• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 17: Something Old, Something New, The Blushing Bride, and Her Reluctant Groom: Part III: Wedded Bliss and Wedded Strife

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 17: Something Old, Something New, The Blushing Bride, and Her Reluctant Groom: Part III: Wedded Bliss and Wedded Strife

He fidgeted nervously as he waited. Normally such a thing, would’ve been of no concern for him. But now, with so many of his fellow deities’ eyes locked onto him, he found the attention somewhat unnerving.

“Slave King,” Arch Duke, Fifi le Yipyap said, standing beside him. “I sense your trepidation. What worries you so?”

“This whole wedding business, just seems off somehow,” he said, absentmindedly adjusting his black satin doublet and the Cloak of Darkpaw he wore around his shoulders.

“Why is that?” the arch duke asked, looking at his master’s numerous guests. “Feeling buyer’s remorse regarding your choice of bride?”

Thinking over his choices for wives, he saw Lady Minoa sitting beside a rather giddy looking Discord, as she drank deeply from a wine skin. She saw him looking at her, and offered him a dour look in return. She seemed none too pleased with how things had ended up, and kissed Discord deeply, before mouthing the words, My body could have been yours!

He felt the familiar hunger stirring inside him, as he watched them together. Before he could answer the arch duke, he heard a loud harrumph from behind him. Lord Triton, looked at the lip locked gods with disapproval reflected on his muzzle. He’d been selected to preside over the ceremony, since Princess Celestia would be escorting her sister to the altar. But now, he could sense the Lawgiver’s annoyance at the display. If he wasn’t so sure of the intense dislike the seapony held for the minotauress, he would’ve sworn it was jealousy. Previously, both of them had shared a night together, which on the morning after, almost resulted in violence between the two. He lightly chuckled as he wondered, if forced to marry her, how the Lawgiver would react.

“Do you find something humorous, Slave King?” Lord Triton asked, as he glared with disapproval at the two, who were shamelessly making a scene together.

“Oh it’s a private joke, Lord Triton,” he said, offering him a slight smile.

When he heard his response, he had a good idea exactly what he was thinking of. “I’m glad you’re in such a good mood, old chum,” he said, hoping to change the subject. “I was feeling a bit worried, that we would’ve had to drag you to the altar.”

The Slave King remembered what Celestia had told him about her sister, and shook his head. “The bride would probably have my head, if I tried running,” he said, remembering the power she displayed back in the mine.

“Princess Luna, can be a bit tightly wound up at times,” he said, remembering his own short lived marriage with her. “Eventually, I’m sure you’ll be able to help even her out.”

“So what’s the story between you and Lady Minoa?” the Slave King asked.

“She was my first wife, and our marriage didn’t quite work out,” he said, remembering the tumultuous first age without an ounce of affection.

He’d heard tales of the first age of ponies, and was unsurprised. He wondered if his marriage to Luna would end up the same. “Doesn’t it seem counterintuitive, to marry with your divorce already planned out in advance?” he asked, remembering what Celestia had said about only having to remain married for a millennium or so.

Lord Triton stroked his mustache thoughtfully for a minute, before looking back at the Slave King. “Though the love you share at first might be strong,” he said. “With time, love changes to apathy, and then it eventually withers away and dies. We’ve found it better to separate, before hate takes hold.”

He still remembered Little Bleu, and how much she meant to him, even after these many centuries. Even though he was the heartless monster, he couldn’t comprehend loving her any less, even if he had to wait another ten thousand years before they were finally reunited.

Seeing the look of uncertainty on his face, he offered him a knowing smile. “Relax, and enjoy the moment, Slave King,” he said, admonishing him to remove any doubts from his mind. “You’ll have time enough to become bitter and jaded like the rest of us, in just as many millennium as you’ve had marriages.”

No matter what anyone said, relaxing and enjoying himself wasn’t an option for him, not as long as she was still out of his reach. Looking to his left, he saw the arch duke standing at attention, alongside Lady Suzaku’s daughters. Waiting patiently for the wedding to begin, Harmony was wearing one of her nicer dark green gambesons, a smart looking black skirt, and a black sash bearing his brand and the words The Earth is generous, in a long flowing script. Standing next to her sister, Melody looked absolutely giddy with excitement. Though he couldn’t be sure, if it was over the wedding or the new clothes she was wearing. Though he was relatively sure she had bitterly complained about not having anything she could wear, she’d somehow managed to find something suitable.

She looked just as lovely as her mother, the flowing silk crimson gown she wore, was cut suggestively, allowing anyone to admire her wings and bust. A fact that he didn’t fail to notice. Noting all the hungry male eyes in the audience studying her, he decided the next time he had a chance, to have a word with her about her choice of wardrobe. In a stark contrast to her younger sisters, Aria wore her arcanum armor which was covered with a festive looking surcoat. On her hip, she had her arcanum long knife resting in its sheath, attached to the thick leather belt she wore around her waist. Though he was sure he was in no danger, it was nice to be prepared, especially when so many still held grudges against him.

He longed to hear some reassuring words, telling him not to worry and letting him know everything was still under control. However until yesterday, Scourge had been the only one he could turn to with his concerns. But now, he had nobody else to turn to for advice. He supposed he could turn to the arch duke, but somehow the idea of turning to his former master for advice of a personal nature was unpalatable. The others weren’t any better either. Though a good commander, Aria was too temperamental to turn for advice. Melody knew how to read people, but she enjoying being silly too much, for him to ever take her suggestions seriously. And while Harmony would be a good surrogate to Scourge, she lacked his wisdom and experience. And as for Nightmare, she would most likely berate him for being such a weakling, before stalking off to maim something in order to sate her bloodlust.

“Slave King, it’s time,” Lord Triton said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

I don’t suppose you have any advice for me, Snowe? he thought, as the wedding march began playing.

Only live well, the mottled griffin replied, from the back of his mind. Live well, and be happy.

Turning to face his bride to be, he found himself caught in the icy grip of fear of the unknown. Walking beside her sister, Celestia smiled gently at him. Looking all around him, he wondered how long she’d been planning for this. Slowly, the two goddesses approached the altar, as he wondered how this latest development would affect his long term plans. Though she was covered with a delicate veil, he could see her turquoise eyes looking directly at him. He felt her gaze pierce him to his very core, and felt unease.

Hoping to distract himself, he looked away from his betrothed, and looked at the craftsmanship that went into the refurbishing of the old gardens. Less than two weeks prior, this place had been nothing but rubble, dead plants, broken statues, and fountains. But now, the ruin had been transformed into something beautiful and useful. The broken masonry was gone now, having been expertly repaired and replaced with care. The dead vines and trees had all been uprooted, and in their place, new trees and flowering vines were flourishing, providing a wonderful citrus and floral scent for his wedding.

All the dried fountains, were now in proper working order, and were releasing clear refreshing water into their pools. Though he’d never had any statues of himself commissioned, he found several bearing his image, standing alongside the statues of the rest of the pantheon that had been replaced. Spying Ringing Bells, who was seated in the back, he saw she was wearing a giddy smile, at the culmination of all her hard work. Realizing how much effort she’d put into his wedding, he decided that he’d have to properly thank her, maybe even offering her a position as his official tailor.

Looking back at the bride and her sister, he noticed they were only half way down the aisle. Suddenly it dawned on him, he knew next to nothing about weddings. Even among his own people, he only had superficial knowledge of their ceremonies and rites. The only things he could really remembered about weddings, was that there was usually a cake involved, and you were supposed to get drunk for some reason. Though he was sure eating and drinking were probably universal, what if the pantheon expected him to do something unseemly? Though he was sure Celestia would have mentioned it to him as they walked together, perhaps she thought he was already familiar with their wedding traditions. Unfortunately for him, his diamond dogs were still afraid to approach his throne for boons, let alone requests for him to preside over their wedding ceremonies, or even to attend one. And so he’d never even seen an Equestrian wedding before, his own would be the first.

He was surprised, that they hadn’t just held this ceremony inside the Spirit Realm. He imagined himself, towering over everyone in his massive elemental form, smiling before he remembered how sad she’d looked then. Lady Zephyr, he sighed, when he saw the bride approaching ever closer to him. He imagined her there under the veil and smiled. He saw her wings slightly extending in response, and realized he was being unfair to his bride to be. Luna had won the contest, and Lady Zephyr had not. Looking at his three groomsfeathers, which Melody had insisted she and her sisters call themselves. He remembered Lady Suzaku’s heartfelt pleas, and felt sorrow he couldn’t give her what she desired. He was sure both of them would have made good wives, but he was going to marry another today, and he knew so little of Celestia’s sister.

She desired him like the others. Why, he didn’t know, but enough to beat the tar out of Lady Minoa to win his hand. The very idea they thought they could force him to marry and think he’d be okay with it, was absurd. Especially on such a short timetable. He was sure it was because of some obscure law or some such. If they hadn’t approached them when they had, the loophole they used to force this marriage most likely would have expired. By now, she’d nearly completed her procession to the altar. Looking down at her, he saw Celestia looking up at him expectantly, motioning at him with her head. Did she expect him to escort the bride, the rest of the way? Nonsense. If he was being forced to marry, he’d do it on his own terms, and no one else’s.

Seeing his hesitation, Celestia plead to him with her eyes, begging him to escort her sister the remainder of the way. From beneath her veil, the bride looked at her husband to be, and smiled. Sighing in resignation, he approached her, held out his arm, and walked with her to the bride’s side of the altar. Returning to the groom’s side, he looked at Celestia momentarily, before turning to Lord Triton.

The Lawgiver saw the Slave King looking expectantly at him, and lightly chuckled. Finally, he was going to be married to an upstanding mare, and safely out of his mane for at least the next century or two. Though he didn’t know who to feel more sympathy towards, the bride or the groom. She’d certainly have her fins full with him. He was cunning and belligerent. She’d have a struggle ahead of her, breaking him in and trying to make him into a proper husband. And he wouldn’t have it any easier. She was headstrong and prone to theatrics, he’d have to learn to compromise, if he ever wanted find any peace while being married to her.

“What’s the holdup, Lawgiver?” the Slave King asked, feeling annoyed by the delay.

“Oh, I’m just enjoying the moment, Slave King,” he answered, giving him a satisfied smile.

“Lord Triton…” Celestia warned, worried the Slave King might bolt if things didn’t begin soon.

Taking the hint, Lord Triton looked at them, before turning his attention towards the Slave King’s guests. “We are gathered here today, to witness a wondrous event,” he said, gesturing towards the bride and groom. “The marriage of the Slave King, Lord of Earth, to Princess Luna, the Beautiful, Lady of Night. It is with great joy, that I bind these two as one, in divine matrimony. If any present, knows of any reason that these two should not be joined, speak now.”

“I do, old friend!” an angry voice shouted from the back of the garden.

Immediately, the audience broke out into excited whispers, wondering who it was that had interrupted the proceedings.

“Silence, everypony. Who said that?” Lord Triton commanded, over the whispering crowd.

“I did!” a white reindeer with gilded antlers shouted, while stomping his silver shod hooves in challenge.

“Lord Cerynitis, have you no shame!” Princess Celestia shouted, worried about her sister’s temperament regarding his former status as her friend and lover.

“You dare speak to me of shame, Celestia,” he replied, trembling with fury at the sight of his beloved moonflower, waiting to be defiled by that monster. “When you willingly offer your sister to be sullied by that degenerate brute, in order to sate his perverse lusts.”

Looking at Luna, she saw her sister glaring angrily at him for ruining her wedding. “I warned you earlier, Lord Cerynitis,” she said, charging up her horn, and preparing to banish him back to his own domain.

“Hold it!” he said, walking towards her. “By the old laws, I have the right to challenge the Slave King for Luna’s hoof.”

Sternly narrowing her eyes at the Lord of Winter, she depowered her horn. Although the law was ancient, he was within his rights as Luna’s former mate and paramour, to challenge the Slave King for the right to claim her sister as his mate. While she was worried for their safety, she was mainly concerned that the Slave King would refuse the challenge. Something that would surely break her sister’s heart, and dash any hope she held for their future together.

Lord Triton looked at his friend and shook his head, disappointed by how far he’d fallen. The stallion he once knew, would never have done this, no matter how badly he missed and desired Luna. Turning to the groom, he looked at him intently. “Slave King, do you accept the challenge?” he asked, waiting to see if he would agree to fight for her fin or not.

He wanted to laugh. Though the Lord of Winter thought himself his mortal enemy, his actions here today had been a great boon to him. Now he could escape this damn wedding, and unwanted marriage without consequence. Let’s see those goddesses try roping him back to the altar in the future. He’d ensure any future interactions would be through intermediaries only. If they absolutely demand that he get married, he’d sooner take a string of mortal wives. He’d…

Turning to look away from Celestia and the others, he noticed her crying beneath her veil, and felt his heart melt. Damn it all to, Hades, Celestia! he seethed, upset that she’d somehow made him soft. Knowing he’d regret it later, he stepped towards the Lord of Winter, and tightened his metal hand into a fist.

“You’ve interrupted my wedding, and made my bride cry, Rimefrost,” he said, giving Lord Cerynitis a hard look. “I’ll give you a single opportunity to leave, before accepting your challenge.”

Celestia’s heart leapt for joy, he was willing to fight for her sister after all! Had he refused to accept the challenge, she was sure she would’ve been absolutely crushed. Though she generally disapproved of duels like this, it gladdened her heart seeing the Slave King’s willingness to fight, and knew it would reassure her sister of her worth.

“I’ll never stand down to you, monster!” Lord Cerynitis screamed, brandishing his rune covered spear with his magic. “If nodeer else is willing to stop you, then I’ll have to be the one to do it.”

“Then so be it, Lord Cerynitis,” the Slave King said, as his guests watched things unfold between them. “I accept your challenge.”

“Now hold on you two,” Lord Triton said, trying to regain some semblance of order, before being interrupted by Lord Cerynitis’s angry voice.

“Shut up, Triton!” he growled, letting out all the rancor and rage he held for his closest friend. “You’ve sided with him against me, for the last time. Today, Slave King, one of us will stand, and the other will die. Using only weapons, no magic.”

“Your terms are accepted,” the Slave King said, taking a stance that suggested he was ready to fight.

“But you’re without a weapon!” Princess Celestia objected, worried he might get hurt during their duel.

“Have at you!” Lord Cerynitis shouted, charging the Slave King with his spear overhead, pointing its venom seeping tip directly at his heart.

As the spear flew towards him, the Slave King raised his metal arm, easily deflecting the strike. With his free hand he motioned for his opponent to try again. Enraged at his opponent’s lack of respect, he tried thrusting the spear at his feet, but was stymied at each turn as the Slave King moved his feet out of the way of each strike.

On his fourth thrust, he found that the Slave King had somehow managed to use his toes to stop the spear, before disarming him by smashing his foot down, and trapping his spear beneath it. Trying to free the spear with his magic, he was unprepared for the Slave King’s counter attack. Raising his metal hand up, he smashed the reindeer across the muzzle with it, knocking him to the ground.

Enraged at being humiliated in front of his doe and peers, Lord Cerynitis stood up and lowered his antlers at the Slave King. Each of his gilded prongs were sharpened to points, and would be deadly to most. Ready to continue their fight, the Slave King took a wide stance, providing an ample target for his foe, waiting for the Lord of War to charge at him. Annoyed that his opponent had managed to evade his spear, Rimefrost ran towards him, with his prongs pointed forward.

The Slave King said nothing, as the reindeer charged him. Instead, he waited patiently for him to come to him. Lord Cerynitis smiled with glee, as he imagined how satisfying it would be to gore that insufferable wayfarer prat. Though he wouldn’t be able to do any permanent harm to his enemy, it would allow him enough time to distract him, before dispatching him with his spear. Once he’d thrust it squarely into the monster’s chest, and had poisoned him with its venom, he was certain the effects of the poison would manifest quickly. Then it would only be a matter of time, before the rage overtook him, forcing the others to put him down once and for all.

However, things don’t always work out as planned. Especially when fighting somedeer as wily as the Slave King. Instead of feeling his enemy's flesh rip and tear as he impaled him with his prongs, he found himself being flipped onto the ground hard. Apparently, the Slave King had grabbed his antlers with his metal hand, slid forward and tripped his front legs. Which sent him tumbling forward, sprawled out on the ground unseemly, where he’s landed painfully on his back. He could feel the Slave King’s metal hand gripping his antlers hard, preventing him from moving his head. And no matter how hard he tried accessing his magic, he found its flow being interrupted somehow.

Struggling as hard as he could to free himself, he gasped in pain as he felt the Slave King’s knee smashing into his side, knocking the wind right out of him. Dazed and stunned, he felt the Slave King placing all his weight on his shoulder, making him groan. He felt his enemy’s other free arm resting heavily against his throat, as he futilely gasped for air.

Bending down, the Slave King placed his mouth near Lord Cerynitis’s ear. “As a gladiator in the arena, I learned that victory is life,” he whispered, before grinding his knee deeper into the reindeer’s shoulder, dislocating it. “Your life belongs to me now.”

“No, no, no… No!” Lord Cerynitis murmured, as he weakly cried out in despair over losing the duel, and more importantly the right to reclaim his moonflower as his bride.

The Slave King stood, and released Lord Cerynitis from the iron grip of his metal fist. Looking down, he noticed to his disappointment that his wonderful new clothing was now ripped and torn. It was a shame, he’d really liked that doublet. Lord Triton, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, all rushed to his side, wanting to ensure that he was unharmed. Celestia used her magic, inspecting him for wounds and lacerations, as Luna nuzzled against him tenderly. He was too tired to struggle against her affections, and let her do as she wished.

He sighed, resting his head against his bride. It’d been ages since he last fought anyone like that. He could still remember how upset Little Bleu had been with him then. He’d been fighting a burly minotaur, and all he’d been given to defend himself was a net and trident. Apparently, his master had wanted to see how much of a fight he could put up against a heavy war hammer. In the end he’d won, but not without breaking a few ribs in the process. She’d embraced him gently, and nuzzled against him in relief when he survived. If he didn’t know any better, he’d have sworn she was beside him once more.

“Lord Triton,” the Slave King wearily said, thirsting for his draught. “See to your friend.”

“We wert so worried for thy safety, dearest husband,” Luna said, embracing him tenderly. “Thy bravery in defending our honor, hast touched us deeply, beloved. We shall never forget thy gallantry.”

He wanted to laugh at the sheer audacity of it all. It was only due to a moment of weakness, that he’d allowed her tears to spur him to action. Had his resolve been a little stronger, and he’d refused to fight the bastard, he was certain that his blushing bride would certainly be singing a different tune.

With Lord Triton’s help, Lord Cerynitis managed to stand up uneasily on his hooves. His right forehoof hurt like Hades anytime he placed any weight on it. Most likely his shoulder was dislocated, and his hoof was badly sprained. Even worse, his antlers felt like they were on fire any time he tried using his magic.

Looking at his friend, he scowled in anger. “I called you my battle brother, went to war with you, bled with you,” he accused, hurt that his friend had chosen the monster over him. “I called you friend, shared my table with you, laughed and cried with you. Yet you love that beast more than me!”

Lord Triton’s heart ached and reeled from the accusations, he’d only ever wished to raise the Slave King out of the darkness that seemed to torment him. And now he was losing his dearest friend to the same grisly fate, he’d hoped to spare the Slave King from. “Cerynitis,” he pleaded, hoping beyond hope, that the Lord of Winter would repent, and put away the hate that was slowly destroying him from the inside. “Please, there’s no need for this. What must I do, to assuage your anger?”

“I’ve missed you so much, Triton, my friend,” he said, wishing things could be as they once were. But then, he noticed them standing beside each other. He saw the monster and his moon flower together, sharing a tender embrace, which made the sun dark in his eyes. Spying his blood rune spear lying on the ground behind them, he saw his chance. Channeling as much magic as he could into his antlers, he prepared to land a fatal blow against the one who thought to steal her away from him. “Monster, you can’t have her!”

Levitating the spear, he hurled it directly at his back. Confident, that his enemy wouldn’t be able to dodge it in time.

“Slave King, watch out!” Celestia said, casting a spell that deflected the spear’s trajectory slightly.

Reaching out, he caught the spear with his metal hand, before shooting a dark look towards Lord Cerynitis. The spear had narrowly missed hitting both him and Luna. Examining her, he was relieved to see she was unharmed. Looking at the weapon he held in his hand, he thrust it deeply into the stone beneath his feet. Feeling enraged that the Lord of Winter thought to strike him from behind after being spared, he reached forth with his hand, to call for the one thing his fellow deities feared above all else.

“To me, ‘Vendetta’, your master calls,” he shouted with a voice, which shook the earth beneath their feet. Within moments, the accursed weapon had flown from its resting place in the vault and onto his metal hand. He felt it pulsing with rage, as it hungered for blood.

“Slave King, stop,” Celestia said, trying to make him reconsider. “You’ve won, you don’t have to do this.”

“Step back, Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, walking towards Lord Cerynitis, who was limping as he tried escaping his wrath.

“Remember the moot, Slave King!” Lord Triton shouted after him. “Should you strike him down with it, we’ll have no choice but to strip you of your divinity.”

“If I don’t make an example of him,” the Slave King said, as he contemplated how to best use The Vendetta, on Lord Cerynitis. “They won’t stop until I’m dead.”

Worried that she’d become a widow before she was even married, Luna placed herself between the Slave King and Lord Cerynitis. “Husband, put away thy wrath,” she pleaded, not wanting to see him destroyed for a petty act of revenge. “I shall love and care for thee, until thy bristling anger is but a distant memory.”

“Wife, get behind me,” he commanded her. “I’d hate to soil your dress with his blood.”

Having ignored them all, all he could hear were The Vendetta’s, cries, as he loomed over the Lord of Winter menacingly. The weapon quivered with excitement in his hand. If it possessed the power of locomotion, it would’ve leapt forth from his hand, and devoured his enemy of its own accord.

Weak, lame, and exhausted, Lord Cerynitis decided to face his end with dignity. “Go on, monster!” he screamed, fearing his own death, yet happy that at least his moonflower would be safe from being further defiled by him. “What are you waiting for, finish it!”

In response, the Slave King backhanded him, sending him sprawling to the ground. Coughing weakly, he looked up at his executioner, closed his eyes, and thought of her, as he waited for the deathblow to come. Moments later, he flinched as heard the heavy thunk of a blade landing near his ear. Wondering why he was still alive, he looked up, and saw the Slave King standing over him.

“Why?” he asked, not understanding why his hated enemy would spare him, when that was a courtesy he wouldn’t have shown him, had their positions been reversed.

“Lord Cerynitis, I also know the pain of loss,” the Slave King said, helping him to his hooves. “But the one you love, yet lives. Where there’s life, there’s hope. Marrying Luna, the Beautiful, was never my choice. Now put away your grudge against me, Rimefrost, and leave my domain.”

He tried walking away, but found his balance was off. Looking down at his hooves, he saw why. The monster had cut off his right antler! Bending down in hopes of saving it, he tried picking it up with his mouth, only to have it sink out of reach into the depths of the Earth.

The loss was more than he could bear, as he stumbled about, favoring his lame leg, and trying desperately to escape the site of his humiliation. “Thief and despoiler!” he weakly shouted, as he unsuccessfully tried using his magic, to fly away.

“Like Lord Ouroboros before you, Rimefrost, you’ve learned the cost for crossing me,” the Slave King told him, making the rune spear sink into the earth, which was shortly followed by The Vendetta.

In silence, he returned to his place at the altar, as his guests whispered excitedly amongst themselves. Lord Triton reached out a fin towards his limping friend, before sighing in despair.

“Was that really necessary, Slave King?” he asked, unhappy how things had turned out.

“Would you have preferred I killed him instead?” the Slave King retorted.

“Well taking somepony’s antlers is just not done,” he said, admonishing him for removing something considered so important by bucks. “You might as well have emasculated him.”

“Methinks, our husband shoulds’t have gelded the knave, before sending him away with his tail between his legs,” Luna said, stamping down her hoof in anger at him, for nearly ruining her wedding with his selfishness.

“Luna, how can you say such a thing?” Celestia asked, surprised by her outburst.

“Forgive us, sister, for our unseemly outburst,” she disingenuously said, and not nearly as sorry as she implied. “He nearly ruined everything.”

Still shaken up over his friend’s behavior, he decided it would be best to continue with the ceremony. “Do any others, seek to prevent these two from becoming one?” he asked, when nopony responded, he breathed a sigh of relief. “Then we’ll proceed with the vows.”

“Luna, the Beautiful, Lady of Night? Do you accept this god as your husband, of your own will, free of any compulsion?” he asked her. “To fully accept his Domain as yours? To join with him, in his time of need? To accept his children and denizens as your own? To shield him from his enemies, and strike down his foes, regardless of who they are, on his behalf?”

“I do,” she said, looking into her husband’s eyes, and wishing to never leave his side.

“And you, Slave King, Lord of Earth. Do you accept this goddess as your wife, of your own will, free of any compulsion?” he asked, fully aware he was being forced to get married. “To fully accept her domain as yours? To join with her, in her time of need? To accept her children and denizens as your own? To shield her from her enemies, and strike down her foes, regardless of who they are, on her behalf?”

This was it, he decided. There was no turning back now. He either said yes, and accepted this farce, or say no, be stripped of his divinity, and quickly die from his missing heart. Looking down at his bride, he wondered what sort of life he could expect with her. And more importantly, what sort of life she expected him to offer her.

“Why do you wish to marry me?” he asked, refusing to say ‘I do’, until he had a satisfactory answer.

She looked up at him with confusion. “Why art thou asking this now, husband?” she said, unhappy he was embarrassing her at the altar.

“It’s a simple question, wife,” he replied. “I’m marrying you, because of the decision of the Lunar Council, because you defeated the others, because I have no other choice. Take your pick, each answer is as good as the next. I need to know why you’re marrying me, Luna, the Beautiful.”

“Because we love thee, husband,” she replied with heartfelt sincerity.

The Slave King said nothing, as everyone around him began whispering in curiosity to each other. Lord Triton, looked at him expectantly.

“Well, you have your answer now, Slave King,” he said. “Do you take her to be your wife?”

Weighing his options, the Slave King did the only thing he could. “I do,” he said, with a heavy sigh.

“Then, by the power and authority of the Law,” Lord Triton said. “I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now combine your magic, and kiss the bride.”

Drawing energy into her horn, she reached out to him with her magic. He could feel it swirling around him, as it sought to combine with his. She looked up at him through her veil expectantly, and smiled softly at him. Drawing out his own magic to meet hers, he felt the air around them pulse with power. Lifting up her veil, he looked into her turquoise eyes, as he felt her magic trying to mingle with his. He could feel her power caressing his, and he thought back to how she looked, sitting inside the fountain on the night of his renewal.

He would be lying if he didn’t admit the strong attraction he felt for her then, seemed to be affecting him now. Her eyes looked into his, inviting him to draw closer, to accept what she was offering him. He found the thought appealing, and finally relented, releasing any control he held over his magic. Immediately it sought out hers, as he leaned forward. Smiling warmly at him, she pursed her lips and closed her eyes, waiting eagerly for his lips to grace hers. When they kissed, he drew in his breathe sharply, when her magic nearly overpowered his.

Under the influence of the kiss, he felt his normally pale skin flush. Pulling away from her, he saw she was blushing with passion as she looked into his eyes hungrily. He could feel her desire, as he withdrew his magic from her hold. When he turned to face his guests, they broke out into cheers, as the musicians started playing a celebratory tune. Now that the ceremony was finished, they were excited to move onto the wedding feast, so they could eat his food and get drunk on his potent wine and spirits.

Celestia looked at the newlyweds with affection, she was so pleased that things had worked out all right in the end. There was so many times things could have gone south, but in the end, her plan succeeded. The Slave King was safely married to her sister, and Luna had someone to love. Now she only needed to wait, and soon the Slave King would reciprocate her sister’s love. Though her plan wasn’t without casualties, there were the Slave King’s former lovers, Lady Zephyr and Lady Suzaku, each of whom had desired him to be their husband. Scourge, the Hunter’s, friendship with his master was hanging by a thread. And Lord Cerynitis, would most likely seek revenge against those he felt had wronged him. She could only hope, that would be a problem for another century.

Luna stood next to her husband. Overjoyed, at having found somepony she could love once again. No longer could the voice mock and deride her for her faults. She had a powerful husband to call her own now, none would dare conspire against their combined strength. She could scarcely wait for the night to come, she would raise the moon for him, and finally share with him what she’d been denied during his renewal. She felt giddy just thinking about it. Looking at the other goddesses in attendance, she knew she was the envy of the pantheon, and basked in the welcome attention. Today was certainly a wonderful day.

Now that he was a married man, he didn’t feel any different. He’d always supposed such momentous occasions should affect him somehow, but just as when he’d first become the Lord of Earth, he was still the same man he was before. He began feeling the earlier fight’s exertions, starting to take its toll on him. He longed to drink his draught and renew himself once more. Licking his dry and thirsty lips, he was surprised when he saw his goblet levitating before him.

“Slave King, we thought you might be thirsty,” he heard someone say from behind him. Turning around, he was pleased to see Gunhilde and Chrysalis carrying several bottles containing his Draught of Renewal.

“Thank you,” he said, allowing Gunhilde to fill his cup. As he drank, he felt its restorative powers wash over him, restoring him to full strength.

“My king,” Chrysalis said, suggestively shaking her hips at him. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Chrysalis!” Gunhilde scolded. “He just got married.”

“Just because he’s married, doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy his loyal servant’s gentle ministrations,” she objected, to Luna’s great displeasure.

“Husband,” Luna said, glaring at Chrysalis. “Tis time we presided over the feast. Let your servants see to your raiment.”

Looking down at his ruined clothes, the Slave King nodded. “Fetch me the green doublet, hanging in my wardrobe,” he said, removing his torn finery. Wrapping his cloak around him like a protective blanket, he followed his wife towards their waiting wedding feast.

High above on his perch, one waited as the others left the gardens below. Looking down at the altar, near where Luna had stood, he spied a few drops of drying blood with several of his black eyes. “Rimefrost, in your hurry to fight, it appears you failed to look before you striked,” he said, shaking his mandibles. “Since her wound has bled, I fear er long, many tears will be shed.”


She stood above the bubbling liquid, roiling and frothing in the large iron cauldron. She’d placed all the ingredients the ceremony had called for inside, and now only the stolen heart of her beloved was left. Though the ingredients called for by Lord Ananse’s tapestry were costly, and had nearly bankrupted her, she felt the cost would be well worth it. Looking down into the iridescent waters of the cauldron, she wondered what his wedding had been like. And if he’d been happy with the feather he was marrying.

Though she was considered quite lovely, Luna was considered the most beautiful of all the goddesses on the pantheon. She wondered how it might have been, gliding down the aisle towards him, wearing a dress of golden silk and fire rubies. It would’ve been grand, she thought. She would’ve said her vows, fully intent on ensuring he never wanted for love ever again. And once he’d said his, she’d have held him tightly, and would never willingly let go of him ever again.

She imagined the feasting and drinking, and the joyous and airy music that would have played, celebrating their union. Though he’d have protested he didn’t know how to dance, she would’ve teased and cajoled him into escorting her onto floor, and enjoyed dancing the night away together. Their daughters would’ve watched them dancing together, before announcing that he’d finally accept them as his children.

Her cheeks blushed crimson, as she thought of their wedding night. She imagined him holding her in his arms, and finally accepting her love for him. He’d have accepted her gift, gladly drinking the potion containing the other half of her heart, and allowed it to beat for the both of them. Now finally whole, she’d willingly share him with her hurting friend, and smiled as she thought of Lady Zephyr’s happiness. Looking towards the empty nest where she’d raised their three daughters, she looked forward to the many children they’d have together over the centuries. And when it came time to go their separate ways, she’d always treasure the memories she held of their many wonderful years together.

But looking back at his heart, she lamented that she was alone. He was roosting in somefeather else’s nest, and the bright and cheery future she wished to give him, was beyond her now. Her daughters would never have the father they so desperately needed. Aria, would continue resenting him, for so cruelly rejecting her as a child. Melody, would continue hiding the hurt she carried, behind the smile she always wore like a mask. The dreams of an unbroken family, forever beyond her grasp. And most tragic of all, Harmony would continue repeating the lie, that she’d convinced herself to believe.

No! She decided, they would not be denied their father any longer. Standing up, she picked up his heart, and prepared to drop it into the depths of the boiling cauldron.


She was finally married again, she thought, smiling in satisfaction. No longer would she have to be alone, while watching over her long and lonely nights. As she removed her wedding dress and train, she frowned when she discovered she’d somehow cut herself. Fortunately, it had only been a tiny scratch, and with a little magic, healed almost immediately. She could still hear the revelry of the others coming up from the balcony, as she undressed. She looked around the rather plain room she would share with her husband, and frowned at its squalid condition. Like the rest of the palace, it had suffered from centuries of neglect. She decided that refurbishing the palace would be something she’d need to do. Looking up at the pink sky overhead, she could feel the sun making its way towards the horizon. Soon she’d need to raise the moon, and if she wanted to give her husband his gift in pony, she’d need to hurry.

As she made her final preparations for their first night together, she thought about the day’s events. Though she’d fantasized somewhat about this day, her wedding was nothing like she’d expected it to be. Beyond the nearly disastrous ceremony, she felt somewhat disappointed by the food. Though she understood that meat was regularly consumed in the south, she felt somewhat slighted that it was being openly served at her wedding. If they had to eat it, at least they could do, is eat it out of her sight. She was their princess now, and she rightfully deserved for them to show her a little deference, especially on her own wedding day.

She wished her husband was willing to be a little more affectionate with her. She’d tried doing with him, what other couples did on their wedding day, but found him totally unwilling to humor her. She tried her best to make him smile, with her affectionate touches and flirting, but found him unresponsive to all her techniques. Likewise, when she enticed him to sample the succulent fruits she’d been enjoying, he looked at her as if she’d gone mad. Sullenly, she’d abandoned any further attempts at feeding him, and tried enjoying her own meal, but found she was unable. The food she’d once found exquisite, had lost any appeal it once held.

Then during the cake cutting ceremony, it was only after much pressure, that he even bothered nibbling on the cake she’d offered him. And when the musicians began playing a waltz for them to dance to, he’d been adamant in his refusal to dance with her. It had taken the combined pleas of the rest of the pantheon, in order to prod him out onto the floor. Though she didn’t understand why he didn’t wish to dance, he seemed to do it well enough. And to top it all off, he wouldn’t even drink with her! The only thing that passed his lips, beyond the several kisses she’d stolen from him over the course of the evening, had been that draught he always drank.

She was feeling slightly miffed, but she remembered her sister’s words, and decided to be patient with him. This was his first legitimate marriage after all, perhaps he was just nervous about how he might perform during their wedding night. Though she’d been somewhat concerned by his aloofness towards her, she remembered everything they’d shared together. Her raising the moon for him, him sharing his renewal with her, the kiss they shared in the fountain, the aid he offered her in the mines as she fought Lady Minoa, and fighting for her hoof against Lord Cerynitis. Even the events of their distant shared past, spoke volumes to her heart.

Her ears tilted when she heard the door open. This was it, her husband had come to her, and now it was her duty as his wife, to offer herself to him. Laying down on the bed suggestively, she waited for him to enter. However, when he entered the room, she was greatly disappointed. He’d brought that fearsome and terrible beast, Nightmare with him!

“Husband, I…” she said, trying to hide her displeasure towards Nightmare.

“Wife, I’ve brought Nightmare to you,” he said, gesturing to her. “She’ll be your servant whenever you stay here in the palace.”

When they heard him say servant, both Luna and Nightmare’s eyes bugged out. Luna didn’t know what to say, she thought the creature was a terror and a menace. No sane pony would want anything to do with her. For her part, Nightmare felt enraged that she was being forced to serve the pony whore, who was taking her master away from her.

Seemingly oblivious to their discomfort, the Slave King looked down at Nightmare. “I’m afraid you’re going to have find someplace else to sleep tonight,” he said, as she looked worriedly at her new mistress.

Whining in protest, Nightmare looked up at him pleadingly. Don’t send me away, she begged. That pony’s not good enough for you, she’s just using you!

“Nightmare…” he said, warning her to stop insulting his wife. Running his hand reassuringly through her fur, he patted her sides. “It’ll be okay, girl. She has her own domain to run after all. When she goes back to Londwhinium, you can have your usual spot back at the foot of my bed.”

Growling at her new mistress once more, she headed towards the open door to leave them. Before exiting the room, she leveled a malevolent glare at his new wife. I was here first, the Slave King is mine, she said through her angry scowl. He belongs to me. If you think you can steal him away, you have another thing coming!

Luna, returned Nightmare’s scowl with one of her own. Showing her newest servant, that she didn’t fear her in the least. When she saw that the goddess refused to be intimidated, Nightmare released a low growl, before leaving the room.

Pleased they were finally alone together, Luna gazed up at him lovingly. “We have waited and longed for thee, husband,” she said, flicking her tail once, and motioning for him to join her on their bed.

Ignoring her entreaties for him to join her, the Slave King walked out onto the balcony. He said nothing to her, as he gazed at the broken city beneath him. Finding his silence unnerving, Luna got up off the bed, and walked towards him. Sensing her beside him, he gave her a cursory glance, before returning his attention back to his long dead city.

“Does something vex thee, beloved?” she asked, wishing to know the reasons for his silence.

“No,” he said, refusing to elaborate any further.

Resting her head against him, she looked at him and smiled. “We wish to give thee thy wedding gift now,” she said, nuzzling against him affectionately.

Looking at his wife questioningly, he glanced around the room and saw nothing he didn’t already recognize. “What is it, wife?” he asked, feeling curious.

“Look up,” was all she said in response, as she prepared to perform her nightly duty. Raising up into the air, her eyes filled with her divinity, as she raised the full moon above them. Slowly the stars appeared, sparkling like jewels in the night sky.

“As beautiful as always, wife,” he said, wondering what she’d meant to show him.

Blushing at his compliment, she directed his attention towards the moon. One by one, four new stars appeared around her moon, surrounding it like a wreath or crown. “Dost thou approve, husband?” she asked, hoping that he liked her gift. “We made a constellation for thee. Tis thy crown, around our moon, so all might know of our love for thee.”

“It’s a wonderful gift, wife,” he said, wondering what she’d say about the gift he planned to give her. “I’m afraid my gift to you, is nowhere near as worthy.”

“That it’s from thee, is all we desire,” she said, offering him a smile.

Nodding to her, he undressed, as he prepared to give his gift to her. Removing his cloak, the brands that once marked him as the property of the gem biters was clearly visible. Next, he untied the strings securing his doublet, and placed it aside. What she saw then, made her burn with anger. Though she‘d seen him bare chested before, this was the first time she’d had a chance to study his scarred flesh up close. She lost count, as she tried numbering the many scars and lacerations that ran long his body. Had he not already punished those responsible long ago, she would’ve demanded justice for the cruel treatment he’d once received at the hooves of his former masters. He reached for his crown to remove it, before stopping him with her magic.

“Husband, let us remove thy crown for thee,” she said, wishing to be the one that removed the last piece that hid him from her.

“If that’s your desire, wife, you may,” he said, lowering his hands, while waiting for her to remove his crown.

Picking up the heavy iron crown with her magic, she struggled moving it, as the arcanum found inside, fought against her magic’s hold. When she removed the crown from his head, revealing the man beneath the cold mask, she looked into his burning eyes and smiled. Though he’d once been badly burned, and his face carried many scars, to her, he was beautiful. She saw reflected in his eyes, the hollow place where his heart once was, and yearned to fill it. Looking into his soul, she could see that like her, he too was intimately acquainted with the same loneliness she felt each night.

Kissing his broken nose, she touched her head to his. “Husband, thou shall never be alone again,” she said, vowing that she would be the one to heal him.

Hearing his wife’s words, and feeling the warmth and affection they held, he wanted to believe her, but he couldn’t. His heart only had room for one, and the one he loved, wasn’t his wife.

“Wife, allow me to give you your gift now,” he said, stepping away from her.

With baited breath, she watched as his eyes exploded with power. Standing before her, she saw his brands burning with the same magic his eyes possessed. Looking out from the balcony, she saw lights flashing inside parts of the palace. Returning to look at her husband, she saw the brands on his shoulders warping and changing. The iconic mark of the jaws biting down on a gem, slowly twisted and shifted into a new design. When she saw what his brands had changed to, she opened her mouth in surprise. On each of his shoulders, she recognized the distinctive crescent shape of her own cutie mark, standing in their place.

“Words cans’t express our joy at thy gift,” she said, embracing and wetting his neck with her tears. “None other, have ever shown us such love or devotion as thee, dear husband.”

He was taken aback by her tears. He hadn’t expected that changing his brands to her cutie mark, would’ve elicited such a response, or touched her so greatly. His original intent in taking her cutie mark as his new brand, had been in protest against Celestia for enslaving him through marriage. But apparently she’d misinterpreted the gesture, as a sign of his devotion towards her.

Lightly kissing his cheek, she returned to their bed, and invited him to join her. “Come to us, love,” she implored, as her turquoise eyes sparkled with her desire for him. “Let us show thee, darling, how much we loved thy gift.”

Turning away from her, he looked down at his metal hand, and shook his head. “No,” he said, denying her entreaty.

“What is the matter, dearest?” she asked him, with a voice full of concern and worry for his wellbeing.

“When you gave me your reason for wanting to marry me, you lied,” he said, refusing to face her.

“But we love thee, husband. We truly do!” she implored, protesting her innocence against his accusing hurtful words.

“How can you possibly claim to love, that which you don’t know?” he asked, pointing a finger towards her accusingly. “What you claim to love, is a whisper of me. Nothing more than the shadowy reflection from a darkened mirror, distorted by the dreams and fantasies you hold of me, and suppose that I am.”

When she heard his harsh words, her lip trembled, and eyes welled up as they threatened to release their tears. “We thought thou felt the same as we…” she weakly said, feeling her heart break from his harsh words.

”Wife, how could I possibly love, someone I don’t know?” he said, not caring whether or not he brought her to further tears.

“Then know us!” she cried out, embracing the shadows. “Know us, husband, so thou might love us.”

Before he could respond, the shadows surrounding her leapt out and consumed him with their darkness.


It was time now, all her preparations were complete. All she needed to do was drop his heart inside the bubbling cauldron, and her heart’s desire would come to pass.

“I love you…” she whispered to the heart she held aloft, before dropping it inside the roiling liquid.

The moment the stolen heart entered the shining water, it exploded with light, nearly blinding her. Remembering what needed to be done next, she released a full portion of her divinity into the cauldron, infusing the heart and the boiling liquid with the Song of Creation. She looked on in fascination and wonder, as the heart beat and throbbed inside the frothing brew. Slowly, it began growing and changing form. Her eyes lit up with hope, when she saw what was happening inside.

Within minutes, a head broke free from the liquid, gasping for air. Followed by its owner’s shoulders and arms. The figure inside collapsed against the side of the cauldron, seemingly unaffected by its heat. Panting, the figure looked up at her in confusion, before fainting. “Little Bleu,” they sighed, before losing consciousness.

Overjoyed with the results of Lord Ananse’s ritual, she lifted the torpid figure free from the cauldron, cradling his naked form in her wings. “I love you so much, my darling,” she sighed, nestling her head against his. “You’ve come back to me, my love. You’ve come back to me!”

Looking down at his prone form, she kissed his forehead, holding him tightly against her. Brushing a wing across his brow to move his dark locks away from his face, she hummed a gentle lullaby, as she covered him protectively with her wing. She felt him stirring against her, as he rested against her. “Beloved, rest well. You’re safe now,” she cooed. “You’re safe now.”

Carrying him in her wings, she gently placed him in her nest, and covered him with silken sheets. Looking at the mirror above her bed, she saw him resting peacefully. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve thought it was her love sleeping there. True, there were some differences between them. His eyes for one. They were a dark brown, much like Lady Zephyr’s son's, and not the vivid green she was accustomed to. Another difference she found curious, was he still had both of his arms. But the rest of him was all there, his brands, the familiar scars, and even his distinctive looking broken nose and burned face.

Though she loved him, scars and all, she always wished she could've healed his wounds, restoring his stolen beauty to him. But his magically infused body, had always rejected her many attempts at healing him. But this time, things would be different. She would bind his broken body, and he would finally be whole. Noting his numerous open and weeping wounds, she immediately got to work, and tended to him. All the while, singing softly to him, the same lullaby their children once loved to hear sung by mother.


He felt the oppressive darkness of this familiar place pressing down on him from every direction. Though he was familiar with Domain of Shadow, he spent as little time possible here. The shadows reminded him too greatly of the years he spent lucidly trapped between the waking world, and the madness that once consumed him. As the Lord of Earth, his domain was mostly aligned with the shadows. And even though he could traverse the breadth of this place with impunity, he still found this domain somewhat abhorrent.

He could feel her all around him. Much like the shadows of this tenebrous realm, hers was a dark and terrible beauty, which could easily consume you, if you allowed it to. He felt the darkness caressing him tenderly, whispering into his ear to join with her. When he didn’t respond to its entreaties, he sharply drew in his breath when he felt his shadow magic being drawn from him by force. He found the sensation quite pleasurable, and it took all his will power to reclaim his magic from her skillful ministrations.

“Wife, show yourself!” he shouted into the darkness, as his power begged for release.

He grimaced when he felt her tweak his divinity one last time, before reforming from the darkness before him. Unlike in the mortal realm, the form she assumed here was as black as night. Her mane and tail shimmering like the stars, enveloped him, and drew him close to her. Only her large turquoise eyes, staring intensely into his soul with equal parts anger and desire, remained the same.

“Husband, why dost thou refuse our advances?” she demanded, drawing him even closer. “Didst thou no less than six hours previous, vow to perform thy husbandly duty when we beseeched thee? Art we so vile in thy sight, that thou hast no desire to join with us?”

Encompassed by her divinity, he found his resolve crumbling. The excess magic the Lunar Council had spent hours draining from him, had built up once more, and his wife’s beauty and sensuality were pushing him ever closer to her.

“I won’t be betrayed again!” he roared, unleashing his magic, and breaking free from her hold. Panting heavily with exertion, as his body’s wants and desires foisted themselves upon him, he looked at her warily.

Looking at him with concern, she became the shadow once again, before reforming at his side. “We shan’t betray thee, not ever!” she declared, laying at his side submissively. Holding his face inches from hers, she brushed her lips lightly against his. “Join with us, husband, and we shalt stand with thee until the very end. Even against our own sister, if need be.”

Her vow of fealty, resonated within his breast. He no longer had the strength to say no, or deny the desires they held for each other. Grabbing her, he kissed her with a passion he’d not known since he’d last joined with either Lady Zephyr or Lady Suzaku. He could see the delight and excitement in her eyes, as he lost himself in their shared fervency. Holding her close, he felt her divinity enveloping him once more. Releasing his own to meet with hers, he prepared to sing the Song of Creation with her. Feeling her magic, divinity, and flesh meeting his, he sighed with unrestrained pleasure. He’d nearly forgotten this wondrous feeling. His one regret, was that he couldn’t share it with them again, not until after his divorce.

“Husband, thou art a masterful lover,” Luna said, enjoying the feeling of his hands along her body, and eagerly anticipating the consummation of their marriage. “The tutoring thou received from thy former consorts, thou learnt it well.”

“I was always a quick study,” he replied, with a wry grin.

“Husband, join with us now!” she said, with a voice that dripped urgency and need. “We shall show thee things, they never could.”

He looked at his wife, who returned his gaze with adoration, her eyes begging him to join with her, so they could finally be one. Opening himself to her power, he drew her offered divinity into himself, before gasping as her magic overwhelmed him. Instead of pleasure she promised, he felt naught but the cold hand of death ripping through him. Clutching at his chest in pain, he stumbled away from her, trying to escape, before she could finish murdering him.

The scar that laid where his heart once was, throbbed excruciatingly, as if the blood in his veins had been replaced with poison. He felt his blood boiling, from a dragon’s flame, his soul freezing, from feasting windigos, his body being crushed, by the weight of all the seas, and his bones ground down into powder, by the great mountains pressing down on him.

“Husband, art thou wounded?” she asked with concern, when she noticed him backing away from her.

“Stay back, assassin!” he hissed, holding his solid arcanum fist at the ready.

Luna looked on in horror, as her husband stumbled away from her in pain and fear. Where his eyes once reflected tenderness for her, now they only offered her anger and the pain of betrayal.

“What has happened to thee?” she asked, unable to fathom the reasons for his anger.

“I… I should’ve known…” he muttered, coughed up black blood, as he limped away from her.

“Let us help thee, husband,” she said, trying her best to comfort him.

“Stay back, treacherous woman,” he warned, drawing back his metal arm. “If you come any closer, I will smite you.”

“Please, husband! Tell us what we did to earn thy scorn,” she begged, as he escaped back to the waking world. But the shadows remained silent, leaving her to weep alone in the darkness.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter 17 of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. I had trouble trying to write this chapter without crossing into adult territory. Even now, I think I came close with several lines, hopefully no one was offended. If so I beg for your forgiveness. And to those hoping that things would've gotten saucier, maybe I could write the director's cut for you later.

In this chapter we finally see the Slave King get married to his one true love, Princess Luna (or least that's what it said on the invite). Lord Cerynitis tried fighting against the Slave King, and lost his pride and any claim he had over the one he cared for. I wonder if he'll let bygones be bygones, or if he'll try something in the future. Lady Suzaku finally completed Lord Ananse's ritual, and managed to create someone from the Slave King's heart. I wonder who this player might be, and what the consequences of her actions might end up having for her. Might there be something to Luna's seemingly innocuous wound and Lord Ananse's cryptic warning? Only time will tell. And poor Luna, jilted on her wedding night, while her husband limps away in pain. It looks like she just can't catch a break. Will the Slave King perform his husbandly responsibilities, or with their marriage remain a sham?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: Marriage of the Slave King, coming to computer near you!

Once again gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!

P.S. My apologies gentlereader for failing to post this chapter yesterday, I fell asleep editing it, and when I woke up it was already past time. So I decided to wait to post it.

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