• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 14: For Whom the Bell Tolls: Part IV: You Only Keep, What You Can Catch

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 14: For Whom the Bell Tolls: Part IV: You Only Keep, What You Can Catch

He laid upon the cold unyielding gold and gems of his treasury, spent and exhausted, between the soft femininity of the goddesses of the Lunar Council. Though what had happened between them might be considered akin to an orgy, what he’d experienced with them hadn’t been physical. He looked up, and saw Celestia’s benevolent eyes looking down at him. Seeing that he was awake now, she smiled, and affectionately nuzzled him.

“Do you need further convincing, of the purity of our intentions?” she asked, offering him a gentle smile, as the others giggled together.

Breathing in deeply, he smelt the lovely perfume they wore. Exhaling, he shook his head no. Finally free of the burning lust and desire that had been clouding his mind, he considered the Lunar Council’s proposal to him. Each goddess in turn, had been given an opportunity to convince him of the virtue of selecting them, over their sisters. Though the minor deities had pledged to love and serve him faithfully as his wife, beyond their promises of affection, they offered him nothing beneficial.

Looking at, Lady Minoa, he considered what she’d promised him. While caressing him with her hands, she’d told him, he’d never want for pleasure ever again. She’d told him, that her strength would be his to command, and as long as he warmed her bed at night, she desired nothing more from him. Though he was sure she had no hidden agenda to force her will upon him, physically, he could do nothing to stop her if she so desired. As her mate, he would always be at her mercy.

Gazing at, Lady Suzaku’s, loveliness and great beauty, she’d promised him the freedom to take as many lovers as he desired, deity or mortal alike. She promised him children as numerous as the stars, and would use her influence in the Domain of Fire, to shield him from any future plots from Lord Ouroboros. She’d held him gently, and whispered her great love for him, and only asked that he try returning her feelings for him. Though there was no doubt in his mind, that her promises were made without guile or deceit, she’d already deceived him once before. And though it’d resulted in the feathered folk tribe, who’d been a great aid to him. There was no telling what her love for him, might compel her to try in the future.

He heard, Lady Zephyr, singing softly to him. Seeing that she’d finally captured his attention, she smiled and continued serenading him. Of all his suitors, he had the greatest connection to her. She was his elemental opposite. As a result, he’d little choice but to burn with desire for her, as greatly as hers burned for him. He thought back to their battle in the spirit realm, and smiled. An eternal struggle against his opposite, he strangely found very appealing. She’d promised him, that they’d rule together as equals. Her sky would cover and protect him, while his earth would provide her succor and a place of refuge. But thinking of Dawson, he wondered what other surprises she might offer him, in order to secure his affection.

Then finally, there was Princess Luna. He’d originally contemplated making Celestia his wife, but discounted that idea almost immediately. It was because of her plotting and scheming, that he was being forced to marry in the first place. For all he knew, that was her true intention all along. When he’d asked her what kind of wife she’d be, she’d told him, that as head of the Lunar Council, in the interest of fairness, she was ineligible to be his wife. But had offered, that if he still desired her after his allotted time was completed, she might be willing then.

Considering Luna, he realized he knew very little about her. Beyond sharing that night beneath the moon together, their race to Darkpaw’s Temple, and the kiss she’d stolen from him, he’d had very little interaction with her. He thought back to the first time he’d met her. He’d been a mess, nearly naked, save for the rags he’d had on his back, and covered in Lord Darkpaw’s blood. She’d looked down on him, the abhorrence she held for him then, was clearly reflected in her turquoise eyes.

She’d demanded then, that he be banished for his behavior, and had been instrumental in the measure passing. Then, when she and Celestia had confronted him regarding the famine he’d caused in his madness, she’d looked at him contemptuously for his behavior. Not that he blamed her for it, he’d been rather monstrous and cruel at first. Then, he considered the fateful moot that had decided his fate. Rather than denouncing him like some of the others had, she’d requested that he be given a chance to redeem himself.

He’d often wondered, what exactly had made her into an ally, albeit temporary. Though at the time, he’d considered it was somehow due to Jormungandr’s machinations. But now, for some unknown reason, she seemed to desire him as dearly as all the rest. Though he somewhat knew the reasons behind why the others desired him. Hers, baffled him.

True, he had immense wealth and power at his disposal. But Luna, was only second to Celestia in power on the pantheon; and as the mistress of the Shadow Domain, she was within her rights to demand tithes from those subservient to her. But as long as he’d been Lord of Earth, she’d never made that demand of him. But thinking back to what Lord Triton had told him earlier that week, he realized that what he’d said was true, “Who can possibly know the mind of a mare?”

“So, Slave King, have you made your decision yet?” Princess Celestia asked him, laying her head down on his shoulder.

“Yes, I have,” he replied, as he devised the perfect revenge against her for her scheming.

“Then tell us,” she said, hoping her plans for the Slave King and her sister would finally come to fruition.

Though he was being forced to marry, he’d been granted the privilege to choose his own bride, carte blanche. He was certain that Celestia had been subtly manipulating him into making the choice she wanted. Knowing his judgment in this case was suspect, he made the only choice that no one could predict.

“Since each of you beautiful ladies are so lovely and desirable, and I can’t possess each of you,” he said with a wry smile, to the delight of the goddesses all around him. “I’ll let chance decide my fate.”

“What?” Celestia asked in disbelief, shocked that he’d let such an important choice be decided at random.

“I’m sure Discord would approve,” he said, with a chuckle, much to her annoyance.

“How do you propose to pick your wife by chance?” she asked, unhappy that all her planning had just gone out the window.

“Easy,” he said, leaping to his feet and running away. Giving each of the goddesses a roguish grin, he held out his hands. “Here in the Earth, we take what we want. Whoever manages to catch me, keeps me!”

“Slave King, wait!” Celestia called out, as he laughed at her and jumped into a nearby treasure pile.

Almost immediately, the various goddesses of the pantheon were scrambling after him, shoving each other, and digging deeply into the treasure pile, as they tried catching him before any of the others could.

Huffing in annoyance, Celestia stamped her hoof in frustration. Even in defeat, the Slave King had managed to unravel all her carefully laid out plans for him. She only hoped, that he’d be happy with whoever it was that would finally managed to capture him. Truly, Lord Triton had been correct in his estimation of the Slave King’s unpredictability. Once again, he’d somehow managed to twist things to his own advantage.

Looking at her sister, who wore a worried look on her face due to her stiff competition, she wished her luck on her hunt. As she frantically thought about how she might be able to salvage this disaster.


She felt so cold and tired, only the warmth of the strong arms holding her, was keeping her awake. She longed to rest, but every time she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt somepony gently slapping her, keeping her awake. She couldn’t understand, why they kept waking her up. Didn’t they know how tired she was?

“Stay with me,” a somewhat familiar male voice commanded. She knew the voice’s owner somehow. Who it was, she wasn’t sure, but part of her wanted to stay awake, so she could keep listening to him.

In the distance, she heard the heavy thud of footsteps, against stone. Whoever it was, they must have been in a hurry, because they were making quite a racket. She wondered what was so important to them, that made them run like a kraken was after them.

“Tilt her head back, so she can drink this!” she heard somepony say, in a voice laced with concern and carrying a hint of fear.

She felt somepony gently tilting back her head and opening her mouth. Moments later, she felt a cool liquid passing her lips and wetting her tongue. Though she’d couldn’t place the taste, as she drank the unknown liquid, she felt herself being revitalized and replenished. Inhaling deeply, she caught a familiar scent. It reminded her of black and blue feathers, and warm brown eyes. She rested in the arms cradling her, and felt safe and warm.

“I think she’ll be all right,” she heard somepony say, seemingly happy and relieved now.

“Are you able to open your eyes?” she heard him ask.

When she heard his concern for her, she smiled and sank deeper into those strong arms. Opening her eyes, all she could see was a dark blur over her. She felt a gentle hand touching her brow, and felt oddly comforted.

“Let’s give her some more of the draught,” somepony else said, as more of that wonderful liquid entered her mouth. Like the first dose before it, the second strengthened and renewed her. She no longer felt so lethargic, instead, she felt as if she take all Equestria on by herself. Blinking a few times, she found her blurry vision focus, and saw Dawson looking down at her with concern on his face.

“I’m so glad you’re all right,” he said, helping her stand, until her innate magical bubble could kick in.

She sighed in disappointment, as those warm, strong arms let go of her. Looking up at him, she smiled. “I guess you managed to get help in time,” she said, brushing away one of her violet locks from her face.

“No,” Dawson replied, showing her a long bladed knife. “Aria, came to as we were fleeing. She managed to mention her knife was arcanum, before she passed out again.”

Realizing he’d come back for her, she looked at him curiously. “You shouldn’t have come back for me,” she chided, squeezing his talon gently with her fin. “Lady Zephyr, would’ve been heartbroken if you’d been killed.”

“I had to come back for you,” he said, smiling as he remembered what his mother had told him the day before.

“And why is that?” she asked, looking into his warm eyes.

“Something’s are worth holding on to,” he answered, helping steady her as her magic bubble formed.

Melody wore a wide grin as she saw them together. Oh, how sweet! she inwardly squealed, while wishing somefeather would risk life and limb for her.

Aria approached them, and held out her hand. “I guess I owe you two my life,” she sedately said, not sure how she felt about Dawson. If what Melody claimed was true, he was their half-brother. She’d always wished she’d been born male, maybe if she’d been his son, her father would’ve wanted her. But now that he had a son, maybe he’d no longer want her leading the Shadow Wings into battle.

Dawson grabbed her hand, and firmly shook it. “I think we’re even,” he said, handing the long knife back to her. “If you hadn’t mentioned your knife was arcanum, I don’t think Dame Squall would’ve made it.”

Wiping the blade off on her tunic, she slid it back inside its sheath. “Dawson, I’m sorry for attacking you earlier,” she said, placing her hands behind her, as she tried apologizing for her hostile behavior.

“Water under the bridge,” he said, wiping his brow with his sleeve. “How in the world did that thing even get in here?”

“I’m not sure,” Aria said, trying to remember events leading up to its attack on her. “I remember getting ready to make my rounds, and speaking with Master Scourge about something, but anything beyond that is a blur.”

“I wonder where he is,” Melody said, concerned that nofeather had seen hide nor hair of him in hours.

Concentrating hard, Aria tried remembering what she’d discussed with him. Remembering her tears, her eyes went wide with shock, when she remembered what he’d told her. “We need to warn the Slave King!” she said.

“Why?” Melody asked, wondering what could be so urgent that they needed to interrupt him during his business with the pantheon.

“I think Master Scourge, is about to betray him,” she said, running towards the nearest wall gem she could find.

“Oh, my gosh!” Harmony cried out, as her wings extended in shock at the revelation. “Dawson, take Dame Squall back to the dining hall. It’ll be safer there.”

Dawson nodded in agreement, as he and Dame Squall headed back to the dining hall.

“Oh dear, oh dear. What should I do?” she said, nervously pacing back and forth. “Aha, I got it! Harmony, she’ll know what do.”

Rushing to find her sister, she didn’t notice a large doomhound and his mirror opposite, minus his left eye, watching from the shadows as she ran past. The doomhound, nodded once to his companion, before fading into the shadows. His doppelganger, narrowed his eyes in anger before following suit.


Sliding across the vast piles of treasure, he moved like freshly fallen snow blowing across a frozen lake. Try as they might, his pursuers couldn’t quite catch him. He’d always slow down enough, to make them think he was within reach before diving back into the mountains of gold, only to pop out elsewhere moments later. Leading them on a merry little chase, his laughter echoed throughout the vault.

“Come now!” the Slave King called out, leaping from one great pile to the next. “How do any of you expect to drag me to the altar, if you can’t even keep up with me?”

Snorting in annoyance at his antics, Lady Minoa picked up a heavy treasure laden chest and flung it at him with all her might, hoping to stun him. Seeing the metal chest rushing to meet him, he dug deep into the Earth with his feet, made a fist with his metal hand, and punched it as hard as he could. The resulting explosion, sent gold and gems flying like shrapnel everywhere. In a panic, most of the goddess pursuing him scattered as they tried avoiding being hit.

Feeling victorious, he pointed at Lady Minoa and smirked. “Is that the best you’ve got, I’ve… ack!” he cried out, as Lady Zephyr nearly snagged him with her claws.

Fortunately for him, he saw her shadow at the last minute and slipped inside the treasure pile he was standing on. Unhappy at being denied her prey, Lady Zephyr screeched her disappointment and circled above, looking for another chance to nab him unawares.

Seeing her friend narrowly miss capturing him, Lady Suzaku knew exactly what needed to be done. “Zephy love,” she said, gliding next to her. “Allow me to flush him out!”

“Alright, Zuzu,” she replied, having a good idea what she was planning on doing. “But don’t expect me to let up, I’m planning on catching him for myself!”

Lady Suzaku gave her friend a playful wink. “Zephy love, I know you are, but so am I!” she cried out, as flames overtook her. Dive bombing into the great pile of gold, flames erupted from the golden treasure, as the shadows the Slave King had been using evaporated under their brilliant light.

Moments later, the Slave King reappeared outside of the flame’s reach. Though they burned brightly, the flames were magical and cast no heat. He saw Lady Suzaku giving him a come hither look she’d always given him back when they were lovers, making him smile at the fond memory. He motioned to her with his hand for her to continue the chase, as he ran away from her approaching flames.

Rejoining her magical fire, she reached out for him as her flames relentlessly pursued him, no matter where he went. She smiled, when she saw that he’d have nowhere else to go soon.

Enjoying their chase, and impressed with her great cleverness, the Slave King released a joyous laugh. Slamming his fist into the treasure at his feet, he rocketed into the air, and away from Lady Suzaku’s gentle outstretched wings. Landing against the ceiling, she saw to her disappointment, he was standing on the ceiling above her, out of the reach of her flames entirely.

“A clever trick, my lady,” he said with a bow, before running away from her. “But you’ll have to do better than that, if you wish to claim my hand in marriage!”

Having seen his playful side once again, after it’d been absent for so many years, sent her heart all a flutter. Yearning to hold him once more, she vowed to capture his heart no matter what. “You’ll be mine once again, my love!” she shouted, launching herself into the air to resume her pursuit.

Though he was safely out of range from many of the goddesses still pursuing him, both Princess Luna and Lady Zephyr, were chasing after him from below, as he ran along the vault’s ceiling. Here, he was at a serious disadvantage. No longer able to jump like he could along the ground, he was forced to use the ceiling to create obstacles to hinder his pursuers. Dashing back and forth, he reached out with his magic, creating columns and walls to block them as they attempted grabbing him from either side.

Princess Luna saw that he was trying to prevent any flanking maneuvers against him, but had seemingly left himself exposed from an approach from below. She assumed, that since he was unaccustomed to fighting winged opponents from this angle, his vulnerability was an oversight. Looking at Lady Zephyr who was valiantly trying her best to reach him laterally, made her smile, when she realized that had advantage was hers now.

Tucking in her wings, she made a steep dive in order to gain the momentum needed to nab the Slave King on her return climb. Though she was much larger than her pegasi subjects, she was none the less agile. At the last moment she flared her wings and beat them frantically. Instantly, she shot up towards him at incredible speed. As she approached him, she began charging her horn to release a spell to capture him with her magic.

With a musical laugh, at the triumph of her impending victory, she released all her magic at her husband to be. “Huzzah, my betrothed,” she shouted with glee, her eyes wide with excitement, as she exalted in the thrill of the hunt. “We hath come to collect thee, as our promised prize!”

The Slave King looked down as her focused magic impacted against him. Raising his metal arm to meet the magical energies, they swirled and fluxed around their intended target, until they finally dissipated. Seeing the look of shock and disappointment on her face, he offered her a sympathetic shrug of his shoulders, as he cover himself with the Earth.

Moments later, he punched through one of the makeshift walls he’d made, and continued running, as he dodged past Lady Zephyr’s talons. “An excellent stratagem, Luna, the Beautiful,” he called out, as he ducked and dodged Lady Suzaku and Lady Zephyr’s attempts at snagging him. “Unfortunately, arcanum steel is highly resistant to all but the strongest magical energies.”

Seeing Lady Zephyr’s smug smile at her failure when she rocketed past, sent her into a furious rage. Releasing a bolt of shadow magic at the ceiling, she released a small chuckle when she saw bits of the ceiling showering down onto Lady Minoa’s head.

Lady Minoa, who already felt extremely vexed by how things had turned out, snorted at the Lady of Night in fury. Picking up a large gem, she hurled it at the alicorn. Luna shrieked in pain, as she felt as if somepony had struck a hammer blow against her wing. The minotauress, gave her a dirty look, as she resumed chasing after her quarry.

“Don’t pick fights you can’t win, Luna,” she called out, knocking aside a few goddesses who’d gotten in her way as she began climbing the vault’s walls.

The Lady of Spring, didn’t have the same power over the Earth as the Slave King. While she couldn’t hope to perform some of the feats he was performing with ease, she possessed abilities of her own. Though she lacked the magical finesse of sometaurus like Luna, she made up for it with brute force and raw power. Seeing how he was running back and forth like a mad bull, she simply needed to time things correctly, and her prize would be ripe for the plucking.

Once he was close enough, she bellowed, and released her fertile power into the vault’s ceiling. Instantly, leafy plants, thick vines, and choking kudzu, snaked their way across the ceiling towards the Slave King’s path. Before he could alter his path, he found himself entangled in her greenery. Try as he might, he found himself unable to move.

Seeing he was immobilized, and powerless to resist her. She leapt towards him, with her hands outstretched, ready to lay claim to him. She licked her lips in anticipation, of crowing her sweet victory over the others. She thought about how much she would enjoy breaking him in, during the blissful lust of their wedding night. She was sure, sometaurus as virile and tenacious as he, would even put Lord Triton’s impressive endurance to shame. While fantasizing over the pleasure they’d share together, she failed to see his eye’s flaring with power. Before she could grab hold and clutch him tightly to her waiting breasts, the vines holding the Slave King broke free from the ceiling, sending him plummeting to the ground below.

“No!” she cried out, angry she’d been denied her trophy. Landing with a hard thud, she looked up at the ceiling above her, and saw sand trickling onto the golden bits beneath her hooves. Seeing that the Slave King was ripping the tangling vegetation away from him, she stomped her hooves and charged forward.

Feeling the ground rumbling beneath his feet, he saw Lady Minoa rushing towards him, horns first. Spying a golden chain near his feet, he grabbed it, swung it around his head twice, and released it at her hooves. Immediately, she tripped, landing muzzle first, sliding towards him, and knocking treasure aside as she came to a stop near his feet.

Looking down at her, he chuckled at her predicament. “The foundations of a strong marriage, can’t be built on sand,” he remarked, pointing towards her failed trap. “If you wish to lay with me, I’d suggest watching your hooves.”

Hearing his taunts, made her tail quiver with delight. She could still taste his blood and essence on her tongue, and desired to taste him once more. Pounding her fist in frustration, she struggled as she tried freeing herself from the chain binding her hooves together. She wondered if he would be as boastful, when she turned the tables on him in their marital bed.

Dodging to escape Lady Zephyr’s grasping talons, he headed towards the manufactorium. Looking behind him, he knew there were few tricks left to him here in the treasury, and if he wanted to remain a free man, he’d best lead his eager brides to be, elsewhere. Knowing how dangerous a place it could be, he felt slightly guilty about making things so difficult for them. But when he saw them pushing each other as they rushed after him, he hardened his heart. Because if he was going to be forced to marry someone, he’d make them work for the privilege.


Princess Celestia looked on in disappointment, while watching the others fighting tooth and nail, as they chased after the Slave King. Lying on his golden hoard, she wondered where she’d gone wrong. In her mind, she’d envisioned him making the sensible choice of choosing her sister over the others. After all, it made the greatest sense, Luna was beautiful and wise, and held considerable clout on the pantheon. Additionally, as his in-law, she would’ve been able to politically assist him greatly behind the scenes.

But beyond the obvious political advantages their union offered, she felt Luna was a favorable match for him. With no offense to Lady Suzaku and Lady Zephyr, they were both ill-suited for his temperament. What Lady Zephyr truly wanted was Lord Darkpaw, not his replacement. While Lady Suzaku’s hunger for anypony to love her, would make her a loving mate, it also made her prone to obsessive behavior. And as for Lady Minoa, she only wanted someone to rut her silly. Once she’d had her fill of the Slave King, she’d discard him for somepony else. And though she didn’t know why many of her minor sisters desired of him, she could tell by their greedy eyes while he guided them through his vast holdings, they cared more for the wealth rather than the stallion that owned it.

What the Slave King needed was somepony who was gentle and kindhearted. Somepony that could show him all the joys life could offer him, before the same shadow that plagued Lord Cerynitis, claimed his heart as well. She still remembered the weeping child she held all those years ago. Seeing him suffer through such great despair, had nearly broken her heart. Though she didn’t know its source, she thought her sister might be the balm that could finally make him whole.

While she loved her sister greatly, she could be somewhat prone to theatrics and moodiness. Of late, due to her cloistered living, she’d been getting worse. The poor way she’d reacted over the Slave King and Lord Cerynitis, had only been the latest examples of her tantrums. She was seriously worried Luna might crack, if things continued like this.

She thought the stabilizing influence of a stallion might help even her out. Though she’d been disappointed by her adamant refusal when she’d broached the idea of a possible coupling with Lord Triton; she was surprised and overjoyed when she took to the idea of a union with the Slave King all on her own. She was positive, that she would’ve been forced to cajole and pressure her into accepting the idea, due to their previously rocky history together.

Now, she had to deal with the possible fallout from Luna, distraught over the loss of the Slave King, should the others manage to capture him first. She could already tell it was going to be one of these decades, especially if Lady Minoa ended up marrying him. Instead of the south strengthening its ties with the rest of Equestria, the Domain of Earth would become insular, as his new wife would invariably steer his attentions inward.

If only she hadn’t been so confident in her plan succeeding! She might’ve arranged for this possibility. But it was too late now, and there was nothing she could do about it, beyond claiming his little contest as invalid, requiring him to marry her instead. But such an action would cause all sorts of problems for her on the pantheon. Not to mention how Luna would react! No, her only chance in salvaging the situation, lay in the hope that her sister truly loved the Slave King enough to win.

“Hello Celestia,” Discord said, holding a large glass of chocolate milk and sipping it through a curly straw. “I love the chaos you managed creating, it really helps the feng shui flow in here.”

“Am I going to have to send you back to your statue?” she irritably asked, unhappy at having to deal with the trickster’s blasé attitude.

“Whoa there, Celestia,” he said, offering her a toothy grin. “I’m only here to watch the fun, not participate.”

“This is a private function of the Lunar Council, Discord,” she firmly said, displaying her displeasure at his intrusion. “Members of the Solar Council, are not welcome here unless invited.”

“So if I were a member of the council, I’d be welcome with open hooves?” he asked, as he shifted into the feminine aspect of chaos, Eris. Batting her lids at Celestia, she looked thoughtfully at the Slave King. “Well now that I’m all gussied up, perhaps I should try my luck. What do you think, Celestia?”

Realizing Eris had her beat, Celestia sighed. The last thing she needed was the draconequus, in the form of Eris, free and causing chaos if she managed to win against the others. “Alright, Discord,” she said, making reference to her masculine aspect. “You can stay and watch, but only if you behave yourself.”

“Oh, how lovely,” she said, clapping her paws together. Snapping once, she shifted back into Discord. “I’m so glad we could come to an accord, Celestia.”

Unhappy at having been beat, she glowered at him unhappily, as she silently rooted for her sister to win. Watching events unfold, she was impressed by the Slave King’s inventiveness as he evaded each goddess in turn.

Watching her paying rapt attention to the pandemonium in the treasury, he smiled as he scooted next to her. “Hey, Celestia,” he said, playfully removing the crown from her head. “The chaos you’ve made here today, it warms my heart.”

“Discord, return my crown this instant,” she commanded, indignant at being treated so disrespectfully. “I had nothing to do with it.”

“Fine, Celestia, if you’re going to be a wet blanket about it,” he said, reluctantly returning her crown to its rightful place. “So, still feeling miffed that things didn't work out with the Slave King?”

“What did you do?” she said, demanding an explanation as she leveled her horn at him. “If I find out you had your hoof in any of this…”

“And why would I bother, when you’ve managed to botch things up so spectacularly on your own?” he asked with a chuckle, while watching the Slave King fight Princess Luna for his bachelorhood. “It’s such a shame about Luna too…”

“What are you talking about, Discord?” Celestia asked, worried he knew something she didn’t. “If you know something, tell me.”

“I don’t know, if I should say anything…” he mused, stroking his crooked beard playfully.

“Please tell me, Discord,” she nearly begged.

“Alright, Celestia, I’ll tell you, but only because you asked so nicely,” he said, appearing behind her. “Your sweet little sister, will be so crushed when she loses to Lady Suzaku.”

“Lady Suzaku? Why do you think she’ll win?” she asked, curious to hear his reasoning.

“The Slave King will soon tire of this little game, and will eventually let somepony catch him,” he said, making a little stuffed plushie of the Slave King frowning appear in his paw. “And as a creature of habit, he prefers the comfort of the known and familiar. When that happens, who do you’ll think he’ll choose?”

“Why not Lady Zephyr then? They have a history as well,” Celestia pointed out.

“True, but why have one, when you could have two?” he replied, making smiling plushies of Suzaku and Zephyr with heart shaped eyes appear beside the Slave King. Then showing her a plushie of Luna crying, he placed it between Celestia’s hooves. “And what do you think poor distraught Luna will do when she can’t have what she desires?”

“I’m not sure,” Celestia said, looking worriedly at the Luna plushie.

“Perhaps, Lord Cerynitis, might know,” he said, placing the red eyed reindeer plushie beside plushie Luna, whose eyes also started to glow. “Too bad, a certain god of chaos isn’t there to even the playing field in her favor.”

“In exchange for what?” she asked, not knowing what he’d demand in exchange for his services.

“Weddings are such dull affairs alone, I need somepony to accompany me. And a little sugar on the side, to sweeten the deal wouldn’t hurt either,” he said, sticking out his tongue at her, as it moved suggestively.

“I’ll agree to attend the wedding with you, but I’m not doing, That, with you!” she said, adamantly putting her hoof down.

“Who said anything about you?” he replied with a chuckle. “I’m talking about Lady Minoa. Once she loses the Slave King, she’ll need somepony to rebound with.”

She gave him a annoyed look, half insulted that he’d rather go with somepony else, but relieved all the same, that she’d be spared the expectation of giving him any sugar. “Alright, Discord, I’ll agree to your terms,” she said, looking on, as the Slave King was leading the chase into his manufactorium. “Ensure my sister wins, and I’ll see to it that Lady Minoa spends some time with you during the wedding.”

“What about my sugar?” he asked, afraid he’d have to go high and dry for another couple of centuries.

“Any sugar she chooses to give you, is strictly between you and her,” she admonished him. “But if I hear from her later, that you put your claw into the sugar bowl without asking. There will be Hades to pay.”

“Celestia, please,” he scoffed, offended that she’d think he’d try doing that. “I’m not a horn dog like Lord Triton you know. I assure you any sugar I receive from her rather generous sugar bowl, will be consensually given.”

“Just make sure nopony sees you interfering,” she said, worried that somepony might link his actions back to her.

“Pshaw, Celestia, I’m a professional cheat,” he said, before disappearing in a cloud of pink smoke. “Nopony will even suspect that I’m there.”

“I hope so, Discord,” she said, looking at her sister with concern as she trailed after the others, each of whom were hot on the Slave King’s trail. “I certainly hope so.”


The Slave King was running through the foundry, trying his best to avoid a rather determined Lady Suzaku. Unlike the others, she had nothing to fear from the flames and molten metals being processed here. Though he didn’t want to hurt her, he was still unwilling to let anyone catch him yet, and had been throwing up all sorts of obstacles at her.

Spinning past the fiery sparks flying from the molten metal being poured from one of the furnaces, Lady Suzaku flapped her wings in excitement, determined that the slave King would finally be hers. “Oh love, stop running, you’ll only tire yourself out,” she called out, as he ran barely out of her reach. In response, he slid beneath a conveyor belt, in order to escape her. “Clever, my love, but even dirt and grime won’t keep me from catching you!”

When he heard the determination in her voice, the Slave King groaned. It looked like he’d need to find some other way of dissuading her. Looking at him as he laid beneath the conveyor, she smiled as she reached out to grab him with her wing. With no other avenues of escape available to him, he grabbed hold of the conveyor belt moving above him, and was swiftly carried away from her outstretched wing.

“You were so close that time, Lady Suzaku,” he said, as she looked on in disappointment. “Keep at it, my dear, maybe you’ll be the one that finally catches me.”

She imagined him, once again holding her in his arms and smiled. It had been so long since he’d offered her any terms of endearment, and she found her heart leaping for joy he’d offered them to her once more. Releasing an exultation of joy, she burst into flames, and flew after her beloved.

Letting go of the conveyer, the Slave King dropped to the ground, and found himself above the nearly completed, Devastation. The great machine stood lifeless, only waiting for its master to call it into service. Walking as stealthily as possible, he scanned his surroundings before passing between its exposed girders, and into its innards. Not a moment later, Lady Zephyr swooped past, trying her best to discover him.

“Slave King, please. Allow me to catch you, my love,” she pleaded, not wanting to lose him to another. “I’m sorry for deceiving you, darling. Just give me another chance.”

When he heard her heartfelt plea, he forgot himself, and called out to her, “I’m sorry, Lady Zephyr, I can’t give you what you want.”

Hearing him speak, she circled overhead. “But you could give it to another?” she angrily accused, remembering how he’d spent the night with Luna.

“Woman, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he shouted at her, wishing things were somehow different between them.

She landed in front of him, as her eyes threatened to tear up. “Why won’t you love me?” she cried out, despairing that even if she did win his hand in marriage, she’d never truly win his heart.

“I… I just can’t,” he replied to her, mere inches from her grasp. Part of him wished she’d just grab hold of him, and end their never ending chase. He looked into her storm blue eyes, and reluctantly held out his hand. “I wish I could.”

She returned his gaze, and stared into those burning green eyes that had first entranced her with their power. He could easily be hers, all she had to do was reach out and claim him. She envisioned the life they’d share, and smiled. He’d become the proud father that their son needed, and to their many other children as well. But then she remembered the night they’d shared together, and the sorrow she’d seen. She recalled the understanding they’d shared together, and knew she couldn’t do it. She’d never truly earn his love like this.

Seeing her hesitation and longing, he reached out and kissed her beak. “I’m sorry, I’m not Darkpaw,” he said, looking out for the others.

Looking up, she saw Lady Minoa creeping up on them. Reaching out, she grabbed the Slave King’s arm and pulled him out of the way. “Run, my love!” she shouted, as she grappled with the Lady of Spring.

Not needing to be told twice, the Slave King ran deeper into the innards of the Devastation, leaving the two goddesses behind.

"Why did you let him get away?” Lady Minoa asked, as she fought against Lady Zephyr’s talons. “He could’ve been yours.”

Truthfully, she had no idea why she’d let him go. Her heart still burned for him, and her body longed for his touch. “You’d never understand,” she replied, struggling against her opponent’s greater strength.

Lady Minoa gave her a pitying look. “You know what, Lady Zephyr, you’re a fool,” she taunted, trying to provoke a response. “You claim to love him, yet you let him become sometaurus elses mate.”

She could feel her knees buckling, and her talons growing weak from the struggle. “What do you know anyway!” she angrily shouted at her.

Seeing her chance to overpower her, Lady Minoa, kicked out her paw knocking her to the ground. Standing victoriously over the Lady of Air, she sneered. “What I know is this, I’m going to enjoy bedding him repeatedly,” she boasted, leaving Lady Zephyr behind, dazed and sprawled out on the ground.

Lady Minoa inhaled deeply, catching her quarry’s scent. She couldn’t believe that fool. Had she had the Slave King within her reach, she’d have hit him real good to stun him, and carried him triumphantly back to Celestia, slung across her shoulder like a trophy. As she walked deeper inside the Slave King’s infernal contraption, the passageway became much darker and claustrophobic. Though she found the passageway was a little too short for her frame, the darkness and twisting corridors reminded her of her home, the Twisting Path Labyrinth.

“I’m going to get you, Slave King!” she called out, letting her voice echo inside the darkness.

In response, she saw his burning eyes appear in the darkness. “Then why don’t you?” he derisively scoffed. “You keep boasting like a drunkard. But I’ve yet to be impressed, my lady.”

Angrily tightening her large fists, she snorted and stomped once. She’d show him her strength, she decided. He’d regret mocking her! She’d knock him down with one punch, and bring him back immobilized, stretched out on a rack. In her fury, she charged towards him down the dark passageway.

The Slave King did nothing, he just stood there patiently as she came ever closer. Then, right before he was within arm’s reach, he activated a mechanism that sent her hurtling deep into the bowels of the machine. She fell into a deep pit, and looked up into his burning eyes.

The Slave King peered down into the darkness, and saw Lady Minoa looking back at him, dazed and confused. “My apologies, Lady Minoa, the machinery here, can be a bit temperamental at times,” he called out, as his laughter echoed from above. “But you’re still not watching your hooves. I fear at this rate, your bed will remain rather lonely and cold.”

Standing up, she narrowed her eyes in anger. The Slave King was starting to seriously vex her. Grasping the wall, she began fantasizing as she climbed, what she’d do to him once she finally gotten her hands on him. Fortunately for her, her future husband was a god, and not as prone to breaking as a mortal. She’d thoroughly enjoy dominating him, though she was sure he’d find the experience less then pleasant.

Muttering a few curses, she promised herself, her pride would be avenged.


Lady Suzaku, flew high above the manufactorium floor searching for her beloved. Though her beautiful plumage and complexion was absolutely filthy now, she felt the prize was worth the sacrifice.

“Hello beautiful,” she heard somefeather say. “Having fun chasing after the Slave King?”

Confused by who was speaking with her, she looked around and saw to her surprise, Discord of all feathers, flying beside her. “Discord,” she suspiciously said, expecting him to be up to his old tricks once more. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I was totally bored waiting with the others, so I decided to see how things are progressing here,” he said, offering her a toothy grin. “You’ve done quite well for yourself, though I wonder why you chase after him when he’s been so reluctant to be anypony’s spouse.”

“Somefeather has to marry him, you know,” she replied, determined that it would be her and nofeather else.

“Ah, have you forgotten about your business with Lord Ananse?” he asked, there’s no better time than now, to retrieve it from the Well of Eternity.

“How… how do you know about that?” she hissed, fearful somefeather had discovered her original plan for the Slave King.

“I have my ways, Lady Suzaku,” he replied, wearing a sly grin and offering her a silk lined iron box.

“What’s that?” she asked, curious why he was offering it to her.

“You’ll never get away with your theft, unless you have something to hide it inside,” Discord said, gesturing towards the path that lead towards the Well of Eternity.

“I don’t know…” she hesitantly said, worried for the Slave King’s safety.

Seeing her reluctance, he placed his talon across his heart. “I swear, that no harm will come to him because of this,” he promised, flying towards the Well of Eternity. “But if you plan to do it, you must do it now, while everypony else is otherwise occupied.”

She thought over his offer. Lord Ananse had promised her, her heart’s desire after all. But here, she had the chance to make him hers honestly. She felt, she could easily win him over later, during the ensuing centuries of their marriage. But to have him love her now, of his own free will, would be her dream come true. And there was no guarantee she’d even win the contest, so having a backup plan would be a good idea. If she won, she could always excuse her theft, and tell him it was her wedding gift to him. The more she thought it over, the more she was convinced it was the prudent choice. Wheeling towards, the Well of Eternity, she temporarily abandoned her pursuit of the Slave King.

Seeing that Lady Suzaku was safely out of the picture, he set out to ensure Princess Luna bagged her man.


Luna felt downcast and despondent. Everypony else, seemed to be doing much better than she. So far, she’d only managed to nearly capture him once. She lacked the speed of Lady Zephyr, agility of Lady Suzaku, and the raw strength of Lady Minoa. Looking around at all these machines, she knew exactly why he’d brought the chase in here. There were many places he could hide, in order to escape the majority of his pursuers. All but the most powerful of them, had abilities that would aid them in their hunt.

Lady Suzaku’s immunity to fire served her well, while Lady Zephyr’s great speed allowed her to easily avoid the machines as they went about their business. And judging by the wreckage she’d seen on her way here, the metal machines was no match for Lady Minoa’s strength. Though her magic was powerful, for some odd reason she found its potency greatly reduced here.

Flying high above the machines, she saw Lady Minoa and Lady Zephyr fighting each other, as the Slave King ran inside one of the massive machines below.

“Huzzah! We still have the chance over the others!” she whooped, trying to devise the best strategy to reach him before the others managed to.

Looking for any alternate access points into the machine, she tried using her magic to scry a path. To her disappointment, she found it was unresponsive. Flying down to where she’d seen them fighting, she saw a fine powder covering the ground. Curious as to what it was, she attempted levitating a sample with her magic, and found it was highly thaumatically reactive. Casting a spell on her vision, she found she could now easily see the Slave King, Lady Minoa, and Lady Zephyr without issue. Thankful to her great luck, she took flight, looking for the best opening to finally capture the Slave King.

Unbeknownst to her, Discord watched from the shadows, pleased that she’d taken the bait. Now all he needed to do was convince the Slave King to take the chase somewhere more convenient. Taking the form of Ignatius, he casually walked towards one of the communication gems placed intermittently through the manufactorium.

Placing his claw on the gem, he spoke to the Slave King. I’m sorry to bother you while you’re entertaining guests, Slave King, he said, mimicking the dragon-half perfectly.

Ignatius, I’m a bit busy here, can’t this wait until later? he asked.

Lady Minoa’s been rough housing with the Devastation. If it takes anymore damage, it might be fatally compromised, he said.

I’m sorry for all the trouble, Ignatius, the Slave King replied. I’ll lead them elsewhere.

Might I suggest the mines in the old city? Discord turned Ignatius suggested. A little destruction there won’t matter, and it might just liven things up.

Good idea, Ignatius, the Slave King said.

No, good luck to you, my king, he replied before breaking the transmission.

“Excellent!” Discord cheered. Holding up the Slave King plushie, he turned to it and smiled. “Don’t you just love it, when a plan comes together?”

“…” the plushie responded, frowning at him.

“What are you talking about? Discord replied, slightly offended that the plushie would suggest such a thing. “I’m totally about men before mares.”

“…” the plushie said, giving him a hard look.

“That’s totally ridiculous, and you know it!” Discord shouted, incensed that it could accuse him of something like that. In anger, he threw the plushie over his shoulder, where it landed on a nearby conveyor belt.

“…” the plushie said, giving him its last stoic goodbye, as the conveyor carried it to meet its fate inside a nearby furnace.

Discord folded his arms and sulked, as the conveyor carried the plushie ever closer to its fiery doom. Looking at it with a single eye, his lip quivered, as the plushie looked back at him, fully prepared to meet its death with dignity.

As the conveyor dropped the plushie into the fiery furnace, Discord looked on in horror, when he realized what he’d done. Teleporting to the furnace, he reached out to save the plushie from its fiery fate. Barely holding on to it with his claw, he struggled to pull it back up to safety.

“…” the plushie said, offering him a sad smile.

“Forgive me, my friend,” Discord said, as he noticed to his horror, the plushie’s stitching along the arm’s seam he was grabbing was starting to come lose.

“…” the plushie replied, reminiscing about all the good times they’d shared together.

“No, don’t say that!” Discord shouted, trying his hardest to save the plushie before it was too late.

The last few threads holding the plushie’s arm to its body broke, sending it falling, to its doom.

“…” the plushie said, right before the flames claimed it.

“Nooo!” Discord howled. “Damn you, shoddy Chineigh manufacturing!”

Wiping away a single tear for his fallen friend, he placed its severed threadbare arm next to the rest of his plushie collection, vowing that his friend’s loss wouldn’t be in vain.

“You will be avenged!” he cried out, as flames from the furnace exploded behind him.


Lady Suzaku, flew as fast as her wings would allow. She knew time was of the essence, if she wanted to retrieve the final ingredient called for in Lord Ananse’s potion, and resume the chase in time. Locating the ley line that led to the Well of Eternity, she entered, and followed it into the hallowed meeting place of the gods.

As she traveled through the ley line, she only hoped that all of this would be unnecessary. It broke her heart, to bring him any pain, and from what she’d read, this would be most painful for him. If only he’d been willing to love her, none of this would be necessary. Hadn’t she done everything he’d ever asked of her? She’d even willingly shared him with her friend Lady Zephyr, for Celestia’s sake!

“He’s brought this on himself,” she said, trying to assuage her guilt in this matter.

Exiting the ley line, she found herself inside the Well of Eternity. Normally, anytime anyfeather entered this place, a moot would be called. However, everyfeather was busy with the Slave King, and so she could enter it without being detected. Approaching the well, she could hear the steady beat of his heart, echoing through the chamber. She thought back to what had happened all those centuries ago, and angrily narrowed her eyes.

It was all Celestia’s fault she was being forced to slip inside the Well of Eternity, like a thief at night. Had he still possessed his heart, he would have willingly chosen her of his own free will, she just knew he would have. But now, she was at risk at losing him to somefeather else who didn’t love him like she did, nofeather possibly could. For the past five centuries, she’d dedicated herself entirely to his happiness. She’d given him the feathered folk tribe, and allowed them to live in his domain, though it nearly broke her heart to be away from them, especially her daughters. She’d even extracted half of her own heart to replace his, in hopes of gaining his affection.

And it was all for naught, nothing she could do would make him love her, she knew that now. Now with no other choice before her, she approached the fountain, and looked at the heart steadily beating inside.

She remembered how gory a scene it was. The Slave King had impaled himself with one of Darkpaw’s fangs, and ripped out his own heart in order to escape being turned into a statue, like Discord had. Opening the steel box that the trickster had given her, she entered the waters, reached down, and gingerly picked up her beloved’s beating heart. Looking at it, she began weeping, as she thought about how much pain he would suffer because of her.

“I’m so sorry, love,” she whispered, placing the heart into the box and closing it. “Please forgive me.”

Lowering her head, she exited the fountain, and reentered the ley line, hoping she could capture her lover, before it was too late.


Though he needed to make a makeshift entrance that led to the ruins of the Diamond Vale, he placed wards as he went to prevent any of the undead from infesting the rest of his palace.

Satisfied it was ready, he called out for everyone to hear. “Time to move along!” he shouted, running up the tunnel towards his ruined city.

Both Luna and Minoa saw him trying to escape, and they rushed after him. The power of the Shadow Domain was strong here, and Lady Minoa took advantage of that, as she entered the shadows to chase after him. Not to be outdone by her competition, Princess Luna followed after her, as they raced after the object of their desires.

As the two goddesses jockeyed each other for position, the Slave King looked behind him. Disappointed that only two of the goddesses had the endurance to have kept up with him. Though he knew Lady Zephyr had dropped out, he was somewhat disappointed Lady Suzaku hadn’t managed to keep up.

Waiting patiently for them to pop out of the tunnel, he chuckled when he saw Luna had beaten Lady Minoa to the surface. Once both of them had exited the tunnel, he whistled loudly to catch their attention. Entering a nearby mine, he ran inside hoping to lose them in its depths.

“Get out of my way, Luna!” Lady Minoa demanded, throwing a punch at her as they raced towards the mine’s entrance.

“Nay, thou brutish oaf, the Slave King shall never be yours,” she replied, shoving her aside.

Lady Minoa, gave her an evil look, as she called upon her power. Moments later, hundreds of thorny vines broke through the cracked stone street beneath their hooves, entangling Princess Luna in their grasp.

“Thou cheat!” Luna shouted, incensed that she’d been trapped by her snaring plants.

“All’s fair in love and war, Luna,” Lady Minoa laughed, as she left her behind.

“Yes, thou art correct, thou dried up milker!” she replied, as she charged up her horn. Releasing a wave of shadow magic, she made the plants wither and wilt before her. “We shall do similar to thee, Lady Minoa!”

Aw, is poor little Luna having difficulties? The voice taunted her, as she charged into the dark depths of the mine.

Silence, thou wretch! she hissed, as she search for the best path to cut off her rival from reaching the Slave King first. We shan’t allow thy tomfoolery, prevent us from claiming our prize.

Her hoofbeats reverberated through the mine, as its oppressive darkness closed in all around her. However, thanks to her magically fueled vision she could clearly see Lady Minoa and the Slave King deeper inside the mine. Though she couldn’t see Lady Zephyr nearby, she was certain, that the Lady of Air would make her appearance sooner or later.

Though she could clearly see where the Slave King was, the winding tunnels and passageways made navigating her way through the mine difficult. Taking a wrong path, and finding herself in another dead end once more, nearly sent her into a dark depression. Pounding her hooves, against the tunnel wall, she lowered her head, and wailed. “Tis not fair!” she cried, annoyed by the maze like mine, and vexed that she could so clearly see where the Slave King stood, and yet he remained so far out of her reach.

Giving up so easily, Luna? the voice asked, its voice dripping with condescension. Is the little princess going to sit on her haunches, and cry like a foal who’s lost its mommy?

Shut up! she shouted, drawing heavily on her connection to the Shadow Domain.

Normally she only used shadow magic in moderate amounts, due to its somewhat caustic influence upon the soul. But as her hatred for the voice grew as it mocked her, and her self-loathing grew for her being so powerless in her failure to get what she wanted, she allowed the shadows to wash over her completely. As her connection to the Shadow Domain deepened, the links she held with the Lunar Domain waned.

She felt so powerful now! She could scarcely believe it. Normally, she’d preferred basking in the gentle power of her Lunar Domain, though weaker than most of the other great domains, its influence could be felt everywhere. She realized with such power at her call, she could do whatever she desired, perhaps even overthrowing her sister if she wished.

Nay, we coulds’t never do such a brutish thing to our dear sister, she remorsefully thought, excising the power of the shadows from herself, as she held her head down in shame for even thinking such a thought.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha… came the voice’s laughter echoing through her mind.

Stop it! she pleaded, afraid in her desperation she might draw further upon the shadows.

No wonder, nopony respects you, Luna, the Weak and Helpless, the voice said, showing her how Lady Minoa would claim and use the Slave King as her personal toy. You can’t even protect the one you love, from those who seek to use him for their own selfish ends.

Nay, it shall not come to pass, she said, vowing that nopony would abuse her stallion so.

Is that so, Luna? the voice asked, showing her what Lady Minoa had planned for him.

Blushing furiously at the scene, she narrowed her eyes in determination. We shall catch him, keep him, and cherish him, she said, turning back the way she came.

Lighting her path with her horn, she tried finding the quickest way to the Slave King, but kept getting lost in the mine’s winding paths. He’ll never be yours, the others will find him first, the voice continued, showing her, his fate amongst her rivals.

We care not for thy lies, deceiver, she replied, trying her best to ignore its taunts.

Managing to go deeper into the mine, her heart was gladdened, when she heard Lady Minoa’s voice echo as she called to the Slave King, to come out and play.

Lady Minoa, will make him happy as his wife don’t you think? the voice asked, showing her their wedding night. I’m sure, he’ll awake beside her each morning, spent and exhausted from the night’s previous activities.

Tis not to be, deceiver, she replied, trying to determine which fork in the path she should take. My husband shall be well rested, under my gentle ministrations.

Lady Zephyr’s claws, will prevent you from approaching her mate unbidden, the voice countered.

Looking at her surroundings, she saw Lady Minoa chasing after the Slave King, as he rushed through a side passage. Though they were once lovers, she replied, running to catch up. He shall have eyes, only for me.

Lady Suzaku’s given him many children, how can you possibly complete with that? the voice pointed out, showing her the full numbers of the feathered folk tribe.

Our home shall have room and to spare, for each of them, and for ours, she replied, as she could see them both clearly now, with her magical sight.

Running around a corner, she could see both of them. Lady Minoa was trying to get the drop on him, while the Slave King was fighting off her advances with his Earthen magic. Knowing what she needed to do, she approached them, with her horn fully charged.

“Hold, Slave King, Lady Minoa,” she called out.

The two combatants looked towards her, and stood down, as they waited to see what she wished to say.

“Speak, or join our fight, Luna, the Beautiful,” the Slave King said, while looking at Lady Minoa warily.

“I’d prefer fighting if it’s all the same to you,” Minoa said, shaking her fist menacingly at her.

“Might there be a third path we might take?” she asked, approaching them cautiously.

“What do you mean?” the Slave King asked, prepared to unleash his magic on the unsuspecting goddesses.

“We two, appear to be all who remain of thy suitors,” Luna said, pointing out they were the only ones who’d managed to make it this far.

“Come any closer to me, Luna,” Minoa said, with a determined grin. “And there will be only one.”

“We propose, that we duel for the Slave King,” Luna said, wishing to finish this.

“So winner take all?” Minoa asked, cracking her knuckles while mulling the proposal over in her mind.

“Yea, verily, Lady Minoa,” she said, glancing over at the Slave King. “Winner takes all.”

“Interesting idea, Luna, the beautiful,” the Slave King said, as he thought that perhaps both goddesses might knock each other out during their brawl.”

“So do we have an accord, Lady Minoa?” she asked.

“That we do, Luna,” she said, offering her, her horns to seal the pact.

Luna walked forward, and touched her horn to her rival’s. The moment they touched, sparks flew as Lady Minoa decked Luna as hard as she could against her muzzle. The force of the impact, sent her flying into the nearby mine wall.

“Luna, stay down and let me claim my prize, unless you like pain,” she said, flexing her impressive muscles.

Luna looked up at her opponent groggily, the blow had knocked the wind out of her, temporarily stunning her. “Thou scound!” she angrily shouted, struggling to stand up.

“It’s not my fault, if you can’t fight worth a damn, Luna,” she menacingly replied, slowly approaching the alicorn as she pounded her fist into her palm.

Narrowing her eyes in anger, she reared up and released a beam of magical energy from her horn at the minotauress. Her magic struck Lady Minoa in the chest, knocking her off her hooves, and sending her sliding along the ground on her back. Furious at having been knocked aside by Luna’s magic, she opened her eyes, slammed her fist against the earth in a rage, and leapt to her hooves.

“Magic, what a cheap trick!” she snarled, stomping her hooves. Lowering her brass clad horns at Luna, they dully reflected the light from her lowered horn. “You won’t get a second chance to do that!”

“We needn’t one, to vanquish thee, thou strumpet!” Luna retorted, lowering her horn and charging directly at her.

Lady Minoa, snorted contemptuously, and rushed forward to meet her. The force of their hooves, shook the mine, sending debris falling everywhere. When their horns clashed together, magical sparks leapt free, showering everything with their light.

Luna’s knees threatened to buckle under the great stress they were under, Lady Minoa was slowly pushing her back, as the muscles in her thighs flexed. She tried throwing her weight forward, but all her efforts seemed to be stymied by her rival. She felt exhaustion begin overtaking her, as her opponent’s great strength refused to give her an inch.

“Are you ready to give up yet, Luna?” Lady Minoa asked, pushing her head forward. “I can keep this up all day!”

“Ne… never!” Luna shouted between breaths, struggling under the strain, and trying desperately to stay on her hooves. “Thou shalt never have him!”

Licking her lips in determination, Minoa reached deep into the Earth, and pushed forward with all her might, knocking her to the ground. Luna looked up at her, as she stood triumphantly over her, and despaired, knowing she’d just lost the Slave King to her much stronger opponent.

“See!” Minoa boasted, crowing with triumph at having defeated Luna so easily. “Notaurus is tougher than me! I’m the best.”

Looking to the Slave King, she wondered if he even cared that she’d lost. She saw him looking on, with his hands folded together. His face reflected no emotion, the only movement she could see from him, was the magical fire emanating from his eyes. Looking back to Minoa, she saw venom reflected in her eyes.

“You know,” she told Luna, balling her hands into fists. “I think getting a little payback from earlier, is in order.”

Luna felt fear clutching at her heart. Though she was in no real danger, the beating Minoa threatened to give her, was sure to hurt. Looking at the Slave King for aid, he gave her a curious look.

“Any who wish to be my wife, should know my laws,” the Slave King said.

“Yes, husband,” Lady Minoa replied. “Though I have no need of any law, I like your second one a lot. The strong rule, the weak serve.”

“True, Lady Minoa,” he said, motioning for her to come to him, and glancing briefly at Luna. “But, one should never forget the third.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” she asked, turning her back to Luna.

Luna was tired and exhausted, she had little strength left. She felt miserable, even the Slave King had abandoned her when she needed his aid the most. She began crying, she was sure she was destined to be alone for the foreseeable future. She remembered last night, and wished she’d never stolen that kiss, maybe that’s why he’d forsaken her. She felt the dripping of moisture from above, hitting her on the head. Oh great, she mourned. Now we’re miserable, and all wet!

See Luna, the voice laughed at her. This is why you’re no good. Even the Slave King knows it. That’s why he left you to your fate.

She felt inclined to agree with the voice, she was no good and worthless. Nopony wanted anything to do with her. Once again, another drop from the ceiling landed on her head. Damn it all, to Hades! she moaned, We cans’t even be miserable in peace, without the world conspiring against us!

Another drop of moisture fell again, this time landing in her mouth. When it touched her tongue, she felt her strength returning to her. Breathing in deeply, she smelt a familiar scent. The fountain from last night, she realized. He does care for us, he just can’t show it due to the contest.

Moving her head, she opened her mouth to catch as much of the restorative draught as possible. She smiled as another drop landed squarely on her tongue, and then another, and another. Slowly but surely, she was regaining her strength and resolve.

Hungry for more pain, Luna? the voice asked with a dark chuckle. I didn’t know you were a glutton for punishment.

Silence, deceiver! she replied, empowered by the restorative draught she’d been drinking. We have no need of thy lying ways.

You have no chance, Luna, the voice said. Your strength is no match for hers.

It matters not! she declared, giddy as a filly and prepared to win. He loves us, that’s all that matters.

Do you think your sister, Celestia, will let you have him all to yourself? the voice maliciously asked.

Our sister, would never… she replied, feeling doubt starting to cloud her mind.

We both know otherwise, you’ve seen how she looks at him, the voice said. She possesses the same lustful eyes as all the rest.

She’s ineligible to wed the Slave King, thou cretin! she said, standing up, and prepared to face Lady Minoa once more.

When has that ever stopped her from claiming something she desires? the voice replied. She could easily claim this contests results as invalid and marry him for herself.

Nay! she cried out, afraid the voice spoke the truth. Never, she’ll never have him! He’s ours and ours alone!

You’re much too weak to do anything about it, Luna, the voice said. You couldn’t even stand up against Minoa. What hope do you have to stand against your sister?

She remembered the power the shadows gave her, and how strong they’d made her. Narrowing her eyes in anger, at the injustice of her sister stealing away her stallion, she called upon the shadows, and bathed in their power.

Infused once more with the power of the Shadow Domain, her normally blue coat became as black as pitch. Her mane and tail, shifted into shadows, and her horn’s magic became as dark as the night itself.

Now feeling invincible, she flared out her wings, and stomped down her hoof in challenge. “Lady Minoa!” she shouted, causing the mine to quake with the power of her voice. “The third law states.”

Lady Minoa turned around, and stared in shock at Luna’s transformation. Quickly recovering from her surprise, she ran forward, with her arm pulled back to deliver another earth shattering blow. Luna grinned maliciously, and ran to meet her. Right before, she could throw her punch, Luna used her magic, to grab hold of her arm, and slammed her hard against the mine’s walls repeatedly, before tossing her down the tunnel. Groaning with pain, Lady Minoa struggled to get up, before rolling back her eyes and falling unconscious.

“The third law states, Lady Minoa,” Luna derisively said. “To the victor goes the spoils.”

“That is true, Luna, the Beautiful,” the Slave King said, clapping slowly, as he inspected her new look. “Or is that, Luna, the Black, now?”

“We care not,” she replied, banishing the shadows that had fueled her victory and resuming her normal appearance. Walking towards him, she nuzzled him affectionately. “As long as we can call thee, husband.”

“I suppose you did win my little contest,” he said, pointing towards a prone Lady Minoa, who lay unmoving on the ground. “Very well, I suppose you’ve caught me, congratulations, wife.”

When she heard him acknowledge her as the winner, and more importantly as his wife, she inwardly exalted in triumph. Looking towards the ceiling where his draught had dripped from, she noticed it was dry now. Laying her head against him, she smiled as he escorted her out of the mines, back towards his treasury and Celestia, to tell her who’d won.

Once they had left her behind, Discord removed the paint he’d been wearing, that had disguised him as part of the scenery. Holding up the bottle of draught he’d borrowed from the Slave King, he smiled, before looking down at Lady Minoa battered flesh. Gazing down at her loveliness, he chuckled. “Your loss, Slave King…” he said, poring some of the draught into her mouth. “My gain.”


Her feathers caught fire, as she flew faster then she’d ever gone before. She had to reach him before the others managed to catch him. Searching the manufactorium, she couldn’t find a single trace of him. Only the other goddesses, many of who, were bitter and despondent at having been unable to keep up, let her know he was no longer there. Spying a roughly made tunnel that wasn’t there previously, told her everything she needed to know. He’d moved things to the old city. Beating her wings with a renewed sense of hope, she entered the tunnel, and prayed she wasn’t too late.

The heart beating in the steel box seemed to resonate with its owner. She knew where he was now, the abandoned mines he had once toiled in. He often told her tales of the mine, when she asked him about his many scars. Every time, it brought her to tears, knowing that he’d suffered so. But she was bound and determined, that he’d only know happiness from this day forth.

Spying the mine’s entrance in the distance, she knew she was but minutes from holding him once more. She thought about how long it had been since they’d last been together, and smiled that she would know his gentle touch once more. However, before she was able to enter the mine, she saw something that cut her to her very core. Princess Luna and the Slave King, were exiting the mine together!

“No…” she whispered, realizing to her horror, that because she stole his heart away from the Well of Eternity, she’d lost her beloved Slave King to another. Releasing an echoing cry of despair, she flew towards the broken lava dome, hoping to escape the place that had dashed all her hopes and dreams of a future with the feather she loved above all others.


The Slave King heard a familiar voice cry out. Looking up, he saw Lady Suzaku flying away. As she left, he felt a sliver of regret that she’d not been the one who’d caught him in the end.

Luna, spying her betrothed looking skyward, looked at him questioningly. “What dost thou spy, mine husband?” she asked him.

Looking once more at the retreating Lady Suzaku, he steeled away his aching heart, and turned towards Luna. “It’s nothing, wife,” he replied, gesturing towards the tunnel that would lead them back into his manufactorium. “Let’s return to your sister.”

Pleased he’d addressed her as his wife, she smiled, as she followed him into the manufactorium.


High above on his perch, Discord looked down at the reluctant groom and his bride to be and laughed. Holding a Luna plushie in his claw and a newly purchased Slave King plushie in his paw, he held them near each other.

“Mwah,” Discord said, making kissing noises, as he pushed the two plushies together.

“I’m so excited to get married, aren’t you?” Discord said in a falsetto voice, as he moved the Luna plushie up and down excitedly.

“Not really,” Discord answered, lowering his voice to gravelly rasp as he turned the Slave King plushie away from Luna.

“But I won! You have to do what I say now, you’re my property,” the Luna plushie demanded, stomping her hoof down in annoyance.

“I’m going to kill you, Discord,” the Slave King plushie said, looking at him menacingly.

“Hey now, don’t be so hasty, pal,” Discord said, holding up his claw and paw defensively. “It’s all part of the plan.”

“The plan?” the Slave King plushie questioned, not believing Discord for a moment.

“Yeah the plan, you know, the one that Jormungandr, you, and I all agreed to,” he said.

“I don’t recall any plan,” the Slave King plushie replied, thrumming his fingers impatiently.

“Okay fine, I wasn’t supposed to say anything yet,” Discord said, as he checked to make sure nopony could overhear them. Looking at the Luna plushie, he stuffed her into a bag. “Sorry Luna, what I have to say, is for your hubby’s ears only.”

“No fair!” the Luna plushie cried out, before being silenced by the sack.

“Alright, here’s Jormungandr’s plan…” he said, as he whispered it into the plushie’s ear.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter 13 of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. My apologies for the delay, I was forced to do somewhat of a rewrite of the sections between Lady Minoa and Princess Luna in order to slightly adjust the plot. Originally I was planning on having Lady Zephyr intercede in their fight, but than you run into the issue of why would Lady Zephyr allow Princess Luna have him. So with the rewrite, I think things turned out much better.

Well it looks like Princess Luna will become the Slave King's wife, just as Princess Celestia wanted. Though I wonder if she realizes what it cost her sister to win. Lady Zephyr, decided though she loved the Slave King, she wouldn't force him to marry her. Lady Suzaku, desperate to be loved by the Slave King, decided to go through with her original plan and literally stole his heart, spiriting it away to her Summer Palace. Lady Minoa lies defeated and forgotten, I wonder if she'll pursue greener pastures? Princess Celestia got her way, the Slave King's going to marry Princess Luna, though she hired Discord to make it so. But what of Discord, what's his angle in all this, and what was the plan he spoke of?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: Marriage of the Slave King, coming soon to a computer near you!

Once again gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!

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