• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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78. The Rise and Fall - Part 1

On a camera, Opaline started her own livestream to make an announcement.

Hopefully this has nothing to do with Shadow messing with somebody's wife, right? ...Right?

Well, that lame joke aside, Opaline looked at the camera with a sinister smile while wearing a dark crown, a long purple cape that's gonna get her killed 'cause capes are more dangerous than they seem, and a golden necklace that has the Mane 6's Cutie Marks but Sunny's.... Wait what?!

Uh... Did we just woke up in the wrong timeline or something? A-Anyways. Opaline started to laugh maniacally, just for her to cough and then step back while rubbing her throat with a hoof.

"Start again," Opaline said, which made the camera turn on.

In a new video, Opaline looked at the camera again and still with a sinister smile.

"It's me, Opal––" She was cut off when she fling her cape, but it flew around and smack her on the face, "Oof!"

In the next video, Opaline lifted her hoof up while blue flames came out of it, as she kept smiling sinisterly.

"Bow to me, Equestria! Nopony can stop me!" Opaline announced, while flames burst from behind her as she began to laugh like a maniac.

However, when she turned around, she panicked, because her cape was on fire from the one that burst behind her. She scream in panic and then ran around, while the raccoonicorn that's holding her phone to record watched her go, as she tried to extinct the fire on her cape.

The next video is just Opaline burping and covering her mouth with embarrassment.

Next video again, Opaline walked up to the camera with a smirk.

"The time has come for you poonies to bow to––" Opaline tried to say, radiating a sinister look while getting close to the camera, but then the raccoonicorn gave off giggles, confusing her and making her frown. "What's so funny?!"

The raccoonicorn got nervous, so it quickly turned around Opaline's phone and showed her the recording. "––you poonies to bow to––"

Now understanding why the raccoonicorn laughed, she started to laugh as well. "It's quite funny! 'Poonies'!" She said with tears of joy and kept laughing... Should I feel worried she's having fun? I probably should...

At Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven was walking around the throne room.

Suddenly, though, her phone chimed, so she took it out to notice a new notification. "Oh! A message!" She said, then opened it to see what it is.

"Do I know you?" Posey questioned with a brow as she got the same message on her phone.

"Who's this?" Thunder asked confused, looking at his phone.

"New message?" Zoom asked, looking at her phone as well.

One by one, basically every pony in Equestria looked at their phones to see a message on it. Even some critters got the message on their phones.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny also got the message, but she was deeply concerned.

"Oh, no. This can't be good," Sunny said with worry.

"Hello, ponies," Opaline said as she turned and fling her mane while waving her hoof.

At the Sheriff Station, Hitch saw the message as well with panic.

"Don't look! It's the evil Alicorn again!" He cried out as he covered his eyes, while Amy and Rouge stared at him with disbelief, since they were in the station, watching the video as well.

"My gosh, Hitch..." Amy facepalmed with a growl.

"Man, your'e such a pus%& sometimes," Rouge deadpanned, although the second to last word was censored with a bip and the word 'SEGA' covering her mouth.

In Zephyr Heights, Pipp and Zipp saw the messages on their phones as well.

Pipp's reaction to it? She started to screamed in panic and fly around the room while Zipp watched her.

"Pipp, stop screaming!" Zipp said with a frown, then she put her phone into her ear. "I can't hear what she's saying!"

In Bridlewood, Izzy looked at her phone with a determined look.

"Oh, yeah?! Bring it, Opaline! You'll pay for taking Knuckie away!" Izzy challenged, putting her phone into her own face.

Opaline looked at the camera and shook her head with fake disappointment.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk. It's a shame that we're getting to know each other so late. But, you know, I have been ever so busy," Opaline said with a smirk. "There are an awful lot of you…"

"...pathetic little ponies in Equestria," Opaline narrated.

As she did so, we see Zephyr Heights and its Together Tree, where a portal opened up, showing Opaline coming through with a smirk, two tall adult dragons, and Tails and Knuckles. Both the dragons and he mobians where under Opaline's control thanks to a spell, and the Pegasi felt shocked and frighten by this.

"And even with the help of my new dragon and mobian friends, taking all of your Cutie Marks – well, it's been a full-time job," Opaline said, while magical tentacles launched towards the ponies.

One of said tentacles reached Thunder and removed his Cutie Mark, while Zoom watched with wide eyes and then ran away from one of the tentacles, leaving Thunder screaming for loosing his Cutie Mark.

In Bridlewood, Opaline and her mind-controlled minions came to as well.

The the magical tentacles that came out of the Wishing Tree started to grab the Unicorns Cutie Marks, and as Alphabittle ran to try and reach for one of them, another tentacle grabbed his Cutie Mark and took it away. When Alphabittle realized what just happened, it was already too late.

“Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Give that back!" Alphabittle ordered with a glare.

In Maretime Bay, Dahlia and Windy were running for their lives... And their Cutie Marks as well.

"Quick, Windy! Run!" Dahlia called out in panic.

"Oh, this is just terrifying!" Windy exclaimed.

The two ponies turned a corner, but then they stopped with panic, because right in front of them, Opaline stood with a sinister smile, then she lightened her horn and took Dahlia and Windy's Cutie Marks.

"No!" The two ponies cried out in concern and sorrow.

"I liked that cutie mark. Sad," Windy said and started to tear up.

Back in the present, Opaline kept broadcasting and terrifying the ponies across Equestria.

"Not only is all this Cutie Mark magic making me the most powerful Fire Alicorn of all time!" Opaline declared with a sinister look as fire came from behind her, before she pointed to her side. "They are really sprucing up the place."

The raccoonicorn turned the camera to where Opaline's pointing, and showed the Cutie Marks from the ponies of all Equestria Opaline stole from on the leaves and stems of the Together Tree in her castle. She's using them as prizes and as decorations for her place to look as nice as it can.

"We're doomed!" Dazzle cried out when she looked at her phone.

"Somepony stop her!" Onyx exclaimed while pointing at her phone with concern.

"She's awful!" Rufus said in fright.

Skye was crying at his phone after seeing the announcement from Opaline.

Sonic was back at the Starfall Islands with Eggman, Sage and Shadow.

They all where hearing and watching Opaline's livestream, standing in front of a Cyberspace portal and frowning at the realization that, ever since they left, Opaline has become stronger after stealing pretty much all the Cutie Marks in Equestria, now she's only missing Sunny's.

"Perhaps we shouldn't had left in the first place..." Shadow said with a frown and concern.

"No, it was the right call," Sage stated. "Now that Sonic controls his Cyber Corruption, we have a chance of 90% to defeat Opaline and return all the magic she has stolen before she explodes all her potential."

"If she even realizes it's there..." Eggman pointed out with a frown. "Sonic, you must hurry up to her Castle and give her a fight that'll make her regret everything, even taking Misty away from her actual family!"

"That's been the plan since the beginning, Egghead!" Sonic said with a smirk, then he looked at Sage with a slight frown. "You sure I can use Cyber Corruption against Opaline? 'Cause I'm going Super, not as my regular self."

"The plan will work, honest!" Sage nodded with a confident look. "Now hurry! I feel your friend Sunny is about to face her!"

"Right!" Sonic nodded. "Shadow, Eggman: The Chaos Emeralds! You got them?"

After asking this, Shadow brought out the Green, Yellow, Grey and Light Blue Emeralds, while Eggman did the same with the Red, Blue and Purple ones.

"You took your damn time with those trials, Hedgehog," Eggman mocked up with a smirk. "Makes you wonder if you truly are the Fastest thing alive or not!" He laughed

Sonic rolled his eyes and grabbed the Yellow Emerald from Shadow's hand, then lift it in the air and let it surround him. Next to this, the other six Emeralds flew from Eggman and Shadow's hands, also surrounding Sonic and then lifting him up in the air, where they entered into him and turned him into Super Sonic.

With this ready, Sonic grinned, then charged up Chaos Energy and boosted at the speed of light towards Opaline's Castle in Equestria, ready to take her down for good.

Back with the livestream, Opaline continued to speak through the camera.

"Now I must admit, there were a few of you that did put up teensy-weensy adorable little fights!" Opaline said with a small kitty smile, pretty much just making fun of those that put resistance on her.

In Maretime Bay, Hitch saw Opaline approaching him.

"No!" Hitch exclaimed with a frown, stomping his hoof down, using his Earth Pony magic to summon some vines around Opaline, "Stop right there!" He ordered, while the vines grabbed Opaline and lifted the Fire Alicorn up.

However, this didn't stopped Opaline, because she focused her magic on the vines to burn them down, and then she spread her wings with a roar, freeing herself from the vines before zapping Hitch's legs and tie them together, making him fall into the floor, while Hitch struggled to break free.

"Aah! Thief!" Hitch cried out, while Opaline walked up to him with a small smile and lit up her horn, stealing Hitch's Cutie Mark and making it fly out of his flank. "Ah! No!"

But just as Opaline was about to leave with her newly acquired Cutie Mark, something came from her left side and kicked her, and that same something made her lost Hitch's Cutie Mark.

The Cutie Mark rolled in the ground, until it was stopped by a red boot. Then, it was picked up by Amy, who held Hitch's Cutie Mark on her hand with a smirk, while Rouge landed at her side with a frown, since she's the one that kicked Opaline away with her feet.

Speaking of her, Opaline stood up with a growl and glared daggers at Amy and Rouge. "Give me back that Cutie Mark!"

"Why don't you come and get it, huh?" Amy challenged while rolling the Cutie Mark on her finger, also carrying her Piko Piko Hammer on her shoulder. "Or are you too afraid of loosing~?" She mocked up with a chuckle.

Opaline screamed in rage and launched against Amy and Rouge, both of them splitting up as they charged back at the Fire Alicorn. Amy slid under Opaline, while she looked confused at the pink hedgehog.

However, she had no time to think, because Amy hit her face with her hammer. Opaline groaned in pain, but then said pain incremented when Rouge came from up her and kicked her on her back and towards the ground, where she crashed and groaned in pain again.

Amy approached her and lifted up her hammer, but just when she was ready to slam it down on her, her hammer suddenly wasn't moving, and even if Amy tried to move it, it remained on it's place.

However, it wasn't until she tried to pull it away when she realized that Knuckles, being mind-controlled by Opaline, was grabbing her hammer and keeping it steady, which made her eyes widen, and she smiled sheepishly. Knuckles, however, simple moved his hand backwards and threw Amy away.

Still holding the hammer, Knuckles could sense that Rouge was heading towards him from behind, so he simply moved aside to let her go straight, then aimed the hammer at her, and then threw it.

Rouge couldn't see it coming, and so, the hammer hit her and made her fall in the ground, rolling painfully and groaning, while Amy did the same and landed near Hitch on her back, making him gasp concerned for her. Then, a red blur passed by, then moved away back to Opaline.

This red blur was none other than Knuckles, who took Hitch's Cutie Mark away from Amy and gave it to Opaline, as the Fire Alicorn grinned and took the Cutie Mark back, placing it on her golden necklace.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, the Unity Crystals vibrated because of a new failure.

At the same time, the yellow stripe of the rainbow faded away after Hitch's Cutie Mark was removed.

Opaline, the two mind controlled dragons and Tails then made it to Zephyr Heights at the old station.

There, Pipp flew around the three of them while vocalizing in fear of them. To this, however, Opaline just gave a bored expression, and Tails even began to charge a gun-net just in case this was a trap, although both him, the dragons and Opaline were getting irritated by Pipp nervous flight and vocalizing.

"Hey!" Zipp's voice called out, Making Opaline turn just to see Zipp fly in and wrap a tarp around Opaline, Tails and the two dragons, as she and Pipp grab each a side of the a rope and tried to trap them.

Yet this did nothing, because Opaline burned through the tarp, while Tails launched himself at top speed against the two sisters, making them gasp and fly away in panic and concern.

Tails managed to fly in front of them and block their way, smirking sinisterly and moving his index finger to them in a mocking way. Despite being a mind-controlled minion right now, a part of him still wants to resemble his big brother, even though he makes Sonic's taunts to mes with his own girlfriend and sister-in-law.

Zipp and Pipp got worried, but they still tried to run away by turning around. Unfortunately, Tails used his powers to create a gun, and with said gun, he shoot a net to them, tying the sisters together.

"Aah!" Zipp yelped as soon as she and Pipp fell to the floor.

"Aah! Hey!" Pipp cried out, but thanks to Tails' move, Opaline stole hers and Zipp's Cutie Marks, extracting them away from their flanks. "That's mine!"

"Give that back!" Zipp called with a glare at Opaline.

"I'll take these!" Opaline said with a smirk, as she levitated the sister's Cutie Marks to her necklace and place them in the middle, right above Hitch's.

Back at the Brighthouse, the Unity Crystals shook again, this time with the white and pink stripes fading.

In Bridlewood, Izzy levitated some tomatoes at Opaline.

"Take that! And that!" Izzy exclaimed, as she threw the tomatoes at Opaline, getting hit with a couple. "And this!" She threw more tomatoes at her.

Opaline managed to use her magic to block the tomatoes, but she eventually ran out of patience, so she roared in rage and extracted Izzy's Cutie Mark. However, and unlike many would expect, the Unicorn didn't seemed worried in the slightest. Instead, she continued smirking.

"Ooh, you want that, do ya?" Izzy taunted, while Opaline got Izzy's Mark to her hoof, but then was shocked when she saw that it was a fake. "Hah! Well, that's not even the real one!" Izzy then jumped into her scooter and put on her helmet. "Not today, Opaline! Not today!" She drove off, leaving Opaline sneering in anger.

Yet as Izzy tried to run away, something came from below the ground and hit the scooter, sending her flying away from her cart, and then getting tied by Opaline.

The one that hit her cart was Knuckles, still mind-controlled by Opaline, and upon seeing that the one that caused her doom was the very same echidna she loved with her soul, Izzy began to tear up. And then, Opaline used her magic to steal Izzy's Cutie Mark away from her flank.

"Oh. I guess maybe today..." Izzy said sadly, watching her Cutie Mark flying to Opaline with teary eyes.

In the Brighthouse, the Unity Crystals shook again, and the rainbow lost the purple strike.

In Zephyr Heights, Misty faced Opaline at the Together Tree, with the two ponies glaring at each other.

"I earned that Cutie Mark through true friendship, Opaline!" Misty said with anger, a feeling that Opaline returned with a glare towards her once adopted daughter. "You can't take it from me!"

Yet this seemed to be nothing but a foolish attempt, because Tails once again used his net-gun and shoot at Misty, tying her hooves together and making her loose her balance.

Misty fell with a thud in the ground, then Tails created a Zero gravity device, pointed it at Misty and 'levitated' her towards himself and Opaline. Misty felt devastated and shocked at the fact that Tails was completely under Opaline's spell, while Tails himself didn't seemed to mind hurting her. At all.

Opaline, on the other hand, laughed with glee at the scene. "Oh, Misty. Really?" She asked in amusement, before she take Misty's Cutie Mark from her flank. "Aren't you a little old to believe in fairy tales?"

After mocking the unicorn with a sinister smile, Opaline put Misty's Cutie Mark in her amulet, creating a new spot right below Hitch's Cutie Mark.

Back in the present, Opaline showed off the 5 Cutie Marks on her amulet with pride.

"And now only one little Alicorn and that stinky blue rat stand between me and total domination!" Opaline finished with a crazed sinister look, spreading her wings and making them glow for the camera.

"Looking for me, Opaline?" Sunny’s voice spoke, which surprised Opaline as she turned and saw her on her Alicorn form. This also made the raccoonicorn to cheer for Sunny, dropping the phone in the process as it landed on the rock, somehow still livestreaming the whole thing.

"Ah, Sunny. There you are," Opaline said with a smirk. "Where's that blue rodent you care for so much as your brother? I've been dying for a rematch! Or are you here to save the little fox man and that red dumbass? Can't believe Tails once managed to defeat me, and now look at him! He has turned into a wonderful, little minion that obeys my every command!"

In Maretime Bay, Amy and Hitch frowned after Opaline called Knuckles a dumbass.

"That stupid witch!" Amy cursed her with anger. She was also mad for Tails falling into Opaline's claws, since - as the Alicorn herself said - he was the one that previously defeated Opaline from succeeding with the Metal Virus.

"Sunny, hit her hard!" Hitch said madly, and even if Sunny couldn't hear him, he has a feeling that she will kick Opaline's flank hard enough anyways.

In Bridlewood, Izzy stared in anger at Opaline for what she said to Knuckles.

"You'll pay for taking him away, you moron!" Izzy said in anger, although some tears dared to come out of her eyes.

Finally, In Zephyr Heights, Zipp was resisting the urge of crying as much as she could.

Watching her boyfriend falling into that damn Alicorn's hooves was horrible as it already sounds, but the fact that Opaline seems to enjoy what she's doing to him is what hurts her, and Pipp could see this, so she hugged her sister for comfort. After all, Sonic has fallen into a villain's control before as well, so she understands.

Misty, however, seemed really hateful towards Opaline, and she was hoping that Sonic would arrive soon and put Opaline in her place. She never wanted Opaline more gone as much as she wants it now.

Back in the castle, Sunny glared in anger at Opaline and her mockery towards Sonic, Tails and Knuckles.

"I'm here to take you down, Opaline! Even if I fail in the attempt!" Sunny declared with a determinate look.

Despite surprised, Opaline grinned and lightened her horn. "This is going to be fun!"

She then laughed, and next, she blasted her horn at Sunny, who yelped before quickly create a magic shield to protect herself, even though she was pushed back. Still, she yelped again as she dodged another blast from Opaline, and then the two Alicorns began to fly around, as if they were playing the 'Cat & Mouse' game.

Sunny kept either dodging all the blasts from Opaline or protecting herself from them with shields. However, since Opaline was getting too close, she choose to fly away to keep her distance.

"Oh, please! You still think you can defeat me? Hah!" Opaline mocked up, then fired a beam at her, but Sunny quickly blocked it with her shield. "Even when I have all the Cutie Mark magic?" She then fired another beam at her, which Sunny once again blocked before flying away. "You know, for an Alicorn, you really aren't very clever!" She mocked, then blasted at her again.

Sunny blocked her attack once more, then frowned at the Fire Alicorn. "All I know is that I have to try!" She then began to fly around her, although she was also panting exhausted. "You may be able to take my Cutie Mark, Opaline," She started, then Opaline fired again, making Sunny strain and barely create a new shield. "But you can never take what makes me... ME!"

"Is that right?" Opaline questioned with a smirk, while Sunny charged at her with a yell, but then Opaline moved aside and surprise attacked her, tying her hooves together. "Watch me!" Opaline laughed like a maniac, then lightened her horn up.

"No!" Sunny exclaimed, but it was too late: Opaline removed her Cutie Mark and took it away.

At the Brighthouse, the Crystals shook greatly once more... But they weren't recovering this time.

Then, the rainbow light faded away, and then the Crystals fell to the floor, marking Opaline's victory... Unless!

Back at the Castle, Sunny fell on the ground with a thud, loosing her Alicorn form, while Opaline kept grinning.

The rest of the Mane 6, Amy and Rouge all reacted in panic at Sunny's defeat.

To make it even worse, everypony in Equestria saw this as well: From Maretime Bay, to Bridlewood, to Zephyr Heights... Everyone knew that Opaline has defeated the only Alicorn they had at their side, and they also knew that all magic in Equestria was now lost into Opaline's hooves... UNLESS!!!

Back in the castle, Opaline kept grinning, and she was already floating Sunny's Cutie Mark to her amulet...

However, just when it was about to attach, a yellow blur passed by and snatched the Cutie Mark away. This made Opaline blink a few times, before shaking her head and realize what happened.

"What the... The Cutie Mark... W-Where the hell did it go?!" Opaline asked, confused and starting to enrage again.

"Looking for something, Queen of Targaryen?" A male, cocky voice spoke, and Opaline's eyes widened, but then she growled in anger, then she turned and saw Sonic on his super form, floating a few meters away from her with a cocky smirk and his arms crossed.

Sunny gasped with a smile after seeing that Sonic has finally arrived. "Sonic!" She cheered.

"You!" Opaline growled to the Golden Hedgehog.

"Who else? The man behind the slaughter? Rack your brain, witch! You can't seriously forget the guy that kicked your flank in this same castle not so long ago!" Sonic mocked up, still with his cocky grin.

"I'm gonna erase that grin of yours!" Opaline threatened, but Sonic didn't felt anything by hearing her. "Now give me back the Cutie Mark I just stole!"

Yet Sonic pointed his index finger at her and moved it side to side. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. That's not how things work when I'm around, Opaline," He declared confidently. "You already had your fun stealing Cutie Marks... Now we play my way!"

With that being said, Sonic opened his other hand and showed Sunny's Cutie Mark, but then he snapped his fingers with said hand and the Cutie Mark disappeared. However, it didn't took long for Sunny herself to look at her flank, and then gasp with a smile and sparkling eyes when she saw her Cutie Mark back on place.

This also restored her Alicorn Form, and so, she took flight and stood right besides Sonic, both of them facing Opaline with grins, and Sonic even crossed his arms again to stand his territory.

"What?! No! How did you do it?!" Opaline asked Sonic in shock and anger.

"Oh, that's pretty simple: Your magic is not that impressive nor powerful," Sonic mocked up with a grin. "After all, your fire is extending over a giant birthday cake!"

"Now we only have to blow the candles!" Sunny mocked up next.

Opaline growled in anger after hearing all of this. "Minions! Destroy them!" She ordered.

With that being said, the two dragons, Tails and Knuckles charged against them, but since they were attacking from their backs, Sonic only had to look over his shoulder and shrunk his left eye to let go a Chaos Energy wave that reached the dragons and Mobians minds, freeing them from Opaline's control.

The dragons fell to the ground with loud thuds and dizzy expressions, while Tails and Knuckles fell face-first on the floor, before they both groaned and eventually stood up confused.

"Uh... Where the heck are we? And how did we got here?" Tails asked confused.

"I had the weirdest dream..." Knuckles said while rubbing his head, but then looked around with wide eyes. "Ah, crap, it wasn't a dream!"

Sunny was surprised after seeing this, then she looked at Sonic. "How did you do that?!"

"You really thought I'll come to save your flank without preparing myself?" Sonic asked her with a mocking smirk. "I'm a box full of surprises!" He winked at her.

Seeing that her mind-controlled minions were free, and that Sonic was quite powerful as Super Sonic, Opaline shouted loudly in rage. "That's it! You're going down, bastard! I desperately need to wipe that smirk of yours away, then I'll steal her Cutie Mark again, and then I'll––"

"Oh, shut up already and fight, you damn witch!" Knuckles interrupted her. "We don't care about your motives, we just want to see Dragon Ball-styled battles!"

"For once, I agree with Knuckles," Tails deadpanned, before frowning. "Now wipe her ass!"

"Well, you heard the public!" Sonic said with a grin, before suddenly frowning, teleport in front of Opaline, and then one-punch her towards the air, making her traverse the ceiling. "Let's finish this off in MY territory!"

With that being said, Sonic boosted to the sky through the already made hole in the ceiling, while Sunny followed him as fast as she could, leaving two confused dragons behind, as well as a astonished Tails and a deadpanning Knuckles, who rubbed his nose a bit for some reason.

"...You got the camera?" Knuckles suddenly asked Tails.

"Right here!" Tails grinned, lifting up Opaline's phone, then using his powers to attach a drone to it.

After that, Tails let the drone go, as it took flight and followed Sonic, Sunny and Opaline towards the sky, as it prepared to record the final battle between the villain and the two heroes.

Opaline was screaming as she was flying out of control into the skies.

However, it didn't took her long to regain her composure, flap her wings and shake her head, but she also rubbed her chin since that's where Sonic hit her. Speaking of him, both the golden blur and Sunny arrived, and the three unaware of this, the drone with Opaline's phone still recording the battle also arrived.


Opaline growled in anger as she stared at Sonic and Sunny. "You two have caused me enough trouble! If this fight is the only way I'll get that Cutie Mark, then so. Be. IT!"

"Bring it on, Arcana!" Sonic challenged with a smirk, while Sunny grinned as well.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

Opaline groaned annoyed and launched herself against Sonic and Sunny. Sonic didn't thought twice and launched himself as well. Opaline fired a blast to him, but Sonic passed thought it and then punched Opaline.

I've been here waiting for the longest time
I can't believe it's real

She was sent backwards and groaning in pain, a pain that increased when Sunny came from below and kicked her face with an air backflip. Opaline growled and started to blast against Sunny again, but the younger Alicorn has learned from her previous battle that dodging and clocking Opaline's attacks is not enough.

So, with s grin, Sunny simply blocked the first two blasts, then dodged the third one, and then charged her own blast that Opaline didn't dodged, because she never expected Sunny to fight back.

You lose the battles that you never fight
Can't hide from what you feel

Still, Opaline grit her teeth and blasted against her once more, but this time, Sonic came in the middle and shielded his sister with his own body. Once Opaline gave up with that attack, however, her eyes widened when Sonic and Sunny were not at sight, but then she yelped when somepony grabbed her from her tail.

Sonic did so, then he began to twirl her around with a grin, and after 8 spins, he let her go, making her crash on a mountain with a loud thud that made the ground rumble, because the mountain cracked.

(Come on!) No more compromise, this is do or die
And now you've crossed the line
You'll wake the beast inside

However, the reason why the mountain cracked is not only because of Sonic throwing Opaline away, but also because Opaline herself was levitating the upper part of the mountain and ripping it apart. Then, we see her enraged, and with a warrior cry, she split the mountain in pieces and launched it against Sonic and Sunny.

Both Sonic and Sunny gasped, but then Sunny reminded that she has trained with Knuckles before with similar objects, so she smirked and launched herself against the attack, surprising Sonic a lot.

No more compromise, this is do or die
I'll warn you one last time
You'll wake the beast inside!

Sunny used her horn to blast the pieces of the mountain in her way and turned them into small gems, golden rings, confetti, pink glitter and even pillows, all things that couldn't harm anyone. Sonic was impressed that she used her magic in the opposite way Opaline does, but he still smiled.

And, not wanting to stay behind, Sonic boosted ahead and began to use the Cyloop into the mountain rubble, making it explode in the air while allowing clearing more path for him and Sunny.

However, this seemed to enrage Opaline even further, so she levitated some rubble surrounding her and then burned it in fire, followed by shaping the rubble into literal daggers that she threw in a row against the heroes. Sonic and Sunny, however, grinned even more, and they boosted ahead towards the daggers.

Sonic's body was fully protected thanks to Chaos Energy, which is why the daggers had no effect on him and melted when touching him. Meanwhile, Sunny used her magic to turn the daggers into harmless objects.

Opaline shouted in rage, then flew straight to Sonic and almost punched him, but Sonic got away in the last minute. Too bad Sunny didn't had the same luck, because Opaline blasted a fire blast at her, one Sunny could barely dodge by covering herself in a magic shield of her own.

You'll wake the beast inside!

Sonic frowned upon this, so he quickly teleported behind Opaline and punched her back, sending her downwards. However, Opaline stomped in the ground and boosted back to the sky.

This shocked Sonic, but he frowned and moved aside, letting her keep going straight up. Then, Sonic flew at her and grabbed her from her tails, pulling her down and then using his Phantom Rush to hit her multiple times at Super Sonic speed, not even letting her defend herself nor fight back at all.

However, Opaline didn't had time for games, so she blasted him away once more. However, she never saw Sunny coming, who suddenly grabbed her from her neck and tried to tight her grip on her.

You'll wake the beast inside!

Surprised by this, Opaline began to swing around like a maniac mid-air, until she finally managed to get Sunny off. She also blasted a bunch of fire daggers against both Sonic and Sunny. However, the siblings noticed this, so they both used their powers to create a shield around them.

This not only protected them from the daggers that Opaline was throwing at them, but it was also a great defense against her next two fire blasts, the second one making it as she flew closer to them.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

Seeing her so close made them split up, but it also made Sonic run out of patience. So, he decided to level up his game: His right hand was suddenly covered by Cyber Energy, but he was under control. He made the energy surround his entire body, and then, he released a massive expansion wave of Cyber Energy.

When the wave dissipated, he had a new form: His quills and arms got similar marks to Shadow's, but they were glitching, and so were his shoes and gloves; he was now surround by a red aura, and his eyes were cyan blue.

As simple as it looked, it is more powerful and chaotic than regular Super Sonic: It was Super Sonic 2.

With his transformation completed, Sonic looked at Opaline with a serious and cold expression. His grin and cockiness were gone, but his mission remained the same: Stop Opaline for good and restore all the magic of Equestria. He looked at the Fire Alicorn, then pointed at her, then raised two while provoking her to come at him.

So break through it all and don't look down
You won't fade out, 'cause the fire in you never dies

This enraged Opaline a lot, and without hesitation, she headed towards Sonic while blasting her magic again. However, Sonic simply moved his hand to the side, sending the attack in said direction like nothing.

It comes around to light the flame
They'll know your name, burned into their memory

Opaline did got surprised after seeing this, but she refused to fall just yet, so she launched herself against Sonic with a warrior cry. However, Sunny first appeared in front of her and launched a beam of light, one Opaline could not dodge as she was hit, hurt and blurred by the attack, all in a matter of seconds.

(So break through it all)
Don't stop, we're on a mission
Overdriving over all the competition
Counting up the damage when it's done

After that, Sonic crossed his arms and waited for Opaline to be closer. When she did, Sonic's eye looked at her, and in just an instant, he moved so fast that he not only hit her several times, but he also sent her across the sky, then she crashed against the ground painfully.

Opaline lay painfully over the ground, while Sonic kept his arms crossed and gave her his back, but then he looked at her over his shoulder with a very cold expression.

(So break through it all)
We can't pretend to listen
Sorry if it puts you in an imposition
We won't stop until the battle’s won

Opaline tried to stand up and fight back, but before she could even do so, Sunny suddenly appeared and blasted her back into he air with her own magic beam. This made Opaline grunt in pain again, but then, Sonic used the Quick Cyloop around her, making several golden chains hold her still on her place.

Then, Sonic started to use several attack for a combo: Cross Slash, Cyclone Kick, Spin Slash, Homing Shoot, Loop Kick, and finally a Stomp Attack, making a lot of damage to the Fire Alicorn, who roared loudly in rage.

What goes around comes back around again

But Sonic was not done, because he then snapped his fingers, and then a massive laser came from the sky that hit Opaline and sent her downwards. There, Sunny charged against Opaline again by charging up another laser beam of her magic, then shoot it without hesitation.

Opaline screamed loudly in rage and panic. But then, Sunny teleported in front of her, and then shoot a beam that divided and then hit her several times in different zones.

And if we don't come down, we'll be lost in the wind

Opaline once again screamed, this time in pain, then she was sent towards Sonic, who used his phantom Rush to create copies of himself and hit her even more. Then, with a snap, all his copies were gone, then Sonic himself charged Chaos Energy on his right fist and hit Opaline down, sending her back to her castle.

The Fire Alicorn traverse the ceiling again, laying painfully on the ground after Sonic's punch. She barely noticed that the dragons, Tails and Knuckles were not here anymore. Not that she cared, anyways.

(What goes around comes back around again)
I know that we will find our way
We'll do whatever it will take

Soon enough, Sonic and Sunny both landed in her castle, stomping loudly their feet/hooves in the ground and making a green trial of magic come out of them. This is because Sunny's using her Earth Pony magic and Sonic his Ivy Power to make some vines grow behind Opaline and then suddenly grab her.

"Agh!" Opaline cried out in panic, but then said panic incremented when another vine growed and grabbed her Cutie Mark away from her flank. "NO! My My mark! My power!"

She extended her hoof in a desperate attempt to reach her Cutie Mark and get it back, but it has already been taken away and dragged by a vine, deep inside of the Together Tree of her castle.

(And if we don't come down, we'll be lost in the wind)
And if we never reach the crown
We'll take the whole thing down

"Your reign of terror ends here, Arcana!" Sonic said with anger, then he snapped his finger while at the exact same time Sunny shoot with her magic at the leaves that had all those Cutie Marks.

Doing this free'd the Cutie Marks, as they all began to fly back to their respective owners. Meanwhile, Sonic snapped his fingers one last time, melting Opaline's amulet and freeing the rest of the Mane 6's Cutie Marks so they could also go back to their respective owners.

Meanwhile, the roots that got Opaline began to drag her inside her tree, making her scream, but right before getting completely dragged, she hold into the tree and glared daggers at Sonic and Sunny.

"This... isn't... over!" Opaline declared in rage. "I will come back! I always come back!"

"You're not William Afton, witch," Sonic said calmly, although conserving his frown. "That phrase doesn't work for you."

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

With that being said, they stomped their feet/hooves in the ground again, making the roots drag Opaline deep into the tree and bury her entirely, then the tree itself closed, which made Sonic and Sunny boost around the castle and tear it entirely down, then leave at top speed from there, as the castle collapsed behind them.

Meanwhile, all around Equestria, each of the Together Trees released the Cutie Marks.

Each one flew back to their respective owners, making the ponies smile in joy and glee that Opaline's defeated.

At the same time, each of the rest of the Mane 6's Cutie Marks flew back to their owners, each of them smiling in joy, since they have their Cutie Marks back. They're also happy to know that Opaline was defeated.

Sonic and Sunny were flying over the Brighthouse with smiles.

Sonic's new form disappeared and returned him to the previous Super state, as he and Sunny appreciated the Equestria they just saved... At least for a few seconds, before the environment suddenly began to turn purple, which confused them both.

"You didn't thought this is over, did you?" A sinister voice mixing male and female tones spoke, sending a shiver down Sonic's spine.

"Ah, crap..." Sonic muttered, as both him and Sunny turned to see a giant purple moon descending from the sky, while a maniac laugh echoed across all Equestria, indicating this wasn't over...

And then, the entire vision finishes to show a crystal ball over a table.

We also see Sonic and Sunny in one side of said table, while Knuckles is at the other side, wearing a black cape that's covering his look for some reason.

And then, Sonic looks at Knuckles with a confused look. "Knux... What the hell was that?!"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know, none of you have an idea of what the hell just happened.

That's because this is a two parter, and my intention was always to leave you all completely confused in the first part. Why? Well, I know some of you are not happy with my decision of not adapting Chapter 6 (some have been really annoying about this, even).

That being said, I do wanted to write down "The Rise and Fall", but considering that's very Chapter 6-sy, I knew I had to find a way into explaining why and how is it canon to my story... So here we are!

Now, what's the purpose of this two-parter? To show you a "What if" scenario of what would've I done if I did made Chapter 6. How? Well, Knuckles' gonna explain that next chapter better, but let's just say I'm using fragments of what I did for Project Endgame in here. In fact, some stuff I just shown could've be considered spoilers, but since you don't know what happens and what don't, I'll just leave it as a "possible future that won't happen if you have read this story so far".

So yeah, these two episodes are gonna show what I could've done with Chapter 6 if I adapted it. I hope it is enough to feed your hunger of Chapter 6 from my part!

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the second part. Bye! :twilightsmile:

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