• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Ash and Lena! Generational Bond

Alola. Melemele Island. Hau'oli City. Afternoon.

At last, Ash and Lena have finally met.

All it took was their love of food to finally encounter each other. During Alola's first time filmng a movie with equipment straight from PokeStar Studios, Ash and Lena crossed paths and immediately recognized each other. Twilight and the others noticed this immediately once Lena's mask came off.

That face was far too similar to Ash's to the point where it was almost scary. The same hairstyle, the same black hair, that signature lightning bolt birthmark on their faces, they looked exactly alike, minus the clothing and the obvious height difference. Lena was naturally older.

"This is weird..." They both said at the same time, feeling their worlds flip upside down. The two of them would immediately pace around each other, accidentally mimicking each other's movements. They tried seeing if they were looking into a mirror despite the height difference. Both would hold their faces and rub them, still feeling like this was a dream.

"My descendant..." Lena spoke while staring into Ash's eyes. And when the two looked at each other for a while, Lena started rubbing Ash's face, smushing it about. "Ah! How cute! You look just like my little brothers back home!"

"And you look just like me! Or is it the other way around?" Ash questioned, still unsure if what he's looking at is reality.

"What is this? Is this a dream?" They would ask themselves, pinching their cheeks and trying to wake themselves up. However, they both just ended up hurting each other's cheeks.

"Ow!" They yelped, feeling the pain. But now they knew it was 100% real. Both were completely separate. Ash was born in the present and Lena was born centuries ago. They were the only living proof of their family's bloodline.

"It's over!" James got on his knees, holding his hair in defeat.

"I'm so glad I've met you!" Elated about this, Lena hugged her descendant with tremendous joy in her heart. "My own descendant! I didn't think I'd get the chance since I was so busy!"

"Same here!" Ash hugged her back. "I really wanted to see you when I heard someone like me was going around and I saw your picture! You're like Ultra-great Grandma! Should I call you granny?"

"Me? A Grandma" Lena paused for a moment. "Oooh! I never thought I'd be called one. Am I that old?"

"You're not even supposed to be in this era!" Jessie vigorously pointed at Lena.

"Looking at you reminds me of home." Lena then released her arms from Ash. "Your eyes are the exact same as mine. You have my father's eyes. And my mother's face too. Your hair's a mess, but it's fine since it's natural. The color, the texture, it's perfect. My brother's had the same type of hair. But your clothes are weird."

"But you're wearing those clothes, grandma." Ash pointed at Lena's getup which was also modern. Granted, that was all Lena had to wear when she was thrown through time.

"Well, they're on the same page." Twilight spoke. "Makes sense since they're related. But Lena acts a lot like him, doesn't she?"

"She does." Rarity nodded. "Just a bit more mature."

"Ah! The food!" Lena recalled the food before her, shifting her attention back at it along with Ash.

"Or...maybe not." Rarity took it back. Now that Lena had met Ash, Team Rocket couldn't hide her from him anymore. Luckily for them, they still made sure to hide their real names with fake ones and their appearances were always disguised. They could at least have that benefit.

"Now, since the two of you are interested, let's get the contest going, shall we?" The woman spoke, getting the two to remember what they were supposed to do.

"Right!" Lena nodded her head.

"Alright!" Ash was grinning ear to ear, wanting to test his mettle.

"Aaaaaaaah..." The two of them would sigh out of their mouths, their hungers satisfied as they were sitting side by side, enjoying their new friendship. After the contest, the two of them were declared tied, neither being able to win due to the sheer amount of food they had. The appetite the two of them had were very much equal as well.

"That was amazing..." Ash had a huge grin, his face covered in different sauces.

"Mmm...So full. But delicious. The best meal I've had in ages." Lena also had a wide smile. The two would glance at one another, locking eyes for the second time.

"Ahem." Getting in between them was Twilight, who had something to say. "Well, now that you're both satisfied, isn't there something you want to talk about?"

"Oh, right! Grandma! I didn't introduce you to my friends yet!" Ash jumped up, moving his arm to show all of his friends. "Check it out! These are my friends! A whole bunch of them from Alola and some from Equestria! And right here's my partner Pikachu." He held his hands out, having his little partner jump onto them.

"Pika!" Pikachu chirped.

"My. So many of them." Lena's eyes were shining with glee, happy to see just how many friends her descendant has made. Since she came from the far past, the ponies and their world never crossed over with hers back then. Everything here was past her time and it was as wild as she could imagine.

"Not exactly what I was referring to, but..." Twilight shrugged before flying up to Lena. "Afternoon. My name's Twilight Sparkle. Princess Twilight, sometimes."

"A Princess?" Lena's eyes widened. She had yet to meet an alicorn until now.

"This right here is Fluttershy." Twilight continued to the introduction as Fluttershy happily approached Lena with a surprisingly wide grin.

"Hi! I'm Fluttershy! I-If you're Ash's ancestor, you must've seen Pokemon I've never seen before in the past! Right!? Could you tell me all about them? Please?" She spoke, a lot louder than usual as she was incredibly eager. She was not going to pass up the chance to know about the past and all the Pokemon involved. Her love for Pokemon was on par with Ash's after all.

"Yeah, yeah! I have!" Lena was in the same boat. Since she was much like Ash, her love for Pokemon was on the same level as she enthusiastically nodded her head. "You won't believe the Pokemon I've seen!"

Approaching Lena were the rest of the girls, introducing themselves to this century-old woman. Technically, she was potentially as old as Princess Celestia since she came from a time so ancient and far gone.

"I'm Applejack!" Applejack tipped her hat.

"And I'm Rarity!" Rarity bowed. "A great pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" The Earth pony waved her hoof.

"I'm Rainbow Dash! The bestest friend of Ash and the fastest in Equestria!" Rainbow bragged, trying to make herself look impressive in front of Lena. Very soon, all of them gave their introductions, saying a bit about themselves and their connection to Ash. Not only that, but those involved with helping with the movie would speak up, letting Lena know of their involvement and such.

"And this is just one part of Alola." Ash pointed out. "I made a lot of great friends here! And even outside of Alola, I made a lot more back home at Kanto, then at Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and so on! It's pretty great."

"That much, eh?" Lena gawked at the cast of characters before. "Now I know how my own grandma feels when she looks at our family."

"So, what I was trying to say was..." Twilight spoke up. "The shards. Isn't that what you're looking for?"

"Oh, right! The shards!" Lena gasped. "You know about them?"

"Well, my Human Counterpart told us about them. She currently has the Ghost Shards with her I think." Twilight explained.

"Your...human counterpart?" Lena repeated, rather lost.

"Yes. I have a human counterpart. I have a lot of counterparts, actually." Twilight nodded. "Like...a lot."

"Ah! You said Ghost Shards, right?! That makes another one's whereabouts known!" Lena's eyes lit up. "That means we only have 13 shards left!"

"Which shards did you get?" Fluttershy asked as Lena faced Team Rocket. The three of them sighed, knowing what they had to do as they brought Lena's massive bag over. Digging into it, they revealed the shards that they currently had at their disposal.

The Ground Shards, Fairy Shards, Flying Shards and Steel Shards. Add up the one Twilight's counterpart has and that easily makes 5 in total. Ash and the others gazed at these shards in all of their glory, seeing how they beautifully reflected off Alola's Sun.

"Just 13 more and my mission will be complete." Lena continued. "And today, I have a good feeling that I can find the Fire Shards here in Alola."

"Hang on. There are shards here in Alola? Since when?" This was news to Kukui. To everyone in Alola. They knew a lot about their beloved region but the thought about these strange shards being here was not one of them.

Unbeknownst to them, because Lena and Volo had a powerful encounter 200 years ago, the Life Plates they were fighting over had shattered, eventually becoming the shards that have been scattered. All 18 of them were now across the planet.

"Hm. They sort of resemble the Z-Crystals we have here." Kukui looked at the shards, picking one of the Flying-Type Shards and examining it. "A similar texture."

"Z-Crystals?" Lena repeated. Everyone here had something they weren't fully aware of at all, making it even. Indeed, when taking a closer look at them, Ash and his friends noticed how the Shards resembled the Z-Crystals.

"It's over...Our advantage..." James lowered his head. So much for keeping the Shards to themselves.

"It was fun while it lasted." Meowth didn't seem too bothered by it compared to Jessie and James.

"Not yet..." Jessie grizzled her teeth, still having some hope. While Ash and Lena were finally aware of each other, she wasn't counting it all out yet. There was still a chance. "It's not over yet. If anything, this could speed things up for us."

"Ash's Ancestor, you say?" Approaching Lena was Burnet with Lei in her hands. "Look Lei. It's your brother's far-flung grandmother."

"Brother?! A-Are you my descendant's mother?!" Immediately, Lena assumed Burnet was Ash's mother based on what she said to Lei. The young Lei would raise his hand, trying to reach Lena who reminded him so much of Ash via the face. That face certainly has an impact.

"Oh, no, no, no." Burnet chuckled. "I'm just another friend of his, that's all. His mother's waiting for him back in Kanto. We're just his friends, but thank you either way."

"Heh...Then who's he?" Lena looked at Lei. "Is he really Ash's brother?"

"Not by blood. But they are brothers by heart." Burnet replied. "As young as he is, he looks up to his big brother.

"Big brother, eh? Then...that would make him my great, great, great, great ummm..." Lena was trying to piece it together, not exactly being an expert on family trees and how they could work outside of blood relations. "Vastly-Great Grandson?"

"If he sees Ash as a brother, then that means he might see you as a Grandmother too." Burnet laughed.

"I'd love that." Lena nodded.

"Hey. So...since you're related to me..." Ash got Lena's attention. "Does that mean you have Pokemon too? I bet you've got a bunch of Pokemon!"

"Oh, no. I don't have any Pokemon." To everyone's surprise, Lena was not exactly a Pokemon Trainer. "I can call upon Pokemon from the past with the flutes I was given but they arent mine. Besides, I have a very important mission to attend to."

"Mission? What mission?" Mallow asked.

"I have to gather the Life Plates. By putting the shards back together, they'll restore to their true form. The Life Plates.

"Did you say Life Plates?!" Ash bellowed, startling all of his friends. "The same ones that Arceus has?!"

"What do you know about Arceus?" Lena raised an eyebrow.

"You have no idea." Twilight shook her head. Ash's knowledge on Arceus is very much first-hand since he's been around the Creator Deity multiple times. He was a Legendary Pokemon but was also the Original One, the creator of everything in this universe.

"Amazing!" Kukui held up one of the shards, being even more interested in them. "These shards are related to the Original One?! Seriously?!"

"Isn't Arceus the first ever Pokemon?" Mallow questioned along with some of the people here working on this movie. The name Arceus did not escape the people of Alola at all.

"Yeah. And if you're collecting them, that means that the Life Plates must've been destroyed at some point. How?" Ash was also curious.

"It's a long story." Lena's smile faded, knowing the reason for it. She's already told Team Rocket the entire story, so she believed it was best that Ash and his friends know too.

"Lena. If you don't mind, I'd like to take these back with me to my lab." Kukui requested. "I can scan them and figure out exactly what they're made of. We can find out where they came from and how they can fit back together."

"Really?" Lena's eyes widened. "Can you help me fix them?! You can restore the Life Plates?!"

"I don't think so." Twilight shook her head. "No way that can be done. The Life Plates can't be brought back so easly."

"No, no." But obviously, Kukui knew that. This was related to Arceus so there was no way they could just use technology to bring the shards back to what they used to be. "You said you need just 13 more right? How about we help you out with that? How long does it take for you to find one of these?"

"Umm..." Lena held her hand out, counting with her fingers. "Not that long. Maybe weeks apart or so. But I only showed up in this time months ago and I've only found retrieved 4 of them. So it might take a while until I find the rest of them.

"That's where I can come in." Kukui grinned, pointing at himself while winking. "If you tell me where the next Shard is, I can take the proper measures to locate it. Once we find a location, we can have an entire team sent there to scour the area and retrieve the shard."

"Well...I actually have a way to predict where they can be." Lena added, scratching her hair. "I think it's because of that egg I ate back in my time. But I guess that can help me out."

"You said Fire right? Then it's gotta be there!" Ash pointed at Alola's Volcano at Akala Island. It was the only island that had a volcano thanks to Wela Volcano Park. It was a popular tourist destination, but it was also a natural habitat for many Pokemon.

"We were going to film around the volcano actually for our movie." Lana stepped forward. "So if you're gonna look, why not join us? I'm sure having someone from the past will definitely make this movie even more special."

"Ah! Many thanks to all of you!" Lena's eyes lit up with joy. "Having so many of you help me find the shards is wonderful! The past is so amazing!"

"If you'll let us take a look at these shards, we can maybe help you find the rest of them sooner." Sophocles suggested, holding his hand out for the shards. Team Rocket grimaced, not wanting them to get a hold of the shards they and Lena managed to obtain. But it seemed like the choice was no longer theirs.

"If the shards were split up from the Life Plates, then they're all over the place. They could be anywhere in this world." Twilight didn't even know the half of it. The clash Lena and Volo had was monumental on that fateful day, where even multiple shards being together couldn't restore them.

Not yet at least.

Kukui's Home.

Lena went to Kukui's home as in there, he'd have all the proper tools necessary to analyze the Shards. Not only that, but he wanted to take a closer look at them as well. They were fascinating pieces of history after all, having a connection to the Original One, the creator of their entire world. Joining him was Sophocles who was just as interested.

"Amazing..." Sophocles and Kukui were gawking at the Shards, examining them closely. Each Shard was made of a different element, each having a beautiful color to them. Not only that, but the textures and shapes were unique, unlike anything that had been seen before. It was all just brimming with Infinity Energy.

"I wonder if the Life Plates looked similar to these." Sophocles wondered, having the same thought as everyone. The only one who could confirm that was Ash who has seen the Life Plates for himself. He's even met the Creator Deity Arceus multiple times, having a unique relationship with the Creator Deity.

"Look at how they react to each other when near." Kukui would bring the shards close to each other, seeing them emit a radiant glow. Almost as if they were come together but they just couldn't. "They can't quite get something started."

"Wow! You can detect that with all of this?! Science is so amazing!" Meanwhile, Lena was blown back by what the modern day had to offer. It was far more advanced than she could imagine, and the devices used to study these Shards were beyond her comprehension.

"The Infinity Energy is a lot stronger with them around." Sophocles mentioned, having the same thought as Kukui. "This much of it is almost on par with a Z-Moves Energy and they're just in small bits and shattered. This is definitely related to Arceus since it's this strong."

"So...C-Can you find the other shards?"

"Hard to say," Kukui held his head. "These shards want to get together but they can't. You wouldn't happen to know of a way to reunite them right?"

"Not really. But I figured that if I find them all, then maybe they'll reform as the Life Plates they used to be." Lena just wasn't sure and was going off her own theory. "After that, I'll return to my own time where everything will be back to normal. I hope."

"Well, let's not worry too much about that. First thing's first, we need to find the remaining shards. After that, we'll go from there." Kukui reassured Lena. "I mean, they're obviously very important if you're going across the world to find them."

"Mhm! Mh!" Lena nodded her head rapidly. "I have to find them all as soon as possible! Before he does!"

"Who's he?" In the lab too was Burnet, who was watching the three examine the Shards.

"Volo." Lena revealed that name to Kukui, Burnet, Sophocles, and anyone else in here.

"Volo?!" Ash gasped upon hearing that name. He's heard it before since Sci-Twi met him already and both agreed to find the shards. In fact, it was Volo who first brought up the existence of the shards to them just around 2 months back.

"Who's Volo?" Sophocles questioned, also having no idea.

"The one who I was at odds with. Both of us were going against each other 200 years in the past. When Sinnoh was called Hisui back then. Volo attempted to use the power of the Life Plates to reach Arceus, which started ripping up time and space itself. I did my best to stop him, preventing all of it from being ripped apart, but we both ended up going through time and the Life Plates shattered. Now, Volo is looking for the shards and so am I. I just know he's out there searching for them.

"There's no way!" Ash bellowed. "If that's true then...Twilight's with bad company? Is that what you're saying?"

"Ash. Have you already met Volo?" Lena faced her descendant.

"I never met him. I just heard about him. He came to Twilight just 2 months back and asked for help in finding the shards. She agreed to help him out and I was gonna help her too. So did my other friends over at that Human World. But we've only found one shard and that's the Ghost Shards."

"What?!" Lena quickly rushed over to Ash, holding his shoulder. "Ash! If that's true...then your friend is in great danger!"

"She is?"

"Volo is most likely tricking her. He wants to finish what he started back at Hisui! If she has one of the Shards and he has a few, he could be on his to continuing his mission from before! This other Twilight you're talking about could be in trouble!"

"No way. For real?" This took Ash back. He only thought of Volo as a good person based on what he heard from Sci-Twi. But with his ancestor revealing new information, this was beginning to make him second guess his Human Counterpart's actions.

"If she's working with him, then that means he's probably using her to gather the Shards. He's most likely already tricked her into thinking he's a good guy, but in reality, he's using her to obtain the power to reach Arceus. And that came at the cost of ripping apart time and space itself.

Volo played it all off casually, appearing as nice and simple to Twilight as possible. Ash only heard it from Twilight since he's never met Volo directly. But now, with his ancestor telling him the truth, he was beginning to see the man in a completely different light.

He had to wonder if Volo was near Twilight right now at this very moment.

The Human World.

At the Human World, speaking of Sci-Twi, she and her friends have already left school and were heading towards the park. With the sun still out, it was the perfect opportunity for some afternoon fun. But their plans would be altered, thanks to a certain someone showing up.

"Ah! Twilight! There you are!" Called out the voice of Volo, appearing behind her as always.

"Ah! Volo." Sci-Twi greeted him.

"I heard just a few days back, you went searching for an Alpha Pokemon, right? How did that go?"

"It was uhh...an experience, that's for sure." Sci-Twi giggled. "Things almost got out of control during our search, but we handled it. I haven't found any new shards yet. I'm just stuck on the Ghost Shards."

"Well, you might be glad to know that I've found some of my own. Not too long ago." From his pockets, Volo revealed the Dragon Shards he had on him. "Dragon Shards. I thought these would be the hardest to find but...Guess my luck."

"Dragon Shards..." Sci-Twi cooed when looking at these shards. "I guess we're making slow progress with them."

"Yes, but we can speed it up, I just know it. This thing you all call Summer Vacation is closing in right? Perhaps you'll have more time on your hands to find the shards without having to worry about school."

"Hmm. You're right." Sci-Twi nodded her head. "That's not too far off from now. If I can find the remaining shards during Summer Vacation, that'll burn up a lot of time. I can have Ash come over too since he's always a big help."

"About Ash...Perhaps you should leave him out of it. You don't have to have him get involved." Volo suggested, trying not to sound too harsh.

"Huh? Why not?"

"I talked with one of your friends the other day. Applejack, was it? She told me about what happened at that Rainbow Falls area. Ash and another boy by the name of Red went through something wild, didn't they? Like a soul possessing them. You all could've perished based on what I've heard."

"Well, yeah...It's a whole thing with this part of them could Prisma. It's a long story, really." Sci-Twi then had a frown form on her face. "Ash and Red weren't in their right minds and were driven by rage. I was able to snap them out of it by removing the source of the problem but...that part of them is still in them."

"So, they can't control their power if they have too much negative emotion, correct?" Volo asked, wanting to confirm it.

"That's right." Sci-Twi nodded, sighing. "Prisma's soul takes over theirs and they enter an awakening state where they become more aggressive. Ash and Red went through their second awakening back there and it's affected Ash a bit after it was over. I'm really worried about him..."

"Well, give him a break then." Volo snapped his fingers. "I think he's been through enough and he needs to rest. You're better off not having him get involved. Just the two of us can handle the shards. What do you say?"

"Just the two of us, huh?" Sci-Twi pondered on this for a moment. Ash was already a ton of help naturally, but recent events might change things. "What about the rest of my friends? They're still involved."

"Right, right. Sunset Shimmer and the others. They're all great too, even if they're constantly slipping. Seems like they're not as outgoing as finding the shards as you or even Ash. But at least they don't have to deal with an alternate soul.

"Hmm." Sci-Twi closed her eyes, taking in everything. She's been thinking about how it's been hard for her friends. They haven't exactly found other shards except for the Ghost-Type Shards. "I guess it's because they're al so busy with their own things. It's a shame. They really do their best to help but..."

"Ah, don't worry about it too much." Volo shrugged before getting closer to Sci-Twi. "How about this? I'm feeling lucky today so why not try searching for some new shards right now? Just the two of us. A part of me believes me we can find one at maybe...that Unova Region."

"Unova? Oh, sure. It's not too hard to reach Unova. But how do you know where another can be?"

"Hm. As a merchant, finding all sorts of items can be very helpful." Volo winked. "The same way I found these Dragon Shards, I have something that's a ton of help. Something that's led me to all sorts of things. It's one of those old and ancient magical items I've picked up across Equestria. Even though it's only shown me the Dragon Shards, it gets the job done."

"I don't have school tomorrow, so I think I can spare some time and visit Unova. Which part of Unova are we going to?"

"We'll find out very soon. I'll give you some time to gear up. And perhaps, take a look at that map again. Who knows? We might get lucky." Volo shrugged while walking beside Sci-Twi to her home.

"Alright. I'm pretty familiar with Unova here and there, so I think I'll have what I need for it." Sci-Twi would smile. But as she waltzed away with Volo, listening in on this was Sunset Shimmer, who hid behind a tree. She didn't appear, not wanting Sci-Twi or Volo to know she was listening in

Sunset already had her experience with Volo, judging him since he was carrying many magical items that were not to be tampered with even if he was just a merchant collecting things. Her battle with Volo resulted in her defeat and in that instance, she saw a part of Volo's true nature. There was something rather intimidating and chilling about it. The way he spoke to her after he won. It was almost like she was in the presence of something beyond her.

"What are you up to, Volo?" Sunset asked herself, looking down. Sunset couldn't fully trust Volol. Not at all. Not when she felt something else from him. Something that Lena herself has already seen and experienced first-hand. Fearful of this unexplainable aura, Sunset Shimmer did not wish to have Sci-Twi be alone with him for too long, especially since they were heading to Unova soon.

"I have a bad feeling about this. I just know it." Sunset said, feeling a terrible foreboding feeling.

Alola. Melemele Island. Iki Town. Kukui's Lab.

"Ash! Listen to me! You have to get your friend away from Volo as soon as possible!" Lena said with heavy urgency in her tone. Ash saw his ancestor being 100% serious as any plans to have fun for the entire day were cut short because of this. "She needs to know at once! She needs to be away from Volo's influence!"

"Lena. Calm down." Kukui held his hands up, trying to settle her. "We can't exactly get her attention now. We need to be patient and wait until she can answer. You said they're at the park, right? Then that's where we'll go."

"But Volo can't be trusted! I know that first hand!"

"It's alright. I can just call her." Ash went for his Rotomphone, having a way to contact Sci-Twi even from this distance. The transmission reached the other world easily as Sci-Twi's ID showed up, connecting to her phone. But at this very moment, the call was being disrupted all of a sudden.

"Huh? A disruption? What gives?" Unbeknownst to him, not only was Volo right next to Sci-Twi, but with a smirk forming on his face, he was already aware. With the Dragon Shards in his hands, he was already up to something. There was a reason he wanted it to be just him and Twilight searching for the next shards.

It wasn't just Ash's encounter with Lena that was special. This moment happening all the at the Human World was also special somewhat. And right now, inside of Lena's massive bag, the Fairy Shards were beginning to pulsate a bit, almost as if they were responding to something.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 454 End.

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