• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Addendum: The Players, Those Who Play the Game (Optional. Now with theme music!)

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Addendum: The Players, Those Who Play the Game

The Slave King, Lord of Earth: An extradimensional being from another world. He spent the first ten years of his existence in Equestria as “a guest” of the Gem Biter’s, who were the ruling clan of the diamond dogs. Once he managed to escape his masters, the former slave bathed in the holy waters of the Well of Eternity, becoming imbued with the spark of divinity. When he was confronted by the entirety of the Equestrian Pantheon for his trespass, he somehow managed to slay Lord Darkpaw, Lord of Earth, causing him to simultaneously inherit dominion over the Prime Element of Earth and banishment from all the other domains.

During the first two years of his reign, the Slave King nearly brought the whole of Equestria to the brink of disaster in his thirst for vengeance against those who had wronged him. Eventually he relented, and began performing his responsibilities as the Lord of Earth, saving Equestria from both war and famine. Unknown to almost everyone else, his actions were instrumental in preventing the release of the unmentionable one from his prison deep inside the Pit. Currently, he’s working tirelessly to bring the one he lost back to him. He’s vowed that not even death will stand in his way, as he patiently waits for the day when he can hold her in his arms once more.

The Slave King's Theme

Princess Celestia the Radiant, Lady of Day: A benevolent and regal alicorn of immense power, and head of the Equestrian Pantheon. With her sister by her side, Princess Celestia has guided the three pony tribes through times of both lean and plenty for eons from within the magnificent city of Londwhinium near the center of Equestria. Of late, she’s grown worried at the growing power and influence that the Slave King wields in the south. While appreciative of the trade that flows through the domains, she’s uneasy regarding the Domain of Earth’s military buildup and the border clashes with both the Domains of Water in the west and Fire in the east. She still remembers the pain the Slave King carries where his heart once was, and hopes that he will finally be able to make himself whole. She longs for the day when he will embrace the pantheon as his kin and accept the magic of friendship into his heart. Currently she’s planning something special for the inauguration of the Slave King’s five hundredth year of rule from her throne in Londwhinium.

Princess Celestia's Theme

Princess Luna the Beautiful, Lady of Night: An erudite and graceful alicorn whose power is second only to her sister Princess Celestia’s. Unlike her sister’s even temperament, Princess Luna, like the moon she controls, waxes and wanes with strong emotional outbursts. Recently from her tower, she has taken to writing poetry lamenting how little she’s appreciated by her subjects in comparison to her sister. She greatly longs for somepony to truly appreciate how much effort she places into the construction of the night sky. Although she considers the Slave King cold and heartless, she has developed grudging respect towards him over the centuries for his achievement in taming the Equestrian Badlands and transforming it into a wealthy trade empire. Lately, she sees in him a kind of kindred spirit, somepony who also intimately knows the bitterness of loneliness. Currently she spends her nights alone, longing to receive a tiny fraction of the adulation her sister receives daily. Her deepest desire is for somepony she can love and who will truly appreciate her night sky.

Princess Luna's Theme

Lord Triton the Lawgiver, Lord of Water: A noble and just seapony, his sense of justice runs as deep and wide as the Western Sea. As the author and enforcer of the law that governs all within Equestria, Lord Triton is known affectionately by his people as the Lawgiver. As the founder and head of the ubiquitously named order of questing knights known as ‘The Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’ he sends his errant knights out into Equestria to help keep the peace between the domains, as they quest bringing honor and glory to his name. Located on an archipelago in the Western Sea, Marelantis, the capital of the Domain of Water and a former trade powerhouse, has fallen on hard times. Once not so long ago, almost all trade in Equestria flowed through the many ports his seaponies controlled. However the trade network the Slave King built, ensures that the majority of the wealth generated by trade flows south.

Recently within the last few centuries, a new upstart order of questing knights has recently emerged in the south, which Lord Triton considers an affront to his power. This order known only as ‘The Order of the Shadow’, are the antithesis to all which he holds dear. Instead of protecting the weak from the strong, they only fight for wealth or to prove their martial prowess. They happily turn a blind eye towards wickedness when they discover it, and willingly excuse the sin by saying that it’s none of their concern. But worst of all, they accept any rabble off the street into their ranks. It matters not that they might have once been unsavory characters, criminals, or even females. Their only requirement was that they fought well. Currently the border clashes and skirmishes that occur regularly between both orders worry him. Lord Triton knows it’s only a matter of time until all-out war breaks out between both orders of errant knights. But he still holds out hope that one day the Slave King will discover reason, finally accept his proper place in Equestria, and reign in the rabble that he calls ‘The Order of the Shadow’.

Lord Triton's Theme

Lady Zephyr the Maelstrom, Lady of Air: A tempestuous and fierce Griffin, her soul flies free and unconstrained by earthly concerns. Once, Lady Zephyr knew love. Once, her heart beat as one with another. Once, her soul was complete. Then the murderer took it all away from her. Weeping for her loss, she vowed that she would one day avenge her lost love. But fate pulled a cruel trick upon her broken heart, and soon she desired the Slave King, her lover’s slayer. Struggle as she might, she eventually succumbed and traded her desires for him in exchange for secret knowledge hidden away in the far reaches of the north, in her Golden Eyrie atop Darkpaw’s Spine. In exchange for alleviating her desires, she shares the secrets of tapping into and controlling his unfamiliar powers.

Over the ensuing centuries, Lady Zephyr and the Slave King have had an on again and off again relationship. Although not as passionate as Lord Darkpaw was, she can sense in him the same strength and cunning that won her heart those many millennia ago. When her heart aches, true to their agreement he was there for her. Although grateful for the simulacrum of her prior romance their odd relationship offers her grieving heart, of late she’s found herself desiring more than he’s willing to give. Not even the <REDACTED> thawed his unfeeling heart as he steadfastly refused to give into her demands. Currently she looks forward to his five hundredth year, for therein lies the key to finally obtaining her heart’s desire.

Lady Zephyr's Theme

Lord Ouroboros the Fire Tyrant, Lord of Fire: A mighty and powerful dragon, his greed for wealth is only barely matched by his hunger for vengeance from the one who stole everything from him. “Man-thing, I will have my revenge upon you yet!” is commonly heard rumbling from deep within the Firehold, home of Lord Ouroboros’ immense hoard of gemstones and gold in the east. These days, the most he can do is rumble angrily in his sleep, dreaming of days long since passed, back when he was both feared and respected by the entire pantheon. Back before his pride had been shattered, before he was a pauper and his children sold into slavery to the ponies, back before he lost his eye. Back to before the Slave King.

The centuries haven’t been kind to Lord Ouroboros. While his children are experiencing a sort of golden age of plenty, thanks in part to Princess Celestia caring for a portion of his children’s whelps and the plentiful gems that now abound. However, he is most assuredly unhappy, with the loss of his left eye and more importantly his wounded pride. Currently he lays in torpor, recovering from his great battle nearly five hundred years prior. As he fitfully sleeps, he dreams of the day when he can finally have his revenge against the insect that had stood in his way, finally taking his place as the rightful emperor over all Equestria. As he slumbers, everyone, his children included fear the day when he will finally awaken. For his anger will burst forth like a volcanic eruption, and none shall be spared his boundless wrath. Unknown to most, before his defeat by the machinations of the Slave King, The Fire Tyrant had made a secret pact with the unmentionable one, to gain power over the entire pantheon and all Equestria.

Lord Ouroboros's Theme

Jormungandr the Watcher, The Winding One: A cunning and wise serpent, the plots and intrigue he involves himself in are nearly as twisting and as lengthy as the many rivers linking the domains and running through Equestria bearing his name. Beneath his half lidded eyes and gentle smile rests the mind of a schemer. Infinite are the many plots he runs, and no court intrigue is too insignificant to escape his notice. Currently Jormungandr has been rather quiet of late, neither speaking with deity nor mortal alike. It can only be surmised that he must be working on some great scheme unlike any Equestria has ever seen. Unknown to most, Jormungandr has been a constant foil to the unmentionable one’s many attempts to escape the Pit. Perhaps his great silence is somehow related, unfortunately it can never be known.

Jormungandr's Theme

Lady Suzaku the Passionate Flame, Lady of Summer: A beautiful and lovely phoenix, she is the embodiment of love and passion that often blooms in the early summer amongst the mortals of Equestria. From her home the Summer Palace in the Domain of Fire, Lady Suzaku regularly hosts events and parties celebrating the passion and love her guests often share with each other. Although she blesses others with love, she has yet to find a love of her own. Once, with honeyed words Lord Ouroboros promised her everything her lonely heart desired, but in the end she was callously betrayed. In an anger born of a love spurned, she found the Slave King. Although he couldn’t give her her heart’s desire, he was a willing outlet in exchange for the knowledge she possessed.

In her great desire to woo him her divine powers mingled with his, transmuting him into the <REDACTED>. Over the centuries <REDACTED>, the aptly named feathered folk, each as beautiful as their mother and as <REDACTED>, have become a common sight in the south. Currently she sits on her golden throne entertaining both her numerous guests and <REDACTED> as she eagerly waits for the inauguration of the Slave King’s five hundredth year.

Lady Suzaku's Theme

Lord Cerynitis the Rimefrost, Lord of Winter: A laconic and taciturn reindeer, he holds mastery over the frigid winter and the art of war. When he thinks of how that miserable creature played the pantheon like a violin, Lord Cerynitis’s blood boils. Thinking about how the Slave King has twisted the pantheon against him, has left a bitter taste in his mouth. In his hour of need, his dearest friend Lord Triton turned against him to defend the monster from the wrath of the pantheon. Even worse, his onetime lover Princess Luna, a doe of propriety had willingly rutted with the degenerate beast!

As the fires of betrayal burn deep inside him, he’s vowed that each of them will know that the blade of vengeance is much like winter, bitterly cold. They will regret betraying him! They will mourn for having spurned his favor. And in the end when ruin threatens to swallow them whole, they will turn to him begging for salvation and he’ll turn his back telling them no. Currently, he has taken to living alone in his Forever Ice Keep far in the northwest, unwilling to admit any guests. Recently it has been rumored that an unearthly laughter can be heard echoing above the howling winds that swirl around his desolate keep.

Lord Cerynitis's Theme

Lord Raiden the Seer, Lord of Autumn: A reserved and calculating kirin, knowledge is power and few know more than he. Whether someone be great or small, if they need the answer to a difficult question they seek his advice. When the path ahead is shrouded in the mists of uncertainty, he sends forth his council. When someone desires to know the many secrets that hidden magic holds, he sends his regards and bids them welcome to his tower in the north. Lord Raiden has kept his hand hidden, having chosen not to participate in the chastisement of the Slave King. For as long as the godling is banished to his domain, what cause has he to fear?

Some would say accumulating knowledge for knowledge sake is a waste, but Lord Raiden knows those are the words of fools too stupid to realize their own ignorance. Unlike the others, he is content to cloister himself in his Ziggurat of Knowledge, trying to scry all of the secrets of the cosmos. So let the others waste their strength, endlessly plotting and scheming against each other. In the end, his superior intellect will see him through. Currently, he patiently waits atop his tower for the stars to properly align for the grand celestial conjunction, which he knows will soon occur.

Lord Raiden's Theme

Lady Minoa the Feral, Lady of Spring: A boisterous and wild minotaur, her only desire is to live free according to her whims. Unlike the other deities of the pantheon who only wish to levy order and civilization upon their followers, Lady Minoa only wishes to tend to her gardens and vineyards inside the Twisting Path Labyrinth that lay in the south. She only grows stronger while the others bicker about pointless matters. What power does some meaningless law have when you have the strength of a strong iron axe in your fist? And what of magic? It’s nothing but the trick of the puny weakling races, all of whom are much too afraid of the pain that comes from an honest brawl in the mud.

Regarding the Slave King, though she might consider his desire for order and civilization abhorrent, at least he is refreshingly honest as far as deities are concerned. At first she was concerned by his rather violent temperament. However, she soon recognized that if he was left to his own devices, he would allow her free reign in the management of her domain. A stark contrast to Lord Darkpaw, who in the past forced many demands upon her. The Slave King is sometaurus she can work with, and even serves as a useful buffer against that dreadful busybody Lord Triton, who always wants to stick his snout in where it doesn’t belong. Currently, she’s running wild in the south, pleased with the bounteous harvests that flourish in her gardens every year.

Lady Minoa's Theme

Discord the Scion of Chaos, Master of the World: A twisted and surreal chimera, an elder primordial being of chaos that exists to prevent Equestria from entering a state of atrophy. Unlike the rest of the pantheon he has no domain, yet still has some form of influence upon them all. Generous to a fault, he lives to share his gifts with all. He rejoices at the sight of their horrified delight plastered on their muzzles, as he bestows a gift or three on them. Forever hounded by the rest of the pantheon when he manages to escape his prison of stone, he always takes his imprisonment in stride. After all, it would be boring if he never lost, and there’s always next time isn’t there?

Regarding the Slave King, Discord has always felt he was a refreshing change of pace from the predictable boredom of the status quo the others always demanded that be foisted upon the denizens of Equestria. Slaying Darkpaw, nearly bringing Equestria to utter ruin, fermenting a civil war in the pantheon, and tricking the rest into accepting a useless treaty all in the space of less than two years, he found delightfully entertaining. But unfortunately the Slave King had to tend to his responsibilities, and is now dreadfully boring and predictable with all of his trade and road building. Though the introduction of the beastmen races he finds fascinating, their novelty soon wore off. Currently, he occupies a pedestal in the gardens of Londwhinium waiting for his next opportunity to escape. Though looking upon him, most wouldn’t know that it was he alone who was originally responsible for saving Equestria from the tyranny of the unmentionable one, and ever since has been a constant thorn in his side.

Discord's Theme

Lord Ananse the Soul Weaver, Master of the Threads of Fate: A jovial and tricky spider, all who live and die do so at his whim. While most members of the pantheon concern themselves with the trivial matters of the flesh, Lord Ananse only cares for what truly matters, the fate of all living things. While the deities of the pantheon might fancy themselves the masters of their domain, he knows who really pulls the strings. Sitting in the center of his massive web that lies far across the Western Sea in the land of the Zebrakan, he spins and weaves. The threads of his weave touch the lives of all living in Equestria, from the lowliest slave to even Celestia herself.

Regarding the Slave King, Lord Ananse is a bit uneasy. Everywhere the Lord of Earth treads, he threatens to unravel the carefully woven threads of fate that Lord Ananse tirelessly weaves for the world. Though he considers the Slave King to be a bothersome anomaly, he can’t help but feel the threads of fate being pulled by some other power at work. While the Slave King’s presence in Equestria might be an annoyance, the birth of his beastmen progeny allows the threads to flow from them to him. Currently, he’s untangling the tangled threads of the warp, trying to uncover the identity of the one who dares interfere in his weave.

Lord Ananse's Theme

Strix the Guardian of Dreams: An intuitive and mysterious owl, he stands guard over all who slumber. Because his domain is so closely linked to that of the Pit and the Summerlands, Strix is often the first to know when the delicate balance of Equestria is upset. Regarding the Slave King, he considers the Lord of Earth a puzzling creature. Having seen his dreams, he shudders in fear of the knowledge of the land that gave such a being birth. Currently he stands watch as a sentinel, keeping a look out for any disturbance that might threaten Equestria’s balance. Though he has little power compared to the other members of the pantheon, he has thwarted the unmentionable one many times, saving Equestria in the process.

Strix's Theme

Lugh, Watcher of Roads and Guardian of Travelers; Loki, Refuge of Thieves and Tricksters: One is cautious the other wily, raven brothers with feathers as black as the night. Though each has hardly any domain worth mentioning, both Lugh and Loki travel the breadth of Equestria watching from the skies above for those they deem worthy. Fortunate indeed is the mortal or deity they choose to aid, for their gifts are precious. As for the Slave King they have aided him in the past, and may do so once again in the future. Whether they choose to aid him when his five hundredth year comes, it remains to be seen. Currently, they have taken to exploring greater Equestria, searching for worthy souls to receive their gifts. It’s a secret, but they’ve saved Equestria from time to time.

Lugh and Loki's Theme

The unmentionable one, Tiroc the Destroyer: A vile and monstrous creature, long has he been imprisoned and long has he plotted his escape from the Pit that holds him. Should he ever break free, he would destroy each member of the pantheon in turn and lay waste to Equestria. Regarding the Slave King, the unmentionable one considers him nothing more than an oddity. True, he was instrumental in defusing one of his many attempts at escape. But even then, mortals played their part as well. Should the Lord of Earth be a useful tool or a stumbling block, it matters not. When he has freed himself from the Pit, the Slave King will fall as easily as all the others.

Tiroc's Theme

Author's Notes:

Thank you gentlereader for reading, as always comments are appreciated. You'll notice that this entry is a bit different than the chapters I usually post. This entry is more of a who's who of the Equestrian pantheon. Once vital plot points have been revealed the redactions will be removed. As the story progresses, additional addendum's will be released as well.

Once again gentlereader thanks for reading, until next time!

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