• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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21. My Bananas

It was a nice sunny day in Maretime Bay, while ponies were talking to each other.

Passing by them, Sunny was on her roller skates giving smoothies to the ponies around. Following her by flight was Tails, who started to work with her so he could get some money to buy materials for his inventions, since Sonic was busy working on Zephyr Heights as the speed moderator for the Royal Guard, and Knuckles... he hang a lot with Izzy to help her with her Unicycling stuff.

Sunny came to Posey and gave her a smoothie. "Morning, Posey. One tropical treat to go" she said to her, then moved a little bit and stood in front of Dahlia. "Dahlia. Free banana berry blast?" she asked with a smile, while Dahlia nodded her head. "I’ll be right with you" she said, then decided to head back to her smoothie stand, but she slipped on a banana peel on the floor and tripped. "Whoa!" she shouted as she tripped into the air, and all the bananas and a couple of her smoothies flew out from her cart. "Myyy Baanaanaasss!" she cried out, while things were going in slow motion and the ponies watched on as some smoothies spilled to the ground.

A family of pegasi were taking a picture together outside of Mane Melody, while an earth pony mare hold the camera phone, but just when the picture got taken, Sunny got into the camera's view and the picture taken showed her in a funny way from the trip. Sunny screamed and crashed into the ground and a pile of bananas fell on her, while the ponies around gasped.

Tails also saw this and gasped as well. "Sunny!" he cried out, then boosted flying to her. Sunny poked her head out of the pile, and a banana peel slipped off her helmet and into her face. Sunny pick it off and hold it with an embarrassed look. "Um... Sunny?" Tails called out as he looked at what was in front of her.

Sunny looked on the same direction, and her embarrassment gots worse since everypony saw that. At first everyone was in shock, but then Posey started to laugh and then everypony in the crowd laughed as well, finding Sunny's little accident funny. "Okay, so, everypony saw that..." she said with a sheepish look as the crowd continued to laugh.

She saw on all directions, and then Tails helped her to get up. "Let's just, uh... Let's get out of here" he told her, as they both boosted out and towards the Brighthouse.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Hitch, Pipp and Zipp were watching something on the TV, while the door opened and Sunny and Tails came inside. Sunny was with a sad expression, while Tails had a a hand over her shoulder to comfort her.

"You are not going to believe what happened to me today!" Sunny said to her friends.

"Did you do an epic fail in front of tons of customers and land in a big pile of bananas?" Zipp asked with an amusing smile. while Hitch and Pipp did their best to not laugh, but they snorted a bit anyway.

"Huh?!" Sunny cried out in surprise.

"How did you knew that?" Tails asked confused.

"Sunny’s gone viral" Pipp answered. "Everypony is talking about it!" she said as she picked up the remote and changed the channel on the TV. It immediately showed Sunny tripping, screaming, flopping to the floor and getting covered on the banana pile.

Then, Skye and Dazzle of the Zephyr Heights news appeared and Skye cringed at the video. "Ooh, now that's embarrassing!" he said with a smile, as he and Dazzle laughed from the video. "Let’s play that again" he requested with a smile, while the video played again.

"No!" Sunny cried out with her hooves on her face.

And then Izzy started to sing behind her. "My bananas! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! My bananas!" she sang, then got to Sunny’s face and started to vocalize. "Sunny! Sunny! Break it down! My bananas!" she sang. And then she started to beatboxing, waiting for Sunny to make a break down but didn’t come as Sunny is still upset.

"Not helping, Izz" Tails said to her with a frown. "And it isn't that funny at all" he added.

"What isn't so funny?" Sonic asked, as he and Knuckles arrived with the rest.

Knuckles, however, looked immediately at the TV, looking at the video of Sunny tripping and snorted a bit. "Falling to a banana peel! What a classic!" he said with a smile, but then faced Sunny with a neutral expression. "But now that I have context, yeah, it isn't so funny" he added.

"I've seen worst trips" Sonic added with a neutral expression as well.

"This... is... the... worst!" Sunny cried out as she got in front of the TV and changed the channels, but all of them showed the same 'epic fail' of her. "Ugh, I'm everywhere! I'm supposed to be the Alicorn defender of pony unity, and now I'm a joke!" she said with sad puppy eyes.

"Chill, girl. It's just a viral video of the internet, and internet evolves quickly. Everypony would get bored about it eventually" Sonic said with a smile, as he putted a hand around her.

"He's right, Sunny. These things happen all the time!" Hitch told her with a smile, then came close to her and places a hoof on her shoulder. "Trust me. In a couple of hours, they'll have forgotten all about it" he assured.

Sunny smiled at her two friends. Maybe they were right, and everyone would forget about the video...

Or maybe not.

At night, Sunny was covered in her blanket and watched from her phone that was still playing her 'Epic Banana Fail'. There even was a song called 'My bananas' that was played in the background while Sunny kept looking at her video. She tapped the screen and saw two ponies wearing a banana hat, a guy wearing a banana suit and then Dazzle in the news again.

"'Sunny side down', am I right?" Dazzle asked in a terrible joke and she laughed, while Sunny tapped the screen again, now feeling even more humiliated.

Now she saw Posey on the screen, participating on some kind of contest. "My bananas!" she called out as she pressed a button, then rainbow lights appeared behind her and the audience off-screen cheered. "Yeah!" Posey cheered as well.

Then the screen went back to the news and Skye appeared. "Not a 'smoothie' operator?" he joked and laughed.

The screen changed to a Unicorn Filly holding a lunchbox with a batch of bananas, then to a Pegasus mare who gasped at the video of Sunny, then back to the news where Dazzle appeared again.

"Time for a banana 'splat'!" Dazzle laughed from her own joke.

Then the screen showed Queen Haven, who was laughing after seeing the video. "My bananas!" she laughed out loud. "Slip of the 'peel'?" she joked.

Sunny groaned in frustration and flopped to her bed, clearly seeing that the banana thing won’t stop anytime soon.

The next morning, Sunny was still lying in bed, still embarrassed and covered in her blanket to hide herself, as her friends were beside her bed.

"Maybe I was wrong..." Sonic said with a worried tone, looking at Sunny with worry.

"Sunny, what about the smoothie stand?" Pipp questioned.

"There's no way I'm going back out there" Sunny answered from inside her blanket. "It's too embarrassing" she added, not wanting to go out of the Brighthouse.

"Come on, Sunny. I get it's really embarrassing for you, but you can't let this affect you!" Tails tried to resonate with her.

"Yeah, what's the worst could happen?" Knuckles asked with a smile.

"I can list a few things, but for Sunny's sake I'm not going to do it" Sonic said with a bored expression, looking at Knuckles.

"Come on" Hitch said with a comforting smile, getting back to topic. "It's not the end of the world. Hey, nobody even remembers that time I tried to arrest a baby raccoonicorn" he added, now with an embarrassed smile.

A baby raccoonicorn was holding some gems and standing on a tree branch. Then the branch tilted a bit when the baby raccoonicorn saw Hitch on it. "It's the end of the line, raccoonicorn!" Hitch cried out. "Time to—!" he tried to walk towards the baby, but the branch snapped. Both Hitch and the raccoonicorn fell, but then Hitch’s straps got caught in another branch, leaving him dangling while the baby raccoonicorn landed on him with the gems in his paws. The baby raccoonicorn hopped up and down, making Hitch yelp while the ponies around him saw everything.

After Hitch told them that, a construction pegasus came flying by through the window. "Hey, aren't you that 'raccooni-cop'?" he asked Hitch, who flinched at that old nickname.

"Get out of here!" Hitch cried out as he covered the window with the sheets. He turned to see Izzy, Pipp, Zipp and Team Sonic stifle laughing at him. "Okay, bad example" he said with a bored expression.

Sunny groaned because of this and she flopped back to her bed, since Hitch's idea didn't helped her at all.

"Just get back out there and act like you don't care" Zipp suggested with a smile.

"Or just wear a disguise and start a new life!" Izzy strangely suggested. "Worked for me!" she cried out, which startled Sunny while Izzy laughed and flopped back into the ground.

"Uh... You did that before?" Knuckles questioned with both worry and confusion, but he got no answer.

"No!" Sunny yelled, a little freaked from Izzy, but decided to ignore her. "It's hopeless!" she cried out as she covered her face. "Looks like I'll have to stay here forever!" she muffled in the blanket with a sad tone.

The rest looked at Sunny with sadness, feeling bad for her. Sonic, however, had a bored expression and got close to Sunny.

"Well this is ridiculous and I have saw enough" Sonic said to her, then he took Sunny’s blanket off, but yelped once he saw her mane made a disaster. "Yikes!" he said in surprise.

"Uh... Sunny, does your hair it's always this bad in the morning" Pipp asked, getting close to Sunny and Sonic.

"Yes" Sunny replied, still with a sad look.

Sonic and Pipp looked at each other and nodded. "Okay ponies, leave this one to us" Pipp requested, as she motioned them out of the room. Sonic took out his phone and looked up for something quick, and he showed his phone to Sunny.

"Look at this" Sonic said, as Sunny took his phone to watch a video.

The video showed Sonic and Tails testing one of the many portals they tried to open, but once Tails pressed the button to activate the portal, it exploded, and even tho Sonic was fine, he was now covered in smoke. But that wasn't the worst of all: near by them there was an Ice Cream stand, and part of the explosion made some ice cream flew out and fall straight in Sonic's head.

"Ten billion views. And that happened last week" Sonic said with a smirk. "It's called 'Sonic the Hedgehog's most epic fail so far" he added, still with a smirk.

"So far?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, there's a few more, like for example..." Sonic said, as he moved to another video. This one showed him running as usual, but then he tripped with a rock that he somehow didn't saw, rolled down the street and crashed against a big sign that said 'Welcome to Maretime Bay'. "I would like to say I tripped with style, but I would be lying" he added, again with a smirk.

"Now watch this" Pipp said, as she clicked on her phone and gave it to Sunny.

The first video showed Pipp, along with Rocky and Jazz, on the Mane Melody stage singing their main song. "Try something new, take a chance, just—" Pipp started, but then she lost her balance. "Whoa! Whoa! WHOA!" she cried out and fell off the stage into the ground. The next video showed Pipp eating spaghetti, but as she slurped some of the noodles, the whole spaghetti smacked on her face and fell to the floor, leaving Pipp with some sauce on her face and a shocked look, then she looked around and putted on her sunglasses to avoid eye-contact. The next one showed Pipp vocalizing herself, but then her voice cracked a little.

"The video was called 'Princess Pipp's Top Ten Most Epic Fails'" Pipp explained to Sunny. "It has…" she started, then cleared her throat and continued. "... thirteen billion views" she pointed out, leaning on Sunny’s bed with a smile and shaking her tail.

That last action made Sonic blush a bit, so he tried to ignore the movement and looked at Sunny, who was laughing at the another video of Pipp. "We may have embarrassing moments, but you can either feel ashamed for the rest of your life, or laugh with the rest" Sonic pointed out with a smile.

"You see, Sunny?" Pipp said, placing a hoof on her shoulder. "You've got to own your fails. If you play this right, they could remember for months" she said, but that just made Sunny groan.

"Bad choice of words, Little Pipp" Sonic whispered at Pipp.

"Look, Sunny. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" Pipp said with a smile. "And when life gives you bananas…" she said, while waiting what Sunny thought of this.

Sunny though for a moment before reply. "... make a banana smoothie?" she said in confusion, since a line for bananas had never been said before.

Both Sonic and Pipp looked at each other before gasping, since they both had the same idea. "That's it!" they both yelled in unison.

"Leave this to us!" Pipp said to Sunny with a smile.

"You won't regret this, I promise!" Sonic added, smiling as well.

In Maretime Bay, the 'My Bananas' remix played on speakers in both sides of Sunny’s smoothie stand, while the ponies around were carrying banana balloons, wearing banana hats, banana suits, everything banana related.

The Pegasi family from yesterday was taking a picture, mimicking Sunny’s face when she tripped and wearing banana hats. Rufus was selling banana plushies, some having unicorn horns on them, as the sells go on. Clearly Pipp and Sonic's idea was to use Sunny’s epic fail to start a festival and a way to help Sunny accept this epic fail.

Unknowingly to them, Sunny went through the crowd in a disguise, wearing a fake mustache, glasses, and a hat with an 'S' on it, heading to the smoothie stand as quickly as possible.

Pipp was flying around the stand, while she amplified her voice through the microphone. "You know her from the videos! You know her from the memes! You know her from the funky dance remix!" she said closer to the crowd with a little dance before backing up.

"And if you like 'My Bananas'..." Sonic said to the crowd, arriving with a microphone as well.

"'My Bananas'!" the crowd cheered to Pipp and Sonic.

"... then you'll love her Oopsy-Doopsy Banana Smoothie!" Sonic finished said while striking poses after each word of the smoothie title

"Everypony, put your hooves together for... Sunny!" both Pipp and Sonic pointed out to Sunny walking through the crowd. After Pipp announced her name, she stopped and looked back, taking off her disguise, giving a nervous smile to the crowd and walking back to the smoothie stand.

But what surprised her was that, instead of laugh at her, Seashell popped up with a gasp "Sunny! Sign my banana!" she cried out while holding a banana plushie.

"I want eighteen smoothies!" Dahlia cried out to Sunny.

Sunny laughed a bit inside her stand. "I guess this wasn't such a disaster after all" Sunny said with a smile, and placed a banana in the blender to make the banana smoothie. "Thanks, guys" she thanked Pipp and Sonic for helping her make this epic fail better.

"Of course. Anything to help" Pipp said with a smile.

"Anytime, girl" Sonic said with a wink.

But then the blender started to get a little too fast and the three friends looked at it. It blended the banana so much that it popped open and splat the banana juice on Sunny, Pipp and Sonic's faces, while the crowd of ponies gasped and took their phones out to take pictures of this moment. Then, Sunny, Pipp and Sonic looked at each other and started to laugh out of this, since it was better to laugh at moments like this one.


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