• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Galaxy Master Returns! Foreseen at the Sea Temple

Galar. Out at a bayside area. Afternoon.

A stunning and shocking return of Galaxy Master. He certainly made an entrance, piercing the darkness that threatened a nearby town. Parting the cloud, he revealed rays of the sun as they threatened the vampires here. Even the fake ones that were just Canterlot Spies.

"He's back?!" A vampire gasped, stepping back to avoid the sunlight. All watched in awe at this Real Life Fictional Character making his reappearance. It certainly has been a while since both sides have seen him and his Pikachu.

"We picked the worst time to appear as vampires...!" The Canterlot Spies grimaced, fearful that Galaxy Master would come after them. "But we can't blow our cover...And this might be rather helpful."

With Galaxy Master's interference, the aura that the garden spread had been held back, preventing it from going any further. He stayed rather silent, which was ominous. Usually, he was known for speaking a lot and narrating his and everyone's actions with high amounts of enthusiasm. But now, that didn't seem to be the case.

Once one of the Canterlot Guards backed away, making a light step, Galaxy Master finally made his move. From his body, a cosmic flare would emerge, intimidating the Dread League. The lights from his body lit up the area which only proved to be a larger threat to the Dread League than expected.

"Y-You don't scare us!"

"Is that so?! Then let me remind you who I am!" At last, he spoke. And that high energy in his voice was back. That awkward silence was no more as he spoke his signature line. "A flash in the cosmos! A light appears before the world to heed its sorrow and plea! From spacetime itself, I appear!" The light around him let off explosions behind the visage, resembling that of supernovas. "The Superstar! Galaxy Master!"

"Pikachu!" And of course, Pikachu was there to pose with him. His entrance was as bombastic as ever, creating a strong light show that would also affect the vampires. Galaxy Master himself was a walking light show.

"Now!" He pointed at them with vigour in his arms. "Your cruel and wicked acts will stop here! I'll put a stop to your streak for good! The Garden of Gaunt will be wilted at once!"

"Not good...We didn't expect to run into him!" One of the vampires was reasonably afraid of this due to what Galaxy Master was capable of. "What do we do?!"

"Uh..." No one was certainly going to engage with him. Thus, another approach was chosen. "Move the garden! That's what we'll do!"

"Move it?" The Fake Vampires collectively said. Just as the real vampire said the garden would suddenly tremble, making the Canterlot Spies lose their balance. Ripped from the earth itself, this Dark Garden would start leaving the ground, bringing its soil with it.

Surprisingly, it was actually moving. With the garden moving from the ground, it would attempt to head elsewhere. Anywhere away from Galaxy Master. The Canterlot Spies would have a lot to share with Celestia after this. If they return.

"Great Nebulas!" Galaxy Master gasped once the garden left the earth itself. "The Garden can move?! Does it have a mind of its own?!"

"Nope! It's just our own dash of magic! So long!" The vampires cackled, teasing Galaxy Master. "So much for that dramatic comeback!"

"Hm. I'm afraid it isn't over. Observe!" Galaxy Master raised his arm. With just one arm up, most knew what this meant after experiencing it multiple times. A summon was imminent. "Come to me, my friend!"

With the clouds above swirling, a cosmic light would shine down, hitting the garden due to its position, startling the Dread League. With the cosmic light hitting the dark grass, it would soon form into a Pokemon, as to be expected from Galaxy Master's summons.

And with this summon, the sun would start showing itself some more thanks to the dispersion of the clouds. The Dread League hissed at the further exposure of the Golden Star in the Sky. As for the Pokemon that emerged, it appeared to be his Bayleef, making her return. Upon returning, the sun had completely enveloped most of the garden, giving the vampires little space to hide themselves.

Even the garden was starting to fall due to Bayleef's arrival. The Canterlot Guards field onto dear life with the descending garden as it already gained an impressive height when taking off, meaning this fall was going to be a hefty one. And it certainly was. The garden crashed back into the earth, making the trees rumble and all the vampires within the Dark Garden jump and bounce.

Galaxy Master crossed his arms after the garden crashed, looking cool as his cape would blow in the wind from this impact. He successfully brought the garden down with just a summon, preventing it from going anywhere.

"Report this back to her majesty at once..." A Canterlot Spy looked at another one of the undercover ponies as this had to be sent back to Celestia as soon as possible. And of course, using that formality meant that it could also refer to Rosa Maledicta, perfectly shielding their identity once more.

And with Galaxy Master's return and interference, it was most likely that Rosa Maledicta was watching this from afar as always. The one individual who managed to harm her powerful vines and roots had returned, much to the dismay of the vampires. From every force they've faced, Galaxy Master posed a great threat due to what he was capable of.

"Now then...Where were we?" Galaxy Master uttered as Pikachu and the now fully materialized Bayleef collectively grinned, more than eager to bring this dark gardening to an end.

Equestria. Deerling Forest. Afternoon

Over at Equestria, time at the Pokemon School had come to an end. And that also meant that Daisy and Paradise finished up their first day without sticking out too much. The real highlight of today was the battle between Ash and Volkner after all. After finishing classes, the friend group would head over to Deerling Forest.

Everyone's Pokemon were currently playing with each other while also involving the common Deerling that live here. Their trainers would converse with each other amidst all of this high-octane interaction between the Strange and Wonderful Creatures.

"Hm. You didn't learn that much because of our battle, huh?" Ash spoke to Daisy and Paradise. Thanks to Ash and Volkner's battle, lessons ended earlier.

"Yeah. But it was worth it." Paradise shrugged. She had no regrets. She and Daisy got to witness an amazing Pokemon Battle today, so missing out on a lot of knowledge wasn't a big hit for them.

"And you went on your own again." Twilight looked over at Paradise who snuck past her once more. "You can at least tell us where you're going."

"My bad." Paradise rubbed the back of her hair.

"We'll teach you what we know. That'll save up a lot of lost time," said Rainbow Dash. "I mean, Ash already agreed to do just that so you have all of us to do the same."

"And you can see the sights too. That way, you'll learn more." Fluttershy brought up an excellent point. "We used to adventure a lot back in the earlier days. Saw a lot of regions...met a lot of people that Ash has already met and so on."

"Yeah. The journey is the best experience if you ask me." Ash greatly agreed. "If there's anywhere you wanna go, just let us know. Oh! Like when we first met Brock and Roark?!"

"Oh yeah! I remember! There was that whole Weavile problem Cold Colt made! Good times." Rainbow Dash nodded, reminiscing about the early days. "It hasn't been that long yet it feels like it has."

"Oh! I know which one was my favourite!" Pinkie Pie stood up, already having something to display her personal favourite times journeying the world. On the ground, she placed an assortment of papers that all had different drawings on them. Drawings that were meant to represent her friends and the locations they've been at. "I loved when we visited that Mega Evolution Camp! Well, you guys took part in it, not me."

"Right. All of our Mega Evolutions came from there and it was worth it." Applejack agreed. "What about...This one?" Her hoof then pointed at another drawing. "When we went to Holon for a while? I met Delta Riolu that day."

"Holon was fun. We should really go back there. That whole type switch-up thing was so much fun!" Rainbow Dash squeed, recalling the random yet enjoyable moments that came from Holon and its Delta Storms.

"It was. My personal favourite was this." Rarity found her favourite moment. "When we first went to Undella Town. Simple but sweet. Some of these moments, I wish I could relive."

Everyone had their personal favourite moments from all the adventures they've had. These stuck with them from the thrills and the calming moments. And most definitely, they would make more. Not too long ago, they travelled to Sinnoh. And for the Flora Ponies, they could soon gain those same memories.

Already, they've travelled on the back of Ash's Dragonite, viewing parts of Equestria along the way and even got the chance to visit Deerling Forest. But there was more to see and certainly do. As they continued speaking with each other, the lake that was nearby would ripple suddenly. The ripple was not ordinary as it happened consecutively in rapid spurts.

"Audino?" The one to hear this was Audino and her excellent hearing. While hugging two Deerlings, her ears were pulled to the sound of these odd ripples. She looked over at the lake before anyone else, witnessing these rapid ripples popping up constantly.

"Ninetales!" Interrupting Audino's focus was Ninetales, who would wrap all nine of his tails around Audino's face for fun. Mew would turn himself into Ninetales as well just to do the same to Gengar, who would immediately phase through it, making the New Species Pokemon fall over.

"D-Dino?!" Audino stuttered as she completely missed the moment where the ripples would suddenly form into bubbles. Relatively large bubbles. Thankfully, everyone else would take notice, especially the hyperactive Ninetales. With the ripple growing, everyone wondered what this could possibly be. Their eyes opened with wonder, witnessing these massive bubbles appear.

Emerging from the ripple and the bubbles was none other than the Sea Temple, Samiya. It made a gigantic splash upon emerging. A splash so great that it could envelop most of Deerling Forest and even potentially reach the Pikachu Highlands. Thankfully, that was avoided as only a part of the forest had been hit by the splash, missing any nearby Pokemon. But that didn't stop everyone from getting wet from the remaining splashes that managed to reach them. This was to be expected with such a massive temple roaming the world and entering the seas. It could make a splash as big as a Wailord, no doubt.

"Oh man..." Ash shook his head before taking off his hat. Twilight and a few others would groan a bit. "Nice splash there."


"My mane!" Rarity groaned as her mane had been ruined. She shook her head as violently as she could, trying to get all the water out. Droplets would fly everywhere from her rapid shaking, hitting the back of Applejack.

"At least the drawings are safe." Pinkie Pie said, holding up the drawings she made as they miraculously survived the splash with only a few drops landing on the edges. "I could've always just drawn them again, so no biggie."

"Daisy? Paradise? Are you alright?" Twilight faced the Flora Ponies. Since they were as soft as plants, she wondered how they would react to large amounts of water. And when turning to face the Flora Ponies, Twilight saw that Daisy and Paradise got the worst of everyone. "Gah!"

"What?" Daisy spoke as parts of her body fell off. The same with Paradise. Their respective flowers were on the floor, covered in water and turning yellow afterwards. They seemed completely calm and unbothered by it despite the fact that bits of them were scattered on the ground.

But they were unbothered for a good reason. With the sun beaming down on them, the damage had been reversed, regenerating the bits that they lost. Twilight's eyes opened as she saw a healing process occur on these Flora Ponies, bringing back what was gone and making it new once more.

"Of course...Sunlight." Twilight should've seen that coming. These ponies benefitted from the sunlight. Completely opposite to the vampires and identical to Grass-Type Pokemon and Fire-Types, of course.

"Ninetales!" To cool everyone off, Ninetales would use his body heat. A soothing and warm aura came from the Fox Pokemon's body as he acted as a heater for his friends, warming their bodies and evaporating the water. Everyone sighed, glad to have Ninetales around. And by extension Mew, who was still using Ninetales' form, copied his body heat just to boost the process.

"Your majesty!" Of course, there was only one reason for the Sea Temple being here. Or rather two reasons. The most obvious one was how it was constantly moving thanks to the moving seas and the light-speed travel they possess. But there was another reason and it involved Ash. Samiya Guards would be standing at the entrance of the temple which was perfectly docked onto the lake.

"Well, looks like that's my cue." Casually accepting this, Ash would approach the Sea Temple, which placed a pathway that touched the end of the lake. "Wonder what they need...?"


"Wow?! What is that?!" Daisy exclaimed as her eyes were practically popping out of her head in amazement at this giant temple. The same went for Paradise and even the Deerling of Deerling Forest. The Deerling had just witnessed an entire civilization pop up around their lake so naturally, they were bewildered by this.

"You can come along if you want." Fluttershy would speak to the Deerling, seeing the amazement in their eyes. Samiya was a wonderful place to look at from up close and afar. Entering it was tempting. There were plenty of reasons to visit the Sea Temple after all.

Sea Temple, Samiya.

The Sea Temple. Beautiful as ever even after all of these years. From the ancient past to the current day. And of course, receiving some upgrades once the People of the Water had returned. Greeting the King of the Sea Ash were many guards, making way for him and other Water-Types that roamed this area.

Ash waved back at them with fast movements around his arm. Very much the opposite of a King's usual mannerisms. But that's what made Ash so unique and beloved here. He wasn't like other kings for obvious reasons. It was hard to tell if he even considered himself a king at all.

"Welcome back, your majesty!" The People of the Water welcomed their King back. Ash was met with heavy praise that only made him chuckle. Being a king of an entire civilization was still shocking to him, even if he achieved it many years ago and was only recently recognized as it.

"Mana!" Hopping out of the water was the Prince of the Sea, Manaphy. Upon seeing Ash, he would hop into his arms.

"Hey, Manaphy!" Ash embraced Manaphy. "Been a few months, hasn't it?"


"Your majesty. Welcome back at last." The Royal Advisor Alo, who helped keep things stable at the Sea Temple with Manaphy while Ash was gone, would approach the King of the Sea. "We're glad to have found you."

"How'd you find me, actually?" Ash wondered. "You did it back at Christmas and Hearth's Warming too."

"Ah. Well, we already knew about your condition back at the hospital. But as for how we found you now, we simply listened to the Water Pokemon." Alo explained. "That is how we managed to find you."

"The Water Pokemon?" Applejack repeated.

"Yes. Since you are the King of the Sea, Water Pokemon are under your command, your majesty. A majority of them, anyway. The ones here at Deerling Forest have travelled the seas much like the Sea Temple. You could see the temple as one big fish, actually."

"Heh! That's a good way to describe it!" Ash chuckled as that comparison was perfect. Moving across the world with the seas guiding the way was much like a Fish. "So, if you were looking for me, what do you need?"

"Ah, right. Well, it's the crystal, your majesty. One of them is active. Very active."

"Let me handle this." From within Ash, a voice would echo out. It was none other than Sombra's voice. Deciding to show himself at last, Sombra would emerge out of Ash's chest as dark smoke. That smoke would soon transform, bringing out King Sombra's true form. Naturally, Daisy and Paradise were shocked once more.

Sombra does occasionally take over the Sea Temple by just sitting on Ash's throne. Anything to become a king again. But this wasn't exactly the kind of kingdom he was hoping to rule and yet, he didn't mind it at all. A kingdom was a kingdom, no matter how obscure it may be.

"Ah. Substitute King Sombra." Alo said, calling Sombra a substitute of all things, much like a substitute teacher that only showed up when the actual teacher was not present.

"Sub-" Sombra grimaced at that. That struck a nerve which made Twilight and everypony giggle. Sombra was still acknowledged as a king but lesser than Ash. Being lesser than Ash rubbed Sombra the wrong way, even if he had respect for the True King of the Sea. "Wonderful...Anyways. What about this one crystal?"

"Ah, right? It's been crying out. Something that no other crystal has done before. We believe it might be the crystal that belongs to that Galaxy Master character."

"Galaxy Master?!" Ash gasped as now this was crucial to him. Modelled after his father, Galaxy Master was important to Ash in many ways. It was the closest he got to see his father, even if it wasn't actually him. Merely a fictional representation of how he viewed his father when he was a child. "He's back?!"

"Possibly so. There is no other reason for the crystal to be acting in such a way. Come, your majesty. Donoma has also foreseen what could happen with this revelation." Alo would guide the way to the Treasure Room where all the crystals were located.

"Donoma?" Ash repeated, speaking the name of this mysterious character.

"Yes. Donoma. When the crystal went off, Donoma had a vision. She is still trying to make sense of it, so it's best that we hurry and view it for ourselves, your majesty."

When moving across the Sea Temple, they would pass by many beautiful rooms and stores built by the People of the Water. The stores all sold food that was exclusive to the Sea Temple and nowhere else. They would be a bit occupied without a doubt.

Stopping by to have a bite were Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Daisy, who could not resist the food. Rarity would also find herself being distracted, entering a room where bio-luminescent lights radiated with such splendour and amazement. The People of the Water were also partaking in some fashion, wearing special clothes that were made here in Samiya.

"Ooh! How did you do that?!" Rarity watched as these clothes all had unique water patterns on them. And they weren't just decals. Not at all. The clothes actually looked like they were made out of water, flowing in the same way as this ever-present liquid. Rarity had to know how this was possible. Water clothes? Now she was pulled in, much like Pinkie Pie and the other gluttons.

All the while, Ash, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Paradise were heading to the treasure room, but also taking the time to view the scenery. Paradise was the most struck by this, staying silent the entire time. The Sea Temple had gone through some changes during these past months, even if it hasn't been that long. It seemed that this temple was always changing, always developing.

That could be because of how Ash revived the People of the Water, bringing back their innovative minds and inventive spirits. The People of the Water knew they had to evolve, much like a Pokemon does.

"Oh! It's really you!" Just as they were heading for the Treasure Room, someone ran up to them. In the distance, someone from Samiya was moving at great speeds, becoming a light blue blur before having his full appearance shown. "It really is you, your majesty!"

"Eh?" Ash froze as he was met with someone who once again looked up to him. And it was a tall individual this time who immediately grabbed his hand.

"King Ash! It's a pleasure to meet you! Really!" The man rapidly shook Ash's arm, pleased to meet with the King of the Sea. "I am Adriel! Oh, I've wanted to see you for a while but I never got the chance! Many of us haven't but now that all changes!"

"Really? That's great." Ash said as Adriel was rapidly talking, spilling out everyone he wanted to say when meeting with the King of the Sea.

"You've saved us twice! Bringing us back to life and saving our temple once more! Oh, you're wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" Clearly, he was a major fan. One of the more enthusiastic fans that Ash has encountered. "It's an honour!"

"Adriel." Alo would whack his staff on Adriel's hand, forcing him to pull back.

"Ow!" Adriel cried out, holding his arm after receiving a smack from Alo's hard staff. "Oooh...

"Please do not overwhelm our king like that. Sorry, your majesty. Adriel here is rather enthusiastic about you. So are many others but..."

"My bad. I got very excited. After all, my little sister was lucky to have met you first before I could." Adriel grizzled his teeth. "Darn that Enola..."

"Enola's your sister?" said Ash as he noticed the similarities between Enola and Adriel. "Oh...I can see it, actually. Yeah. She was the first one we met when we came here. And when I showed up at the temple for the second time in a while. Glad I did."

"So? Do you need anything, your majesty?! I'm fairly skilled at Water Weaving!"

"Water Weaving? What's that?" Ash asked, curious.

"Ah. It's a unique skill here at Samiya. We, the People of the Water, can weave the waves themselves with our hands." Alo explained. "Of course, it requires the crystals as always. And Adriel here is a very skilled Water Weaver."

"I've been meaning to show you the special clothes I weaved for you, your majesty! I made sure to use the clearest water possible so that it only befits you!" Adriel grinned. "I should've brought it with me...but we can go to it at once!"

"I do wanna see that!" Ash's eyes lit up as he had to see an example of Water Weaving, even though Rarity was the first to see it. "But I gotta check out the crystal first. It's about Galaxy Master. I'll be there though."

"Right, right. I'll be waiting, your majesty! Meet me at the spire!" Adriel saluted, letting Ash and his friends go on their way. Adriel felt incredibly lucky, meeting the King of the Sea. Many do as there hasn't been a king for so long. The closest they had was Manaphy, who was the Prince of the Sea. Starved of a king for so long, it was great to have one and yet there was no queen. Although, Delia did consider herself the Queen of the Sea and the People of the Water didn't seem to mind it all.

But Adriel wasn't the only one who had eyes on Ash. Standing atop the many hallways of the temple, crimson eyes were watching him. Most, if not all the People of the Water had golden eyes, combined with blue, light blue or even silver hair. But not this character.

Along the way, they arrived at another room and have yet to reach the Treasure Room where the crystals were resting. In this room, it was rather isolated and a bit dim. But once they entered, the entire room would light up.

"Ah. Welcome." In this room, there was only one table, one chair, a few lights and two exits. Nothing more, nothing less. This made it a bit empty to be in as there was one lady sitting there, greeting the King of the Sea and his friends. "I've been waiting, your majesty."

"Your majesty. This is Donoma. The one who had the vision." Alo introduced the one known as Donoma.

"Pleasure." Donoma held what looked to be a crystal ball. She would put one finger on the ball, spinning it on the table while keeping it in one spot. "I'm incredibly lucky to meet with his majesty at last."

"Oh! Are you a fortune-teller?!" Ash's eyes lit up after seeing the crystal ball within Donoma's grasp.

"I'm a Seer, your majesty. The Seer Donoma." She introduced herself.

"So you're the one who saw something related to the crystal. What was it?" Twilight asked. "Did you see Galaxy Master's return?"

"Not exactly. I foresaw something else, my little pony. We came to our majesty because we knew how important Galaxy Master is to him. The closest thing to his father. When the crystal started glowing, that was when my vision kicked in, showing me what was to come."

"What did you see?" Ash approached Donoma. "I wanna know what's up with him? The last time...and only time we saw him, he was being controlled by the Rift. I didn't get to see the real him, which blows."

"It's unfortunate how that played out, your majesty, even if you won. But do not fret." Donoma waved her hands around the crystal ball. "The crystal is connected to Galaxy Master and it only went off when he returned."

"It went off when returned? Sweet!" Ash excitedly said.

"But it showed me something else. With his return, his true self came back, no longer possessed by the Rift because of how you defeated it when up in space. "This vision hasn't been fully realized yet, but it seems that you will meet again."

"Yeah?" Ash leaned forward, looking into the crystal ball.

"The Rift did plan that, didn't it?" said Twilight. "That's why it sent Galaxy Master away instead of leaving him behind at the Galaxy Tower. It's planning something with it. And whatever it is...with Galaxy Master showing up again, the Rift might be ready to enact its new plans."

"Why don't you take a look for yourselves." Donoma invited everyone to look inside the Crystal Ball to see what kind of future was waiting for them. And they all would, gathering in a group with their heads and eyes locked onto the enigmatic crystal ball. "Keep in mind...this ball does not work the same way as the ones you expect."

"Not the same? What do you mean by that?" Applejack questioned.

A smile graced Donoma's face after that question came her way. "A different future will be shown, depending on who looks into this crystal ball. I wonder...what will all of you see? Only one way to find out. Look to the future and gaze at what could be."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 65 End.

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