• Published 11th May 2014
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Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 30

“Do you think he is capable?”

Holly did not reply to Princess Luna right away. Instead, she sat silently and carefully considered her thoughts, trying to gauge Noctilucent's abilities. The mare thought carefully about the pegasus that she was slowly growing to love; he was after all just another one of her foals, her wayward strays that she kept watch over. Holly watched as Princess Luna waited patiently for a reply, and the unicorn mare wondered what sort of answer Luna wanted to hear.

“Yes and no,” Holly finally replied. “Yes, he is capable of being a good caretaker. However, he is not capable of doing it alone. At least I don't think so. That is my opinion since you asked. There are moments where he is remarkably foal like himself. He is emotionally fragile. His moods shift occasionally. His own foal like behaviour makes him fantastic with foals. Surely you have seen how he dotes over the two tiny ones. Fatherhood comes naturally to him. And there is another issue I wish to discuss since we have brought all of this up,” Holly added.

“And that is?” Princess Luna replied as settled herself against the table and rested her forelegs upon the table's surface.

“I have long guarded my heart against getting too close to these foals. I have always held myself away from them knowing how much it would hurt to let them go. If you are going to establish a therapeutic foster home for our current residents, then I want to be a part of it. Noctilucent is going to need me if he is going to be doing this. I love these foals. I have grown very fond of this current batch... call me selfish if you will, but I do not wish to let them go,” Holly said, unable to look Princess Luna in the eye as she spoke.

“I hadn't planned on taking them away from you,” Princess Luna replied, trying to reassure Holly. “My intention was to have you in place as a director. My sister and I have spoke a great deal on this issue and there are going to be some reforms taking place on long term foal care for troubled foals... such as our current group of foals. Placing them into a family situation might be problematic due to some of the issues some of them currently have. The politicians are reluctant to spend more money, but for the time being I am funding this project from my own finances. I know you get a stipend now, which is not much, but it is my intention to move you into a salaried position as director,” Princess Luna explained.

The two mares regarded one another, Holly looking into the Princess' eyes now. There was a moment of unspoken understanding between the two, and Holly gave a faint nod.

“You know, I really don't care about the money. It has never been an issue for me. So long as my needs are met, I have a warm bed, a roof over my head, and something to eat, I am a content pony and will do whatever is required of me,” Holly admitted.

“I am relieved to hear you are on board with this project and that you believe that Noctilucent is capable,” Princess Luna said, restlessly tapping on the table top with the tip of her ornamental shoe.

“And what of Quirky?” Holly asked.

“What about her?” Luna replied with her own question.

“You do know that she and Noctilucent are engaged, right?” Holly asked.

“What?” Princess Luna said, her eyelids blinking rapidly.

“You didn't know?” Holly inquired.

“I knew they were dating and I knew it was serious, but nopony told me anything about them getting engaged... when did this happen?” Princess Luna queried, sitting up straighter and raising her head, her posture becoming one of interest and concern.

“Just a few nights ago. They plan to spend some time talking with Dr. Lethe before doing anything though. Which is probably wise, seeing as how they are both somewhat troubled,” Holly explained as a smile broadened across her features.

“I cannot believe he did it... he was the one who did it, right? This was not a case of Quirky roping him in?” Princess Luna asked.

Holly shook her head and continued to beam.

“Moon and stars, I was hoping this would happen. Well this is happy news. What do the foals think? Do they seem happy?” Princess Luna asked, now leaning forward excitedly over the table.

“The foals are ecstatic. I think they will be very happy to know that they are all going to be in a 'real' family soon. When do we tell them that we are keeping them together?” Holly replied, brushing a bit of her forelock out of her eyes as she did so.

“Oh, not yet. Not for a while. There are other things that need to happen before we can do that. Before I do anything or allow anything to happen, more needs to happen with Noctilucent first,” Princess Luna paused for a moment, looking very apprehensive. “There are a few things you need to know about Noctilucent before all of this takes place, but I cannot be the one to tell you… but you need to speak to him and ask him about why he is here,” Princess Luna finished.

“Look, I know what he did,” Holly said in a very low voice.

“How? Did he tell you?” Princess Luna returned.

“No, but he talks in his sleep. And Cactus Blossom isn’t the only one with sensitive hearing. I suspect several of the foals know. Graves and Cactus Blossom in particular. I don’t know everything, but I know enough. He cries about not having a mother in his sleep, did you know that? I suppose it is part of the reason I feel so fond of him,” Holly said, once again pushing her forelock out of her eyes where it had fallen again.

Princess Luna remained silent, unsure of what to say or how to even say anything. Her mouth opened several times as she started to speak, but then she fell silent and no words came out.

“Look, I don’t think any less of him,” Holly whispered softly. “He’s a pony. He has a few problems. We all do. When I was a filly on the verge of adulthood, I thought about doing it myself… even made a halfhearted attempt. The pain became a bit too much, and I stole some sleeping pills and a bottle of wine. I slept for several days. I woke up with a terrible headache and I was horribly dehydrated. I felt really stupid. It straightened me out though and I have done right ever since. I still think about what I did and the memory keeps me on the straight and narrow. It was learning experience for me and I think that it was the moment that I actually grew up,” Holly confessed.

“Thank you for telling me that,” Princess Luna replied weakly, unable to come up with anything else to say.

“We all have moments where we stumble, I think it is just as much a part of living as anything else. I haven’t taken part in many of the things common to most ponies. I have never married. I can’t have foals of my own. I didn’t grow up with a family. But I have tried to kill myself. Like it or not, that makes me belong. It is something quite a few of us have in common I suspect, even if we refuse to admit it,” Holly said as she looked Princess Luna in the eye.

Princess Luna slumped slightly in her seat, leaning on the table with her forelegs. Her ears splayed out sideways and her eyes narrowed.

“Sometimes, being close to death or having a brush with death helps us reaffirm life,” Holly said.

“Do you really believe that?” Princess Luna asked the mare sitting across the table from her.

“Yes. Yes I do,” Holly replied.

“I am not sure what I believe,” Princess Luna admitted.

“What we believe determines what we do,” Holly quipped. “I believe that everything has right to be happy and to be loved. Now, I can’t make everything better, but I can change the life of a few foals. And then I hope that the love I showed them affects them in a positive way, and they go out into whatever life they have and love others. Like ripples in a pond. Life hasn’t been kind to me. I was an orphan. I am barren. I suppose I have plenty of reasons to be unhappy. And for a long time, I was unhappy. I didn’t believe in anything. But then, a few things happened that changed my point of view, I matured, I figured out what I need to believe in to make life work, and over time, I found a bit of happiness,” Holly explained, pausing several times while speaking to blow her forelock out of her eyes.

“I believe that life is to be preserved at all costs,” Princess Luna announced in a low voice. “Everything else, I am not sure of. The world has changed much in my absence. Suicide was almost unheard of a thousand years ago. Ponies sort of stoically plodded on. Of course, lives were shorter too. Most were lucky to live for twenty or thirty years. Now they live for a hundred. I suppose back then ponies were too busy working, trying to survive, there was no time to stop and ponder if you were happy or if you were miserable, or to allow your thoughts to run roughshod through your mind. Now, now there is so much time spent idle. So much time spent navel gazing or staring down at your own hooves. And everypony is caught up in trying to be happy. And they are miserable trying to do it. Keeping up with their neighbors, purchasing goods they do not need, this obsession with staying young looking forever, so many thoughts and concepts have been introduced into society about what we need to be happy, but the pursuit of these things cause so much unhappiness,” Princess Luna said, elucidating upon her internal thoughts and sharing them with Holly.

“What you say has a lot of truth, but there are still some very simple ponies. One only needs to look at Noctilucent. He spends hours doting over his two little foals. And one only need to look at him for a moment to know that he is happy now. He was a miserable wretch when he showed up here. Now, he has that big dopey grin of his. And the bigger foals, he is a perfectly content pony spending every waking hour of his day with them. I have never seen a stallion more suited to fatherhood than Noctilucent. He was meant to be a caretaker. Life has been cruel to him though, just like it has been to all of us. Some of us get strong, some of us are left crippled. He’s been left emotionally fragile I think. I have spent my entire life around foals, and I can read them like a book… and Noctilucent is, for all intents and purposes, still a foal in an adult body. He’s a scared little foal that wants his mother, something I see all the time,” said Holly as she rubbed her cheek with her fetlock.

“And this is why you have endorsed him as a caretaker?” Princess Luna asked, leaning forward a bit more as she did so, looking at Holly intently.

“Yes,” Holly answered. “He knows what it feels like to be abandoned. To be alone. To be isolated. He understands the pain… the feeling. The hurt and shame of not being wanted. He makes those foals feel wanted. All of them. I would say this alone would make him uniquely suited to being a caretaker, but he has other qualities as well. I mean, sit down and watch him with Biscuit sometimes. He has conversations with Biscuit, even though Biscuit never says a word back. He spends so much effort trying to talk to Biscuit that he makes me feel guilty for not trying hard enough,” Holly said, her face forming a pained expression as she did so.

Princess Luna’s brows furrowed and her muzzle scrunched.

“Luna?” Holly asked, dropping any pretense of formality.

“Yes Holly?” Luna replied, her posture shifting slightly as she addressed Holly, looking more than a little surprised about being spoken to so casually.

“Would it be weird to want to adopt an adult?” Holly asked.

“What do you mean?” Luna replied, looking somewhat confused.

“Noctilucent is very much like the son I would have always wanted. I’ve entertained the notion several times now of claiming him as my own. I know this seems silly, it is one thing to say that you think of somepony as your own son… and while the words are nice and very touching, I feel there should be more somehow,” Holly admitted, looking down at the table, her mane spilling forward into her eyes.

“I think you should talk to Noctilucent about this… he would be very touched I do believe. I think you should tell him how you feel. Tell him you love him. I tell him that all the time. He didn’t believe me at first, but he has softened up a bit. When I tell him now, he gets the sweetest look in his eyes. If this is something you truly desire, and he is accepting of this idea, I will make it possible. I will give you the validation you so desire. You have asked for so little in return for all of your hard work,” replied Luna to Holly, who was hiding behind her mane. “Plus, I do believe it will be good for him to have a real family. He needs the support. I will say no more about his personal issues though, I do hope you will understand.”

Holly nodded, her eyes shiny with tears and barely visible from behind her mane. She wiped at her eyes with her foreleg and gave a trembling smile.

“So, this home we are planning will be very much like a real home I think,” Luna said in a voice thick with emotion. “A herd of ponies that have banded together to form a family. I wish every other venture I have had a hoof in turned out with as much promise as this has.”

“I think it would be nice for the foals,” Holly agreed. “They love Quirky. Quirky for all of her faults, is a good mare and has been nothing but good for Shady Patch and all of the orphans here. Lately, even more so. The foals are so happy watching two ponies that they love loving one another. It is changing them. Cactus Blossom hasn’t been so obnoxious as usual… she lives in constant fear of being adopted and taken away from Candy Corn. I suspect she hopes to have a place with Noctilucent and Quirky, and I can’t wait to tell her that she doesn’t need to worry anymore. She’s been remarkably well behaved lately. Well, remarkably well behaved by her usual standards.”

“Before Noctilucent came here I told him that he was going to fall in love with Cactus Blossom,” Luna stated.

“He has,” Holly replied, nodding slightly as she did so. “He loves her dearly and patiently deals with her antics. I think in time, she will level out and become a somewhat well behaved and well adjusted little filly. He’s already touched them all so much. Graves is becoming friends with Arroyo. Graves has been downright friendly by his previous standards. Sassy is content now and has her music, Arroyo shows a lot of promise with music as well, Candy Corn hasn’t been quite so shy, they have all changed already and I predict the changes will keep happening. It is like the foals have started to hope to again, even Biscuit has shown signs of improvement. It is though they just needed somepony to light their way.”

“Maybe somepony has,” Luna answered, thinking to herself about Noctilucent’s cutie mark. Only time will tell Luna thought privately to herself.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay. Things have been weird.

And I have been distracted.

Let me know if I missed anything, I have combed over this a few times and I think I got most of the mistakes.

Now, we begin the upswing arc. Soon, we will be dealing with Merriweather.