• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Scaled Baby

Equestria. White Tail Wood. Afternoon.

White Tail Wood. Or at least, what was left of it. After a fierce battle during the final night of the Pokemon Festival, White Tail Wood became a hazardous area, filled with rippling energy from both Zekrom and Necrozma, making it dangerous for anyone else to live in or even visit. That wasn't stopping Li'l Kanga, however.

In an unexpected turn of events, Li'l Kanga has managed to be influenced by the Dragon Shards when gazing at them. Thanks to the influence of the tear in the sky and the Dragon Matter now that exists in the world, the sweet baby of Kangaskhan snatched them from Volo's grasp and ran off. Pursuing her was Pikachu and Kangaskhan as they arrived at White Tail Wood.

"Pika?!" Pikachu would soon realize why White Tail Wood was so hazardous now. He came to a screeching halt as right before his very eyes was an abnormally massive and deep hole.

This hole, not only was it disgustingly deep, but it also had lightning crackling within it along with cosmic lightning. Two different forms of lightning would rumble and crackle in the hole, followed by what appeared to be a strong wind pressure.

"Kanga!" Kangaskhan cried out to her daughter. But alas, Li'l Kanga was not listening. The Dragon Shards in her hands were too enthralling to her as seen by the draconic glow in the eyes and her pupils taking on a serpentine appearance.

Pikachu saw that the hole was too wide to cross but he had to reach Li'l Kanga somehow. Thinking quickly, Pikachu's ears perked up as he spotted a fallen tree nearby. Without hesitation, he darted towards it, motioning for Kangaskhan to follow. Together, they pushed and rolled the fallen tree towards the edge of the massive hole, creating a makeshift bridge.

As Pikachu carefully crossed the improvised bridge, the crackling energies from the depths of the hole seemed to intensify. The air around them felt charged with an otherworldly power, making the fur on Pikachu's back stand on end. Kangaskhan hesitated for a moment, her maternal instincts conflicted between the safety of her child and the dangers lurking in the depths.

On the other side, Pikachu approached Li'l Kanga, who was still mesmerized by the Dragon Shards. Her eyes glowed with an ethereal light as the shards resonated with the energy from the hole.

At that moment, the fierce energy from the hole would act up, attacking the fallen tree. Pikachu and Kangaskhan gasped as the tree rumbled and shook in the face of these two titanic energies. The tree was coming apart, failing to hold on for much longer. And very soon, Pikachu and Kangaskhan could fall through the massive hole.

"Pika!" Pikachu would get on all fours, building up a white energy around his body. Pikachu would also use Quick Attack as the white energy enveloped his body.

As Pikachu sprinted along the crumbling fallen tree, the ground beneath shook violently, threatening to give way at any moment. Kangaskhan, watching with fear, could only hope that Pikachu's plan would succeed while she ran back as fast as she could. "Kanga!"

The ground shook, and the two forms of lightning within the abyss intensified with Pikachu's body attempting to make it through the terrifying hole.

The energies from the hole reacted violently to Pikachu's approach, lashing out with cosmic lightning and draconic fury. The air was thick with tension as Pikachu neared the edge of the colossal hole, his lightning trail leaving a glowing streak against the darkened backdrop of White Tail Wood.

Just as Pikachu reached the edge of the hole, the energies surged, creating a barrier of crackling force. The impact was fierce, but Pikachu's determination prevailed. The energies clashed, creating a dazzling display of sparks and light that momentarily engulfed the entire area.

By the skin of his teeth, Pikachu made it to the other side using an extra burst of speed from Quick Attack. "Pikachu!" Now that he was on the other side, Pikachu was the closest to Li'l Kanga, trying to talk her out of it. "Pika!"

But no matter what, his voice wasn't reaching her. All Li'l Kanga could hear was the Dragon Shards. It was if they were speaking to her. Pikachu was cautious when approaching his sister, knowing she would not hesitate to strike back, but Pikachu did not wish to harm her.

At that moment, while the hole would howl violently, the Dragon Shards would start enveloping Li'l Kanga in their light. It was too late to prevent the impending transformation.

The baby's body started to glow with an intense light, and waves of energy pulsed through its form. Li'l Kanga cried out in pain as iher body underwent a metamorphosis. The once adorable creature now experienced the agony of her accidental evolution into something else.

She wasn't just starting to act like a Dragon, she was becoming a Dragon.

Kangaskhan desperately cried out to comfort her distressed baby, but the process was beyond her control. The pain seemed to be both physical and metaphysical as if the very essence of Li'l Kanga was being reshaped. The ground trembled beneath them, and the surrounding vegetation rustled as if reacting to the transformation. Pikachu would back away from their tremor as being near the light was rather searing.

"Pika?!" Pikachu gasped and grimaced when backing away from this potent light. No matter what, he just couldn't seem to get close to her.

The baby's cries intensified as small, yet powerful dragon wings sprouted from her back. The tail elongated and gained a dragon's tip, and her body took on a sleeker, more dragon-like appearance. The radiant light finally subsided, leaving behind the transformed and exhausted Li'l Kanga. But it was hard to tell if she was even the same Pokemon anymore.

She was now her own Pokemon.

Kangaskhan, now facing the evolved form of its baby, expressed a mixture of concern and awe. The once playful and innocent Kanga Jr. had become a majestic creature, though the memory of the painful transformation lingered in her eyes.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu was in disbelief. This was similar to what happened with Bertha. He was starting to notice how encounters from before were beginning to make reappearances but on greater levels. First, it was Second Wind and Daybreaker.

And now, it was Bertha and Li'l Kanga. Pikachu was starting to wonder if this was all connected somehow. It all started from the Fourth Pokemon Festival but now it was truly getting out of control.

Li'l Kanga, now transformed into the majestic dragon, turned her gaze toward Pikachu. The once innocent eyes were now replaced by a powerful and dragon-like aura. She let out a deep, resonant growl, echoing her newfound strength.

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu cautiously approached Li'l Kanga, his expression a mix of wonder and concern. He could sense the immense power emanating from her evolved form.

Kangaskhan was in awe of witnessing such a transformation but she was also distraught by what has become of her daughter. Scalekin, though exhausted from the ordeal, stood proudly, her wings folded and her tail swaying with newfound grace.

Volo, who had been observing the entire scene, couldn't hide his fascination. This was truly a spectacular development that even he didn't see coming. "Well, well! It seems the Dragon Shards have triggered a remarkable evolution. Just as I had hoped."

In reality, Volo planned this from the start, intentionally holding out the Dragon Shards and captivating the baby. He wished to look into this new Pokemon, seeing if the Pokedex would register it. Digging into his bag, Volo had the benefit of finding himself a Pokedex. It was a beat-up Pokedex hailing from the Kalos Region due to its appearance, showing that it was rather old but still functional.

When holding up the Pokedex, he attempted to read up on this new appearance. The Pokedex, despite appearing beat-up and bruised, was reacting to Li'l Kanga's presence. Unlike the incomplete Pokemon that appeared at the Sea Temple and even the spirits of Zacian and Zamazenta, the Pokedex was beginning to register it.

"Scalekin, the Hatchling Pokémon. Born from an accidental and mystical transformation, this Pokémon is the evolved form of Kangaskhan's baby. The process, though painful, grants Scalekin incredible dragon-like powers. Its wings allow it to glide gracefully through the air, and its tail-tip exudes the aura of a true dragon."

"A Scalekin, born from the essence of the Dragon Shards." Volo spoke, keeping that smile on his face. "Looks like the Dragon Shards are more effect on those with weaker wills. There was no way it was going to work on Kangaskhan and especially not Ash's Pikachu."

"Pi...Pikachu?" As Pikachu approached Scalekin, attempting to communicate with her, the dragon-like Pokémon reacted defensively. Her draconic eyes flashed, and without warning, she lunged at Pikachu with surprising speed and agility.

"Pika!" Pikachu dodged the attack narrowly, the swift movements of Scalekin catching him off guard.

"Ga! Kanga!" Kangaskhan, alarmed by the sudden aggression, stepped forward, attempting to intervene and calm Scalekin. However, the evolved Pokémon seemed fixated on Pikachu, her territorial instincts and newfound dragon-like behaviour taking precedence even though they have never existed before. Not even a slither of it. It was all new, thanks to the union of three different powers.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu would backflip and zip back, avoiding the fierce attacks that could knock rocks out of the ground.

"Pika!" Pikachu, now wary of Scalekin's aggressive stance, tried a different approach. He took a step back, lowering his posture to signal submission.

However, Scalekin, driven by the dragon-like instincts that had awakened within her, continued to regard Pikachu with a guarded and territorial demeanour. The glow of her draconic eyes reflected the conflict between the gentle nature she once had and the newfound power coursing through her veins.

"Pika! Pikachu then yelled at Kangaskhan, prompting her to stay back.

"Khan?" Kangaskhan stopped in her tracks under Pikachu'scry. This was for a good reason. Pikachu didn't want her getting hurt and Pikachu certainly didn't wish to harm his little sister. Pikachu wanted Kangaskhan to do one thing. Go and inform Ash and Applejack about this.

Kangaskhan stood there with a saddened expression as she was also worried for Pikachu as much as she was for her daughter. He could get severely hurt since he didn't wish to attack Scalekin for even a moment. He hasn't even attempted to do so after seeing him dodge an incoming tail swipe.

Kangaskhan slowly nodded her head, accepting Pikachu's request. Understanding the potential danger, Kangaskhan turned and began to make her way back to Ponyville. Her maternal instincts urged her to protect her family, even if it meant leaving Pikachu to deal with the challenges presented by Scalekin's evolution.

Meanwhile, Pikachu maintained a defensive posture, keeping his distance from the now-aggressive Scalekin. The conflict between the Kangaskhan's original nature and the dragon-like instincts within Scalekin created a tense atmosphere, one that Pikachu navigated carefully to avoid escalating the situation further.

As Kangaskhan disappeared into the distance, Scalekin's gaze remained fixed on Pikachu, the glow in her eyes indicating the inner struggle between her two conflicting natures. Pikachu could still see the look of his sister there.


Kangaskhan returned to Ponyville while the sun gradually made its descent, casting a warm, late afternoon glow across the landscape. The quaint town, bustling with ponies going about their daily activities, presented a serene contrast to the events unfolding in the outskirts of White Tail Wood.

Finding her way to Sweet Apple Acres, Kangaskhan sought out Applejack to deliver the urgent news. The Apple family was in the midst of their own chores and responsibilities when Kangaskhan approached. There, she also saw Ash, who was hanging out with the Apple Family at the moment.

"Hey there, Kangaskhan! How'd things go with you and Pikachu?" Applejack greeted with a smile, pausing from her work.

"Kangaskhan!" Kangaskhan replied, her expression conveying a mix of urgency and concern. "Kanga!"

"Hey, wait a sec..." Ash stood up, seeing that Pikachu and Li'l Kanga were absent. And when looking at Kangaskhan's face, he was already starting to piece things together.

Applejack, noticing the sombre tone, grew attentive. "Somethin' ain't right. What's goin' on?"

In response, Kangaskhan began to convey the events that transpired in the outskirts of White Tail Wood—the evolution of Li'l Kanga into Scalekin, the newfound dragon-like behaviour, and the potential danger it posed. Applejack listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

"What?!" Ash would stand up tall after what he had just seen Kangaskhan communicate with. So did the Apple Family once they read Kangaskhan's movements.

Whitetail Wood.

"Pi!" Pikachu would jump over a tail slam from Scalekin, continuing to avoid his attacks with maximum efficiency. The Mouse Pokemon kept being defensive, refusing to fight back. Scalekin thought otherwise. She just kept going, showing no signs of slowing down.

It was back and forth between the two. Pikachu would do everything in his power to avoid the attacks while Scalekin's attacks were damaging the already ruined Whitetail Wood. Trees trembled as Scalekin's attacks connected with the ground, and Pikachu's movements left streaks of light in the dimming sunlight.

At that moment, one of Scalekin's attacks landed. The fierce aura around her tail would explode, causing a burst of speed to occur. Pikachu gasped as his eyes quickly shifted to the tail, but it was too late to properly block it. The tail would strike Pikachu's face with the draconic aura surrounding him.

"Pi...!" The impact sent Pikachu tumbling backwards, the dimming sunlight highlighting the streaks of light that marked his movements. Pikachu quickly recovered, shaking off the effects of the attack. Despite the hit, he remained determined to maintain his defensive stance, avoiding direct confrontation with Scalekin. "Pikachu...!"

"He could defeat her right now. With a single hit too, I bet." Volo commented when watching this battle. But it wasn't much of a battle at all since Pikachu wasn't fighting back. "Reminds me of Lena. The Noble Pokemon she befriended have also changed ever since they met her..."

"Pikachu..." Pikachu had few options on his plate. All he could do was shout to his little sister, hoping that his voice would get through, but that had failed this entire time. Pikachu wasn't a stranger to situations like this, but he wasn't an expert at snapping someone back to their senses unless it involved a good jolt.

At best, he was hoping to tire Scalekin out so that she could fall. Surely, she still had the stamina of a baby and baby-like tendencies even under this draconic transformation.

In the distance, the approaching group led by Applejack and Ash quickened their pace, the urgency of the situation evident in their determined strides. A smile graced Pikachu's face once he saw the faces of Ash, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Kangaskhan, Big Mac and Granny Smith.

"Pikachu! Are you alright?!" Ash yelled at his best friend from a far distance. Alas, the massive hole was still there while Pikachu was on the other side.


As Applejack's family arrived at the scene and witnessed Scalekin's imposing presence, a mix of surprise and concern painted their expressions.

"Poor girl. What a shame..." Granny Smith commented when looking at Scalekin. In her old age, not much startles or surprises. With how wild the Pokemon World was, this wasn't alarming at all but it was still troublesome and sad to look at.

Apple Bloom, wide-eyed and curious, peered at Scalekin from behind her sister. "Is that Li'l Kanga? What happened to her?"

"Dragon Matter..." Applejack grumbled upon seeing the crackle of Dragon Matter around Scalekin's body. Ash recognized it too. That enigmatic energy that was related to Prisma and by extension Ash himself was at play once more. Previously, it was Fairy Matter and now it was Dragon Matter, back to causing more trouble.

"Kan...Kanga..." Putting her hands together, Kangaskhan was pleading to Ash and the Apple Family. Applejack already helped her out of a rough spot back with the Kirin and now she was counting on her.

"You've got nothing to worry about, Kangaskhan. We're a family now." Applejack reassured her. "And family sticks together and backs each other up. We'll get our girl back."

"But what do we do? We aren't gonna hit her...are we?" Apple Bloom slowly asked as she was hesitant on that part too. She looked back at Kangaskhan who didn't wish that at all.

"I know you don't wanna attack her. But we still have to stop her somehow. Apple Bloom. How many of your Pokemon know Sleep Powder or anything like that?" Ash asked, having one idea on his mind.

"Oh uh..." Digging into her saddlebag and looking all the Poke Balls at her disposal, Apple Bloom started thinking. She had plenty of Grass-Types on her side and they are known for learning moves that can incapacitate opposing Pokemon. "Ah!"

Apple Bloom did recall some of her Pokemon possessing the right moves. From her bag, she grabbed three Poke Balls, throwing them into the air.

"Oddish!" First to appear was a vibrant Oddish, its small blue body and green leaves swaying gently. Next came a Shroomish, who looked like the type to have the right moves to put someone to sleep. Mushrooms do have that power after all. The third Pokémon to join the group was her Skiploom, who she sometimes moves around with.

Apple Bloom addressed her Pokémon with her hooves together. "Alright, ya'll! I really, really need your help right now!" Can any of y'all use Sleep Powder and Spore to help with that?"

Oddish, Shroomish, and Skploom exchanged determined glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. Each of them nodded, ready to do their part in assisting Scalekin and bringing about a resolution to the unfolding challenge. They were well equipped for this. To prevent any harm done towards Scalekin, they would win this peacefully by putting her to sleep.

"What about the Dragon Matter? That thing's gonna be a lot of trouble." Applejack pointed out. The Dragon Matter was potent here thanks to the massive hole in the ground and the energy coming from Scalekin.

"You, Apple Bloom, Granny and I are gonna handle that." Ash smiled, already having things laid out. "Twilight told me that the Dragon Matter doesn't affect Dragon Pokemon. They already had Dragon Energy in them. That means Sceptile, Dragonite, Appletun, Drampa and Dracovish will be fine."

Each of them, minus Big Mac, have Dragons of their own. To avoid the Dragon Matter, their Dragon Pokemon were perfect for this. But they had to hurry as the rest of the plans couldn't be laid out in time with Scalekin's aggressive actions, pressurizing Pikachu.

"Dragonite! Dracovish! I choose you!" Throwing the Poke Balls into the air, Dragonite and Dracovish were summoned. Joining them was Granny Smith's Drampa along with an Appletun from Apple Bloom. From Sceptile, Applejack would initiate the Mega Evolution Process to grant Sceptile that Dragon-Typing. The brilliant light from the Mega Stones would flare, enveloping the Forest Pokemon until he emerged in his Mega Form.

"Sceptile!" Mega Sceptile would emerge. Volo continued to watch from the sidelines, concealing himself until he could have the chance to retrieve his shards.

"First, let's get over that hole." Ash said, hopping onto Dragonite's back for an aerial advantage. The Dragon Pokemon ascended, leaving behind a gust of wind in the process. As for Apple Bloom's Pokemon, they had to get in close and use their respective moves.

"Champ!" That was where Big Mac's Machamp came into play. Heeding Big Mac's request, the Superpower Pokemon rubbed all four of his hands together, grabbing Skiploom, Oddish and Shroomish. With each of them in his hands, the Superpower Pokemon would perform a tremendous leap, having enough strength to get over that colossal hole.

"Skiiiip!" Skiploom cried out as this was the highest she's ever been. Not even skipping could compare to this. She soared through the air with her friends, heading straight for Scalekin.

But alas, it would not be that easy. Scalekin noticed the approached, glaring at them with her sharpened. Using her newfound abilities, the transformed baby would use Dragon Pulse, unleashing a Dragon-shaped shockwave from her mouth to intercept their movements.

"Dragon Pulse!" Applejack cried out, prompting Sceptile to do the same.

"Scep...Tile!" From his mouth, his own Dragon-shaped shockwave was unleashed. But he wasn't alone. Drampa would do the same, merging his Dragon Pulse with Sceptile's. The two Dragon Pulses, met with the singular one, immediately cancelling it out and giving way for the Grass-Types.

"Loom!" Now that they had a clear path, Skiploom, Oddish and Shroomish came together to unleash Sleep Power and Spore. They synchronized their movements, strategically positioning themselves to surround the transformed Pokémon.

Oddish shook its leaves gently, releasing a cloud of Sleep Powder that wafted toward Scalekin. Simultaneously, Shroomish emitted a spore-laden mist, enhancing the calming effect. Skiploom added her touch, creating a gentle breeze that carried the soothing particles toward Scalekin.

Once more, it was not that easy. In response to this, The dragon wings on Scalekin's back not only give her the ability to glide short distances but also serve as a shield, providing additional defence against attacks. A Draconic light would emerge from her wings, reflecting beautifully off the Sun.

Just like that, the Sleep Power and Spore were reflected, much to the shock of the three Grass-Types. But Ash already figured that it wouldn't be that easy, which is why he opted for the assistance of the other Dragons. But instead of attacking, they would serve another purpose. Distraction.

"This way!" Ash bellowed at Scalekin to grab her attention. Scalekin glared at Ash, turning her attention from the Grass-Types. She would unleash a Dragon Pulse, attempting to take Ash and Dragonite out of the sky, only for them to avoid it. This was followed up by Drampa and Dracovish doing the same as they would intentionally miss their attacks.

Their attacks flew by Scalekin with the purpose of grabbing her attention. Scalekin turned to see the attacks, instinctively swaying her body, only to be completely fine. She wasn't aware that they weren't willing to harm her.

"That didn't work...Then try this!" Apple Bloom hollered at them. "Do what Sweetie Belle does and move around! Dance or something!"

The Grass Pokémon, stunned by the initial setback, adjusted their tactics. Instead of directly releasing the sleep-inducing moves, they began a coordinated dance, creating a mesmerizing display of colours and patterns. Oddish's leaves glowed with a soft luminescence, Shroomish emitted vibrant spores, and Skiploom's petals shimmered with an enchanting aura.

The dance served a dual purpose. First, it captured Scalekin's attention, drawing her focus toward the captivating display. Second, it allowed the Grass Pokémon to subtly infuse their sleep-inducing powers into the atmosphere, creating a more ambient and indirect approach.

Scalekin, intrigued by the radiant dance, shifted her gaze toward the Grass Pokémon. The dragon wings on her back adjusted, subtly responding to the rhythmic movements. Unbeknownst to Scalekin, the ambient sleep-inducing particles gradually surrounded her, carried by the gentle breeze created by Skiploom's movements.

As the Grass Pokémon continued their intricate dance, the vibrant energy they emitted intensified. The atmosphere around Scalekin began to change, a subtle shift in the environment that mirrored the calming effects of their sleep-inducing powers.

However, with a flare of energy from her eyes, the Dragon Matter would snap Scalekin out of this mesmerising dance. Once she snapped it out, she immediately flapped her wings, creating a fierce wind pressure. This wind pressure also carried the Dragon Matter with it, which started ripping through the air.

The wind pressure, laced with Dragon Matter, surged through the air like a tempest. The ambient sleep-inducing energies were scattered, unable to withstand the forceful gusts generated by Scalekin's wings. The once-harmonious dance was replaced by the chaotic currents of Dragon Matter, tearing through the environment with an otherworldly intensity.

"Oddish!" Oddish cried out after being launched away. Skiploom would hurl through the air while Shroomish rolled through the ground. And unfortunately for the three of them, their bodies were in the midst of falling through the deep hole.

"Hurricane!" Ash bellowed, prompting Dragonite to use her own Hurricane.

"Drago!" Dragonite flapped her wings, generating a mighty wind pressure of her own to save the three Grass-Types. Dragonite's powerful Hurricane roared to life, countering the chaotic winds laced with Dragon Matter.

The hurricane's forceful gusts intercepted the falling Grass Pokémon, preventing them from plummeting into the deep hole below. The harmonious dance of the elements, disrupted by Scalekin's draconic awakening, now found a new balance under the guidance of Dragonite's aerial prowess.

"Sceptile, use Frenzy Plant!" Applejack bellowed.

"Tile!" To ensure they had a safe landing, Sceptile would place his hands on the ground, summoning massive roots would head straight for the hole. As the three Grass-Types started descending, the roots would appear over the hole, facing the destructive energies below. However, with Sceptile's power, he could ignore the Dragon Matter now that he was a Dragon-Type.

This allowed his roots to resist the fierce power below as they moved over the entire hole, heading all the way to the other side. Skiploom, Oddish and Shroomish managed to land on the Frenzy Plant, away from the hole. Not only did it save them, but it made a bridge that allowed everyone else to pass through safely.

At that moment, Scalekin performed something extraordinary that only it could do. By grabbing all the destroyed trees and rubble with its claws, it began mushing them together by enveloping them with Dragon Matter. Right before everyone's eyes, Scalekin transformed them into gold, rubies and other gemstones. Fit for a Dragon.

"She turned it into gems...?" Ash gawked with amazement.

As the amalgamation of Dragon Matter and Scalekin's unique talents unfolded, the resulting gems sparkled with an ethereal glow. The vibrant hues of gold, rubies, and other precious stones cast a mesmerizing light across the once-broken landscape. The unexpected display of Scalekin's abilities added another layer of mystery to the ongoing events, leaving both observers and participants in awe.

But they weren't just for her to keep for herself like a greedy Dragon. They were also used for attacks. With the gems at her disposal, Scalekin's offensive capabilities gained a mystical edge. The radiant light emitted by the gems hinted at the potential for dazzling, Dragon Matter-infused attacks.

She unleashed the gemstones as rays of light that were powered by Dragon-Type energy, sending a rapid stream of them at at everyone. The rapid stream of gemstones created a dazzling cascade, leaving trails of brilliant light that illuminated the battleground.

Ash and the others faced the oncoming barrage, their instincts and training driving them to evade the gemstones. The gems, fueled by Dragon-Type energy, left behind residual traces of draconic power in the air as they streaked past. Pikachu utilized his nimbleness, darting between the gemstones with quick movements, while Mega Sceptile and Dragonite employed agile manoeuvres to avoid the mystical onslaught.

Some of them were heading straight for Apple Bloom, Applejack and Granny Smith, but not while Machamp had something to say about it. "Machamp! Ma!" With his rapid-fast movements, Machamp would strike all of the incoming gemstones with precise punches.

Machamp took all of them out, saving his family from harm. But it wasn't over yet. The gemstones collided with the ground, trees, and surroundings, leaving a mark of transformation wherever they landed. The once-broken landscape now bore the radiant imprint of Scalekin's Dragon-Type attacks, a testament to the potent combination of Dragon Matter and the gemstones created from the debris.

"Thunderbolt! Water Gun!"

"Draco!" Dracovish would blast away at some of the gemstones, drowning them in water and forcing them to drop to the ground, where some of them would end up in the hole. Pikachu did the same, electrocuting some of these gemstones with 100,000 volts which halted their movements.

"I don't think I can get close..." Apple Bloom was getting worried. At this rate, she might not be able to land any of her moves on Scalekin.

"Ga! Kanga!" At that moment, Kangaskhan ran past everyone, moving on the Root Bridge and heading straight for her daughter.

"Kangaskhan, wait!" Applejack bellowed, but the instincts of a mother were put first even in the face of danger. The rays of light from the gemstones flew in once more with that destructive Dragon Energy, crashing into the Root Bridge.

Sceptile's Bridge was taking a bunch of damage from this. The gemstones were beginning to piece through them, leaving holes which would chip away at the durability of the roots. Kangaskhan just kept moving in the face of all of this, avoiding the incoming rays of light. But not all of them could be avoided.

"Appletun!" Appletun would intercept some of these by using Leaf Storm. A spiral of leaves came flying in, managing to blow these gemstones away, allowing Kangaskhan to keep on moving.

Raising her tail, Scalekin was about to unleash a devastating attack as the aura around her tail intensified. It was right when Kangaskhan was getting closer and closer. And as the tail came crashing down, intercepting it was none other than Dragonite.

"Dragon Claw!" Ash bellowed. Dragonite stopped the attack with her own fierce attack. The attacks collided sending a fierce shockwave around the area, blowing the already ruined trees.

As Kangaskhan reached Scalekin, she extended her powerful arms in a gesture that was a mix of worry and comfort. "Kan...Kanga," she murmured, attempting to communicate with her evolved offspring. The transformation had brought about a majestic appearance in Scalekin, but the echoes of the earlier pain lingered in the air.

Scalekin, however, remained focused on the ongoing battle, the draconic light in her eyes shimmering with intensity. The gemstones, now replenished, floated around her, ready to be unleashed once more. The evolving Pokémon seemed torn between her newfound abilities and her connection with her mother.

Scalekin opened her mouth wide, preparing to unleash a powerful flare of Dragon Matter. Everyone gasped at this sight as the Dragon Matter was building up into a single point. Drampa and all the other Dragons got in front of their trainers to shield them from what was coming, but the already damaged environment might not fare well.

"It's my own energy. So I'm going in!" Ash hopped off Dragonite's back, knowing he would be fine since the Dragon Matter won't react to him. And he was right. Ash would appear in front of Scalekin right as the Dragon Matter was unleashed. While he was airborne, the fierce flare of energy met with his body, stopping upon contact.

There was a fierce draconic outburst from this contact which would normally hurt. But not when it came to Ash. He moved through the smoke, landing on Scalekin's face.

Pikachu, fueled by the strong bond forged through countless adventures and shared experiences, took a step forward. His bright eyes, filled with determination, locked onto Scalekin's gaze. The memories of their time together had to come back somehow even if briefly.

"Pika... Pi!" Pikachu's voice carried the weight of those memories as he attempted to reach Scalekin's heart. His gestures were a plea, a reminder of the times they laughed, faced adversaries, and triumphed together. The Mouse Pokémon hoped that the connection they shared would transcend the newfound Dragon powers that enveloped his sister.

"Maybe this'll help!" Ash, with all of his might, would unleash his Aura, deciding to risk it. The azure light of his Aura would flare. The Aura interacted with the Dragon Matter, causing a rumble and crackle to emerge around the both of them.

The gemstones, poised to unleash their Dragon-Type energy, halted momentarily as Scalekin grappled with the unexpected distraction. The shimmering light in her eyes flickered, caught between the memories of Pikachu's plea and the current clash of energies. The evolving Pokémon seemed momentarily disoriented, giving Pikachu and Ash a brief window to influence the course of the battle.

"Now's my chance! Sleep Powder! Stun Spore!" Apple Bloom commanded, seeing a golden opportunity.

The trio of Grass Pokémon, undeterred by the earlier setback, prepared for their synchronized assault. Oddish shook its leaves gently, releasing a cloud of Sleep Powder, while Shroomish emitted a spore-laden mist, enhancing the calming effect. Skiploom added her touch, creating a gentle breeze that carried the soothing particles toward Scalekin.

The combined efforts of the three Grass Pokémon created a potent mixture of Sleep Powder and Spore, forming a swirling concoction that enveloped the transformed Pokémon. The sleep-inducing particles danced in the air, their collective effect aimed at inducing a peaceful slumber in Scalekin.

As the sleep-inducing mixture approached Scalekin, the Dragon Matter surrounding her responded with a shimmering resistance. Ash's Aura would flare as he would then launch himself off Scalekin's body once the Sleep Power and Spore came in.

The Sleep Powder and Spore mixture, defying the resistance of the Dragon Matter, successfully landed on Scalekin. The swirling particles enveloped the majestic Dragon-type Pokémon, creating a serene and calming aura around her. As the sleep-inducing effects took hold, Scalekin's movements gradually slowed, and her draconic gaze softened.

Amidst the gentle breeze carrying the soothing particles, Scalekin's colossal frame gradually settled onto the Root Bridge. The once ferocious and agitated creature now appeared serene and tranquil, succumbing to the combined efforts of Oddish, Shroomish, and Skiploom. The influence of the Sleep Powder and Spore mixture took hold, casting a peaceful slumber upon Scalekin.

The Root Bridge, constructed by Sceptile's roots, held firm beneath the weight of the transformed Pokémon. Its expansive structure provided a secure platform for Scalekin's rest, ensuring her safety and preventing any further harm to herself or others.

Apple Bloom, Ash, Pikachu, and the assembled Pokémon and trainers watched in collective relief as the situation de-escalated. The Root Bridge served not only as a passage over the hazardous hole but also as a cradle for the sleeping Scalekin.

"Whew...We did it." Ash sighed. "I was thinking about using my Aura...Had to try it at least once."

"Y'all did it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, a mix of relief and gratitude evident in her voice. She turned to her Grass Pokémon, affectionately patting each of them for their crucial role in calming Scalekin. "Great job, Oddish, Shroomish, and Skiploom!"

"Kanga!" Kangaskhan, overcome with relief and joy, rushed towards her transformed daughter, Scalekin, who was now in a peaceful slumber. The once-agitated draconic energies surrounding Scalekin had subsided, creating a serene atmosphere. The Dragon Matter, which had woven cosmic and draconic energies into a tapestry, now emitted a subdued glow.

The celestial scar in the sky above White Tail Wood maintained its presence, but the once ominous disturbances within it seemed to ease. The harmonious energy of the scene, combined with the familial bonds that had calmed Scalekin, created a sense of tranquillity in the outskirts of White Tail Wood.

The Moon was beginning to show itself at this time, signalling the end of the afternoon. Scalekin was fast asleep because of this while Kangaskhan held her face. For this to happen to her daughter was shocking and heart-pounding for Kangaskhan. This was something she couldn't have fixed herself.

Surrounded by the crackle of the Dragon Matter, Kangaskhan took some damage but stayed by her daughter's side But not only that, the Aura from Ash also showed itself, gently protecting Kangaskhan from further harm. Right before her eyes, her daughter would shrink, reverting to her original size and form.

In the quiet of the night, with the celestial scar shining overhead, Li'l Kanga returned to her original form. The gentle transformation mirrored the harmonious resolution brought about by the bond between Scalekin and her family. Pikachu ran to his sister's side to see if she was alright even though she had taken no damage during all of this.

"Kanga!" She cried out. Li'l Kanga's eyes would slowly open, seeing her mother and her brother.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu, who had been by her side throughout the entire ordeal, approached Li'l Kanga with a tender expression. The memories and the unspoken connection they shared formed an invisible thread that bound them as family were flooding back in as the Dragon Matter would disperse. Pikachu extended a gentle paw, allowing Li'l Kanga to nuzzle against him, a silent reassurance that all was well. "Pika..."

"How did this even happen?" Applejack wondered how it got to that point in the first place. What could have caused this?

As Pikachu scanned the surroundings, his sharp eyes searched for any trace of Volo, the enigmatic merchant who had played a role in the events that unfolded. However, it seemed that Volo had slipped away into the shadows, leaving without a trace.

The departure of Volo raised questions in Pikachu's mind. The mysterious merchant's presence had been linked to the Dragon Shards and the tear in the sky, and his sudden exit only added to the air of mystery surrounding him. After all, he was the one who showed them in the first place.

"This is exactly why I need the other shards. I know for a fact that I'm one step closer to Arceus." Volo said when walking off, focusing on Arceus as his ultimate goal.

For now, the focus shifted back to the reunited family, Pikachu, Li'l Kanga, and Kangaskhan. The Root Bridge beneath them symbolized the strength of their bond and the triumph over the challenges they faced together. With the tear in the sky now emanating a tranquil glow, it seemed that the celestial energies had found a newfound balance.

"It's alright now, Kangaskhan," Ash said. "No matter what, we won't let anything bad happen to you and your daughter."

"You're with us now. Anything weird happens, we'll be there." Applejack reassured. That was an honest promise, without a doubt."

She believed that. They've saved her family more than once now. But now, she was a part of this family and had no idea what she was about to face from this point on. Kangaskhan was part of their life now.

As the reunited family gazed at the celestial scar above, a sense of peace and fulfilment settled over them. Li'l Kanga, Pikachu, and Kangaskhan stood together as the journey continues.

Chapter 398 End.

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