• Published 11th May 2014
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Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 19

The dreamscape shifted suddenly and Noctilucent found himself standing in a nursery. A very large nursery. The world suddenly seemed much larger.

No he thought to himself, I’ve become a lot smaller he realised. He was foal sized again. He had short stubby little legs, tiny little wings, and a small body. He peered down between his front legs and looked towards his tail. Yep, everything back there is smaller too. He felt diminished and ashamed as he examined what remained between his hind legs.

He looked around, turning in a circle, and saw a very large Princess Luna moving towards him. He almost felt panicked. She was large and very scary looking somehow.

Noctilucent felt a peculiar tingle in his body. His mind whirled. His thoughts jumbled, he wanted to tell Princess Luna all about his Shadow, his feminine self, his inner foal, but none of that came out of his mouth. He continued to shrink, to grow smaller and smaller, until he realised he was about the same size as Shortbread Cookie, and Princess Luna, now Mother Luna, loomed over him hugely.

“Aw, look at you, you’re so adorable,” Mother Luna said.

Noctilucent struggled, his adult thoughts finding it difficult to function in this body. He tried to tell Mother Luna was what wrong, to tell her about his other selves. He tried to say so many words. What came out however…

“Blufu Lulu,” Noctilucent cooed in a very foalish burble.

“Yes, I am ‘Lulu’ and I am blue. Very good!” Mother Luna praised.

The adult part of Noctilucent banged away at its mental prison, unable to do much of anything. Mother Luna lay down on a cushion, rolled over on her side, and exposed her navel to Noctilucent.

Her navel and two something elses.

Noctilucent screamed inside of his own brain. This wasn’t a dream, this was a nightmare. He was diminished, trapped in the body of a foal, unable to speak or protest, and currently staring hungrily at two teats while licking his lips with his tiny orange tongue.

He felt himself scooped up and pulled close, feeling her warmth upon his body. He closed his eyes, and felt heat near his nose, and the enticing smell of sustenance. His own body betrayed him and he could feel his lips begin questing to take in a teat so he could suckle and gain nourishment. A wing wrapped over him protectively and pulled him in closer, and he felt lips wrap around a teat.

The milk was overpoweringly sweet and his foal-self could not get enough.

His adult mind flailed about its prison, unable to stop the events going on.

He could feel the teat in his mouth, the soft warm hairs of Luna’s belly against his side, the sweet creaminess of the milk clinging to his taste buds. He could hear himself suckle, slurping away hungrily.

“All you needed was a mother’s love,” Mother Luna murmured in a strangely soothing voice.

No! he cried in his own mind, unable to say anything else.

“No?” Mother Luna asked, minor irritation in her voice. “Am I not the mother you wanted? Would this be a better mother for my little snuggle-wuggle bear?”

The wing was gone and suddenly Noctilucent’s vision was flooded with white. He felt his muzzle push down harder and deeper, taking in more of the teat and slurp-suckling away, making little happy whimpers.

“Oh, this is what my little foal needed, my little cutesy wootsy pootsy pie!”

Noctilucent quailed inside his own mind. That was Quirky’s voice he realised as his body continued to suckle greedily. This was quite possibly the second worst nightmare he had ever had to endure.

There was no sexual arousal in his foal body, the foal body did not seem to notice that its nose was but a few scant inches away from Quirky’s marehood. It cared nothing about these things. It only wanted to suckle, snuggle close, and to feel warm, safe, and secure.

The nursing seemed to last forever, and Noctilucent was certain that some part of him was scarred for life. He would never again be able to look Quirky in the eye and kissing her ever again was right out of the question.

He blinked, Quirky’s white pelt and pink teats flooding his vision.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back inside the hospital. Things were still being repaired. Little Me was standing beside him, licking his messy milk-covered lips and looking quiet satisfied.

There were very disturbing sounds echoing through the hallways. Grunting. Panting. Whimpers and cries of what sounded like pleasure. He began to walk down the hall, trying to find the source of the sounds, but not actually wanting to find the source of the sound.

A loud lingering moan floated down the hallway.

He rounded a corner, walked a ways down the hall, and stopped in front of a patient room door, staring inside, not believing what he was seeing.

The other two versions of himself quickly pulled apart from one another and looked at him sheepishly.

“Is this considered masturbation?” Noctilucent asked his other selves.

“Oh gosh I hope Little Me didn’t see too much, this could warp his little mind,” She Noctilucent cried in worry.

“I have needs!” Shadow Noctilucent said in his own defense. “And she was willing to put out.”

She Noctilucent slapped Shadow Noctilucent with her wing. “You told me you loved me!”

“I am all about self love baby,” Shadow Noctilucent replied, ducking away from the savage slapping he was getting now, She Noctilucent’s wings flailing at him repeatedly. “I had to get rid of you so I told you Luna was coming and sent you off, I am sorry, but I mean, look at her, she’s beautiful!”

“You think I am beautiful?” She Noctilucent said, ceasing her attacks.

“I am one pretty little pegasus,” Shadow Noctilucent replied, “and I only want the best. I deserve the best. I get the best. You’re beautiful.”

Noctilucent rolled his eyes.

“You’re such a flatterer,” She Noctilucent said, batting her eyelashes.

“I had the emotional intimacy I needed!” Little Me chirped.

“Aw, that’s good dear,” She Noctilucent cooed.

“So this is what it is like to go mad,” Noctilucent said to himself.

“No, this is what it is like to go sane, She Noctilucent replied in soothing warm tones. “We’re free now. It might take some time to get settled, but I think things are going to get better. Now stop looking at your mother figure like that after you just got done being teat fed and I was interrupted in the middle of -ahem-. It makes things very awkward dearie.”

Noctilucent dropped his gaze and stared at the floor. “This cannot be more awkward,” he muttered.

“Sure it can,’ Shadow Noctilucent replied with a wicked grin. “You and I could probably get her going in a threesome! She’s needy. Just tell her she’s pretty and that you need the intimacy if you are ever going to heal.”

She Noctilucent’s scream reverberated inside of Noctilucent’s head and he awoke with a muffled cry of alarm.

Noctilucent stared at his own reflection in the mirror. It was still dark, not yet dawn, and he had showered while everything was still quiet. He stared into the mirror intently, wondering which face was staring back at him.

“You have a lot to do today,” Noctilucent said to his reflection. “We should get it done early, before it gets too hot.” He kept his voice low. Princess Luna was just upstairs and the foals were in room nearby.

“Today, everything changes. I know what I need to do. It isn’t much of a plan, but anything you think of in the shower seldom is. Time to throw caution to the wind and take the first step of the plan. I don’t know how to save myself, but I do know that if I can probably help these foals. But I’m stupid, so I need to fix that,” he explained to his reflection. “If I am going to help them, I need to learn how to help them.”

For a terrifying moment, there were two faces in the mirror. His own, and Shadow Noctilucent’s. “We will do anything to help a foal,” Shadow Noctilucent said. “Remember what we are as a pegasus. Talk to Lethe, she is a pegasus too.”

“I will,” Noctilucent promised to himself.

Shadow Noctilucent vanished from the mirror.

Noctilucent studied his own reflection, taking in everything. His one white ear, his one blue ear, the white patch around his eye, the white spattering of freckles he had and had always hated, his purple mane and violet eyes.

He made peace with the face staring back at him, and resolved to never allow his reflection to come to harm ever again. He drew in a deep breath, held it for a moment, examining his barrel, and then blew it out. He was entirely too scrawny and bird like. He did not have an exciting physique.

He was what he was, nothing less, nothing more. He resolved to make improvements within where it mattered.

Noctilucent patiently waited through breakfast, greeted Lethe, spoke to Princess Luna briefly about needing to go to the library, and waited until bathtime to depart. He left Shortbread Cookie in Quirky’s care, not knowing if Quirky would be there on his return, and then he left.

The morning sun was already almost unbearably hot.

It was a long walk to the library, or maybe it was a short walk and the blistering sun only made it seem like a death march. He was a pegasus on a mission though, and would cross the desert if he had to. The library was a giant beehive shaped adobe building, round, and somewhat conical. He hurried his pace a bit and made for the doors, feeling the blessed coolness when he walked inside. He stood for a moment to catch his breath, and then approached one of the librarians.

“I need some help,” Noctilucent requested.

“How can I help you?” the librarian replied kindly.

“I know you can enroll and register for university classes in any library. I want to enroll in Las Pegasus University and take courses through the mail. I also need to apply for financial aid,” Noctilucent said.

“I would be happy to help with that,” the librarian replied. “I’ll even help you fill out the forms.” The librarian headed off to a filing cabinet, retrieved some papers, held them aloft in a pale yellow magical aura, directed Noctilucent to a chair and a table, and then sat down.

“Name?” she asked.

“Noctilucent,” he replied.

“Oh, that’s pretty,” she commented. “Any education?”

“Secondary school. I finished.”

“Any income?”

“No. I am currently a live in volunteer at the Mustang Springs Orphanage.”

“Oh, that’s very nice of you, I hope you will stay, poor Holly needs help. I’ll put that down as your address too.”

“I intend to do more than stay, just not sure what to do.”

“Any idea for a field of specialised study?”

“Foal psychology and development.”

“Oooh! You do actually want to stay and to help them all out. Any idea for a secondary specialisation, should you want one?”

“Interspecies interaction… I don’t know the words.”

“Interspecies communications and dynamics?”

“That sounds close enough. Put that down.”

“Are you willing to serve the Crown as part of your conditions for financial aid, dedicating a portion of your future career to whatever endeavours the Crown may ask of you?”

“I am already serving the Crown, so yes. My entire life if need be.”

“Do you want me to write that down? This form is legally binding sir.”

“Yes. Write it down. Better to entrust my life to something that will put it to better use than I have.”

“That’s very noble of you sir. Here, you need to sign here, here, and here.”

Noctilucent took the pen and signed in three places required.

“I wish you the very best of luck Noctilucent. We can get all of the university textbooks you need here, through the interlibrary loan system. We also have a few dictation pens, pens that will write your paper for you as you speak. Very handy for non unicorns.”

“Thank you, I will be taking advantage of those I think.”

“And thank you for helping Holly and those foals.”

Noctilucent reclined on a cushion, sipping apple soda through a straw, Shortbread Cookie right beside him. She was drooling on his foreleg, resting her head on him. He didn’t mind. He was just glad to be cool again.

Holly was teaching class, today’s lesson was all about equinity and what it meant to be a good pony. Or griffon. Or donkey. Today’s lesson was all about morals and ethics, a tough subject for any foal. Or adult.

Dr. Lethe was watching him, and Noctilucent gazed over at her from time to time. Princess Luna had left while he was gone. He had never had a chance to tell her about his shadow. He was going to have to talk to Dr. Lethe he supposed.

“Flubblupurbleblurpflllpppppth!” Shortbread Cookie mumbled in foal talk.

Noctilucent leaned his head down and kissed her, which caused her to close her eyes and beam, her smile almost as wide as her face.

Holly began to talk about making moral choices, using Sassafras’ refusal to eat anything that might talk as an example. Sassafras gagged in disgust as she always did when the subject came up, and Noctilucent began to wonder why. He wondered if it was more than a simple aversion. He stayed quiet, making mental notes, and quite without realising it, continued to ‘nest’ with Shortbread Cookie.

Dr. Lethe, watching Noctilucent, did realise what he was doing, and was busy taking notes, watching his every movement, every facial expression, every touch made with the foal, nothing escaped her observation. It was always fascinating watching a pegasus doing what came natural in the ‘wild’ whenever the opportunity presented itself. She observed plumage presentation from his good wing. The tail flicks. The flared nostrils. How his ears tracked sounds from different places in the room. The quick darting of his eyes. What he lacked in raw intimidation, he made up for with attentiveness.

The dappled pegasus was a magnificent specimen, and Dr. Lethe hoped to observe his courtship rituals someday soon. She was also making plans to begin therapy sessions, and her observations would be most useful in figuring out the real Noctilucent hidden under the shy introverted exterior.

He was a reluctant participant in social herd bonding, which was natural as an introvert, but showed promise when properly motivated. Once made comfortable, even if forced into the situation initially, he adapted quickly and would make some small talk as well as other somewhat social gestures.

For a moment, the two pegasi locked eyes, the solar pegasus meeting the gaze of the lunar, and the pair observed one another. Noctilucent offered a faint smile after a long moment, bent his head down to plant his nose into Shortbread Cookie’s mane, and then he inhaled deeply, causing the foal to whinny.

Dr. Lethe continued to watch her final case study, hoping for more useful observations.

Author's Note:

I am sure that was a very awkward chapter for some of you. Welcome to psychological horror! If the introvert tagged cringes got you in the last few chapters, I am sure this one will get you as well. Yes, that is normal, your skin should be crawling. And yes, you should feel slightly intrigued and aroused. That is mostly normal.

So finally, we get first bite of the real meat in this story, nineteen chapters in. Noctilucent forms a plan. Maybe not the best plan, but plans made in the shower are never great plans.

Pay close attention to titles.

There are times when I write Luna and times when I write Princess Luna. This has meaning. There are times when I write Dr. Lethe and then other times I write Lethe. There is a reason for this.

The first half of this chapter is rife with dream imagery and meaning. Have fun.

Discuss everything below, and thanks for reading!