• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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14. Alicorn Issues

"Whoo!" Izzy cheered as her friends came to her and Sonic to celebrate T.U.E.S. Day together.

"Hey! Ho!" the Mane 5 and Sonic sang when they went for a hike in the woods to spend some time together.

"... Cause I get to work with you!" the Mane 5 and Sonic sang together as they worked together to finish up the Crystal Brighthouse.

"Besties!" Pipp cheered as she and the others huddle together for a group picture.

Then several images of the Mane 5 Cutie Marks shining pass by, being unnoticed by them.

In the bedroom of the Brighthouse, the girls and Team Sonic were sleeping peacefully.

But suddenly Sunny, who was still sleeping and had her mane a little messy, started to glow and levitate from the bed.

Sonic, Tails, Izzy and Zipp woke up from the glow and were shocked to see Sunny floating in the air as the magic sparkled around Sunny and activated her Alicorn form, which shocked Sunny awake and caused glitter to fly around the room.

"Aaah!" Zipp yelled out in surprise as glitter hit her in the face and some on her bed. Izzy got the same outcome, as well as Sonic, but Tails ducked under the blanket to dodge the glitter. As for Pipp, she got some over her mane and her bed, and Knuckles was sleeping with his mouth open, so... some glitter ended on his mouth as well.

Sunny looked on in shock at her alicorn magic activated, but then her wings and horn disappeared as soon as she looked at them and she fell into her bed, now covered in glitter.

Sunny groaned tiredly and rubbed her forehead. "What happened?" she asked tiredly, as she got up on her bed.

Tails came out from the blankets and flied towards her. "Your magic wings and horn came out of nowhere" he explained to her. "Literally" he added.

"You also exploded into a pile of…" Zipp tried to point to the glitter, but...

"Glitter!" Izzy cheered, seeing so much glitter as far as her eyes can see, feeling like she’s in paradise. "Glitter!" she cheered as she hugged a pile. "Glitter!" she scooped some in a jar. "Glitter!" she went to Pipp’s bed and grabbed some glitter and tossed some in the air.

"Man, cleaning this up is gonna be a mess" Sonic complained, as he cleaned some glitter from his body.

Pipp got up because of Izzy and got her head off the pile of glitter. "Don’t you guys know what time it is?" she asked tiredly, but then noticed the pile of glitter on her bed. "Wait, what?" she asked herself, and then noticed some glitter on her head and gasped in shock. "All this glitter is drying out my mane!" she cried out in panic.

Suddenly, Knuckles poked his head out of the pile of glitter of his bed and spat the glitter out of his mouth. "Why is there glitter in my mouth?!" he cried out with concern, and then noticed the whole room full of glitter. "Why is there glitter in the whole room in the first place?!" he yelled out with confusion.

"Sorry, everyone" Sunny apologized to her friends as Zipp, Pipp, Sonic and Knuckles came in front of her, while Pipp shook the glitter off her mane. "My Alicorn magic has a mind of its own, I can't control it" she explained with worry.

"Maybe you need a magic word?" Zipp suggested. "Something to help bring out your inner alicorn" she added with a smile.

"Ohh! How about a catchphrase?" Izzy said cheerfully, swimming in her pile of glitter. "Like, 'Wing it'! Or 'Let’s fly'!" s started to suggest, and then gave an exciting expression with sparkling eyes. "Oh, oh, oh! I know! 'Alicorn it up'!" she said, standing at Sunny's side, and then walked a bit away.

"Alicorn it up?" Sunny repeated with a confused look, but then her magic started to sparkle again, and her right wing growed and shone bright, as she and the rest sins Team Sonic looked with surprise.

"Good timing" Knuckles said with a little smile.

"That's incredibly convenient" Tails said with confusion.

"That's just lazy writing" Sonic said with a bored expression.

But once her wing settled, they were the size of a little filly wings and flapped rapidly.

Izzy got to Sunny's side and looked at her wings. "It might need some work" she snorted. "You’re not going to fly very far with those wings" she pointed, as she gave a raspberry while Sunny putted an unamused expression.

"Sshh" Zipp and Pipp shushed Izzy on not to make fun of her wings.

"Not helping, Izzy" Sonic said with a little frown.

Sunny, however, groaned with embarrassment of her wings. "Izzy’s right! I can’t help anypony like this!" she pointed out with a worried expression.

"Don’t worry, Sunny. All you need is a new look" Pipp said a little excited, as she flew around Sunny with sparkling eyes and placed her hooves around her. "A makeover fit for an alicorn" she added, while Sunny looked at Pipp with doubt.

"Before we do that, can we at least clean up first?" Sonic asked, as he pointed at the room still full of glitter.

"Since when you from all people care about cleanliness?" Knuckles asked as he looked at Sonic with confusion.

"Ever since I live here" Sonic confessed with a smirk, the looked at Tails. "Say, mind to help me out?" he asked to his younger brother.

"Usually, I'm the one asking, but okey! Let's do it!" Tails cheered, as they both boosted and ran trough the whole room with boxes and jars, as they full them of glitter. Sonic putted the jars at Izzy's Unicycling spot, while Tails putted the boxes outside, to find a use to the remaining glitter later.

The rest sins Knuckles looked in awe at how clean the room was now that the glitter was cleaned up, as Sonic and Tails got back and looked around with pride.

"Wow, nice work guys!" Zipp complimented with a smile.

"Please, this was peace of cake thanks to Tails' help!" Sonic assured, as he putted an arm around Tails.

"Once we start to work together, nothing can defeat us!" Tails cheered.

"Running faster than sonic speed, get your tails right on the field!" Sonic and Tails made their handshake, finishing it with a fist bump.

"Now, Sunny-bunny, let's get that style of yours changed, or whatever Pipp said!" Sonic stated with a smile, as he looked at Sunny.

Later, at Mane Melody, Pipp took Sunny and the others to the salon to gave Sunny’s mane a new style.

"Ahh!" Sunny cried out as Pipp spin her around and placed her on a seat, with Sunny looking at the mirror.

Team Sonic, Izzy and Zipp watch from the sidelines as Pipp inspects Sunny’s mane while Jazz and Rocky look from behind them.

"We are going to need highlights, low lights, hoof glitter, hoof polish, a facial and a curl" Pipp listed out as she inspects every part of Sunny.

"You don’t mean…" Jazz said as Rocky looked at her.

"Oh, I do" Pipp answered, turning to Jazz and Rocky. "The works" she declared, as Jazz and Rock gasped.

One, two, three, four

Pipp starts to sing, holding a manecut machine, with Jazz holding a hoof polisher and Rocky holding a brush.

Bring that tail right through the door

Jazz hoofed polished Sunny’s right hoof with a pink sparkle.

Five, six, seven, eight
You're not leaving here 'til you feel great

Rocky placed some facial cream on Sunny and then putted some kiwis on her eyes. Pipp grabbed a brush, hold a manecutter and Jazz gave her a mirror while Rocky gave her the manedryer.

Shine bright, sparkle and glow
Flip that mane with a flow like "whoa!"

Pipp then use the four tools with all four hooves and assaulted Sunny's mane with her mane styling skills.

Vibe, you're on it
You're a brand new pony, so flaunt it

At the end, Pipp twirled Sunny around and finished her mane, giving her the same style she got on the Mane Melody's opening day.

Sunny looked at her mane in amazement as it sparkled a bit.

"And voila" Pipp said with a cheerful smile.

"I never thought I'll see the day where we pass from lazy writing to lazy drawing, but here we are!" Sonic said with a sarcastic tone, although everyone seemed to ignore it.

Sunny smiled at her mane style, but once again her magic started to act up and made her mane glow on a golden color, while Sunny started to float again, but this time with a smile.

Team Sonic, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp looked at Sunny with a smile, thinking that Sunny's magic must now be under control. But her mane growed a lot, and now her horn appeared too. As the light faded, the others gasped in shock to see Sunny’s new aspect.

"Uh. I don’t think it worked" Sunny called out.

"Man, wish I could understand magic, it would be a lot easier to help you with your problem, Sun" Tails said as he came closer to the alicorn.

"Aww, don't worry Tails, I'm pretty sure we'll discover how to control my powers" Sunny stated, and even if Tails could not see her, he knew she was smiling. "Somehow..." Sunny added.

Izzy trotted next to the two and inspected Sunny’s mane excited. "Whoa, Pipp" she said with awe and sparkling eyes. "You’re good. Do me next!" she cheered, since she wanted to have a longer mane too.

Sonic, Knuckles, Zipp and Pipp came to the rest as Pipp chuckled nervously. "Look on the bright side! At least the mane covers those tiny wings!" she pointed out as she moved some of Sunny’s mane to show those wings, who flapped briefly.

"Not helping, kiddo" Knuckles said with a bored expression.

Zipp shook her head, agreeing with Knuckles. "No. No. No. This is about more than a mane, it’s about inspiration" she said as she zipped around Sunny with a smile.

"I don't like where this is going" Sonic said with a neutral face.

"And nothing inspires quite like a little…" Zipp added, looking at Sunny with a grin.

A little while later, the group were now on the abandoned Canterlogic building. After the three tribes united, Phyllis closed the place down, and now the old factory was completely abandoned.

"... Danger" Zipp finished, as she introduced the obstacle course that she made to the others. The first part was three logs that are swinging back and forth, a little pole over a tub of green bubbly goop slime, and lastly the three hoops that head straight to the finish line. "A bit of danger will totally trigger your alicorn abilities" Zipp assured to Sunny with a smile.

"Uh... this looks excessive" Tails said, as he hid a little behind Sonic.

"Yeah, even I know this is a lot, and I love to do reckless stuff" Sonic admitted.

"I don’t know about this either, Zipp" Pipp said to her sister.

"Um. What am I looking at?" Sunny asked her friends, since her mane was covering her completely. Zipp moved Sunny's mane out of her eyesight and Sunny stared in freight at the obstacle course. "Are you sure? Because this looks…" Sunny was cut off by Izzy.

"Fun!" Izzy cheered with sparkling eyes.

"Impossible" Sunny corrected with a nervous smile.

"I guess we'll never know if we don't try... but I'm gonna bet this won't work" Knuckles said with a neutral expression.

"For once, I'm with Knuckles on this one" Sonic said with a worried look for Sunny.

"Pttss! She'll do great!" Zipp assured with confidence.

"Here. Let’s get that mane out of your face" Pipp said, and after a few minutes, Pipp styled Sunny’s mane to look like Phyllis', and now Sunny could look perfectly with her mane tied up. "There! Much bet…" Pipp tried to finish, but then she, Sunny and Tails - who helped to tie her mane - saw Izzy putting a stocking on a button at one side of Sunny’s mane. "It will do" Pipp said with a bored expression now.

"Ready…" Zipp called out, as she went next to Sunny. "Set… Go!" she finished, and then pushed Sunny to the obstacle.

Sunny screamed going through the obstacle, as she dodged the logs in a rush. Sonic, Tails and Pipp cringed, while Knuckles, Zipp and Izzy smiled. Sunny kept scream and tried to balance on the log over the green slime. But then she started to scream even more as everyone else looked with fright at the scene. Sunny hopped over the hoops covered in slime, and as she makes it past them, her left wing started to glow and grow into the normal size of Alicorn wings, but the right side stayed small, meaning that Sunny still can’t fly without both wings.

Sunny screamed and fell into the ground, as the rest came to her worried.

"Sunny! Are you all right?" Pipp asked, as she helped Sunny to got up, but then looked up at her mane covered in slime. "Your poor mane!" she cried out, then turned and glared at her sister. "Zipp. What were you thinking!?" she yelled at her.

"This is the best alicorn yet" Zipp smiled as she pointed out that Sunny is nearly complete to her alicorn form, as Sunny shook some slime from her left wing.

"Ah we just need better transformation words" Izzy suggested again. "How about 'Hooftastic-maneriffic-canterlogic-docious!'" she cried out.

"A new alicorn outfit would totally do the trick. Maybe a few accessories?" Pipp suggested as well.

Sunny watched her friends coming up with ideas, but she didn't felt too well, so walked away from the group, and no one seemed to notice it. No one, except for Tails, who looked at the exact moment she came out of the factory, and then he looked at the girls with a frown and growled.

At hearing the most calmed and reasonable from them growling, Sonic and Knuckles looked at each other in fright, since they knew things were going to heat up if Tails got mad.

"Maybe if I add fire to the obstacle course..." Zipp suggested, and that was what made the fox exploded.

"STOP IT, FOR THE SAKE OF CHAOS!!!" Tails shouted at the mares, while some smoke came out of his head and his face was red with anger, as he glared at the ponies.

The three mares immediately stopped and looked at Tails, both surprised and afraid, since they never though Tails from all the creatures would shout at them like that.

"They either die in the next few seconds or makes them feel like talking trash" Sonic whispered to Knuckles. "Either way, they're screwed" he added.

"Oh they totally are" Knuckles assured with fear.

"None of this things are helping!" Tails yelled again, this time a bit more calmed.

"B-But we were trying to help Sunny" Pipp tried to point out. "Maybe if we get her a new dress..." she tried to add, but...

"HOW?!" Tails shouted again. "How is some makeup, a deadly obstacle course and some stupid made up words going to help her with her problem?!" he asked, waiting for any of the mares to answer. "For what I've been told by you, she hasn't been able to control this form for a while, and instead of trying to do something to make her feel better, you did something that makes YOU feel better!" he pointed out. "Pipp, a dress and a new style can change her outside, but did you managed to make her feel better in the inside? NO! Because it's just make up! Izzy, you're funny, I'm not denying that, but not everything can be fixed with a catchphrase! And Zipp, Sonic gets his ass on danger every single week, and yet he hasn't done anything as dangerous as that obstacle course! You could have killed Sunny!" he pointed out to the three mares, as he started to take deep breaths.

There was silence for a moment. Sonic and Knuckles where weirdly quiet, while Zipp, Izzy and Pipp where both ashamed from their attitude towards Sunny, and scared towards Tails, although it seemed like he finally calmed down.

Izzy was the first one to talk from them after a while. "I-I'm sorry..." she said with a guilty tone, as the rest looked at her. "I guess I just tried to make her feel better instead of actually help..." she admitted with shame.

"I'm sorry too" Pipp said, not in a dramatic tone as usual, but in an actual ashamed tone. "I shouldn't have made up those styles since, well, she isn't me, of course that wasn't going to help..." she pointed out, as she looked at the ground.

"And I shouldn't have made the obstacle course at all" Zipp admitted with guilty. "I'm sorry" she said.

Tails seemed to finally be calm, as he softened his sight and looked at the mares. "I-Im' sorry too, for exploding like that... I'm usually the one who tries to calm the things down..." he said with embarrassment.

"Well, I'm glad things cooled down a bit..." Knuckles said, as he and Sonic arrived to Tails sides.

"Now the only thing we have to deal with..." Sonic started to said, as he stared at the exit. "... it's finding Sunny" he finished with a worried look and tone.

A little while later, Sunny was at the beach after she got the slime off of her, and looked at the ocean with a sad face.

Next to her, a little bit far, there were three foals making a sandcastle, while Hitch walked towards Sunny. One of the fillies was shoveling the sand, but then her shovel got out of her hoove and landed next to Hitch. He picked up the shovel and gave it back to the filly with a smile.

Hitch smile at those foals, then he saw Sunny over at the corner. "Aha" Hitch said with a smile, and then walked towards her.

Sunny got the rest of the slime of her mane. "That was a complete disaster" she said to herself, still feeling sad for not getting her magic under control.

"Figured I'd find you here" Hitch said to Sunny. "Knux told me what happened. You okay?" he asked her.

Sunny looked down and sighed. "Everypony else seems to be growing so fast. I just feel... stuck" she answered to him with a concerned look.

"You helped everypony believe in magic" Hitch said with a smile. "Now it's time to believe in your own magic, Sunny. In here" he added, placing a hoof on Sunny’s chest where her heart should be.

Sunny smiled at her best friend, feeling a little better. "Thanks, Hitch. If only it were that simple..." she said, but then something caught her attention. The two ponies saw a big wave coming to the beach, and then Sunny gasped in shock once she saw where the wave will hit. "Oh, no! The foals!" Sunny cried out, while the foals looked at the wave and were too scared to move in time.

Sunny and Hitch ran to get the foals out of the way, but Hitch hit a little hole in the sand that caused him to trip and fall into the sand. He got the sand off his face, but then gasped as the wave was coming closer.

"Come on, Sunny! You can do this! Those foals needs you!" she said, as she gave a determined look. She started to glow as her Cutie Mark sparkled and her alicorn form took form and her mane got fixed. Now Sunny got her full Alicorn form back and flew to the sky.

Hitch saw Sunny with an awed expression and sparkling eyes. Sunny came right in front of the foals and faced the wave, then focused her magic to her wings and blew them at the wave, which caused it to turn into a pile of glitter.

The fools looked at Sunny with amazement, and once she landed, she looked at herself with joy, now that she had her alicorn form under control. "I did it!" Sunny cheered as she laughed a bit. "Now if I can just figure out how to turn off the glitter..." she added sheepishly

"I knew you can do it, Sunny!" Hitch said in a muffled sound, trapped in a pile of glitter, while Sunny looked at him with a smile.


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