• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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12. The Game Is Ahoof

"It lives. My monster lives!" a mad scientist pony cheered for his precious creation, as lightning struck his lab with wires.

But it was nothing but a movie that The Mane 5, sins Zipp who wasn’t there at the time, and Team Sonic where watching at night in the Brighthouse. Sunny and Pipp were a little creepy out, Hitch was covered with a blanket in freight, Tails was hiding on his tails with fear and Izzy was munching on some popcorn while watched the movie. Sonic was a little bored since he didn't find the movie scary at all, and Knuckles was asleep and snoring since boredom made him tired.

Pipp, who was sitting next to Sonic, got a little more scared and hided her face on Sonic's shoulder, which made the hedgehog blush a lot, but he didn't complain either. He just let her hide on him, and focused back to the movie, just to distract his mind since he didn't actually cared about the movie.

Izzy was about to eat some popcorn on her hoof, but then she and the others looked up and saw Zipp with a furious look as the lightning from the movie gave off a scare to them. The whole group, sins Sonic and Knuckles, screamed in fright as Izzy, Sunny and Tails hopped to the back of the couch, while Pipp hided on Sonic's chest, which caused his blush to increase even more.

"It’s Frankenstallion’s monster!" Hitch screamed, as he jumped out of the couch with the others, loosing the blanket in the process.

All the noise ended up waking up Knuckles, who yawned and stretched before he could open his eyes completely, then he looked up and saw Zipp as well. "Hey, Zipp. What’s wrong?” he asked, not even scared one bit. The others popped their heads up from behind their couch to see that it really is Zipp, as Pipp pokes her head as well and realizes what's she doing, then gets quickly apart from Sonic with a big blush as well.

Zipp flew down and went in front of the TV, looking at her friends with an angry expression. "I’m only gonna say this once. Who... Took… My… Sunglasses?!" she yelled at them, as one of her eyes twitched.

The others just looked at Zipp scared, except for Sonic and Knuckles who where confused, and Izzy who was munching some popcorn. Zipp was so irritated that she snatched Izzy’s popcorn and throw it aside. "Everypony, follow me!" she said to the rest with anger, as she pointed to the direction they needed to follow.

Knuckles stretched again and got up. "I just hope this is worth wake me up" he said, as he and the others followed Zipp.

A few minutes later, Zipp brought her friends to a wall, where she took pictures of her friends with mugshots, first Hitch, then Pipp who stroke a pose, then Sunny who was very confused, then Sonic with a rolled eye expression, then Knuckles with a bored expression, then Tails who was very scared, and finally Izzy who wrote her name on her board number and smiled with a pose for the picture.

And then in the bedroom, Zipp had tons of paper on her bed, while her friends looked at her in confusion, as well at the mess she made.

"Love what you’ve done with the place, sis..." Pipp said with a hesitant tone and an awkward smile.

Zipp turned and gave them an intense glare, then she bucked the front of her bed and it turned into a secret board she used, connecting her friends' pictures and the places they went to in Maretime Bay to the sunglasses picture in the middle.

The rest looked in shock with wide eyes that Zipp even had this. "Whoa" Sunny said as she pointed at the board with a forced smile. "That’s intense" she added.

“More like overboard if you ask me" Sonic commented with a blank expression.

Zipp walked back and forth as she looks at her friends. "Let’s start with our first pony of interest. What do you say, Hitch?" she said with a glare, as she pointed at his picture. The rest looked at Hitch for a moment, then got their attention back to Zipp. "Remember this morning at the beach, Sheriff?!" she asked him with anger, as she starts to tell what happened in the morning.

Zipp, Hitch, Izzy and Knuckles where walking along the beach as they enjoyed their time, with Zipp wearing her sunglasses.

"Another bright and sunny day in Maretime Bay. Too bad I left my sunglasses back at the station...” Hitch said as he turned and gave out a mischievous smile at Zipp, with Izzy using a measuring tape to measure the glasses and Knuckles looking confused at Hitch. "I'll just steal yours, Zipp!" he said with an evil laugh as Zipp, Izzy and Knuckles looked in shock.

"Objection!" Hitch protested, as he popped his head in front of the flashback. "That is not what I said!" he pointed out.

"This guys can't hurt a fly unless you brake the law, girl!" Knuckles pointed out, pupping his head as well. "Look, just rewind this thing and see what happened" he added, as the flashback rewind back to the beginning.

Zipp, Izzy, Hitch and Knuckles were walking through the beach while Zipp was wearing her sunglasses.

“Another bright sunshiny day in Maretime Bay!" Hitch said, then turned to Izzy, Knuckles and Zipp, while Izzy measured Zipp's glasses. "Sure wish I hadn’t left my sunnies back at the station" he said, a little embarrassed.

"I told you to took them before we left..." Knuckles pointed out with a frown. "... 7 times" he added.

The flashback ended, and Hitch and Knuckles popped their heads back up, gesturing to the true flashback.

Zipp wasn’t really convinced on the story, as Izzy kept measuring Zipp’s head.

"Back at the station. Really?" Zipp questioned, wanting to know if Hitch and Knuckles are telling the truth.

"Hmm" Hitch nodded and then smirked. "Although, I don’t need sunglasses to…" He putted on his usual sunglasses and lowered them a bit. "See the problem with your theory" se finished and winked at her.

Team Sonic, Sunny and Pipp groaned in annoyance at Hitch’s bad pun, while Izzy giggled a little "I like that. That was good" she said with a smile.

"My ears should be bleeding right now" Sonic said with his eyes looking at the ceiling.

Zipp raised an eyebrow at Hitch’s terrible pun. "Okay. Okay" she said, seeing that Hitch is not the thief. "What about you, Pipp?!" she said now to her sister, who was looking at her phone, then looked at Zipp in disbelief. "I get it. We're sisters, Pipp. And you borrowed something without asking" she said with a smile, as she walked around before stopping next to her. "Just give 'em back, and we'll forget it ever happened" she added, before walking back to the board.

"Why would I take your sunglasses, Zipp?" Pipp questioned her sister. "They're so not my style" she added flipping her mane a bit.

"Remember? 'Function over fashion'?" Zipp said with a grin.

Pipp gasped at that reminder that her sister brought that memory up, as Sonic sweated a little since he was there when that happened.

Zipp decided to tell about that time she was at Mane Melody with her sister. "You were so excited to show off…" Zipp said while remembered.

"... Brand-new auto-mane-tic shampoo and shine!" she announced at Mane Melody with a smile, while she putted kiwis on Izzy’s eyes, who was there with Zipp and Sonic, ready to try out Pipp’s new style machine, while Zipp and Sonic just watched. "A perfect 'do in two minutes!" Pipp said, then pressed the red button on the machine.

The machine started by rinsing water out of the big sprayers, but then it got out of control as the sprayers sprayed shampoo water all around the salon.

Pipp, Zipp and Sonic gasped as they ducked from the incoming shampoo water, but other ponies weren't so lucky when the water hit them, as the rest screamed for cover.

The sprayers are still out of control, and Pipp tried to turn it off but got sprayed on the face and pushed back with a scream, and when she got up, her eyes were so soak that they burned and started to tear up. "I think I got it in my eyes!" she cried out feeling the burn, as Zipp and Sonic cringed at Pipp's eyes burning. "Quick! Give me your sunglasses!" she cried out to Zipp.

Zipp took off her sunglasses. "But you said they were so last season" she protested, but Pipp grabbed the glasses.

"Sometimes, Zipp, you've gotta take function over fashion!" Pipp declared but then realized what she said. "Oh! Never tell anypony I said that!" she told her sister with a threatening tone, then turned towards Sonic. "That goes to you too, young man!" she stated, as Sonic gulped because of her tone.

Pipp ran and then jumped, heading towards the button, the shampoo water sprayed Pipp, but thanks to the sunglasses, her eyes were shielded from being burned as Pipp wiped some from her face. Pipp pressed the button, shutting off the machine, stopping the spraying shampoo water before it caused more disaster.

Tails blinked at the story, then looked at Sonic with confusion. "What were you doing there exactly?" he asked to his brother.

"I wanted to try the machine out too" Sonic replied.

"I borrowed your sunglasses one time!" Pip told Zipp. "It was an e-mer-gen-cy! But why would I steal them? I have plenty of my own" she pointed out to the supplies of sunglasses she has on her side of the room on her bed.

"Wow... that's just a lot of sunglasses..." Knuckles said with surprise and confusion on why Pipp had so many glasses.

Then everyone looked back at Zipp, who was sweating a bit. "W-Well, uh…" she said nervously, running out of ideas as she looked around. "W-What about you, Sunny?" she pointed to said pony, as Zipp got into her face. "Making smoothies all day in the sun, you must need—" she was cut off when Sunny putted a bored expression and flipped a pair of sunglasses of her own, proving that it’s not her as she slurped from a smoothie. Izzy and Zipp looked at her sweating, and Sunny stopped slurping. "Uh…" Zipp gave a nervous laugh, seeing Sunny’s point. "Right" she said, then looked at Team Sonic. "What about you g––" she tried to say, but stopped after seeing the trio.

They were all wearing sunglasses that matched their color skins, as Sonic and Tails stood with their arms crossed and Knuckles putted his hands on his waist. "Try again, Zipp" the three of them said in unison, while Zipp stared more nervous than before, because she was being proved wrong way too much.

She ran back to the board and looked at it. "That only leaves…" she said, looking through the photos she took of her friends, realizing who was left. "Izzy?" she asked, and then gasped in realization. "Of course! All... that... measuring…" she stated, having the same flashbacks from before, only that this time she realized Izzy measured her head on them. "Making sure that my sunglasses would fit you! Before you stole them!" she yelled out, facing Izzy and looking close to her face, while the unicorn backed up a little nervous.

"Noooo…" Izzy said and then laughed nervously. "Zipp, see, I mean... The thing, actually... uh... DISTRACTION!" she cried out as she used her magic to levitate the pile of papers on Zipp’s bed, and then hit Zipp with it before ran out of there.

Zipp yanked the paper out of her face and growled, while Izzy ran out the door, heading downstairs with a yelp. Zipp flied out trough one of the bedroom's windows, heading for the front before Izzy could.

Downstairs, just when Izzy was about to head for the door, Zipp opened it and blocked her way, while she screamed and ran the other way. She started to run around the Brighouse, with Zipp behind her the whole chase.

"Izzy, stop!" Zipp called out, but then Izzy levitated the blanket from the couch. "Whoa!" Zipp called out as she hit the blanket and crashed into the ground. Izzy ran the other way, while Zipp got her head out and groaned at the unicorn.

The rest watched from upstairs in fear for Izzy, but Tails could not kept watching as he growled. "That's it! I watched enough!" he exclaimed, as he jumped from the second floor, which caused the ponies to gasp, but Sonic and Knuckles to gulp nervously, since making Tails mad was a sign to be scared.

Izzy then came to her Unicycling spot, with all her supplies she made with her unicycling skills, and wrapped some sort of present in a box with a ribbon.

"End of the line, Izz!" Zipp called out with a frown from behind her, as Izzy looked at her sweating. "Nowhere left to trot! We can do this the easy way or the—" she tried to say, but she could not finish since someone got in front of her.

Tails stood there, extending his arms to block Zipp's way. "Stop it!" he yelled.

"Tails?! What are you doing!?” Zipp questioned.

"Stopping you before you do something you regret!" Tails replied with a frown. "I get that you want to find your glasses, but why blame your friends from all the... ponies?!" he questioned.

"B-Because... I...! I don't know..." Zipp admitted finally, as she calmed down.

Tails sighed in both relieve and tiredness, then he looked over to Izzy. "I hope you finished that thing already, Izzy, or else someone's gonna get hurt" he pointed out.

Izzy nodded with a smile, and then got close to Zipp. "Here you go, Zipp! I hope you like it!" she said with a smile.

Zipp was a little shocked as she grabbed the box. "Buh... For me?" she asked, as Izzy smiled at her. Zipp opened the box and gasped in amazement at the gift. It is revealed to be a pair of techno goggles called Z-Goggles, that had details that matched Zipp’s colors. Zipp picked them up in amazement and putted them on. "Whoa...!" she said as she saw the goggles have a night vision and looked at Tails and Izzy, then ultra light vision as she could see their body heat and hearts, and then x-ray vision as she saw their skeletons. "Incredible!" she said in amazement.

"I didn't take your sunglasses, Zipp. I swear" Izzy told her, as Zipp took the goggles off. "I was taking your measurements so I could make these for you!" she explained with a smile, and then looked at Tails. "And, well, he help with that" she added as she smiled at the fox.

"Yup!" Tails admitted. "Izzy told me how much she wanted to give you something that could make your job as a detective more interesting, so I came with the idea of the googles" he explained. "I just putted the advanced stuff, but the design and the goggles in general? That was totally Izzy's creation!" he finished with a smile.

"And any good detective has super fancy gadgets" Izzy added.

Zipp then hugged both Izzy and Tails, thankful for the gift they made to her. "Oh! Thanks, guys!" she said, and then putted on the goggles as she looked around the Brighthouse. Izzy and Tails smiled at Zipp's hype for her new gadget. She looked first around the the living room, then moved to the kitchen and turned the X-Ray on while saw through the cabinets. Then she picked up an apple from the basket, only to see a worm inside eating the apple. "Ewww, gross" she cringed in disgust, and then dropped the apple.

And then Zipp, Izzy and Tails returned to the bedroom with the others as Zipp trotted around and then jumped on her bed with a smile. "Best gift ever! Izzy, Tails, I love them!" she cheered, but then slipped on the messy paper on her bed and fell into it. She tried to get up, but when she placed her hoof on her pillow, she heard a crunching sound. Curious about what that sound was, she lifted the pillow up and found her sunglasses, now broken in half straight through the middle.

Zipp took off the goggles and laughed nervously. "Guess I found them..." she said in embarrassment. "Sorry" she apologized to her friends for all the commotion she made.

The rest looked at Zipp both shocked and confused. "I can fix those!" Izzy said with a cheerful tone.

Tails, however, facepalmed on disbelief. "Are you serious?!"

"Ugh!" Pipp grunted in frustration, as she starts to walk away.

"Amateur" Hitch said with a bored expression, walking away as well.

"You've gotta be kidding me" Sunny stated with boredom and a frown.

"What a waste of time" Sonic said with sarcasm and walked alongside Pipp.

"This was not worth to wake up!" Knuckles complained, since he could be sleeping right now.

Izzy decided to follow the rest, and Tails just followed his friends as well with a bored expression.

Zipp looked at them with a sheepish smile on her bed. "Uh, b-but that was fun, right? Right?" she asked them, but got no response. "Ugh" she groaned and placed a hoof over her head, realizing that she really was dramatic over her sunglasses.


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