• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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15. Making a Foal of Me

On Mane Melody, Pipp came out from a room with four pineapple drinks for her and her friends. She took Sonic, Tails, Sunny, Hitch and Izzy to Mane Melody for a little facial treatment. Zipp and Knuckles didn’t join them because Zipp is known to not like makeovers and Knuckles felt he was 'too cool' for a facial treatment.

Pipp hummed happily while she brought the drinks. "Now I hope everyone is feeling nice and relaxed" she said with a smile, then took one of the drinks to give to her friends, but as she turned around, she saw Hitch... now as a foal.

Hitch started to talk - or something like that - while Pipp shrieked. "Aah! Hitch?!" she asked him, not believing what she was seeing.

She suddenly heard num-num sounds and turned to a salon chair. When the chair turned around, Sunny was nibbling a piece of kiwi, and was now a little filly.

"Sunny?!" Pipp gasped and asked. She heard somepony run past her and hear a thud, and when she turned she saw Izzy, as a little filly as well, on the ground with Cloudpuff as the two play over the spilled makeover that is on the floor. "Izzy!" Pipp cried out again. "What is going on?!" she asked herself, placing her hooves on her head.

But the thing didn't end there: now a blue blur passed around Mane Melody, as little giggles sounded over the place. Pipp looked around confused, but then the giggles stopped and Pipp looked down, just to find Sonic as a little baby. His skin was light-blue, his eyes were completely black and he wasn't wearing gloves, but he did had brown shoes.

"Sonic?!" Pipp cried out, as she looked at her crush turned now into a baby. Baby Sonic looked at Pipp with sparkling eyes, and immediately climbed on her back, tenderly embracing the pegasus's fur. Pipp blushed a little, but then she noticed that someone was on her dresser.

She got closer, and then gasped with sparkling eyes: Tails, turned on a baby as well, was sleeping tenderly with his tails around him. "Tails!" Pipp squealed, finding the scene of Baby Tails sleeping very cute.

But then she saw Filly Izzy still playing with the spilled makeover, so she focused back and picked her up. Foal Hitch was sitting on a salon chair with his sunglasses on, but when he tried to get down, the chair bounced from being reclined down, and sent Foal Hitch flying across the salon.

Pipp shrieked at this, putted Filly Izzy down and flew off to catch Foal Hitch before he got hurt. Once she catch him, Pipp sighed in relief that Hitch was okay.

But then she heard Filly Sunny cooing, and turned to saw her on the bin that Pipp brought over with the drinks and saw that Sunny somehow got a pineapple drink on her head while spilled some of the drinks and hit one with her hooves that had juice on them.

Pipp picked up Sunny and tried to understand why her friends were babies. "What. Is. Happening?!" she asked herself, while Baby Sonic was still on her back and Baby Tails kept sleeping.

A few minutes later, Pipp gathered her baby friends and placed them down in a bench. Filly Sunny still had the pineapple on her head while she doodles on a book with a pen as Foal Hitch watches her draw, while Baby Sonic stayed on her back and Baby Tails was still sleeping on Filly Izzy's side

Pipp covered the windows with the curtains, closing Mane Melody early so that nopony would see her friends as babies.

Pipp then took a depth breath and started to think. "No pony panic. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this" she said to herself, then looked at her baby friends as Filly Izzy and Sunny both played around Foal Hitch, who looked with a bored expression. Pipp took a breath and looked at Baby Sonic, who was hugging her back. "I just need a moment to think" she said to herself with a blush, and tried to think on what to do.

But Baby Sonic opened his eyes, and saw something that made him touch Pipp's fur. Pipp turned to see Baby Sonic, and he pointed to the bench where their friends should be, but once Pipp looked at it, only Baby Tails and the pineapple Filly Sunny had on her head was there, and the rest were gone.

"Who’s ready for a pamper party?!" Pipp’s voice spoke up, but Pipp didn't say it, it was a recording of her voice. Pipp turned to the stage and saw Foal Hitch playing around with the stage controls, while Filly Izzy was swinging back and forth on the disco ball with a smile.

And Filly Sunny was in a sink for washing manes mixing a lot of different colors of shampoo and conditioners on it, playing and giggling around the sink.

"No, no!" Pipp tried to get Filly Sunny off from the sink, but Filly Izzy swing by on the disco ball. "No!" Pipp cried out, and tried to get Filly Izzy down. Then she got back with a towel for Sunny, but saw the rainbow shampoo and conditioners have overflowed the sink and washed over to her, having the rainbow bubbles on her mane as she cooed at Pipp. "Cloudpuff, help!" she cried out, but then saw Cloudpuff got some make up over him, and then he ran away when he saw that Hitch was chasing after him. "Please!" Pipp begged. "If Zipp and Knuckles sees you like this, they’re going to be so…" she tries to get her baby friends to calm down, but...

"Pipp!" Zipp’s voice called out, causing Pipp to freeze as she turned and saw Zipp and Knuckles coming in through the door. They saw Filly Izzy still swinging on the disco ball, then Filly Sunny playing with the bubbles, then Foal Hitch and Pup Cloudpuff chasing each other, then Baby Tails sleeping on a bench and finally Baby Sonic on hugging Pipp's back.

"What in the sake of Chaos it's going on here?!" Knuckles asked in shock, looking at their friends as babies.

"Our friends are fillies!" Pipp cried out in panic, then Foal Hitch cleared his throat and Pipp looked at him, while Foal Hitch gave her a look. "And Foals!" she added, since Hitch was not a girl. And then Baby Sonic cleared his throat as well, and Pipp looked at him as Sonic gave her a glare. "And babies!" she added once again.

"Uh-huh" Zipp said, as she and Knuckles came to Pipp. "But how?!" she asked.

"It's this some magic thing that we have no explanation for?" Knuckles questioned, as he held Foal Hitch in his arms, giggling at the echidna.

Before Pipp could answer, Filly Sunny came passing by them on a chair. The three grown up looked in shock and worry at Filly Sunny. "Grab that filly!" Pipp called out as she and Zipp raced to catch Filly Sunny, while Knuckles stood with Foal Hitch.

Suddenly, the Equidna had an idea to keep Foal Hitch calm and he smiled. "So... wanna travel around on Knuckles-express?" he asked to the foal, as Foal Hitch cheered and Knuckles putted him on his head. "Hang on thigh!" he warned, and then Knuckles started to run slowly around, while Foal Hitch laughed and had fun.

Meanwhile, Filly Izzy was giggling as she made a draw of a unicorn on the wall, using kiwis as the eyes. Suddenly, Pipp grabbed Izzy before she could make a bigger mess.

And then we have Filly Sunny sliding around the place and laughing. She kept sliding and then saw that she was about to hit the glass cabinet that contained Pipp’s salon supplies. Sunny giggled, but then she was saved by Zipp at the last second, and she placed Sunny on the floor.

"Pipp! How did this happen!?" Zipp questioned.

"I don’t know!" Pipp panicked, not knowing how this even happened. Then she yelled out and ran off to grab Filly Izzy, who was climbing on the glass cabinet, trying to grab a couple of face cream. Pipp grabbed Filly Izzy, but as she putted her down, she started running off and Pipp chased to her. "I’m starting to lose it!" Pipp cried out, starting to loose her patience.

Sunny started to run alongside Izzy as well. However, the two fillies stopped when they saw Knuckles trowing Foal Hitch slightly into the air. The two fillies laughed and started to jump at Knuckles, meaning that they wanted to be trowed as well. Knuckles looked with doubt at first, but then sighed in defeat and grabbed the fillies, then he began to throw them in a juggling way, while the babies laughed and Knuckles looked with a bored expression.

Pipp saw this and panicked even more. "What are you doing?!" she questioned to the Equidna, worried that he might let them fall by accident.

"I don't like to do this either, kiddo, but it's keeping them entertained and in one place, so you better solve this before I start to get tired!" Knuckles pointed out.

"Alright, keep them like that" Zipp said, as she putted on her Z-Goggles and scanned the place to find anything that could work as a clue, but beside Knuckles juggling with the fillies and the foal, nothing was out of the ordinary. "Pipp, try to stay calm and just tell us what happened" Zipp said, as he took her Z-Goggles off and looked at her sister, who was still panicked for seeing her baby friends being juggled. "Every detail from the beginning" Zipp added.

"Okay" Pipp said as she calmed down a bit. "So, I invited everypony to Mane Melody for an amazing spa day, except Knuckles who rejected" she started, then stared at Knuckles with a little anger.

"I regret nothing!" Knuckles assured, as he kept juggling the fillies and foal around.

"And everypony was loving it! They were so relaxed. Everything was perfect!" Pipp kept explaining, as she remembered how everything was going great before they turned into babies.

Zipp then inspected the colored shampoo bubbles on the floor, taking a sniff and licking it. "Was it something they ate? Something they drink?" Zipp asked her sister, before turning to Pipp’s messy makeover supplies on a mirror table. "Something in this weird beauty stuff?" she asked, looking at the supplies.

"It is not weird!" Pipp corrected her sister, feeling insulted.

"Can you girls hurry?! I'm running out of ideas to entertain them!" Knuckles begged, now carrying the babies around the place on a homemade plane, as Hitch simulated to be driving and Sunny and Izzy giggled.

Just then, the three grown adults heard Cloudpuff barking at them. "Puppy Cloudpuff!" Pipp, Zipp and Knuckles said with sparkling eyes and smiles.

But then, Zipp snapped out of her adoring expression and realized something about Pup Cloudpuff "Wait" she called out and came close to Pup Cloudpuff. Zipp used a cotton swab to pick some glitter off of Pup Cloudpuff and inspects it. "What’s this?" she asked her sister.

"That?" Pipp asked. "Oh! It’s my all-new totally natural fabulous fruity face mask!" she answered with a smile.

"Okay... I'm not an expert, but should it be glowing? Pretty sure it shouldn't" Knuckles pointed out, since the glitter was glowing slightly.

Pipp saw this and then panicked. "Uh-oh" she said, now knowing why their friends turned into babies. "Well..." she added, then remembered her face mask was smelling horrible and she could not putted on her friends, so she grabbed a jar that had some of the glitter that came out of Sunny's magic and putted the glitter on the face mask.

"You put magic glitter in the face masks?" Zipp asked in disbelief, holding Filly Izzy and Filly Sunny holding on her hind leg, while Knuckles had Foal Hitch on his head.

"I didn’t know it was magic!" Pipp defended herself.

"Wasn't the glow and magic burst clear enough to you?!" Knuckles yelled with frustration.

Pipp just gave a sheepish smile and chuckled nervously.

"How are we gonna get them back…" Zipp tried to ask, but then felt pain on her leg, and looked down to see Filly Sunny biting her leg. "Sunny! No biting!" she scolded the young filly as she tried to shake her off.

"Come on, Pipp. You can fix this. This is totally your thing" she said to herself. She came to her makeover supplies as Zipp and Knuckles kept their baby friends busy. "Think. The face mask has ingredients to make you look younger. But maybe with a different mix of ingredients I can make them look older!" she gasped to herself, now that she found a way to change their friends back. "Zipp! Knuckles! I have an idea!" she called out with a smile.

A little while later, after going through Pipp's plan, they gathered the ingredients they needed to change their friends back to their grown up selves.

Zipp and Knuckles mashed, cut and mixed some fruits and vegetables that make ponies grow up. They smashed some bowls together with their hooves/hands, but then Zipp saw Pipp mixing her’s together with some added liquids. Pipp smiled, and her Cutie Mark started to shine, while Zipp smiled at Pipp and continued her work.

A little bit later, they got the face masks ready, with the glitter added again.

Zipp grabbed Filly Sunny so Pipp could apply the mask, but Sunny didn't wanted the mask on her, since she's a filly, and protested against the adults. Just when Pipp was about to put the mask on Sunny, she swatted the brush away and got back down to the ground with Foal Hitch and Filly Izzy.

Pipp tried to use the brush on Filly Izzy, but Izzy swatted the brush away as well.

Knuckles, Pipp and Zipp looked at their baby friends worried, and Pipp was about to tear up because her baby friends don't want the mask on them. Zipp was going to comfort her, but then Baby Sonic hugged Pipp's neck, as he also patted her mane a little, like saying everything's gonna be okay.

"Aww!" Pipp said, since as a baby, Sonic looked cute while he comforted her a little.

"Even as a baby, he still has a kind and careful heart" Knuckles pointed out with a little smile.

"Look, Pipp, I got this" Zipp said, referring to the situation with their baby friends. "Once upon a time..." she called out to them. getting their baby friends attention. "There were two sisters who were very different. And even though they like different things... Really different things... That was what made life together so fun" she said to their baby friends with a smile, while the babies started to yawn and feel sleepy.

Pipp placed a hoof over her chest and smiled at Zipp "Oh. You used to tell me bedtime stories" she said to her as she nuzzled her sister and her cutie mark glowed again.

"The sister’s traveled together across Equestria..." Zipp kept telling the story, while Pipp finished putting the face masks on them as they watched their baby friend’s with a smile.

Knuckles brought Tails over, who somehow was still sleeping, and Pipp putted the mask on him as well. Finally, Knuckles took Sonic, who fell sleep as well, and Pipp putted the mask on him, finishing with the masks.

"You know, I was thinking..." Knuckles said, as he placed Sonic on a blanket. "Sonic told me he was 20 times more hyperactive when he was a kid, and that the only things that could stop him where food and... someone he admires" he added with a smile, looking at Pipp.

Pipp immediately blushed a little because of that, since she didn't expected Sonic to admire her, or at least not to a point where he could stop running around.

"W-What are you implying?" Pipp questioned, still blushing.

"... The signs are very clear, even for me, yet you don't get them..." Knuckles replied with a bored expression.

A little while later, Hitch started to wake up, now like a fully grown stallion again as he stretches and yawns. Behind him were Sonic, Tails, Sunny and Izzy, now fully grown up as well, with blankets and pillows around them while sleeping on the stage of Mane Melody. Cloudpuff was also back to his right age as well.

Izzy and Sunny woke up from their nap, while Hitch shook his head and touched his face with a smile. "Hey. Wow. I do feel younger" he said to himself, while Cloudpuff barked happily at them.

Izzy touched her face as well with a smile. "Huh. That was amazing! I am gonna tell all my friends about this!" she said to herself with sparkling eyes. "You gotta try this new spa!" she said to Sunny, who was touching her face as well.

Sonic and Tails started to wake up as well. "Man... I feel at least 20 years younger!" Sonic said, as he stretched a little and touched his face as well.

"Yeah!" Tails said with a smile. "I slept like a little baby!" he added.

It was clear that they had no memories of them being babies, otherwise they would be freaking out about everything they did around the place.

"Whoa" Sunny said, as she saw Zipp, Pipp and Knuckles - with a cowboy hat covering his face - sleeping, so tired about the whole babies thing, and tired of cleaning up the place while the rest slept as well. "You three look exhausted" Sunny commented, as the three of them woke up, seeing that their friends were back to normal. "You should totally treat yourselves to one of these face masks" she added, holding one of the face masks.

Zipp and Pipp smiled at each other, chuckling that their friends didn’t realize that they were turned into babies, while Knuckles just smiled a little, knowing that they would have to fill their friends in what happened later.


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