• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Experienced and Rugged

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Day.

Entering the room was the unicorn duo of Potion Nova and Radiant Hope. Sombra looked back at his childhood friend who he's been seeing more often than usual. He then turned away from Radiant Hope, looking back at Nightmare Moon who already had a smug look on her face. Sombra would then keep his attention away from Radiant Hope, looking elsewhere.

"Look at you. Staying silent once she entered the room." Nightmare Moon taunted, knowing all about Sombra and Radiant Hope thanks to being Luna's alter-ego.

"Sombra! Hey!" Radiant Hope cried out, trying to get his attention. "Guess what? I chose to fill in a position here at the school! Isn't that great?!

"Don't you have other things you have to be doing? What happened to your quest?" Sombra grumbled while still not facing her.

"My quest? That's over with now, Sombra. I only set out to help you and to investigate the Dread League. Now that that's all done and wrapped up, I'm a free pony now. I can do whatever I want and catch up with the rest of my life. And I think becoming a teacher is the best thing for me! I've seen a lot, you know!"

"And I've done a lot!" Potion Nova added, raising some potions that she already brought along. Right behind her was a cart of potions just available for use. "I spent most of my time working on my newest potions. Especially that one that involves Vampire Magic."

"You did?" Nightmare Moon's eyes widened as she couldn't just gloss over what Potion Nova had just said.

"Isn't this great, Sombra? We can teach a lot to the students with our combined knowledge. I can tell you're happy about this." Radiant Hope approached him, seeing eye-to-eye with the former Crystal Empire King.

"Bah." Sombra scoffed. "I'm still going for history and no one can stop me. I have no idea what you'd cover here at all. Anyway, I need to find the right classroom for me. Perhaps the room of that Olympia will do." He would hop off his seat, trotting out of the room as he formed into a body of shadow to pass through Potion Nova's massive potion cart.

"Speaking of which, I should redesign one of those rooms in my image." Nightmare Moon was on the same page as Sombra, wanting a fresh new look.

"I thought Princess Luna was much shorter..." Potion Nova said, unaware of Nightmare Moon being her own being as it was easy to mistake for Princess Luna. "Anyway, what say you, Radiant? I think this is the perfect opportunity to start my own class. Do you think they'll be interested in potions?"

"Are these the ones that involve Pokemon?" Her fellow unicorn questioned.

"Of course! Every single one." Potion Nova came well-prepared for something like this. This was a Pokemon School after all. Facing her potion cart, she listed which ones she brought and what they do. "There's a potion for giving someone a type, swapping types, reversing types, granting moves, replacing moves and even remembering moves. I can guarantee that these will be handy for the students. Why stick with what the Pokemon World has when you can expand it?"

"Sounds good. Maybe start small though. After all, we'll have different species showing up to learn more about Pokemon. And some might take some time getting used to these potions."

"Good point. I'll make sure to remember that. In the meanwhile, until we wait for Twilight to come back...Wanna try one?" Potion Nova brought one potion over with her magic, suggesting that Radiant Hope take a swing at the various wonders these potions could bring.

"Ooh...I don't know...Should I? Aren't these meant for Pokemon?"

"They are. But I worked hard to make sure they're compatible with ponies. Pretty soon, they'll be compatible with other species and that'll only happen when classes start. This one lets you speak to your Pokemon by letting you speak your name."

"So...I'll just be saying my name over and over again?"

"That's what I'll hear but you'll speak with your Rapidash as if you both perfectly understood each other. Worked wonders for my own Rapidash."

"Oh well. I guess it can't hurt." Radiant Hope would take the risk, curious about the potions anyway. Wanting to see how this works, she took a drink.

Pegalysium. Afternoon.

Back at Pegalysium, the search for more teachers continued even though two new ones had just appeared at the Pokemon School. At the moment, Ash, Twilight and Celestia were being guided by Garnet who apparently knew about some pegasi who were more focused on the Pokemon than anyone here at Pegalysium, having very little to do.

The group travelled via a Skyboat, moving across the Sea Clouds and feeling the zenith of the air. The air was at its absolute best here at Pegalysium due to how high it was as Ash and Pikachu's face would wobble, feeling the rush as the boat was moving a rather quick pace, making this an enjoyable ride. Celestia sat there with a peaceful look on her face, letting the wind blow her ethereal mane. Up ahead, past the massive sea cloud was what appeared to be a meadow.

A beckoning meadow of countless flowers stretched out as far as the eye could see, interrupted only by tiny fields in the distance. Their eyes widened seeing it as the Skyboat would slow down. The banquet of flowers were irresistible to fluttering butterflies and brightly coloured beetles.

This meadow was tailored to Pegalysium's creatures rather than the Pokemon instead. Above them birds displayed their graceful flights and dazzling acrobatics while large winged bovines grazed on the banquet of flowers, followed closely by small, crane-like birds.

The scents of the wildflowers accentuated by the warmth of a late spring's sun, out of reach of any and all clouds, had the power to calm any and all traversing this landscape. The soft grasses beneath would certainly make for a comfortable bed. The Skyboat eventually came to a halt as they had reached their destination where they could find the Pegalysium who were used to being around Pokemon.

"We're here. This is the place." Garnet said once the Skyboat docked at the meadow. Ash would then leap out of the boat, setting foot on this land once more. Pikachu would join him as they both embraced the welcoming atmosphere that this meadow brought. Even though this wasn't catered to a Pokemon and more so the animals that live up here, Ash and Pikachu could feel a rather familiar sensation being here.

His friends would leave the Skyboat as they began walking through the Sky Meadow, searching for these ponies. The birds would soon scatter once they got near. "So, what's your new Pokemon School going to be like?" Garnet asked, speaking with Twilight along the way.

"Just a place where all species can learn about Pokemon. Not everyone's caught up with them since it's only been 4 years so now is the perfect time to change that." Twilight explained. "I just need a good amount of teachers for this. That's all, really."

"Hm. I'd love to join but I already have a job up here, taking care of the little ones. I'm still trying to make as much money as I can after all. I don't spend time around Pokemon all that much compared to these ponies anyway."

"Maybe you can come and check it out once it develops some more. Ponies from Pegalysium are definitely going to want to come over and it'll be great having ponies from here teach them as well. It helps create that synergy." The Princess of Friendship added. At that moment, the group would then come across some trees that were past the meadow. Up next was a forest which was connected to it.

The forest was small, impenetrable, and archaic. Its canopy was demanded by hemlock, alder, and redwood, and sparkling light dancing between the branches allowed for a collection of plants to control the insect-riddled soils below. Silent vines waved from every tree, and a range of flowers, which claimed quiet corners, were a welcome change in the otherwise dark green lower level. A tumult of sounds, most belonged to herds of larger animals, echoed in the air, and were strangely synchronized with the occasional sounds of breaking twigs beneath the feet of larger animals.

However, upon entering this forest, that is when they came across something. For the most part, they've been seeing Pegalysium animals but very soon, their eyes met with a creature that was not originally from here. Twilight narrowed her eyes, spotting an odd figure in the distance.

A small, white hedgehog-like creature green grass-like fur on its back and a pink flower with two leaves on each side of its head could be seen. The shade of the trees were masking its appearance, until it showed up leaving the shades, showing its true self. Ash instantly recognized which creature this was as it was a Pokemon.


"Oh. It's a Shaymin..." Ash came to a halt after coming across this Pokemon that he has seen quite a bit of.

"A Shaymin?" Twilight took out her Pokedex.

"Shaymin. The Gratitude Pokemon. Land Forme. It lives in common flower patches but is rarely noticed. It is often mistaken for a flowering plant when curled up. When the turning of seasons brings the cruel winter to its end and the joyous people give thanks to the heavens, Shaymin appears and covers the withered land with flowers, dissolving toxins in the air. The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers."

"Pretty rare to see a Shaymin here." Ash kneeled, facing the Gratitude Pokemon and greeting it. "Hey."

"Pikachu." Walking up to the Grass-Type was Pikachu. And from the first interaction, Shaymin did not waver or back away upon meeting with these new faces. From what Ash has seen based on his encounters with other Shaymin, it wasn't a shy Pokemon at all, especially in its Sky Forme.

"Do you think that this Shaymin knows the ponies over here?" Twilight questioned.

"No clue. Never seen this one before in my life." Garnet shook her head as she just couldn't say. "What do you think, Ash? You're the expert here."

"I only know one of my friends who has, or had a Shaymin. It's a Mythical Pokemon so that's what makes it rare. Shaymin probably got up here by using its Sky Forme." Ash explained.

"Min! Shaymin!" Just then, as he was looking at this one Shaymin, the voice of another Shaymin was heard nearby. Or rather, multiple Shaymin. Ash and his friends looked on ahead as their eyes were met with a swarm of Shaymin who populated this area more than what they expected. Ash grimaced as the Shaymin all showed up, approaching the many flowers that could be found here and at the meadows.

"Woah! Check out all the Shaymin!" Ash gazed in wonder. The last time he saw this many Shaymin was when multiple
arrived for the Gracidea flowers. Twilight was getting to see more of this Pokemon who was apparently supposed to be a Mythical.

But right now, Shaymin was appearing as common as a Normal-Type. Celestia giggled as these Shaymin gathered around her feet, heading for the flowers. Ash had to wonder if there were Gracidea flowers somewhere here in Pegalysium. He wouldn't put it past him.

It was a nice sight, seeing all of these Shaymin, yet the ponies who were apparently used to Pokemon up here were yet to be found at all. This meadow and forest were mainly populated by Pokemon and Animials more than anything. While they were searching for new teachers, they would mind relishing in this moment.

"Who's there?" Just then, another voice passed through. And this time, it wasn't the voice of a Shaymin or any other Pokemon. Just as they were playing around with the Shaymin, the voices would stay distant, unlike the Shaymin who got very up close.

Hearing this made Ash and Twilight alert. This meant that the ponies they were looking for were indeed here. Ash sat up with a Shaymin on his head, trying to see who was there. But the distance was too far for a clear vision. Not for Celestia though. By using her magic, she heightened her vision, looking further.

The Sun Princess looked past the trees and bushes, trying to get a good look at these ponies. Lo and behold, there were indeed ponies in this part of Pegalysium. Quite a handful of them too. Celestia saw ponies who appeared to be a bit rugged, having unkempt hair that didn't look like they've been taken care of at all. Just then, these rugged ponies would slowly approach, trying to see who had shown up here.

"I believe that would be them," Celestia commented, confirming it to Ash and Twilight. Eventually, this group of ponies would walk out of the shade of the trees, showing themselves.

"Who are ya?" A mare questioned. Ash and the others got a better look at them. Each of them looked like they have been out here for years, lacking any polish on their manes or even faces. Tatters could be seen on them as some were wearing accessories or clothes that looked rather shabby and stitched together.

"It's okay, you all. They're friendly." Garnet would speak up, vouching for Ash and his friends. Immediately, these rugged pegasi noticed Garnet, recognizing her immediately.

"Ooh, Garnet." One of them said with a smile on her face. Garnet was obviously a friendly face here as these ponies were rather cautious once showing themselves to Ash's group.

Although, only their bodies could be seen as they were wearing masks to conceal their faces. These masks had a common design. They all had the face of what resembled the Avus-Pegasus. The Time-Changing Pegasus that resides in the Clock Door over at the Sky Monarch.

"Uh, hi. We're just passing by to meet with you, that's all." Twilight greeted.

"Meet with us?" A young colt repeated.

"Yeah. Is this your home?" Ash asked, wondering if the meadows and forest were the homes of these ponies.

"It is their home. They have the entire meadow and forest to themselves." Garnet confirmed. "All of this expansive land is theirs and no one else's."

"What do you want us for?" A stallion asked, wondering why these new faces would want to meet with them.

"Yeah? Why?" Another rugged pony questioned.

"Well, I just came here since I heard you all were pretty used to Pokemon. Out of anypony in Pegalysium, you've spent the most time with them so I'm guessing you know a lot."

"We do know a lot." The mare in the front confirmed. "A lot. 4 years to know about them all."

"4 years? That's the time when they entered our world." Twilight grinned as that was incredibly promising. For most of the ponies up here at Pegalysium, they seemed to only be aware of Pokemon recently with neither pony having Pokemon of their own by their side. But these ponies had experience, despite how they looked. "Listen. How would you like to be teachers of my Pokemon School?"

"Teachers?" The rugged ponies with Pokemon Experience repeated in unison. "Pokemon School?"

"Mhm." The young alicorn nodded her head frantically. "It's a place where all things Pokemon can be learned. At least for those living in Equestria, Pegalysium and the lands beyond. Not including the regions. They're completely fine."

"Being teachers? Us?" The mare in the front scratched her hair for a moment. "Oooh...That means getting a job."

"It's your opportunity, you all." Garnet flew over. "This is really your chance to finally get a job like you've always wanted. And on top of that, it's something you all enjoy. Pokemon. Well, it's all you ever enjoy, really."

"Have they struggled to get jobs?" Celestia asked.

"They've wanted to, but they couldn't. There just wasn't anything that they had an expertise on." Garnet explained. "I'm afraid they don't have any Quillbuits on them."

"Nothing like that." The mare shook her head. "Sucks, doesn't it? It's pretty hard for us as a family to get a job when we all don't have something that really sticks out for each of us."

"You're all a family?" Twilight uttered. The thought of having multiple family members being teachers was different. It's been done before but it wasn't all that common. At all. "Huh. I mean, that can work."

"Getting some Quillbits would be pretty great." The mare in the front replied with a happy tone, even if the mask was hiding her face.

"Well, we use bits back at Equestria." Twilight continued. "And sometimes Pokedollars but we can work it out. Having all the experience is what we need to teach others to be safe around Pokemon and know more about them. That's all."

"Teaching others ain't our style though...We've been here as a family only. Sometimes we see Garnet and some of her friends but that's about it." The mare shook her head. "But we really want this job too."

"You'll have to excuse them. Since they've been out here as a family for so long, they're not exactly that connected to other civilizations her at Pegalysium."

"They're not? So, you and your friends are the only ponies they've met?" Ash questioned.


"Mhm. I've been planning on bringing Shooting Star to them someday since he's also my friend. They're secluded from most of Pegalysium but they know how to carry a lot of knowledge with them. Trust me. It only makes sense though. Because each and every one of them are descendants of the First Pegasus of Destiny. Windkiss."

"They are?!" A shocking revelation had been made making all three of them bellow. The pegasi that wore these masks, showing a rather cautious disposition unless around friendly faces were more than just some ponies out in the meadows and forest.

They were descendants of Windkiss. A Legendary Pegasus who created the Avus-Pegasus and kicked off the Pegasus of Destiny line. Ash, Celestia, Twilight and their Pokemon were currently face to face with what was left of Windkiss ever since she moved on all those years ago as the journey continues.

Chapter 217 End.

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