• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 1: The Assault on Bone's Landing

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 1: The Assault on Bone's Landing

We diamond dogs are the only true children of the Earth. We saved Equestria. We drove out Lord Ouroboros. We built up Neo Vale. The hounds deserve respect, respect and obedience. We know what is best for the Domain of Earth. Reclaiming what was ours, living space, expanding our territory, and slaves. I know what must be done. The ponies, they look down their perfumed muzzles at all hounds, and they hate us. I’m going to give them a reason for hate when I’ve crushed them. Arcanum weapons, that’s the answer. Arcanum weapons in a diamond dog fist! And what of the other great Earth clans? The minotaurs? Trash! They have no respect for proper diamond dog ways. For us! The beastmen tribes are nothing but mongrels, with the tainted blood of the other lesser races coursing through their veins. We diamond dogs must lead the Earth…

- Master Second, The Heresies of Second the Doomhound

The sun shone brightly over the green field below him. Truly this was an excellent choice. He would have to give the soldier who selected the site an accommodation. Looking down at his assembled troops, he nodded once before drawing from the power of the Earth. Up from the ground rose an ornate stone throne, which he sat down on.

“Has the garrison commander given us his answer?” he asked the woman attending to him.

The woman was unique in many ways, as a member of the feathered folk race she carried traits of both her human and phoenix lineage. She wasn’t quite as tall as her lord, but as she stood on two legs she was still considered quite tall. Compared to the majority of other sentient creatures, most of which were quadrupeds she might even be considered a giant. Only the dragons were larger. Though she appeared human in most respects, the wings attached to her shoulders and the black feathers covering her body revealed her lineage to even the casual observer.

The young woman looked down from the scroll she was reading, before blowing a few of the black feathers that stubbornly refused to stay in place away from her face. Tapping her hand against the scroll a few times, she sighed. Looking at him she narrowed her emerald eyes in annoyance. “Forgive me my king,” she said, through clenched teeth, “but my sister has yet to return from the city.”

The king stroked his greying beard and offered the girl a small smile. “Harmony,” he said, “you shouldn’t frown so much, you’ll end up with wrinkles.”

“You sound just like mother,” Harmony replied.

“Well Lady Suzaku certainly knows a thing or two about beauty,” he said.

At the mention of her mother’s name, Harmony the Black scowled. Always with her she was never good enough. Her sister’s always received the praise, and she was always admonished to be more like them.

“Yoo hoo!” shouted a bubbly and melodic voice, making Harmony look up towards the sky. She could see the brightly colored yellow plumage of her sister Melody the Yellow as she landed. “I have it!”

“It’s about time…” Harmony muttered under her breath.

“What is their answer?” the Slave King asked, thrumming his fingers against the stone armrests of his throne.

“They said that the port of Bone’s Landing has been in the possession of the Domain of Water for over eight hundred years, and they refuse to surrender it to a bunch of mudslingers,” Melody said, handing a scroll to Harmony. “Those fish faces made a mistake refusing King Daddy, he’s gonna grind them into dust!”

“What did I tell you about calling the Slave King that?” Harmony admonished her sister.

The Slave King growled low when he heard the cities answer, not paying attention to the squabbling sisters he created an earthen ring. From the earth inside it, the large shape of an iron clad doomhound appeared.

“Slave King what is your command?” the armored beast asked.

“Scourge,” the Slave King replied, “it looks like the good people of Bone’s Landing have decided to fight it out. It looks like I lost our little bet.”

Scourge released a deep laugh, “Yes my king,” he said, “but fear not, victory will soon be yours, and what was once the Earth’s, will be the Earth’s once more.”

“Along with the trade routes as well, no doubt?” the Slave King said with a wry smile.

"Most assuredly, my king,” Scourge replied, his spectral blue eyes glowing with a hunger for battle. “Lord Triton won’t know what hit him.”

“I expect you’ll be placing the initiates at the front?” the Slave King asked.

“Well I was planning on holding them in reserve,” Scourge replied sheepishly.

“Scourge…” the Slave King said, showing his displeasure. “And why is that?”

“Lady Zephyr’s son has pledged himself to the battle,” Scourge replied, looking away from his king. “I didn’t think it would be proper to send him in the first wave.”

“Does his mother know he’s here?” the Slave King asked.

“I don’t think so,” Scourge said. “Besides, do you think she would let him fight as an anonymous foot soldier?”

“Good point,” the Slave King said, “assign him to guard the baggage train with the Shadow Hooves. I’ll see to him once the battle is over.”

“As you wish my king,” Scourge said, before his image lost cohesion and crumbled back into the earth.

Turning towards Harmony, the Slave King motioned for her to draw close. “Harmony take a message,” he said.

“Yes, my king,” Harmony replied. “Who does it need to go to?”

“Lady Zephyr,” the Slave King replied. “Tell her I have her son.”

“Ohhhh, busted!” Melody said with a mischievous smile, before shutting up when she saw the angry look her younger sister gave her.


Scourge looked over at the assembled host of diamond dogs, minotaurs, ponies, griffins, dragons, and even a few beastfolk. “Today we stand against the renowned knights of Triton the Lawgiver,” he rumbled. “Oh how the mighty have fallen! See how they tremble in fear behind their walls and moats, but their walls will not save them, their moats will not save them. So much for their much heralded courage, much heralded by them that is. The so called noble members of the ‘Most illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’ speak so highly of their honor, but where was their honor when they took what was ours?”

Pausing a moment to allow his words to take hold in his force’s hearts, Scourge turned to look towards the Western Sea. “These proud warriors of the Lawgiver think themselves to be our superiors,” he continued, “I think they are corpses looking for a grave. Now these defenders may outnumber us, but we are the stronger in this battle. Our forces are better equipped, better trained, and fight for a greater cause. Now take fresh courage and remember this above all else, the Slave King is watching. Make sure he is not ashamed!”

Once Scourge had finished speaking, the entirety of the Slave King’s army released a mighty shout, as they clashed their weapons against their shields and armor. Looking over his war host, the doomhound smiled as he took his place at the front of a unit of minotaurs.

However in the back of the army by the baggage train, one soldier a rare griffin-half was rather unhappy. “This is such a crock,” he grumbled, unhappy that he was going to end up missing all the action.

“This is still an important job,” a white pegasus said. “Besides, even if we don’t see any combat this will still count towards our ten.”

The ten, or the ten labors as they were known to the slaves of the Domain of Earth, were the ticket to freedom. Any slave who faithfully served for ten labors, which could be anything the central government required, would receive their freedom and even the chance to wear the Slave King’s brand if they distinguished themselves. It was the dream of most slaves to gain the brand, for all those fortunate enough to do so would gain wealth and power beyond mortal reckoning.

The griffin-half narrowed his brown eyes in disgust at the pegasus’s cowardice. “Pony, you might be happy to die a nofeather,” he said, turning to look towards the battle that had just commenced, “but one day, I’ll take Scourge’s place as the head of the ‘Order of the Shadow’.”

“Ha!” the pegasus replied, narrowing his blue eyes in challenge. “That will be the day. The Pit will freeze over first, before they let a half breed join their ranks, let alone run the entire order.”

“What did you just call me?” the griffin-half demanded, gripping his weapon tightly with his talons and stepping towards the pegasus menacingly.

“I called you a half breed,” the pegasus sneered, shaking his fluffy yellow mane in challenge. “You’re just the forgotten child of one of those wayfarer deviants.”

“I’ll rip you to pieces!” Dawson screamed, before feeling the sharp sting of a whip against his back, narrowly missing his large wings.

“What the hades, do you two calves think you’re doing?” Their grizzled old minotaur Sergeant Copper Hoof bellowed. “If we weren’t in the middle of a battle I’d have the both of you strung up to receive a ration. If I get any more trouble from either of you, I’ll administer it myself.”

Receiving a ration was the slang for receiving ten lashes. It was once widely believed that without receiving their daily ration of lashes, slaves would become uncooperative and belligerent. But fortunately for the slaves of the Domain of Earth, the practice of beating a slave daily had been for the most part stopped by the Slave King. However in the army, the standard punishment for dereliction of duty was ten lashes, and was still known by the colloquial term receiving a ration.

When they heard their sergeant threatening them with the whip, they silently nodded their agreement to behave and resumed guarding their posts.

When Dawson thought about how close he had come to getting a ration, he wanted to string himself up. The Slave King would never take him seriously, if it was on his record that he had received a ration.

“Hey, I’m sorry about what I said,” the pegasus apologized, stretching out his hoof. “It’s just when you said I’ll die a nopony, it made me angry.”

“Yeah, that was out of line,” Dawson said penitently, shaking the offered hoof with his hand, “I shouldn’t have said it.”

“I’m Bucky by the way,” the pegasus said, formally introducing himself.

“You can call me Dawson,” the griffin-half replied. “So I take it that you’re a slave then?”

“Yes,” Bucky replied. “My folks were sold into slavery by a bunch of unicorn nobles, when they couldn’t pay their debts. But it’s not so bad, I get treated fair and my ten is almost complete. How about yourself?”

“I pledged myself for this battle in hopes of distinguishing myself,” Dawson explained, “my father won’t acknowledge me, and I hope by making a name for myself he might change his mind.”

“So was your father a wayfarer?” Bucky asked.

A wayfarer was the term Equestrians had given to the Slave King’s human kin that would pop up from time to time. While not as common as the beastfolk, they were still a relative rarity. But as the beastfolk tribe’s numbers swelled over the years, it was rumored that wayfarers were the ones responsible. As a result, most wayfarers found themselves unwelcome throughout most of Equestria.

“Yeah, something like that,” Dawson replied, looking towards the far off hill the Slave King was watching the battle’s progression from.

“So, I’ve never met a griffin-half before,” Bucky said, inspecting the black and blue wings on Dawson’s back.

“That makes two of us,” Dawson replied. “I don’t think there are any others.”

“So do you live in the Beastmen’s Enclave?” Bucky asked.

“No,” Dawson replied, never taking his eyes away from the Slave King. “I’m originally from the Golden Eyrie up north.”

“So what’s it like there?” Bucky asked inquisitively. “Once I finish up my ten, I plan on seeing all of Equestria.”

“Really mountainous and windy,” Dawson replied, trying to think about what might happen if his mother discovered where he was. “But if you try visiting the Domain of Air, a word of warning. Griffins are pretty territorial, and consider ponies just a step above lunch.”

“I’m not afraid,” Bucky boasted. “After spending five years in the Domain of Earth, I’m sure visiting the griffins will be a cake walk. Besides…”

Before Bucky could finish, he stopped as his right ear twitched a few times, then he backed away from the baggage train looking around him cautiously.

“What’s going on?” Dawson asked Bucky, confused why he was acting so strangely.

“Dawson, watch out!” Bucky warned. “Step away from the baggage train.”

“Why?” Dawson asked, as he felt the feathers on the back of his neck rising.

“Because of that,” Bucky replied, pointing towards a tiny dark object flying overhead.

Looking skyward, Dawson’s brown eyes dilated as he was nearly blinded by the sun, and couldn’t quite tell what the object was. Instinctively he knew it was some form of magic, and prepared himself to defend the baggage train. Unfurling his wings, he launched himself into the air with his spear pointed forward. Looking to his left, he was surprised to see Bucky by his side. The pegasus flashed the griffin-half a grin, before racing on ahead towards their unknown attacker flying above them.

Suddenly, Dawson felt himself being knocked violently to the side. Growling in anger, he looked around trying to discover who had shoved him when he felt a freezing icicle barely miss him skewering him, grazing his leg instead. Looking to his left, he saw Bucky give him a small wave as he broke formation and veered to the left towards their opponent. Thinking back to the ice that barely missed him, he knew it could only be a reindeer battlemage.

Dawson cursed himself for being so careless and nearly getting impaled before he could make a name for himself. Looking above him, he was amazed when he saw Bucky effortlessly dodging all of the reindeer’s magical attacks. Seeing how the battlemage was currently distracted by the pegasus, Dawson knew he wouldn’t get a better chance to get the drop on their opponent. Trusting Bucky to keep the white furred reindeer distracted for a bit longer, he caught a thermal updraft until he was above the pesky mage. With the sun at his back he tucked in his wings as he dove down to ambush his unsuspecting opponent.


Gunhilde was feeling rather annoyed, her opponent was one tricky little faen. Currently the pegasus was effortlessly dodging everything she was throwing at it. Not even her most potent spells seemed to land on their target. Suffice it to say, the reindeer battlemage was feeling rather vexed about the whole situation. As her pegasus foe weaved past her latest barrage of freezing ice, she watched him dive inside a nearby cloud for cover.

“Tsch faen, I have you now!” Gunhilde growled, charging up her rune etched antlers to flash freeze anything inside that cloud into a block of solid ice. Before she could release the magic stored in her antlers she was hit from above by something big and heavy. Noticing the black and blue wings of her assailant, she narrowed her purple eyes in anger when she realized it must have been that griffin-half. Cursing herself for falling for the trap, she tried using the magic stored in her antlers to free herself as they fell towards the earth.

“Reindeer, I don’t think so,” Dawson menacingly said, roughly grabbing a hold of both of Gunhilde’s magically charged antlers.

Just as with electrically charged items, handling magically charged objects must be taken with extreme caution. Magic in its charged state waits to be either released in the form of a spell, or the chance to form a complete circuit with a non-magically charged object. Due to the feedback to both caster and the poor soul that ends up completing the circuit, it’s advised to never touch magically charged horns or antlers without proper protection.

Dawson, who had never paid much attention to the magic tutors that his mother insisted he study under, was unaware of this as he reached out with his bare talons to grab the doe’s glowing antlers. Meanwhile, Gunhilde prepared herself to create an ice shield around her in hopes of knocking her assailant off her back so she could finish him off. Before she had the chance to release the spell, the griffin-half on her back grabbed her antlers and completed the magical circuit.

Both Gunhilde and Dawson screamed in pain as the magical spell potential was unleashed, knocking both of them unconscious.


So far the game seemed to favor him. Looking his opponent directly in her turquoise eyes he attempted ferreting out her current stratagem. The pieces he had strategically placed were in their optimum positions. The defenses he had painstakingly setup provided his pieces with cover, and he had pieces set aside to route his opponent when she inevitably would make her fatal error.

The board set before was one that had been made with care and precision, where most would play on a plain board this one had detailed geographical features. Everything from the fields and forests, to the rivers and roads were detailed to look as close to the real thing as possible. The centerpiece of the board was the castle. Everything about it had been as built to scale. Even the drawbridge and gates open and closed, if ever tiny creatures wished to withstand a siege this board would be perfect for their needs.

I move my seapony archers to my northwest tower and battlements,” he announced, confident in his ability to counter her next move as he levitated the silver and sapphire encrusted pieces to their new location atop the tower.

“Rimefrost, moving thy archers to reinforce thy battlement was a bold move,” the dark mare more beautiful than the evening sky said. “But the move shall cost thee control of the southern gates. Additionally our phoenix’s and feathered folk shall most assuredly deprive thee of thy archers shortly.”

When he heard the mention of the feathered folk he looked darkly at the gold and amethyst pieces representing them on the board. Everything they represented was a burning reminder to how he had been wronged by that craven malformed monster. When he thought about how that degenerate beast took her virtue, his fiery temper made his blood boil.

“Rimefrost, we hast just taken thy gate and blockhouse,” she said with a teasing smile. “How shalt thou respond?”

Looking at her smile made him remember happier days, back when she had been his consort and he hers. He wondered had she ever smiled like that at the beast that had so vulgarly defiled her.

Noticing his scowling demeanor, the lady of the night leaned down towards him and tilted her head disapprovingly. “Rimefrost,” she chided to him, “tis poor sportsmanship to pout because thou art losing.”

“My lady,” he growled in annoyance, moving some gold and emerald pieces forward. “I am neither pouting, nor am I losing as you shall soon see. I move my dragons out of hiding to ambush your diamond dog and pony knights.”

“Rimefrost, we sense something is on thy mind,” she said, looking at him with concern on her muzzle. “Usually, thou playest the game with more finesse. Our phoenix’s and feathered folk take thy northwest tower and battlements.”

Seeing how quickly the board had shifted in her favor, he pawed at the ground with his hoof as he shook his antlers in aggravation. He would not lose to her, and he would not lose to that perverse animal. “My lady,” he said, moving forward some silver and ruby pieces. “I counter with my reindeer battlemages.”

“Art thou quite sure,” she replied, studying the board intently. “That wouldst leave the heart of thy keep ripe for plucking. Very well, we send forth our griffin skirmishers into thy outer courtyard.”

He wanted to scream with frustration, she was running roughshod over him this game. The feeling of impotence he was feeling about his imminent defeat was now nearly as great as how he felt during their betrayal towards him. Everydeer, all of his friends, and even she, had turned their backs on him when he had needed them the most. Looking back, he could understand why they had done what they had done. He could almost even forgive even Lord Triton’s great betrayal. But hers was beyond the pale. He could almost understand the marriage, considering it was a matter of political convenience. But to side with that monster over him, the one who had loved her once was unforgivable.

Knowing he had to risk everything in order to win, he decided to try running over her heavily guarded camp with a full frontal charge. It was a costly gambit, but if successful would win him the game before she could capture the heart of his fortress’s keep. “I’m charging towards your camp my lady with my kirins, seapony knights, and what’s left of my battlemages,” he said, pushing the pieces forward towards the center of the battlefield.

“Rimefrost,” she said with a predatory smile, “surely such a bold move on thy part is the sign of a desperate stallion. Pray tell, why woulds’t thou leave thyself unguarded otherwise?”

“My lady,” he replied with a hint of venom in his voice, “I believe you have left your camp unguarded. I think your general will surrender to me.”

“Nay Rimefrost, it will be thou that wilt surrender to us,” she replied, with a victorious smile. “We art always prepared, my serpent reveals my dragon-halfs and wayfarers.”

When he saw that not only had she beaten him badly, but with those pieces in particular, it sent him over the edge. “My lady,” he snarled, “you just had to use them didn’t you? I told you before we started playing I’d prefer playing with only the traditional pieces. But you just had to include them.”

She was shocked by his sudden outburst, and wasn’t quite sure why he was so upset. Did winning the game mean so much to him? “Dear Cerynitis,” she asked, with hurt in her eyes, “why art thou so wrathful towards us. Forgive us, if losing the game was such a mighty blow to thy pride and honor.”

Cerynitis looked towards her and instantly felt regret, when he saw how distressed she looked. Her beautiful brow instead of radiating beauty was now marred by sorrow and melancholy. “My darling Luna,” he said, bowing his head so low that his gilded antlers were touching the ground. “Forgive me for my untoward behavior. Nodeer, least of all you, should have been subjected to such callousness.”

Placated by his apology, Luna lowered her horn to touch his antlers. “Rise Lord Cerynitis,” she said, with a voice both gentle and kind, “tis not seemly that a lord as great as thee should scrape and bow.”

Lord Cerynitis raised his head up and saw Princess Luna smiling at him. Looking at her warm smile brought back a flood of memories, back to when they were together. Oh what a time that was, when the world was new and they were still young. Before she had let the beast touch her, and had his way with her. Thinking of the foul abomination his realm was forced to share a border with, was enough to make him unleash a hundred years of winter!

Seeing Lord Cerynitis scowling once more, made Princess Luna feel both concerned and confused. Certainly something was definitely bothering him, she was sure of it now. Losing a game so easily was one thing, but this current behavior was something else entirely. He was almost like a demon possessed. Perhaps Discord had broken free from his prison once more and was up to his old tricks once again!

Deciding that she needed to confront her former lover about his behavior, Princess Luna decided to ask him plainly. “Lord Cerynitis,” she asked him, radiating both calm and authority, “what troubles thee so. As much as we enjoy our fortnightly games, we shan’t allow thee to return if thou continueth to act so boorishly. If something ails thee, tell us so we might offer thee respite from thy grievous wounds.”

When he heard Princess Luna utter those words, his heart leapt for joy. She still loved him more than the monster! Before he could lay bare his conflicted emotions to her, she continued.”

“Lord Cerynitis,” she said, touching her horn to his antlers once more, “we art thy friend. And hope that thou wilt attend the Slave King’s inauguration with us…”

When he heard Princess Luna mention the Slave King, the moon became dark in his eyes. How dare that harlot come crawling back to the monster, like some wanton trollop! “To the pit with the Slave King,” he hatefully spat, leveling his antlers towards her threateningly, “and may he take you there to rot with him!”

Princess Luna’s eyes threatened to tear up when she heard Lord Cerynitis’s hateful response. She considered him one of her dearest friends. They had even shared love once, but now his heart was as cold towards her as the wintery domain he oversaw. With a hurting heart, and eyes that stung with bitter tears, she turned her back to him. “Lord Cerynitis,” she said, desperately trying not to cry. “We demand that thou taketh thy leave from us and never return to us again.”

“My lady, forgive me please!” Lord Cerynitis cried out in desperation, realizing his terrible mistake too late.

Princess Luna however, was of no mind to listen to his words as the stinging tears of Lord Cerynitis’s betrayal stained her face. “Guards,” she said with steel in her voice. Minutes later two of her Twilight Knights entered her chambers. “Lord Cerynitis is leaving now. Please escort him out of the palace.”

Whether the Twilight Knights noticed her tears or not, their steely looks didn’t betray their thoughts. “Lord Cerynitis,” the first knight sternly said, “come with us please.”

“Luna, I didn’t mean it…” Lord Cerynitis stammered. “Please, don’t send me away.”

“Please, leave us,” Princess Luna replied, unwilling to accept his apology.

“Princess Luna requested you leave her,” the second knight said, in a tone that said, ‘I don’t care if you rule the winter. If you don’t leave willingly, I will kick your flank out of the palace’.

Lord Cerynitis had enough power to crush the Twilight Knights a thousand times over, but currently was too distraught to put up a fight and sighed once before following the Twilight Knights out of Princess Luna’s private chambers. Before he left, he cast one last longing look at her as he exited the room.


The battle was progressing nicely, Scourge wanted to snicker when a group of three seapony mages tried drowning him with their water based magic attacks. Digging his claws into the cobblestones that lay beneath his iron shod paws, he waited for their magical assault to cease so he could return the favor. He flashed the three surprised seaponies a malevolent smile, showing off his razor sharp teeth before charging the thick wall they were using for cover. The heavy metal plates covering him impacted with wall easily braking through it, sending debris flying every which way and knocking the poor seaponies to the side.

“Come on you mongrels!” Scourge shouted to the soldiers behind him, displeased that they weren’t rushing through the opening immediately. “Are you waiting for an engraved invitation? The last one through this gap gets a ration from me personally!”

Hearing his threat sent the unit of minotaurs he was leading into a frenzy of activity, as they rushed through the impromptu entrance he had made. Scourge smiled, pleased with how eager his bulls were to enter combat. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt the impact of several large icicles smashing against his armored back. Slowly turning around he saw several reindeer battlemages floating overhead, preparing to launch another volley of spells at him.

Scowling at the out of reach reindeer flying overhead, Scourge flashed his ethereal blue eyes defiantly at them as he pounded the earth hard with his heavy right front paw. The earth in front of him fractured and cracked as stones shot up out of the ground towards his attackers. He scowled when he saw his first attack missed its intended target. Roaring defiantly at the reindeer flying overhead, he prepared to launch another volley when he found he couldn’t move his legs.

Looking down at his armored paws, he saw they were encased in ice that was rapidly working its way up his body. Try as he might, Scourge found he was unable to break free from the ice that was quickly entombing him. The last thing he saw before he was completely covered in ice was the looks of triumph on the battlemage’s muzzles. As his vision faded, he muttered, “My king…”


Magnus looked down at the block of ice that only moments previously had been one of the most feared mortal warriors in Equestria and gloated. “See Jarl, Scourge wasn’t so tough,” he said to his companion, spitting on the block of ice in contempt. “Without the doomhound to goad them on, the rest of the invaders will be easy enough to repel.”

“Magnus don’t!” Jarl cried out, frightened that Magnus was tempting fate by insulting the powerful Scourge even in death. “The faen might still get his revenge on you.”

Magnus snorted contemptibly at his companion’s cowardice. What had they to fear now? The dread doomhound was dead, and he Magnus, son of Nil had slain him. “Jarl, why fear the beast?” he asked. “Scourge, much like the rest of the Slave King’s forces, only play at war. The rest will fall just as easily.”

“Magnus, I’ve heard tales of this Scourge” Jarl fearfully said, “let’s leave and rejoin the battle.”

“And leave my trophy for somedeer else to claim, never!” Magnus replied, incensed that he should be denied his prize. Then lifting his leg, he urinated on the ice encasing Scourge as a final insult. “See Jarl, nothing to fear now that the great Scourge is dead.”

However, Jarl said nothing. Concerned as to why his companion was failing to respond, Magnus turned around, trotted towards him, and knocked him hard on the head with his antlers. When his antlers made contact with Jarl’s body, hairline fractures appeared where his antlers had struck him.

In disbelief, Magnus recoiled in horror at what had just happened. When Jarl refused to move or respond, he pushed him hard with his hoof. Jarl tipped over and fell hard against the cobblestones, shattering into tiny pieces.

“Magnus, perhaps you should have listened to Jarl after all,” a deep guttural voice said.

In fear, Magnus looked around and saw nothing. “Show yourself!” he demanded, lowering his horns and preparing to defend himself from his hidden assailant.

“I might have let you live,” the voice hissed into his right ear. “But you had to be so disrespectful.”

“Die, you faen!” Magnus cried out, releasing his magic in all directions.

“I already have,” the voice mockingly replied.

“Who are you?” Magnus said, exhausted and afraid.

“Your end,” the voice answered.

Before Magnus could respond, a shimmering doomhound consisting of blue energy jumped out of a nearby wall with its jaws wide open at him. Terrified, he couldn’t even blink before the apparition passed right through him. He felt a chill, cold as death overcome him.

“Faen, you missed! I’m still here,” Magnus boasted.

In response, an unearthly and guttural laugh filled his ears. Magnus desperate to get away, tried flying away but found his feet were stuck fast to the ground. Looking down at his feet to see what was keeping him earthbound, he saw to his horror he was slowly turning to stone. The last thing Magnus heard before his petrification was complete, were the haunting words, “Tell Jarl, Scourge sends his regards when you see him in the Summerlands.”


Scourge stood in front the statue of Magnus and the block of ice encasing his armor, when he heard somehound approaching him from behind. “Second, how goes the battle?” he said without bothering to look behind.

“Scourge, it would seem the battle goes better for me then yourself,” Second derisively replied. “I see you’ve managed to incapacitate yourself once again.”

“Help me free my armor,” Scourge said, looking towards his subordinate.

“Oh does the mighty Scourge require assistance?” Second jeered, pulling back his lips into sneer.

“Second, that’s an order!” Scourge commanded, in no mood to deal with insubordination.

“Scourge, I’m afraid that I can’t assist you,” Second said insincerely, as he headed to leave. Turning to look back at Scourge’s ghostly apparition he laughed. “I have my own tasks to attend to.”

“Second, get back here!” Scourge demanded. But he was nowhere to be seen. Laying his ghostly ears back he sighed, cursing the day he ever made Second a doomhound.

“Master Scourge, is that you?” a feminine voice asked.

Looking up, Scourge saw a beautiful sight. Aria the Red flying overhead, accompanied by several wings of griffins and pegasi each wearing the Slave King’s brand. Aria tucked in her wings and gracefully landed before Scourge’s spectral form.

“Master Scourge, whatever happened to your armor?” Aria asked the doomhound.

“I was caught unawares by some of Lord Cerynitis’s battlemages,” Scourge said, gesturing towards the block of ice behind him.

“It’s a good thing you can’t be killed,” Aria said, drawing upon the latent magic that flowed through her feathers. “Or I would have grieved at your passing master.”

Scourge gave Aria an approving nod as she melted the ice, of all his pupils he was the most proud of her. As beautiful as her mother, she was a fearsome warrior and by rights should be offered the mantle of leadership over the ‘Order of the Shadow’ when the Slave King no longer desired his services.

“My pupil, has the battle been favorable to you?” Scourge asked her.

“It has, my master,” Aria said over the roar of the flames being discharged from her fingertips. “The enemy resistance is failing, just as you predicted.”

“The Slave King will be pleased then,” Scourge replied, as he waited for the last of the ice to break off his arcanum armor.

“Yes, the Slave King will be pleased with you…” Aria said, unwilling to look at her master.

“I’m sure he is pleased with your performance as well,” Scourge said, as his spirit fused with his armor. “I know he is.”

“Then master, why has he never said so to either me or my sisters?” Aria asked, giving Scourge a look that desperately sought the answer to her question. “Are we such a disappointment to him?”

“It’s not my place to know my king’s mind,” Scourge said, attempting to provide his pupil with a small modicum of comfort. “But I see how he looks at you when you’re not watching. It is one of great pride.”

“Then why has he not said so?” Aria angrily said, unfurling her wings in preparation to take flight.

“I know not my pupil,” Scourge sadly replied, testing the joints of his armor.

Without another word, Aria and her war band took to the skies once more leaving Scourge behind. Watching his angry feathered folk pupil disappear over the battlements, Scourge looked behind him to where the Slave King sat observing the battle. Shaking his head sadly, he shook himself once and charged through the broken wall to rejoin his minotaurs who he was sure was in dire need of some positive reinforcement.


Looking up, he could see the sun shining in the cloudless sky overhead. It would be a beautiful day today. Though it wasn’t often that he enjoyed the city, today he had decided to personally see how his thriving city was doing. Though he was usually too busy reading some documents or one of the many petitions his people sent him on a daily basis, he decided that today he would take a well-deserved break. His meticulous secretary, Bosun was at his side carrying a satchel full of scrolls, bits, and his personal schedule.

“My liege,” Bosun said, pointing towards a large building made of carved coral and covered in bas relief carvings depicting the exploits of his realms mightiest heroes. “Perhaps you might care to tour the Hall of Heroes today. I hear the Harper’s Guild are performing the epic of Sir Stouthorn the Chivalrous, and his companion Seafoam the Virtuous today.”

As tempting as listening to a recital of a classic epic was, he thought the better of it. “No,” he said, stroking his magnificent mustache. “I’m here in the city to see the present, not to reflect on the past.”

“Very well, my liege,” Bosun said, disappointed that he would miss out on an opportunity to listen to the epic performed by experienced harpers. “Perhaps you might enjoy the city gardens. The apricot trees are in full bloom now. I know how you enjoy watching their blossoms fall.”

Sitting in meditation beneath an apricot tree while watching their blossoms fall did sound rather appealing, it wasn’t often that he the opportunity to do so. But sitting in quiet meditation contemplating nature would defeat the reason for coming into the city in the first place. “No Bosun,” he said, shaking his head and causing his dark green mane to move freely about his neck. “It’s ponies not nature I have come to observe.”

Bosun gave his liege a sideways look, “Well…” he said, trying to avoid making the suggestion, “there’s always the ports, pubs, and brothels if you really want to rub fins with the common pony.”

When he heard Bosun’s suggestion, he raised his left eyebrow questioningly. “I wonder if it would be proper, for my ponies to see me enter such vulgar places,” he mused aloud.

“My liege, you could always go incognito,” Bosun suggested, “if you wish to remain anonymous.”

“Bosun, that’s a capital idea!” he declared, startling several nearby seaponies who were surprised by their lord’s sudden outburst. Slipping into a nearby alley, he drew upon the latent magic of the sea that flowed through his body. Water infused magic pooled up beneath him, enveloping him and leaving behind a flowing mass of water. Slowly the water receded, leaving behind a humble looking seapony in its place.

Exiting the alley and reentering the street, he looked at his reflection in a nearby fountain. Staring back at him was a rather handsome looking devil if he didn’t say so. His dark green coat and light green mane cut a rather striking figure. “Bosun, how do I look?” he asked his secretary.

“My liege,” Bosun replied, “as always, you look simply magnificent. Now all you need is an alias to complete your disguise.”

“Bosun, call me Kelpie,” he said, to his secretary.

“Very well, Kelpie,” Bosun replied, gesturing with his fin for his liege to follow him. “I’ve heard interesting tales told of The Lady of the Sea.”

While Kelpie was the sort of stallion that knew places of ill repute like The Lady of the Sea had their place, as somepony as revered as he, being seen visiting such a place would certainly raise some eyebrows. But nowhere else could possibly offer him a greater insight into the mind of the common seapony and all the other mortal visitors of Marelantis.

Approaching the gilded building bearing the name The Lady of the Sea, Kelpie could see the dozens of mares, does, griffinesses, bitches, and other assorted females doing their best to lure customers inside to enjoy their multitude of delights. Having been quite some time since he had last associated with ponies of this character, he looked to Bosun to take the lead.

“Who shall we speak with to feel the pulse of the city?” Kelpie asked Bosun.

“Kelpie,” Bosun replied, “perhaps the madam of this establishment might be the pony to ask.”

“You seek the madam of The Lady of the Sea?” a silken voice asked.

Turning around, Kelpie saw a dragoness looking at him questioningly with emerald eyes. Her blue scales were faded with age, and she held a hookah pipe in her left claw which she took the occasional drag from. “That we are,” he replied. “We’re merchants having just returned from the Zebrakan, and wishing to know how the city has been in our absence.”

“With plenty of sea dollars, or bits I hope…” the dragoness said, taking a long drag from her hookah. “Nothing inside The Lady of the Sea is free.”

“We have the means to pay,” Bosun said, shaking his satchel, and causing the money inside to jingle together.

“Then gentlestallions,” the dragoness said with a slight bow, “I welcome you to sample all that we offer.”

Turning towards two beautiful seapony mares attending to her, the dragoness whispered something to them causing them to titter.

“Come,” the first said, “we are going to give you gentlestallions the Lady Suzaku special.”

“The Lady Suzaku special?” Kelpie asked, curious as to what that would entail.

“Oh yes,” the second cooed, “my sister and I have been instructed to welcome you back to our fair city properly.”


Hours later, Kelpie and Happy Ending, the seapony mare attending him were sitting on a bed together. “So is there anything more of interest you can tell me more about the city?” he asked her.

“I don’t know about the city,” Happy Ending whispered seductively, “but there’s something interesting on my side of the bed I would like to share with you.”

“Perhaps next time, little sister,” Kelpie said, brushing off her advances. “Tell me, have there been any rumors from the Domain of Earth recently?”

Rolling her eyes in disgust at the stallion that was refusing her, Happy Ending answered Kelpie’s question. “There are always rumors of war coming from the south,” she said, lying back against the bed and exposing her tempting flank to her customer. “But a yellow unicorn gem merchant I serviced recently mentioned he had heard that the Slave King was active near Bone’s Landing less than a week ago. Perhaps if you like we can discuss it in more detail under the silken sheets of my bed.”

“Thank you, but no,” Kelpie said getting off the bed. “What was the merchant’s name?”

“I believe the merchant’s name was Rough Cut,” Happy Ending told Kelpie, no longer bothering trying to seduce him.

“Thank you little sister,” Kelpie said leaving a generous stack of sea dollars on the table besides the bed. “The time we spent together was most educational.”

Happy Ending began eagerly counting the money as Kelpie left her room. Spying Bosun, he floated over towards his secretary and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Ah Kelpie,” Bosun said, seeing that his liege was standing behind him, “did you enjoy yourself?”

“I think I’ve learned all we can from this place,” Kelpie told his secretary.

“Well if you’re ready to leave we can do so now,” Bosun replied, handing several sea dollars to the seapony he had been chatting with. Following his liege out of The Lady of the Sea, he looked questioningly at Kelpie. “So what did you learn?”

“I think the Slave King might be readying himself for war against us,” Kelpie advised him. “We’ll need to speak with a unicorn gem merchant named Rough Cut to confirm my suspicions though.”

Pulling out a thick ledger from his satchel, Bosun began consulting it as he searched for the merchant’s name. “Ah here we are,” he said, pointing towards an entry in the ledger with his fin. “It looks like Rough Cut’s vessel, the Shiny Bauble, is scheduled for departure today.”

“Then lead the way,” Kelpie said, waiting for Bosun to guide him to where the vessel was docked.

A short time later both Kelpie and Bosun approached the dock that the Shiny bauble was moored at. Looking at the ship’s lines, Kelpie could tell it was of Equestrian origins. Instead of the sleek fast lines the ships of the Domain of Water used, Equestrians ships were more delicate and fanciful.

Kelpie approached one of the earth pony sailors who were busy preparing the ship for launch. “Excuse me my fine pony,” he said with a smile. “Might I trouble you to direct me to a unicorn named Rough Cut?”

The brown earth pony put down the large crate he was carrying on his back and looked at the two seaponies for a minute before spitting on the dock. When the crate hit the deck, the rattle of iron chains was heard. “Depends on who’s asking,” he said, giving the seaponies a hard look with his blue eyes that were nearly hidden beneath his unkempt black mane.

Kelpie flashed a warm smile and extended his fin in greeting. “We’re just two fellow merchants wishing to discuss trade with him,” he said, hoping to win over the earth pony.

“Haven’t got time to gab with a bunch of fish faces,” the earth pony brusquely replied, picking back up his heavy load revealing his cutie mark, a pair of manacles.

Bosun, incensed that anypony would treat his liege so rudely, got in the earth pony’s face and pointed a fin threateningly at him. “You’d better make the time,” he growled, “if you know what’s good for you.”

Kelpie, seeing things had the potential to get out of fin fast flashed a few golden equestrian bits. Perhaps we got off on the wrong fin, er hoof,” he said.

The earth pony took the bits, and gestured towards the ship. “Rough Cut is below decks,” he said, returning to his work.

“Perhaps you could take him to us?” Kelpie asked hopefully.

“Perhaps I could,” the uncooperative earth pony replied, looking back at Kelpie expectantly.

Bosun, seeing where this was going flashed a few more bits. “Perhaps you could find it in your heart to take us to him?” he asked, holding onto the bits tightly with his fin.

"Come this way,” the earth pony said, leading the seaponies onto the ship. Once they reached the hold, the pony stuck his head into the hold and shouted, “Oy, Rough Cut. There’s a couple seaponies looking for ya.”

Snatching the bits from Bosun’s fin, the pony went back to work and left the two seaponies to wait for Rough Cut to come up from beneath the decks. A short time later, a fat yellow unicorn with a large polished gemstone on his flanks climbed up out of the cargo hold.

The unicorn looked at Kelpie and Bosun for a minute, before slicking back his orange mane. “I’m Rough Cut,” he said, looking at the seaponies cautiously. “What business did you lot have with me?”

“We’re merchants ourselves,” Kelpie said, extending his fin in greeting. “Recently we heard you’d had business in the Domain of Earth. Is that true?”

Rough Cut looked at Kelpie suspiciously. “Perhaps I have.” he said, “There’s neither contraband nor slaves on my ship. There’s no law that says I can’t trade with the diamond dogs.”

“No one’s accusing you of slaving,” Kelpie replied, noticing that the hold below contained many cages.

“That’s good, because I’m no slaver,” Rough Cut said, looking at the two seaponies. “I run a respectable business trading gems with the diamond dogs.”

“Did you happen to see a large amount of diamond dog activity in the vicinity of Bone’s Landing? Kelpie asked.

“That I did,” Rough Cut replied, placing a pipe in his mouth before lighting it. “I was making an exchange down near the Desolate Road when I saw a large number of them shadow knights that belong to the Slave King and a couple thousand of diamond dogs. They mighta been drilling, they mighta been marching to war, but they were moving west in an awful hurry.”

“The Desolate Road?” Bosun pointedly asked. “Isn’t that the main exchange near the coast for slaves?”

“Aye, that it is,” Rough Cut defensively said, “but there’s plenty other legitimate trade that occurs there as well. Now I answered yer questions, now get off me ship.”

“I have one last question for you,” Kelpie said, looking disapprovingly at the fat unicorn before him.

“What’s it?” Rough Cut demanded, puffing on his pipe.

“How many of your fellow ponies have you damned to misery and death, in the Slave King’s mines?” Kelpie demanded of the merchant.

“We run a clean ship, we ain’t no slavers,” Rough Cut growled, angry at being accused of such monstrous behavior. “To the Pit with ye!”

Kelpie turned to Bosun, “Come, we’ve gotten what we needed,” he said to his secretary.

“You lot, taint going nowhere,” a menacing voice said from behind them.

Turning around, Kelpie saw the rude earth pony from earlier, along with six other rough and tumble stallions. “Now there’s no need for violence, I’d hate for somepony to get hurt,” he said, trying to convince the ponies to stop.

“Take this lot down below, and be gentle” Rough Cut said with a cruel smile. “Seaponies make lousy laborers, but I hear they still pay top bits for the ones in excellent condition.”

Kelpie had heard enough. He was originally only planning on having the port authority detain the crew for questioning, but now they had just proven themselves to be nothing less than inpony slavers. Feeling the cries for justice from all the souls of those poor ponies who had been forced into slavery by these beasts in pony form, he drew upon the blessed Western Sea to bring them to justice.

Menacingly the seven pony slavers surrounded the two seaponies. Bosun’s eyes and fins became flush with power, as he drew upon the magic of water preparing to defend himself. Kelpie, knowing that the need for a disguise was past, took on his true form.

In shock at the sight of the two empowered seaponies, the pony slavers all got down on their knees begging for their lives. Rough Cut in particular, when he saw Kelpie reveal himself dropped his pipe and began to back peddling in an effort to escape him.

With a flick of his fin, Kelpie caused a tendril of water to reach up over the ship and grab hold of the unicorn slaver hanging him upside down by his hind leg. Looking down at his captor Rough Cut looked down in terror at the seapony below him, doing the only thing he was able to. Beg for his life.

“Please master,” Rough Cut begged, “we’re just honest merchants trying to make a living.”

“You have made your fortune built on the back and tears of those too weak to fight you,” Kelpie said, full of righteous anger as he wrapped tendrils of water over the unicorn’s head. “By all rights, I should just kill you now.”

Rough Cut struggled in vain against the watery tendrils that were depriving him of the precious oxygen his lungs demanded. His eyes darted back and forth, and his mouth opened and closed searching desperately for air just outside of his reach. His body shook and his face started turning blue as he faced death by asphyxiation. Right before he gave up the ghost, the tendrils of water drowning him let go, and he fell to the deck of the ship with a very wet thunk. Coughing up water, and gasping for air. The unicorn looked up in fear at Kelpie.

“But there’s something to be said for the quality of mercy,” Kelpie said. “You and your stallions will not die today, but you will face justice for your crimes by Celestia’s hoof.”

Bosun turned to his liege. “Mercy?” he asked, surprised by Kelpie’s actions.

“It’s what Celestia would want, if she were here,” Kelpie explained. “I made a public spectacle of this. I’m sure other slavers will think about a career change. Besides, I have far greater problems to attend to…”

“You mean seeing to Bone’s Landing’s defense?” Bosun asked.

“Yes,” Kelpie replied, before turning towards some nearby guards, instructing them to detain the Shiny Bauble’s crew until he could see to their transportation to Princess Celestia’s custody. “Bosun, how quickly can we mount an expeditionary force to Bone’s Landing?”

“My liege, probably within three days’ time at the earliest,” Bosun said, consulting his ledger. “However…”

Before Bosun could finish, an out of breath seapony courier floated over towards them. “Thank the Lawgiver, I finally found you my lord!”

Kelpie turned towards the courier, curious as to what he could want. “What dire news do you have for me?” he asked.

“It’s terrible, Lord Triton,” the courier told the Lawgiver. “Bone’s Landing has been sacked and nearly overrun!”

“Tell me, who was responsible for this treachery!” the Lord of Water demanded.

“It was ‘The Order of the Shadow’,” the courier said. “Scourge himself was seen leading the assault against its walls. And that not even the half of it, there’s even worse news.”

Lord Triton reeled in disbelief, how could things get any worse? “Well then, spit it out,” he ordered, “are we to be assaulted by dragons as well?”

“No, the Slave King is leading the forces personally!” the courier said, his exhausted body still barely able to keep himself aloft.

“How could this happen?” Lord Triton demanded to the courier. “Nearly a fifth of my forces are stationed there. Bone’s Landing is one of the most heavily fortified cities in the world!”

“My lord, I know not,” the courier answered, “I barely escaped with my life. The last thing I saw before escaping into the sea was the outer walls being breached by the Slave King’s forces.”

“How long ago?” Lord Triton said, with a voice that threatened violence.

“Lord Triton, less than six hours ago,” the courier said, still trying to regain his composure.

“Then the city is lost,” Bosun said, shaking his head sadly at the loss of one their most important trade hubs.

Without bothering to reply to his secretary, Lord Triton floated down the Shiny Bauble’s gangplank and floated down the pier towards the Western Sea. With a look of iron determination on his muzzle, he drew upon the power of his domain until he was flush with magic. Both his scales and eyes glowed with an ethereal blue light.

Concerned for his liege, Boson chased after Lord Triton. “My liege, where are you going?” he shouted after the Lord of Water.

“Bosun,” Lord Triton commanded. “Send dispatches to all my knights, to Lord Cerynitis, and Princess Celestia. Tell them I am going to reclaim Bone’s Landing, and their assistance would be greatly appreciated in this matter.”

“But my liege,” Bosun objected, “you can’t possibly defeat the Slave King alone in his own domain!”

“Bosun, you worry too much!” Lord Triton said with a small laugh, before jumping into the Western Sea. Within moments, the sea was frothing and boiling as an enormous waterspout formed. From within the water spout, the face of Lord Triton looked down on his secretary. “I’ll be fine, but I certainly won’t object to any aid you can get me.”

“Very well my liege,” Bosun said, bowing his head in defeat before he rushed off towards Lord Triton’s Citadel.

Looking towards the Domain of Earth, Lord Triton scowled and grimly said, “I could certainly use it.”

Authors Notes:

Thank you gentlereader for reading, as always comments are appreciated. It was an enjoyable time revisiting the Slave King and the others. I hope you've found the story to your liking so far. I plan on leaving lots of juicy tidbits to chew on as I release each chapter. Hopefully you've found the characters I've introduced intriguing. I had a real fun time writing Lord Triton, it allowed me to channel Sir Stouthorn's inner justice as he punished those wicked pony slavers. This story will be the first one I've written dealing heavily with themes of family. While the previous one was centered more on friendship, I hope you'll find the interactions of Dawson, Aria, Harmony, and Melody to be believable and most importantly entertaining.

Once again thank you for reading gentlereader, until next time!

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