• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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70. Return to Cyberspace

Knuckles grunted in effort as he pushed something ahead with his legs.

It turned out to be the Cyberspace portal that Knuckles accidentally activated, which also sent him, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, Sparky and Hitch's animal crew to the Starfall Islands by mistake.

Once the portal was back in place, Tails flew up and used his electrical powers to repair the portal and keep it steady, since he needed the portal to work completely and not just be entirely destroyed. After all, the portal had to be in good conditions to grant access into Cyberspace.

Once Tails finished fixing the portal, he flew down and smiled at his work, just when Sonic and Sunny entered the cave and stared at the portal with uncertain expressions.

"Um, Tails?" Sonic called out. "Remind me why you want to activate this thing? 'Cause last time I checked, it sent us all into an adventure across 5 islands where I had to destroy Evangelion-kind of robots, free you all from being digital ghosts, and got possessed by a weirdo that was trapped in there before we arrived."

"Is this still to build a trap for Opaline?" Sunny questioned. "Because we could not pull that off since, well, you know. Metal Zombies Apocalypse and all that stuff."

"I know you two doubt that this can work, but trust me! Cyberspace might be the key to defeat Opaline," Tails stated confidently, then he looked at Sonic with a smirk. "Also, did I mentioned that we can turn the Cyber Corruption into a really cool power?"

"Yes, you have," Sonic deadpanned. "And I'll stand my position: I don't want to get that thing on me again. Not after the last time I had it."

"While I understand your concern, trust me when I say that this is going to work for sure!" Tails declared with a smile. "Now, I only need to activate the portal, and we should be online!"

As Tails moved towards a computer that was connected to the Cyberspace portal, Sonic kept staring at the monument with a frown and his arms crossed, because he clearly didn't remembered the Cyber Corruption with glee, and Sunny came to notice this, so she smiled and pushed him slightly on the shoulder.

"Cheer up, Sonic. Trust Tails in this, okay? He's been working hard for weeks to make sure that the portal actually works, and you know that," Sunny pointed out.

"I trust Tails, Sunny," Sonic remarked, sounding almost offended that Sunny even thought he didn't. "But I don't trust Cyberspace. Is a tricky place for the mind, and if not approached carefully, it could blown on my face. On our faces. I cannot risk that. I cannot risk you or anyone else. Not after The End showed his true colors."

"Well, The End won't be a problem for a while," Sunny pointed out. "And if I'm being honest, I don't trust Cyberspace, either. I just trust Tails, and I'm confident that he's gonna make things for out. He's not Eggman, remember? He knows what he's doing."

Sonic let out a sigh and nodded. "For everyone's sake, Sunny, I hope that you're right."

"Okay, guys!" Tails called out, and his siblings turned to see him preparing the computer so he could turn on Cyberspace. "I think everything's ready. Stand back from the yellow line, though. I don't want anyone to be close and get swallowed into Cyberspace again."

Both Sunny and Sonic looked down and noticed the yellow line Tails was talking about, so they obeyed and stepped back from it, while Tails nodded with a smile and pressed a button on his computer.

After he pressed said button, the Cyberspace portal started to react. At first, it seemed like it was reactivating successfully, because the top of the structure was glowing like it should... But after a few seconds of waiting, the entire structure shut down, and it didn't turned on at all.

"Huh?" Tails said confused, then he read his computer and realized that a message was warning about a failure, which made him roll his eyes. "I know there's been a failure, but why?"

"Maybe the portal is not working anymore," Sonic suggested. "I mean, before you repaired it, it was slashed in a half. Perhaps it finally kick the bucket?"

"That's... plausible, but we don't know for sure if that's what's going on," Tails pointed out. "I'm gonna take a closer look on that thing."

"I'll go with you. I cannot risk you getting trapped in Cyberspace," Sonic stated, as he walked along Tails towards the portal.

"Wait, guys!" Sunny called out, as she rushed towards them as well.

The three of them were now climbing over the platform that grants access to Cyberspace, and while Tails analyzed the portal while rubbing his chin, Sonic still looked at it with a frown, and Sunny just tilted her head.

"It seems that the gear is not fully on place for the portal to work," Tails pointed out. "Knuckles probably placed it with no effort, but is not entirely pushed."

"Then how did the portal teleported him and the rest of our friends to the Starfall Islands?" Sunny asked confused.

"It was probably The End's doing. He wanted so badly to get out of his prison, so he dragged more people I care for in order to make the Cyber Corruption work better," Sonic suggested with anger. "And here I thought he'll stop being a pain in the ass, even after not stalking me anymore."

"We can figure out that stuff later," Tails said. "I'm just gonna put this gear in place."

"What?!" Sonic said, now with wide and panicked eyes. "Tails, wait! Don't––"

But it was too late to be stopped: Tails pushed the gear forwards in the Cyberspace portal, which immediately made the structure glow in red. This made the young fox smile, but it also made his body start to glow in red, while som red particles were coming from him.

"Ah crap..." Tails deadpanned, accepting his fate.

Sonic, on the other hand, grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away, while Sunny came and tried to pull Sonic away, but this only made them be surrounded by a red light and releases some red particles as well.

The next thing the siblings know? They're dragged back into Cyberspace, as the portal stopped glowing.

In the middle of Kronos Island, a red glow suddenly appeared.

Then, said glow transformed into Sonic, Tails and Sunny, all reappearing in Kronos Island suddenly. The siblings were covering their faces in fear, but once they realized that they were fine, they looked around confused, just for their eyes to open wide when they realized they were back in the first Starfall Island.

"Oh no..." Sunny muttered in panic, as she stepped back nervously. "Oh no, no, no, no... Not this place again!"

"Seven months without visiting this place, and now we're back..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Maybe I shouldn't have pushed the gear into the portal like I thought..." Tails said with a sheepish smile.

"You think?!" Both Sonic and Sunny scolded him.

"On the bright side, this is good news!" Tails tried to be positive. "This means that Cyberspace is back online, and that we can use it to trick Opaline!"

"But is also bad news, because we have to find our way out!" Sonic pointed out. "And considering this place looks exactly like Kronos Island, I doubt we'll get out the same way I did in the actual islands."

"Actual islands?" Sunny asked confused. "Wait, are you guys implying that we are not in the actual islands, but in Cyberspace instead?!"

"I'm not implying it, Sunny. That's precisely what's happening. Look at the sky!" Sonic said, pointing at the sky.

Sunny looked up, and confirmed Sonic's theory, because she noticed that the sky seemed glitchy and digital.

"Well, like I said, Cyberspace is back online!" Tails reminded with a smile. "But, like Sonic said, we have to find our way out of here. The question is, if this is not like when Sonic visited earlier, then how do we find the exit?"

Just as Tails asked this, a sudden digital screen appeared in front of the siblings, startling them, and then a text appeared that was giving them precisely what Tails was asking for.

"Okay... A screen with what seems to be the way out of here," Sonic said with a raised eyebrow.

"How convenient," Sunny raised an eyebrow as well.

"Let's see... 'To escape Cyberspace and return to your reality, you must succeed in the 10 challenges ahead. Complete them all, and the door to your freedom will be revealed'," Tails read. "Challenges?"

"Door to freedom?" Sunny questioned confused.

"Bullshit," Sonic deadpanned and rolled his eyes. "Well, we have to complete the challenges that Cyberspace throws our way. Guess we have no choice."

"Do we really don't have one?" Sunny asked concerned.

The screen suddenly disappeared after Sunny asked that, and instead, a group of 6 Soldiers appeared.

"...Forget it. I have my answer," Sunny deadpanned.

"Eh, is just a bunch of Soldiers. These are a piece of cake!" Sonic declared with a smirk, then he launched himself against one with a Homing Attack and destroyed it immediately, followed by him jumping in the air and making a Stomp Attack over the next. He smiled, then looked back at his siblings. "See? Is that easy!"

"If you say so!" Tails said, then he smiled to himself and charged up a Spin Dash, launching it against one of the soldiers, then jumped in the air and made his own version of the Stomp Attack, which he named Spike Stomp: He used his powers to create a yellow driller, and then smashed down the Soldier with the driller.

Sunny smiled and giggled after seeing this, then she looked ahead at the two remaining Soldiers with a determinate look. She made her Alicorn form appear and turned into one, then charged her horn and shoot a laser towards one of them, followed by her spinning in the air and then finishing off the remaining one with a stomp.

Once all the Soldiers were defeated, a bip sounded and echoes across Cyberspace, which called the siblings' attention, as they looked around confused.

"What was that?" Sunny asked first.

"I think that means that the first stage was clear," Sonic pointed out.

"Okay, but... what do we do know?" Tails questioned.

And just after Tails said this, they suddenly disappeared in a red flash without previous warning.

Another red flash made them appear in other zone of Kronos Island.

This time, they were on the abandoned temple from the very beginning of the island, the one where Sonic first encountered a Ninja that took him completely off guard and made him loose rings. This time, however, and having confronting the upgraded versions even, Sonic smirked at the sight.

"That Ninja is our second challenge, but he's no match for the three of us!" Sonic declared with a confident smirk. "I'll go down, you guys go up!"

Tails and Sunny nodded with confident looks, then they waited for Sonic to make the first move.

Sonic smirked, charged up his Spin Dash and then launched himself against the Ninja, hitting him several times, then jumped in the air and kicked the enemy backwards.

The Ninja rolled in the ground, but just when it was coming to a stop, Tails flew by at top speed and used his Tails to spin and hit the enemy a few times, then kicked him towards the air, where Sunny arrived and launched another blast from her horn that completely destroyed the Ninja.

With that, the bip sound that announced their win was heard, and the three of them huddled together for a Power Bump, then were surrounded by the red light and transported to the next challenge.

The trio appeared on the next zone near the temple of the island.

When Sonic realized this, he deadpanned. "Wouldn't it had been easier if we just walked on our own?"

"Uh... What are those things?" Sunny asked.

She was pointing at a pair of strange robot that looked so much like a cluster of white spheres, each with a glowing red eye, surrounding a central black sphere with a red aura that the white spheres protect. When Sonic noticed them, he smirked, and stepped back from them.

"Why don't you guys figure this one out?" Sonic suggested. "Is not hard to guess how to defeat those Bubbles."

"Bubbles? Are they actually called like that?" Tails asked with a chuckle.

"I didn't made the names," Sonic raised his hands in defense with a smile, then stood quiet.

Both Sunny and Tails knew that Sonic wouldn't say a thing from here on, so they choose to follow his game and looked at the Bubbles, then looked at each other with grins.

"One for each one?" Sunny asked.

"You get the one back there, leave this other one to me!" Tails replied.

After saying this, they spread: First, Tails looked over at one of the Bubbles and smirked, then used his powers to make a replica of the Tornado III on its Cyclone mode, and then charged the Cyclone's cannon to shot at the Bubble, destroying all the white spheres in the process.

Once no white spheres were left, the central black sphere didn't even bothered on fighting back, because it self-destructed and made a small explosion happen.

Seeing what Tails, did, Sunny smirked, so she then lightened her horn and charged another blast, then shoot it at the remaining Bubble, also destroying all the white spheres and making the black remaining one self-destruct, which made her giggle and cheer at her accomplishment.

"Told you guys it wasn't hard to guess!" Sonic told Sunny and Tails with a mocking tone. "By the way, Tails. The Cyclone? Really?"

"It was a good callback, and you have to admit that!" Tails said with a mocking smirk as well, while Sunny just giggled and hoofbumped with Tails' fist.

Then, the siblings suddenly disappeared again, because they managed to complete the challenge once again.

In the next zone they appeared, they found two new enemies, at least new for Sunny and Tails.

These enemies were called Shell, red bipedal robots that possess black legs, masquerading themselves with a sharp, metallic and flexible blue shield each that covers its otherwise thin interior.

Sonic recognized them immediately, and then smirked. "Say, guys! Why don't you leave these ones to me?" He asked.

"Think you can handle them both on your own?" Sunny asked with a mocking tone.

"Plu-ease, Sunny! The question offends me!" Sonic stated, then he adjusted his gloves and boosted on his own against the Shells.

He used his Cyloop around the first one of them, making the robot's blue shield to fly in the air for quite a while. Once this happened, Sonic took this moment to make a Homing Attack against the enemy and then punch the crap out of it, until he managed to destroy it, and when the shield fell back, it also destroyed itself.

Then, Sonic used the Cyloop again with the other enemy, and when its shield flew away, he instead used the Sonic Boom attack to destroy it even faster, making it explode along the shield once this last one fell.

Sonic landed on the ground and smirked, then turned to his siblings. "And that's how you survive on 5 deadly islands!"

Both Sunny and Tails rolled their eyes with amusing smiles at Sonic's attitude, while Sonic chuckled and crossed his arms confidently. Then, and just like it's been happening for the past 3 challenges, their bodies glow in red, then they disappeared and head towards the next challenge.

The fifth challenge seemed to be the easiest one so far, and Sonic knew it.

The enemies to defeat where 3 Bangers, robotic constructs sporting a crimson polyhedronal "core", each with a crimson wheel-like ring surrounding it, and two sharp rhombus-like black structures floating near their sides.

"So how are these ones called, Mr. 'Expert on the Starfall Islands'?" Tails asked Sonic with a mocking tone.

Sonic rolled his eyes and smirked. "These ones are Bangers. They're pretty easy to defeat, actually. You just have to hit them, then step back and parry when their about to attack, because the self-destruct after one single shot, so we have to parry them if we don't want to explode along."

"Understood!" Sunny said with a smirk.

And so, they each proceed to hit a Banger. Then, the enemies prepared to attack them, but just like Sonic told them, they parried them away and made them explode, meaning the passed the challenge again.

With that, they glowed in red and moved into the next stage.

In the next stage, they encountered a particular enemy.

This one was named Squid. And is not so hard to guess what resembles this thing, right? Yup, a robotic squid, although it looks more like a crayfish, but it does have several flexible spines or tendrils resembling the arms of its namesake, so is not a mistake at all.

"Crap..." Sonic deadpanned, then rubbed his face stressed. "I hate this guy! Everytime I was just relaxing and appreciating the sight, BOOM! This son of his Ancient mother came out of nowhere and just stared at me before flying away!"

Tails and Sunny stared at him confused after he said that, since is not the kind of answer they were expecting.

"And... Is he dangerous or...?" Sunny questioned.

"Nah. He's still annoying, though," Sonic said, then he proceed to follow the Squid.

"Should we, uh, follow him or something?" Tails asked.

"I think he can handle it on his own," Sunny said with a smile. "Let's do the next one on our own instead."

Tails nodded in agreement, then they both turned their attention to see how Sonic was doing, but when they turned, their eyes widened, because Sonic already got rid of the Squid, since they saw the robot exploding.

At the same time, Sonic came back with a smirk. "Told ya he wasn't so dangerous!"

Tails was about to say something, but the siblings were teleported away before he could say anything at all.

In the next level, there was a platforming section.

There were actual platforms, springs, boos rings, and even a few Cyclones around. By the way, Cyclones are thin gray robots that surround themselves with a black and red rib cage-shaped barrier each. They also have triangular red eyes and have spikes protruding out from their barriers.

"Oh, so this is the kind of stuff you were platforming over that we couldn't see and you could?" Tails asked with a mocking tone, and Sonic rolled his eyes annoyed.

"How many times are you guys going to mock me up and say that I was floating instead of actually traveling over rails and platforms?! You could've said something!" Sonic said with his arms crossed and a frown.

"We could, but it was so funny looking at you enjoying yourself while there was nothing there!" Sunny said with a giggle.

Sonic just rolled his eyes annoyed and let Sonic and Tails handle this on their own, since he took charge of Squid on his own, so his brother and sister had to finish this one in exchange.

Tails could not make the Homing Attack like Sonic, since he hasn't learned to, so instead he shrug it off and started to launch a bunch of wrenches towards the Cyclones, and he destroyed two of them that were blocking the way, allowing him and Sunny to climb over the platforms and use a spring to reach the higher ones.

Once there, they saw two more Cyclones, and Tails tried to hit them with his wrenches as well, but he did nothing to them because the enemies were protecting themselves with electrical shields.

Sunny noticed this, so she used her magic to blast through the shields and destroy the Cyclones, which allowed Tails to jump over the spring and through the boost ring. He saw in the distance the last Cyclone, so he visualized a mental objective, then brought out a wrench and charged it with electricity before launching it.

This actually made the wrench divide in several more wrenches that hit the Cyclone and broke its shield, also destroying him in the process.

Once this was done, Tails and Sunny hoof/fist-bumped, then they went back with Sonic with smiles.

"So? Whatcha think?" Tails said with a smirk.

"Pretty good," Sonic smirked back with his arms crossed. "One question, though... Why the wrenches?"

"What? Can't handle my style, Hedgehog?" Tails asked mockingly, and Sonic rolled his eyes with an amusing smile, while Sunny giggled at their attitude.

After this, they glow again and disappeared into the next challenge. Only three more to leave Cyberspace...

In the next stage, they found themselves before a Tower enemy.

Do I really have to explain this one? Is a tower with several levels that you have to destroy, what else can I say?

"Okay. This one's easy. We just have to hit the first six levels of Tower, then hit with everything we got straight to the head when is what remains!" Sonic explained.

"Lead the way, Sonic!" Sunny said, as she spread her wings ready to fight, while Tails prepared a driller to fight as well.

Sonic smirked, then jumped in the air and aimed at the lowest level of Tower, then made a Homing Shot and launched all the spheres. After this, he made a Wild Rush in the air and hit the next floor, then made backflip and allowed Tails to follow, so the young fox made another Charged Wrench Attack against the enemy.

This is how Tails called the electrified wrench that multiplies itself, by the way, and the attack actually worked, because it destroyed two more levels of Tower.

That only left Sunny, who lightened her horn and surrounded the two remaining levels, then concentrated her magic fully on them and started to crunch them together, until they were completely smashed like trash and destroyed, leaving only the head to be destroyed.

With only the head remaining, the three of them huddled together with confident smirks, then Sonic and Tails charged up their Spin Dashes, while Sunny levitated them and launched them against Tower's head.

With this, the enemy exploded destroyed, and Sonic and Tails jumped back with Sunny, once again all smiling at each other and fist-bumping. Then, as it's tradition so far, their bodies glow in a red light, and so, they were teleported away towards the ninth challenge of Cyberspace.

The next challenge was an Azura.

Remember him? Big monster with two tiny kegs and three massive arms that need to be destroyed? I really hope that lazy description rings a bell, and if not, go Google it.

Then, as soon as the siblings appeared, they all stared at Aura in the distance.'

"Oh, I think Hitch and I saw you taking down one of these!" Sunny told Sonic with a smile. "We have to hit all the arms 'till he's down, right?"

"You got it right, Sunny-bunny!" Sonic said with a smile. "Let's do it to it!"

"Right behind, big siblings!" Tails declared with a smirk, then the three of them boosted towards the Azura.

The enemy detected their presence, so it stomped one of its arms in the ground, but Sonic smirked at this, because that's what he needed, anyways. He Spin Dashed across the Azura's arm, and once he reached the top, he used Loop Kick and then Cross Slash, then destroyed the arm with a Cyclone Quick.

With one arm down, Tails flew as fast as he could to the next arm, then used his Tails as a saw and hit the arm several times, before finishing it off with the Spike Stomp, destroying the second arm in the process.

Finally, Sunny went ahead and surrounded herself in a golden shield, then spin in the air and hit the arm, basically making her own variation of the Spin Dash. And next, to finish the enemy off for good, she casted a new spell she was working on: She made golden copies of herself, and then launched them all against Azura.

This destroyed the arm and finished off the enemy entirely as it exploded, while the sibling cheered loudly before being teleported away for their last trial... One they're probably not gonna like.

The siblings appeared near the final stage.

Once everything was clear, they all looked around, just for their eyes to open wide when they noticed that the final challenge was to defeat Giganto, Kronos Island's Titan. Of course, this shouldn't be a bad thing... But they have not a single Emerald with them.

"...How are we going to defeat that thing if we don't have Chaos Emeralds?!" Sonic said loudly with anger. "Ugh, I knew we couldn't trust Cyberspace! There's always a trick it pulls on us!"

But as Sonic complained, Tails started to check on his pockets, and his eyes widened, then he pulled his hands out... and he had the Yellow, Green and Silver Chaos Emeralds on his hands.

"Um... guys?" Tails called out, and when Sunny and Sonic turned to him, they gasped as well.

"How the hell?!" Sunny asked in shock.

Sonic decided to see his pockets as well, and his eyes went wide, then he pulled out the Blue, Light Blue and Red Chaos Emeralds. "...I guess this means that we have to reach Giganto's head to grab the last Emerald. After that, we destroy Giganto, and then it's go time!"

"Are you sure we can defeat it, Sonic?" Tails asked concerned. "I don't know if I wanna go Super again. Not after I barely resisted their power when curing the Metal Virus..."

"Hey, you won't be holding all its energy, remember? I'll be containing it, too!" Sonic reminded him with a smile, also placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know if the three of us work together, we can defeat that Titan!"

Tails smiled slightly after hearing this, then took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

"I'll keep myself at stake with Alicorn magic. I'm still not training to hold Chaos Energy, so I'll use what I have to fight against that thing," Sunny declared with a smile.

"Then wait for us while we take that Emerald!" Sonic stated, and Sunny nodded in agreement.

After that, Tails carried Sonic through the air and towards Giganto's head. Once they reached it, they landed on it, then saw the Purple Chaos Emerald. Sonic extended his hand, then the Emerald floated and landed on it. Soon, he turned to Tails with a smile, and the grabbed their hands together over the Chaos Emerald.

Soon, the other six surrounded them, and the brothers were elevated in the sky. After this, the 7 Chaos Emeralds entered on their bodies and turned them into Super Sonic and Super Tails.

I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me

Sonic and Tails slowly descend from the sky with theirs arms crossed, until they were at the same height than Giganto's head. Soon, Sunny arrived as an Alicorn her entire body glimmering in a golden light, and the three of them were ready to take this Titan down.


First, Sonic boosted towards the Titan at sonic speed, while the Titan raised his fist and prepared to strike back at Sonic. However, Sonic himself just kept smirking and raised his fist as well, and then the two of them launched their fists at each other, crashing and fighting to win dominance over the other one.

Unfortunately, Giganto managed to gain more strength and punched Sonic away, but he didn't felt anything now that he had Chaos Energy on his body. Still, he wasn't happy with this outcome, so he decided to start and play serious, boosting towards Giganto again and directly punching his face this time.


Welcome to the mind of a different kind
Where we've been growing slowly
Think I'm on eleven, but I'm on a nine
Guess you don't really know me

After punching Giganto for a while, he used his Sonic Boom move on his head, then he used the Wild Rush and the Stomp Attack on his shoulders. all of that charged up the Phantom Rush, and he flew back to Giganto's face, punching him multiple times now that he could multiply himself with the Super form.

Running from the past is a losing game
It never brings you glory
Been down this road before
Already know this story

Face your fear

Suddenly, Giganto prepared to attack Sonic back, but Tails interfered and parried the's Titan attack, sending him a bit backwards. Then, Tails charged up his Spin Dash and hit his face, then he moved to the air, where he created multiple copies of himself and hit Giganto's head.

Face your fear

Tails smirked, but his smile faded when Giganto recovered real quick and punched him, sending him way back on the field. The young fox shook his head, and looked at Giganto with a frown before boosting towards him once again.

It's time to face your fear
'Cause when your time has come and gone
I'll be the one to carry on (carry on)

Tails parried another of Giganto's attack that the Titan charged up before he could boost, then Spindashed against his head again and multiplied on the sky to attack him.

After that, Tails dodged the recovery attack, while Sunny joined the fight by blasting a laser blast on the Titan's shoulders, then she surrounded herself on a golden shield and punched him on his face. After this, she made a Stomp Attack, and then used her magic to multiply herself again and hit Giganto all over his body.

And you can throw me to the wolves (throw me to the wolves)
'Cause I am undefeatable

Then, Giganto tried to use the same punch it used to attack Sonic before, but Sunny parried the attach with no effort and
punched Giganto's face, sending the Titan a bit backwards, thing that she decided to use as an advantage to multiply herself again and start to beat the crap out of that Titan.

I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me
I'm what you get when the stars collide
Now face it, you're just an enemy

Giganto used his spin attack again, but Sunny wasn't able to dodge it this time, as she flew backwards and almost crashed against a mountain, but she saw the mountain and smirked, looping in the air and landing on the mountain, then using it as a spring to boost back to Giganto and punch his face.

(woah, woah)
You're crossing the line
(woah, woah)

Then, Sonic came and used his Sonic Boom and the Stomp Attack on him, making more damage to the Titan.

Now we've run out of time
(woah, woah)
I'll take what is mine

Giganto was taken aback by that last move of Sonic, so the Titan decided to make things difficult for the siblings: He ducked for a second, just for spikes to come out of his body. These spikes were read, and charged with Cyber Energy.

They suddenly started to launch lasers out of the top, and Giganto couldn't help but roar again, this time looking at Sonic, Tails and Sunny, who descended a bit and looked at him with a frown.

"No more games, guys," Sonic told to his siblings. "It's time to defeat this monster, once and for all!"

Sunny and Tails nodded in agreement, then they all boosted towards the Titan.

And when the story ends
It becomes a part of me
I've given what it takes
I'll find another way

Sonic punched Giganto's face two times, but the titan suddenly pushed him back and opened his mouths, charging up a laser against Sonic. The hedgehog was completely took off guard by this, but still he placed his hands in front of him and tried to move the attack away.

I used to never know
But now it's crystal clear
This feeling's just a ghost

Struggling and grunting, Sonic was able to move the attack towards the sky, and then he boosted towards Giganto's face again, punching him there several times, using the Sonic Boom again and the Stomp Attack as well.

It's time to face your fear
'Cause when your time has come and gone
I'll be the one to carry on (carry on)

After that, Sonic punched Giganto on his face again, but then the Titan prepared his spin attack and used it, although Sonic did managed to doge it this time, using both his Homing Attack and Spindash to hit his face, then moving to the air and creating multiple copies of himself to hit Giganto's head.

And you can throw me to the wolves (throw me to the wolves)
'Cause I am undefeatable

Giganto decided to charge up another laser from his mouths, but this time, Tails and Sunny joined Sonic by placing their hands and hooves together with his, as they all tried to push the attack away.

I'm hanging on to the other side
I won't give up 'til the end of me

This time, and thanks to Sunny and Tails' help, Soni didn't struggled that much, and they launched the laser attack to the sky again, together, as a team, as a family.

I'm what you get when the stars collide
Now face it, you're just an enemy

This time, Sunny went ahead and started to punch and kick harder the Titan, not only his face, but also his shoulders, arms and stomach, getting ready for the final act.

However, Giganto suddenly clapped his hands together, trying to crush Sunny, but then Tails came by and dodged the attack for her. Unfortunately, Giganto make another move: He bit Tails and tried to crush him with its teeth, but Tails managed to use his strength to push the teeth up, and then kick Giganto's head.

The titan was bleeding a purple substance, and his body was glitching the same way Sage's body used to. Sonic knew that a few punches more were everything it would take to defeat the Titan, so he once again used his Homing Attack and Spindash on the Titan's face, then multiplied himself and stomped him.

I'm hanging on to the other side (to the other side)
I won't give up 'til the end of me (end of me)
I'm what you get when the stars collide (stars collide)
Now face it, you're just an enemy

Once again, Giganto tried to bit Tails, but this time Sunny came and helped him repeat the same process from before, then they kicked Giganto's face together, before Sonic land a punch that finally weakened the Titan entirely.

Welcome to the mind of a different kind
We've been growing slowly
Think I'm on eleven, but I'm on a nine
Guess you don't really know me

With Giganto being weakened, the siblings huddled together, then they started to spin and charge a Triple Boost attack, before boosting towards Giganto and go through its chest at Super Sonic speed.

Running from the past is a losing game
It never brings you glory
Been down this road before
Already know this story

Giganto opened its mouth in pain, but then his whole body exploded and turned into a red and digital ball that became smaller and smaller, until it exploded and destroyed the Titan entirely. And with this, the Cyberspace challenge was completed, so the siblings glow in red and got expelled from the virtual reality.

The Cyberspace portal teleported them back to reality.

They were sent back in the same platform from earlier, and they looked around curiously. They also looked at their hands, hooves, bodies, verifying that everything was in order.

Since nothing was out of normal, they smiled at each other and then sighed in relief.

"Well... That definitely was something!" Sunny said with a smile and a giggle.

"Definitely!" Tails smiled. "I think I'm gonna leave this whole deal of Cyberspace for another moment. As much as I like the idea of tricking Opaline, I don't want to go through things like that so constantly."

"As long as you don't get yourself in so much trouble, you're free to do what you want, buddy," Sonic said with a smile, also playfully pushing him on his shoulder. "Say, now that we're free, why don't we all go and have some lunch? All that Cyberspace stuff has me starving!"

"I actually could dig into something to eat!" Sunny smiled. "I really need to eat something."

Tails chuckled and followed them towards the exit of the cave, but not before shutting down his computer and use his powers to make it disappear. In this way, he makes sure that no unexpected guests come here and try to access into Cyberspace again.

"Wait for me, guys!" Tails called out with a smile, as he followed his siblings outside.


Author's Note:

I made a very strange mix with this episode.

Kronos Island Boss Rush, some of Tails' abilities from "The Final Horizon", Super Tails as a playable character (even though this doesn't happens in the game, which is lame), and Sunny smashing down Giganto along Sonic, which is actually a scrapped idea from the Frontiers story.

It was scrapped because I didn't wanted to traumatize Sunny with The End the same way I traumatized Sonic. She has gone through enough crap and trauma with Eggman and the Death Egg Titan.

Besides, I wanted to explore Cyberspace again, and this chapter was the perfect chance to do so.

Also, happy birthday to BenictheHedgehog, whom I dedicate this episode as his birthday gift! :pinkiehappy:

Anyways. Thank you all for reading. See ya! :twilightsmile:

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