• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 10: The Last Temptation of the Slave King

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 10: The Last Temptation of the Slave King

What is the difference between a fool and somepony insane? The answer of course, is that the insane pony often times believes themselves to be quite rational. While the fool is somepony who knows better, and yet still decides to leap off the precipice anyway. So take wisdom from the insane, for their insight may prove useful, and eschew the fool, for their path often leads to ruin.

- Broken Quill the Mad, Listen to me Young Grasshopper: The Ramblings of a Madstallion

“Thank you for delivering this package so quickly,” Lady Zephyr said to the feathered folk courier handing her a scrap of parchment to sign.

“Think nothing of it, mam,” she said, accepting the signature and handing her a receipt. “The Slave King considers speed to be of paramount importance for the postal service.”

“Dawson, be a dear and carry it inside for me,” she said, paying the courier a generous tip for her speedy delivery.

Dawson approached the courier and grabbed the package she held out. Looking at her, he found her grey and yellow plumage quite alluring, and found himself blushing when she stared at him with her vivacious golden eyes. “Thank you,” he said, slightly flustered at all the attention she was giving him.

The courier, while not as cute as Melody, or as strikingly gorgeous as Dame Squall, still possessed a beauty all her own. She offered him a shy smile before looking away. “I hope to see you again sometime,” she cheerfully said, before checking a list for her next scheduled delivery.

“Dawson,” Lady Zephyr said, prodding him gently with her talons. “When you meet a lady for the first time, it’s considered rude if you fail to introduce yourself.”

Blushing slightly from his mother’s reproach, he reached out his talon in greeting. “Hello, I’m Dawson,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“I’m Erica,” she replied, taking his talon in her hand and shaking it. “Well, Dawson, I hope to see you around sometime. Thank you for choosing the Royal Mail Service for your delivery needs. Lady Zephyr, I hope you and your son enjoy your stay here in the Neo Vale.”

“You’re welcome,” she replied, as Erica took to the air and flew towards her next delivery. Turning to her son, she offering him an affectionate smile. “It looks like my little chick is all grown up, and almost ready to leave the nest and his mother behind.”

“Mother, I’ll never leave you,” he promised, hugging her tightly.

“No, it’s alright,” she said, getting slightly misty eyed at the thoughts of her son leaving her forever. “Eventually all hatchlings become adults, and take off to find their own way in the world. Dawson, at least promise me you’ll visit me often.”

“I promise, mother,” he said, looking at the package curiously. “What’s in this anyway?”

“A gift for your father,” she replied, opening the package to reveal a sturdy cloak of beautiful feathers.

Carefully examining it, he saw a few of his own feathers sewn into it as well. “It looks like some of my feathers are a part of it,” he said, pointing to the feathers he once wore.

“Yes, I used feathers from both of us in its creation,” she said, thinking fondly of the feather she loved. “I wanted him to have something of us that he could keep with him always.”

“But he always wears Darkpaw’s pelt,” he said, trying the gift on.

“He might never wear it,” she said, giving her son another hug. “But it’ll be a reminder to him, that we love him.”

When he wore the cloak on his shoulders, he felt as if he were lighter than air. Placing its cowl over his head, he was surprised to find he was now invisible. “Mother,” he said, removing the cloak, carefully folding it, and placing it back inside the thin box. “What sort of magic did you use making it?”

“It contains a piece of my essence,” she explained, examining her plumage and tail in a nearby mirror. “The idea was that when he wears it, he could return to my side as quickly as the wind.”

“Mother, that’s kind of sappy,” he teased, kissing her head to appease her anger.

“One day, Dawson, you’ll understand,” she said, motioning for him to follow her out of their shared apartment. Taking to the sky, they left the city of Neo Vale behind, as the broken dome of the Diamond Vale came into view. “One day, you’ll meet that special somefeather that sets your heart all a flutter, and you’ll never want to let them go.”

“Ugh,” he replied, thinking of all the trouble that females had given him over the last few days. “I’ve think I’ve had my fill of the opposite sex to last me a long while.”

In response to her son’s complaint, Lady Zephyr’s musical laughter rang out as they prepared to land in front of the entrance to the Slave King’s palace.


Never before had the Slave King felt the need to use the word surreal to describe his life. Not even when he’d been elevated to a member of the Pantheon, did he feel that it met the definition. But these past ninety minutes more than qualified for the label, as far as he was concerned. He’d thought to appear as stern and commanding as possible, wowing his guests with his vast wealth, and the magnificence of his new capital. Instead, his nonexistent heart raced and palm sweat, as the members of the Pantheon were being presented and offering him their gifts among other things.

The first had been Celestia and her sister Luna…


“Now presenting Her Royal Majesty, Princess Celestia, the Radiant, Lady of Day. May her benevolence smile upon us all!” A pony steward announced, accompanied by trumpeting fanfare.

She entered his throne room and offered him a warm smile. He returned the gesture, though with less sincerity. She was covered in a flowing gown that showed off her alluring curves and femininity. Numerous gems were woven into her flowing mane and tail, accentuating her grace and elegance. Had he not been so angry with her, over her upcoming coup de grace against him, he might have been tempted to seek out her company after tonight’s renewal. While waiting for her sister to be announced, he saw her nodding approvingly towards Ringing Bells, and knew all his suspicions were correct.

“Now presenting Her Royal Majesty, Princess Luna, the Beautiful, Lady of Night. May her wisdom guide us through the night’s dark uncertainty!” the steward said, as the fanfare played.

Silently counting the number of deities that had been invited, he frowned when he realized how many times the fanfare would end up playing. The trumpeting was already starting to annoy him, and they hadn’t even gotten to the Prime Elements yet! But when he saw her enter his throne room, her beauty removed any thoughts of the trumpeters.

Luna looked even more lovely then her sister, and gracefully sauntered forward to join at her side. When she saw the Slave King, she offered him a demure smile and batted her lids at him. The gossamer gown she wore, shimmered like the full moon and sparkled like the stars. Like her sister, her mane and tail were also woven with gems that sparkled brilliantly, and drew his attention towards her azure eyes. Looking into them, she gazed at him with a burning desire.

Approaching his throne together, they gently bowed as they presented him with their gift. Lighting up their horns, they levitated a large book of spells in front of him.

“A compendium of rare and powerful spells,” Celestia said, offering him a flirtatious smile that nearly crumbled his resolve.

“Penned by none other than Starswirl, the Bearded himself,” Luna added, licking her lips suggestively.

Walking forward, the alicorn sisters approached him, whispering into his ear.

“It pleases me that you found my other gift to be to your liking,” Celestia said. “You’re quite a handsome stallion.

“Verily,” Luna agreed, kissing his cheek lightly. “Thou art quite comely in thy gay raiment and fine livery. We hope that thou enjoyest thy gift, and look forward to joining you at tonight’s renewal.”

Hearing their words troubled him. He was so sure of their intent to harm him, yet their words spoke of affection rather than malice. “Celestia, the Radiant, thank Ringing Bells for that. That mare can be quite persuasive when she wishes,” he said, before turning to her sister. “Luna, the Beautiful, if that is your wish, I’m happy to extend an invitation to you.”

When she heard his words, Luna beamed with excitement, before leaving his side with her sister. Handing their gift to Harmony, he waited as the herald introduced his next guest.

He’d been dreading having to face Lord Triton dressed like this, but discovered that the Lawgiver was nothing but magnanimous towards him when he approached his throne. He graciously accepted his well wishes, and invited him to draw close. The Lawgiver was flanked by several of his chevaleresse that bore their liege’s gift to him. When they presented it to him, he took perverse pleasure when the otherwise chaste knights offered him lust filled stares.

Opening up the ornately decorated chest made from coral and overlaid with pearl, he found a chess board and a set of intricately carved pieces inside. “Slave King, I thought we might play a game together sometime,” Lord Triton said, offering him his fin in kinship. “If you don’t know how to play, I’ll gladly teach you.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea,” he cautiously replied, clasping the offered fin with his hand.

But before they could continue speaking, a commotion broke out among the assembled deities. Dozens of the more minor gods and goddesses scattered, when a fiery elemental composed of red flames barged past.

“Man-thing!” the burning flame shouted, interrupting their exchange.

“Lord Ouroboros, I didn’t expect to see you here tonight,” the Slave King said, genuinely surprised that he’d left behind his physical form in order to attend his celebration. “I’d advise staying clear of Lord Triton, otherwise you might get snuffed out.”

“By the Pit, man-thing!” Lord Ouroboros exclaimed, rumbling with disapproval and shifting from a light red to bright yellow flame. “What have you done to yourself? I came here expecting to find the gloating cretin that robbed me of my victory. But instead of my worthy adversary, I find only a foppish dandy playing on the Slave King’s throne.”

“Unless you’ve come bearing gifts, I must ask you to depart, Fire Tyrant,” he said. “Most of the Pantheon have come here, and you’re holding up the line.”

The Lord of Fire hovered over the Slave King’s head, and dropped a bottle of blue flames into his hands. “A bottle of balefire, to use on yourself,” he said, drawing away from his hated enemy. “My gift to you. So when next we meet, you’ll be able to end your suffering, after I leave your broken body behind.”

“I look forward to it, Lord Ouroboros, he said, offering the Fire Tyrant a toothy grin. “Hopefully next time, you’ll present more of a challenge.”

“Gloat while you can, King,” he retorted, as his flames shifted to blue in response. “But you won’t always have Celestia’s shapely flanks to hide behind, or Jormungandr's clever schemes to shield you from my teeth and claws.”

“Leave him alone!” a furious voice shouted from behind him.

The great flame, flared in anger that somescale thought to interrupt him. When he saw who it was that dared risk his ire, his flames crackled loudly. “Lady Zephyr, still chasing after Darkpaw’s proxy I see,” he seethed, as black smoke billowed out from his flaming eyes and mouth.

When she heard his insult, her blue eyes flared gold with the power of her element, as she threatened to drop her physical form. “Traitor!” she screeched at him, remembering how he’d betrayed her and the rest of the Pantheon all those centuries ago.

“Careful now, I’d hate to see you share in Darkpaw’s fate,” he taunted, while Celestia and Triton looked on in silence.

Hearing him mock her beloved’s memory, sent her into a blood rage. Reaching out, she gathered all of her elements power, in hopes of striking him down in a single blow.

“Lady Zephyr, stop!” the Slave King shouted, his voice sounding like the rending Earth. Stepping into the shadows, he reappeared between the two bickering deities. Lifting up her head, he looked into her rage filled eyes with compassion. “All the rules of the moot apply here. If you perish, what will become of your son?”

When she realized what she’d almost done, she broke down into tears as he embraced her. “Thank you,” she whispered, grateful to him for having saved her from herself.

Offering her a warm smile, he escorted her past Lord Ouroboros and to his throne. Seating himself on his throne, he looked darkly at the Fire Tyrant. “Your business here is finished,” he said, his eyes flaring with displeasure at him. “Begone.”

"Not until your celebration has concluded, Slave King,” he replied, shooting him a smug look. “You did invite me into your home after all.”

The Slave King growled, annoyed he couldn’t just expel this unruly guest from his palace. “Very well, Fire Tyrant,” he said, pointing to the exit. “But your audience here with me is finished.”

"I shall take my leave of you… For now,” he said with a hint of cruelty, before disappearing into a crack in the floor.

“You handled that masterfully, Slave King,” Celestia said, bowing her head to him in respect.

“Indeed, you showed great restraint,” Lord Triton agreed.

Lady Zephyr looked up at the Slave King in gratitude, and found herself smitten by his gallantry towards her. She could feel this new found desire for him was different from her previous attraction. What she felt for him before, was a much more primal and instinctual drive. But what she was feeling for him now, was a love more pure then she had ever felt for any other. “Dawson,” she called out. “Present the Slave King with our gift.”

He approached his father’s throne, knelt before him, and held out the small box containing his mother’s offering. Though he was unsure what he felt about the Slave King’s new look, he knew that after seeing him defend her from Lord Ouroboros, he would continue in his quest to win his father’s approval no matter what.

Taking the box from Dawson’s talons, the Slave King opened it and pulled out the magnificent cloak of feathers for all to see. Though it was magnificent to behold, he already possessed a perfectly serviceable cloak, and had no need for another. “I thank you for your thoughtful gift,” he said, wishing not to offend her.

“That cloak was made from my feathers, and possesses the essence of wind,” she said, stroking his hand gently. “Should you ever desire to be at my side, don it, and its magic will take you to wherever I am.”

Reluctantly leaving his side, she motioned for Dawson to follow after her. He gave his father one last look, before standing to his feet, and following after her to the reception area.

Spying Melody strumming away at her instrument, he stood next to her as she offered him a warm smile. “Wow, that was intense,” he whispered, still in shock at seeing his mother so angry. “I never knew she could do that.”

“Yes, that was a close call,” she answered between notes. “We’re lucky the rules of the moot apply here, otherwise the battle the Slave King just averted, could have easily killed us all.”

Looking around the throne room, he noticed something odd. Nearly all the females present, including his own mother, seemed to be focused solely on the Slave King. He wondered if he was using some hypnotic Earth magic at his disposal to create the effect. Curious why it was happening, he shared his observation with Melody. “How is the Slave King managing to do it?” he asked, pointing out what he’d noticed to her. “I’m not sensing any magic emanating from him.”

Melody blinked her eyes once, and looked around the room. When she realized what he’d been saying was correct, she nearly stopped playing mid-chord in surprise. “I’m not sure,” she said, finally realizing the full weight of the pull the Slave King had over her, even though she was now fully aware of its effects. “Dawson, we’ll have to keep an eye out for any mischief.”


The Slave King and Lord Raiden had been staring at each other in silence for over an hour now. He remembered reading somewhere, that the kirins considered control of the conversation as a means of demonstrating their superior intellect. He was still a bit sore over the scathing treatise that Lord Raiden had written about him several centuries prior. The renowned sage had spent nearly a thousand pages of bellicose prose and argument, calling him nothing more than an unsophisticated petty tyrant, and whose single greatest accomplishment to date had been managing to somehow avoid imploding under the weight of his own rule. After he’d read the thinly veiled attack against him, he swore that one day he’d have his revenge.

Unlike the other members of the pantheon, Lord Raiden wore no clothing, attached no pointless ornamentation to his twisting antlers, or wore any foolish ribbons in his mane and beard. He only carried a simple saddlebag, which held his gift for the Slave King. And there was no doubt that had he had no need to carry it, he wouldn’t even had bothered bringing that. His slate colored coat was in need of a good brushing, and his wild white beard reached nearly to his knees. His silver eyes, the same color as lightning, shone with endless knowledge and possessed all the wisdom of the ages, and were currently doing battle with the Slave King’s burning emerald eyes.

Now with their battle of wills well underway, it was a contest to see who would blink first. The Slave King and Lord Raiden were both unwilling to make the first move, and there was no telling how long their silent struggle would last. The oppressive silence of the throne room was nearly suffocating, and the assembled deities watched with baited breath to see who would break first. The Lord of Autumn’s neutral face revealed nothing, while the stony visage the Slave King wore beneath his mask, offered little insight into what he was thinking.

All the while, Harmony kept staring at her timepiece impatiently, as the reception fell further and further behind schedule. Knowing it was up to her to break their stalemate, she whispered into the Slave King’s ear, “Jormungandr has just arrived.”

“What?” he said, surprised that the Winding One was finally making his appearance.

“A valiant effort, Slave King,” Lord Raiden said in measured tones, while his eyes gloated his intellectual superiority over his unworthy opponent. “Any further struggles against me this day, will be in vain. May the bitterness of your defeat at my hooves, grant you wisdom for the future.”

“It appears I was mistaken about Jormungandr’s arrival,” Harmony said, offering him an apologetic smile. “Forgive me…”

Sighing that he’d been denied his victory over that insufferable kirin, he decided to accept his ‘defeat’ gracefully. “I suppose we can’t win them all,” he said, offering his opponent his begrudging congratulations.

“That’s true enough for some,” he replied, ensuring all present knew whose intellect was greater. Using his magic, he levitated a large tome out of his saddlebag and into the Slave King lap. “Accepting that all aren’t created equal, is the first step to enlightenment. May my gift help you on the path to yours.”

The Slave King graciously accepted the book, and leafed through its pages. “I see you’ve seen fit to offer me a book of your proverbs and sayings,” he said, handing it to Harmony.

“Well not quite,” Lord Raiden replied. “I’ve taken the liberty of updating each of my nearly ten thousand proverbs and sayings especially for you. I’m sure you’ll find them useful in overcoming your numerous deficiencies.”

“Truly, your generosity and humility knows no bounds…” the Slave King sardonically replied, making a mental note to pay back the kirin’s insult tenfold.

“It’s a sage’s job to dispense his wisdom, wherever it’s needed,” he replied, before taking his seat with the others.

Seeing that Lady Minoa was next, he groaned. Knowing her, he was sure she’d be accompanied by her chorus of sycophants that chanted her every word. When he noticed she was alone, he thanked creation for small favors. Gazing upon her statuesque and resplendent body, he felt a hunger and thirst growing inside him. He suspected that his new found appetite would neither be satiated by sustenance nor quenched by drink. As she approached his throne, the bells attached to her flowing gown tinkled gently, accentuating her graceful and lithe movements. The translucent gown she wore, left little to the imagination, as her generous bosom threatened to escape the confines of her dress.

“Slave King, I have come offering you refreshment,” she said, handing him a small wooden chest, and running her eyes hungrily along his broad chest and shoulders. “Perhaps you would care to share it with me after tonight’s renewal?”

Opening her gift, he discovered a large bottle of her special reserve. Though he didn’t normally care for spirits, preferring the restorative properties of his own Draught of Renewal over anything else, he still looked forward to sampling its delicate bouquet. Even among the members of the Pantheon, wine from Lady Minoa’s vineyard was considered legendary, and was so highly sought after that a single bottle was easily worth a dragon’s hoard. “If it pleases you Lady Minoa,” he said, offering her a polite smile.

Reaching over to him, she ran a finger along his thigh. “Perhaps you might indulge me in a small contest of strength as well?” she forcefully asked, licking her lips in anticipation and using a tone implying she wouldn’t accept anything other than his assent. With the Lady of Spring so close to him, he caught her scent. She smelt strongly of spring showers, blossoming wildflowers, and fertility. Being so close to her started making his head swim, and he felt himself drawn towards her inviting lips.

Surprised by her forwardness, and his own growing hunger for what he was sure her offer entailed, he resisted his baser impulses. Leaning back against his throne, he thoughtfully stroked his gem encrusted beard. Mulling over her offer and its implications in his mind, he felt the ever present ravenous hunger demanding he accept. Deciding that her unusual behavior here might’ve been influenced by Celestia’s trickery, he nodded once. “Perhaps tomorrow, Lady Minoa,” he said, handing the oaken chest to Harmony. “Should the demands of my renewal allow it.”

She looked into his burning eyes and smiled, running her finger along his ear. “I look forward to it. Should you require some companionship after your renewal tonight, I’ll happily provide it,” she lustily replied, inhaling deeply to ensure he had a proper look at her ample breasts. Turning around, she sensually walking away, offering him a generous look at her backside. Looking at the assembled members of his court and other members of the Pantheon, he saw the males were enjoying her sensuous display, while the females all wore looks of jealousy and consternation on their faces.

By now his head was swimming, almost as if he was intoxicated by all these teasing goddesses. Struggling to overcome the hunger that threatened to run roughshod over him, he tried excising it back from whence it came. Unhappy at being ignored, Nightmare whined and batted her head against his hand expectantly. Hearing her complaints, he started stroking her head once more, placating her need for his attention.

As the hour of his renewal approached, he found that his mental fortitude was deteriorating. Had he been a weaker being, one not in possession of an iron will, he might have gladly taken up Lady Minoa’s offer right then and there. In retrospect, he was feeling rather grateful to Lord Ouroboros and Lord Raiden for their obnoxious behavior. By stoking his ire, they’d help steel his resolve against Celestia’s plot.

Once again the fanfare played, when the steward announced his next guest he inwardly groaned. The steward had just announced Lady Suzaku, the Lady of Summer. Like Lady Zephyr, she’d thought to snare his heart through deceit. Afraid of the consequences, she’d hidden from him the birth of Aria. Though he’d wanted to banish her for her trickery like Lady Zephyr before her, she always managed to somehow assuage his anger towards her. However after discovering Harmony’s birth, he’d cut off all contact with her, leaving her distraught and miserable.

Though he’d once harbored great resentment towards her for abusing his trust. Thanks to the influence of Aria, Melody, and Harmony, his heart had softened towards her over the ensuing years. Looking at her, he saw that she was still as beautiful as when he last saw her. Even from across the room, he felt emanating from her all the lust and desire she held for him. If not for the fresh memories of Little Bleu, he might have been tempted to give in, losing himself to the burning flames of her passion once more.

Approaching his throne, she knelt before him and kissed his feet. “Please love, make me yours once more,” she pleaded with him, not caring who heard her supplication. Handing him a bottle filled with a red liquid, she looked up at him lovingly with her ruby eyes. “If you can’t accept my love for you because your heart won’t allow it, drink this, and be made whole.”

“What is it?” he asked, eying the bottle’s contents suspiciously.

“A portion of the love I possess for you,” she said, hoping against hope that he would accept her offer, desiring to spare him from the pain that Lord Ananse’s ritual would inflict on him. “Inside the bottle lies half my heart. Let my heart beat for you my love, and know happiness once more.”

A part of him was sorely tempted to drink the tonic. However, the memories of the tiny foal that laid dying in his arms, whispering, “I love you, daddy,” stayed his hand. “Your gift must have come at great cost,” he whispered, full of regret that he couldn’t accept it. “I… I can’t abandon her.”

“I understand,” she wept, heartbroken that he’d rejected her once more. “I hope one day, that the both of you will finally know peace.”

“Thank you for understanding, Lady Suzaku,” he replied.

Dejectedly, she left his throne room in tears. Sympathetic to her plight, he motioned to Aria, Melody, and Harmony to go comfort their mother.

He sat on his throne, experiencing a heartache he never knew possible. Lady Suzaku, at great cost to herself, had given him the means to becoming whole, and he couldn’t use it. Not without risking losing the one he cared for most. He thought of what Snowe had told him in his waking dreams, and mourned. Knowing he was forever doomed to failure in restoring to life the one that fate had so cruelly taken from him.

“Slave King!” an angry voice shouted, breaking him from his stupor.

Looking up, he saw that it was none other than Lord Cerynitis, the Rimefrost, Lord of Winter, who considered the Slave King a worse threat than even the Unmentionable One.

Brandishing a frost covered spear above his head with his magic, the reindeer’s bloodshot eyes burned with a fury known only to those who lost everything. “You thrice damned human devil!” he cried out, stamping his hooves and freezing the ground beneath him.

The Slave King was genuinely surprised that he come to today. Given the Lord of Winter’s feelings for him, and the rejected invitation, he hadn’t expected him to show. Deciding the diversion would be a welcome distraction from his sorrow, he decided to humor him. “Lord Cerynitis, I thought you had no desire to attend my inauguration,” he said, truly curious why he had decided to come. “But I welcome you to my home, with open arms.”

Lord Cerynitis pointed his spear at all the deities present. “I never considered Lord Darkpaw my friend, but he was a worthy adversary,” he said, looking up at the grinning skull that hung above the Slave King’s throne. “Which is more than I can say for you, Slave King. Your debased wickedness turned the once strong and unified Pantheon into nothing more than a squabbling rabble. Furthermore, your corrupting influence has turned the once chaste and respectable does of the Pantheon into nothing more than wanton strumpets and harlots!”

“Lord Cerynitis!” Celestia shouted, objecting to such vile slander against herself and the others, before being silenced by a look from the Slave King.

“Lord Cerynitis, each of them have chosen of their own free will to come here today,” he said, pointing towards the spirit chains that had banished him from most of the other domains. “So what is the true reason for your coming here? To denounce me? If so, you’ve already done that. If not, state your business, and quickly be on your way.”

“You’ve robbed me!” he roared, turning the air around him decidedly colder.

“In what way have I robbed you?” the Slave King asked, giving the Lord of Winter a hard look.

Lord Cerynitis eyes darted towards Princess Luna and Lord Triton. There they were, enjoying that monster’s hospitality without a care in the world. Looking at his former comrade and battle brother sitting at the wayfarer’s side, pained his soul deeply. How he longed for his friend to join him in battle once more, together they would challenge the Slave King in a duel of honor. With their combined martial skills, they would make short work of the beast, before casting him into the Pit to keep the Unmentionable One company until the end of time.

But no matter how great the pain Lord Triton’s betrayal of their friendship was, nothing could compare to how his heart ached when he gazed on her loveliness once more. Her coat, as dark as the night, and her tail and mane that sparkled with all the brilliance of the heavens, mocked him with their beauty. Looking into her azure eyes, he saw only a desire for the beast, a desire she once held for him. When she saw him looking at her, she turned her head away from him, nearly causing him to froth at the mouth.

Shaking with barely constrained rage for the Slave King, his great anger was for robbing him of the two deer he once considered his greatest friends. Leveling a hate filled glare at him, he issued his legal claim against him. “The crystal ponies in the north, they’re squatting on my territory,” he said, wishing he had grievances beyond trespassing to level at him.

“Your deer enjoy the bounty of the frozen south,” the Slave King answered, counteracting his spurious claim.

“I demand satisfaction!” Lord Cerynitis snarled, with a heart full of contemptuous hatred for the Slave King.

“Then state your terms, and stop wasting my time,” he said, goading the Lord of Winter into the same blunder Lord Ouroboros had made all those centuries ago.

“Point of order!” shouted Lord Triton, giving both of them a furious look for their misconduct. “Gentlestallions, both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Stop this pissing match in front of the respectful mares of the pantheon. This behavior is unseemly, and unworthy of being displayed before any, mortals or deities alike. Respect the law, each other, and settle your differences at the proper time and place.”

“Very well, Lawgiver,” Lord Cerynitis hissed, throwing the ice tipped spear at the Slave King’s feet. When it struck the floor, tendrils of ice and frost as frigid as his heart snaked out towards the Slave King’s throne.

“What’s this for?” he asked, looking down at the frost covered spear at his feet.

“My gift to you,” he snarled, as his antlers and fur became heavy with frost. “I plan on thrusting another just like it, where your black heart should be.”

Then without another word, the Lord of Winter left the way he came. “I thank you for coming, Lord Cerynitis,” the Slave King called out after him, as the reindeer stormed out of the throne room, knocking aside mortals and gods alike with his great furor.

Reflecting on their brief but icy exchange, the Slave King wondered how his anger fit into all this. It was no secret that he and Luna had once been lovers, and as far as Lord Triton was concerned, they shared a connection through their domains. What a foolish creature, he decided. If Luna wanted nothing more to do with him, there were plenty of other goddesses in the Pantheon who would jump for a chance to bed a one of the major players. And though Scourge had vexed him at times, the doomhound was a true friend. Even going as far as challenging him, when he felt he was being foolish or reckless. Throwing away something that precious over a mere female was pure folly.

I wonder if Lord Cerynitis’s attendance tonight, will throw her plans in disarray, he thought, giving Celestia a cursory glance. She was trying her best to comfort her sister, who was nearly on the verge of tears over Rimefrost’s accusation of her impropriety.

Wondering what excitement would be in store for him next, he gestured to the steward to continue announcing his guests.


The rest of the evening went by without further incident, though many of the minor deities he hardly knew, had all offered him their congratulations for this auspicious occasion. As he accepted their gifts and well-wishes, he noticed a reoccurring theme that he hadn’t noticed before. Almost without exception, the ladies of the pantheon had all been flirting with him, offering him kisses and affectionate touches. While the lords had been offering him knowing smiles and innuendos that revolved around the various goddesses present. While he didn’t mind the attention so much, it bothered him that almost everyone else was in on some sort of inside joke that he wasn’t a part of.

Before, he’d been so certain that Celestia wished him ill, but now he had his doubts. With so many others being aware of the plot, pulling it off undetected would be next to impossible. And why would she bother inviting minor players to participate in her scheme. No, it must be something he missed. Some vital detail he was unaware of.

These thoughts continued plaguing him until Lord Ananse, the Soul Weaver, representing the strange and diverse deities of the Zebrakan continent, entered the throne room on his long and spindly legs.

“Slave King,” he said, clicking his mandibles together with purpose. “Your brothers and sisters across the sea thank you for your invitation most kind. It is with regret, that all but myself were able to make it, but we hope that you do not mind.”

“Thank you for honoring me with your presence,” the Slave King replied. “In truth, I’m surprised that even you were able to make it here. Such a journey must have been an arduous one.”

“All souls are known to me,” he said, looking at him with all eight of his black eyes. “From every pony, to every tree. “I am not limited to using just Jormungandr’s Way. By following the threads of fate, I consider traveling between domains to be mere child’s play.”

Ananse handed the Slave King a large silk tapestry. Examining it, he saw that it told the story of his reign. From his beginnings as a lowly slave, to his ascension as the Slave King. Looking it over carefully, he noticed that it was incomplete. “Lord Ananse,” he said, curious why a large portion of the tapestry was left blank. “It appears that you’ve left your gift half done.”

The Soul Weaver leaned his great yellow and black striped carapace forward, looking the Slave King in eye, and held the tapestry aloft with his mandibles. “Slave King,” he said, each of his eyes focusing squarely on him. “Past and present are here to see. But none may know their true destiny. Your future choices for good and ill will here be shown. But once you’ve reaped what you have sown, only then will your fate finally be known.”

He didn’t know quite what to make of Ananse’s explanation. Perhaps the tapestry would faithfully record his reign, as he made important choices. But of course, there was the more sinister possibility behind the meaning to his words. Not long after becoming the Lord of Earth, he’d stumbled on some gold plates chronicling the history of Lord Darkpaw. Though he’d not given it any thought in centuries, he vaguely remembered an entry prophesying his predecessors end. Though it was entirely in rhyme, he originally thought it’d been an attempt by one the diamond dog priests to ingratiate themselves to their new master before he’d initiated the purge.

Although he couldn’t quite remember the prophecy in full, the parts of the rhyme he could remember were eerily similar to Ananse’s way of speaking. When he’d first heard the claim that the Soul Weaver controlled the destinies of everything under creation, he originally brushed it aside as nonsense. He’d felt the very idea that everything was predetermined by a giant spider spinning in his web was a load of hogwash. He could accept the reality of beings controlling the physical universe, but controlling the future seemed an utter impossibility. But considering that Celestia was plotting against him, should that rumor prove true, and if he could somehow discover the secrets to the tapestry, he might discover how best to neutralize the threat before the danger was realized.

Though he didn’t know whether or not the tapestry would reveal the future to him, he decided it would at least look nice in his personal quarters. “Lord Ananse,” he said, offering him a warm smile. “I thank you for such a thoughtful gift, it’s greatly appreciated.”

Ananse said nothing, instead, slightly bowed his bulk to his host before climbing up a nearby wall and perching from the ceiling to watch how the rest of the Slave King’s audience would unfold.

The Slave King looked at Harmony who’d just returned from comforting her mother. “Are we almost done with receiving my guests?” he whispered to her, longing to slake his thirst at the banquet that was scheduled next.

She read the guest list in her hands, looking to see if anyfeather had been skipped. “Slave King,” she answered, whispering into his ear. “All have come except Jormungandr, Strix, Lugh, and Loki.”

When he heard that the ones he’d hoped would arrive had failed to show, he sighed in disappointment. He’d thought that of anyone he might ask, that the Winding One would be able to offer him the best advice regarding his suspicions. And baring that, his closest compatriots might at least know where he could look to find him. He knew that Celestia wouldn’t make her move until after he’d performed the renewal, otherwise she risked a reoccurrence of what had happened nearly five hundred years previously. Looking at the serenely smiling goddess, he wondered how she was planning to execute her attack.

“Should we proceed to the banquet?” Harmony asked, interrupting his thoughts.

Nodding once, he saw Celestia looking directly at him. She was whispering something into her sister’s ear, causing Luna to blush as she desperately looked away from him. Once the steward had announced that the banquet was to be held, he turned towards Ringing Bells. “I think the clothes you’ve made for me were a rousing success,” he said, looking down at the mare sitting behind his throne.

“Oh you’re too kind, your majesty,” she said, tittering slightly from the compliments he paid her. Her purple eyes gazed thoughtfully at him, leaning in closely she whispered, “Your majesty, have you noticed something peculiar about everypony here? The mares especially.”

Taken aback by her question, he gave the unicorn a curious look. “What do you mean?” he asked, surprised that she was possibly revealing vital information to him.

“Every mare in attendance is falling all over themselves, trying to catch your attention,” she said, shaking her impeccably styled mane once. “I mean I’m good, but not that good. Have you been running a glamour spell to drive all the mares wild with desire? If you desire to court one of the princesses, a stallion such as yourself needn’t resort to such trickery.”

“That would be considered improper,” he replied, finding her accusation ironic, given the situation. “Besides, I lack the power to effect the sun in any meaningful way, and my domain is subservient to the moon.”

“So, your majesty,” she said, offering him an inquisitive look. “Did you wish for a wardrobe change before the banquet begins?”

“No, Ringing Bells, I think I shall continue to wear your clothing for a bit longer at least,” he said, offering Nightmare a scowl. She was eying the mare hungrily, and her posture suggested that she was getting ready to pounce on the unicorn. “Nightmare, behave yourself, or you can spend the remainder of the week outside the palace.”

Once she heard her master’s reprimand, she obediently joined him at his side. Walking pass her, she gave the fashionista a sideways glance. Her eyes seemed to say, The Slave King belongs to me, try stealing him away from me and I’ll end you!

Oblivious to her threat, Ringing Bells walked cheerfully besides the Slave King as they walked to the banquet hall.


It was cold. Oh, was it cold, and he hated it. He hated everything about it, the way it made the sweat beneath his armor freeze, the way it sapped the heat away from the pads of his paws, and how it made breathing more difficult. He longed to return to the oppressive heat of the badlands, at least there you could escape the sun’s rays by retreating into the comfort of your den. But here, the cold permeated everything. There was no escape, and anyhound unlucky enough to live here was doomed to shiver for eternity. He gave their mode of transportation a dour look. Nidhogg was supposed to take them directly to the station outside the city, instead, he’d gotten some damn fool idea to go prospecting for crystals in the middle of thrice cursed Winter.

He was nearly tempted to travel the remainder of the journey to their destination by paw, but realized he’d still be stuck waiting for the land wurm because the Slave King expected him to return with this month’s shipment of crystals. When he thought of his liege’s laughter at his expense, his face contorted into rage. How dare he use me for cheap labor! You’ll suffer for this Slave King, he darkly thought, plotting his revenge as the biting wind clawed at him, sapping away his body heat.

The shivering of his underling, who was also suffering from the biting cold, interrupted his plotting. Casting a dismissive sneer at him for daring to make his discomfort known, he revealed his sharp teeth threateningly at him for showing even the slightest hint of weakness.

“Master Second!” Sombra shouted, his voice barely heard over the howling wind blowing across the desolate tundra. “We must seek shelter soon, or we’ll perish.”

“Shut up, Sombra!” Second growled, annoyed by both the cold and his subordinate’s whining. “We’re staying by Nidhogg, until he’s found the crystals he’s looking for.”

Sombra stamped his hoof in frustration, as he shivered involuntarily from the cold. Ruling over the crystal ponies or not, he was already beginning to regret ever agreeing to coming here. If the so called crystal dominion was anything like the rest of this barren landscape, the only thing it offered anypony was frostbite. He’d imagined that when he ruled over the crystal ponies, they’d scrape and bow before him, hoping to placate his wrathful disposition. Each pony, from the youngest foal to the eldest mare and stallion, would sing his praise, serve his every whim, and outright worship his magnificence, as he lorded over them with an iron hoof.

Instead, he was stranded in the middle of nowhere, freezing to death within spitting distance of Winter. And because of his master’s impatience, he couldn’t even change into something more suitable for the weather, having left his luggage behind in the Neo Vale. Returning his master’s wrathful gaze with a dour look of his own, he stomped his hooves against the frozen ground impatiently.

“Master Second, every minute we waste delaying here, invites ruin,” he plead, trying to persuade him to do something, anything, so he could escape this blasted cold.

Knowing that his true master, would visit his displeasure upon them if he failed to ensure the next phase went according to plan, he did the only thing he could think of. Walking towards Nidhogg, the doomhound slammed his metal bulk against the soft underside of the land wurm, knocking most of him aside.

In response, the ground beneath them trembled as Nidhogg poked his head out of the frozen tundra, looked down and glowered at his two impatient passengers. “What was that for, Second?” he asked, gently massaging his bruised underbelly.

“For wasting my time!” he roared, narrowing his burning eyes in contempt. “Here we are nearly frozen to death, and you’re stuffing your craw with crystals.”

“Fine, fine. It would be a real shame if that happened,” he contemptuously muttered, while rolling his eyes in response. Lowering himself to the frozen earth, he waited as they climbed onto the wide saddle attached to his back. “Next stop, the Crystal Domain!”

“It’s about damn time,” Second said, securing himself in the saddle.

Nidhogg said nothing, instead lurched forward, and took them into the warm depths of the earth. Second sighed, as the heat seeped into his chilled bones. While waiting for them to arrive at their destination, he felt a great pain deep in the recesses of his mind. He batted a paw at his muzzle, and shook his head in an attempt to escape the ever increasing pain tormenting him. His mind felt as if it was both burning and freezing, while his bones itched and ached. His body overwhelmed with suffering, went rigid, then slumped forward into his restraints.

A great darkness covered over him. It was so thick and oppressive, that he felt it might suffocate him at any moment. Straining his ears to listen for any clues to his whereabouts, he heard nothing. Inhaling deeply through his nose, he caught the overwhelming aroma of sulfur and smoke. Walking blindly into the darkness, he felt the cracked and uneven ground beneath his paws give way to smooth warm stone. The inky blackness of his surroundings had lightened somewhat, now instead of pitch black nothing, he saw that he was surrounded by a hazy mist consisting of nearly the same color and thickness of congealed blood.

Wading even deeper through the mist, he found himself inside the broken remnants of a ruined library, which seemingly lay long forgotten. Numerous shelves, each reaching higher than could be seen by the naked eye, stretched out in every direction, forming a labyrinth of sorts. The remains of innumerable books, either burned by fire, eaten by decay, or crumbling into dust, rested on the shelves. The few tomes he passed that were in useable condition, either screamed in agony or seeped blood from their pages when he opened them in an attempt to read their worn and faded texts. Whatever was written on the pages, he found illegible and alien, an indecipherable script that tempted his mind to enter the realm of madness should he make further attempts to understand it.

Second, I welcome you to the Library of Ith, he heard his master’s disembodied voice say, as it echoed through the rotting shelves and ruined books of the library.

Looking up, he saw his master’s cruel eyes leering down at him malevolently. Knowing where he was now, he shook with terror as the fear of his dread master threatened to rob him of his sanity. The ruins shook, as his master’s oppressive laughter rocked the foundations of this unholy place, threatening to make it crumble under its own weight.

Tell me why you’ve left the Slave King’s palace on the very eve of his inauguration, his master’s voice said, hinting at the great displeasure that was lurking beneath the surface of his seemingly placid voice.

“I had no choice, he ordered me to go,” Second said, hoping to avoid his master’s chastisement.

The plan is at a critical juncture, his master’s voice growled, while his eyes burned with hate. Should the Slave King somehow manage to wriggle free of my snare, I will be most displeased.

“What must I do?” Second asked, withering beneath his master’s gaze.

Ensure Nightmare is otherwise occupied during the Slave King’s confrontation with Celestia, his master’s voice commanded. You must be there before the renewal occurs, that’s when she will approach the Slave King’s servants. When she approaches you, make sure Scourge agrees to assist in her scheme.

“What about the Well of Eternity, it still beats inside,” Second pointed out.

I’ve already made arrangements for its removal from the equation, his master’s voice said, tainted with a hint of malicious laughter. “Now go, Second, go and perform my will.”

Before he could respond, the library erupted into a fiery inferno. All around him scorching flames licked at his coat while the swirling black smoke from the blaze burned his eyes and filled his lungs, blinding and choking him. Before he was consumed by the fire, he saw his master’s monstrous form take shape in the flames. He saw him pointing a finger at him, and watched in horror as a pillar of flame leapt out at him.

Second’s eyes shot open, as his body lurched forward in his restraints. Looking up, he saw to his relief he was no longer in the burning Library of Ith, about to be consumed by his master’s flames. Looking down at his paws and inspecting his coat, he was relieved to find his coat unsinged and his body free of any burns. Releasing himself from his restraints, he climbed off Nidhogg and waited for Sombra to join him.

Looking around him, he saw the crystalline architecture of the spacious city. Though not as utilitarian as the Neo Vale, the crystal ponies’ city still retained many of the same elements. Wide streets, flanked by large buildings, each made from gigantic crystals that jutted out from the ground. The streets spread out like the spokes of a wheel, with all roads leading towards the crystal palace that lay in city’s center. The crystal palace, the resting place of the Slave King’s stone throne here, was the symbolic seat of the Domain of Earth’s government among the crystal ponies. It was said, when the Slave King first gave them this land and appointed a mare to rule them in his stead, he touched the barren frozen tundra with his finger at that precise spot. When he did so, spring burst forth and eternally chased winter away.

Of course, Second didn’t care one whit for their history with the Slave King. His only concern was installing Sombra as the Slave King’s new overseer, picking up this month’s shipment of crystals that were due, and returning with all haste to the Slave King’s palace.

“Excuse me…” an elderly light blue crystal pony said, before being silenced by a glare from Second’s burning eyes.

“What is it!” he snapped, causing the unfortunate pony to fall onto his aged and wrinkled haunches in fear. Looking down at the old stallion, Second walked forward until he was towering over him. “Where is the forepony in charge of the Slave King’s crystal extraction?”

The aged stallion looked up at the doomhound with his faded purple eyes, and slowly got up on his hooves, all the while shaking in fear at the rough treatment he was unjustly receiving. “My apologies,” he nervously stammered, causing his grey mane to become frazzled. “We weren’t expecting to ship anything until after this week’s holiday.”

“There’s been a change of plans,” Second said, looking at the towering crystal palace that loomed in the distance. “Get me the forepony immediately.”

“That would be me, sir,” the pony replied, offering him a weak smile. “I’m Forepony Quartzite, but you can call me Quartzie, all my friends do.”

“Forepony Quartzite,” Second said, not even bothering to look at him. “You are to have this land wurm loaded with this month’s shipment within the hour.”

“But it’s a holiday!” he objected, unsure how he was going to get the shipment packed and loaded on the land wurm in the specified time frame.

“Tell me about it!” Nidhogg said, giving Second a sour look.

“Spare me your excuses, pony,” Second replied with a low growl. Turning towards the forepony, he let his burning eyes bore into his skull. “Either you, or your replacement will do as I’ve commanded.”

“Ye... yes, sir,” Quartzite said, trying his hardest to keep his composure.

“Sombra,” Second ordered, looking over his shoulder at his subordinate before heading towards the crystal palace. “Follow me.”

Sombra said nothing, instead walked slightly behind his master, happy that he was nearly free from his tyranny.

As soon as they were both out of earshot, Quartzite turned to Nidhogg. “What a bunch of sourpusses,” he said, dreading all the upcoming work ahead of him.

Nidhogg giving him a sympathetic smile. “No kidding,” he said, offering the forepony a ride on his saddle. “So where to first?”

“To the nearest taverns, to pick up my ponies before they’ve drunk themselves stupid on crystal berry wine,” he said, pointing his hoof towards a large tavern down the road.

“Lead on, grandpa,” Nidhogg said with a wry grin.


He sat at the head of the great stone table, flanked on all sides by his enemies, one time allies, and onlookers who were otherwise too weak to play in the great game of the gods. Before him, was a veritable banquet of succulent delights that was fit for the most discerning palate. Decadent delicacies from all the domains were available, all one had to do if they wished to sample an otherwise rare dish, was to ask one of the many attendants who were serving the Slave King’s guests, and it would be shortly presented to them. This table would’ve been a glutton’s paradise, but he had no desire to partake in the feasting.

Once he might have gorged himself on such a banquet, but now such things were beyond him. In truth, the pale green iridescent liquid found in his goblet was the only sustenance he needed. He looked on at his guests as they enjoyed the bounty of his table, and drank silently from his cup. As he drained the draught from his goblet, he saw her looking at him. Her lavender eyes locked onto his, she offered him a polite smile before whispering something into her sister’s ear. He noticed her younger sibling’s cheeks redden as she smiled shyly towards him, before hiding her muzzle beneath her mane that sparkled like the stars.

Picking up her wine goblet with her magic, she nodded her head to him as if offering him a toast, and then drained her cup. It was at that moment, that he knew, that she knew, that he knew. He could feel the pressure of her invisible noose tightening around his neck, and felt the cold fear of uncertainty piercing his iron resolve. He wondered what she ultimately had planned for him, and from which shadow the assassins blade would come. Reaching out with his power, he felt the magical pulse of everyone who was here in attendance. From the greatest deity, to the lowliest slave, he could feel them all. Stretching out even further, he included his search to include the ruins outside his palace walls. But beyond the hateful cold rage of the undying hungry dead, he could detect nothing.

Before he could withdraw his magic back into himself, he saw the lust filled gazes of every goddesses at the table staring at him while the males all wore looks of incredulity, disgust, and even a few smirks. Realizing he’d just committed a faux pas against almost the entirety of the pantheon, he quickly reclaimed his power and stood up to excuse himself from the table. Motioning for Harmony and Melody to come to his side, he fidgeted in his clothing as he felt its silken softness constricting him.

“What is it, Slave King?” Harmony asked, looking at him with concern and wondering what new disaster was about to unfold.

“I fear I might have just inadvertently molested the entire pantheon,” he replied, shaking his head at his clumsiness.

“What do you mean, king daddy?” Melody asked, confused how he might have done such a thing from his seat.

“I used my power to seek out anyone who shouldn’t have been here,” he explained, trying his best to ignore the feminine magic’s that were being brazenly sent his way. “In my haste to discover the interloper, I intermingled my magic with everyone in the palace.”

“Oh, that’s why I felt all tingly a few moments ago. That was kind of fun, do it again!” Melody said, still unsure why it was such a big deal.

Harmony placed a hand against her brow and shook her head in disbelief at her sister’s ignorance. “Melody, when deities mingle their power together, it’s considered a prelude to an intimate encounter,” she said, massaging her temples as she silently cursed herself for having crawled out of bed.

“Well, were you wanting too?” she asked the Slave King, with a mischievous grin. “I know mother wouldn’t say no to warming your bed once more.”

“Melody!” Harmony snapped, scolding her sibling for her teasing. “The Slave King just performed the equivalent of copping a feel on every member of the pantheon, and you’re making jokes about it.”

The Slave King felt it best to extricate himself from the banquet, and moved towards the closest side passage. Following closely behind him, Melody and Harmony continued their bickering, as he tried figuring out the best way to save face in this situation.

“Harmony, what do you suggest we do?” he asked, hoping she had a strategy hidden away somewhere.

“I don’t know, Slave King,” she replied, tapping her finger worriedly against her beak. “By rights, the entire pantheon now has just cause to seek grievances against you.”

“This could become a rather dangerous century…” he murmured, as several female deities and one of the minor males whispered rather suggestive offers in his ear with their magic.

“It’s a shame you’re sober,” Melody replied. “If you were drunk, everyfeather would understand.”

“That’s a good idea,” Harmony said, leaning up against a nearby wall.

“What? I should get drunk, and let everyone laugh at me for falling down, before they bring their complaints against me at the next moot?” the Slave King sardonically asked.

“No, I meant if everyfeather else was drunk, they might be a tad more libertine,” she said. “But how can we guarantee everyfeather imbibes?”

“Oh, I know somefeather who might be convinced to help us!” Melody excitedly said, while gazing plaintively at the Slave King. “And her help should come relatively cheap.”

The moment he heard her say there would be a small price, he already knew what help she was referring to, and who would be so generously offering it. He already knew what the price would be. “Who is it?” the Slave King asked, dreading the answer that would confirm his suspicions.

“Lady Suzaku of course!” she replied, to Harmony’s disapproval and the Slave King’s consternation.

“I’m not sure that’s wise…” Harmony said, remembering how distraught their mother had been over the Slave King’s earlier spurning of her affection.

“If we explain the situation to her, I’m sure mother would be happy to help. Especially if you make the request personally, king daddy,” Melody said, fluttering her eyes at him, in hopes of winning him over.

“It appears I have no choice…” he sighed, not looking forward to having to ask for her aid. “Harmony, gather together as much wine as you can. Melody, I want you to start playing some lively drinking songs, then when everyone’s good and sloshed, play something a bit friskier.”

“At once, Slave King,” they said in unison, before attending to their assigned tasks.

Tapping into his power, he prepared himself to search for her. Of everyone present, she was one of the few that hadn’t lustily sought him out. His eyes, now attuned to the spirit realm, could see her clearly. Her essence glowed like a roaring furnace, though usually her divinity danced playfully around her, tonight it was subdued and weak. Reaching out towards her, he felt her sorrow and wished there was someone else he could ask for assistance. But there wasn’t anyone else, so he wrapped his power around hers.

"Hello, Lady Suzaku,” he said, trying to keep himself neutral in this encounter.

“Hello, love,” she whispered, giving him a forlorn look of despair. “What did you want with me?”

“I’ve run into a bit of a mess,” he said, looking into her ruby eyes. “Melody thinks you might be able to assist me.”

“Yes, I felt you earlier,” she replied, giving him a look that was equal parts desire and hurt. “Love, if you needed someone to take the edge off before your renewal, why didn’t you come to me? I would’ve happily relieved you.”

“It wasn’t because of that!” he snapped, alarmed that she thought he would so vulgarly debase himself in public.

“I know, love,” she replied, kissing him lightly. “But you’re so adorable when you’re flustered.”

Though there was no doubt she held genuine affection for him, the flighty Lady of Summer could be so infuriating. Remembering that he needed her assistance, he decided to ask for her help. “Melody thought you might aid us in enchanting some wine that might lower everyone’s inhibitions and raise their libidos.”

When she heard the plan, she clapped her wings together in delight. “Oh, ho, ho, my love,” she cooed, lightly rubbing a feather against his cheek. “Provide the wine, and I’ll ensure that even chaste Triton will willingly lay with vivacious Minoa.”

“Lady Suzaku, thank you,” he said, relieved that she was willing to aid him.

“Not so fast, love,” she said, embracing him tightly. Looking into his burning green eyes, she offered him a seductive smile. “I believe it’s said that the Earth is generous.”

“What do you seek in exchange?” he asked, fully prepared to grant her carnal desires.

Looking up at her one time lover, her heart yearned to be reunited with him once more. Even though Lord Ananse had promised to fulfill her desire if she went through with the ritual, she decided then and there that if he granted her this one request, she would not pursue it and instead try winning his heart the traditional way. “Give me your heart for one night love,” she said, praying that he would agree. “And accept mine without reservation, and I’ll aid you no matter the cost.”

When he heard her request, he sighed. There was no way he could meet her conditions. “I’m sorry, Lady Suzaku,” he said. “There’s no way I can do what you ask. If you desire one night or many, I can grant that. But I can’t promise you my heart for a moment let alone a single night.”

When she heard his refusal, she pressed her head against him and wept. “You poor, poor, man,” she said. Holding his face between her wings, she offered him a gentle kiss. “Love, I’ll aid you regardless.”

“Thank you,” he said, returning to his physical form. “Come to me, and I’ll show you the wine.”

Once he left her, she lowered her head in shame at what she was planning to do. Shedding a few tears for what she would do to him, she hid her aching heart, and followed after him into the palace.


“This is an outrage!” a middle aged crystal pony mare shouted. Her yellow crystalline coat shimmered beneath the lights of the Crystal Palace, as she stood defiantly against these rude invaders. Resting on her pink piled up mane, was an arcanum tiara much like the one she wore as a cutie mark on her flanks. Her blue eyes looked at the two interlopers standing before the Slave King’s throne with contempt. “The Slave King would never install a unicorn over us!”

“You’d better get used to it, queenie,” Sombra said, giving her a venomous look. “I rule here now!”

Second slammed a large paw against his subordinate’s muzzle, and looked at him darkly. “You rule here now, do you?” he asked, giving him a look that suggested eminent bodily harm would be forthcoming if he didn’t retract his claim of sovereignty.

Sombra’s charcoal coat lightened by a few shades as he realized his mistake. “Forgive me, Master Second, I misspoke,” he stammered, looking nervously at his master’s large metal shod paw. “I only meant that I rule here on the Slave King’s behalf.”

“You can’t do this!” the mare shouted at them, agitated that a vile unicorn was going to rule over them. “I, Queen Topaz III, was personally hoof picked by the Slave King himself, to oversee his Crystal Palace, and our pact with him still stands.”

“I’ve been marked by the Slave King,” Sombra said, pointing a hoof to the mark that denoted his authority over the crystal ponies. “Grovel before me, mud pony, and I might spare flogging you before ejecting you from the palace.”

“Never, you unicorn bastard!” Topaz defiantly shouted, preparing to draw on the power of her crystal coat if combat was to ensue.

Seeing the two of them about to trade blows, raised Second’s ire. He was nearly tempted to perform a repeat performance of what had happened back in the tunnel leading into the Neo Vale. But as much as he wanted to throttle his subordinate, and devour this useless mare, the Slave King would surely ensure he was punished for his misconduct. Deciding he needed to ensure that Topaz would obey Sombra and not become an element of dissent, he decided to apply pressure to alleviate her of her troublesome obstinance.

“Topaz III…” he growled at her.

“That’s Queen Topaz III, you cur,” she replied, upset that he thought he could unseat her.

Glaring at her with one of his burning eyes, he poured his malevolence into her soul. “Former Queen Topaz III,” he said, allowing the loss of her title to sink in as he stripped her of authority. “You will step down from the Slave King’s throne. You will willingly obey your successor in all things. You will ensure a smooth transition occurs between your administration and Sombra’s.”

“Second, we’ll never willingly serve any unicorn,” she said, spitting at the ground at Sombra’s hooves.

Sombra was about to smack the mare with his hoof, but saw the black fires beginning to erupt out of Second’s armor and backed away towards a corner, cowering in fear at his master’s fury.

“That’s Master Second to you, Former Queen Topaz III,” he flatly said, knocking off the tiara she was wore with a swipe from his paw, and sending it clattering to the crystalline floor. Raising his paw, he slammed it down hard against tiara, smashing it and sending various gems flying everywhere. “If you refuse to obey these commands, you will be snuffed out.”

Topaz had faced a great many terrible things during her thirty-three year reign as queen of the crystal ponies. Belligerent reindeer, rampaging yeti, snow devils, wild windigos, and even on occasion she’d had to deal with Lord Cerynitis himself. But now, standing beneath the withering gaze of the doomhound before her, she felt her confidence in the Slave King’s absolute protection wane. Always, he’d promised her people, should they honor their pact with him, they’d be protected from all harm and enjoy the bounty of spring in the heart of Winter.

Remembering the promises he’d made to her people, she took heart and stood up to this bully, this false servant of the Slave King. “I don’t care if you kill me, I’m unafraid of death!” she cried out, drawing upon the power that lay at the center of the Crystal Palace, making her crystalline coat shine even brighter.

“Who said anything about dying, Topaz,” Second said, smiling and offering her a generous view of the razor sharp teeth that lay inside his large maw. Hoping to impress upon her the folly of refusing him again, he ran one of his arcanum covered claws under her chin. “If you refuse me again, your life will be long, and your torment exquisite under my tender ministrations.”

When she heard his threat, her crystalline coat lost its luster, and her gorgeous mane became limp and faded. Lowering her head dejectedly, she slowly walked away from the throne she’d occupied for over three decades, and released a single tear that fell silently to the crystal tile beneath her hooves.

Pleased that he’d finally broken the uncooperative mare, he turned his attention to Sombra. “Remember well what I’ve just shown you,” he said, flashing him a wicked smile. “Shadow Knight Sombra, allow this to be your final lesson from me. The key to proper governance, is ruling with a rod of iron, and having sharp teeth. If they fear your bite, they will respect your power and authority. However, if you show leniency in the slightest for their defiance, your reign will be a short one.”

“Yes, Master Second, I’ll remember your teachings,” he said, looking at the trembling mare with a spiteful gaze.

“Good, should you be unable to manage things here, King Sombra,” he said, as the black flames once again erupted from beneath his armor. “I will relieve you of your post and your head. Expect our mutual acquaintance to be by later to drop off your luggage, and to keep an eye on you.”

“Of course, Master Second,” Sombra disingenuously said, bowing low and wishing the doomhound would leave so he could finally enjoy his new subjects, free of any outside interference.

“One last piece of advice, King Sombra,” he growled, before leaving the crystal palace. Looking over his shoulder at the new king of the crystal ponies, he glared at him, allowing his burning eyes to fill him with terror. “Betray us, and we’ll know it.”

Without another word, the doomhound left the new king and former queen alone in the empty throne room. Sombra, finally free of Second’s cruelty, looked down at the broken mare beside him. Running his lecherous eyes along her flanks, he saw she was quite beautiful for a non-unicorn. Licking his lips with anticipation, he walked towards a nearby balcony, and gazed at the city, his city. He could see the worthless peasants milling about the streets below in idle frivolity, celebrating the Slave King’s renewal.

Looking to the north, he saw the mines were devoid of laborers, and narrowed his eyes in disapproval. He was expected to triple their output, and his projects always came through on time and under budget. Looking once more to the simple peons and their worthless families, he laughed. He knew exactly where to get the needed labor, for his crystal mining and the other great projects he had planned for his Crystal Empire.

As he stood there gloating, silently planning how he would run things more efficiently than his predecessor had, he heard a noise behind him. Turning around, he saw Topaz trying to pick up the pieces of her crown. Trotting over to her, he levitated the pieces out of her reach with his magic. “What do you think you’re doing?” he sneered, while towering over her.

“I… I just wanted to retrieve my tiara,” she said, looking up at him pleadingly with her tear filled eyes.

“Don’t you mean my tiara,” he said, circling her and appraising her shapely flanks.

“I’ll just go,” she said, feeling fear from his lecherous gaze.

“I think not,” Sombra said, remembering what Second had told him before leaving. “Topaz, you defied me, didn’t you?”

“N… no, “she said, worried what he might do to her.

“You’ve been a bad pony, and you need to be punished don’t you?” he said, powering his horn and casting painful bolts of magic at her.

“Please stop!” she begged, backing away from her tormentor and trembling in a corner, much like he had earlier.

“Admit to your crimes, and accept your punishment!” he ordered, with malevolent glee. “And the pain will stop.”

“Alright, Sombra, I was a bad pony and deserve to be punished, may I go now?” she asked, afraid of what he might do to her next.

“That’s King Sombra, peasant, remember that!” he roared. Using his magic, he created a whip construct and flicked it inches from her nose and eyes.

“Please, no more!” she cried.

“Topaz, you’re lucky I desire you undamaged. And now for your punishment…” he said, pointing downward.

When she realized what he wanted her to do, she shook her head no. Wishing to have no part in his perverse depravity. “I’m a mare of refinement! I won’t do something so unseemly,” she said, looking for a door she could escape from.

Enraged that she was refusing to service her king, he slapped her with muzzle with his hoof. Then using his magic to grab her by the neck, he forced her head roughly to the floor. “Better get used to this, Topaz, because you’ll be experiencing this regularly,” he taunted, as he prepared to take his liberties with her body against her will.

“No!” she wept, as his laughter rang throughout the throne room.

“Yes!” he cried out in triumph, when nopony came to her aid.

Once he had finished with her, he released his magic’s hold, and lowered his face in front of hers. Looking into her once defiant blue eyes, he reveled when all he saw reflected in them was a look of hopelessness and defeat. “Please…” she whimpered, wishing to be let go.

“I think I’ll keep you around, queenie,” he said with a laugh, to her horror. “That is until I’ve tired of you, and after I’ve found your replacement, I’ll send you out into the mines. How does that sound?”

Crying in despair, she left the throne room in defeat, as Sombra’s triumphant laughter mocked her.


It looked like Harmony’s and Melody’s plan was working. Thanks to the wine and ale that Lady Suzaku had imbued with her divinity, nearly every member of the pantheon was eagerly singing and dancing, lost in divine inebriation, his transgression seemingly forgotten in their riotous revelry. Needing to keep his wits about him, the Slave King had so far refused to join in with their drinking.

Harmony was doing her best to keep everyone’s goblets full, while her sister was playing drinking songs and encouraging the drunken deities to sing along.

“Come on everyfeather!” she shouted to the crowd. “Sing along if you know the words, and if you don’t, sing along anyway!”

“Hooray!” they all cried out.

Plucking her lute, she began playing an old and well-known drinking song, as she invited everyone to join in.

The deities of the pantheon, happily drunk courtesy of the Slave King’s liquor, raise their goblets and begin singing off key.

Everyone: Ale, lager, beer, tiddly ale, lager, beer…

Melody: A long time ago, way back in ancient history…

All ponies had to drink was nothing but cups of tea…

Harmony: But then came a pony by the name of ole Raindrops…

And he invented a wonderful drink and made it out of hops…

Everyone: Hey! He must have been a genius, a sorcerer, or a king…

And to his praises we shall always sing…

Look what he has done for us, he’s filled us up with cheer!

Celestia bless ole Raindrops, the pony who invented beer….

Ale, lager, beer, tiddly ale, lager, beer…

Lord Triton: The Lady of the Sea…

Princess Luna: The Rusted Bit…

Lady Zephyr: The Broken Nest as well…

Lord Triton: One thing you can be sure of, its Raindrops beer they sell…

Princess Luna: So for all you mares and stallions, at eleven O’clock they stop…

Lady Zephyr: For five short seconds, remember ole Raindrops!

In reverence for the long deceased Raindrops, all present placed a hoof, paw, wing, or claw over their mugs, and began counting…

Lord Triton: One!

Princess Luna: Two!

Lady Zephyr: Three!

Lord Ouroboros: Four!

Lady Minoa: Five!

Everyone: Hey! He must have been a genius, a sorcerer, or a king…

And to his praises we shall always sing…

Look what he has done for us, he’s filled us up with cheer!

Celestia bless ole Raindrops, the pony who invented beer….

Ale, lager, beer, tiddly ale, lager, beer…

Lord Ouroboros: A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick…

Lady Minoa: The kind of lubrication to make your innards tick…

Lord Raiden: Forty pints of hooch a day will keep away the quacks…

Lord Ananse: Eight bits total will provide you quite a kick…

Lady Suzaku: Spend half those bits again and wake up on your back!

Once again, all present placed a hoof, paw, wing, or claw over their mugs, and count aloud in Raindrops honor…

Lord Ouroboros: One!

Lady Minoa: Two!

Lord Raiden: Three!

Lord Ananse: Four!

Lady Suzaku: Five!

Everyone: Hey! He must have been a genius, a sorcerer, or a king…

And to his praises we shall always sing…

Look what he has done for us, he’s filled us up with cheer!

Celestia bless ole Raindrops, the pony who invented beer….

Ale, lager, beer, tiddly ale, lager, beer…

Ale, lager, beer, tiddly ale, lager, beer…

Celestia bless ole Raindrops!

Sensing that everyone was good and muddled, the Slave King decided it was time to move things along. Nodding to Harmony, he waited as she directed everyone to the large ballroom that had been setup. Originally according to the itinerary, there was supposed to be a dance after the banquet, but judging by how they’d been drinking his wine, he’d be surprised if any of them would be able to dance in time to the music.

“That was certainly quite entertaining your majesty,” Ringing Bells said to him.

“I thought a little social lubrication was in order,” he said, gesturing towards a rather red nosed and drunken Lord Cerynitis who was trying and failing to kiss Princess Luna. “Especially after what happened during my reception.”

“I never knew that it was possible that members of the pantheon could become drunk,” she said, looking at a rather tipsy looking Luna who was regaling a sober and bemused Celestia with some off key singing.

“It takes a rather special brew, to knock us off our rockers,” he said, motioning to Nightmare who was fast asleep beside a half empty jar of wine. “But it can be done.”

“Will you be changing?” she asked, trotting beside him.

“I think I’ll wear these clothes for the rest of the evening,” he said, sitting down in the ballroom.

“Of course, your majesty,” she said, looking sadly at the empty ballroom. “I’m sorry, you’ve no one to dance with.’

“I’m not,” he replied, as a waltz played. “I can’t dance to save my life.”

“Might I show you how to dance then?” she asked, looking up at him thoughtfully with her purple eyes.

Deciding it would be a waste to say no to any beautiful woman who asked him to dance, he agreed to her request and held out his arm for her. As the music played, he walked alongside his dance partner as she led him through the proper steps of the waltz.

“See, that’s how it’s done,” she said, encouraging him as she instructed his movements. “Dancing is rather easy, once you have the general idea.”

Once the orchestra had finished their first set, he followed her back to his waiting seat, only to find Celestia and Luna waiting there for him.

Celestia, the Radiant and Luna, the Beautiful,” he said, approaching them cautiously. “I hope you’ve found my hospitality to your liking.”

“Verily, Slave King, we hic… most enjoyed thy bounteous generosity,” Luna said, with heavily flushed cheeks and breath that smelled heavily of the sweet wine she’d been drinking like water.

“Slave King, what my sister means, is that we’re both having a lovely time,” Celestia said, offering him an enigmatic smile.

“Indeed, Slave King! Thy comeliness has been doubled,” Luna slurred, when she started seeing the Slave King in stereo.

“Ringing Bells,” Celestia said to the fashionista. “Would you please watch my sister for me?”

“Of… of course your majesty,” she said with a bow. “Follow me, Princess Luna, and I’ll find you a nice seat.”

Happily inebriated, Luna followed after her, leaving the Slave King and Celestia alone together. Stepping close to him, she leaned forward, and motioned her head towards the empty dance floor. “Aren’t you going to invite me to share this dance with you?” she asked, nuzzling his shoulder. “You know it’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

“If that’s your desire, Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, offering her his arm.

Together they stepped out onto the ballroom floor, their steps perfectly in sync with one another. Locking eyes, they circled each other in time with the rhythm of the orchestra’s string and percussion. Fighting a silent battle of wills for dominance, the two deities led each other through the steps of the waltz. Though their knowledge of the other’s plans were as plain as the noses on their faces, they still resisted one against the other. The unassailable power of the Sun against the fathomless depths of the Earth, one the source of life, the other a bastion of shadow. Neither giving an inch, yet working together in perfect harmony, they completed their dance, and left the floor together.

“Slave King, that was rather exhilarating,” Celestia said, having enjoyed their dance together.

In truth, he found the struggle against her exciting as well. The battle for dominance, and not knowing whether he would emerge victorious or not, had heightened all his senses to perfect clarity. In dancing with her, he’d gained a new found respect for her as his opponent, and insight into what she was planning for him.

Smiling pleasantly at her, the Slave King invited her to sit down beside him. “So tell me Celestia, the Radiant,” he plainly said, folding his hands in his lap. “When you and your sister return to Londwhinium, what do you have planned?”

“Oh you know, the usual,” she said, offering him a friendly smile and refusing to reveal her hoof to him. “But the most pressing matter will be assigning a cadre of my sister’s Twilight Knights to bolster the garrison at Bone’s Landing, and choosing the garrison commander of course.”

“Of course,” he echoed, trying to determine how best to trip her up, forcing her to finally reveal her plot to him.

“I see you’ve caught the eye of almost everypony here,” she said, tweaking him with her divinity like he had done to her earlier that evening. Seeing his look of uncertainty, she released a musical laugh. “I’ll admit I found your advances earlier rather flattering.”

“My apologies, Celestia, the Radiant,” he replied, as his face began flushing with embarrassment. “Sometimes this close to my renewal, my power becomes quite overwhelming.”

“It’s because you lack a horn,” she said, sympathizing with him.

“Yes, my lack of horn, antlers, or other magical organs, makes dealing with a surplus of magical power a challenge to deal with. Fortunately, these seem to do the trick,” he explained, pointing to his burning green eyes.

“Perhaps taking a wife or consort would help you deal with any future magical flare ups,” she suggested, gesturing to the drunken deities still cavorting in the banquet hall.

“Excuse me?” he asked, surprised she was broaching such a sensitive subject. “Why, are you volunteering for the position again?”

She offered him a gentle chuckle, and warmly smiled. “Slave King, the rest of the pantheon are beginning to talk. It’s unheard of for deity, especially for one as powerful and influential as yourself, to refuse to take consorts or a wife,” she said. “In the first age of ponies, when we were as young as you are, it wasn’t unheard of for a deity to take a partner or three.”

“What’s your point?” he asked, feeling uncomfortable discussing this topic with her.

“My point is simply, if you desire somepony to share your life with, there are many among the pantheon who would be willing to share it with you,” she said, nuzzling him affectionately. “There’s no need to resign yourself to bachelorhood.”

“I’ll take your advice under consideration,” he said, offering her a small bottle of his Draught of Renewal.

“What’s this for?” she asked, looking at its contents curiously.

“For your sister,” he said, “she wished to accompany me for my renewal. I’m afraid in her current state she’s in no condition to do anything more than sleep.”

“Thank you, Slave King,” she said, accepting his gift. “I’ll see that she drinks it.”

“Very well, Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, rising to leave. “Until tomorrow then.”

Trotting over to where her sister was sitting, she watched as Ringing Bells followed after him. Only to nearly jump out of her skin, when she felt Luna licking her ear. “Luna!” she said, objecting to the wet willy. “Behave yourself!”

“Sister, we find thy ear’s flavor to be somewhat lacking,” she giggled.

“Drink this, Luna,” she said, levitating the small bottle to her sister.

“Oh, it’s so shiny and pretty,” she sighed, when she saw its shimmering liquid contents.

“Oh, Luna…” Celestia said, wondering what she would do with her.


The ride back to the Neo Vale had been uneventful, Nidhogg’s terrible joke’s notwithstanding. If he had to suffer through another one of his knock-knock jokes it would be too soon.

“Orange who…” Second sighed, placing his muzzle in his paws and praying that this torture would end.

“Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?” Nidhogg asked, laughing at his own corny joke. “Oh look, we’re here in the old city!”

“Thank Celestia,” he muttered, grateful that he was finally free of this buffoon.

Shifting his shiny black scales towards the ruined palace that lay in the distance, he looked back at his passenger with concern. “Are you sure you don’t want a ride to the palace?” he asked him.

“No!” he snapped, leaping off the land wurm’s back and onto the broken streets below. “Just drop off this month’s shipment of crystals in the manufactorium. Ignatius or one of the other dragon-halfs will take care of the rest.”

“Are you sure I can’t have just one small crate?” Nidhogg pleaded, looking hungrily at the dozen or so crates of cut crystals attached to his saddle.

“I already said no the first thirty times! What makes you think I’m going to say yes this time?” he barked, wishing the land wurm would go jump in the Pit to save him the trouble of killing him later.

“Well I’m taking one anyway,” he said, flicking his tongue out at him.

“Do it, and it’s your hide!” he roared, causing his voice to echo throughout the ruins and attracting the unliving denizens inside.

When he saw the approaching hungry dead, Nidhogg gave Second a smug smile. “And there’s my cue to go, enjoy the rest of your evening, Second,” he said with a laugh, before diving into the ground, leaving the doomhound with nearly a hundred shambling corpses to deal with.

On any other night, he would have torn this section of the city apart in his great rage. In fact, he would’ve shown these creatures what a real monster could do, tearing them limb from limb and then putting them back together, so he could murder them once more. However, he was on a tight schedule, and couldn’t waste time playing with the hungry dead.

Feeling his master’s burning displeasure, he released a mighty roar that shook the entire lava dome. Gripping the stone beneath with his claws, His eyes burned red as his fur and armor caught fire. The black flames quickly spread over his entire body, eating away at everything they touched like acid. Not even the shambling hordes baring his way stood a chance, as he barreled through them, knocking them aside like pins as he raced towards his destination.

Within minutes, he was past the wards protecting the palace from the undead horrors of this place. Looking behind him, he smiled with approval at the swath of destruction he’d left behind in his wake. Allowing the black flames consuming his body to die, he entered the palace and stood stock still in shock at what he saw. He’d stumbled on what he could only describe as the tail end of a drunken orgy. He saw numerous gods and goddesses lying next to each other in a drunken stupor, the evidence of their drunken revelry lying at the bottoms of their goblets.

Seeking out Scourge, he wanted to find out what exactly had transpired here since he’d left. When he saw Nightmare curled next to a wine jar, he backed away slowly, not wanting to discover what other horrors this room held for him. Stepping gingerly past a sleeping Lord Cerynitis who was passed out next to the unconscious elemental form of Lord Ouroboros, whose flames were bathing the reindeer’s frost covered coat and making fog. Spying the closest side passage, he made his way towards the exit.

“Where have you been?” he heard a gravelly voice ask.

Turning around, he found himself looking into Scourge’s displeased muzzle. “Has the Slave King began his renewal yet?” he asked, concerned he’d missed his chance to follow his master’s instructions.

“No, that’s not due for another hour,” Scourge replied, glaring at him disapprovingly. “But where have you been, the Slave King faces a peril greater than any he’s faced before.”

“What’s that?” he asked, concerned that his master’s plot had finally been unearthed, despite the careful pains he’d taken over the centuries to conceal his treacherous activities.

“It’s Celestia,” Scourge confided, knowing that his fellow doomhound would never betray their king to aid the head of the pantheon. “She’s finally decided to make her move against him.”

“But what possible reason would she have to plot against him,” Second said, trying to cloud Scourge’s mind with doubt. “Celestia would never resort to using force, when she could use diplomacy instead.”

“That’s true,” Scourge said, conceding his point. “Celestia’s plotting has been rather overt for an assassination attempt.”

“Assassination, please,” he said, scoffing at the sheer ridiculousness of her using violence as a means to any end. “The most we need to worry about, is that she’s politicking, which is something we can easily counteract. All we need to do is play along with her little game, and let her think that we’ve become her unwitting pawns.”

“While that might ordinarily be wise,” they heard a feminine voice say from behind them. “Speaking about your plans for deceiving me in the open is usually a recipe for disaster.”

Turning around, they saw Princess Celestia towering over them, wearing a neutral expression on her muzzle. “I see you heard us?” Second said, trying to determine how much she overheard.

“I heard enough,” she replied, offering the two doomhounds an indecipherable look. “But I think that the question is now, where do we go from here?”

“Do you expect us to allow you to harm our master?” Scourge growled at her.

“No, I expect you to protect him,” she answered. “Sometimes the greatest protection a servant can offer those they serve, is protection from themselves.”

“Explain your meaning,” Second said, curious by what she meant.

“The Slave King will soon have to make a choice,” she replied. “If he chooses poorly, he’ll most likely not survive.”

“Tell me who your assassin is, Celestia, or I swear by the Pit, you’ll join him in the Summerlands,” Scourge fiercely growled, fearful for his master’s safety.

“I swear by the moot, Scourge, his undoing will be by his own hoof and none other,” she said, hoping to convince him of the truth of her words.

“How can we believe you?” Second said, hoping to goad Scourge into siding with her against him.

“Second, her word is good enough for me,” Scourge said. “Unlike you, Celestia has no need to lie.”

When she heard his response, she breathed a sigh of relief. She’d been concerned that they might have dismissed her warning out of hoof. “Because you believe me, I’ll tell you what’ll happen,” she said. Leaning down, she placed her muzzle against his ear and began whispering to him. As he heard her explain to him the dangers the Slave King faced, his knitted his brow in concern for his master.

“Second, we must aid her,” he said to his fellow doomhound.

“What, and betray the Slave King on just her say so?” he asked, cheering inwardly that things had gone by without a hitch. “Are you planning to take responsibility for this?”

“Yes I am,” Scourge replied, fully prepared to face the consequences for betraying his friend and lord. “Celestia, promise me that no harm will come to him by this.”

“Scourge, you are a good and faithful friend to the Slave King,” she said, touched by his devotion to his master. “I promise to shield him from all harm if need be.”

“So what do I need to do then,” he asked her.

“I need you to hide the Vendetta from him for at least a little while,” she said. “And when he calls for your aid, I need you to ignore him.”

“You wish to leave him defenseless and alone?” Second demanded, laying on his accusations as thick as he dared.

“You will assist me in this, Second,” Scourge threatened, “or so help me, I’ll advise the Slave King of every minor transgression, every suspicion, and every plot I’ve ever uncovered of yours.”

“Very well, Scourge,” he sulked, selling his reluctance as best he could. “I’ll assist you in your treason, but if this goes south, you’re sinking on your own.”

“Now that just leaves the small matter of Nightmare to deal with,” Scourge said, trying to figure out how to keep her otherwise occupied.

“Leave Nightmare to me,” Second said. “I’ll see to it that she’s out of the Slave King’s reach.”

“Why should we trust you with such an important responsibility?” Scourge said, confronting him over his less than trustworthy reputation.

“Because, as a fellow conspirator,” he explained, offering him a toothy grin. “I’m just as culpable, just as guilty as either of you. Besides, I don’t do anything half-cocked.”

“How much time do we have?” he asked Celestia.

“He’ll be presented with his choice tomorrow at noon,” she said, giving each of them a serious look. “Please, if his well-being matters to you at all, fulfill your tasks.”

“So how fond are you of your sister?” Second asked, giving her a toothy grin.

“What do you mean? Oh…” Celestia said, finally realizing what he was suggesting and giving him a look of disapproval. “My sister is more than capable of defending herself, but are you sure that’s really quite necessary?”

“Even when drunk?” he replied, gesturing to the passed out deities in the banquet hall. “It’s either her or the unicorn seamstress, and the unicorn doesn’t seem quite as robust.”

“No, choose my sister,” she sighed, hoping that the liquid the Slave King had given her had done its job.

“One last thing, Celestia,” he said, with a slight grin. “Where is she now?”

“I believe she’s headed towards the Slave King’s quarters,” she replied, hoping that the Slave King would break things up before they became too violent.

“Perfect,” Second said, laughing at how easy things were coming together. “Scourge, see to the Vendetta’s misappropriation, I’ll be attending to Lady Nightmare’s wake up call.”

“Very well,” Scourge said, lowering his head in shame that he was going to betray the Slave King. But taking heart in the knowledge that this would ultimately save him from himself, he looked up at Celestia with gratitude. “Thank you for aiding my master.”

“Long ago, he ensured peace and prosperity for my little ponies,” she said, offering him a kindly smile. “Helping him in this way is the least I can do.”

Second rolled his eyes at their naivety. Both of them were aiding in his master’s plot, and the best part was they weren’t even aware of it! Approaching where Nightmare was sleeping, he tried determining the best way of waking her, when he heard something behind him.

Turning around, he saw Lady Minoa and a tightly embraced Lord Triton lying together. “Oh, Slave King, I have you now…” she cooed in her drunken stupor, while nuzzling against his mane, and holding him tightly in her arms.

“Ugh,” Second replied, not envying Lord Triton when he finally woke up in the paws of his bitterest rival.

Spying Nightmare’s tail, he grabbed a hold of it with his teeth, and dragged her out from beneath the table. Looking at her prone and stretched out form, he took the opportunity to examine her in detail. Though she wasn’t quite a diamond dog, he found her dark and fearsome features quite beautiful and exotic. Taking liberties with her drunken self that he’d never have the courage to do otherwise, he ran a paw along her pitch black coat feeling her curves and hard muscles. Licking her muzzle, he got a thrill out of doing the forbidden with such a dangerous being.

If she was ever to become aware of his wandering paws and lecherous eyes, he’d surely become her next victim. Looking down at her flanks, he was sorely tempted to take her, if only for the bragging rights of having mounted the most dangerous female in Equestria. However, time was of the essence, and he needed to wake her before Luna managed to enter the Slave King’s quarters. Raising a paw, he slapped Nightmare a few times to wake her, but found she remained fast asleep. Sighing that he had no other recourse, he grabbed the Slave King’s half full goblet, and poured its contents down her throat.

Almost immediately, Nightmare began responding as the draught did its job. Second watched as her legs began kicking, and her tail swished suggestively, hinting she was in the throes of some dream. Knowing he needed to make his next move very carefully, he gently prodded her with his paw.


She was having such a wonderful dream, he was here by her side, and running his fingers through her silken black coat. She purred in pleasure, as she felt the pressure from his fingers run along her body. Laying besides him in the bed, she rested her head in his lap, and sighed in pure bliss. But then she felt him starting to poke her in the side, looking up at him in concern, she heard him repeating, “Wake up!”

Nightmare groggily opened her eyes, as she felt the lingering aftereffects of the wine still coursing through her body. Though her throbbing head bothered her slightly, it was the burning ache she felt elsewhere that agitated her more. Yawning once, she tried focusing her eyes, searching for the one who had signed their own death warrant by waking her from such a wonderful dream.

“Lady Nightmare,” the rumbling voice said, causing her ears slight discomfort.

Now almost cognizant, she focused her eyes on the blurry image of the doomhound standing over her. She growled in rage, disappointed that she had no one to visit her frustrations upon. Of the doomhounds under her master’s employ, one was already dead, and the others were nearly as powerful as herself, making any attempt at slaying them a pointless endeavor.

“Wake up!” the doomhound’s voice shouted, making her wince in pain. She didn’t understand, why was he being so bold with her? Didn’t he fear her biting jaws and raking claws, didn’t he know she was the most terrifying thing in existence this side of the Pit?

“Why have you left the Slave King’s side?” she groggily heard him ask. What a foolish notion, she was right here besides him, resting in his bed and laying her head in his lap. Wait! She wasn’t resting in any bed, and this wasn’t the Slave King’s quarters. Looking frantically around for him, all she saw were foreign deities lying all around her in piles.

Though her mind still felt a bit scattered, her duty to him screamed at her to get up. Standing up on her legs, she shook her head uneasily, and gave the doomhound a potent glare that seemed to say, Where’s the Slave King?

“His personal quarters,” was his response, shaking herself awake she began skulking towards the shadows, hoping to return to his side before anything untoward might happen to him.

Second was extremely pleased, Nightmare was performing her part just like he planned. Reaching out with his magic, he used the gems embedded in the palace walls to check up on Princess Luna’s location. When he saw she was nearly at the Slave King’s chamber door, he cursed. “Damn it! She’ll never make it there in time,” he said, before coming up with a solution to his problem. Knowing Nightmare needed encouragement, he called out to her. “It appears that Princess Luna is about to pay him a personal visit!”

He laughed, when he was rewarded with Nightmare’s roars of jealousy, as she raced to return to the Slave King’s side. Pleased that everything was now in place, he laid down on his haunches and decided to enjoy the show. Spying a few goddesses sprawled out in a corner, he approached them and decided to take advantage of the little pleasures that life sometimes offers.


Princess Luna felt mortified, her earlier behavior was certainly not becoming of someone of her stature. That nearly everypony else in attendance had also regressed to behavior not seen since the first age of ponies, was no excuse either. She was just grateful that her sister had the presence of mind, to avoid joining in the revelry the others had, and managed to save her from any ensuing embarrassment tomorrow.

Come now, Luna, the ever present voice whispered in her mind, tempting her with visions of all kinds of debauchery. Rutting every now and then, would be practice for the Slave King, eh?

Be silent! she snapped at the voice, mortified that her body was inclined to agree with the voice’s assessment. Such shameful behavior is for godlings and weak willed foals.

Ah, like the Slave King perhaps? the voice suggested, chuckling as it illustrating in her mind how he might take her. He’s young and virile, I’m sure the pleasure you’ll share together shall be exquisite.

We have no desire for such a perverse relationship, she adamantly denied. Should we decide to pursue each other, our courtship will be one of propriety and moderation.

Propriety and moderation, surely you jest? the voice mocked, showing her even more illicit and improper images. Is that why you seek him out in the dark of the night, when your power is greatest and he’s at his the most vulnerable to your ample charms?

Nay, our visit is one of friendship, and not of wanton lust, she replied, objecting to the voice’s crass accusation of her virtue. We wish to apologize for our earlier inebriation, and to accept his earlier invitation to enjoin him at his renewal.

You know, the many rendezvous between Lady Zephyr and Lord Darkpaw during his renewals are the stuff of legend, the voice pointed out, granting her a vision of the passionate activities they once shared together. Perhaps you wish to reenact their love with him?

Thou vile and base miscreant! she seethed at the taunting voice, while feeling frustrated at her own arousal at the many temptations it was offering her. We only desire companionship and camaraderie, not thy rude and animalistic passions.

The voice darkly chuckled in response. Dear sweet, Princess Luna. You claim to be a mare of propriety, yet it’s from your own mind these visions have come. You claim you only desire camaraderie, yet the yearning in your heart and ache in your loins say otherwise, it pointed out, denying her rebuttals.

We… we dost not possess the heart of a wanton harlot! she shouted, laying her ears back as she cried, afraid that the voice was speaking true. We just want to be loved, is that so wrong?

The voice said nothing, leaving her to stew in the uncertainty of her forbidden desires. Sighing in defeat, she tried her best to ignore the still lingering effects of the wine on her libido, and approached the doors to the Slave King’s private chambers. Taking a deep breath, she used her hoof to lightly rap on his chamber door.


He waited patiently as Ringing Bells, removed hundreds of tiny gemstones and unwove the gold and arcanum threads from his hair and beard. If he didn’t know better, he’d have sworn it was taking longer to remove the intricate weave then it had originally taken to style. His two servants, Gunhilde and Chrysalis were assisting the fashionista in the delicate process of removing them. He could tell by the looks they gave him, that whatever charm he was under was affecting them as well.

Chrysalis especially, her half lidded gaze and exposed flanks spoke volumes. Fortunately, a sharp look from Gunhilde reigned the lusty changeling in. Gazing longingly at the iron crown that rested on a pedestal near his bed, he couldn’t wait to put this gaily dressed popinjay behind him, and return to the business of running his domain, free from the feminine whiles of half the pantheon and Celestia’s machinations.

“All done, you majesty,” Ringing Bells announced in a sing song voice.

She levitated a mirror for him to inspect her hoofwork. He looked at his reflection, and saw his broken nose and deeply scarred face looking back at him. Beyond his now neatly trimmed beard and locks, he looked like himself once more. “I wonder, if they could see my face now, would they be so eager to pursue me?” he mused, while they removed the remainder of his clothing. Dressing into his simpler clothes, he found he missed the feeling of the soft fabric of his finery against his skin.

Sensing his want, Ringing Bells looked up at him. “Your majesty, if you desire more clothing. I’d be happy to make it,” she said, offering him her skills once more.

“I’d expect nothing flashy,” he replied, considering her offer while reaching for his shirt.

“Of course…” she said, before she was interrupted by someone knocking on his door.

Deciding it must be Scourge, he walked towards it and opened the door, finding to his surprise, none other than Princess Luna on the other side. “Uh…” he said, not sure why she’d sought him out.

When she saw the Slave King had answered the door nearly bereft of clothing, she became acutely aware of the burning desire in her hind quarters, and blushed as her tail flicked nervously. “Slave King…” she said, nearly stumbling over her words. “We wish… ack!”

Before she could say another word, a great black ball of fury leapt on her back from the shadows. When she felt the bite of the creature’s cruel fangs and sharp claws raking against her, she screamed as they drew blood. The Slave King, when he saw who it was that had attacked her, gathered his power and prepared to unleash a flurry of blows against her assailant. The brands on his shoulders, and his eyes burned with green ethereal energy, as he launched a single blow against the beast.

With a cry of pain, the shadow flew down the length of the hall, slamming into a nearby mural depicting Lord Darkpaw, cracking it, and fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Before it could recover to begin another assault on her, the Slave King entered the shadows, reappearing in front of the creature who’d so foolishly attacked his guest.

“Nightmare!” he roared, shaking the palace with his fury. “What the hades were you thinking? Attacking a deity, let alone Luna of all gods!”

Weakened from her master’s blow, she laid her ears back in a plaintive gesture, begging for her master’s forgiveness. She was going to attack you! her eyes seemed to plead. She and her pony bitch sister, are up to no good!

“Nightmare,” he warned, pointing a finger at her. “You’re being banished to the city for the rest of the week. When you return, we’ll discuss your punishment then.”

But… her eyes said, desperately trying to convince him the mare was up to no good.

The Slave King was in no mood to listen to her excuses. This time she had gone too far. If he hadn’t been present, she might have seriously injured Princess Luna. Which by the rules of the moot, might have been grounds for the loss of his divinity. And he had no intentions in following in his predecessors footsteps. “Leave now, Nightmare,” he flatly said, his eyes smoldering with displeasure. “Before I make your banishment permanent.”

She looked up at her master heartbroken, giving him one last sorrowful look before disappearing into a nearby shadow.

Walking to Princess Luna’s side, he ran his hands over her, examining the extent of her wounds. Shocked by his forwardness, she moved away. “Slave King, we…” she began, before he offered her slight frown.

“My apologies, Luna, the Beautiful,” he said, running his fingers through her coat, and seeking the worst of her wounds. “I promise you, Nightmare will be punished harshly for her crimes against you.”

“Nay, we desire no further recompense against thy servant,” she said, blushing as his hands continued their search. “Merely provide us with thy healing waters, and we shall consider thy debt towards us in this matter repaid.”

“Hmm…” he said, stroking his beard thoughtfully. “The time of my renewal is nearly upon me, I can offer you some of my Draught of Renewal straight from the source.”

“Nothing would please us more, Slave King,” she replied, offering him a gentle smile.

“Allow me to show you the way,” he said, offering her his hand.

Reaching out with her magic, she felt his gripping hers as they entered the realm of shadow, a place they ruled in common. Traveling together along the ley lines of the Earth, their journey became a playful race to see who could reach their destination first. Their divinity swirled and mingled together, as each strived to outstrip the other in their impromptu contest. She felt him playfully shoving her to jockey for position, in response she tickled him with her power, causing him to burst out in laughter.

Emerging from the ley line first, she stomped her hooves against the ground in triumph, as she stopped to gaze at the beauty of this place.

They were inside the heart of Darkpaw’s temple, a large and ancient room that was cut from living stone. All along the walls, cracked and broken friezes made up of gems depicting the previous Lord of Earth, Darkpaw, could be seen. The broken and shattered tiles beneath her hooves, made walking here without tripping along the uneven floor tricky. In the middle of the room, she saw a bubbling fountain flowing with water containing the same iridescence as the Slave King’s magic. All around its base and along the fountain’s stone walls, thick and leafy vines covered with fragrant blossoms crawled. While floating above the green waters below, a large crystal pulsed in time with the Earth’s heartbeat.

“Slave King, we bested thee,” she crowed, wearing a triumphant smile.

“That’s only because you were playing dirty,” he protested, offering her a wry grin.

“We dost not remember thee proffering any rules,” she smugly said, offering him a smirk. “We rememberth hearing thee speaketh, by thine own lips, that only a fool agrees to play by another's rules.”

“I suppose to the victor goes the spoils,” he replied, preparing himself to perform his yearly renewal.

“We ask thee then, Slave King, what hast we won by vanquishing thee in yonder contest of speed?” she asked, leaning in closer and inhaling the aromatic scent of the vine’s flowers.

He smelled her heady perfume and the still lingering sweetness of the wine on her breath, and shuddered when he realized what a bad idea bringing her here was. Though different than the attraction he shared with Lady Zephyr, Princess Luna possessed a magnetism that found difficult to ignore. He could feel her pulling at his divinity, and felt some compulsion to join with her.

Resigning himself to his fate, he decided to answer her. “Luna, the Beautiful,” he said, suspecting what she might claim as her prize. “Feel free to take whatsoever you desire. After all, the Earth is generous.”

“We think that we shalt hold for now,” she said, biting her lower lip and staring at him expectantly with her large blue eyes.

Sensing the time of his renewal was nearly upon him, he turned towards her. “At Bone’s Landing, you shared with me majesty of the creation of your night sky,” he said, stepping into the fountain and reaching towards the cool smooth surface of the slowly rotating crystal. Standing in the middle of the fountain, he sighed as its healing waters cascaded over him, rejuvenated and replenished him mind and body. “I hope you find my renewal to be as wondrous as I found your rising moon.”

Placing his hand against one of the gem’s facets, he felt his divinity becoming one with the Earth’s infinite depths. Slipping into the welcoming pulse of the Earth, he released his divinity to replenish and restore it once more. Welcoming the embrace of each environment and clime, like long lost children, he held them, blessing each with fertility and plenty. To some, he granted rich and fertile soil, guaranteed to provide bounteous harvests. To others, he bequeathed the riches and wealth of the Earth, renewing and creating rich veins of gems and precious metals for any to find.

It was in this place, that he was perfectly in tune with creation, and felt its call to participate and accept his birthright. Though he was sorely tempted, a bright light laying beyond his domain’s reach, stayed his hand. With great reluctance, he withdrew from the pulse of creation, calling back his divinity into his physical form. It was with a sense of loss and longing to rejoin the Earth that he returned to the physical realm, and turned to face her.

“So, Luna, the Beautiful, was I as comely as you hoped?” he asked her, while rivulets of water rained down on him, soaking his beard and hair.

Saying nothing, she looked at him. She found him to be a conundrum, how could such a stallion as he exist? Somepony like him, who had one hoof firmly rooted in cruelty, and the other seeped in a quiet sorrow. Yet when he faced her now, bereft of his crown and cloak, she saw the stallion beneath the mask. She could sense that he possessed a similar hunger to be loved, and knew the ache of a need left unfulfilled as intimately as she did.

Looking into his magic fueled eyes, she stepped forward, and joined him beneath the cascading waters of the fountain. She sighed as her earlier wounds closed, and all her exhaustion and uncertainty washed away. With a soaking coat and wet mane, she looked at him and smiled.

The Slave King felt himself quicken as she drew close. “Wha… what do you think you’re doing?” he asked, feeling equal parts fear and desire at her forward behavior.

Smiling predatorily at him, she moved her muzzle close to him. “We are taking what we desire,” she dreamily said. Then drawing him close with her magic, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his.

Taken by surprise by her initiative, the Slave King struggled against her at first, but as the passion she held, flowed from her to him, he surrendered himself to her. While sharing this intimate moment together, he felt a fire rising inside him that threatened to consume them. As her divinity mingled with his, he was brought back to that day all those many years ago. Back when they’d restored Sir Stouthorn together, he’d felt the same silken darkness calling to him with its siren song. Before, he didn’t know what it meant, but now he knew, and he only needed make his desires known, and the Night would envelop him. Once more, he remembered cradling her in his arms, and regretfully drew his divinity back into himself.

Breaking their kiss, she leaned forward and rested her head against his. “Our comely stallion, we hope that thou dost not object,” she said, drawing away from him.

“I see your wounds have all healed,” he said, stepping out of the fountain.

Confused by his refusal to acknowledge the moment of passion they’d just shared, she reached out to him with her magic, hoping to entice him to share another. “Slave King, we knowest thou must be overwhelmed by thy renewal,” she said, nuzzling his shoulder gently. “Mayhaps thou might find respite from thy overflowing magic in the company of another. We offer ourself to thee, it thou desireth relief.”

“Thank you, Luna, the Beautiful, but no,” he said, trying to hide his flushed face from her. “Excuse me but I’ve grown weary and must rest.”

Before she could say another word, he retreated into the shadows, leaving her alone in the darkness. Feeling cheapened, used, and unfulfilled by his spurning, she released a cry of anguish and despair as the mocking voice’s laughter echoed in her mind.

Author's Note:

The drinking song featured in this chapter is adapted from the game The Bard's Tale, here's a link if you care to hear it in full Beer Beer Beer Song.

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter ten of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. My apologies for missing last week's deadline, but I was cruelly struck down by the plague and was unable to write for nearly a week. Additionally, like the previous chapter this one kept ballooning in size. I'd had hoped to end the chapter on the Slave King and Celestia's confrontation, however I think I left things on at a good stopping point. I'd like top thank you for slogging through things with me. I promise once this arc is complete, the stories second arc will enjoy the adventure that some of you have been clamoring for. I'm certainly glad I made the decision to break up the chapters when I did. Imagine having to read nearly 37k words of poorly written romance.

As for this chapter I hope the romance that's been building up between Princess Luna and the Slave King has been adequate. I'd hate to have written so much and end up having to scrap the project, because the romance angle turned out to be a travesty. I know I always say comments are appreciated, but in this instance any critiques you could offer regarding the romantic bits would be extremely helpful. Being male and devoid of contact with the fairer sex, I can only hope that I wrote the female perspective believably.

Regarding the non romantic portions of the story, I had a real fun time writing Second and Sombra. Sombra finally freed of his master, was finally able to visit the cruel treatment he'd been suffering under to others. I'm going to enjoy writing Sombra's comeuppance in the second arc. I know I might have crossed a line regarding his treatment of poor Topaz, but I wanted to show him as the irredeemable villain he is, despite the abusive relationship he shared with Second. With him running the Crystal Empire, I wonder how the crystal ponies will fare.

With the pantheon in its entirety present, we can see allies and enemies making their play against the Slave King. I find it interesting that those he considered his rivals being friendly, while others have made their challenges clear. I wonder how the Slave King plans to deal with all these new players? Does he possess the tenacity to overcome the odds, and come out on top, or is he destined to fail?

With Second's master now taking a more proactive role, I wonder how things will turn out between the Slave King and Celestia. Will Scourge's betrayal allow Celestia to win? And what will the Slave King do when he learns the truth? Poor Nightmare, she only wished to protect her master, but instead got banished. I'll bet the Slave King will come to regret making that decision. I wonder what Lady Suzaku's planning for the Slave King, and why is it making her feel so guilty? And what's Lord Ananse's role in all this.

With the removal of the Vendetta, the Slave King's ultimate trump card has been removed from the equation, how can he possibly win? And Lord Cerynitis, why so serious? Don't you know all that stress isn't good for you? And I wonder what choice the Slave King must face, it seems with such high stakes, the deck is certainly stacked against him.

All these questions gentlereader and more, will be answered in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King.

Once again gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!

P.S. Gentlereader Woorali, has decided to write a story set in the Great Slave King universe. Entitled Penned Down, it's planned to be a detective story in the noir style. I'm looking forward to reading all about it as soon as it's released, and I hope you do too.

P.P.S. Made it featured again!

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