• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,330 Views, 2,537 Comments

Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 4

A single butterfly remained. It fluttered around Noctilucent’s room, wavering in an unseen breeze, flittering about for a while in the waking world, before finally dissolving into a trail of glittering dust, vanishing from reality. Noctilucent lay in his bed, thinking about his life. He had a life. He did not know what to think about that, not yet, and he understood that at some point, he needed to sit down and have a good think about his new purpose in life.

A small part of him was grateful that he was alive and that these tough decisions were made for him. A larger part of him disagreed, feeling suddenly angry about this whole turn of events.

All he had wanted was for the pain to end.

He was still in pain, even more so now, feeling guilt and shame over what he had done, confusion about his current situation, and a steadily growing feeling of hot anger.

As he lay in his bed, he realised the drugs he had been given in the hospital were wearing off… And his mood was changing rapidly. His wing throbbed dully, painfully, a hot burning ache in his joint.

His anger turned into a near seething rage though when he came to the conclusion that most of his anger wasn’t directed towards Princess Luna, but himself. He lay in bed and gritted his teeth, hating himself. Had he just endured, he would not be in this position, bound to this task, forced to face the one thing he wasn’t sure that he could face.

The faces of the dead haunted him, and a crushing wave of sorrow washed over him, flooding him raw emotions that he was unable to deal with. He began to weep, quietly, trying not to make a sound. He buried his face into his pillow and tried to let it out, unable to hold it in, unable to hold back any longer.

As he lay crying, he heard faint hoofsteps coming into his room and he struggled to compose himself. He heard a ruffled scrape along the wall, and saw Cactus Blossom feeling her way around his room, looking concerned, turning her head and trying to listen.

“I heard you crying,” she said, her voice soft. “I have really good ears. It woke me up. Are you alright? I can’t remember your name, I’m sorry,” she added as she tried to feel her way to Noctilucent’s bedside.

“I’m sorry for waking you. I was… sad,” Noctilucent replied. “I am Noctilucent.”

Hearing his voice, the foal moved carefully to his bedside and sat down when she bumped the edge of the bed. “I get sad too,” Cactus replied, her voice a soft whisper. “I know how it is.”

“I’m sure being an orphan is tough,” Noctilucent said, his head on his pillow, staring sideways at the foal.

“I wasn’t always an orphan. I had a mother once. We hit some hard times. She tried to get rich in Las Pegasus, lost what little bit we had,” Cactus Blossom said, resting her head on the edge of the bed, her eyes staring vacantly ahead.

“What happened?” Noctilucent asked, not actually wanting an answer.

“She… my mom became sad because we had nothing. She… she…” the foal said, struggling to finish, her voice becoming strained and full of emotion. “She jumped from a building. And then I came here,” she said, restraining tears, holding everything back somehow.

Noctilucent felt something give way inside, a terrible feeling, something that now hurt worse than his broken wing. “I’m so sorry… I don’t know what to say,” he said in a soft voice. He felt an ache in his heart for the foal. Did Princess Luna want him to help her? Could he help her? Noctilucent did not know. He currently could not help himself.

“Don’t be sorry,” the foal replied in a quiet emotional whisper. “I hate her. I hate her for what she did. I don’t want people feeling sorry for me. She left a note saying she had lost everything… she still had me. I guess I didn’t matter,” the foal added, her voice now becoming angry and full of pain. “She was selfish.”

“I-” Noctilucent’s voice died in his throat. He was about to agree that Cactus’s mother had been selfish, but he was in no position to agree.

“Did somepony hurt you?” Cactus asked bluntly.

“Yes, somepony hurt me,” Noctilucent reluctantly answered, his voice wavering, uncertainly creeping into his voice as he started to wonder how to answer this question. Somepony had hurt him. How could he explain this to Cactus. Should he explain this to Cactus? He didn’t know. And he didn’t say.

“Did they break your wing? Luna told me your wing was broken and that I need to be extra careful with you,” Cactus said, her head still resting on the edge of the bed.

“Yes… well, uh,” Noctilucent said, sniffling. “Yes, somepony hurt me and broke my wing.”

“That wasn’t very nice of them,” Cactus said, her mood mercurial in a way that only a foal could be. “Why would they want to do that to you? You seem nice, you haven’t kicked me out of your room or hollered at me for bothering you while you were crying.”

“No, I suppose it wasn’t very nice of them to hurt me,” Noctilucent said, the words tearing fresh wounds of guilt even as he spoke them.

“Ponies holler at me a lot,” Cactus said.

“You do act out a little tiny bit,” Noctilucent answered hesitantly, his voice quavering from his settling sobs.

“Not a little bit. I’ll tell you a secret. I do this on purpose,” Cactus Blossom said, heaving a sigh.

“Why tell me your secrets? And why do you do this on purpose? What purpose could it serve?” Noctilucent asked, wiping his nose with his fetlock.

“Luna told me I should try telling you my secrets and she made me promise to do so. And I do this on purpose for a very good reason,” Cactus Blossom answered, one ear flopping downward, her face becoming rather sad looking.

“And that is?” Noctilucent asked, now wiping his eyes.

“Adults come here all the time, usually ponies who live here. They adopt sometimes. I don’t want to be adopted,” Cactus Blossom confessed.

“Why not?” the pegasus asked in stunned disbelief.

“I don’t want to be hurt again,” Cactus said, her other ear now drooping. “Luna made me tell her about it, I didn’t want to tell her, but I saw her in my dreams, and I knew she would find out sooner or later, and she sat me down and made me talk, and we talked about why I behave the way I do, and I don’t want to be hurt again,” the foal whimpered a few times as she spoke, and then began to cry silently, no sounds, just a few tears slipping from her sightless eyes. “I can see in my dreams. Luna can make me see there, the world is so beautiful.”

Noctilucent sat in stunned silence.

“If I act out ponies stay away from me. Except for Candy Corn. She needs me. Candy’s father killed her mother and then he killed himself and Candy isn’t a happy foal,” Cactus said. “Don’t tell nopony. Luna promised me that I could trust you and if you tell anypony, I’ll tell Luna.”

“I won’t tell nopony,” Noctilucent promised.

“Now that somepony has hurt you, do you still trust other ponies? I only trust Luna, and I am trying to give you a fair shot because Luna said she would give me a lecture if I didn’t and I don’t mind Holly’s lectures but Luna has a really loud voice when she lectures, and Luna is the only pony that can make me feel guilty over anything other than Candy Corn,” Cactus said, the words spilling out of her mouth rapidly.

“I don’t think I trust the pony that hurt me,” Noctilucent said in a low whisper. “Thankfully, Princess Luna had made sure that he can’t hurt me again,” he added, relief easy to hear in his voice.

“The pony who hurt you must be a real monster. You seem so nice. You’ve let me talk your ear off and you haven’t chased me away or screamed at me that I talk too much, or called me an annoying little blabbermouth,” Cactus Blossom said, reaching up with her forehoof and wiping her own eyes. “Thank you,” she added. “Luna was right. I’ll go easy on ya for now, but I can be a little obnoxious at times.” Quite without warning, the foal jumped up into bed with Noctilucent and settled against his side.

“Uh, I am not sure if this is such a good idea,” Noctilucent said.

“Why not?” Cactus Blossom said. “You are sad. I wouldn’t be a very nice pony if I went off and left you while you were sad. Luna would chew my ear off like that one time when she let Graves have it for calling Sassy a genocidal murderer. What’s a genocidal murderer? I know what a murderer is…”

“The bad griffons took over the donkeys’ homeland and did bad things. The good griffons came to Equestria, unable to stay at home. Uh, genocide is when one group of creatures do bad things to another group of creatures,” Noctilucent explained, trying to be as delicate as possible.

“And Luna wonders why I don’t want to trust anypony,” Cactus quipped. She snuggled against Noctilucent carefully, curling into as small ball of pale green foal. “I’m not hurting you am I?” she asked.

“No,” Noctilucent replied.

“Good, I am going back to sleep,” she announced. “The day is hot. We go out and play at night usually.” The foal yawned, stretching out her long orange tongue, and then rested her head down upon her folded forelegs. “Luna calls us her children of the night,” she said, her final words sounding drowsy. It what seemed like moments, her breathing became slow and steady, her sides rising and falling, a faint whistle coming from her booger encrusted nostrils because she had been crying.

With the foal now silent, Noctilucent was left alone to face his thoughts.

Author's Note:

This was... fiendishly difficult to write actually. I actually had a tough time hammering this one out. It took me most of the day just to get this small chapter out. I rewrote it several times, reread it, waited to post it, reread it, rewrote it, waited and procrastinated, hemmed and hawed, gave it another rewrite, fleshed it out during the final process, and now I am posting it.

Something about this chapter has been surprisingly emotionally draining.

I've never had this much trouble getting out such a relatively small number of words I don't think. I started this chapter early in the AM, and it is now after midnight.

I really hope at least one person appreciates this and is touched by it, at least on some level, and it will make all of this headache worth it.

And this whole story has been a headache to be sure.