• Published 11th May 2014
  • 9,330 Views, 2,537 Comments

Princess Luna's Suicide Solutions - kudzuhaiku

A young pegasus, not seeing any hope left in life, attempts to throw his life away. One pony's trash is another pony's treasure. And Luna likes digging through the trash.

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Chapter 32

Staring hatefully at the book titled “Sexual Trauma,” Noctilucent decided it wasn’t much use. It blamed the victim and any sort of counseling was nothing of the sort. It was a list of behaviours the presumably female victim should avoid if they did not wish to be sexually assaulted again. The book, rather thin and completely useless, was filled with blame for the victim.

He tossed it aside with an equine snort of derision.

Some of his schoolbooks infuriated him to no end. It did not take much to make him angry lately. Certain things, mostly his schoolbooks, had a knack for setting him off and making him feel his inner pegasus. He snorted and took steps to calm himself, starting at one hundred and slowly counting backwards.

By eighty two, he was breathing steadily again and feeling just a bit sleepy, exactly how Dr. Lethe said he would be feeling. It was shocking how well this method of mental redirection worked. He sighed and pulled another book from the pile, knowing that he had a lot of work to get done.

He was nervous. So very nervous. Even after his calming exercise, the back of his mind clung to his worries. Princess Luna was supposed to be around later to talk to him. He hoped and feared it would be about Merriweather. Holly was acting strangely. Her usual laid back demeanor had been replaced by one of nervousness and worry.

Noctilucent hoped that he hadn’t done anything wrong, anything that might have upset her or offended her. He took a deep breath and began to count backwards from one hundred yet again as he felt his barrel constrict with anxiety.

The diamond dog known as Bloo Tic plinked away on a mandolin, Sassy plucked away on a banjo, and Arroyo strummed a guitar. Two of the trio were rapidly improving. An almost sibling-like relationship had formed between Sassy and Arroyo.

The music lessons had another side effect for Arroyo. The somewhat simpleminded colt seemed to be becoming a bit more functional. Since learning how to play the guitar, his speech had improved, his ability to relate to others, in short, learning how to make music had finally made him blossom. His friendship with Graves was also having an effect upon him, and Graves spent a great deal of time reading to the colt. Arroyo’s vocabulary had improved considerably.

Hunched over his schoolbooks, Noctilucent listened to the trio as they practiced. Beside him, Biscuit quietly sat, peering at his books and his writings, seemingly happy to be beside Noctilucent while the stallion worked through his boring schoolwork. In front of him was a book about the theories of emotion. The book was open to the chapter about cognitive theory of emotion, the page was about how physiological arousal happens first, and how the individual must determine the reason behind this arousal, the factors that caused it, and the associations with the various stimuli involved in order to experience it and label as an emotion. It was a difficult subject and Noctilucent wasn’t sure he understood it well enough.

A quilt was spread out a short distance away for Shortbread Cookie and Pyrocumulus, the two foals watching everything around them with wide bright eyes while they lay side by side with one another. Quirky lay on the quilt with them, watching the music lesson as it happened, occasionally reaching out and stroking a foal with her folded fetlock.

By herself, Cactus Blossom danced to the music with unabashed abandon, totally unaware that ponies were watching her. Being blind had given her a certain sense of freedom because she couldn’t see what others thought of her with their facial expressions. Her dancing, if one could call it that, involved lifting a leg, shaking it wildly, and bobbing her head. After a few moments, another leg was lifted and given a shake.

Graves was curled up in a chair reading one of Noctilucent’s psychology primers, a book titled “Operant Conditioning: a guide by Mule Skinner.” The donkey looked too much like he was plotting or planning something. His brow was furrowed in deep concentration, his ears framed his face, and a worrisome smile was on his face, a manic terrible grin that somehow promised mayhem. Any smile from Graves was usually a cause for some level of concern.

In the corner of the room, Shady Patch and Candy Corn worked together on a colouring book, talking quietly, their friendship blossoming as time passed. Shady Patch was spending more and more time at the orphanage. Candy Corn wasn’t nearly as shy now, and was more than willing to chat with Shady Patch.

In the soundproofed kitchen, Noctilucent watched Princess Luna carefully as the alicorn made herself comfortable at the kitchen table. She folded one foreleg over the other on the table before her, her ears perked forward ever so slightly, and she leaned forward towards Noctilucent.

“There are a few things that we need to discuss with one another today,” Princess Luna announced in a soft soothing voice, taking note of Noctilucent’s nervousness.

Nodding, Noctilucent acknowledged Princess Luna’s announcement but said nothing. He squirmed in his seat and his good wing flapped around a bit in nervousness. He felt Holly stroke him and he calmed a little bit, but his breathing remained rather heavy.

“You seem so nervous lately,” Princess Luna observed.

“Working through a lot of issues in therapy. Feelings of inadequacy. Confusion over my gender… a worry that I am not worthy of being either gender… my fear of not being good enough. Plus, I have a big time psych exam coming up soon on all of the introductory stuff I’ve been studying… I am a very stressed out pegasus,” Noctilucent explained.

“Merriweather?” Princess Luna inquired, saying the one word that made Noctilucent almost lose it completely. “I know you are worried about the Merriweather issue. She has agreed to see you. She wants to see you. And as soon as possible.”

“W-w-w-w-why?” Noctilucent stammered. “After everything that happened… why would she want to see me?” he asked.

“She was actually quite relieved to speak with me about you. She has worried about you every day after what took place,” Princess Luna stated.

“What? Why? Why would she worry about me?” Noctilucent questioned.

“You will need to speak with her. It is not my place to tell you,” Princess Luna replied. “But in a few days, Gate Crasher and I will be taking you to meet with her. I understand that Quirky will be coming with us.”

Too stunned to reply, Noctilucent slumped down in his seat and closed his eyes. Emotional pain turned into physical pain and his stomach began to churn. He felt a little nauseous and dizzy.

“I am allowed to tell you that the foal is named Feldspar and he is a healthy well adjusted little foal who is quite well behaved,” Princess Luna said in a soothing voice of velvet.

Laying his head down upon the table, Noctilucent took a deep breath and tried to keep his feelings from overwhelming him. He took a deep breath and held it for several moments, until he felt as though his lungs were burning and he let it all out in a troubled wheeze.

“You’ve been dealing with a lot of depression lately, have you not?” Princess Luna inquired. “I mean, more so than usual.”

“He’s been a little more mopey than usual. He spends a lot of time in his books frowning and Quirky has been having some trouble getting him to smile or laugh,” Holly reported as she wrapped a foreleg over Noctilucent’s withers.

“You are getting better Noctilucent,” Princess Luna said. Her voice was steady, confident, a bare statement of fact, not speculation.

“I’m trying,” Noctilucent whimpered.

“You are not trying. You are doing,” Princess Luna stated.

Sniffling, Noctilucent nodded without lifting his head from the table.

“Second order of business… Holly has decided to adopt you,” Princess Luna announced. Her words were blunt and straightforward and caused Noctilucent to go immediately silent. No sniffling, no soft whimpers of sadness, nothing could be heard.

“You need a mother. A real mother. Somepony who loves you and that you know loves you. And the foals are going to need a grandmother,” Holly said, flashing a glance at Princess Luna as she spoke.

“What?” Noctilucent gasped.

“It has been decided that the foals are no longer up for adoption. All of them are to be yours, if you want them. Princess Luna has agreed to the idea of a therapeutic foster home. I am going to be the director. You are going to be a devoted father and husband to Quirky. And we’re going to make a family out of this mess. You are going to complete school. Dr. Lethe is going to retire and live with us,” Holly explained.

“I don’t know what to say…” Noctilucent whispered.

“You’re like the son I’ve always wanted. I love you a great deal,” Holly responded in a low voice. “We’ve already spoken to Quirky. She knows. She’s looking forward to motherhood. As of yesterday, she quit her job with the library and is now employed here. She wants this more than anything, she wants you, and I want both of you as my foals.”

The words were too much for Noctilucent in his emotional state. He began to weep, covering his face with his forelegs and trying to hide himself.

“Look, I know what you did to end up here,” Holly said. “You don’t need to be ashamed about it. Bad things happen to good ponies. But if you wouldn’t mind telling me, why did you do it?”

“Because I believed that nopony would ever love me,” Noctilucent sobbed.

“Did you believe that was actually true?” Holly gently inquired.

“With all of my heart. I’m not worth loving,” Noctilucent whimpered.

“So you made yourself believe in that and you lied to yourself,” Holly said, pulling Noctilucent closer, careful of his injured wing.

“It seemed true at the time,” Noctilucent said, trying to squirm away from Holly and failing. He grunted as Holly only squeezed tighter.

“Noctilucent, listen to me carefully. We believe in things that aren’t true because we’re scared about how our world might change if we found out we were wrong all along. Be honest with me. What scares you more? The idea that nopony loves you or the idea that somepony might love you in spite of all of all the things you believe are wrong with you?” Holly questioned.

“I dunno,” Noctilucent moaned.

“She is right you know,” Princess Luna said. “I believed that I was all alone and that nopony would ever love my night… because nopony loved me. I was so entangled with my night that when ponies ran and hid from it, I believed that they were running and hiding from me. I believed my own sister had turned against me because it was easier to believe in that to nurture the hatred growing in my heart. I needed to believe in it to justify my own selfish and destructive behaviour.” After she had finished speaking, Princess Luna looked ashamed and unsettled.

“I needed to believe that nopony loved me so I could convince… I needed to believe that… I had to believe that nopony loved me… it was the only way I could prepare myself for what I planned to do and not feel guilty… about doing it… it took a long time to make myself believe… I had to keep telling myself over and over… and it made what I had to do easier…” Noctilucent stammered, his voice hitching from emotion.

Beneath the table, unnoticed by anypony, Noctilucent’s cutie marks flashed once again. For a brief moment, flames flickered on the candles to be found on each hip. A golden glow shone forth. And then, the flames extinguished and and the candles returned to being unlit.

Princess Luna wiped her eyes with one foreleg and attempted to straighten herself out. “No matter how much we want it to be, a lie is never the truth.”

Author's Note:

Next chapter: Merriweather.

Should be out within a week. Doing some last minute research about sexual trauma.

If you see typos, let me know. I'll fix 'em.