through the speakers of the chamber, the humming of drones coming from all sides as they were rushed by a group of the smaller ones.

"Too bad! I like those odds!" Fluttershy roared as she grabbed the drones in her biotics and smashed them into each other. The pegasus rushing forth at the massive installation that kept the AI going. "And to be honest, I think you're lying about them anyway!"

Gilda, still surprised by the aggressive move, started running after Fluttershy and tried to keep up. More big drones started to flood into the chamber, explosions from incoming fire peppering the walkways the two were running on.

"Gilda, Keep them from reaching me!" Fluttershy shouted as they got close to the main machinery. The griffin came to a skidding halt, taking cover behind some metal barriers and lining up shots at the drones as best she could. She had to be really careful as each time she peeked out the drones would land a hit on her shields, missing not really being in the books for these particular drones. Fluttershy meanwhile stood with her wings spread in front of the central node, biotics lit up as she strained badly pulling on every single cooling pipe that looked to be added later,

"What are you doing?" the AI asked, sounding a little confused. "My systems are reinforced, you cannot harm them that easily."

"Fluttershy! Not to be a downer but we don't have long!" Gilda shouted from her cover. The helmet of her armour in her claws as it smoked and was warped from an impact, blood trickling from a cut on her cheek. "Let's just say I don't think I can peek now without losing my head!"

"You can still surrender your command privileges, Gilda, I would leave the two of you alive out of gratitude." The Central node proposed. A screen lit up next to the Griffin with a claw-print on it.

"DO NOT TOUCH THAT SCREEN!" Fluttershy roared as her biotics pulsed even brighter, one of the cooling tubes making a harrowing sound as the ice broke off it and it was squeezed shut. The entire AI core cycled briefly, adjusting for the lack of cooling, the drones similarly had a moment of pause in their fire and even bumped into each other. Gilda noticed this and immediately took the opportunity to shoot a couple of the larger ones before diving in cover again.

"Wasn't planning to!"

"HOW!" The central node roared, a barrage of drone fire hitting the cover Gilda was situated behind as it reassumed control. At that moment another pipe buckled inwards, cutting off another feed of coolant. "STOP IT!"

Fluttershy didn't even blink as the AI started to panic, another coolant pipe following the second as she focused more and more power on them, consequences after be damned. The drones that were advancing on their position also suffered, their coordination becoming less coherent and some even started firing on themselves though they were swiftly taken care of.

"How many more of these pipes do you think you can handle before you overheat?" Fluttershy asked through gritted teeth, another pipe buckling under the biotic assault.


"Oh really?" Fluttershy grinned. "How much coolant are you re-routing through other pipes to compensate for the loss of coolant then?!" The pegasus crushed a final pipe with a grunt before changing her tactic. Instead of trying to crush the remaining ones she sent alternating mass effect fields at them, the pipes already being under pressure bursting at the points where Fluttershy damaged them.

"NO-O...O-..." The AI voice stuttered and died, red lights starting to flash all throughout the chamber. The drones that were attacking them all just stopped and hung around as they seemed to be rebooting.

"Re-assumed control... Warning, temperature spike in core detected. Evacuation recommended." The VI's voice came through the drones. Fluttershy, heavily panting and sweating, joined Gilda at her cover.

"Get onto one of those heavies, Shy!" Gilda exclaimed, taking the VI's advice and winged it up onto one of the machines. Fluttershy was a little more hesitant but seeing Gilda not being blown away by the drones helped out and jumped on another one. "Get us out of here, VI!"

The drones turned and fled, a large group of the rest doing the same as the heat in the room started going up rapidly. The base rumbled for a bit as they managed to leave the chamber, doors slamming closed behind the pair to trap the encroaching heat.

"AI core meltdown complete, assessing damage... A report will be filed to your quarters."

"My quarters?"

"Later. We should get back to Griffinstone and inform your clan to get more claws in here." Fluttershy groaned, her wings spread a little as they ached badly.

"Right, get the others up to speed and find all the stuff in here," Gilda nodded. "VI, can you get us a way out of this place?"

"Transportation will be made available in the hangar."

Author's Note:

I actually gained some energy writing this, I really should get to the point of ME3's start so I can actually start my larger alterations to the main storyline.

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be coloured [Grey]

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