• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 16: Something Old, Something New, The Blushing Bride, and Her Reluctant Groom: Part II: Guilt and Innocence

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 16: Something Old, Something New, The Blushing Bride, and Her Reluctant Groom: Part II: Guilt and Innocence

They were flying high above the broken wasteland beneath them, with a strong headwind blowing behind them. Locking his wings into place, he sighed as its strong current carried him towards the Golden Eyrie in the North. The further away he got from his father’s throne, the more melancholy he felt. He wondered if it was because his adventure had finally ended, or maybe it was because he’d failed to achieve what he’d set out to do.

He wondered what tasks his mother would assign him to when they got home. Though griffin culture was fairly militaristic, it was nowhere near as organized as ‘The Order of the Shadow’ or ‘The Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’. He hoped it would be something other than being attached to her ceremonial honor guard, or being assigned to some boring governmental post. After the taste of excitement he’d experienced in the South, the last thing he wanted to do was being put in charge of the Golden Eyrie’s sewage system or overseeing the maintenance of the domain’s many bridges and passes.

He could see it now, instead of being hailed as, Dawson, the Ghastbane, he’d be known as, Dawson, bridge inspector. If he didn’t do something spectacular, he’d never catch his father’s eye. With things being so peaceful, any chance he had at gaining honor and renown, were slim to none.

“Why can’t there ever be a war when you need one?” he lamented, as he looked down at the well maintained road beneath them.

Despite its name, the Desolate Road might be considered one of the modern wonders of Equestria. It was a huge sprawling road network that stretched west, east, and north. And despite being built in the middle of a desert, every mile without fail, had a flowing fountain and shelter built, allowing its travelers a place to rest from the unrelenting sun. The paved road network, allowed a pony pulling a fully loaded cart, to travel from a port like Bone’s Landing, all the way to the Neo Vale in less than five days. And a traveler if they galloped nonstop, could easily reach Celestia’s domain in central Equestria, in less than two days from the Earth Domain capital. A far cry from how things were even a century prior.

Noticing a pony beneath them pulling a fully loaded slave cart towards the Neo Vale, he narrowed his eyes in disgust. He wondered how the Slave King could allow such things to continue, especially if what his mother had told him about his father’s past was true.

“Mother!” he shouted, pumping his wings hard in order to catch up with her.

“Yes, Dawson,” she replied, turning her head towards her son.

Look below us,” he said, pointing towards a pony pulling a cart containing several unfortunates destined to be sold in the slave markets of the Neo Vale. “There’s a griffin inside.”

Looking down, she saw that her son was correct. There was a griffin inside the cart. “It’s not my place to interfere in the Slave King’s affairs,” she said, turning away from the sight.

“But don’t we have a responsibility to him? He’s a griffin after all,” Dawson protested, wishing he could fly down there to free the griffin and the others.

“In another’s domain, I have no say,” she sadly replied. “Were we in the Domain of Air, it would be another matter entirely.”

“I’m going to free them,” he announced, tucking in his wings, and dove towards them in an effort to stop this travesty.

“Dawson, stop!” Lady Zephyr shouted, as he ignored her completely. Grinding her teeth, she followed after him, hoping to stop him before he created an interdomain incident. The last thing she wanted, was having to face his father again, after he’d married somefeather else. And her son turning to banditry, would certainly demand that she beg his father for clemency on his behalf.

Holding his arcanum spear at the ready, he flared out his wings, and landed in front of the pony slaver pulling a cart containing a griffin, several ponies, and a donkey. “Stop, and pull over!” he demanded, brandishing his spear threateningly.

The grey earth pony sneered at the griffin-half that thought to rob him, and shook his silver mane defiantly. “Do you have any idea, who I work for?” he asked, pointing towards his brand, and feeling incensed that anypony would dare accost him on the Slave King’s highway.

“I don’t give a damn, what slime you work for,” Dawson retorted, lowering his spear at the pony.

The slaver looked at the spear cautiously with his purple eyes, ran his tongue along his teeth, and tried sizing up this threat. Being a slaver, he was no stranger to violence, as the many scars he wore, testified of his experience as a fighter. “Listen, you half breed punk, I’ll only say this once,” he growled. “These slaves belong to Second, you cross him, and you’re dead. If you rob me, I only have to go to the closest guard station, and the Slave King’s forces will hunt you down before you get more than half a day away. That is, if they manage to reach you, before Second does.”

“What makes you think I fear Second?” he replied, leveling his spear as he approached him menacingly.

“Then you’re a fool,” the earth pony said, slowly backing away from the spear he held in his talons.

“I might be a fool,” he darkly replied. “But I’m also the one holding the spear.”

“You’ll never get away with this,” the pony said, circling around Dawson, while looking for an opening to attack.

“Dawson, put your weapon away this instant!” Lady Zephyr hotly shouted, when she landed between them.

Turning to face the pony slaver, she flared her wings and opened her beak at him threateningly. Looking at the enslaved griffin, she saw he was shackled inside the cage, looking forlorn and morose. When he looked at his deity, she saw his despair leave him, as hope for his salvation filled his heart.

“By the first egg,” the griffin weakly said. “I would’ve never dared hope that, the Maelstrom herself, would answer my prayers.”

When she heard her subject’s plea for help, she felt shame that any of her griffins should suffer as anyfeather’s slave, and felt a righteous fury in heart, that this pony snack thought to sell any of her people into bondage.

“By what right do you think to imprison anyfeather, let alone one of my griffins?” she demanded of the pony, as her strong claws raked the stone road, sending sparks flying everywhere.

The pony looked at Lady Zephyr, reached into his saddlebag, and pulled out some documents. “Here in the South, we take what we want,” the slaver boasted. “Besides, I have bills of sale for every last one of them.”

Snatching the documents from him, she carefully read each one, searching for some loophole she could use to save these unfortunate slaves. Seeing that each bill of sale was in order, she reluctantly handed them back to him.

“Now, if you and your brat are done wasting my time,” he said, giving both of them a wary look. “I’ve got some slaves to sell, and money to make.”

“Come, Dawson,” she said, hanging her head in defeat, and unable to bear looking at her subject that she failed to save.

“Please, Lady Zephyr,” the poor griffin begged, reaching out to her with his talon.

Grabbing the whip hanging from his saddlebag, he snapped it once against his griffin slave. “Shut your beak, feather brain,” he menacingly growled. “You’re my property, and there’s no escape, slave.”

Shrieking in pain, the griffin pulled his talon back inside, and covered his beak with his wing as he cried in despair.

“Mother, isn’t there anything we can do!” Dawson plead, hoping to spur her into action, or at least turn a blind eye to things. “This is wrong.”

Realizing she could’ve put a stop to his horrible injustice had she claimed the Slave King when she had the opportunity, she lowered her head in shame. “I’m sorry, my son,” she said, giving the pony slaver a hateful look. “But as long as he’s in the Domain of Earth, there’s nothing we can do. However if he ever steps inside my domain, my windigos will feast upon his soul!”

“I’ll keep that in mind, as I sell your griffin to the fleshmongers,” the slaver dryly said, hitching himself back up to his wagon.

“How about I take him up a thousand spans, and then let go?” Dawson asked, hoping she would let him.

“You wouldn’t dare!” the pony said, feeling slightly worried the griffin-half might actually go through with his threat. “Touch me, half breed filth, and face the Slave King’s wrath!”

“Aha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” they heard the melodic tone of feminine laughter breaking out all around them. “Touch me, and face the Slave King’s wrath, how delightfully droll!”

The slaver looked around worriedly, trying to discover where the mocking laughter was coming from. “I’m under the Slave King’s protection, you know!” he shouted.

Bursting out of flames in front of them, Melody, the Yellow, appeared wearing a slight frown. Walking up to the earth pony slaver, she slugged him right across the muzzle, sending him sprawling on the ground.

“You dare presume to speak for the Slave King unbidden!” she demanded, giving him a hard look.

“When Second hears what you’ve done to me, he’ll…” the slaver said, as he tried standing, only to be slapped down once more by the harper.

“I don’t see Second anywhere, do you?” she hissed, her ruby eyes sparkled, hinting at further violence if the pony decided to continue with his belligerence. Turning towards Dawson, she hostilely pointed a finger at him. “And as for you, how dare you!”

“How dare I do what?” he asked, confused why she was so angry with him.

Walking up to him, and wearing a stern look that threatened to make him wither away, she stood right in his face. “How dare you leave without saying goodbye,” she whispered, as she hugged him tightly. Holding him against her, she smiled. “I’ll miss you, Dawson.”

Surprised by her behavior, and caught unawares by her embrace, he hugged her as well. “I’m sorry, Melody, mother wanted to leave as quickly as possible. I didn’t think you’d have time, with all the wedding preparations going on.”

Holding onto his shoulders, she looked into his brown eyes and smiled. “I’ll always have time for you little brother,” she said, before looking at the Lady Zephyr and the nervous slaver. “And it’s a good thing I decided to see you off too, so I could stop you before you did something foolish.”

“But this trash has a griffin,” he protested, pointing towards the shackled griffin inside the slaver’s cart.

“He also has several ponies, and a donkey,” she pointed out. “Are you going to risk war with the Domain of Earth for their freedom as well?”

“It’s just not right!” he shouted, angry that he could do nothing to save them from a decade of slavery.

“Be that as it may, this pony is within his rights as a legitimate merchant, to move slaves,” she said, pointing towards his wagon.

“How can you defend what he’s doing?” Dawson asked, bewildered that somefeather as kindhearted as Melody would be okay with slavery.

“Don’t be such a pony, Dawson,” she replied, giving him a pointed look. “Besides, your hands are as dirty as his, remember what happened with Gunhilde.”

“I…” he stammered, realizing she was right. He was no better a feather then the pony slaver. He’d sold Gunhilde into slavery, and even accepted the money for her sale. Looking down at his talons, he felt sick. Knowing he had no place to judge the pony slaver, he turned to join his mother’s side.

“It’s alright, Dawson,” she said, rubbing her talon against his back. “We can’t do anything to save this griffin, but when we return to the North, we can ensure nofeather else becomes a slave.”

“I wouldn’t say that, Lady Zephyr,” Melody said with a slight smile. Looking at the slaver, her smile turned malicious. “I’ll need to see your bills of sale for these slaves.”

“This is harassment!” he seethed, angry that he was wasting so much of his time with these foreigners and half breeds.

“You know, transporting slaves without a bill of sale is a capital offense,” she reminded him, perhaps you’re a smuggler after all.”

“No, I’m an honest merchant just trying to get by,” he angrily said, annoyed by yet another delay in his schedule. Pulling out the bills of sale from his saddlebag, he handed them to her. “As you can see, they each bear the seal and signature of the overseer of the slave market in Shadehoof.”

Shadehoof was a large coastal port city that straddled three domains, Earth, Water, and the princesses’ domain in central Equestria. It was also the favored place for smugglers to fence their slaves to the Domain of Earth. Though the rules put in place by the Slave King, made acquiring new slaves in the south difficult; for a few bits and with the right connections, documents could easily be forged, making an illegally smuggled victim, into a properly documented slave. It was no secret, that slaves originating from the Shadehoof slave market, were most likely once free ponies stolen from their homes.

“Shadehoof, how convenient,” Melody murmured, suspecting the slaver was in actuality a smuggler, trafficking slaves illegally, in direct opposition to the Slave King’s law.

“Now that you’ve seen my bills of sale, I demand to be allowed to be about my business,” he said, waiting for them to be returned to him.

“I’m afraid there’s a problem, your paperwork seems to be missing,” she remarked, holding the bills of sale in her hand.

“What the Hades are you on about, you nag!” he roared, seriously peeved that she was messing with him. “You’re holding the paperwork in your hoof.”

“What paperwork?” she asked, wearing a bemused smile at his consternation.

“You know very well, what paperwork!” he shouted.

“Oh, do you mean this paperwork?” she said, holding it in front of him.

Angry at being treated so poorly, the earth pony attempted grabbing the bills of sale from her grasp. Before he could grab them with his mouth, they burst into flames, releasing grey smoke, instead of the proper magical green that official documents released when burned.

“Counterfeiting official documents is a serious offense, especially when it comes to bills of sale,” she said, wagging her finger disapprovingly at him. “The Slave King doesn’t approve of slave smuggling.”

“Fine, I’ll pay the fine, bribe, or whatever at the nearest post, and be on my way with my merchandise,” he said, angry at being discovered.

“Lady Zephyr,” she asked, grabbing the slaver’s key ring and handing them to Dawson. “Would you and your son be willing to escort these ponies across the border to central Equestria?”

Grateful for her aid, in freeing the griffin she was unable to help, she nodded. “Yes,” Lady Zephyr said. “It would be an honor to.”

“What!” the slaver exclaimed, angry when he realized that he was being relieved of his property. “You can’t do this to me, I work for Second.”

“As I already established, Second isn’t here,” she said, bending down and looking him in the eye menacingly. Summoning up a small flame from her fingertips, she smirked. “Besides, you’re lucky all you’re losing is a few slaves. As I recall, Dawson wanted to see if ponies landed on their hooves or not.”

“You… you wouldn’t dare!” the pony stammered in anger and fear.

“Oh, wouldn’t I?” she said, holding up her fist threateningly.

“Fine, you can have them, but I expect to be compensated for my loss,” he demanded.

Removing a coin purse from her belt, she opened it up, counted out its contents, and threw it at his hooves.

Picking it up, he carefully tested its weight, before looking inside. “Hey,” he said, handing the purse back to her. “There’s only five hundred bits here. That’s barely enough to cover my expenses, those slaves would be worth over ten thousand bits in Neo Vale’s slave market.”

Nodding in agreement, Melody took out another purse and emptied half the contents of the first into the second. When she was done, she handed it back to the slaver. “Here’s three hundred bits,” she said. “If you still think I’m being unfair, I’ll happily reduce it even further.”

“May the Pit claim you!” he snarled in anger. Hitching himself back up to the now empty wagon, he spat once. “Second will hear of this!”

“Get out of here, before I decide to let Lady Zephyr exact her revenge on you!” Melody called after him.

Fearing for his life, the pony slaver galloped away.

Turning to Lady Zephyr, Melody bowed. “Oh behalf of the Domain of Earth, Lady Zephyr, please accept our apologies for the abduction of your subject,” she said, looking up at her.

“It’s I, that should be apologizing to you, Melody,” she said, looking fondly at her son. “If you didn’t arrive when you did, Dawson might have done something regrettable.”

“A monster like that deserves nothing less!” Dawson angrily argued.

“Do you deserve that fate? Do I?” Melody asked, while looking down at her hands. “My hands are no cleaner than his. I’m a greater monster then he could ever hope to be.”

“But you helped free them,” he objected, confused how she could even consider herself anywhere near as wicked a feather as the pony slaver.

“But there’s so many I failed to free, and others I helped enslave for the Slave King,” she said, as her normally cheerful smile faded to sorrow. “Perhaps one day, the Domain of Earth can become a kinder land. A place where nofeather will ever be enslaved again, at least that’s my dream.”

“That’s a worthy dream, Melody,” Lady Zephyr said. “Maybe one day, your father will help you see it.”

“Is that why you let him go?” Dawson asked, wondering why she was so merciful.

“Yes, maybe next time he’ll choose a better path,” she said, looking at the retreating pony as he slowly melted away into the scenery, while her eyes welled with tears.

Seeing her distress, Dawson walked to her, wrapped his talons around her, and gave her a gentle hug. “Melody, no matter what you’ve done,” he said. “Somefeather as kind and full of joy as you, could never be a monster.”

Wiping her eyes, against her sleeve, she looked up at him. “Thanks, little brother,” she said, sniffing twice. “Don’t be a stranger, you’ll always be welcome in the South.”

Nodding once, he let her go, and walked over to join his mother who was busy freeing the former slaves. As they prepared to head back north, Melody tossed him a black coin. Catching it in his talons, Dawson examined it closely. It was made from pure arcanum, bore the Slave King’s image, and seemed to glow with a soft green light.

“Should anyfeather question you about your new friends,” she said, pointing towards the freed slaves. “That coin will show you as having the full authority of the Slave King behind you. Before I go, do you have any messages you want me to pass on to anyfeather?”

“Thank you, Melody,” he said, placing the coin inside a pouch on his belt. Thinking of her offer, he lightly blushed. “If you see Dame Squall, tell her I’m sorry I was unable to say good bye before my departure.”

Offering him a smirk, she gave him a teasing smile. “I’ll make sure she knows,” she said, taking off into the air. “Dawson, until we meet again. Until then, stay safe little brother.”

Waving farewell to his half-sister, he turned to assist his mother with the task of helping the ponies to stand up on their hooves. “So a seapony?” Lady Zephyr asked, giving her son a playful smile.

When he heard his mother asking about Dame Squall, his face flushed red with embarrassment. “It’s not like that!” he protested, trying to avoid his mother’s prying eyes.

“It’s not like what?” she replied, removing the shackles from a young foal.

“She’s just a friend,” he insisted, refusing to indulge his mother’s curiosity.

“She’s quite beautiful, isn’t she?” she asked, giving him an affectionate nip with her beak.

“Yeah, mother, she is,” he agreed, before catching himself. “I mean, she’s pretty for a seapony.”

“Dawson, you’re so much like your father,” she said, sighing with longing and regret.

“I love you, mother,” he said.

"I love you too, my son,” she replied.

As they finished freeing the rest, from the chains that held them captive, they said nothing, as they shared the love and affection they held for each other.


“Bring the prisoner forward,” he ordered, his voice utterly devoid of any emotion. His normally burning green eyes, seemed to sputter, as if the magic powering them was about to be snuffed out. Looking at the prisoner being escorted by Nightmare, if he still possessed a heart, it might have broken. The once proud doomhound, who’d once commanded the greatest army Equestria had ever known, now seemed a shell of his former self.

His once vibrant blue, ethereal body, was now the color of weak ice. And his normally immaculately cared for armor, was poorly arrayed, and groaned and creaked as he walked to meet his king’s judgment. Truly, Scourge, the Hunter, had seen better days.

Looking down on the one he’d once considered friend, he sighed as the strain of this inordinate task loomed over him. “In light of the many centuries of service you’ve offered the realm, Scourge,” he said, looking into the doomhound’s eyes. “And in the interests of justice, I have decided to allow you counsel, before passing judgment on you.”

Aria, who sat in the gallery behind the defendant’s dais, exhaled, letting out a long sigh of relief. Master Scourge, would be given a chance to defend himself after all!

“Scourge, the Hunter, First of the Nine, and Master of ‘The Order of the Shadow’,” the Slave King said, looking down sternly at him from his stone throne. “You stand accused of the theft of The Vendetta, conspiracy to commit treason against the Domain of Earth, resisting arrest, colluding with your liege lord’s enemies, conspiracy to commit treason against your liege, and dereliction of duty. How do you answer? Before speaking, you may consult with counsel. Princess Celestia, has graciously offered to provide counsel for your defense, if you wish it.”

When he mentioned her, she walked over towards the defense’s dais, and waited for Scourge to answer.

“My king, allow me to spare you the embarrassment of a trial,” he plaintively said, wishing that his sentencing would commence, so he could end his shame.

“Scourge,” the Slave King replied, pointing his finger at the doomhound. “You will be tried in accordance with the law, so all might know that justice was done here today. Do you desire counsel?”

From her position by her master’s side, Nightmare stared hatefully at him. You’ll pay for your treason against our lord and master! her eyes screamed at him. And for playing with my emotions.

Lowering his head, he shook it affirmatively, and walked towards the defendant’s dais.

“Let the record show that, Celestia, the Radiant, is offering counsel here today,” he said, leaning back against his throne. “Scourge, I’m offering you a recess, so that you might confer with your counsel, before answering the charges.”

Sitting before Celestia on his haunches, Scourge looked at her skeptically. “My guilt is beyond question,” he said. “When I agreed to assist you, I knew what the consequences of betraying my friend would be. Why do you seek to defend me?”

“Because, Scourge, you deserve better then to suffer an ignominious end,” she replied.

“Such is the fate of all traitors,” he told her, wishing he could be spared the humiliation of a trial, and move right to his sentencing.

“Scourge,” she gently said. “A spirit as noble as yours could never be a traitor.”

“Yet here I am, Celestia,” he said. “Guilty of treason, all the same.”

“I’ll see to it that you’re spared,” she told him. “Because I promised you, I’d protect your master from all harm. And losing his friend, would be a grievous blow to him.”

“How do you propose to do that, Celestia?” he said, looking up at the Slave King once, before turning back to face her. “The evidence against me is damning, and the truth even more so.”

“Then it's the truth that will set you free,” she said, offering him a kind smile.

“What do you think he’ll do, when you reveal your part in this?” he worriedly asked her. “Do you think he’ll allow your transgression against him to go unanswered, unreciprocated?”

“Don’t worry, Scourge, I’m a big mare, I can take care of myself,” she said, lowering her head to him. “But thank you for concern, all the same.”

“But what about the consequences?” Scourge asked, knowing that once the revelation for his treason being precipitated by Celestia was known to his master, his wrath would burn hot. “The peace between our realms may not last, if this comes to light. Allow me to accept the blame. No one else need suffer for this.”

Greatly touched by his offer to fully accept all blame, and by his concern for the well being of her subjects, she lowered her horn and touched his arcanum armor with it. As her divinity infused his armor, he could feel the great love she held for him and all others, entering his spirit. He could see the Summerlands clearly now, the memories of that beautiful place, long gone from his mind, came rushing back to him. Slowly, the sickly ice blue coloring of his spirit deepened, returning back to the vibrant blue it once was.

Had he still had eyes, Scourge would have openly wept with joy for the return of such beautiful memories, and the haunting melody of her voice. “Celestia, thank you,” he said, grateful beyond measure for regaining what he’d lost so long ago.

“Now let’s face his judgment together,” she said, motioning towards the Slave King, whose weakly burning eyes looked at them accusingly. “We’re ready to begin.”

Pulling on his beard, he thrummed his fingers against his throne for a moment, before nodding in agreement. “Very well, Celestia, the Radiant, proceed,” he commanded, as his voice echoed throughout the chamber.

Leaning forward, he lightly stroked Nightmare’s shoulder to calm her down, as they awaited her deliberation. Looking hatefully at both of them, she struggled to fight the urge to attack the traitor and that pony whore, who’d somehow managed to foist her unworthy sister upon her master.

As she approached his throne, Aria looked at her, and for the first time today, held hope for her master’s salvation.


“I heard from your fellow chevaleresse, you had a bit of a spat with Dame Calm Breeze yesterday. Is that true?” he asked the seapony mare standing before him.

She brushed several purple locks of her mane from her face with her fin, and looked away sheepishly from her lord. “Forgive me, Lawgiver, for embarrassing you so,” she said, bowing her head in shame. “I’ll offer penance to her right away, so everything is pax with my fellow sisters.”

Placing his fin on her shoulder gently, he offered her a reassuring smile. “No, Dame Squall,” he said. “You misunderstand me. I only wish to know the reasons for your squabble.”

“Dame Calm Breeze, insulted my friend’s worth,” she told him.

“Ah, Dawson, Lady Zephyr’s son wasn’t it?” he asked, remembering him from the tournament at Bone’s Landing.

“Yes, Lord Triton,” she said, wondering if she might ever see him again.

He remembered how well the griffin-half had fought in the tournament. And from what he’d been told, regarding how the lad had saved Dame Squall’s life from the ghast at great risk to himself, he wished he had more ponies of his quality within his ranks. “My daughter, you remember better then some, what chivalry is,” he said, pleased with her, for being so willing to extend the olive branch to her fellow chevaleresse. “However, you were right in defending his honor. How can we expect to be treated honorably by everypony, if we can’t recognize the honor and worth of others, even if that somepony else might be considered an enemy.”

“It’s something I learned from Master Scourge,” she said, remembering the words he'd shared with her after her defeat at Dawson’s talons. “He told me, ‘Our master’s quarrels, needn’t be ours’.”

Lord Triton nodded thoughtfully, then sighed when he remembered the words he’d told his knights in his anger, over what he’d felt was bad form on the Slave King’s part. “Wiser words were never spoken by anypony,” he said, wondering if the prevailing attitude of his knights towards the Slave King’s denizens were partially his fault.

It was easy to condemn them all for what he considered wicked and barbaric behavior. After all, his knights were renowned throughout all Equestria as champions of justice. But if Scourge, the leader of ‘The Order of the Shadow’ could see beyond the petty rivalries that existed between the gods, maybe he’d judged them too hastily. Perhaps if somepony was willing to forget the past, and move beyond the many slights and grudges they held, there could harmony once more. Maybe that somepony could be him.

“So tell me what you truly think of Dawson,” he said, curious what her opinion of the griffin-half was.

“Well, he’s a rather unusual stallion,” she said, thinking about all the time they’d spent together over the past week. “He possess a quiet nobility, I’ve seen displayed in very few ponies. He’s brave, but a bit foolhardy at the same time. He’s courteous and kind, yet possesses a bit of a temper under all his feathers. Plus his warm brown eyes are quite lovely.”

Lord Triton raised his brow questioningly at her, when he heard her last statement. “Lovely eyes?” he asked, pulling on his mustache.

Immediately, Dame Squall’s face flushed bright red with embarrassment, when she realized what she’d told her liege lord. “Well, that is to say, he is rather handsome,” she said, stumbling over her words, as she tried recovering from her embarrassment. “I mean for a mudslinger, that is.”

“Daughter, there’s no shame in being attracted to a member of the Earth Domain,” he said, remembering his own time spent with Lady Minoa. “He seems like a fine stallion, you could pursue worse ponies among our own people. As long as he acts with honor and civility, I’d have no quarrel with him courting one of my chevaleresse.”

“Well, I’m sure he has other things to worry about,” she said, deciding that being apart from him was for the best. “I’m sure Lady Zephyr, has other plans for her son.”

“Dame Squall, who knows what the future holds for any of us,” he said with a grin. “Life is often like the battlefield, it’s quite unpredictable. All we can do, is prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

“Thank you, Lord Triton,” she said, bowing before her liege lord.

“But when the opportunity comes around, make sure you grab it when you’re able,” he said, offering her a warm smile. “Now let’s enjoy this moment of peace, who knows how long it’ll be, before we have another opportunity like this.”

Nodding in agreement with him, Dame Squall followed her lord out of his room, and into the palace to join with the other deities of the pantheon. Each of whom, were impatiently waiting for the Slave King’s wedding to start.


She was home now, and had her prize safely tucked away, as she prepared to perform the ritual. But she still found herself unhappy with how things had ended up. Luna, was marrying him instead of her. And once the ritual was completed, if he ever discovered what she’d done to him, he might never forgive her.

Opening the iron box Discord had given her, she peered inside and saw his still beating heart. It was quite a strange sight to see. Had he been mortal, removing his heart would’ve been fatal. But as the immortal Lord of Earth, his disembodied heart, was merely an oddity. She contemplated what Lord Ananse had offered her. He’d promised that by performing the ritual he’d laid out for her, that she’d receive her heart’s desire. But she desired that he love her, nothing more. And even if she somehow made him able to love once again, he’d be married to Princess Luna, who would undoubtedly be the one to benefit from this arrangement.

She wished that he’d used her gift instead. The potion she’d made for him, would’ve granted him a new heart. Though it was made at great cost to herself, she felt the price to make the one she loved whole, was worth it. But now here she was, about to inflict a grievous wound upon him, all in the hopes of making him love her. The guilt of what she was planning to do, weighed heavily on her heart. She knew this was wrong, but she had exhausted all other avenues available to her. She could only hope that if her crime was ever discovered, that he’d forgive her one day.

Knowing what needed to be done, she removed one of the feathers that was closest to the scars where half her heart had once been. Using a gold and arcanum knife, she cut herself, allowing the feather to draw the blood from her wound inside it. Once it was fully infused with her blood, she held the feather above his heart, and thrust it inside.

As the feather pierced the heart, it shuddered momentarily, before continuing to beat inside the iron box. She looked on, as her blood infused feather melted and slowly fused with the heart. She felt an icy dagger of pain ripping through her own heart, as it struggled to keep beating. Slowly, his heart began beating stronger, and took on a healthier color. Seeing that it was none the worse for the wear, she breathed a sigh of relief. Had this been some wicked plot against her beloved by Lord Ananse, she didn’t know what she would’ve done.

Closing the iron box, she placed it near the rest of the items she’d gathered over the past week in preparation of the ritual. “My love,” she whispered, shedding tears of regret. “Please forgive me…”


“Have you prepared your defense?” the Slave King asked, as he ran his fingers through Nightmare’s inky black coat.

Celestia nodded to Scourge once, before returning her attention to the Slave King. “Yes, we have, Slave King,” she said, as her luxurious mane flowed by the unseen power of her divinity. “I shall prove to you, that Scourge is no traitor. Rather, he’s been nothing but a loyal and good friend to you.”

When he heard her utter the words, good friend, he gripped the armrests of his stone throne violently. Nightmare, seeing her master’s agitation, glared hatefully at Celestia for making her lord suffer so.

“That remains to be seen,” he curtly said, reliving the sting of his so called friend’s betrayal. “So than, prove that Scourge is no traitor.”

Approaching his throne, Celestia looked into the Slave King’s weakly burning eyes. “I request permission to use the Geis of Truth on the accused,” she said, waiting for him to respond.

“The Geis of Truth?” he asked, raising his brow questioningly at her. Wondering why she’d risk Scourge’s fate with such a risky tactic.

The Geis of Truth, was a special type of magic belonging to the Light Domain. Any who’d been affected by its power, was compelled to speak the truth according to their knowledge, regardless of the question. Those ensorcelled by its power, could neither obfuscate nor twist the truth. They could only speak the truth as they knew it. Though not without its faults, the Geis of Truth was incredibly useful for interrogation, and had been used by unscrupulous ponies in the past for dishonest means. Its power was so great, that Celestia had made its practice forbidden. Now, she only allowed its use in times of great need.

“Very well,” he agreed, confident it would condemn him for his betrayal. “You may use the Geis of Truth, as you question the defendant.”

Motioning for Scourge to stand before the Slave King, she activated her magic as she prepared to place the geis upon him. “Are you ready?” she asked.

“Celestia, I am,” he replied, stepping onto the raised dais used to question the accused.

Without another word, she released the built up magic in her horn. The magical energies of the spell sought out Scourge, and swirled and flowed over his arcanum armor. Deciding to prove the power of the spell, she asked him a question. “Scourge, do you consider yourself guilty?” she asked him.

“Yes, I do,” he said, lowering his head in shame.

The Slave King gave her a hard look. “So, Celestia, the Radiant, you wish to prove his innocence, and yet even he, believes himself to be guilty,” he said, angry that she thought to make a mockery of this trial.

Celestia rested her eyes on the Slave King. “Believing you are guilty, an actually being guilty, are two completely separate things,” she reminded him.

“Very well, Celestia, the Radiant,” he agreed. “But should he incriminate himself under the geis at any time, I will find him guilty of all charges.”

“Scourge,” she said, looking at the doomhound. “What is your primary function?”

“To serve and protect the Slave King, and the Domain of Earth,” he said.

“Have you ever failed in that task?” she asked.

“No, I have not,” he said, as the magical energies of the geis flowed over him.

The Slave King couldn’t believe his ears, Scourge had just said he’d never failed in his duty to protect him, yet here he was being accused of that very crime. “What trickery is this!” he demanded, giving Celestia a hard look, as he suspected her of foul play.

In response, she smiled serenely at the Slave King. “Scourge is completely under the Geis of Truth,” she matter-of-factly said. “Telling any sort of lie, would now be impossible for him.”

“But he believes himself to be guilty of treason, but also believes he’s never failed in his duty to me,” he protested at this conundrum, and disliking what he’d heard.

“As I stated earlier, Slave King, being guilty and believing you are, are not the same thing,” Celestia said, looking directly at him.

Angry with her for tricking him somehow, and making a fool of him yet again, he was about to claim the proceedings as invalid. But before he could cast summary judgment on Scourge, he found that her eyes threatened to melt his heart once again.

“You may continue with your questions, Celestia, the Radiant,” he cautiously said, feeling somewhat afraid of what might happen, if she continued piercing him with her gaze.

“Thank you, Slave King, “she said, turning her attention back towards the accused. “Scourge, you said earlier, that you felt guilty of the crimes. Yet, you also claimed to have never failed in your duty to protect the Slave King. Will you explain what you meant?”

Scourge nodded once, sighing before he answered her. “I had to choose between protecting the Slave King and the Domain of Earth from ruin, and coming to his aid when he called,” he said, reluctantly looking up at the Slave King. “I performed my duty to my king, but failed my friend.”

Hearing Scourge speak the supposed truth, rankled the Slave King. This must be Celestia’s doing! he thought. She must have somehow carefully worded the questions, in order to obtain the answers she desired. But try as he might, he was unable to determine how she’d managed to do so.

“How did you fail the Slave King?” she asked.

“I didn’t fail him,” he said, feeling conflicted by the responses the geis was forcing him to say. “I protected him from harm, and the Domain of Earth from further ruin.”

“Celestia, the Radiant,” the Slave King crossly said. “Unless you can answer to each specific charge, I’ll have to find Scourge guilty.”

Nodding her acknowledgment, she turned to face Scourge once more. “Were your actions a dereliction of your duty?” she pressed.

“No,” he replied, remembering what she’d told him in confidence. “Had I refused to act, I would’ve been remiss in my responsibility to protect the Slave King and the Domain of Earth from harm.”

The Slave King scowled when he heard their lies once more. They were trying to pass off their deception against him as reality, by wearing the truth like a second skin. However, he couldn’t discount the Geis of Truth. He felt its power, and knew how potent it was in uncovering the truth. Thus, he had no way to denounce his answer as the falsehood he knew that it was.

“Did you conspire to commit treason against either the Slave King or the Domain of Earth?” she asked, hoping that the truth, interpreted things the way she did.

“No,” Scourge said, surprised by his answer. “The only conspiracy I ever engaged in, was the one to preserve both my king and realm from ruin.”

The Slave King grimaced, Celestia had just defeated three of the six charges placed against Scourge. If things continued progressing like this, he’d have no choice but to let him go. Not that he minded sparing the doomhound, but he’s sworn that Scourge would answer for refusing to come to aid, when called out for help.

Celestia felt pleased with how things were turning out. So far she’d successfully answered three of the six charges against Scourge. However, the next three were going to be tricky to approach. “Scourge, can The Vendetta, be stolen?” she asked, deciding to take a different approach to answering the next charge.

He was taken aback by her question, as he wasn’t quite sure what she’d meant. “I don’t understand,” he said, seeking clarification.

“Then let me rephrase the question,” she said. “Has The Vendetta, ever been stolen?”

“No,” he said. “The Vendetta, can only be wielded by the pure of heart, anyhound else who touches it, would be consumed immediately by the weapon’s great rage.”

“So are you saying, that because only the pure of heart can touch the weapon, it’s incapable of being stolen?” she asked, confirming the weapon’s true nature.

“That’s correct, Celestia,” he replied.

The Slave King said nothing, it was the truth. The Vendetta, had been designed to only be used by someone worthy of it. Because the weapon would devour any who tried to do so, as such it could never actually be stolen. But there were still two charges they had to evade, and he was certain no amount of twisting the truth would allow them to escape justice.

“When confronted by Nightmare for possessing The Vendetta, did you resist arrest?” Celestia asked, giving her a careful look.

“No, she desired something else entirely,” Scourge said, feeling slightly embarrassed about their earlier altercation.

Nightmare’s hackles rose, as she glared at them threateningly. You'd better keep your muzzles shut if you know what’s good for you! her eyes threatened.

Noting her anger, Celestia decided to spare her any further embarrassment. “Scourge, at any point, did Nightmare actually try arresting you?” she asked.

“No, I surrendered myself willingly,” he said. “After eluding her, she confronted me about my possession of The Vendetta, and leapt on me. After fighting with her for some time, I willingly surrendered, and followed her back to the palace.”

And that’s five, the Slave King thought, realizing that Scourge might not only end up cleared of all charges, but also have to be rewarded for his service. It all came down to the final charge against him. So far, Celestia had been careful to avoid asking about his accomplices. Once exposed, he could try the others for their part in this affair, and punish Scourge for being their ringleader.

“Celestia, the Radiant,” the Slave King said. “I will question Scourge, about the final charge against him.”

When she heard his desire to question him about the final charge, she laid back her ears worriedly. As Scourge’s counsel, she was within her rights to protest this irregularity. He didn’t have the right to cross-examine the accused, until she was finished with all her questions. “Slave King, I object to this,” she said. “I’m not finished asking all my questions to the accused yet.”

Scourge looked to her, and shook his head no. “Celestia, it’s alright,” he said. “Allow him to ask his questions.”

“Are you sure?” she said. “He’ll be free to ask you anything, and I won’t be able to aid you in any way.”

“I’m sure, Celestia,” Scourge said, willing to answer his liege’s questions.

Pleased that Scourge had given his consent, the Slave King asked his question. “Which of my enemies have you colluded with?” he asked, glaring down at his former friend.

“Only one, my king,” he said, fully prepared to reveal the identity of his coconspirator.

“Then speak their name,” the Slave King commanded.

“It was Second,” Scourge admitted. “However, he didn’t participate in this scheme willingly. To enlist his aid, I forced his paw.”

“I will deal with Second for his treason later, Scourge,” the Slave King said, pointing a finger angrily at him. “But there was another in this plot against me. I want the names of all my enemies, which colluded with you against me!”

“Slave King, Second was the only one of your enemies, who participated in this plan,” Scourge reiterated.

The Slave King scowled, although the Geis of Truth was still active, he was sure that he was being lied to. “Are you telling me, that you sought out Second to assist you?” he demanded, feeling highly agitated by what he was hearing.

“He was the only choice,” Scourge said. “There was nohound else I could turn to for assistance.”

This made no sense! Scourge wouldn’t have crossed him like this, for no reason. And according to the geis, it wasn’t even a betrayal, he was simply fulfilling his duties to his king. Thrumming his fingers against his stone throne, he contemplated his next question. Suddenly he knew what he should ask next. He knew the how, who, and why, but not the what. He hadn’t yet been told what would’ve happened, had Scourge not taken The Vendetta, and ignored his plea for help.

“Scourge, what would have happened, had you failed to act?” he asked, wishing to know what had prompted him to move against him.

“You would have died, and the Domain of Earth would have fallen into chaos, without somehound as wise as you to lead us,” he answered, grateful he’d managed to spare his friend such a fate.

“And how exactly did you come to this knowledge?” the Slave King demanded, determined to come to the bottom of this matter.

“Celestia told me,” he said, looking at the princess once, before returning to face his master’s stern gaze.

“Well the truth has finally shown its face at last,” the Slave King said, feeling rather vexed that Scourge had managed to evade all the charges placed against him, while serving his enemy. “How did you manage to fool the geis?”

“I didn’t, Slave King. I only spoke the truth,” he said, with a clear conscience.

Furious at being forced to accept what he considered bald faced lies as the truth, he tightly gripped the armrests of his throne, outraged that she was getting away with this farce. Seeing his great anger, Celestia approached him, submissively lowering her head to him.

Looking into his eyes, she silently plead with him to be rational. “Slave King, please see reason,” she said. “He’s your friend, and feared for your life. Had he not acted, you would have perished.”

With an aching heart and weary soul, the Slave King lowered his head in defeat. Celestia had won. She’d succeeded in leaving him bereft of his freedom and friend. Try as might, he couldn’t discount the Geis of Truth, it was absolute. Though he could strike out at her, in order to seek out a petty revenge. Such a thing was beneath him. He looked into her worry filled eyes, and sighed. Even now, he couldn’t bring himself to hate her, no matter how much he wanted to.

Deciding that it was time to cast judgment on Scourge, his onetime friend, he raised his hand and looked at the spectators sitting in the gallery. Unsurprisingly, there were very few watching things unfold. Only true friends and true enemies would dare risk being associated with a traitor’s trial, lest they be implicated in the accused’s treason. With the exception, of Aria, hardly anyone else had bothered coming. He saw Ninth, the youngest doomhound, watching the proceedings. Unlike Aria, whose distress was clearly evident, Ninth’s face revealed nothing. He couldn’t tell, whether he’d come to support him, or to castigate him for his treason.

Thoughtfully pulling on his beard for a moment, he looked down at Scourge. He seemed to be looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to respond. Reaching down to stroke Nightmare’s coat once more, he chewed on his lower lip. “I’ve come to a decision,” he said, feeling Nightmare’s anticipation of Scourge’s eminent doom beneath his fingertips. “The accused will stand, as I pronounce my verdict.”

Rising up, Scourge dutifully stood, as he waited to hear his fate. Looking at his disciple, he saw Aria looking at him, her hands balled up into fists with worry. Returning his attention to the Slave King, he nodded once, showing he was prepared to accept judgment. Returning to Scourge’s side, Celestia waited beside him, as the Slave King prepared to announce his verdict.

“Scourge, the Hunter, you’ve been cleared of all charges,” he said, while Nightmare looked up at him in disbelief.

Scourge exhaled in relief, knowing he was safe from the only punishment his king could force upon him. “Thank you, Slave King,” he said, bowing low in respect to his liege.

“You’ve served me and the Domain of Earth well,” he said, his eyes flickering weakly with woe. “I shall have to reward you for your service.”

Celestia looked at them and smiled, pleased that the Slave King had made the right choice. She’d been worried that in his anger, he might have made a rash decision. But her gambit using the Geis of Truth, had paid off, and Scourge was now safe from any further reprisals. Though he might despise or even hate her now, it was a sacrifice she was willing to make for somepony who needed it. She was relieved, that she’d managed to succeed in her plan for the Slave King. He’d survived this ordeal intact, was marrying Luna, and still had his loyal friend to protect him.

Noticing her happiness at the outcome, the Slave King scowled. Though there was nothing he could to do to avenge himself in this matter, he would make sure she knew he wouldn’t forget this. “Scourge,” he said, looking down at the doomhound. “Though you’ve served me well, I can no longer call you my friend.”

Scourge lowered his head sadly at the announcement. “I understand my king,” he said, feeling hollow and empty inside.

“This trial is adjourned,” the Slave King said, folding his hands into his lap. “Everyone leave, I wish to be alone now.”

As the few spectators in attendance filtered out, he watched in envy as Aria hugged her master tightly in relief. The bond they held was strong. Almost as great as the one he’d once shared with his former friend. Now all alone, except for Celestia, who was looking at him with concern, and Nightmare who scowled at her for her intrusion, he slumped back into his throne.

“What are you still doing here, Celestia, the Radiant?” he bitterly asked, burying his face into his hands.

“Slave King, I…” she said, before Nightmare stood between them.

Get out, you pony whore! her eyes screamed in anger, while her muscles tensed in preparation to attack.

Sensing her anger and great desire to attack, he whistled sharply, bringing her to heel. “Nightmare, leave us,” he commanded, pointing towards the exit.

Reluctantly, she exited the room, before giving the one who’d hurt her king, one last hate filled glare.

Looking up at the ceiling, the Slave King slouched in his throne, totally spent. He no longer had the strength to care. “Speak your mind, and be on your way,” he said, wishing things had ended differently between them.

“Slave King, hate me if you must,” she pleaded with him. “But Scourge is your friend, and he loves you greatly. Don’t cast him aside.”

“He made his choice when he sided with you against me,” he said, nearly overcome by heartache.

“A true friend is a beautiful thing,” she said, nuzzling him gently. “Don’t throw that away, although you may be angry now, he cared enough to risk your wrath, in order to save your life.”

He felt her at his side. His grief was nearly as strong as when he wept in the mine all those centuries ago. Removing his crown, he looked at her accusingly. “I’m alone again,” he said, dropping his crown to the ground in defeat, as his eyes plead with her to answer why she’d wished to hurt him like this.

“I’m truly sorry,” she said, cradling him with her wing, as she rested her head against his.

Sitting together in silence, she shared his sorrow, and mourned with him. Resting against her, he found the comfort she gave him odd, considering how angry he’d felt at her. Though he had no heartbeat, she felt the thrumming of the Earth pulsing through him. Her only desire had been to make him whole, but instead, she’d wounded him deeply. Picking up his crown, she placed it in his lap.

“Slave King,” she said, looking into his scarred face. “Friends forgive each other.”

Looking down at his iron crown, he didn’t know if he had the strength to forgive Scourge. “I can’t, Celestia. I just can’t,” he said, struggling against himself, wishing he possessed Snowe’s temperance and strength of character.

“Yet, you’ve forgiven me,” she countered, looking him in the eye.

“Who said I’ve forgiven you,” he answered, resting against her as he felt her heartbeat. “I can’t bring myself to hate you, but I’m still angry.”

Nuzzling him gently, she held him tightly with her wing. “I’m sorry, Slave King,” she apologized, truly sorry she’d caused him such grief.

“For what?” he curtly asked, wondering what had provoked her apology. “For meddling in my affairs, for forcing me to marry against my will, for robbing me of the one friend I had left?”

“For everything,” she said, sighing with regret, and wishing she possessed the foresight required, so she could spare everypony the fallout of her failures. “Had I tried harder, maybe you wouldn’t have been banished in the first place, and none of this would’ve been necessary.

He remembered the events that had led up to his banishment. Slaying Lord Darkpaw, when he’d refused to stand down, agreeing to spare the diamond dogs who’d enslaved him, and slain his friend and daughter. Luna’s subsequent denouncement of him, for the barbarity he displayed during the fight. Celestia’s attempt at petrifying him like Discord, in order the spare the mortals from his wrath, and removing his own heart in response. And his subsequent years of madness, as a result of his stubborn refusal to let go of his thirst for revenge against those who had wronged him.

“You’ve nothing to be sorry for,” he told her, looking down at his metal arm. “Beyond Discord and Jormungandr, you were the only ally I had at the moot.”

“Perhaps had I…” she said, before he interrupted her.

Placing his hand on shoulder, he looked up into her eyes. “No, you showed me kindness, when the others only wished to destroy me,” he said, remembering the events that transpired during his first moot. “You rescinded my banishment from your domain, for a mere pittance.”

As he recounted the aid she’d given him over the years, he realized, he owed her quite a bit. And though marriage was the last thing he desired, what was done was done, there was little point in fighting against it any further.

“Celestia, the Radiant, I foreswear any vengeance against you for this,” he told her, deciding to eschew any further retribution against his sister-in-law.

Though she was happy that he wouldn’t seek to avenge himself against her for Scourge’s part in her plan, she was still concerned for the doomhound’s well being. “What about your friend, Scourge?” she asked, reminding him of his friend’s need for forgiveness as well.

“You ask a hard thing of me, Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, his heart no longer hurting quite so much.

“The right thing often is,” she told him, holding him tightly against her with her wing.

Picking up his iron crown, he looked at its smooth surface. Running his finger along it, he wondered if he’d have the courage to ever forgive him. Placing his crown back on his head, he looked at her once more.

“Perhaps with time, I’ll be able to,” he said, glad he’d spent this time with her.

“Your wedding is going to start shortly,” she said, removing her wing from his shoulder.

“I suppose there’s no chance we could stay here, and forget all about it?” he hopefully asked.

“My sister would be inconsolable, if you stood her up,” she said, pulling him to his feet with her magic.

Knowing he had no choice but to face the music, he walked with Celestia out of the room towards the palace’s old gardens, where his wedding was to be held. As each step brought him inexorably closer to his fate, he wondered what surprises married life would hold in store for him.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter 16 of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. I approached this chapter from the angle of trying to come up with some sort of reasonable resolution for the tension between the Slave King, Scourge, and Celestia. Also I wanted to explore how Dawson might react when his own anger at the slavery prevalent in the south, was thrown back in his face. I think Melody has a good point there, can Dawson really justify his righteous indignation towards the pony slaver, when his hands are dirty as well?

In this chapter we see Dawson and his mother, Lady Zephyr on their way home. Bemoaning his lack of opportunity to impress his father, he spies injustice and seeks to right it. But finds the wicked within their rights. Lady Zephyr seems to regret her choice to let the Slave King go his own way, while Melody confesses her guilt and wishes for change. And does it appear that both Dawson and Dame Squall miss each other more then they're letting on? And what exactly is Lady Suzaku's ritual supposed to do to the Slave King's heart? Meanwhile Celestia fulfilled her promise to the Scourge to protect the Slave King from all harm, but will the Slave King ever forgive them for their part in hurting him?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: Marriage of the Slave King, coming to computer near you!

Once again gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!

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