• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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51. Mare Family Mare Problems

In Zephyr Heights' Castle's Throne Room, two figures with thief masks arrived.

The Throne Room was full of lasers, probably to keep anyone away from stealing anything, but that wasn't going to stop the two thieves from what they were gonna do.

Also, they're actually not thieves: they're Zipp and Pipp, who were in here with a surprise for their mom since it's Mares Day... again... yay...

They also had black bags on their backs, and they looked at each other, nodded and took fly.

Both sisters started to dodge the lasers, with Zipp dodging all of them with her athletic skills, while Pipp did it in a more fancy and elegant way.

Once both sisters finished dodging the lasers, they split up, with Zipp going down and Pipp going up. Then, they both placed a golden hook on the wall, and Zipp placed one side of a purple rope in her hook, before turning to see Pipp with a worried frown.

"Quick! Before somepony sees us!" Zipp said to her sister with worry, also checking her surroundings.

"Just a little... more..." Pipp muttered a bit exhausted, since she was having a hard time extending the other side of the rope.

However, the side that Zipp already placed got out of place, and when Zipp tried to grab it, she was sent at fast paste towards her sister, as she screamed in fear.

Pipp noticed that and also screamed, before being crashed by Zipp. Then, both of them fell screaming to the floor, where there was a lot of balloons and other decorations the sisters brought.

When Pipp got up with dizzy eyes, her ears touched one of the lasers, and so, the alarm jumped, turning on the lights in the Throne Room.

Then, the doors of the Throne Room bursted open to show Queen Haven with her sleeping mask on her forehead, Zoom and Thunder, the three frowning at the masked sisters.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Haven asked with anger, as she pointed at the masked sisters.

Both Zipp and Pipp sweated nervously, and they removed their masks to show their true identity, while also having their manes a bit messed up.

"Happy... Mares Day!" both sisters said nervously.

However, an orange signboard fell over them, since that's what they were trying to put when dodging the lasers.

Back in Maretime Bay, Sonic was happily whistling one of Pipp's songs, as he always does when she's not around.

Since the two sisters wanted to spent this year's Mares Day alone with Haven, without the rest of their friends helping around this time (specially after how it ended up on them being Queens for a day), everyone else stood behind, with Knuckles and Izzy having a date on Bridlewood, Hitch being the Sheriff, Tails working on his workshop, Sunny selling smoothies, and Sonic doing Sonic.

However, as he was passing right in front of Mane Melody, he couldn't help to notice that Sunny wasn't in her smoothie cart, after all, which was weird for him, since she never closed on Saturdays.

Unless it was for being Mares Day, he couldn't find a logical explanation on why she was absent.

He was going to shrug and just keep walking... but then, he remembered that he saw Sunny more down and dull during breakfast, with Izzy even saying that her sparkle wasn't shining at all.

Yet, Sunny tried to assure that she was fine, and she even said that she was going to be on her cart if anypony needed her... but the cart was closed, and it was 2 in the afternoon already.

It was clear to him that Sunny lied for some reason, and that couldn't be good.

So, decided to find answers, he boosted towards the Sheriff station, where he found Hitch reading something on a paper, with all his podcast stuff around him, while Sparky was very busy sleeping on Knuckles' desk, as he hugged tightly a Knuckles' plushie.

Now, why Hitch of all ponies? Well, I don't know if you have payed attention or not to all these stories, but I think Hitch has some romantic feelings for Sunny, and he knows her better than anyone else in their group. But that might be just me, who knows!

Anyways. As Hitch placed the phone back into its place, he noticed Sonic's presence. "Oh, good evening, Sonic!" he greeted with a smile. "What brings you here?" he asked curiously.

"Hi, uh, sheriff..." Sonic greeted with a nervous smile. "Um, I was just wondering if you have any idea on why Sunny isn't in her Smoothie Cart today?" he asked with a confused look.

However, that only made Hitch blink a few times confused. "Wait, what? Sunny's not in her stand?" he asked startled.

"Yeah! Everything is closed!" Sonic pointed out. "And weird enough, she was feeling down this morning. Izzy even said that her sparkle was dull and off. But then, Sunny heard what she said and assured with a very fake smile - I know one when I see it - that she was fine, and that she'll be working if she was needed" he explained with concern.

"Feeling down? Lying about her job and then not showing up? Her sparkle is dull?" Hitch listed, and then, his eyes widened. "Wait... Sonic... what day is today?" he asked startled.

"May 6th?" Sonic replied a bit confused, and somehow innocent as well.

Hitch facepalmed and groaned a bit annoyed. "No! I mean the day!" he pointed out.

"... Saturday?" Sonic replied, still confused.

Hitch groaned louder and grabbed Sonic from his shoulder, shacking him violently. "I MEAN IF THERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL HAPPENING TODAY!!!" he shouted this time.

"Uh... Oh! I get it now!" Sonic said, now smiling normally. "Yeah, today's Mares Day, remember? That's why Zipp's not helping you with your podcast today" he pointed out.

Hitch's eyes widened again, and he let go Sonic, then looked at his desk with concern. "... I... I think I know why she isn't in her smoothie stand today..." he said with concern.

Judging by Hitch's tone, Sonic could feel that this was something very serious, so he just grabbed a chair and sat down in front of him. "... I'm all ears, sheriff" he assured with a serious expression.

Later on, in Zephyr Heights, Zoom and Thunder helped the sisters to clean theirselves after what happened.

Thunder gave Zipp a glass with water, while Zoom tried to help Pipp with her mane, but she only shushed her, and so, Zoom brought out a mirror so Pipp could fix her mane for herself.

Then, Haven approached her daughters with a nervous look, which made Zoom and Thunder make a reverence and leave, while Zipp and Pipp looked back at their mother with Pipp smiling at her.

"I can't believe you made it!" Haven said nervously to her daughters. "I-I hadn't heard from you, I... uh... Well, sort of made... other plans, you see––" she tried to explain.

"Of course we made it!" Zipp stated with a smirk, cutting her mother off. "And, we have a whole day planned!" she added.

"Oh, that's lovely, but––" Haven tried to explain again...

"First: Spa treatments to make us look picture perfect for our glam fam photo shoots!" Pipp sand happily, as she took her phone out and took several pictures with Haven, who was looking around incredibly nervous.

Then, Haven placed a hoof on Pipp's cheek while trying to explain again. "Sounds lovely, but I should tell you––" she tried to say, but...

"Then, we're making all your favorite foods and feeling the wind in our wings as we fly off to our favorite spot for a sunset picnic!" Zipp said with a smile, as she flew in the air before giving a wink to her mother.

"Ta-daaaaa!" Pipp cheered with a wave of her hoof.

"Oh, my darlings, that sounds wonderful!" Haven said to her daughters with a smile, giving them a nuzzle on theirs cheeks, before getting nervous again. "But, as I said, I'm afraid I made––" she tried to finish, but then, a doorbell rang, which startled and worried her a lot.

Then, Zoom and Thunder opened the doors, revealing Alphabittle in the other side, who was wearing a tuxedo with a yellow bowtie and a purple flower on it, while holding a banquet of flowers on his hoof.

"... other plans!" Haven finished with a small smile, while Zipp and Pipp looked shock and surprise at Alphabittle's sudden arrival. Then, Haven walked up to Alphabittle. "Oh, Alphie, those are lovely!" she said to Alphabittle about the flowers.

Just by hearing how their mother called him, Zipp and Pipp immediately cringed, looking completely in shock at them.

"Oh, Alphie... Alphie... Alphie…" Haven's voice echoed in their minds with a distorted echo, realizing that their mother and Alphabittle were in a romantic relationship, aka dating, aka they had more rizz than the sisters in terms of dating.

Yes, I know what I wrote, and I don't regret it!

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" Alphabittle asked Haven with a small smile, while she sniffed the flowers and Thunder brushed up some dirt on the ground.

"Oh, no, no!" Haven assured him with a smile. "My girls have just flown in and surprised me for Mares Day" she explained, while Zipp and Pipp were still shocked at the fact that their mom was dating.

Then, Zipp got up in between them and forced a smile. "Yup! Big day! Lots of plans!" she said quickly, before pushing her mother away from Alphabittle.

"Thanks for stopping by, Alphabittle!" Pipp said quickly as well, and also with a forced smile, before pushing Alphabittle out the door and closing it.

However, Haven opened it again and gave a small smile to Alphabittle. "Perhaps you could... join us" she suggested, and Alphabittle smiled with sparkling eyes at that suggestion.

At that, Zipp and Pipp glared daggers at their mother, clearly not on board with this idea, but then Haven gave them an even deeper and more menacing glare that made them flinch.

Remembers, kids: Never rise up against your parents, it's a fight you'll never win.

The two sisters looked at each other nervously, before giving forced smiles once again.

"What a wonderful idea" Pipp said nervously through gritted teeth while sweating nervously.

"Yes. Please do join us" Zipp said, also nervously and also through gritted teeth.

Then, Alphabittle and Haven gave each other loving looks with smiles, while Zipp and Pipp watched on and cringed. Pipp's mane even went down, and both hers and Zipp's eyes twitched at the sight.

In Maretime Bay, many ponies brought their mothers over to spend Mares Day with them.

It was all fun and laughs, or at least in the main area of the beach, because far away, in a corner almost nobody dared to visit, Sunny was sitting all alone, as she had her gaze lost in the ocean.

She was definitely feeling down, to the point even her Cutie Mark seemed all dull and black.

Suddenly, however, Sonic arrived, slowly walking towards her, until he stopped right at her side.

"Hey, Sunny..." Sonic greeted with a little smile, which made Sunny's ear perk up, and she turned to see him, a bit surprised that he found this place. "Hitch told me you'll be here. Mind having me as your company?" he asked her.

Even if she clearly wasn't in a good mood, she still gave him her most honest smile and nodded, and Sonic sat at her side, also staring at the horizon now.

They stood in silence for a while, but Sonic could tell that Sunny was not feeling, well, sunny at all, because she was looking at the sand with sadness.

So, Sonic sighed and decided to finally brake the silence. "... You know? I'm not an expert at reading people, but... I know when my friends are not feeling well. And you clearly aren't feeling well" he pointed out. "So, I'm gonna tell you this: If you're feeling bad and want to talk about it, then I'll listen. And if you don't, that's okay. I won't pressure you" he assured to her with a smile.

Sunny's ears perked up again, and she turned to see him, smiling at him with a bit more of joy.

"... I guess you already know it, but... today is Mares Day..." Sunny reminded, once again feeling sad and looking back at the floor, while Sonic only nodded at her statement. "... I used to celebrate it with my dad all the time since... since my mom died after I was born..." she confessed.

Sonic looked at her a bit surprised when she confessed that, and he actually got a bit more worried about her.

"But after dad died... This day only gets even more emotional to me... No father nor mother to spent it with makes me feel... lost and alone, even if I know that I'm not..." Sunny kept explaining. "I always come here on Mares Day to try to distract my mind. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... And I think today's one of the times it doesn't..." she added with sadness.

"But... You looked very happy last Mares Day..." Sonic pointed out. "Well, not absolutely, but you did looked more like yourself than today..." he corrected himself.

Sunny chuckled a bit at that. "That's because we were helping Zipp and Pipp to surprise Queen Haven, Sonic..." she pointed out with a sad smile. "My mind was distracted, and with us doing her Royal stuff to help her relax, I barely had time to think on my parents... Unlike this year, though..." she said, once again feeling down.

Sonic looked at her with concern once again, and he looked back to stare at the horizon.

He hated to see his friends feeling down, even if it's normal. He allows everyone to feel what they had to when they need to, but still, he hated to see them suffering or feeling sad.

And with Sunny, a cheerful and optimistic girl, feeling so dull and sad right now, he couldn't help but feel like if somethings was clearly wrong.

And then, he had an idea, one that Sunny herself gave him without even noticing it: Last Mares Day, she was distracted with helping Queen Haven to relax. So, maybe distracting her would cheer her up a bit, and she could still mourn her dad's absence if she wanted, but she would also show his spirit that she's not alone.

So, Sonic quickly took out his phone, texted both Tails and Hitch, and after explaining them everything in a big paragraph, he putted his phone away and stood up, extending his hand to her.

"Well, then. How about we go and distract our minds?" Sonic suggested her.

Sunny looked up at him and raised an eyebrow confused.

"Hey, your dad may not be here anymore, and you can feel sad about that..." Sonic pointed out with a compassionate look. "But you can also still enjoy this day. Either to 'distract your mind', or just to honor the old times... It's up to you decide on how it is. But I'm pretty sure that he'll like to see his Sunny-Bunny all happy, cheery and helpful as always!" he added with a smile, as he rubbed her mane a bit and messed it up, which actually made Sunny giggle a bit, as she pulled him apart with a hoof. "So, what do you say, Sunny?" he asked her with a smirk.

Sunny looked back at the floor, thinking deeply about it. Then, she looked back at the ocean and the horizon, before looking back at Sonic and smile at him.

"Okay... Maybe I should give it a shot. BUT, I don't promise I won't feel down, though" Sunny told him with a little smile.

"Trust me, Sunny-Bunny! You'll be good as new at the end of the day!" Sonic assured her with a smile.

Back in Zephyr Heights, the sisters decided to put their plan in action, now with Alphabittle joining all of a sudden.

They were in the spa section of the castle, with Thunder doing some sort of throat singing while Zoom played a harp, as the Royal Family and Alphabittle were relaxing with a facemask and kiwis on their faces.

Haven sighed relaxed, Pipp hummed happily to herself as she touched her face mask, Zipp ate one of the spare kiwis with the facemask on her, and Alphabittle tried to climb onto the relaxing bed, struggling a bit, but eventually getting on it.

But then, Alphabittle’s facemask began to bubble, and smoke started to steam up, until Alphabittle screamed in pain, as he started to run around, which made the Royal Family take off their kiwis and see him rinse his face off from the fountain, before he turned and still screamed, as his face was all swelled up.

The Royal Family cringed in shock, and Haven and a pegasus mare tried to help him, but then Alphabittle accidentally used his magic, making his horn glow and levitating some makeover supplies and kiwis off the benches.

The kiwis flew pass Thunder and Zoom, as Zoom ducked from the incoming kiwis while Thunder caught one in his mouth, which he swallowed in one gulp. Also, Zoom's harp strings got broken from the bowl, and Thunder continued to throat sing for some reason, which made Zoom give her partner a bored look.

Pipp and Zipp flinched to an incoming object, which Zipp caught, and it resulted to be the facemask container. However, this one had a warning label with a unicorn icon at it, meaning that it shouldn’t be used by unicorns, while Alphabittle kept wailing as Haven and the pegasus mare tried to calm him down while holding rags for his face.

Zipp gave a nervous look and she tossed the facemask away, also tapping her hooves together and whistling nervously.

We could assume that she either was the one that brought the wrong facemask by mistake, or she just wanted to prevent Alphabittle and Haven from reading it.

Moving on, Pipp flipped her hair gorgeously, as the Royal Family huddled together for a family photo, with flowers behind them, as Thunder held up the light while Zoom prepared the camera.

"Ahem" Zoom said to them with a raised eyebrow, as she reminded them that they forgot somepony.

Haven gave a knowing smile, while Zipp and Pipp gave irritated looks, as they a;; turned and looked at Alphabittle, whose face's still swelled up from the facemask, and he gave a surprise look.

"Alphie!" Haven cheered with a smile and a wave, while the two sisters gave surprised looks at their mother, also sweating a bit.

Alphabittle smiled with sparkling eyes and walked to them. However, they did struggled a lot on this one, because Alphabittle is a little too big, so he, Zipp and Pipp grunted, while Haven just giggled at what was happening.

Then, Alphabittle accidentally stomped on one of Zipp's hoof. "Aah!" Zipp cried out in pain from the stop, as tears formed a bit.

And then, Alphabittle’s horn got caught on Pipp's bandana as he accidentally lifted her up. "Aah! Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Pipp cried out from the tug, while Alphabittle tried to get Pipp freed.

At this, Zoom gave a small smile and cleared her throat a bit.

Suddenly, the entire photo background fell apart on them, and all four ponies screamed as the background fell on them, right when Zoom took the picture.

Said picture showed them on the ground, with Alphabittle having his horn pierced through the cloth, while the sisters looked irritated and Haven just gave a smile at all of this.

After the photo incident, they went to the kitchen to make their lunch for the picnic.

Pipp and Haven hummed happily, as they placed sandwich toppings on their sandwiches (duh), while Zipp sliced the bread.

Then, Pipp stacked a sandwich on a stacking set, which had some cupcakes, cakes and sweets with flowers on the top, as she and Zipp smiled with sparkling eyes and Haven just smiled.

Suddenly, they heard a thud, and so, they turned to see Alphabittle, placing four cups down and pouring in some kind of tea on each one. Then, he passed each one to the Royal Family, as Haven smiled while the sisters looked a little unsure.

Pipp picked up her cup, but the cup gave out ghost like smoke and gave sinister whispers. When Pipp smelled it, she gulped in disgust and groaned, leaning back and falling in Zipp's hooves, also looking really dizzy from the smell.

Zipp also smelled the tea, still giving sinister whispers, and Zipp began to gag.

On the other hoof, however, Alphabittle and Haven were sipping their tea together, which they seemed to be unfazed by and not disgusted in the slightest. "Mmmm!" Haven hummed happily with a smile, and Alphabittle smiled at her in return.

Pipp and Zipp saw this, and Zipp's eyes twitched in disgust. Then, the two sisters groaned and fainted in the floor, while Haven and Alphabittle tapped each other's cups.

Meanwhile, in Maretime Bay, Sonic decided to take Sunny around town to keep her distracted.

First off, he surprised her by taking her to her smoothie cart, that already had a small row of ponies, since Tails was attending the cart in her place.

And yes, he was also in Electronic Tails, because the one attending the cart was a clone, but don't worry, he's not gonna vanish, and he can interact with physical objects, so everything's fine.

In the daylight
Gonna go fast
Gotta beat the red light
Ain't no time lapse

Sunny did felt very surprised to see that a Tails' clone was taking charge of her stand, and she looked at Sonic with a confused expression, but Sonic just shrugged with a smirk at her.

Once they both got their smoothies from Tails' clone, Sonic smirked and started to sip his smoothie faster, almost daring Sunny to finish it before him.

With a determinate smile, Sunny decided to play along, and so, she also started to sip on her smoothie a lot faster, and as surprising as ir might sound, she actually won against Sonic, who looked at her in shock once she was donde with her smoothie.

In the night time
I'ma keep on
Racing the shooting stars til the dawn

Sunny smiled with pride at first, but soon enough, her expression cringed, and so, she grabbed her head in pain, since she suddenly had a brain freeze.

Sonic laughed at her at first, but he suddenly also got a brain freeze and started to complain in pain, grabbing his head with his hands.

At that, Sunny laughed at him, even is she was still in pain on her own brain freeze.

After their brain freeze was over, Sonic took Sunny to Mane Melody, where they were attended by Jazz and Rocky.

Sonic got a full massage treatment, while Sunny's mane got a new treatment, now having two pigtails instead of just her regular one.

We can be friends, but I won't team up
If you wanna come along, then try to keep up

Then, both Sonic and Sunny start to try out different outfits, as they pose and take several pictures with their suits.

At some point, they even started to match their looks so their pictures could get more and more silly with time.

Jazz and Rocky had a really hard time not bursting in laugh at their show, but eventually ended up loosing their cool and fell backwards, as they laughed loudly at how ridiculous Sunny and Sonic were looking... probably because they were both wearing shirts that matched perfectly.

Sunny's shirt said 'If lost, return to the idiot', while Sonic's shirt said 'I'm the idiot'.

I'm the fastest, I'm the fastest alive
Need no practice
If you insist I'm a liar

However, none of them noticed that and looked at Jazz and Rocky confused, or in Sonic's case, with a bored expression. But then, they look at each other, and when they notice the other's shirt, and then theirs, the look at each other again, before burst out laughing as well

Then, Sonic took sunny back to the beach, just that he took her to the more public zone.

As they walked by, Sunny couldn't help but notice a little filly playing in the sand with her mother, as they both builded a Sand Castle together, before the mother picked the filly up and twirled her in the air a bit, as she finished by nuzzling her cheek with hers.

That brought back a bit of sadness to Sunny, who looked at the ground with low ears and sad eyes...

However, she had no time to mourn again, because her face suddenly got hit with sand, which made her eyes open wide.

How's about you watch me now?
I'll prove you wrong in a heartbeat

She looked behind her, and she saw Sonic just whistling innocently, as he looked around and just crossed his arms.

Of course, Sunny knew it was him, and so, she threw a bit of sand to him as well.

Sonic shook his head and looked back at her, who was smirking mischievously, also holding a ball of sand on her hoof, and Sonic smirked back, as he quickly made a ball of sand again and threw it to her.

Never gonna tell you how
Speed just runs through my bloodstream

Soon enough, they both were having a sand fight between each other, as they laughed loudly and just kept throwing sand at each other.

Then, that sand fight turned into a little tag game, were Sonic chased down Sunny on the beach. Of course, he wasn't actually going as fast as usual, because he just wanted to enjoy his time with Sunny.

Then, Sonic took Sunny to the snowy mountains of Equestria, were Hitch was already waiting for them with winter gear and snowboarding tables.

Sunny's eyes sparkled, not only because they were going to snowboard, but also because Hitch was also here, which made things a lot better to her, and Sonic could notice that, so he smiled.

I can't even explain it
But I know I'll never stop this feeling

Then, the three of them started to snowboard downhill over the mountain, with both Sonic and Sunny doing some bold and more risky tricks, while Hitch decided to go in a more safe manner, but he still was happy to see that Sunny was feeling a lot better now.

The speed in my soul
The speed in my soul

In fact, Sunny had sparkling eyes as she kept going downhill, while Sonic positioned at Hitch's side with a smile.

And their smiles grew wide thanks to the fact that Sunny's Cutie mark not only got it's color back, but it was also starting to shine a little, which meant that Sonic's plan on distracting her mind was working, and she was actually enjoying this day now.

So, Sonic and Hitch looked at each other with knowing smiles and winked, before going downhill to catch Sunny, who was way ahead of them at this point.

After that, and as you might expect, Sonic took Sunny on a run across Equestria.

Well, he was running, because Sunny was flapping her wings in her Alicorn form at a very fast paste, actually flying just as fast as Sonic moved.

And I can't even restrain it
So I'm gonna keep, keep on running
The speed in my soul

Sonic started to make some tricks out of fun with rocks, trees and plants as they entered to a forest, while Sunny dodged tree branches, some birds, and even a few trees too, replicating Sonic's tactic of just doing it for the sake of having fun, as she giggled happily while doing so.

Then, as they got out of the forest, Sunny started to fly a bit above Sonic, while Sonic himself curled into a ball and jumped over her, as they kept doing this while laughing, clearly just doing it for the sake of have fun and live life to the max, just like Sonic likes it.

And nothing's gonna stop me
I'ma keep on running, oh!

Then, Sunny started to fly lower again, but as she did so, Sonic stared at her Cutie Mark, and he smiled brightly, because it was glowing bright now, clearly showing that Sunny's sunny side was back, and that she was feeling incredibly happy right now, just having fun with her friend.

Sonic's smile grew wide, and so, he putted on a determinate look, before boosting towards Maretime Bay.

Sunny noticed that and smiled with sparkling eyes, as she also boosted with her wings, being right behind Sonic.

Once they made it back to Maretime Bay, they stared at the sun setting in the horizon, as they sat on the beach with smiles on their faces.

I can't even explain it
But I know I'll never stop this feeling
The speed in my soul
The speed in my soul

Then, Sunny leaned and rested her head on Sonic's shoulder, while Sonic rested his head over hers and sighed happily.

After all, his plan went exactly like he expected it to go, and now Sunny was once again in her bright and sunny mood, which just made his smile grow bigger, if that was even possible.

A few hours earlier, with the Royal Family and Alphabittle...

Okay, I'm running out of transition phrases here... Maybe I should sit down one of these days and see how the heck I improve these, because I can't keep saying the same thing all the time...

Anyways... the point is that after making the lunch for the picnic, the Royal Family and Alphabittle were flying towards their destination for the picnic.

Now, how the fell was Alphabittle flying along? Well, he was being carried by Zipp and Pipp with straps and leashes, and the sisters were struggling a lot since he's very heavy, but neither Haven nor Alphabittle were noticing, because they were too lost in each other, and also they were laughing at something.

Also, Alphabittle was using his magic to carry both his tea and the stacking set withe their lunch.

However, Zipp wiped her forehead with her hoof, and by doing so, she accidentally let go of her leash, which made Pipp carry the extra weight, and therefore, make both her and Alphabittle fell.

Pipp and Alphabittle both started to scream in fear as they fell from the sky, and both Haven and Zipp's eyes widened, so Zipp zoomed down and grabbed her leash, then both sisters started grunting and flapping their wings as fast as possible, but they managed to stop the falling before Alphabittle hit the ground, releasing the leashes once they saw he was safe.

"Oof!" Alphabittle yelped as he hit the floor, while his cup container landed on his head and the stacking table of the picnic food landed on him, before the food fell to the floor and some landed on him.

Zipp and Pipp landed on the ground as well, exhausted from what just happened, while Haven landed in front of them and gasped, as the two sisters gave her an assuring smile.

"Oh!" Haven cried out in worry, while Zipp and Pipp smiled with sparkling eyes... But then, Haven ran past them surprising the two sisters, as they turned to her and Alphabittle. "Oh, my Alphie! Are you okay?!" she asked him concerned, approaching to Alphabittle, while he gave her an assuring smile.

Pipp and Zipp just looked on with shocked expressions, that suddenly changed to irritated ones, because they had enough.

"Ugh! Him?!" Pipp retorted in disbelief and anger, as she pointed at Alphabittle. "He's the reason we crashed!" she pointed out.

"And why the whole day's been a disaster!" Zipp added frustrated.

"Girls! Manners!" Haven scolded her daughters for their outburst, while Alphabittle felt guilty by their words.

"No, no, they're right..." Alphabittle said in a guilty tone, as he turned to the two sisters. "Sorry for messing up your day, girls" he apologized, while the two sisters felt surprised by this. "I think it's best I leave you ponies for your special family day" he finished, as he walked off from them while looking a little sad.

Haven extended her hoof and tried to say something so he could stay, but no words came from her mouth. Then, Zipp and Pipp came behind their mother with guilty expressions.

"I'm very disappointed in you both. All Alphie did was try and join in and make us all happy!" Haven said to them with concern.

"But we wanted to give you the most perfect Mares Day!" Pipp said in defense, while Zipp nodded in agreement.

"And he ruined everything!" Zipp added with a wave of her hoof. "And I know a lot of it was an accident, but still!" she pointed out.

"All anypony needs to make a day special is to spend it with their favorite ponies" Haven explained to her daughters, while the two sisters gave surprised looks, before they looked down in guilt. "It doesn't matter what we do or how right or wrong it goes" she finished with a frown, before turning around and walk off, still disappointed on Pipp and Zipp.

The sisters watched their mother go, feeling really bad for how they treated Alphabittle and looking at each other with guilt.

Near sunset-time, Alphabittle was still walking with a down and sad expression.

Suddenly, Zipp and Pipp flew to him and landed on each side of him, which surprised him a lot.

"Wow, walking is so slow" Zipp started with a small smile, trying to make a conversation.

"Hey, Alphabittle?" Pipp called out with a small smile, while the unicorn turned to her. "We're really sorry. We didn't mean what we said" she apologized to him.

"We were just trying to make Mares Day perfect" Zipp reasoned with guilty, before turning to Alphabittle with a smile. "But mom's day can only be perfect if you're there, too" she added, pointing a hoof at him.

"We're really happy our mom has a new friend..." Pipp added, before turning to him with a wide smile. "And now, we do too!" she stated, as she waved her hoof excited.

"There's still time for that picnic if you're interested" Zipp suggested, as she lifted up Alphabittle's tea canteen and gave him a small smile.

Alphabittle thought about it for a moment, while Zipp and Pipp lifted their hooves to him and gave him a genuine smile and sparkling eyes.

So, Alphabittle smiled back at them. "I'd be honored" He answered as he lifted his hoof and gave them a hooftap.

And so, later on, they returned with Haven, who was happy that Alphabittle has returned, as he and the Royal Family were enjoying their picnic.

Then, Alphabittle dipped his sandwich piece into his teacup. "Dunkies, anypony?" he asked the two sisters.

Zipp and Pipp cringed a bit, not sure if they want to, but they can’t judge him if they don’t try it. So, they accepted the two Dunkies Alphabittle offered them and ate their pieces, before smiling with sparkling eyes, finding them really amazing.

The two sisters nodded at Alphabittle, while he and Haven smiled at them, as they all laughed together and enjoyed the rest of their picnic.

"By the way, girls..." Haven called out suddenly, as Zipp and Pipp grabbed another Dunkies and chomped on them. "When are you two going to stop playing around Sonic and Tails and ask them out already, huh?" she asked with a smirk, while Alphabittle smirked as well and chuckled.

That made both Zipp and Pipp go wide-eyed, as they also blushed profusely and spitted their Dunkies, coughing in the process, before looking back at their mother with frowns.

"MOM!" they both cried out with anger and embarrassment, but Haven and Alphabittle's laughs only became louder, while the sisters blush became more redder as well.

At this point, Pipp tried to distract herself with her phone, but the fact that the first thing to appear on her feed was a picture of Sonic, Sunny and Hitch in the mountains didn't helped, since her blush increased even more.

And Zipp wasn't any better, because she tried to hide with a wing and look to anywhere else, but she suddenly got a message on her phone. When she checked it out, it was a message from Tails asking about borrowing her Z-Googles for a moment.

Of course, she didn't blushed more because of what the text said, but of how fortunate Tails was to sent the message right when she's feeling embarrassed that her mother just asked about her crush on him...

The two sisters were incredibly red now, and Haven and Alphabittle just kept laughing about their situation, which made the sisters feel even more embarrassed...

Back to the Crystal Brighthouse, Sonic and Sunny were laughing a lot.

After all the things they did today, they went back to the Brighthouse and started to tell stories of when they were kids in the living room.

"You seriously think you were a bird?!" Sunny asked in-between laughs.

"I know, I know... I was just a kid back then!" Sonic pointed out with a smirk.

"Yeah, but... You literally stick leaves in your body!" Sunny pointed out with a giggle.

"Aren't you the same filly that pretended to be a pegasus on Nightmare Night when you were, like, 10 years old?" Sonic pointed out with a mocking smirk.

Sunny rolled her eyes at that, and looked back at him with a smirk. "At least I didn't broke my father's favorite vase~" she mocked back.

Sonic groaned and covered his face with his hands, which only made Sunny chuckle again.

"Thanks for taking me out of there, Sonic..." Sunny thanked him. "I had a lot of fun today! And, even if I did remembered dad... It didn't felt hurting anymore. In fact, I kind of prefer to remember him and all the fun stuff we used to do with a smile, rather than just sit in the beach and mourn about it" she confessed.

"Hey, I just like to help, Sunny!" Sonic said with a smile and a wink. "Besides, I couldn't just left you all alone the entire day. Life is too short, and you need to live every second as if it was the last! Taking you out there to have a little fun made me realize how much I love to live life to the max with my friends being around. And honestly? I couldn't have it any other way..." he assured.

Sunny smiled brightly at him, and so, she hugged him tightly, with Sonic feeling a bit startled at first, but then smiling and hugging her back.

Everything went perfectly as he planned. Heck, even better in his opinion, and he was glad to see that she was back to her old and happy self.


Author's Note:

Wooo! This episode was pretty fun to do!

I did struggled at first because I didn't knew how the heck to make Team Sonic fit in here, but thanks to BenictheHedgehog's help, I managed to fit Sonic perfectly in here, without affecting Zipp and Pipp's story with haven and Alphabittle.


With this, we now have two ships made canon in my story! (reminder that Knuckles and Izzy are dating now. I know, I know, I haven't really do much with them, but don't worry! I'm not leaving their relationship aside, either.)

Now, for the next couple to be canon, you'll have to wait until Sonic x Make Your Mark: Season 2! 😈

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