• Published 27th Mar 2019
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Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 104


Only if Garrus agrees. And Shepard too when we get a hold of him. 75%

“I cannot take you with me everywhere, Gabriella,” Fluttershy said carefully. “There are places I go with Garrus and things we do that would only put you in grave danger… I also have no intention of putting you through the things I went through to get here. You’re still a kid, you shouldn’t have to deal with the horrors out there… Shouldn’t have to deal with me.” The betrayed look Gabby shot up at her at the denial was like an ice pick slowly being driven into her chest, the teary-eyed griffin conveying all of her pain without saying a single word. “B-But I can ask if there’s a temporary spot available for you on the Normandy when Garrus and I inevitably get back onto the ship.”

Gabby immediately pulled Fluttershy close again in her hug. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet, due to the nature of the mission you’ll be removed from the ship before we head out for our final objective. I’m also not giving you a definite yes until Garrus and Shepard agree, if they don’t, I will not take you,” Fluttershy told her in a tone that didn’t broke any argument. “Shall we get back to the others?”

“I guess,” Gabby replied, wiping the tears from her eyes and allowing Fluttershy to stand again. The griffin remained silent as they walked back but was practically glued to the yellow pegasus as they passed all of the various aliens in the embassy.

“Fluttershy!” The call stopped the pegasus in her tracks as she recognized Anderson’s voice and turned to look at the human councillor. “Could I steal a moment of your time?”

“Of course, what is it you need to say?” Shy asked, Gabby hid behind her in an attempt to shield herself from the human.

“I just got out of a council meeting about our new arrivals and your return on the citadel, they’ve decided to grant them citizenship just like they did to you and everyone else who came through...” Fluttershy nodded, waiting for the councillor to continue with the other thing he wanted to say. “...The other thing they wanted is an audience with you. ”

“The council wants an audience with me?” Fluttershy questioned in astonishment. “Why’s that?”

“Because we want to hear your opinion on what to do with Saren next.” Fluttershy felt as if she had just been hit by a shuttle, she hadn’t thought about the former rogue Spectre in a long time. “Let’s just say the council is divided and we could use you as a potential tiebreaker.”

“Of course, tell me when and where to be and I’ll be there,” Fluttershy immediately answered, very interested in what had become of the turian after she’d purged the reaper influence from him.

Anderson nodded in approval. “I’ll make sure you’ll have a summons in a couple of hours. I’ll see you there.”

The human turned back again to head to his office just as Fluttershy resumed her path back to the room with the others. The only creatures present there after arriving were Rainbow and Garrus.

“I see our little meetup is over?” Shy commented, getting the attention of Garrus and Dash, but before either one could say anything Shy spotted what they had laying on the table in front of them. “No way...”

“What is it?” Gabby asked in confusion about what was wrong as Fluttershy’s gaze was locked on the table.

“They were in Twilight’s backpack, Shy. Particle had taken them with the assumption Twilight would be here instead of Luna,” Rainbow explained as she held her own element. “It’s strange, my Element seems… happy?” Fluttershy stepped forward and eyed her own element, the pink gem glistening in the light as it lay on the table.

Of course Rainbow’s Element would be happy, she went after me the moment the opportunity presented itself… what’s mine going to say of me...

“The armor will make wearing it hard though… Do you think we’d still be able to use it if I just have it built into the armor? That’d make me at least twenty percent cooler.”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy shouted suddenly, pulled from her trance staring at her own element. “We can’t just do that with the Elements! What if we break them?!”

Dash reared back at the outburst. “Whoa, calm down there, I was just theorizing...”

Fluttershy wasn’t exactly convinced that she was but would let it slide as her attention was pulled back to her own Element, feeling drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Carefully extending her hoof to touch the necklace she pulled in the magnificent jewel. The entire artifact felt cold to the touch, colder than it should have any right to be and whispers filled her mind in all of the languages she’d heard over the last two years and some she’d never heard of in her life…

…and then it hit her.

The pink gem lit up brightly, memories of every experience she’d had over the last two years flashed in front of her eyes. All of the pain and sorrow she’d experienced, all of the abuse she’d endured.

The attack on the citadel... Berkenstein... Omega...

Fluttershy shrieked as her legs collapsed from under her and wings extended and pulsed in their blue aura, pushing back all others. The pain and sadness pulsing from the element was so overwhelming the pegasus broke down sobbing.


All of the whispers in her mind asked the same question at the same time. Pushing through all of the painful memories. At first, Fluttershy struggled to comprehend the simple question.

Why what? Why did I do those things?... No...

The Element didn’t want to know why she’d done the things she had, it knew all her motives the moment the pegasus touched the gem so it wasn’t asking why Fluttershy did those things. It had asked why...

Because the galaxy has dark places where kindness is swallowed whole, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any kindness.

Fluttershy tried to explain to the Element as it wailed, forcing away the horrible memories and bringing forth the positive ones.

The way she was taken in on the Normandy… Shepard allowing the last of the rachni queens to go free… The salarian doctor on Omega who’d been working on curing a plague...

The sadness emanating from the element of kindness slowly came to a stop, allowing Fluttershy a clear mind as the element warmed up in her hooves. It still felt a little sad and a bit disappointed but overall it trusted its bearer, giving her a chance the pegasus herself doubted she deserved.


Rainbow was on top of her in seconds, Garrus only a fraction of a moment later as he held her close to find what was wrong. The door also slid open as the princess of the night came charging back into the room followed by Shining Armor.

“What happened!?” She bellowed, seeing the unconscious pegasus clutching her elements, “Oh... that happened.”

“What’s going on Princess? Is she okay?!” Garrus asked as Luna approached.

“Yes, of that I can assure you. It seems the Bearer of Kindness had a bit of a hiccup with her Element. It seems to still be bound to her though,” Luna said as she checked the gem and found it shining bright pink. “If it had been unbound then we’d have been in more trouble… trust me on that one,” The princess grimaced for the briefest of moments after she added the last part of her sentence. Lighting her horn, Luna pressed the tip against Shy’s forehead to which the pegasus gasped for air and came back to.

“Don’t scare me like that little angel!” Garrus exclaimed as he held Fluttershy tightly to his body.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that to happen,” Fluttershy said, shaking her head and getting her bearings. The Element in her hooves had returned to its inert state but Fluttershy could feel its power coursing through the gem.

“You two should keep your Elements with you, they’ll help you when things seem darkest,” Luna told Fluttershy and Dash as she noticed the other pegasus had her respective element as well. “If you would allow me, I will take custody of the Element of Magic though. It would not be well if we let that fall into the wrong hooves.”

Fluttershy nodded and Luna picked the tiara up in her magic, stashing it into the emptied-out saddlebags and levitated them to herself. Fluttershy then heard her omni-tool beep from an incoming message which she quickly read.

“What was that about?” Garrus asked as he helped Fluttershy back onto her hooves.

“That was Anderson, the council wanted to see me. He also asked for you to join, Princess.”

“Then we shall oblige. When is this meeting?”

Fluttershy checked the time on her omni-tool and cursed before she smiled sheepishly.

“Uhm... Now.”

Author's Note:


[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[No Vote]

Now edited by gerandakis

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