• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Fulfilled Reunion

Equestria. Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres. Day.

As the morning sun bathed Sweet Apple Acres in a warm glow, Applejack couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. The previous day had been eventful as she successfully caught a Kangaskhan, a powerful and nurturing addition to her Pokémon team. Eager to integrate the new member into the family, Applejack couldn't wait to show Kangaskhan around the farm.

With a hearty yawn, Applejack stepped out of the farmhouse and greeted the day. Her Ace Pokemon Sceptile and the group of Golett stood nearby, ready for another day of work. In the midst of the group was Kangaskhan plus her large baby, Li'l Kanga, safely nestled in her pouch.

"Good mornin', y'all!" Applejack called out to her Pokémon, the crisp morning air carrying her voice across the orchard. This involved her family. "Today's a special day 'cause we got a new family member to introduce to the farm. Kangaskhan, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!"

"Kangaskhan!" Kanga let out a gentle growl, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and warmth. Applejack couldn't help but smile at the adorable scene before her. The baby Kangaskhan peeked out from the pouch, wide-eyed and full of wonder. Sceptile had already been introduced to her but now all the Golett plus the Apple Family could meet her.

"Now, y'all, we got a lot of work to do, and Kanga here is gonna be a big help. Ain't that right, girl?" Applejack said, patting Kanga's side. The Kangaskhan responded with a contented purr, clearly happy to be part of the team.

"The baby too?" Apple Bloom questioned. "She younger than me though."

"Ah, she ain't gotta work. But she can watch us all. One day, she'll become as big and strong as her mom. Well...I think that's how that works."

"Great. But uh...what about that?" Apple Bloom raised her hoof, referring to the tear in the sky. Everyone looked up to see the anomaly caused by that fierce battle which was still present. It has yet to be dealt with and it was just lingering there eerily.

"Don't worry about it." Applejack shrugged it off. "I reckon someone will deal with later and it ain't gonna be us. After what Daybreaker and Gardevoir did, our farm got a bit shaken up, so let's put it back to how it was."

Throughout the day, Applejack and her Pokémon went about their chores with a newfound vigour. Sceptile effortlessly pruned the apple trees with his razor-sharp leaves, while the army of Golett handled heavy lifting and maintenance around the farm. Kanga, though still getting used to her surroundings, showed incredible strength and agility as she assisted in various tasks.

She watched as Machamp surpassed her in strength, obviously hitting the trees with just a poke. That single poke caused a plethora of apples to fall into the basket. While lacking heavy strength individually, all 10 of Applejack's Golett combined could perform great feats when working together.

Tons of manpower was present here at Sweet Apple Acres as always with the involvement of the Applin who occasionally camouflage themselves. All the while, Li'lKanga watched it all from the sidelines. Unable to do anything, she would just lounge around in Sweet Apple Acres and she wasn't complaining.

When attempting to eat an apple nearby, the moment she was prepared to take a bite, it was revealed to be an Applin, hiding its face. Startled, Li'l Kana dropped the Applin who would slither away. That was one thing she would have to get used to.

As the sun moved across the sky to show the passage of time, casting a warm glow over the orchard, Applejack gathered her Pokémon and headed towards the farmhouse for a quick meal. The scent of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air, drawing her closer to the comforting embrace of her family.

Pushing open the creaky door, Applejack entered the cosy kitchen, where Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom were busy preparing lunch. The tantalizing aroma of apple pies filled the room, creating an atmosphere that felt like a warm hug.

Launching herself onto the seats was Li'l Kanga who immediately broke the chair upon impact. Luckily for her, she was large enough to see over the table, even for being a baby. Just a stark difference between the two worlds even before they became one.

"This is more like it. Don't gotta worry about any Necrozmas or Daybreakers when I'm home with ya'll. Great having you here, Kangaskhan. Makes this place feel even bigger and better," Applejack replied, a proud smile spreading across her face.

"Do you think you could also be my mom?" Apple Bloom dropped a bombshell of a question that caught Kangaskhan and the others off guard. The filly didn't see a problem with it, however. If Kangaskhan was a Mom, it would be fitting for her to keep that role in this house. Apple Bloom already has a Granny present after all. "But she is though."

"Mmm..." Remembering the meteor from Meteor Mountain, Applejack shrugged it off. No harm in it since Kangaskhan was here to stay. "Eh. Why not? You've still got years to go compared to us. Kangaskhan can fill in for you when I'm not here."

"But you always take your Pokemon with you." Apple Bloom pointed out. No way Kangaskhan was going to stay here every single day considering what Applejack gets up to when around her friends. And Applejack knew that herself.

The evening unfolded with laughter, delicious food, and the comforting sounds of family chatter. Kangaskhan and her baby quickly became part of the close-knit Apple family, seamlessly blending in with the routine of Sweet Apple Acres.

Ponyville Streets. A New Day.

The next morning, as the rooster crowed and the sun began to rise, Applejack decided to take a break from the farm chores and head into Ponyville. There was a hustle and bustle in the quaint town, ponies going about their daily activities, and the lively atmosphere was a welcome change.

The tear in the sky was still there with no visible changes. It was just lingering there like an ominous shadow, waiting to strike. Many felt uncomfortable just looking at it from above. Occasionally, the sounds from that tear could be heard that were similar to rumbles of thunder.

Applejack was out with Kangaskhan, letting her roam around even under that tear. As Applejack strolled through the colourful streets, she couldn't help but notice a familiar face of Ash in the distance. Recovering from the Prisma scenario, he had that smile on his face once more.

"Doing better now, Ash?" Applejack asked, aware of what Ash went through that fateful night. Twilight made sure to inform her friends even if Prisma's appearance was brief.

"Mhm. I wasn't gonna kept down for long. Wish I could do something about that up there." Ash gazed at the tear.

"Baah...Ain't nothing we can do about it right now." Applejack sighed. "Better leave it to a Legendary Pokemon or it might leave one day. Maybe."

"Maybe." Ash nodded in response. "It's a lot like what Cosmos did. Wish Discord was here right now. He's always doing something, huh?"

"Never wants to do something about all of this though when it matters..." Applejack grumbled when speaking of Discord.

As the conversation unfolded, Kangaskhan's keen eyes focused on a small, yellow Pokémon perched on Ash's shoulder. Pikachu, of course. Suddenly, Kanga's eyes widened with recognition. A certain warmth filled her gaze and the same went for Li'l Kanga.


"Kan..." Kangaskhan and Pikachu looked each other in the eyes as a spark was initiated. At that very moment, they both recognized each other.

"Pikachu!" With the memories flooding in, Pikachu leapt in for a hug. Kangaskhan would promptly do the same, hugging the Mouse Pokemon.

"Pikachu. Do you know this Kangaskhan?" Ash asked after seeing the interaction.

Kangaskhan nodded, a fond smile spreading across her face. It turned out that one day, she had stumbled upon a lost Pichu who had no one else around him. Sceptile remembered when Pikachu shared that story before he even met Ash. This was that very same Kangaskhan. Kangaskhan, with her nurturing instincts, took the little Pichu under her wing that day, even if for a while.

It was an unexpected but loving reunion. It has been so many years since they have seen each other. Pikachu never gave his proper farewells to them since he left while they were asleep. But that had all been negated now that they've reunited here.

"Small world, right?" Applejack nudged Ash's leg.

Much like how Apple Bloom immediately thought about Kangaskhan being a new mother for her, Pikachu already had that experience in the past. Kangaskhan was his mother when he was a Pichu and Li'l Kanga was practically his sister.

"Pi...Pika..." Thinking about it, Pikachu had some regrets about never giving them a proper farewell. Those regrets were rather strong as a tear was forming on his face. The Mouse Pokemon didn't want to leave them without an answer but he did anyway and he thought he'd never get the chance to fix that.

"Kangaskahn." Thankfully, Kangaskhan understood him clearly. She harboured no ill feelings. Not even a slither. After all, as a mother, she would obviously understand that her children would have to grow up someday. Even if her actual child was still in her pouch after all these years.

"Ka! Pikachu!" Pikachu leapt off Kangaskhan, quickly introducing her to Ash. Thankfully, because of the time he spent with Kangaskhan, he was no longer afraid of being lonely. He found someone to spend all the time in the world with and that was Ash along with all the friends he's made along the way. "Pika-Pi! Pikachu!"

"Hm?" Ash soon realized that he was being introduced to by Pikachu. "Oh, right! My name's Ash! I'm Pikachu's best friend. Pleasure to meet you!"

"Ga!" To thank him for this, Kangaskhan would pat Ash on the head with those girthy arms. Ash, though caught off guard at first, couldn't help but chuckle at the affectionate gesture.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu chirped happily, expressing his gratitude as well. The impromptu reunion had turned into a delightful exchange of friendship and shared memories. Kangaskhan was very much proud of Pikachu and his current position.

She could already see that he had grown wonderfully, but she had no idea how much he's actually grown since then. Pikachu would be more than happy to share it all with Kangaskhan and especially Li'l Kanga.

"How about I leave you three alone?" Ash opted to let Pikachu spend time with his Found Family. He glanced over at Applejack, who was in full agreement. She would let them be together for a while, even if she and Ash were part of that family.

In full agreement, Ash and Applejack would go off and do their own thing around Ponyville for a while. It was just Pikachu, Kangaskhan and Li'l Kanga now.

Saddle Lake.

Walking out of Ponyville and heading for the nearby Saddle Lake, Pikachu explained everything he has done ever since he left that fateful day. The adventures he's been on have been plentiful and wild without a doubt.

"Pika! Pikachu!" Pikachu began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. He recounted the countless adventures, battles, and friends he had made since the day he left Kangaskhan's care. Li'l Kanga, wide-eyed and eager, listened intently, occasionally peeking out from Kangaskhan's pouch.

Pikachu spoke of battling powerful trainers, encountering legendary Pokémon, and overcoming various challenges. He shared the joy of evolving into a Pikachu and the excitement of learning new moves. Pikachu's adventures were not just about battles; they were about friendship, growth, and the unbreakable bond he formed with Ash.

Kangaskhan and Li'l Kanga were captivated by Pikachu's stories, their eyes reflecting a mix of pride and joy. Kangaskhan couldn't help but smile at Pikachu's accomplishments, realizing that the little Pichu she once cared for had become a force to be reckoned with.

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu would occasionally reenact some of his battles, showcasing his signature moves by pulling off the same tricks he's done, such as Countershield and even attempting to mimic moves that could only be done with another Pokemon.

Any mother would be fearful of their child's wellbeing, but when it came to Pikachu, that wasn't the case. He could most definitely take care of himself. After hearing this, Li'l Kanga's eyes lit up with amazement. Her brother, who was now considered her big brother was amazing now. The baby of Kangaskhan now had someone and something to aspire to.

"Kan?" Kangaskhan's eyes widened after hearing her daughter's requests. She could see the spark in Li'l Kanga's eyes, the same spark Pikachu had shown when he was just a Pichu under her care. But perhaps her daughter wasn't quite ready for what Pikachu dealt with. In her eyes, anyway.

Li'l Kanga hopped out of her mother's pouch, running up to her big brother and spouting about how she wanted him to teach her. Pikachu himself wasn't sure about that. Teaching Li'l Kanga would certainly be something new but aside from Mega Evolution, the baby doesn't usually get out there and start battling.

Wanting to learn no matter what, Li'l Kanga mimicked Pikachu's movements with enthusiasm, determined to absorb as much knowledge as possible.

The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over Saddle Lake. Pikachu, Kangaskhan, and Li'l Kanga sat by the water's edge, enjoying the tranquil moment. The lake's gentle ripples reflected the shared bond between them, a connection that transcended time and distance.

As day fell over the lands surrounding the tear in the sky, a hushed stillness enveloped the area. The celestial scar shimmered with an eerie glow, casting an otherworldly illumination upon the landscape even during a clear azure sky. Unbeknownst to the inhabitants below, the energies within the tear began to stir, resonating with an ancient rhythm.

A subtle disturbance rippled through the air. The tear pulsed with an ethereal energy, sending a cascade of shimmering light across the heavens. Wisps of luminous energy began to coalesce, swirling and dancing in a hypnotic display.

"Pika?" Pikachu heard and felt this disturbance, raising his head to the sky. Now, of all times, that tear was starting to do something else than just linger there. Pikachu narrowed his eyes, being at ready for the worst.

The radiant energy played a haunting melody in the air, echoing through the land. Kangaskhan, sensing the unease among her newfound family, gathered them close. Li'l Kanga nestled in her pouch while Pikachu stood in front of them.

But before any of that could happen, footsteps were heard that would make Pikachu turn his head immediately. And from it, a somewhat familiar face emerged from the trees and bushes. At first, Pikachu thought he saw the face of Cynthia.

But instead, it was none other than Volo.

"Oh? Afternoon~" Volo spoke to Pikachu, Kangaskhan and Li'l Kanga. Volo greeted them with a wide grin, his presence easing the tension in the air.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu was rather stunned. Volo looked so much like Cynthia it was scary. He was unaware that Volo came from the past as this was his first time encountering him. But for Volo, this wasn't his first time seeing Pikachu. He was already aware of Ash, especially since he was the descendant of Lena Ketchum who has also found herself in the present day due to time shenanigans.

"You must be the Pikachu of that Ash boy, right?" Volo spoke, knowing Ash's name. "You're his Pikachu. I can tell."


"Don't mind me. I'm just here because of that thing." Volo turned his attention back to the tear in the sky. This is the closest spot to that tear. I would've gone to that place known as White Tail Wood but...it looks like whatever battle happened there made that place a hazard zone."

Pikachu tilted his head in understanding, realizing that Volo had his own reasons for being in this mysterious situation that lingered above. The familiar face of Cynthia made him wonder if Volo was also related to her. After all, Ash was related to Lena.

"Haven't heard of me before though. Maybe Twilight hasn't told you yet, but I'm looking for the shards too. And thankfully, it looks like I was right to show up at Equestria this time. Looks like there are some shards nearby."

"Pika? Pikachu?" Pikachu looked around as the 18 Shards that Sci-Twi was looking for came up again. This time, somewhere around Saddle Lake. But right now, Pikachu couldn't see a slither of them.

"Looking around like that won't do a thing." Volo chuckled before looking back at the sky. "That tear up there definitely isn't going to help anytime soon. Not when there a Legends coming for it."

Pikachu's keen instincts tingled with uncertainty. While he was usually adept at gauging the intentions of those around him, Volo presented a unique challenge. The eccentric merchant's unpredictable nature and cryptic demeanour left Pikachu with a lingering sense of unease.

There was just something about him that felt off.

"Pika...?" Pikachu exchanged a cautious glance with Kangaskhan. The electric Pokémon couldn't shake the feeling that Volo held more cards than he was revealing. Despite his friendly demeanour, there was an air of mystery surrounding the merchant. Volo, seemingly oblivious to the tension, continued to gaze at the shimmering tear in the sky.

"Well, I'd better get looking. Unless you can get Ash for me for some extra help, right? I'm not with Twilight right now so I'm searching on my own. But I have found these shards." From his pockets, Volo would reveal some shards that he has managed to achieve on his own.

And in his grasp, he held the Dragon Shards. They carried the signature colour of the Dragon-Type. A sort of bluish purple that can only be described as Arcane. And upon revealing them, there was already a mystical glow with them present. These shards were currently active.

When looking at them, Li'l Kanga seemed the most captivated by them. Her eyes lit up as she was practically frozen at the sight. The light that these shards were giving off would look brilliant in the night. No one else noticed this look that Li'l Kanga was showing.

The Dragon Shards were mainly reacting to one thing and Volo already had a good idea as to what it was. When looking up at the sky, he could obviously refer back to the tear, but that would be too easy. There was something else in the atmosphere and environment. "Seems like the Dragon Matter knows about these little things as well."

At that moment, Li'l Kanga hopped out of her mother's pouch, going straight for the shards. Pikachu and Kangaskhan gasped as the baby swiped the shards from Volo's clutches.


"Kangaskhan?!" Pikachu and Kangaskhan called out simultaneously, a mix of surprise and concern in their voices.

Volo, caught off guard by Li'l Kanga's swift move, blinked in astonishment. "Well, that's unexpected! Seems like your little one has a keen interest in these Dragon Shards."

Li'l Kanga, now holding the shards in her tiny paws, looked up at Volo with seemingly innocent eyes. The shards emitted a soft, radiant glow, reacting to the presence of the baby Kangaskhan. But these eyes were not as simple as they usually were. There was now a glow in them.

A Draconic Energy could be seen flaring in Li'l Kanga's eyes. "Pika-Pi!" Pikachu approached Li'l Kanga, trying to gently take the shards back. However, Li'l Kanga seemed determined to hold onto her newfound treasures.

Kangaskhan, observing the transformation in her baby's eyes, felt a mix of awe and curiosity. The Dragon Shards resonated with a hidden power within Li'l Kanga, adding an unexpected layer to their quest. The baby kept staring at the shards with that glow in her eyes intensifying.

At that moment, when Pikachu got too close, Li'l Kanga struck at him, much with her claws to the shock of Kangaskhan, but not Volo surprisingly.

"Pi...Pika?!" Pikachu expressed his surprise and slight discomfort, rubbing his head where Li'l Kanga had struck him. Kangaskhan's eyes widened in concern, not expecting her usually gentle baby to react with such force. "Pika-Pi!" Li'l Kanga stood her ground, a flicker of Draconic energy still present in her eyes. The playful act had taken an unexpected turn, and now even Pikachu was feeling the effects of the mysterious power resonating from the Dragon Shards.

Volo, however, couldn't contain his amusement when seeing this unfold. "Ah, what's this? Usually, it's just Dragons that hoard their treasure. Unless..."

Kangaskhan, torn between worry and bemusement, approached Li'l Kanga with a comforting gesture. "Kan...?"

The Draconic energy in Li'l Kanga's eyes wasn't fading away. Right before everyone's eyes, Li'l Kanga's eyes would sharpen, matching that of a Dragon's gaze.

And without saying anything else, Li'l Kanga ran off with the shards, fleeing the scene. Pikachu, Kangaskha and Volo watched in surprise as Li'l Kanga, now possessed by the Draconic energy of the Dragon Shards, darted away with remarkable speed.

"Pikachu! Pika!" Pikachu cried out to his little sister. Kangaskhan, now fully alarmed, hurried after her baby, her powerful strides covering the ground quickly.

All the while, Volo stood there while the two of them passed him by. Volo, despite the playful tone, couldn't hide a sense of intrigue in his eyes. He pondered the newfound abilities that the Dragon Shards had seemingly awakened in Li'l Kanga.

"I still need those shards back though...But now I can see what else they're capable of. It looks like that baby is becoming a Dragon herself."

This lovely reunion had taken a shocking turn. Li'l Kanga had swiped the Dragon Shards from Volo but was now acting strange. In the words of Volo and from what they have seen, she was acting a bit like a Dragon herself. The permeating energies in the atmosphere played a part in this sudden outcome.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 397 End.

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