• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,327 Views, 2,537 Comments

Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 33 (warning: rape triggers)

The chariot moved towards San Franciscolt, a major city to the north of Las Pegasus, with terrific speed. Gate Crasher, enchanted with a spell from Princess Luna, lost no strength in the sunlight and moved tirelessly towards their goal.

Throwing up once again, Noctilucent spewed over the side of the chariot, bringing the grand total to four times so far this trip. He wasn’t sick from motion sickness, but from nerves and the coming meeting with Merriweather. Quirky sat beside him in the chariot, trying to comfort him, while not at all comfortable with flying herself.

Flying beside them, but also a little ahead to avoid the streaming vomit, Princess Luna soared effortlessly, saying nothing at all as they traveled.

The air was cooler, and it felt good to be outside in the sun. Noctilucent was getting tired of the oppressive heat of the desert. Once he recovered himself, he sank into Quirky’s embrace and closed his eyes, allowing her to hold him. He felt his muzzle being wiped by some unknown force and he felt a little better.

This was a day a long time in the making.

They landed on top of a tall apartment building, the chariot setting down lightly with Gate Crasher’s skilled guidance. Princess Luna landed a moment later, and before her wings were even folded, was opening up the rooftop access door meant for pegasi.

Gate Crasher sat down near the chariot and pulled a novel from his saddlebags. He looked up the sun, hissed loudly, and then lost himself into his book.

As Noctilucent neared the door, he heard Gate Crasher speak.

“Good luck,” Gate Crasher offered.

“Thank you,” Noctilucent said in return.

“Don’t mention it, caretaker of foals,” Gate Crasher said in a grumpy voice.

It was Princess Luna who knocked upon the door and Noctilucent thought about running away to the roof before it had a chance to open. He pressed into Quirky’s side and made a nervous whimper.

There was a muffled movement behind the door, and then it opened slowly. Noctilucent peered out from behind Quirky, not sure what to think or say, completely at a loss for words or knowledge of what to do.

And then he saw her.

She was already crying a little. She moved out into the hall, shoved past Princess Luna, Quirky stepped aside rather hesitantly, and then Merriweather came to Noctilucent. Rearing up onto her hind legs, she wrapped both forelegs around his neck and squeezed gently.

After a moment of a quiet and confusing embrace, she let go and backed away, slipping through the door and then with a gesture, invited them all inside.

Once inside, Merriweather shut the door and showed them to a couch, where all three sat down and made themselves comfortable.

“Why don’t you hate me?” Noctilucent asked, unable to wait any longer or find a better greeting. The pain in his voice was obvious, heartbreaking for all the room, and even made Princess Luna flinch when she heard the emotion filled crack in his voice.

Clearing her throat, Merriweather looked at Noctilucent and then sat down in a chair. She drew herself in, pulled in her legs, and curled up in the chair, laying on her belly with her legs all folded beneath her.

“Merriweather, this is Quirky. I’ve told you about her. She is here to offer support to Noctilucent. Quirky, this is Merriweather,” Princess Luna said, introducing the pair.

The two mares nodded at one another, sharing one thing in common between the two of them, one common thing that defined both of their lives.

“I never stopped loving you,” Merriweather admitted. “Ever,” she added after a moments pause.

“But… what I did?” Noctilucent replied in stunned disbelief.

“I had a hoof in that,” Merriweather stated. “Look, my therapist requires me to be brutally honest about everything or it sets off cycles of self defeating behaviour that led me into downward spirals.”

“I know all about those,” Noctilucent said in a small timid voice.

“I went to that party with the intention of letting you have your way with me. I wanted you so badly. But you were so shy and sensitive. So distant. So when you started giving me drinks, I knew what you wanted. I played a little hard to get and I took those drinks, mostly for your benefit. I was young and stupid. I actually believed that if I was good and plastered, it might make it easier for you. That was the plan. I wanted you to take advantage of me,” Merriweather confessed, a few more tears now starting to trickle from the corners of her eyes.

“I lost my nerve,” Noctilucent said.

“I know,” Merriweather said. “I woke up in the middle of a nightmare. You were gone. Your friend… he was doing things to me… and those things continued for hours. I… well, I tried to fight back to make it stop. It made it worse. He became angry. He hurt me when I tried to make him stop,” Merriweather said, her voice becoming a bit reedy with pent up emotion.

“I’m so sorry,” Noctilucent said. “I feel so bad,” he added, floundering to say something meaningful.

“He finally let me go. He threatened me about going to the police. I went to the Cloudsdale hospital. Told the police anyway. Had to stay in the hospital for over a month. Fourteen different surgeries in total, all of them reconstructive, most of them on my anus and a few were to repair my shattered dock. He… he broke my dock… and then each time he took me, I could feel him grinding against my broken shattered dock… he… he punished me for fighting back,” Merriweather murmured.

The room suddenly became a little warmer and Princess Luna reached over and nudged Quirky softly. Quirky, snorting and struggling to breathe, took a deep shuddering breath and tried to calm herself.

“What happened to him?” Quirky finally asked.

“He went to prison for a while,” Merriweather replied to Quirky. “After I got out of the hospital and after I recovered, I tried to find you Noctilucent. To talk. To make some sense of what happened. But you skipped town.”

“I couldn’t face everything that had happened,” Noctilucent whimpered, squirming in his seat. He closed his eyes and began counting backwards from one hundred, hoping to find some sense of calm.

“There is a lot they don’t tell you about recovering from a rape,” Merriweather said after taking a deep breath, and letting it out slowly as she spoke.

“Like what?” Quirky asked, determined to see this through for Noctilucent.

“Like how to go on living day to day life,” Merriweather answered.

“I’d imagine it would be hard,” Quirky stated.

“They don’t tell you about what happens the first time you feel a little sexually aroused after you spend some time healing. They don’t tell you about the panic that it brings. The guilt. The shame. The pain. The panic attack that made me throw up in the shower. I felt the hot water hitting me and I felt just a little warmer than usual back there. And it set off a massive chain reaction that caused me to be checked back into the hospital because I tried to kill myself,” Merriweather admitted.

Noctilucent silently restarted his count backwards from one hundred.

“They don’t tell you that your therapists, almost all of them, and you will go through quite a few, will almost all blame you for what happened and will try to hold you accountable for what took place, telling you that you need to take responsibility for your own risky behaviour and the consequences. My first therapist triggered my second suicide attempt,” Merriweather said in a strained whisper.

“I’m sorry,” Quirky offered, now tearing up herself.

“They don’t tell you about the nightmares you will have. Or the fact that you will wake up in a state of total terror and panic as well as sexual arousal. They don’t tell you about all the times you will wonder if maybe you enjoyed it on some level and the guilt that it causes. They never tell you any of these things. At least I was never told these things,” Merriweather confessed.

Unable to deal with this on his own, Noctilucent found himself pressing into Princess Luna and burying his face into her neck. He felt a wing wrap around the back of his neck and head, pulling him close and comforting him.

“They don’t tell you that you will have moments where you will daydream about your rapist, even if you don’t want to do so. You will have fantasies… the shame of doing so will send you on quite a downward spiral. They don’t tell you about the first time you try to masturbate and the floodgate of emotions it will open. How you start to wonder if maybe you are sick because you can’t stop thinking about what happened and reliving it as you rub yourself off,” Merriweather said.

“This sounds like it has been very difficult to deal with,” Quirky said, casting a glance at Princess Luna and Noctilucent as she spoke. The blue and white dappled pegasus was sobbing profusely and it made Quirky’s heart flood with aching pain.

“They don’t tell you about the first time that you feel attracted to another stallion, just looking at them as they might go by, and all of the guilt, shame, and self rage it triggers. They don’t tell you how how you’ll feel if you have your first crush again after a rape, and the feelings of inadequacy it might trigger,” Merriweather stated.

Princess Luna pulled Noctilucent closer and tried to soothe the overemotional pegasus, who seemed quite inconsolable. “Merriweather, I know how important this is to you. Do continue.”

“They didn’t tell me that I would fall in love with the first therapist who really understood me and told me it wasn’t my fault. Nopony warned me about that at all. He knew. He understood. He knew all about my pain and he was the most perfect stallion in all of the world because he didn’t blame me and he knew all about these things they don’t tell you. And my infatuation set off a cycle of self destructive behaviours. Because he was the only one who understood, I had to have him,” Merriweather said in melancholy voice.

“Must have been hard,” Quirky said, struggling to find some way to acknowledge Merriweather.

“They never told me about how to recover from having your therapist tell you he can’t see you as client anymore, and how to mend a broken heart after the rape. How much more it hurts. I went out and tried to see other ponies. They never told me how nervous I would be bringing a stallion home for the first time, how scared I would be. Trying to be normal again. Those first few dates that seem to go so awkwardly and then you finally decide to take a chance and bring somepony home. And when things finally happen… they don’t tell you about the panic attack that happens when he finally kisses you. They don’t tell you how you will freak out. And because he doesn’t know what happened, he doesn’t know why you are freaking out. He’ll call you a prude. A cock tease. He’ll slap you once or twice, tell you to get your head together, and then he’ll storm out the door. And you will think about rape. You’ll think maybe you deserved it this time because you were being a cock tease. You’ll think maybe you owed him something and that there is something wrong with you. They don’t tell you that you will spend the rest of the night in the shower, crying, throwing up, feeling sexually aroused, and having fantasies about all of the ways that it could have gone differently, including being raped again,” Merriweather said in a hesitant voice. She fell silent after letting all of the words spill out, and she began to weep, her tears and words turning into sobs.

Author's Note:

I couldn't write any more of this. Sorry.

There will be a second part soonish, I promise. This was awful to write, and it is the end result of several months worth of study about sexual trauma when I can find a moment or three. I'm really very sorry if it was difficult to read. It was difficult to study about it, and it was exceptionally difficult to write, so I decided to break it into several parts.

Let me know if I left behind any typos.

And as always, discuss everything below.