• Published 11th May 2014
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Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 13

Noctilucent wasn’t quite sure what to expect as he walked away from the orphanage. Part of him worried that an overwhelming magical compulsion would pull him back. But that didn’t seem to be happening. The night was cold, chilly even, but Quirky radiated heat like a furnace, and it was easy to see why. Five wisps of fire on her backside was an impressive cutie mark.

“I probably shouldn’t have teased you about being simple minded earlier, but you made yourself an easy target,” Quirky quipped, sounding almost annoyingly cheerful. “It isn’t too warm for you, is it?” she asked.

“No, I feel fine, Noctilucent said nervously.

“You are able to talk now,” Quirky observed.

“I, uh, have had some troubles in the past with love,” Noctilucent confessed skittishly. He walked slightly behind the mare, just waiting for magical compulsion to kick in and force him back to the orphanage.

“The breeze feels really weird blowing over my teats after nursing,” Quirky blurbed. “So bad luck in love eh? You seem awfully sweet and you are so good with foals. How could somepony not love you?”

Noctilucent certainly didn’t need to hear about where the wind was blowing. He began to sweat and feel itchy all over. Images began to flash in his mind, unpleasant images. Hearts and Hooves Day. Merriweather. The whorse. He whimpered.

“You alright Night Shining?” Quirky asked, stopping and staring at Noctilucent, her horn igniting with a fiery orange glow that completely demolished all the darkness in the immediate area.

He squinted from the bright light. “I’m fine,” the pegasus lied. “My wing hurts, that’s all.”

“Don’t lie to me,” Quirky said.

“How did you know I was lying?” Noctilucent said, panicking.

“I didn’t, but you just told me. Now come on, we’ll talk once we sit down and I won’t hold this against you this time. Ever lie to me again and I’ll set you on fire,” the mare warned.

Noctilucent gulped and followed her to the diner.

“Lemon custard,” Quirky protested, sticking her orange tongue out.

“I like sour things,” Noctilucent said in his own defense.

“You are a silly pony,” Quirky asserted.

Noctilucent said nothing but cast his eyes downward.

“It is okay to be a silly pony,” Quirky stated. “So, what brings you here?”

Noctilucent became very concerned about being set ablaze. Not saying something wasn’t exactly lying. He thought about his words very carefully.

“I needed a change. I made a few bad choices. Princess Luna set me straight, picked me up, dusted me off, told me she loved me, and then brought me here because this is a change,” Noctilucent replied carefully. Everything he had said was categorically true.

Quirky peered at him carefully. “That’s not saying much in detail, but I can understand you wanting privacy. You on the run from something? Did the Crown put you here to keep you safe?” the mare asked. She blew her mane out of her eyes after she spoke and watched Noctilucent carefully.

“Yes,” replied Noctilucent, not going into detail.

“You’re a virgin,” stated Quirky.

“Yes,” Noctilucent replied, embarrassed.

“You are here hiding from something.”


“You like foals.”


“You are a bit troubled.”


“You are blue with white dapples.”


“And you like sour stuff.”


“Do you think I’m the prettiest mare you’ve ever seen?”


“AH HAH! I knew it!” Quirky exclaimed.

“You… you… you tricked me!” Noctilucent stammered, the white spots on his face all turning pink and the blue turning somewhat purple.

“Aw, look at you, you’re pink where you used to be white,” Quirky teased.

Noctilucent made a mental note to have a long talk with Arroyo at some point in the near future. Perhaps they could form a support group.

“You’re kinda sweet,” Quirky said. “Cactus Blossom says you need a filly friend because you are all lonesome and pitiful and you sigh every five minutes.”

Noctilucent stared down at the table, unable to look Quirky in the eye. He was going to have to have a long talk with Cactus Blossom.

“Cactus Blossom is the most honest little earth pony foal you will ever meet. While honesty is commonplace in their kind, it runs strong in Cactus Blossom. She’s a troubled little filly,” Quirky quipped, looking sad momentarily.

“So I have gathered,” Noctilucent said.

“Don’t you hurt them,” Quirky warned. “They get caretakers, usually hard on their luck sorts traveling out of Las Pegasus, and these caretakers stay for a few days, get fed up, and then split without so much as a goodbye.”

“I don’t want to hurt them!” Noctilucent whimpered in fear.

“Good. That sounded honest,” Quirky stated.

The waitress brought pie, ice water, two bottles of pineapple soda, and a plate full of flatbread with guacamole. She left it on the table, smiled, and left the two alone.

Noctilucent immediately tore into the flatbread and guacamole.

“Avocados grow on you round these parts,” Quirky said. “About all they eat here. I didn’t care for them when I first moved into these parts, and now I cannot get enough of them.” She levitated a slice of flatbread and guacamole to her mouth and began to nibble.

“It’s bland,” she said with her mouth full. She hauled over a small jar from the end of the table. “Habanero picante?” she asked Noctilucent as she spooned a fair bit onto her flatbread.

“What is it?” Noctilucent asked after he swallowed.

“Something delicious,” Quirky said with casual dismissal. “Just try a bit.” She spooned a tiny amount onto Noctilucent’s flatbread and smiled a coy smile.

The pegasus took a bite, and then another, and then…

Everything was on fire.

He grabbed a glass of water and guzzled, but that only made it worse.

“Pie,” Quirky said casually, sliding the pegasus his plate.

Noctilucent began to shovel in the lemon custard pie, and finally his mouth began to cool.

Quirky chewed thoughtfully on her habanero picante drenched flatbread with guacamole and watched the frantic pegasus breathing heavily. “You really are adorable when you are panicked,” the mare commented, taking another bite.

“Why?” the pegasus wheezed, taking a sip of water to wash down the pie.

“Because, you needed change. Tell me, did you not experience a change?” Quirky asked.

“I thought I was gonna die,” Noctilucent gasped.

“And now you feel really good about being alive, right?” Quirky replied in wise tones.

The pegasus sat, now completely puzzled. He did feel pretty good about being alive after being set on fire.

“You are the strangest mare I have ever met,” Noctilucent said truthfully.

“Aw, your sweetness never ends,” Quirky said, genuinely touched.

Seized by a moment of unusual bravery, Noctilucent pressed his advantage. “Can we do this again sometime? I don’t get paid for what I am doing, but I am certain Luna will give me a few bits if I asked and I could pay my own way…”

“I ain’t worried about bits,” Quirky said. “But yes, I would love to do this again sometime, even though we ain’t done with this little outing just yet.”

“I can’t understand why a mare as pretty as you would even give me the time of day,” Noctilucent confessed, eating more flatbread and guacamole. He placed a tiny dribble of picante on his food before eating. He took a deep breath and then took a bite.

“Well, you had this foal slung from your neck, and that was fairly interesting. You’re handsome, and well, that foal stunk something awful. Yet you still looked after her. Plus, Cactus Blossom likes you,” Quirky answered.

“Holly made me responsible for that foal. And to be honest, I feel really bad without my little Shortbread Cookie right about now,” Noctilucent admitted and then took another blistering bite. He was sweating now and his white spots were definitely pink. “I like having Shortbread right here where I can kiss her. It makes life bearable.” He tapped his chest with his other forehoof.

“So you really like foals,” Quirky gushed, melting into her seat a little bit.

“I do actually,” Noctilucent said, the habanero picante searing a hole through his tongue. “I had a job where I was reading to foals, little sick foals, terminally ill foals, and I was happy there. I had to stop doing it though. I couldn’t deal with the sadness. It left me hollow inside.”

“You know freckle face, most stallions when they talk about spending time with terminally ill foals, they just want to brag about it or try to get laid,” Quirky said bluntly. Her words made Noctilucent choke on his food and it took him several moments to recover. “Coming from you though, there is something about how you say it. So maybe spending time with the terminally ill ones was a bad idea. Maybe that is what you are meant to do, spend time with foals. But everypony has their breaking point. Maybe that was too much. Maybe the orphanage will be a much better fit for you.” The mare loaded down more picante on her last piece of guacamole smeared flatbread and went to work wrecking her food, eating with gusto.

Noctilucent sat in profound silence, holding his food, not moving, but suffering from what could only be called an epiphany. What Quirky said made sense. Too much sense he said to himself. What if I was meant to be working with foals this entire time, went into one bad situation that scared me away, and then I spent all this time running away from my destiny he asked himself. What sort of damage might that do…

“Freckles?” Quirky asked, now genuinely worried.

“I’m okay, really, better than okay actually, better than I’ve been for a while,” Noctilucent reassured in a whisper.

“You’re a mystery. I like mysteries. Now, I want to spend more time with you,” Quirky quipped.

“What you said, it really impacted me. What if this whole time I was meant to work with foals? But because I bit off more than I could chew, more than I was capable of coping with, it scared me away from my destiny? What happens to a pony when they don’t follow their destiny?” Noctilucent mused.

“You know, I don’t know. I am a pyromantic unicorn and I am the happiest I have ever been in my whole life working as a librarian. I won’t deny though I get a special pleasure from using my fire talents. For you, maybe it is different. Maybe your talent is focused to one specific area,” Quirky admitted in reply.

“My mark just showed up one day. No warning. No fanfare. I didn’t even notice when it had happened. Just looked back there and there it was. I don’t even know how long it had been there. It was all very vague and mysterious. A candle in a holder. In this day of electric lights,” Noctilucent muttered. He began to work on his last piece of flatbread and fearfully placed a little dollop of picante on his food.

“Candles are romantic,” Quirky announced. “Very nice to have around when you are making foals and not just looking after them,” Quirky teased.

Noctilucent began to sweat and he didn’t think it was from the nightmarishly hot picante sauce.

“Oh my, you are fun to play with. I just say the right words and look at you…” Quirky said with a coquettish giggle. She took a sip of her pineapple soda and began to work on her pie. She took one bite and puckered, her face shaking back and forth as she shuddered from the sour feeling. She felt an uncomfortable tension in her cheeks. She heard Noctilucent having a good laugh at her expense.

“The lemon custard must be extra lemony,” Noctilucent said, his white spots still very pink. Sweat trickled down from his ears, and somehow, the hot picante sauce made him feel cooler. No explaining how some things worked he mused to himself.

“Don’t get wise,” Quirky warned, “unless you want to find out what it feels like to kiss a flaming unicorn.” She puckered up and shuddered again. “Huuyah! that’s sour.”

“Flaming unicorn?” Noctilucent said, trembling slightly as he did so.

“Some unicorns burst into flames when they get angry. I’m one of them,” Quirky warned.

“Remind me to never make you angry,” Noctilucent said, making a mental note for himself.

“Never lie to me and always tell me I look pretty when I am feeling insecure,” Quirky explained. “And you get to stay in a non-crispified state.”

“You are so very impossibly pretty,” Noctilucent admitted. “Why would you be insecure?”

“I have my reasons. Just like you have yours. I’ll show you mine when you show me yours,” Quirky offered. “When you feel like telling me the whole truth, I’ll tell you more about me. Teat for tat.”

“I want to know all about you,” Noctilucent said, exposing his innermost thoughts and leaving himself vulnerable.

“And I am mighty curious about you,” Quirky said.

In a moment of total honesty, Noctilucent broke down. “Look, maybe this is a bad idea. If you knew certain things about me, you’d hate me. I…”

“Shut up,” Quirky interrupted. “I get to decide what I like and what I don’t like. Ponies make mistakes. Sometimes bad ones. Mistakes you spend the rest of your life regretting. But you don’t get to take away my choice to get to know you better in spite of your faults. Do that, and suffer my feminine wrath. I mean it. Cross me at your own risk. I can set rocks on fire.”


“You what?” Quirky asked. “Tried to kill a pony maybe? Said some angry words? Did some stuff you ain’t proud of? Maybe hurt somepony and now, you think you aren’t worthy of being somepony’s friend?”

Noctilucent felt his white pucker puckering up even tighter when he heard Quirky’s words, the part about trying to kill a pony in particular.

“We all have our failings. I have my own. You don’t think I have the same worries that you do, that when you find out certain things about me, that you are just gonna run away and leave me high and dry?” Quirky questioned.

Noctilucent took a bite of pie and felt very afraid. Not of Quirky, but just afraid in general. Of everything perhaps.

“Look, I do stupid things. Really stupid things, please, don’t hold them against me,” Noctilucent said. “I am a pony in need of second chances. I just recently got a second chance, and I don’t want to blow it. I don’t know the rules for relationships and dating and all of this” Noctilucent gestured between the both of them. “I have never had any success at all with fillies and mares. Everything I’ve ever tried has turned to horseapples.”

Quirky’s hard look softened. “See, that’s all I want. Honesty. I had a friend. She was a good friend. She wasn’t honest with me. She told me a little bit of what was wrong, but she didn’t tell me everything that was wrong. She lied to me. She told me that she was going to be okay.”

“What happened?” Noctilucent said.

“She hung herself,” Quirky stated bluntly. “In the backyard. She left a note, as though that made everything better somehow.”

“I’m sorry,” Noctilucent said, now absolutely terrified. The truth was a terrible thing, and something which might cause him to burn at some point. “Someday, when I can trust my self, I promise to tell you more about what happened,” Noctilucent offered.

“That’d be nice,” Quirky replied. “And that sounds honest. I can only be friends with honest ponies. You and I are going to be friends, I can tell. Maybe something a little more someday, like best friends.”

Author's Note:

Bleh. I rewrote this several times. The first draft I typed out went right into the dustbin. The second one got reworked. But it was so disjointed from the reworking that I completely scrapped it. After a few more tries, I decided to go for total vulnerability and exposure, rather than cutesy pootsy beating around the bush. The beating around the bush aspect just didn't work for me.

And this is why I wrote At The End of Your Rope. I just could not fit that much backstory into this diner scene without everything going completely tits up. It wrecked everything. I wanted the reader to be aware of why Quirky was the way she was, and why Noctilucent was the way he was, but I didn't want Noctilucent or Quirky actually aware of too much with one another, if that makes sense. You, the reader knows, but they, the characters, remain in the dark.

Anyway, I hope you like it. Let me know if I missed any sopyt and leave a comment if the mood strikes you. Discussion about the chapter is encouraged.