• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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57. Omega's Day Off

In the mountains, a Warp Ring opened up.

Then, from said Warp Ring, Tails came out by flight, holding his Miles Electric and scanning the ground to find anything metallic that could be buried in the snow.

Soon enough, Tails' device made a beep sound that called his attention, so he stopped moving and landed on the snow with special boots he made to not get buried in the snow, while he read what his Miles Electric found.

The screen said 'Metallic objects found', and with this, he looked back at the Warp Ring, that was still open, and whistled.

With this, Knuckles arrived with special boots as well, and Tails simply pointed a finger to the ground, which made Knuckles nod with a smirk, and so, he dig into the snow, while Tails putted his Miles Electric away and brought out a big box, which he extended while stepping a bit back from the hole Knuckles made.

Then, several metallic parts came out from the snow, followed by a pair of shoulder pads (one had the Omega [Ω] logo), two long arms, and finally, Omega's head, which was still shut down because of being blowed up by Eggman weeks ago.

With all the parts of the robot's body in the box, Tails and Knuckles went back to the Warp Ring, which closed behind them.

Now that they made it back to the Brighthouse, Tails placed the box over the living room's table.

As he did that, he boosted towards the living room, while Rouge came by and grabbed Omega's head, looking at it with a concerned expression.

Shadow approached her and looked at Omega's head with a worried frown, while also placing a hand on Rouge's shoulder. "Tails is a genius boy, Rouge. He's gonna fix him. I'm sure of it" he assured her.

"For once, I can agree on something with you, faker!" Sonic mocked up, as he approached Shadow and lay on his shoulder, while Shadow groaned in annoyance. "If anyone can leave Omega as good as new, that's Tails!" Sonic stated with a wink.

"And he has a record of restoring a lot of stuff" Knuckles added with a smirk.

"Um, what are you guys doing?" Zipp's voice asked, as she and Izzy approached Team Dark, Sonic and Knuckles, with Zipp raising an eyebrow confused, and Izzy smiling cheerfully as usual.

"Tails is going to fix up Omega now that we found all his parts" Knuckles explained with a smile.

"Who's Omega?" Izzy asked, even though she was still smiling.

Rouge turned Omega's head so his dead eyes could look at Zipp and Izzy.

"A robot?" both mares asked, Zipp did it confused and Izzy did it cheerfully with sparkling eyes.

"A special one!" Tails spoke, as he came back from the bedroom with the tool box Hitch gave him on Wishday and his laptop, which he placed over the same table than the box with Omega's body. "This guy is a robot made by Eggman that hates Eggman as much as we do" he explained.

"I would say he hates him more, actually..." Sonic said with a smirk.

"A robot created by Eggman that hates Eggman?" Zipp asked, also rubbing her chin with a hoof. "That's interesting..." she confessed.

"And so cool, too!" Izzy said with a wide smile.

"Yeah, well, Omega is pretty cool" Tails confessed with a smile.

After this, he grabbed Omega's head from Rouge's hands and put him down on the table, then he connected him to his computer and clicked some more on it, before pressing the enter button, which made Omega's head slowly turn on, with the eyes turning orange for a second.

"Systems activated. Initiating user registration" a female voice spoke.

With this, Sonic and Knuckles stepped aside, while Omega's scanner scanned Shadow and Rouge.

"Users detected: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat" the female voice spoke once again. "Registration complete" she added.

After that, Omega's eyes changed from orange to their typical red, while all his systems started to show up on his inner screen.

Then, Omega looked up at Shadow and Rouge, before scanning his surroundings, or at least as much as he could, since he couldn't move his head because of the lack of a body.

"... What the hell is happening...?" Omega said confused.

Rouge sighed in relief after hearing his normal voice again, and Shadow nodded with a smirk.

"Where is my body? What is going on?" Omega asked, then he looked up at Shadow and Rouge. "Why are you taller than usual? I demand an explanation" he requested calmly.

"There's better ways to phrase this, but long-story short: Eggman blew missiles against Rouge, you pushed her aside and got hit instead... I guess you can tell the rest on your own" Shadow replied with his arms crossed.

"Now, Tails is gonna rebuild your body" Rouge added with a smirk. "So don't worry, you won't be just a head for too long" she assured.

"Yup!" Sonic agreed. "Tails is gonna have you good as new in no time!" he stated.

However, Tails chuckled awkwardly and looked at the rest while sweating nervously. "Um, I do can fix him, but not 'in no time'..." he said sheepishly.

"Huh?" Sonic said, blinking confused.

"There's a lot of encrypted data in Omega's base, probably Eggman's doing" Tails started to explain. "I need to unlock all his functions again first and download the blueprints of his body. Only when that's done, I can repair him, but... It's gonna take some time..." he pointed out with concern, scratching his neck.

"How long?" Rouge asked.

"Well, I can unlock all the encrypted data in 20 minutes, maybe less, but building up his body? That's gonna take me all day, at least" Tails replied.

"All day?" Shadow questioned. "Can't you accelerate the process somehow?" he asked.

"I can't risk fry his systems by mistake if something goes wrong!" Tails pointed out. "If I'm gonna repair him, I'm gonna make sure is the right way! Besides, this is the first time Omega's been destroyed..." he added.

"Hopefully it'll be the last..." Rouge muttered, while Shadow nodded in agreement.

"And I have no idea how his physicality works, which is why I need to study the blueprints once I have them" Tails finished explaining.

"So the whole day it is..." Shadow said with his arms crossed and an eye roll.

"I cannot stay as a head the whole day" Omega said a little angry. "I need to move around" he added.

"Did that blow up made your systems deaf or something?" Rouge asked with a frown. "Tails needs the whole day to fix your body! Like it or not, we can't accelerate the process" she added.

"Maybe I could help?" Zipp asked with a smile, as she flew ahead and landed at Tails' side. "You know how we worked together to build up the Marestream, right? With a pair of extra hooves, we could have this guy's body done in no time!" she pointed out happily with sparkling eyes.

"Sure thing!" Tails said with a wink, a smile and his thumbs up. "All the help I can get is welcome!" he stated.

"That still doesn't change the fact I have no body" Omega replied with annoyance.

"Well, see it as a day off to being a walking weapon!" Sonic pointed out with a smile. "You can be with your Team so they can catch you up with everything that happened after you exploded, and explore Maretime Bay as well!" he added.

"I agree with Big Blue over here!" Rouge confessed with a smirk. "And, it could help you to spare your time instead of just waiting here for your body to be ready!" she added.

"Sounds tempting, but I still would like a body, even if it's temporal" Omega replied with a bit of anger.

Shadow and Rouge groaned and rolled their eyes in annoyance, with Rouge even facepalming. "Alright... Let's get you a body so you can stop complaining..." he said with a frown.

"Ooh, I can help with that!" Izzy declared with sparkling eyes. "Follow me!" she declared, as she grabbed both Shadow and Rouge with a confident smirk and then dragged them away, with Shadow and Rouge yelping, while Sonic stared at them amused and Knuckles followed them along.

Izzy and Knuckles went over to Izzy's crafting spot.

As they seemed to be creating something, while also having a reference picture of Omega over the table, Shadow and Rouge waited for whatever Izzy and Knuckles were doing, while Rouge held Omega's head on her arms.

Finally, after several minutes, they finished whatever they were doing and looked back at Team Dark with smirks. "Lady, gentleman and robot! I have come with the solution to all your problems!" Izzy declared confidently.

"Maybe not all of them..." Shadow muttered with a bored expression.

"Behold... The 'Omega's Day Off Replacement Body'!" Izzy said, now showing off a body Knuckles and her build for Omega so he could use in the meantime while Tails and Zipp fix his real one. "But you can also call it the O.D.O.R. Body!" she added cheerfully.

This new body had a big similarity to Omega's normal body, but this one was white were there was yellow, and turquoise where there used to be red. On the arms, there were white lines, the shoulder pads where bigger and round, and it had the '23' number drawn on the chest.

"Huh... This kind of body reminds me of an American Football player" Shadow said with a raised eyebrow.

"That's because we used an old Football suit I had to make this new body" Knuckles explained with a smile. "Is just as resistant, big and functional as the original one! But of course, it's a temporal body Omega can use until Tails and Zipp are done with the normal one" he added.

"I have many complaints with the design, but it works" Omega stated.

"At least you're being thankful of having a body..." Rouge deadpanned.

Suddenly, Omega's head was surrounded by Izzy's magic and levitated away from Rouge's hands, as the head landed on top of the body and was spun around, until it stopped and fit perfectly.

With that, Omega's eyes went from red to green, fitting better with his new body, and he started to try it out: First, he walked a bit ahead, then extended his arms and spun them entirely, before doing the same just with his hands and finally move his fingers.

"So? How's your body doing, Omega?" Shadow asked.

"As I stated before, I have complaints over it. But it does the job" Omega replied.

"Now you're ready to go!" Izzy stated, as omega slowly made a thumbs up and head towards the exit, while Rouge followed along.

Shadow was going to do the same, but Knuckles stopped him. "Before I forget! Try to not overcharge him. I know Omega is used to make multiple tasks, but this body isn't that capable, so an overcharge––" he tried to explain.

"Would lead to disaster, right?" Shadow asked with a bored expression.

"Yup!" Izzy replied instead, jumping over with a cheerful smile.

"I'll keep it noted" Shadow said with a nod, as he boosted out of the Brighthouse.

Team Dark reached the main town.

The first thing Rouge did was to guide Omega to Mane Melody, where she properly introduced the robot to Pipp and Jazz in the salon. Of course, the two ponies first impression on seeing such a huge robot was to feel a bit concerned...

However, as soon as Omega turned to face the magic mirror, he saw that he had a completely new look: His shoulder pads where blue with pink stripes, his arms were fully colored on red and had some pink stripes as well, while his chest turned fully black and had the letters 'S' and 'R' over the place where the 23 used to be.

Omega's database could not process the information properly, or at least, it didn't found any logical conclusion, but he was really intrigued on this new aspect the magic mirror was giving him.

Pipp and Jazz also noticed that, and when they saw Omega's look in the mirror, they smiled with sparkling eyes.

So, without asking the robot for permission, they managed to drag him to the biggest chair they had and sat him down. Then, they started to make all this changes they saw on the mirror, while Omega simply stood still, not feeling bothered by the sudden change.

After a few minutes, Pipp and Jazz were done, and they dragged Omega to a normal mirror so he could see the new look he had... It was weird, but Omega seemed to actually like how he looked like. So, he looked back at Pipp and Jazz and raised his thumbs up, approving this new look he just got from them.

With this, Pipp and Jazz prepared to take a selfie with Omega, with Rouge getting in the middle just to not be left out, while Shadow had to resist the urge to laugh at Omega's look, since he thought the robot looked ridiculous.

Next, Shadow and Rouge dragged Omega across Maretime Bay to show him a bit around.

As they did so, ponies seemed to either feel amazed, confused, or scared at the sight of Omega. Of course, the ones being scared of him were justified since Eggman's Death Egg Titan attack was still pretty recent.

However, he also seemed to have a less violent attitude because of the absence of weapons on this body, so even if it took him a while, he still took the time to slowly turn to the ponies and wave his hand at them. Some still freaked out, but some were friendly and waved their hands back at him with smiles.

The Pippsqueaks, Glory, Seashell and Peach Fizz, also seemed a bit scared at Omega at first, but the fact that he ducked down and putted his hand in the ground as a way to ask if they wanted to climb on top of him, that made them smile.

So, without hesitation, the three fillies got over Omega, while the robot started to playfully carry them in the air, the same way parents would do with their child.

If anything, Omega was showing himself to be more friendly around these ponies, probably because he's already in context and knows what Eggman did with his Death Egg Titan, so he wanted to calm them down by showing himself in a more friendly manner, specially with the colts and fillies.

One thing was for sure, thought: Omega had more reasons to hate Eggman now, and that was messing with these ponies.

Now, Hitch was patrolling Maretime Bay's streets while whistling happily to himself.

Soon enough, however, he crossed paths with Omega, and he got not only startled by the fact that he was a tall robot, but he also frowned in anger, because the last robot that was here, destroyed the entire town.

But to his surprise, Omega slowly moved his hand and made a salute to him, since his scanners detected Hitch's Sheriff Badge on his chest, so he decided to be polite and show the proper respect to the authority in front of him.

Hitch's eyes widened a bit confused after Omega did this, so he looked at Shadow and Rouge behind the robot, with Shadow having his arms crossed and also looking confused at Omega. Both him and Rouge shrugged at Hitch, since they didn't knew what to do or say to this sign from Omega.

So, Hitch shrugged as well with a smile, before putting on a serious look and return the salute to Omega.

Finally, Team Dark went over to Sunny's smoothie stand, where Misty was helping Sunny send smoothies.

Of course, Omega couldn't drink anything because, you know, he's a robot, but Rouge insisted to present him to Sunny and Misty, since they were the only ones left from the 'regular group' he hasn't met yet.

"Hey, Sunny!" Rouge's voice called out. "A Fruity-colada and a Magic Mango and Coconut, please!" she requested.

Sunny smiled and turned around, since she was blending a smoothie. "Coming right away, Rou––" she tried to say, but when she turned around, her eyes widened in panic, because she did found Shadow and Rouge... but she also found Omega behind them, and like everyone else did at first she panicked.

Her mind flashed back to images of the Death Egg Titan raising from water, destroying the Brighthouse and then causing a massive chaos around Maretime Bay, as well as remembering how she almost got crushed along Sonic and Pipp.

"Uh, Sunny?" Misty's voice spoke, and that seemed to bring Sunny back from het PTSD. "Are you okay?" Misty asked with worry.

"You seemed kind of... alarmed" Shadow pointed out with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

"H-Huh? O-Oh!" Sunny said a bit alarmed, before chuckling sheepishly and gulp. "I-I'm okay! I-I just, uh... W-Who's this guy?" she asked, pointing nervously at Omega.

"I'm E-123 Omega, the most powerful of the Dr. Eggman's E-100 Series line of robots" Omega replied. "Do not fear, however. I hate my creator as anyone else around these corners" he stated.

"Wait, Eggman created you?" Misty asked confused, while Sunny at her side seemed really paranoid. "And you hate him, too? Why?" she questioned.

"Eggman deactivated and sealed him in an abandoned base to guard me" Shadow replied instead. "He feels his powers were being wasted this way, which is why he wants revenge with Eggman" he added.

"Now he looks to defeat him like the rest of us" Rouge added with a smirk. "As he said, you don't have to worry. The only objective he cares for is Dr. Eggman" she assured.

Sunny, however, wasn't so sure about this, and she still looked paranoid at Omega. She couldn't allow herself to lower her guard ever again, not after everything that Eggman did to her, to her friends, and to her home.

Shadow seemed to notice this, so he sighed and approached her by teleporting inside of the stand, which only startled Misty, because Sunny's sight was still on Omega.

"Sunny, look at me" Shadow requested, and even if it seemed difficult, Sunny managed to look over at Shadow and ignore Omega for a second. "I get that you're concerned. Whatever Eggman did to you inside of his lab, I get that it has marked you. But I also know that you're understanding, so I hope you do understand that Omega isn't an enemy. We've been fighting alongside him for years, and I can assure you that if anyone ever deserved to beat the crap out of Eggman, if not Sonic nor I, that's him. In fact, he'll offer himself without thinking it twice" he added with a slight smirk.

That got a chuckle out of Sunny, and she smiled a bit at Shadow.

"My point is that Omega's someone you can trust, or at least, someone you don't need to have your guard up with" Shadow stated. "But you can stay a few steps back if you still feel uncomfortable around him" he added.

"Well, that... That actually sounds really, really nice..." Sunny said with a smile. "I mean, a robot made by Eggman that hates Eggman? You don't see that everyday! Still, I'm gonna keep my distance. I just... Don't want another PTSD of the incident with that giant robot..." she added a bit concerned.

"Wait... What do you mean you're getting PTSD?!" Shadow asked, a bit more panicked than he would liked to sound.

However, before Sunny could reply something to calm him down, they both heard how many ponies were suddenly surrounding Omega and asking a lot of requests.

Shadow's eyes widened at this, and he quickly teleported out of the stand, approaching to Omega and trying to drag him away.

But this plan didn't worked, because more ponies arrived from the direction he tried to push him, so he tried to push him to another direction, but more ponies came as well. This started to get worse, and soon, Team Dark was completely surrounded by a crowd of ponies, all of them asking questions to Omega.

Of course, Omega was doing all he could to analyze all the questions he was being made and answer all of them, but his systems were starting to fail and overcharge. This wouldn't happen on his normal body, but... Yeah, you already know...

"This is bad..." Shadow muttered with a concerned frown.

"What is bad? That Omega's getting all this attention?" Rouge asked confused.

"Yes!" Shadow replied with anger, much to Rouge's surprise. "Knuckles warned me about not overcharge him, or else––" he tried to explain.

Yet, saying it wasn't necessary, because they both heard Omega's system failing already, as the robot's eyes twitched, and his green eyes switched between the same green, yellow, orange and red, while the head spun in 360 degrees, and some sparkles came out of what should be considered his neck.

"Error 500. Data not processed. System overcharged" Omega spoke, but his voice sounded distorted and mixed with the female voice from earlier.

After saying this, the head stopped spinning and showed fully red eyes, while his rockets turned on and he was suddenly sent to the sky, leaving behind a huge smoke of dust that made everyone around the robot cover themselves.

Once the dust was gone, everyone heard some ponies screaming, and so, they all moved aside before getting hit by Omega, who was now flying out of control across the town. Hitch, who was still patrolling around, noticed Omega and ducked, before looking at him, frown and blow a whistle with anger.

Meanwhile, Shadow and Rouge, who stood in front of Sunny's Smoothie Stand, looked over at the same direction, with Shadow frowning and Rouge covering her mouth in concern.

"Or else that will happen..." Shadow finished with a growl.

Meanwhile, in the Brighthouse, Tails and Zipp were now building up Omega's body.

After unlocking the encrypted codes, Tails downloaded Omega's blueprints and studied it along Zipp. After an hour or two, they both got full understanding on how to build Omega's body again, so they go down to work.

The chest and arms were already assembled at this point, which left Omega's legs to be placed together. But as Zipp seemed to be reading over the blueprints again with a focused look, Tails could barely concentrate on placing the legs together, because he started to think about something that's been bothering him ever since Misty revealed to be a traitor.

Of course, Misty was at their side now, but... That didn't change the fact that he trusted so blindly on her for so long...

"... Zipp?" Tails called out, as he pulled himself away from Omega's body and approached Zipp, who was sitting down on a spinning chair.

"Yeah?" Zipp asked, still focusing on the blueprints.

"We need to talk..." Tails stated with concern.

"Well, technically we're already doing it..." Zipp pointed out with a slight smirk, before looking back at the blueprints.

Tails chuckled a bit, but then let out a sigh and turned Zipp around, startling the mare a little bit. "Zipp... I'm really, really sorry..." he apologized.

Zipp's eyes widened, and she raised an eyebrow confused. "Sorry? For what?" she asked.

"Don't act like if you didn't know!" Tails said with concern. "You were right about Misty all along, and I still shut you up because I was too blind to see the truth in front of me!" he explained, looking down in shame and rubbing his arm. "Misty lied to us all this time. She worked with Opaline, with Eggman, she used us and tricked us for so long! And I... I... I defended her and threat you like if you were the enemy... But you were right all along, and I'm sorry for not see it before..." he added with sadness.

Zipp was taken aback by this, and honestly? She had no idea what to say...

On one hand, yes, of course one of the first things she thought after Misty confessed to be working with the enemy was that he had to apologize to her after defending Misty for so long when, in the end, Tails was wrong.

On the other hand, however... Could she really be mad? Yes, she was right about Misty, but... That doesn't change the fact that she jumped to a conclusion way too fast sometimes. What if she was wrong? Maybe they wouldn't had this conversation, but they were.

"I also want to apologize for being so rude over your investigations, stopping you from trying to help Pipp when Eggman's robot almost killed her, not being so supportive with you after all the crap Eggman told you..." Tails listed down. "In a little bit of a slump, I'm sorry for being such a bad friend all this time. You wanted to protect us from something bad, you warned us several times about being in danger, you suspect Misty for good reasons! And I still got on her side just because she tricked me like everyone else, and I'm really sorry for that..." he apologized once again.

Zipp's heart skipped a beat, her cheeks immediately blushed, and her eyes sparkled and watered, while she looked at Tails with a loving gaze that she never had for anyone before.

All Tails did was apologizing for being rude and sometimes too mean with her, something he has done before... So why was this different? Why was this one specifically so marvelous to her that she was at the edge of crying? She didn't knew, but it didn't mattered the answer... She liked it, she liked him.

So, with no hesitation, Zipp giggled a bit and then pulled Tails into a warm and tight hug, which surprised Tails a lot more than he expected.

"Uh.. Z-Zipp?" Tails called out confused, also blushing a bit embarrassed.

"Tails... I have no words to describe how much this apology means to me" Zipp said with a smile, as she let out some tears of joy. "But you think you're a bad friend? You couldn't be farther from the truth!" she added, now braking the hug and quickly whipping out her tears.

"Huh?" Tails said confused. "B-But I yelled at you for trying to protect us! I defended Misty so much, and I was the clown at the end of the day!" he pointed out with wide eyes.

"You were defending a friend, man..." Zipp assured with a smile. "And, you said it yourself: Misty tricked everyone. We all thought that she was on our side, but she was with Opaline and Eggman. Even so... We both did what we both thought was the right thing. You were protecting Misty because your heart told you she was good, and I was blaming her because my heart told me she wasn't somepony we could trust" she pointed out. "In a way, we were both right, because even if Misty was working with our enemies, she betrayed them, proving that she was always our friend, even if she did something really, really wrong by lying to us..." she added with a smirk.

"That doesn't changes the fact that I threat you badly! I-I even dismissed some of your investigations because of––" Tails tried to point out, but Zipp placed a hoof on his mouth and chuckled at his attitude.

"Dude, relax!" Zipp told him with a smile. "Yeah, you might had crossed the line a few times when you were defending Misty, like in the Ball..." she pointed out, waving her hoof in the air a bit. "And I'm happily gonna rub that I was right in your face for the rest of your life!" she assured with a mocking smirk.

"Yeah, I deserve that one, honestly..." Tails chuckled sheepishly.

"But that doesn't change the fact that, even if I was right, I also did things wrong" Zipp kept talking. "We both were right and wrong in some things, but honestly? I'm happy that you apologized to me. It... kind of gets over a little problem I had with you" she added with a smirk.

"Well, I was a clown for shut you down when you were right all along..." Tails pointed out with an ashamed smile, also scratching his neck nervously. "So... Are we good now?" he asked a bit confused.

Zipp smiled, then looked around to make sure no one was around, and then kissed Tails' cheek softly, which made Tails blush madly, while some smoke came out of his ears.

Zipp giggled after seeing his reaction and smirked. "Now we are~" she replied, before turning again and focus back on Omega's blueprints, but now with a huge smile and a slight blush.

Tails on the other hand, smiled awkwardly and started to laugh like an idiot, while he stared at Zipp's back like an idiot and rubbed the cheek she kissed, with some little hearts coming out of his head.

Zipp noticed this as she looked over her shoulder and grinned, before looking back at the blueprints. "Are you gonna stare at my back all day, or are you gonna finish that robot, little Romeo?" she asked with a flirty and mocking tone.

This made Tails shook his head and snap back to reality, as he chuckled sheepishly and started to walk backwards. "R-Right! I-I gotta finish Omega's body, then calibrate it, then test it out, and all that stuff, heheheh..." he said nervously.

And just then, he tripped with a piece of Omega's body and fell backwards, groaning in annoyance and pain, while Zipp giggled at him and shook her head on disbelief.

Back in Maretime Bay, Omega kept flying around out of control.

The robot was occasionally crashing with the road, walls from several houses and shops around the town, and even letting out some sparks, while his arms occasionally spun and made contact with the ground.

Just then, a black blur and a white one passed by, chasing down the robot out of control. Said blurs were Shadow and Rouge respectively, who were boosting across Maretime Bay to try and caught Omega before he hurt somepony.

"You should had told me that we couldn't overcharge his system with this body!" Rouge said a bit mad.

"Are you going to blame me now?!" Shadow said with a frown. "You're the one that left with Omega when Knuckles said we couldn't let this happen!" he pointed out.

"Oh, now you're the one blaming me!" Rouge shouted, not truly mad.

"Look, let's blame each other later if you want. Right now? We gotta stop Omega before something bad happens!" Shadow said.

"Fine!" Rouge agreed, even though she was still mad.

As Omega passed by Mane Melody, crashing with the street by mistake, Sonic opened the salon's door and looked confused at the flying robot. Then, Shadow and Rouge passed by, and that confused him even more, so he ran on his place, with his feet forming the shape of an 8, and then boosted towards them.

2 seconds later, Sonic was running along the two member of Team Dark. "Um, Shadow? How about a little context?" he requested.

"Knuckles and his girlfriend build a new body for Omega while Tails fixed the normal one!" Shadow explained without looking at him.

"But his system overcharged, and now he's out of control!" Rouge added with a frown.

"Okay, yeah... That's enough context for me!" Sonic stated, before curling into a ball and accelerate towards Omega.

Soon enough, Sonic was running side to side with Omega, but before he could do anything, he had to jump since the arms of the robot started to spin like crazy again.

After dodging the arms for about a minute, Sonic frowned, jumped and did his Homing Attack, landing on Omega's back and holding to him.

"Alright, Meg! Time to shut down your syst––" Sonic tried to say with a smirk, charging up his electrical powers on a hand, but then, the robot started to shake violently in the air, which made his powers fade away. "WHOA!!!" he cried out in panic.

As this was happening, Shadow and Rouge just stood there, looking at the sky with bored expressions.

"I appreciate that he wants to help, but we can agree that riding Omega just makes it worse, right?" Rouge said with a tired tone.

"Is Sonic we're talking about. He acts without thinking most of the time" Shadow pointed out. "Mind to give me a boost?" he asked with a smirk.

Rouge smirked back, before grabbing Shadow from his hand, then spin him in the air, and then launch him towards the air. There, Shadow used the rockets on his shoes to get an extra impulse, before landing over Omega when he was passing by.

Over the robot, Sonic was screaming in panic because of the wild moves of Omega, while Shadow looked at him with a bored expression, something that the Blue Blur noticed soon enough. "Oh, hey, Shadow!" he greeted with a smile, almost acting like if he wasn't screaming a few seconds ago.

"What the heck was your plan here, anyways?!" Shadow asked with a frown.

"Using my powers to deactivate his body–– Whoa!" Sonic replied, as Omega dived to the floor and started to fly across Maretime Bay's streets again. "But apparently, he shakes to much for me to even use them!" he pointed out with a frown, while holding tight to the robot.

"Then let me help with that!" Shadow stated, placing his palms over Omega's back. "Chaos Control!" he shouted, as he focused some energy from his body and sent it to Omega's body.

This made the robot stop flying and freeze in the air, while Shadow grunted in effort as he kept the Chaos Control effect working.

"Huh... That's actually useful!" Sonic said with a smirk, as his eyes and quills turned on in neon blue lights.

After that, he jumped in the air, charged up his Spin Dash with electricity and then hit Omega's back one, then two, then three times, and finished the combo with a Stomp Attack, which made the robot explode and separate all the pieces of his body, as Sonic and Shadow slid in the road, while Omega's head flew in the air.

Rouge managed to fly to the air and catch Omega's head just in time, as she slowly landed in the floor.

Omega's eyes were showing red 'X' marks, until they slowly glitched and showed Omega's regular red eyes, while the robot looked around, before looking at Rouge confused.

"... What the hell happened?" Omega asked confused.

"Long-story short? Your new body wasn't stable enough to process too much data" Rouge replied with a little smirk.

"The important thing here is that you're fine, and that no one's hurt" Shadow pointed out, while he cleaned some dust from his body.

"Yeah... I'm not so sure about that last one, Shads..." Sonic said with a cringed expression, as he pointed at the town.

Streets were a mess, light posts were all destroyed, Hitch and Knuckles were taking pictures of all the private property that Omega destroyed, and Izzy was all searching over her Unicycling Cart like a maniac for materials to fix everything.

Rouge's eyes widened, Shadow sighed frustrated, and Omega blinked a few times. "... My bad..." the robot said with somewhat an ashamed tone.

That made Shadow facepalm and Rouge roll her eyes, while Sonic snorted playfully at Team Dark's situation, since he never expected them of all people to be this problematic with non-Eggman related stuff.

Tails and Zipp assembled Omega's legs as the final touch.

With this, Omega was ready to be reintroduced to his original body. So, Rouge gave Omega's head to Tails, since she, Shadow, the rest of Team Sonic and the rest of the Mane 6 were at the Brighthouse to witness Omega's fully recovered body.

Tails flew over to the empty space on top of Omega's body and placed the head, before spinning it several times until it fit perfectly on the metallic body.

With this, Omega's eyes glitched a bit between yellow, orange and red, until they were red again. Then, Omega slowly started to move his arms, testing out if his hands and fingers could move, as well as replacing his fingers with his gunshots, but of course, not using them.

Then, Tails and Zipp removed the ties on his chest they had to keep the body balanced, and Omega tested out walking a bit ahead, as well as scanning everything in the Brighthouse to see if even that worked well.

Seeing that everything was fine so far, he looked back at the rest of the group. "So? How you feeling?" Tails asked with a smile.

"All systems are functional. No missing pieces detected" Omega informed, before testing out the rockets on his feet, which worked fine, so he landed in the floor again. "Flying systems work perfectly. Conclusion: I'm ready to haunt down Dr. Eggman" he informed.

"Yes!/Yeah!" Tails and Zipp cheered, fist/hoof bumping each other happily, while Rouge and Shadow approached Omega, and everyone else just cheered for Omega's comeback.

"Welcome back, Omega" Shadow said with a slight smirk and his arms crossed.

"We thought you'll never came back!" Rouge added with a playful smirk.

"Eggman needs more than a missile to destroy the world's most powerful robot!" Omega informed confidently, also closing his hand on a fist.

Rouge chuckled and Shadow rolled his eyes after Omega said this, while the robot looked over at Tails and Zipp and walked towards them.

"Young Prower, Princess Storm" Omega called out. "You have my eternal gratitude for restoring me to my old glory" he stated.

"Eh, it was no biggie!" Tails said with a smirk and a wink.

"Right! We're happy to help!" Zipp added with a smile. "But please, never call me 'Princess' ever again... Just call me Zipp!" she requested.

"... Understood, Princess Zipp" Omega replied with a salute.

That made Zipp groan and facehoof, while Tails chuckled at her side.


Author's Note:

I know that yesterday's Episode wasn't related to Bridlewoodstock, but I still wanted to delay it and use it later on because, well, this premise was supposed to be a sub-plot, yet I liked it too much to leave is as just that, so is now a full on Original Chapter focused on Team Dark.

Also, having Tails and Zipp apologizing after all the shit Zipp went through with Tails defending Misty was going to happen at some point, so here it is!

Next episode is already known to be focused on Misty and her new Cutie Mark, so expect a lot of feedback from Izzy and Tails towards the unicorn mare.

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