• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 13: For Whom the Bell Tolls: Part III: A Modest Proposal

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 13: For Whom the Bell Tolls: Part III: A Modest Proposal

He could feel the weapon’s great anger, as he stole it away into the darkness of the aqueduct. He knew once it was discovered missing, there was no place he place he could escape to, no shadow he could hide in, that would offer him any protection from the long arm of his master. He knew he should count himself lucky, had he not already been a ghost, he would’ve soon become one. Even now as he ran, he could feel the spirits dwelling inside, The Vendetta, crying for blood, eager to kill, hungry to sate their unending need for vengeance.

Running through the broken city, he knew all he could do now was buy time. He had no idea how long it would be before his theft was discovered, which left him few options. The few of the denizens he’d come across as he ran through the broken streets, had shunned him as soon as they sensed what he carried. Even though it’d been centuries since it had last seen use here. The Slave King’s attack with it had been so brutal, that the violence of that battle still echoed through the dead city. Those who’d escaped, The Vendetta’s wrath, remembered, and still feared any who carried the dread weapon.

Knowing the city offered him little protection, he decided to head to the abandoned mines his master had once been forced to labor in. Though they would offer him little protection from Slave King. The winding passages were numerous, ran for miles in all directions, and offered him the best chance to elude any pursuers. He was near the former home of Arch Duke Yipyap now, even though the city had been severely damaged when the lava dome collapsed, either by design or chance, the entire estate was still in relatively good condition. He wondered it if was due to his master’s former existence as a slave here, or something else that maintained the estate.

Trotting past the great building, he was nearing the mines now. It’d been ages since he’d last visited this part of the city, and he was trying to remember which shaft would take him into the heart of the earth. It didn’t take him long, before he found what he was looking for. The proper entrance to the mine, like the arch duke’s former home, was still in good condition. Neither time nor decay, had made its mark here, most likely due to some unseen influence from the Slave King. Looking into the darkness, he stepped forward, before stopping. He wasn’t alone.

Was it possibly the Slave King? Had he already been discovered? If so, he’d failed in his mission, and his friend would soon perish. Preparing to make a break for it, he lowered his head, and glowered at his unknown stalker.

“Show yourself,” he said, hoping beyond hope that it wasn’t the Slave King.

Moments later a pair of blood red eyes, peered back at him from the darkness of the mine shaft. As their owner slowly approached him, they moved as silently as the night stalking the dusk. Scourge, there were no bogledeboos in the old market, the eyes accused.

“My apologies, Lady Nightmare,” he said, not letting down his guard for a moment. “I’ll have to discipline the scout who filed the false report.”

I find it curious, she said, stepping out of the shadows and slowly circling him. That you’ve abandoned your post to come here.

She had her suspicions, but Scourge knew she’d not attack unless she knew for certain of his betrayal. “You’re not the only one who’s annoyed our king of late,” he said, offering her a sympathetic look. “Second has finally managed to turn the Slave King against me.”

When she heard him, Nightmare’s eyes reflected shock at the revelation. If their master had turned against his oldest and greatest friend, what hope was there for her to redeem herself? I share in your sorrow, Scourge, she said, looking into his blue spectral eyes.

“Lady Nightmare,” he said, offering her his sympathies. “Soon your exile will end, and you’ll be at his side once more.”

Lowering her head, she whined in despair. What good is returning to his side, if he always chooses another? she asked, despondent that her master would never know the depths of her feelings for him.

“I’m afraid I don’t have that answer,” he said, trying his best to end their conversation.

Standing so close to Scourge for the first time, she’d never noticed before how much he smelled exactly like the Slave King. And just how much of the Slave King’s power flowed through him. If she closed her eyes, she could almost imagine her lord was standing beside her. Drawing close to him, she tried nuzzling him affectionately, but found to her disappointment, beyond his armor, he was incorporeal.

Shocked by her forward behavior, Scourge backed away from her nervously. “Nightmare, what are you trying to do?” he asked, puzzled by her out of character behavior.

You are so much like him, she sighed, rubbing up against his armor suggestively. It’s a shame you’re just a spirit.

Suddenly he realized what it was that was causing her to pursue him like a love struck puppy. The Vendetta. It, combined with the effects of last night’s wine, was making her imprinting her desire for their master, on him.

“Nightmare, stop debasing yourself like this!” he sternly said. “What would the Slave King say, if he saw you acting like this?”

Nothing! she roared, in frustration. Nothing, as long as he has that pony bitch whore to mount.

“Nightmare, I refuse to continue this conversation with you any further,” Scourge said, hoping she didn’t discover, The Vendetta, before he could extricate himself. “I’m leaving.”

That’s right, enough talking, she said, preparing to pounce on him. Here in the Earth, we take what we want.

Though he’d feared being pursued. Being chased by a lust filled and frenzied Nightmare was not how he’d expected things to play out. Trying to escape her, he leaned to the right as she leapt at him, claws fully extended, hoping to grab hold of his armor. Managing to dodge her attack, he dashed into the mines, hoping to lose her, before she caught his trail.


The Slave King was beginning to hate this Solar Council. So far all they had done, was engage in pointless banter and bawdy humor. For the most part, he tried keeping to himself, as the other deities formed their cliques and engaged in small talk. However as much as wished to be left to his own devices, not a minute would go by, before someone would offer them their congratulations and attempt striking up a conversation. Beyond the hateful glares from Lord Ouroboros and Lord Cerynitis, most of his guests seemed to be harmless. He found the socialization pointless, and beyond politely thanking them for their gifts and for attending his inauguration, he refused to participate in any discussions.

Most annoying of all seemed to be Discord, whose warped sense of humor, and complete lack of respect for others personal space, won him few, if any friends here. Fortunately for the Slave King, the draconequus seemed content annoying the others for now. He wanted to ask him if he knew what’d happened to Jormungandr and his allies, but was concerned should he express his interest in the matter, what the trickster might require in payment from him. Deciding to bite the bullet, he was about to approach him, when Lord Triton floated towards him.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Slave King,” Lord Triton asked him, while nodding once to one of the other gods he’d been talking with.

“Honestly, Lawgiver, no,” he replied, hoping he would get the hint and leave him alone. “I fail to see the purpose to this Solar Council, it seems to me to be a big waste of time.”

“Well, the original purpose for these councils,” Lord Triton said, stroking his flowing mustache. “Was to allow us stallions to discuss things amongst ourselves, away from the watchful eyes of the mares.”

“Yes, the pantheon is rather inundated with estrogen at its top levels,” the Slave King said. “But I don’t see any pressing need for us to hold this council.”

“Truthfully, Slave King,” Lord Triton said, with a slight gleam in his aquamarine eyes. “Celestia requested to hold a Lunar Council today. Why, I don’t know. But you know how mares are, especially around such virile stallions like ourselves. So I suggest you sit back, and enjoy all the attention they're giving you.”

Being reminded of how all these women had been continually hitting on him, made the Slave King grunt in annoyance. Now that he’d been freed of his banishment, he’d likely find no peace until he’d either fucked or threatened each of these demanding goddesses into submission.

Seeing his grimace, Lord Triton placed his fin on his shoulder. “Oh, it’s not so bad, old bean,” he said. “I’m sure before you know it, they’ll have lost any interest that they might’ve had in you.”

“I wonder what business Celestia wanted to discuss today,” he mused.

“I don’t know, and have no desire to,” Triton said. “Remember what happened back at Bone’s Landing, when you interfered with their domain, Slave King. It’s best to leave the domain of mares, to the mares.”

He was about to flippantly reply, when Discord wrapped his arms around the Lords of Earth and Water. “So, excited for the big reveal everypony?” he asked, nudging the Slave King with his elbow.

“Discord, remember what Celestia told you?” Triton said, glaring at him sternly.

“Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho,” he laughed, giving the Lawgiver a wide smile. “He has no idea, does he?”

“Discord, if you mess this up for us, I swear I’ll toss your statue in the Pit,” Triton warned.

“Discord, what should I know, that I don’t?” the Slave King asked, feeling his paranoia return as he searched the shadows for Celestia’s hidden assassin.

“Oh, we all chipped in and got you a cake for the occasion,” he replied, snapping his talon, and making a large multi-tiered cake appear in front of him. “I think you’ll like the surprise inside.”

“Thank you, but I’m not interested,” the Slave King said, as a feminine version of Discord popped out of the cake.

“Argh!” Discord groaned. “Eris, you were supposed to wait for the signal. Now the whole surprise has been completely ruined.”

Eris, who was covered only in cake frosting, shrugged, snapped her talons, before vanishing in a pink cloud of cotton candy.

“And she came so highly recommended,” Discord lamented, while helping himself to a large piece. “So cake, anyone?”


“This is completely unfair!” a tiny rabbit cried out.

“What’s unfair, Lady Usagi?” Lady Minoa countered, towering over the much smaller goddess. “That obviously superior specimens such as myself, would be his first choice? To think you thought, that you even stood a chance against a prime element or goddess of the seasons, is pure fantasy.”

“Ladies, let’s not fight about this,” Princess Celestia gently said, trying her best to be diplomatic.

“But he’ll never even consider any of the lesser elements, as worthy mates,” a swan complained, glaring up at Lady Minoa for her dismissiveness of them.

“That’s because you’re all small potatoes, Lady Phoebe,” Lady Minoa declared, folding her arms in front of her.

“It’s a choice he’ll have to make,” Celestia reminded everypony. “I won’t permit a civil war to break out over who gets to marry him.”

“Surely, sister, such an important decision should be made by the Lunar Council,” Luna said, hoping she would support her claim over him. “Tis folly, to expect such a headstrong stallion to make the correct choice.”

“What should we do, if he won’t cooperate,” Lady Zephyr asked, worried he might refuse their ultimatum.

“Then he’ll be forced to abdicate his position as Lord of Earth,” Celestia replied, hoping it wouldn’t have to come to that.

“But that would kill him!” Lady Suzaku cried out, as her eyes threatened to tear up for her beloved. “Without his heart, he’ll die. Please, Celestia, there must be some other way.”

“He’s had centuries to choose a mate,” she calmly said to Lady Suzaku, giving her a sympathetic smile. “He’ll never willingly fulfill his obligations, not unless we force his hoof.”

“Surely there’s another way, sister,” Luna said, concerned that forcing him might somehow backfire.

“I know this is a hard choice,” Celestia said, addressing her fellow deities. “But we have a responsibility to Equestria and our domains. The Domain of Earth is too important, to allow it to lay fallow for so long. Surely, each of you have felt the Earth wasting away under his stewardship. So, I call for a vote on the matter. All in favor of requiring the Slave King to marry, or abdicate his domain, say aye.”

Slowly but surely, each of the goddesses each said aye in turn, all except Lady Suzaku. She looked at the others, lowered her head, and said aye as her heart wept for the one she loved.

“So, we’re in agreement then,” Celestia said, stomping her hoof twice.

“Not so fast, Princess Celestia,” Lady Minoa said, pointing a finger at her. “Unless you’ve forgotten, he still possesses, The Vendetta. What’s to stop him from taking a few of us with him, on his way to the Summerlands?”

When she mentioned the Slave King’s ultimate weapon, most of the deities present panicked, worrying the Slave King in his wrath, would strike them down.

Stamping her hoof to quiet the fearful goddesses, Celestia offered the minotauress a reassuring smile. “That won’t be a problem, arrangements have already been made regarding it,” she replied.

“Then the only question we have left is, who gets him?” Lady Zephyr asked, giving the others a hard look.

“The answer is simple,” Lady Minoa said. “Everytaurus else, has already had their chance. It’s my turn now.”

“Nay! Thou shalt never have him,” Luna declared, channeling magic into her horn.

“Ladies, unless we can discuss this like the mature deities we are,” Celestia said, giving each of them a pointed look. “I’ll have no choice but to marry him myself.”

When they heard her threat, each of the goddesses quickly stopped their murmuring, and looked at her intently.

“Now, as for who shall marry him,” she continued. “I feel it’s best to allow him to make his own choice. It’ll be easier for him to accept things, if he’s allowed to choose his own wife.”

“But what about the rest of us!” the minor deities complained, unhappy about their diminished opportunities in marrying the Slave King.

“To be fair to all parties,” Celestia said, stomping her hoof several times to regain order. “Everypony will be allowed to make their case to the Slave King, before he’s allowed to make his choice,”

"What about you?” Lady Suzaku asked, worried that Celestia was stacking the deck in her own favor.

“I’ve decided to recuse myself, so I can remain impartial,” she said, leveling a stern gaze at her fellow goddesses. “However, if things devolve into a brawl over claiming his hoof in marriage, I will take him for my husband. Are we all in agreement?”

Murmuring their assent, she was pleased when she saw the Lunar Council was unanimous in agreement.

“Now that this matter of business is resolved,” she said, pleased they’d come to an accord over such a quarrelsome issue. “Let’s retire to the main assembly hall, to tell the lucky groom the wonderful news.


She opened her eyes, trying to discover the source of the noise. She felt so cold, almost as if Lord Cerynitis had frozen her heart. She felt so weak and lethargic, but didn’t understand why. She struggled to get up, but discovered her body lacked the strength. Weakly moving her head, she saw her sister and two feathers she vaguely recognized. They were fighting against something, what exactly, she wasn’t quite sure. But it seemed that they were faring rather poorly. She knew they needed her help, but struggle as she might, she could scarcely think, let alone stand up. She decided to rest and conserve her strength for a moment, before trying again.


“Why won’t this thing stay down?” Dawson complained, releasing a quick succession of golden whirlwinds from his fists, as they fought for their lives against the creature.

“This is almost as pointless, as fighting against fog,” Dame Squall remarked, using several fin to fin techniques against the apparition. Though she lacked the magical ability that, Dawson and Harmony possessed, her blows seemed to be hurting it, or barring that, at least keeping the creature at bay.

“It’s called a ghast,” Harmony said, holding out her hands and releasing waves of pure shadow at it. With a silent roar, the beast turned its attention back to the magister, and launched several of its tentacles to ensnare its troublesome prey. “They’re only vulnerable to powerful magic and arcanum weapons.”

Pushing Dame Squall out of the path of the tentacles, Dawson leapt into the air and unleashed a flurry of punches at the ghast, each fueled by his mother’s power. When they hit, the ghast rippled, as parts of its insubstantial body were blown away by his air elemental powered attack. Unfortunately, the ghast’s body reformed almost immediately. When he saw his attacks had done nothing, he frowned. His only solace, was that at least its tentacles, which had felt quite solid, were gone once more.

“Damn it!” Dawson angrily cursed, feeling winded and frustrated that his attacks were nearly useless. “We’re only delaying the inevitable.”

“I didn’t think mudslingers gave up so easily,” Dame Squall, said with a wry grin, before thrusting her fins forward at the ghast and slapping it with her tail.

When her attacks impacted, the ghast raised its head and silently wailed as it seemingly faded in and out of existence.

“That’s easy for you to say,” Dawson grunted, drawing into his magical reserves as he prepared to rake his talons against the ghast. “Your attacks seem to be hurting it at least.”

“You two, stop your chit chat! If we don’t stop this thing soon, Aria will die, and we’ll be following her shortly,” Harmony snarled, frustrated that they seemed to be losing against the ghast.

She was upset with her failure, in preventing such a dangerous creature from gaining access inside the palace. As the court magister, the wards guarding against the deadly denizens of the city, were here responsibility to maintain. As such, their failure in stopping the ghast was entirely her fault. Her only consolation was, they’d managed to discover the ghast before it had killed her sister. She’d no idea what she would say to the Slave King about this, when he returned. That was of course, if they somehow survived this encounter, which judging by how poorly they were doing, didn’t seem very likely.

“Should one of us go for help?” Dawson asked, concerned that his magical reserves were nearly spent.

“It’s taking all three of us, just to keep it busy,” Harmony shouted, above the hiss of the black fire she was throwing at the ghast. “If one of us leaves, the others won’t make it.”

“If only I had my spear with me,” he said, lamenting that he’d left it back inside his room in the Neo Vale.

“Well, you don’t,” Dame Squall said, furious that this abomination hadn’t gone down yet. Opening her mouth, she shouted out an oath of the Lawgiver at the creature. When it struck, the ghast stopped moving, seemingly stunned. “Now’s our chance! Grab Aria, and let’s get the Hades out of here.”

Not needing to be told twice, both Dawson and Harmony placed Aria’s arms around their shoulders, as they pulled her away to safety. The ghast, seeing its prey escaping, let out a silent moan, and extended its tentacles to bar their path. Raising her right hand, Harmony released a jet of flame from her fingertips, evaporating the tentacles, and allowing them to exit. Though still stunned from Dame Squall’s oath, the ghast slowly pursued them, determined that its meal wouldn’t escape.

“By the first egg!” Dawson swore, when he saw that it was slowly catching up to them. “Dame Squall, do you have another shout left in you?”

“That wasn’t a shout, that was an oath of the Lawgiver,” she replied from behind them, knocking aside the Ghast’s tentacles with her fins. “And to answer your question, I don’t. Once we retreated from battle, I lost Lord Triton’s favor.”

“That really sucks,” Dawson said, wishing that he was stronger. “Maybe if we call this a tactical withdrawal, he’ll make an exception for you.”

“It. Doesn’t. Work. That. Way,” she said, in between blows against the ghast’s tentacles. Fearing she couldn’t keep this up for much longer, she decided to sacrifice herself to ensure their escape. “Dawson, Harmony, I want you rush towards the dining hall as quickly as possible, I’ll keep it busy. Once there, my sister’s should be able to put this thing down.”

“No way!” Dawson shouted, unwilling to allow the chevaleresse to die in such a terrible manner. “We’re getting out of this together, or not at all.”

“Don’t be a foal, Dawson,” she chided, praying to the Lawgiver to protect them, as she prepared to make a last stand.

“At this rate, it’ll be not at all,” Harmony said, expending the last of her magical reserves at the creature in one massive blast. “Hopefully, that will give you a fighting chance, Dame Squall.”

“Dawson and Harmony, it was an honor fighting alongside you,” Dame Squall said, as she prepared to have her soul weighed on her way to Tartarus. “May we meet once again in the Summerlands.”

“No, don’t do it!” Dawson cried out, as the seapony mare turned to face their pursuer.

Leveling a cool gaze at the ghast, she glared defiantly at it with her emerald eyes. She whispered a final prayer to her liege, to guide her companions to safety, and to give her the strength she needed to defeat this monster. “I am Dame Squall, the Relentless, a chevaleresse of ‘The Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’!” she shouted, feeling the righteous fury of her liege lord flowing through her. “And I say to you, dark terror of the night, you shall not pass!”

Though her speech was passionate, the ghast was not impressed. Reaching out with its tentacles to feed on its next victim, Dame Squall stood boldly, with her fins at the ready, bravely prepared to meet her destiny.


She was so weak, but she could feel herself being moved. She could hear them shouting, as magic exploded all around her. What was it they were fighting? Why couldn’t her sister stop it? Was her magic so impotent, that a single foe could defeat her? She remembered hearing Harmony mention something about a ghast and arcanum. Why was that so important? She couldn’t recall why, but it definitely was. She could hear the desperation in their voices now, they were fearful for their lives.

She felt herself getting jostled, as Harmony released a pulse of black energy. Such an attack must have drained her sister completely. Things must be dire indeed, if she’d unleashed all her magic in a single blow. If only I could help them, she weakly thought. If only Master Scourge was here, he’d protect us.

She thought back to his earlier confession, and despaired. He was never coming back. All she would have to remember him by, was the knife she wore on her belt. It was her most precious possession. When she’d been inducted into the ‘Order of the Shadow’, he’d given it to her as a gift. It’d been forged by dragon-half smiths especially for her, was made of pure arcanum, and guaranteed to never dull. If only… Wait, it was made from arcanum!

“Harmony…” Aria weakly said, as they moved towards the dining hall to get help for Dame Squall, who was surely fighting for her life.

“What, Aria? I’m a little busy here,” she huffed, feeling exhausted from having used all her remaining magic during her final attack.

“Arcanum… knife…” she moaned, gesturing towards the long knife on her belt, before losing consciousness once more.

Stopping for a moment, Harmony drew the blade from its sheath. Carefully inspecting it, she saw it was indeed pure arcanum. Such a weapon would be deadly against a creature like the ghast. “Dawson,” she said, thrusting the weapon into his open talon. “This is an arcanum blade, thrust it into the ghast’s eyes or mouth to kill it. Hurry, there might still be time to save her.”

Not needing to be told twice, Dawson drew on the domain of air. Placing its power into his legs, he ran as fast as he could, racing back to Dame Squall’s side. He was determined, that she wouldn’t face this evil alone. Turning a corner, he saw the monster. It held the beautiful seapony aloft with its tentacles, as it busily drained her life force with its gaping mouth.

Enraged, Dawson looked down at the knife in his hand, and released a roar of challenge at the undead terror. The ghast, seeing that its prey had returned, dropped its dying meal to the ground, as it prepared to feed once more. It saw the knife, and was unconcerned. It had just fed on two succulent meals, and was feeling strong and flush with power. Launching its tentacles at Dawson, it hoped to entangle and devour him quickly, so it could feast on the two who’d managed to escape.

Leaping into the air to avoid the tentacles, Dawson opened his wings, and glided past the ghast, towards Dame Squall. Reaching down to check her pulse, he was relieved to see she was still breathing, if only barely. Without a second thought, he rushed towards the ghast, with the blade held outward. Seeing its prey acting so aggressively, the ghast switched to a defense posture. Holding out its tentacles in front of it, as it swiped at its opponent.

Deftly, Dawson swung the finely crafted blade at the flowing tentacles, severing them when he was able. As the magical resistant metal, met with the apparition’s ghostly flesh; it cut through them with ease, leaving behind severed tentacles that spurt out ectoplasm, before evaporating into nothingness. The ghast kept losing its tentacles to its prey’s sharp knife, and began falling back, trying to keep away from the hateful blade.

“Oh, feeling afraid now?” Dawson taunted, feeling emboldened by the arcanum knife he held in his talon. Remembering what Harmony had told him about the creature’s weaknesses, he leapt at a nearby wall, pushed against it with his legs and air elemental magic, and unfurled his wings, as he spun forward towards the ghast.

He’d been aiming for its gaping mouth, hoping to kill it instantly. Unfortunately, before his weapon could strike true, the ghast ducked out of the way. Instead of piercing its mouth, he’d struck its left eye. With a silent wailing scream, ectoplasm gushed out of its wound. Afraid of another attack, the ghast retreated into the palace walls, before Dawson was able to recover and deliver a deathblow. Seeing that he was too late to slay it, he ran towards Dame Squall’s side to make sure she was still breathing. Placing his ear to her breast, he was rewarded with the faint sound of her heartbeat.

Cradling her in his arms, he watched over her with the knife at the ready, as he waited for help to arrive, determined that no further harm would come to his friend.


The Slave King sat on his throne, as he waited for his fellow deities to take their seats. He saw Celestia looking at him thoughtfully, and nodded at her slightly as he tried determining what she was planning. Though when he looked down at his wrists, and saw the chains that once held him prisoner were missing, he thought, Perhaps I was wrong about her after all. Maybe, she only has my best interests at heart. Looking up at her he returned her benevolent smile, with a genuine one of his own. When he saw a look of relief flash across her face momentarily, before she covered it back up with the calm mask she always wore, he knew such thoughts were foolish and only wishful thinking.

She cares only for her little ponies, everyone else is expendable as far as she’s concerned, he thought, as he reflected to his time back in the mines centuries prior. He remembered the cries of the unfortunate slaves left to rot under the care of their masters, and how she’d not lifted a hoof to stop it. Even the ponies like his, Little Bleu, had been left to fend for themselves. Remembering how terribly she’d died so long ago, he looked back up at her, and hardened his heart.

Looking towards the passage that led into his treasury, he remembered he still possessed the one thing that tilted the playing field in his favor. First I’ll kill Celestia, then Ouroboros, and finally myself, he darkly thought. Prepared to end his life on his own terms, not hers, or anyone elses.

Steeling himself, he formulated a plan that would allow him his revenge, before the others could stop him. Waiting patiently for the meeting to resume, he wondered where gods went to, when they died. He wondered if, Lord Darkpaw, would be there to berate him for how he’d treated his diamond dogs, and how poorly he’d treated, Lady Zephyr. He wondered if, Harmony, and the others would mourn him, or be glad that he was gone. Though he carried no regrets with how he’d conducted himself as, Lord of Earth, he looked at Princess Luna, Lady Zephyr, and Lady Suzaku, and wondered what his life might’ve been like had he’d the courage to share his life with them.

Looking back at Princess Celestia, his eyes burned with balefire. She was such a hypocrite, beneath that benevolent mask she always wore and the gentle eyes that threatened to melt his heart, was a hardened tyrant no better than he. Though he practiced slavery, to him, it was merely a means to an end. But to her, she valued the status quo so greatly, she allowed monsters like himself and Lord Ouroboros, to do as they wished. Had he been in her place, he’d have challenged himself for dominion, and broken the chains of his slaves, the consequences be damned.

The more he thought it over, the more he decided he was doing the right thing. With the three great tyrants of the pantheon dead, perhaps a chance for something better might arise from the ashes. He was sure, Luna, would be able to provide for her ponies, and without her sister suffocating her, she’d blossom.

Though he held no ill will towards Lord Ouroboros, regardless of their checkered past. Without Celestia or himself to keep him in check, he’d run roughshod over the others. Though he was sure Jormungandr would be unhappy with the state of things, he was sure the Winding One would do his part to ensure a smooth transition.

As for himself, he’d been dead on the inside for centuries. It would be nice to finally sleep forever. Hopefully, Snowe and Little Bleu would forgive him for it. And as for the Domain of Earth, well whoever his successor was, they’d find that the true treasure of the Earth laid inside his manufactorium. Though it might take them centuries to finish, he was sure, Ignatius, and the rest of the dragon-halfs would complete their assigned tasks.

“Slave King,” Princess Celestia said, looking at him worriedly. “Are you all right?”

“I am, Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, feeling an inner peace he’d not felt in ages. The decision to end their dance, filled him with a clarity he’d been lacking for quite some time. “The time of my renewal, has always left me feeling fatigued.”

“Odd, I’ve always found mine a joyous occasion,” she said, walking towards him. “But since both councils have adjourned, Lord Triton, let’s cover one final item on the itinerary, before concluding this meeting”

He nodded in agreement, as he stood up from his seat. “Slave King,” he said. “As you know, with your five hundredth inauguration, we’ve recognized you as an adult. Beyond the normal privileges adulthood offers, there are also additional responsibilities expected of each adult member of the pantheon.”

Hearing Lord Triton, mention additional responsibilities, made him momentarily forget his intentions of assassinating Celestia and killing himself. What other responsibilities could there possibly be?

“Respectfully, Lord Triton,” the Slave King testily said, annoyed at the implication he was somehow remiss in his responsibilities to his domain. “Since the last moot, I have fulfilled my responsibilities in full. The Domain of Earth has never been more prosperous than it is now, and I’ve upheld all the laws without fail, no matter how inconsequential they might seem.”

Lord Triton frowned at the Slave King, displeased with any of his laws being dismissed as being irrelevant or meaningless.

Sensing his agitation, Princess Celestia shook her head at Lord Triton, letting him know that she would handle this. “Slave King,” she gently said, nuzzling against his shoulder. “Nopony is accusing you of being remiss in fulfilling your responsibilities. To the contrary, you are to be commended for how you’ve conducted yourself these past centuries.”

“So what more could you possibly expect from me?” he asked.

“Slave King, each of us, yourself included, are beings of creation,” she explained, looking directly into his burning eyes. “Our times of renewal, are more than an opportunity to renew our domain’s power, but also a chance to replenish the Well of Eternity.”

“I’m not sure how to do that,” he said, feeling slightly embarrassed that he’d somehow failed to do what had been expected of him.

Celestia offered him a kindly smile. “Nopony here had any expectations of you doing so,” she said, turning away from him, to look at the goddesses that were staring at him intently. “Part of this coming of age ceremony, is designed to teach and show you how to meet and fulfill your newly expanded role in the pantheon.”

“Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, abandoning his plans for murder. “Teach me what I must do.”

She looked at him longingly, but then turned towards her sister, who needed him more. Returning to look back on him once again, she sighed. “I’m afraid somepony else will be teaching you what you need to know,” she said.

“Then who shall be my instructor?” he asked.

“Your future wife, Slave King,” Lord Triton, said with a large grin. Pleased that the upstart in the south, would finally get what was coming to him.

“Congrats, Slave King,” Discord shouted from his recliner, in between mouthfuls of popcorn as the banners overhead changed to wedding appropriate colors. Each displayed a picture of the Slave King standing next to a big question mark. “You’re getting hitched!”

Suddenly, everything made complete sense. All the lust filled looks the goddesses had been giving him, the plotting that had made no sense, all the bawdry jokes he didn’t understand, Ringing Bells insistence on making him look fabulous, Discord’s odder than usual behavior, and even Lady Zephyr’s and Lady Suzaku’s last minute pleas to him. No sooner had they restored his freedom, they sought to shackle him to a wife, who he was sure, would try her best to keep him in line, just as Celestia had planned all along.

Looking at the hopeful goddesses, and back to the snickering gods, he shook his head once. Pulling his head back, he released a peal of haunting laughter, as he tightly gripped the armrests of his throne. Concerned that he’d reverted to his formerly mad state, both Lord Triton and Princess Celestia cautiously approached him. Once they were within arm’s reach, he stopped his laughter, rose to his full height, and glared at the two deities who’d thought to enslave him inside his own domain.

“Get out!” he hissed, casting a venomous look at the both of them.

“I will not,” Lord Triton said, his voice echoing with the full power and authority of, the Law. Reverting to his elemental form, he pointed a fin directly at the Slave King. “You will either marry in accordance with the Lunar Council’s decision, or you will abdicate any claim to the Domain of Earth, and your place amongst the pantheon. You will, tell us your answer, Slave King.”

Try as he might, the Slave King couldn’t respond as he desired. He wanted punch the Lawgiver’s smug muzzle, but found he was unable. Compared to, the Law of Creation, his power was as nothing. Shaking with anger, his eyes burned with resentment for what they were doing to him.

“It’s not so bad being married, Slave King,” Celestia said, sympathetic to his situation. “It’s something that’s expected of each of us when we came of age, and it won’t be forever if you don’t wish it to be, maybe for only a millennium or so.”

He wanted to cry out at the injustice of it all. Why wouldn’t they just leave him alone? Why couldn’t he just grieve for, Her, in peace? He thought of, Her, and worried that the thread binding them together would be lost forever. He wanted to denounce them all as hateful monsters for this final indignity against him, but his tongue refused to work. As long as the Lawgiver held him under the authority of, the Law of Creation, he was powerless to oppose them. Summoning all his strength, he croaked out a single word, “Why?”

“Because I love you. Because everypony deserves to be loved, even you, Slave King,” she said, looking at him with the same lavender eyes that always threatened to melt his nonexistent heart. “We want to make you whole again. Please, let us help heal you.”

Knowing that losing his divinity was a death sentence without a heart, he had only one avenue left open to him. Marriage to one of the many goddesses of the pantheon, he presumed. Even if death was not the alternative, he’d made too many enemies to risk losing his immortality, and he’d also made a promise to, Her, that he fully intended on keeping.

“What is your answer, Slave King?” Lord Triton commanded. “Will you swallow your pride and bow to the will of the pantheon, or will you abdicate, and go to the Summerlands?”

“I yield… I yield!” he gasped out, as he was being crushed beneath the weight of, the Law’s, authority.

“Then, it is done,” Lord Triton said, releasing the Slave King from the hold of, the Law. Though it felt cathartic, to finally return a small portion of the humiliation and indignities that the Slave King had seen fit to visit upon him this week, he took no pleasure in his suffering.

“So that’s it then?” Lord Cerynitis shouted to his fellow deities. “You finally had the opportunity to rid us of that menace, and you choose not to.”

“Lord Cerynitis, be silent,” Lord Triton said, annoyed that his once friend, had decided at this inconvenient time, to air out his grievances against the Slave King. “This was a decision made entirely by the Lunar Council. I only enforce, the Law. Stallions have no right to interfere in their rulings.”

“Then I demand that you enforce your precious, Law, against him,” Lord Ouroboros said from his seat.

Realizing what he was doing, the Slave King looked up at his accuser. “Lord Ouroboros!” he shouted, worried that his secret would be revealed to everyone. “We had an accord. You swore an oath of silence, in exchange for, The Heart of the World.”

When everyone heard what the Slave King had given up for Lord Ouroboros’s silence, nearly everyone in attendance gasped. The Heart of the World, was a gem nearly as large as, the Fire Tyrant himself. Its cut and color were magnificent, and had been Lord Darkpaw’s most cherished possession. For millennia, Lord Ouroboros and Lord Darkpaw had battled with each other for the right to possess of the stone. The Fire Tyrant managing to secure it from the Slave King, for the mere price of silence, must have performed the greatest coup, of the third age.

“Do you think I’ve forgotten, or forgiven this?” Lord Ouroboros said, pointing towards his empty eye socket. “And as for, The Heart of the World, feel free to come and collect it, if you’re up to it, man-thing.”

“Hold your tongue, Lord Ouroboros, and you can keep it with my blessing,” the Slave King pleaded. “If you want more for your silence, the treasury is that way. Take whatever you want.”

When the Slave King mentioned his treasury, the dragon’s greed rumbled appreciatively. Even his own hoard, which dwarfed the combined hoards of his children, paled in comparison to the vast riches his rival possessed. He could easily enlarge his hoard a thousand times over, and the Slave King would still possess wealth without measure.

“As tempting an offer as that is, King, no amount of treasure, outweighs the hate I hold for you,” he said, with a cruel sneer. “Even long after Celestia’s sun has set for the final time, the fires of my hate will burn for you.”

“Then say your piece, oath breaker, and be done with it,” the Slave King snarled.

With a dark chuckle, Lord Ouroboros, victoriously grinned. Confident that his revenge against his hated rival would finally come to fruition. “I wish to sue, the Slave King,” he said, “for overpowering me and spawning the dragon-half race, without my consent.”

A gasp of disbelief, that such an act had happened so recently, echoed throughout the ranks of assembled members of the pantheon.

Though such violent acts were common in the first age, in these more civilized times, one god forcing themselves on another, was considered amongst them, to be one of their greatest taboos. Even worse, forcing another to engage in the Song of Creation against their will, was considered next to murdering another deity, as the vilest act a god could commit against another.

“Slave King,” Lord Triton said, shocked that he would so willfully engage in such despicable acts, when he’d just shown his obstinance in being so unwilling to marry in accordance with, the Law. “Is what Lord Ouroboros accusing you of, true? If you wish to defend yourself, remain silent, and we’ll handle this properly through a moot.”

“He speaks the truth,” the Slave King replied, no longer caring about the consequences. He was well aware of what would happen to him, should the story of the creation of the dragon-half tribe come to light. And so in order to protect himself, he forged an agreement with, Lord Ouroboros. His silence, in exchange for, The Heart of the World, and any claim over the dragon-half tribe. Since the punishment for such an act was losing his divinity, he was prepared to take the Fire Tyrant down with him. Taking care of Celestia, however, would simply have to wait. “Lord Triton, do what you have to.”

They’d been so close to achieving harmony once more, and now this had to happen. Lord Triton was loathe to fulfill, the Law. But he had no choice, the Slave King had to answer for his crimes. “Very well, Slave King…” he said, preparing to strip him of his divinity, making the Slave King mortal once more.

“Lord Triton, wait!” Princess Celestia shouted out, her concern for the Slave King reflected in her eyes. “Wasn’t he but a child, when this crime took place? Shouldn’t we show leniency for his crimes, considering his youth and inexperience? Shouldn’t Lord Ouroboros’s part in this, be taken into account before reaching a verdict?”

Lord Triton smiled, relieved that somepony had managed to remember a loop hole he could use, to spare the Slave King from such a grizzly fate. “I agree with, Princess Celestia,” he said. “Lord Ouroboros, why did you agree to remain silent for all these years, and why have you waited until now, to reveal the crime against you?”

Lord Ouroboros, ground his flaming teeth in annoyance. The man-thing, might actually escape his vengeance. “It was because of my embarrassment in being used and humiliated by him,” he said, giving the Slave King a hateful look. “After awaking from my torpor, I overestimated my strength when I battled him. After my ignominious defeat, and was laying defeated and helpless, the Slave King, used my divinity to make his perverse creations, the dragon-halfs.”

“Slave King, is this true?” Lord Triton asked, tapping his fin thoughtfully against his muzzle.

“Twelve years ago, Lord Ouroboros issued a challenge to me, for unfettered access to the Domain of Earth. Unwilling to allow him free reign in my domain, I met with him at the border that separates our domains. For three days we fought each other to a standstill, neither of us managing to overpower the other,” the Slave King said, while his magically fueled green eyes flared beneath his crown, as he recounted the tale. “Finally, when both of us were ragged and bloodied, I managed to strike the decisive blow against him. Exhausted and weary from our great battle, I fell into a deep slumber.”

“When I awoke,” he continued, recalling what’d happened. “I found many frightened dragon-half whelps standing between us. When, Lord Ouroboros came to, and discovered them, he called them abominations, and demanded to eat them. The whelps were innocent of any crime, and I couldn’t idly stand by and let him kill them. So in order to spare them that grisly fate, I struck our broken bargain. In exchange for sparing the dragon-halfs lives, and his silence, he’d get the gem that he’d lusting after for so long.”

“You see, Triton,” Lord Ouroboros said, relishing his impending victory. “He admits his crime from his own mouth. Surely his guilt in this matter can’t be in doubt?”

“He’s guilty of the crime, and should be cast out of the pantheon!” Lord Cerynitis shouted. “If we spare him from the punishment, what of the next time? It could be me, or even any of you!”

“Lord Cerynitis,” Princess Celestia said, shaking her head in disapproval over his lack of mercy. She was sorrowful, when she’d realized the depths that he’d allowed himself to fall to, in order to win back her sister’s heart. He’d once been a good stallion, somepony who’d valued harmony and friendship. But now, he’d allowed jealousy and hate to warp him. A fate she desperately wished to spare her sister. “The creation of the races falls under the purview of the Lunar Council. As such, his punishment should be decided by me.”

“I’m inclined to agree with, Princess Celestia, Lord Ouroboros,” Lord Triton said, stroking his mustache thoughtfully. “Considering, that you chose to conceal the crime until after he was considered an adult, choosing to sell your silence, and then breaking your oath. You have little room to complain about this.”

“It’s my fault this happened, Lord Ouroboros,” Celestia apologized. “The Slave King, should have been married long ago, to provide an outlet for the overabundance of magic flowing through him. I assure everypony, that the Lunar Council will ensure that his power of creation, will be properly channeled until he’s learned proper control over it.”

“I demand justice, Lawgiver,” Lord Ouroboros defiantly roared, furious that his revenge was being denied to him.

“And justice you shall have, Lord Ouroboros,” Celestia said, channeling magic into her horn. “The Slave King shall marry somepony, under the auspices of the Lunar Council. His wife, will train him in the proper use of the Song of Creation, and ensure he causes no further mischief through his inexperience.”

“This is an outrage, I demand compensation for this perversion he’s foisted upon me!” the Fire Tyrant shouted, enraged that the Slave King was profiting once again at his expense.

“I believe you’ve already been more than adequately compensated for any embarrassment this situation may have caused you, Lord Ouroboros,” Celestia said, giving him a dour look.

Enraged at having his demands denied, he spewed flames skyward that scorched the room’s ceiling. “I’ll rip you to shreds, Slave King! I’ll drown your domain in a torrent of lava! I’ll…” he raged, before being interrupted by Celestia’s firm voice.

“Lord Ouroboros,” she said, silencing him with her magic. “Since you don’t have the good sense to know when to quit, I’ll banish you to your domain for one century. Perhaps spending time alone in your domain, will allow you to think about your little anger problem.”

Before he could object, Celestia released the magic in her horn. As the magical energy surrounded him, Lord Ouroboros gave her a hate filled look, before her magic carried him away, imprisoning him inside his own domain.

Giving Lord Cerynitis a stern look, she lowered her horn at him. “Lord Cerynitis, regardless of your grievances with the Slave King, will I have to remove you from these proceedings as well?” she asked in a voice that suggested he’d have no second chances.

“No, Princess Celestia,” he replied, masking his anger. “But, I expect you to answer for your judgment here today, if the Slave King’s foul nature, makes itself known once more.”

“Should the need arise, Lord Cerynitis,” she said. “The Lunar Council, will see that he’s properly disciplined.”

When he heard the words, properly disciplined, the Slave King’s eyes narrowed with displeasure. Once again, despite the flowery language she used to the contrary, Celestia’s desire for him was no different than Lord Ouroboros’s. Whether it was death or enslavement, the end result meant the same to him. And as he’d already experienced the joys of living in slavery once before, he’d no desire to experience it ever again.

Celestia looked to the Lawgiver. “Lord Triton,” she said, happy that she’d managed to save the Slave King from Lord Ouroboros’s scheme. “Please escort, the Solar Council, to their chamber, as we see to the Slave King.”

“Of course, Princess Celestia,” he said with a slight bow, looking at the lovely mares the Slave King had to choose from. He sighed, as he led his fellow gods out of the chamber. “Lucky devil…”

Once he was alone with, the Lunar Council, in its entirety, he folded his arms and defiantly looked up at her. “Celestia, the Radiant,” he said, holding up three fingers as he glowered at his enemy, savior, and now apparently, matchmaker. “This makes the third time, you’ve forced my hand in marriage, without my consent, and against my will.”

“Slave King, the first two were only an effort to shield you from Lord Ouroboros,” she said, trying her best to help him willingly accept the will of the council. “And as for the third, it’s a rite of passage, and an expected responsibility you must fulfill as part of your expanded role in the pantheon.”

“Might the Lunar Council, walk with me, as I consider your proposal?” he asked, holding out his arm to Celestia to join him. Immediately, his goddess suitors crowded around him, attempting to be as close as possible to their reluctant groom.

Leading them through the series of passages he prepared, he showed them his mighty works. Guiding them through the manufactorium, he showed them the many strange and exotic machines that served at his beck and call, and the dragon-half smiths who helped him build them. He showed them his many forges, and the great industry he one day hoped to unleash on Equestria. Many of the goddesses, looked on in awe in wonder at what he’d done in the space of less than five centuries.

Taking them to the surface, he showed them the ruins of the once great city he’d destroyed in his anger, and its current unliving occupants. With a wave of his hand, his unleashed the power of the Earth on the poor hapless undying, crushing and maiming them. Then with a savage roar, he leapt upon the monstrosities he’d spared from his magic’s wrath, choosing to tear them to pieces instead, with his bare hands.

Once he’d impressed upon them the gory horrors that his city held, he guided them back into depths of the Earth, and into his vast, and nearly endless vault. He showed them his great wealth, and watched in amusement, as they lusted after the treasure he considered no better than trash. Taking them into the heart of his treasury, he showed them his many finely crafted, useful, and powerful creations. Satisfied, that they’d been sufficiently impressed by his power, ferocity, and wealth; he sat down on a large pile of golden bits, and invited his guests to join him.

“You’ve certainly done well for yourself, Slave King,” Princess Celestia remarked, thinking back to the wonders she’d seen within the manufactorium. But still felt sorrow, that so many poor souls still remained trapped between life and death in the city ruins above. “I look forward to seeing what the gentle hoof of a loving wife, will drive you to accomplish in the future.”

The Slave King could scarcely believe it. Celestia was still playing her wicked little game, though she’d essentially already won. She actually believed he’d willingly bend the knee, kiss her hoof, and thank her, as she placed the yoke of bondage around his neck. “A loving wife,” he sneered, tired of holding back his fury beneath a veneer of civility. “Are you mad?”

Celestia laid her ears back worriedly, she’d been so certain she’d finally won him over. “What’s wrong, Slave King,” she asked, as the other goddesses waited to hear his response with baited breath.

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Celestia, the Radiant,” he spat, disgusted by these shallow so called ladies of the pantheon. “Lord Ouroboros, at least had the courtesy to try killing me as honestly as a dragon possibly can. He never once disguised his rancor for me. His hatred for me is true, untainted by a mask of deceit. What you’re attempting to do to me, is a greater evil than any, the Fire Tyrant, has ever conspired to use against me.”

“How can you accuse me of that?” she asked, hurt by his accusation. For no less than an hour previous, she’d protected him from the very monster he’d just compared her to. “Each of us care for you, and while all of us might not love you now, given time, I’m sure the care we hold for you, will eventually blossom into love.”

“Oh, I’m sure you think you believe these sweet lies you’re telling me,” he bitterly said, hurting more then he realized, when he saw that Princess Luna, Lady Zephyr, and even Lady Suzaku were willingly playing along with this farce. “I’m sure the marriage you’ve planned for me will be a lovely gilded cage, and judging by the goddesses that hope to court me, my jailor will be most beautiful. But the loveliest cage, by definition is still a cage, and while my jailor might ravish me nightly with untold pleasures, I’m still a prisoner, Celestia, the Radiant, your prisoner.”

Realizing that his mind was made up, she clenched her jaw, and forcefully picked him up with her magic. “Slave King,” she said, disappointed that he was being so foalish and stubborn. “I can’t force you to be happy with this arrangement, but you’ll still get married nonetheless.”

The Slave King, tired of her lies and deceit, did the only thing he could. Reaching forth his hand, he called out, “To me, Vendetta, your master calls!”

Knowing that, The Vendetta, was safely out of his reach, Celestia offered him a mirthful grin. “Show us your power, and subdue us, Slave King,” she teased, giggling at his consternation, when the god slayer remained absent. “Where is your fierceness now, Slave King? Prove to us the superiority of your cruel ways, when you’ve been bested by mares, armed only with love and good intentions. Do so, and the Lunar Council will allow you to postpone your wedding a while longer. If not, Slave King, you belong to us. The cage you fear isn’t the one you think we offer, but the one we intend to unlock that holds your weeping heart hostage. And though through marriage, you’ll be bound to us, it won’t be chains of steel that bind you, but by chains of love.”

“Celes… Celestia, st… stop this, please,” he begged, desperate to be freed from her magic’s grasp. He thought of the others she didn’t know about. Devastation, Vengeance, Menasor, Bruticus, Abominus, and even Extinction. But with the exception of the nearly completed, Devastation, they weren’t ready yet. “I… I could destroy you, you know, it’s well within my power.”

“Then why don’t you, oh Great Slave King,” she whispered to him, gently nuzzling his cheek. “We’re but weak mares, unable to withstand against your might. Crush us with your power, and escape the horrible fate we’ve got planned for you.”

Constrained by her magic, and forced to gaze into those lavender love filled pools, he felt his resolve crumbling. She wanted to control him, to use him. She didn’t truly care about him, no one did. He was merely a pawn to be used or discarded as needed, in her unending quest to achieve her damned harmony! In his desperation and shame at being so helpless, he reached out to the one he called friend, Scourge, come to me, I require your aid!

But he received no answer, as Celestia and the others, slowly broke down his resistance to their advances.


He was racing through the dark mine shafts with total abandon. It didn’t matter where he went, as long as he managed to keep moving forward. He’d managed to keep up a brisk pace so far, but due to his incorporeal nature, eventually the magic sustaining his bond to his armor would run out, and he’d risk losing, The Vendetta, before Celestia could manage to convince the Slave King to agree to her plan. Though he didn’t know what terrible fear kept him from embracing the love Lady Zephyr and Lady Suzaku offered him. Or why he felt the need to lie to himself regarding his children, when both he and they knew the truth. He only needed to step over the hair breadth gap that kept them from being a family, and he might finally be happy. He was doing this for his friend, as much as for his daughters, especially his disciple, Aria.

Though she wasn’t his pup, he’d helped raise her, and loved her as his own since she was no taller than his shoulder. But now, the little pup was all grown up. And yet, she couldn’t move beyond the frightened little girl he’d met in the palace all those years ago, when she asked him if he knew her father. Of course, he’d dodged the question like any faithful servant would, for their master. But now, he wondered if he’d made the right choice in aiding the Slave King with his self-deception. Until he finally faced the demons that plagued him, his friend would have no peace, and know no happiness.

He detected her presence nearby, she’d finally managed catching him where he couldn’t escape. “I can sense you, Nightmare,” he said, preparing to fight, so he could continue his mission.

She responded to his challenge, by opening her blood red eyes, and stared at him. You’ve stopped running away, she countered, approaching him slowly.

Though he was dead, he could smell her arousal and desire. “Nightmare,” he told her. “I have nothing I can offer you.”

Presenting herself to him, she looked over her shoulder and offered him a pleading look. Please… she desperately said. I want him so badly.

“That’s something you’ll need to discuss with, the Save King,” he said, walking past her.

It’s not fair that the only other one worthy of me, is nothing more than a ghost!” she angrily complained, scraping her claws against the rocky surface of the mine wall.

“Seek your comfort among the living,” he admonished her. “Because the dead have nothing to offer.”

If you were still alive? she asked. Would you have been willing?

“It’s best not to ask unknowable questions,” he replied, grateful she’d finally given up the chase.

Before they could part ways, they both heard their master’s plea, Scourge, come, I require your aid!

Nightmare whined in agitation, disappointed that he’d not called to her for help instead. When she saw that he didn’t enter the shadows, to answer their master’s summons. She bounded over to him, blocking any escape.

Why haven’t you leapt to our master’s defense? she accused, offended that he’d betrayed his sacred oath to their master. Sensing his hesitancy, she called out to the Slave King, alerting him to Scourge’s location. Whether because he failed to get the message, or something else was preventing him from answering her, a second cry for help never came. He knows you’re here now, why aren’t you answering his call for aid?

“I can’t,” he said, as his voice filled with shame for his deceit.

Why not? Use the shadows, and assist our master! she demanded, furious that he was refusing to perform a duty she’d do without hesitation.

“I dare not return, not until it’s over,” he told her.

Traitor! she snarled, enraged that he’d betrayed the Slave King. Smelling his scent once more, her eyes narrowed into slits, when she realized why she’d been overcome by lust for him. The Vendetta, you’ve stolen it!

Seeing there wasn’t any point in denying his crimes, he took a low stance as he prepared to do battle against her. “I did what I had to, Nightmare,” he said, baring his fangs.

Liar! she roared, desperately wishing the traitor wasn’t already dead, so that she could kill him for his despicable betrayal.

Leaping on him, she latched onto his thick armor with her razor sharp teeth and fearsome claws, but the arcanum plates of his armor held true. Scourge, forcefully shoved her against the walls of the mineshaft, attempting to dislodge her. But her claws remained firmly latched to his armor, as he ran through the mines. Their fierce howls and the screeching of metal against claw, echoed through the long abandoned tunnels, as the Slave King’s two most powerful servants, fought each other to a standstill.

Scourge, the Hunter's spectral body, was invulnerable and immune to any physical attack, while Nightmare, the First Creation’s might and power was undeniable. It seemed as if their epic struggle would last for eternity. Until finally, he knew it was finished. Laying down on his haunches, he looked to her and surrendered himself.

“It’s finished now, Nightmare,” he said, wishing to end their stalemate.

What’s finished? she demanded, happy that he'd stopped resisting, yet dissatisfied that she could do nothing against him.

“Celestia, has finally dealt with the Slave King,” he replied, grateful that his master was finally safe.

You’ve killed him, Scourge! she screamed out in despair. He’s dead, and it’s all your fault.

“No, he yet lives,” Scourge stalwartly replied, fully prepared to be judged for his crimes.

So you’re just going to turn yourself in? she asked in disbelief

“Yes, I’m ready to face judgment,” he said.

Then come, Scourge, and don’t even think of trying to escape, she threatened.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied, grateful that this was finally over, yet dreading the meeting he’d have with the Slave King.

Nightmare looked at him in disgust, and motioned for him to follow her back to the palace with her head. Scourge followed behind her, as they ran through the ruins of the city, towards judgment and his fate.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter 13 of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. While thirteen might be considered unlucky by some, hopefully you found this chapter a worthy addition to the tale. While writing this chapter, I found myself concerned I may have been sappy with Celestia's dialogue towards the end. I wanted to show her tender side, yet playful at the same time, as she attempted to break through the Slave King;s defenses.

So finally Celestia's plot is revealed in full. It appears that the Slave King shouldn't have feared an assassin's blade, rather a wedding band. The only one question remains, who shall approach him at the altar? Perhaps, Princess Luna, beautiful and wise, yet lonely and yearning. Or Lady Minoa, who's strength and vivaciousness can't be denied. Maybe Lady Zephyr will be the one, her wish to be one with him finally fulfilled. And Lady Suzaku, whose heart only beats for him, may be just the one. Then again, Celestia, might just come out of left field and steal him away from the others.

And what's this, Lady Nightmare and Scourge? Is it possible everypony's favorite murder machine, has finally decided to start dating? And I wonder, what Dame Squall might say when she discovers she not dead? Will Dawson discover what he missed, the night before? And what of Ouroboros and Cerynitis, surely they have future plans involving the Slave King, none of which can be good for the Slave King. What might they be? And what exactly is the Devastation, and its brothers, is it like the Vendetta? Or something else entirely?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: Marriage of the Slave King, coming soon to a computer near you!

Once again gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!

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