• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Beautiful Nightmare Begins

Equestria. South Seas. Late Afternoon.

Out in the vast seas of Equestria, many Water Pokemon were heading South. Under the servitude of the King of the Sea, they were in search of the Water Shards. They were moving like crazy, zooming at their top speeds and stopping whatever they were doing.

At the same time, the Sea Temple was following all of these Water-Types to the South while the 7 Golden Lights in the sky would zoom by. Many would be able to see these beautiful sights going through the afternoon skies and they looked even better during the late afternoon.

In the night, they will definitely look their absolute best, however, that never came to be. Mainly because they ended up finding the Water Shards.

Yes. Thanks to the assistance of all the Water-Types in the area and beyond, each single one that Sea Temple passed by, Ash and his friends were able to come across the location of the Water Shards.

Lo and behold, there they were.

Moving aside some rocks, Ash and his friends were staring down the Water Shards, which were buried underneath some rubble this entire time. Thankfully, a Pokemon hadn't swallowed them.

"Awesome! We got the Water Shards!" Ash cheered, grabbing these shattered parts of Arceus's Life Plates and raising them high.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu held his paw high, celebrating.

"Nice! That just means we have 9 shards left, right?! We're way ahead of Volo by now!" Rainbow Dash flew around. "Let's keep this up!"

"Thanks, you guys." Ash faced all the Water Pokemon here. "This really helped. And if you find the other Shards, let me know."

All the Water-Types cried out in response to their King. Ash's friends thanked the Pokemon, bowing their heads and expressing their gratitude. This was a moment to be happy.

"Alright. So, what next?" Applejack asked, facing her friends.

"We ask Grandma which shard we go for next. The nearest one is the one we'll go straight for." Ash said while ascending with his golden aura. They returned to the Sea Temple, landing down as their Golden Auras would vanish The Sea Crown would leave them all, the crystals returning to normal. Lena would approach her grandson, seeing him holding the two shards he managed to retrieve.

They returned to the Sea Temple, landing down as their Golden Auras would vanish The Sea Crown would leave them all, the crystals returning to normal. Lena would approach her grandson, seeing him holding the two shards he managed to retrieve.

"Alright, Grandma. You have a guess where the next one is, right?"

"Hold on..I'm trying to figure this out." But at the moment, Lena was fixated on a Samiyan Puzzle that was shown to her. The Woman of the Past would gawk at this strange-looking puzzle that was in the shape of a star. The People of the Sea have such intricate puzzles, even ones like these. She ws in awe at how advanced the puzzle was, even though the pieces were quite small.

But what was even more impressive was seeing the hands of the Samiyan move at high speeds when interacting with this puzzle, assembling the pieces in an instant. With one flick, the pieces would fly together, the star being fully assembled. The woman would stare at the completed puzzle in awe, marvelling at its beauty.

"Wow...that was impressive.." Lena was astounded by the puzzle skills, having never seen something like that before. The Samiyan would hand the puzzle to her, the woman taking it in her hands. She gazed at the shining piece, smiling. "Thank you. That was wonderful. It's almost like you're a master at it."

"You could say that." The woman chuckled. "It takes at least 20 years to master it."

"20 years!?" Lena was stunned. "Mmm...That's a lot of work."

"Ahem." Rarity slid over, clearing her throat to Lena. "Lena...Shards?"

"Oh! Sorry, Rarity. Let me check which Shard it is." Lena would hold her hands out, closing her eyes and focusing her ability. After a bit of time, she would open her eyes and speak. "It's the Grass Shard. It's somewhere in the East. Far from here."

"North East or South East?" Jessie repeated.

"Mmm..." Lena focused on again. "It looks like it's...South East. Far. We're already at the South, so if we just keep heading East, we'll eventually reach it."

"Great. Then let's head out, you guys." Ash declared. "We'll go straight to the Grass Shards, and we'll have a race to see who gets there first."

"Understood. Although it's getting rather late, so we'll have to move at a steady pace, Your Majesty." Alo said. "By this time, many of us will be asleep."

"Right. We'll be careful, so don't worry." Ash promised, looking at the darkening skies. The Sun was setting and the night was arriving. The stars were visible and the moon was rising, taking the place of the Sun. "Man. This is gonna be a fun night."

And indeed, it was.

As the Sea Temple was moving at a steady pace, everyone aboard would relax. In the night, it was a bit cooler, the air breezing across their faces. They were at the highest point, the balcony on the top of the Sea Temple. It was a huge platform, enough to fit a few people.

With Sandbar and his fellow students, currently, they had their XTransceivers out and were talking to their respective parents and guardians.

"Sandbar, sweetie. We were so worried about you since you haven't back home since yesterday." Speaking to Sandbar was his mother on the XTransceiver. Her voice was filled with worry, relieved to see her son safe and sound.

"Sorry, Mom. There were some crazy things happening and I ended up stuck somewhere." Sandbar scratched his head, not sure what to tell her. There was quite a lot that happened defeat after all.

"Bah! I should've known!" As for Gallus, he was currently getting an earful from his guardian which was Grampa Gruff, who absolutely blasting him with loud words and insults.

"Gallus! I should've known you'd cause trouble! You always do!" Gallus lowered his head, hearing the booming voice. "If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have let you go! Now look at the trouble you've gotten yourself into!


"And why are you upside down?! What have you gotten yourself into now?!!" He said, when in reality, he was holding the XTransceiver upside down, making it look like Gallus was the one who was upside down.

"Umm...I'm not the one upside down, Grampa."

"Don't lie, Gallus. Don't lie to me. I should-"

"I'll bring home some gold." To silence his Grampa, Gallus would hold up some of the Sea Temple's gold, showing him. He would even more the Xtransceiver to show him some of the gold littered across the area.

"Ah-Ah...Gold? Ohhh, wow! That's quite a lot." Gallus's grampa's tone changed, his eyes wide and a smile on his beak. His wacky eye would observe the sight before him, pressing on the screen before pulling back. "All is forgiven. I trust you, Gallus. Bring home a lot of gold!"

As for Ocellus, she was speaking with Queen Chrysalis, who didn't look the least bit upset like Grampa Gruff or even worried like Sandbar's mother. With a smile on her face, she had a different reaction.

"It's good to know you're doing well. You're with Ash and you're surrounded by friends. You're not feeling too overwhelmed are you? It's not too much, right?"

"I've been doing fine. It's not so bad so far. I think. But...I'm still scared..." Ocellus admitted, her voice wavering. "I'd like to be home soon."

"Just ask Ash to have the Sea Temple get you home. You feel the most confident when speaking to him after all. Come back home safely. Celestia's actually planning a large advance towards our attackers from other universes. It's best to have you home and safe from any trouble."

"Alright. Goodbye." Ocellus would end the call before turning to face her friends. All of them have just finished their calls, but noticeably, Yona and Smolder never called their respective Guardians at all. Their Xtransceivers never came out.

"Didn't you two get any calls or call someone?" Gallus asked.

"Nah. Not like Garble's gonna answer me anyway." Smolder shrugged.

"Yona wants to sneak back in without being noticed. So it looks like Yona was always there." Yona explained. "Yona can't call other Yaks."

"Hm." Gallus slightly nodded his head. "Well, it looks like we're gonna be on this temple for a bit longer. At least until we find those Shards and get home."

"Mhm. I hope it doesn't take that long." Ocellus expressed her fear. "I don't want anything bad happening."

"Yeah. And I'm getting kinda hungry here..." Smolder felt her stomach grumble, patting it.

"Oh, yeah. We've been on this temple for a day. I don't think anyone brought anything." Gallus recalled.

"Yona didn't. Yona just wanted to go."

"Hungry?" One of the Samiyans approached the children. "No worries. We'll prepare a feast."

"You will?!" Gallus was astonished.

"Of course. After everything the King has done, a feast is in order. Tonight, before many are asleep, we shall have a feast for us all." She continued. "In fact, I believe the Feast is halfway done. Please make your way to the main dining hall."

The kids had the widest smiles on their faces, even Ocellus. Food was truly a wonderful thing that everyone could get behind and a feast was even greater. They were making their way to the Dining Hall, following the Samiyan as their heads were swirling with food options. All the things the Samiyans eat, they'll get to try out. And of course, Smolder was thinking about the possibility of there being gems. Being a Dragon and all.

The Dining Hall.

A vast and sparkling chamber, its walls adorned with the symbols of Samiya, underwater landscapes, and scenes of bountiful harvests from the sea. At the centre of the hall stands a long banquet table crafted from polished coral and adorned with ornate seashell centrepieces. The table stretches the length of the chamber, lined with plush seats of coral, alabaster, and mother-of-pearl.

Tall coral pillars rise along the periphery of the hall, their surfaces depicting Kyogre and the many Water-Type Pokemon that live across the Seas of the World. Stained glass windows crafted from translucent sea glass filter the Moonlight and of course, the Sunlight, casting vibrant patterns of colour onto the marble floor below.

It was truly a feast for the eyes, but also for the belly. At this time, the Samiyans were setting the table, placing plates and cups for everyone to sit. The dishes were placed down and the options here were outstanding. There were plates filled with options that they have never seen before and could only be found here in the Sea Temple, made by the Samiyans themselves.

And of course, some familiar foods that can be found outside of the Sea Temple made their appearance. They were all lined up beautifully for Ash and everyone else to see. The variety of food and dishes here was something else.

"Aw, yeah!" Ash rubbed his hands together, grinning at the sight. Since Ash was the King, he got his own seat that was beautifully decorated. Right beside him was his own personal seat that was meant for him and his friends.

"Now this is what I'm talking about." Smolder said with a grin, her mouth drooling at the food. "No gems but I can work with this! This is awesome!"

"The presentation is wonderful." Rarity admired, gazing at all the food.

"Please enjoy yourselves for tonight, everyone." Safia bowed her head along with all the cooks who helped make this possible. "And may our travels be safe and our quest for the shards successful. To the King of the Sea."

"To the King of the Sea." Everyone repeated, raising their cups and chalices.

"Pikachu." Pikachu raised his cup, the rest of the Pokemon following.

"Oh, please." Ash blushed a bit, waving his hand. "You guys don't have to toast to me like that. Just have fun, alright?"

"Alright." Everyone cheered, taking their seats and enjoying the feast.

"This is incredible. All of these things..." Rainbow Dash stared at all the options. "They look great. I didn't know the Samiyans had food like this."

"It's because of the sea. Most of the ingredients and the food can only be found here. And it's only a Samiyan who can truly prepare these dishes." A cook explained. "Only we can make the true dishes of the People of the Water."

"That's right. And only those who have the Sea Crown's power or are blessed by the King of the Sea can eat these foods." Another cook said, pouring water into some of the cups. "The power is what allows us to truly cook these dishes and prepare them."

"I blessed you guys? How?" Ash said while his mouth was full, scarfing down a ton of food at high speeds.

"We can tell by how much energy we have. We can last for days and even a week. That is how strong your blessing is. It's the strongest one yet, surpassing the past Kings and Queens."

"Wow. I didn't know that." Ash swallowed the food in his mouth before taking another bite.

"So, if we eat this, it's gonna make us feel good, right?" Smolder was eager to taste some of the dishes, her eyes fixated on the feast.

"Yes, it will. Eat as much as you'd like. And there's plenty of drink as well."

"Then I won't waste any time!" Smolder immediately dug in, grabbing whatever she could and stuffing it in her mouth. Her eyes were wide and sparkled, enjoying the taste. "Mmmmmm! This is so good!"

"Yeah! These are pretty good." Gallus took a bite, the food tasting great.

"They are..." Ocellus tried out the food. "Oh, my!

"Char! Charmander!" Smolder's Charmander greatly agreed when devouring some of the food.

"It's good to see you all liking it. I'm glad." Safia smiled. "I hope we can continue to have your approval and support, King Ash. The Samiyans are glad to serve under you."

"Thanks, you guys." Ash thanked, digging into the food. "And I'm glad you guys are here with me."

"Aaah!" Lena was just as fierce as an eater, much like her descendant. The way she took out the food was amazing, almost like her body was absorbing the food.

Team Rocket were just happy to be a part of this feast. They barely get to eat this much and they weren't going to waste this golden chance. While they weren't as wild as Ash, Lena or even Pinkie Pie, they were tearing the food apart.

"I've needed this!" Jessie exclaimed.

"This is great!" James chimed in. "Better than what I used to eat as a child, maybe! And that was already top quality!"

"Glad we got to have a moment like this." Meowth added, stuffing his face with more food.

"Gee. You sure can eat, old lady." Enola said to Jessie.

"Who are you calling old?!" Jessie roared while her mouth was full, making Enola giggle.

"By the way...Do you know about a girl named Diadora?" Lena asked, bringing up Diadora, who noticeably wasn't with them at all. "We split up not too long ago since she said she wanted to try and catch some Pokemon of her own.

"Oh, Diadora? Yes. She's quite a stubborn girl." One Samiyan added. "Very stubborn. She wishes to be the Queen of the Sea one day, as a way to live up to a legacy apparently.

"Eh..." Lena slowly nodded her head, knowing what that meant.

"But she means well. Everyone here knows that. It's why she's one of us. We found her on her lonesome one day and rescued her. Even if it isn't by blood, she's a Samiyan at the end of the day." The Samiyan spoke highly of Diadora, looking at her from a more positive lens. Just like how Lena did, even if Diadora tries to play herself off as menacing.

Yes, they enjoyed themselves this night, feasting away. Ash was happy to have everyone by his side. As they ate, the Samiyans would play their music, performing a song of the sea. It was just a wonderful time to be around those he loves.

Elsewhere, in an attempt to stop whatever Nightmare Rarity has planned, Princess Celestia is planning a pre-emptive attack, deciding to take down another member of Daybreaker's Alliance as soon as possible. Allied with the Ranger Union and others, some of the Pokemon Rangers were currently out in the wild, riding their bikes as they were currently heading for an area where more Pokemon who have had their bodies infected by Nightmare Rarity's magic and are beginning to turn.

Thankfully, they arrived just in time, spotting a Pokemon who was starting to transform. It was a Mudsdale, who had a purple aura surrounding its body.

"Alright. There's one." One of the Rangers whispered, getting out his Styler and holding it forward. The others did the same, approaching the transforming Mudsdale. "Let's stop it. I can sense its panic."

"Got it." They all got their Stylers ready, the devices shining brightly. "Capture On."

They all launched their capture devices, which were made by the Ranger Union and their technology. The Stylers would wrap around the Pokemon's body, but this would be an extremely difficult capture. Nightmare sparks were flying out of its body due to the struggle, blending in with the Night Sky.

"Yeesh!" She grunted "It's really resisting! It's a wild one!"

"Not gonna stop us though! We'll save it before it completely loses itself. It's already starting to become aggressive." The leader of the Ranger Unit declared, focusing on his Styler.


The Mudsdale bucked wildly, letting out a mighty cry. But it was no use, the Rangers would not let this happen.

"C'mon. You can do it, buddy." The Ranger focused on the Styller, feeling its energy flow through him. "I know you're scared. We won't let you suffer."


With the help of the Rangers, the Mudsdale would be tamed, returning to normal and having its mind cleared. The Mudsdale's panic would cease and it was safe from harm. Its body was no longer affected by the Nightmare Magic and it was no longer hostile. The Ranger would approach, reaching his hand out.

"It's okay now." The Mudsdale would let out a soft neigh, its voice a sign of peace and relief. "I'm glad. Let's get you somewhere safe, okay?"

"Mud. Mudsdale."

"So far, none of the Pokemon we've rescued have been turned. Guess that Nightmare stuff isn't that strong on them, huh?" The Ranger spoke.

"Maybe not. But who knows how long that'll last." One of his comrades responded. "It's a miracle none of us have been affected either."

"Good point."

"Alright, guys. Let's keep it up. We're not quite done with this area yet so-" Before he could finish his sentence, from the nearby lake, something would rise up. They turned their heads, seen the water bubble up all of a sudden. Everything went silent for a moment as the bubbles were changing colour.

A black and purple aura would emerge as the bubbles were gaining the same texture as the night sky. One by one, they were all being coloured this way, a purple glow illuminating the area. Soon, the water itself would be turning, the black and purple aura spreading throughout the entire lake.

"What the..." The Ranger uttered, his eyes widening. The water would begin to change, the bubbles increasing in size, the bubbles floating and the surface becoming distorted.

"Is this how the Pokemon were affected?" One of the Rangers would kneel, looking at the lake. "They fell into this and got infected by that aura? Is that how it happened?"

"Possibly. The aura seems to have spread throughout the entire lake." The Leader would say, his Styler's display showing the readings. "Nightmare Rarity might already be planning to spread her magic in different ways."

Seeing this made it clear to them that Nightmare Rarity was making quite the advances. All the more reason Celestia wished to stop it before it could get out of control. But as the Rangers observed this sight, something was beginning to rise from the lake itself. Their eyes widened as all the water was being carried up by something.

"Huh?!" They looked up, seeing the source of the disturbance.

From the depths of the lake, an entity would emerge, its form obscured by the veil of darkness that enveloped it. Slowly, almost languidly, the figure rose from the water, its presence casting a palpable sense of unease over the onlookers.

As the figure left the water, the moonlight revealed its true form. A grotesque creature with a single, piercing eye that gleamed with an unsettling beauty. Its entire body had the same nightmare texture as it hovered there menacingly. It was a blob-like creature due to its round body that was filled with Nightmare Aura, a large eye staring them down.

The creature opened its eye, staring directly at the Pokemon Rangers, who were flabbergasted by what they were seeing.

"W-What is that!? A Pokemon?!" One of the Rangers bellowed. That was certainly not any Pokemon she or the others have seen in their life.

"Oh, I'm a no Pokemon, Human." Unexpectedly, the creature would speak. Her voice was feminine, almost sultry and seductive, but with a slight growl mixed in as it would even echo, even though she had no mouth. "Greetings to your Universe. You must be the Pokemon Rangers based on your look."

"What are you...Or who are you?" One Ranger gawked while Mudsdale slowly backed up.

"I am Oculus Gloom. Excellent and Loyal Right Hand to the Veiled Mistress herself. Nightmare Rarity. Pleased to make your acquaintance." The Creature introduced. "I see you have yet again forced the magic out of these Pokemon. What a shame. Not a single one has yet to become a Nightmare Variant. All because of you meddling Humans."

"So you come from her universe, huh? Here I thought it was just Nightmare Rarity making an appearance here." The Ranger spoke.

"Oh, no, no, no. The Veiled Mistress is far too busy and perfect to ever travel here herself unless she decides to. So, that is where I come in. I am here to ensure our plans are running smoothly. And as far as I can tell, things could be much faster, honestly. Especially if you Rangers weren't so nosy."

"That's what we do best." One of them grinned at the blob creature with no arms and only an eye. "We've already been handling you and your alliance back to back. After all, this is our universe you're messing with."

"Yeah. Usually, we deal with threats that are in our world, but nothing's stopping us from handling threats from other universes." Another would grin. "That's what makes the Pokemon Rangers and the Union so awesome."

"Ah, yes. Every Universe has that one group, don't they?" Oculus would speak, her tone growing menacing. "A group that constantly meddles and just slows everything down for no reason, isn't that right?"

Suddenly, the water that she infected would start shaking. A sudden intimidating energy filled the atmosphere as the Rangers could feel it.

"W-What's going on?! Is something coming?!" One Ranger checked her surroundings.

"No...It's coming from her!" The Ranger then faced Oculus Gloom.

"Let it be known, Humans. Her Eminence has great plans for your universe. As disgusting as it may be, it has a stunning amount of potential for beauty. A beautiful place enshrouded in a glamorous Nightmare. As a Nightmare Monster, it is my duty and many others to make sure that beauty becomes a reality. Of course...I prefer to do it at my base of operations. But just for tonight, I will gladly show you my proper greeting!"

From her body, a sudden psychokinetic force would emerge, blasting the Rangers away and causing the Mudsdale to run. The ground was torn up, the rocks were floating and the water would be rising up. Oculus would raise her body up, the moon casting a shadow on the Rangers.

As the Rangers recovered, from Oculus's blob-like body, tentacles would emerge, the tendrils glowing purple would open up, having claw like parts at the very front. Two of the Rangers immediately had their faces grabbed by these tendrils, the claws clenching tightly. The voices were obscured once caught, the claws making an uncomfortable sound.

They squirmed, trying to force the tendrils off their faces as the Nightmare Energy was increasing in brightness. "Ah, what delectable dreams you all have. Do not fight my power instead let it consume you. Join the Ever-growing Nightmare.

"Let them go! Mudsdale! Use Earthquake!" The Leader would order, but the Mudsdale would just stand there, fear in its eyes. Its legs would tremble, the mudhorse backing up as Oculus would look directly at the Pokemon.

"Ah, I see that the Nightmare Seeds are still within you. The fear in your eyes is beautiful. Truly." Oculus would continue to corrupt the two Rangers, the Psychic Force growing stronger and the tendrils' grip increasing. At that moment, the two Rangers would drop to their knees, their bodies trembling and their eyes wide.

"G-Guys?!" The Leader bellowed as their eyes would be coloured in a starry night pattern, the colours being the same as the night sky. Oculus would release her grip, dropping the two, whose heads hit the ground. "Hey! Talk to me!"

They would then stand up, their hair flowing and changing into that same pattern as their eyes. The rest of the Rangers stared, the two now wearing malicious grins.

"Ah, so wonderful. The first humans to fall under the power of Nightmare. A new Nightmare Variant has been born." Oculus was pleased with the outcome, seeing the results. "It's a pleasure. And now, it's time for the rest of you."

The water from the lake would rise, the tendrils emerging. In a matter of seconds, the Rangers were grabbed by the tendrils, the claws squeezing their faces tightly.

"Don't worry. This won't hurt...Much." Oculus giggled before the psychic energy would increase.

"Ugh...No way!" The Rangers struggled to break free, but their movements were slowing down, their eyes turning the same. The two Rangers were able to stand up, the Nightmare Magic now in their minds and bodies.

"Tonight is a beautiful night, isn't it?" Oculus looked up at the Night Sky. "I believe it is time. Yes, indeed. The time to launch our attack on this universe is approaching. Soon, all shall fall under the power of the Nightmare. And this universe will become a beautiful Nightmare. A perfect and lovely dream. Yes, I can see it now."

Hoenn. The Ranger Union.

At the Ranger Union, communication with that team was immediately cut off. The Dispatch speaking to the Rangers found her communication gone. Just like that. She gasped with her hands over the keyboard. "Communications are down! All communications have been completely destroyed!"

"What?!" The rest of the Dispatchers gasped.

"I heard it all." She said, her face filled with terror. "They were attacked by that monster from their universe. I'm not sure what that monster did to them but...I couldn't reach them. Their signal cut off."

"What about your team?" One Dispatcher asked another.

"So far, my team is fine." He responded. "But I have no idea if it's because the area they're in doesn't have any of those monsters, or it's a different case."

"What about the Pokemon we've rescued? Are they safe?"

"Yes, they're safe. We have the Pokemon under strict surveillance, so they won't get harmed by any of these creatures. I'm not sure if that thing was the only one that showed up here. We thought it was just Nightmare Rarity on her lonesome doing it."

"Well, now we know. She's about to attack our universe soon. And since it's nightfall in other places of the world right now, we'll need to make sure those regions are safe. Call Princess Celestia at once!"

Equestria. Canterlot. Canterlot Castle. Nightfall.

Back at Canterlot, Celestia had gotten news about this sudden attack immediately. She was the first one to be notified of this and was ready to strike back as soon as possible.

"If Nightmare Rarity is launching an attack, then that means we can attack her before she gets a chance to." Celestia declared. "She's launching an attack from her universe and she thinks it'll be easy. No, she's not. We'll strike her and her forces, and take them out before they get a chance to attack. We'll be attacking her from her own universe."

"Sister...Are you sure about this?" Luna asked, her sister looking her straight in the eyes.

"I'm certain. If we attack her from her universe, we'll be striking from behind. She won't expect it. I've already sent some of my forces ahead to open the gateway to her universe. The Rangers have managed to locate a part of her universe. We couldn't find her main base yet, so this will have to do for now."

"So, when is the gateway opening?" Luna questioned, getting closer to her sister.

"Soon. It's opening in a matter of minutes." Celestia declared, a serious expression on her face. "Luna. I'm going to need you to handle everything in the Dream Realm and the Hyperdream. I know for a fact that this will involve the dreams of others. Anything that tries to attack the others in their dreams, stop it."

"I know. I will do my best sister. But shouldn't we tell everyone else? Anyone planning to sleep or already asleep must be warned about this." Luna asked.

"I've got that covered. Those who are awake, I'll let them know. And those that are asleep, you and Darkrai will be the ones to tell them so that they aren't caught off guard. Nightmare Rarity is just getting started, so she hasn't unleashed her full-scale attack yet, so we're going to beat her to it. I'll make sure she doesn't even get the chance to."

"Understood." Luna nodded her head. She then looked at Darkrai, who was already more than ready. The two of them closed their eyes, immediately having everything around them go black. They were transported to the Dream Realm and the Hyperdream, respectively.

Universe 5.

As for the one named Oculus Gloom, she was already returning to the Universe she came from. In this case, Universe 5. A Gateway was open in that universe, right in front of a massive palace that was shaped like a crown. From the outside, it was a sight to behold, rising majestically from the landscape like a dark beacon in the night. Its towering spires pierce the sky, their twisted forms reaching towards the heavens in a silent plea for dominion over the world.

The very centre of it, much like a crown, had a beautiful gem in the middle, shining brightly and illuminating the night. This gem was made from Nightmare Magic, letting off that same energy. The location of this area was noticeably in Ponyville. Or at least, what was left of Ponyville. Now, it had been transformed from a town to a city.

In a flash, Oculus would reenter the Universe she came from, appearing before the gate of the palace. In this place, there were others like her. Other monsters with unsettling appearances, their bodies in the texture of the night sky, radiating Nightmare Magic. These were all Nightmare Monsters.

Their appearances were definitely out there. Some were creatures with a nightly-skeletal frame covered in tattered, shadowy robes that billowed behind them like smoke. Its face is hidden beneath a hood, and its eyes gleam with a malevolent light from within the darkness. Another batch of monsters were similar to Owls, with feathers that shimmer with a dark light and eyes that glow with an eerie, hypnotic gaze.

Some were shaped like trees with a black bark, the leaves being the same. But the branches were very long and the leaves were shaped like blades. And these creatures also had eyes as a lot of them were just nervewracking to look at.

This beautiful place was home to such terrifying monsters.

"Lady Oculus Gloom." One of the Nightmare Monsters greeted her.

"My, my. You are all on your best behaviour, aren't you?" Oculus spoke as she was currently carrying the captured Rangers with her tendrils, bringing them over. "The Mistress has big plans for this world, so do not fail her. Very soon, we will be spreading the Nightmare Magic and turning everything into a truly, beautiful place. A nightmare-filled world. Our kind will thrive here."

"Which Region will be first?" A Nightmare Monster asked.

"Her Nightly Grace has decided that the best region to infect first will be this one." Oculus declared, pointing to a certain region in the map. It was the Hoenn region. "It is quite a lovely region, isn't it? Far beyond the setting sunlight out upon the sea, it radiates with a natural beauty. It is a lovely place, but the Mistress believes it could be more lovely with a little nightmare magic, don't you agree?"

"We all agree." The creatures of the night agreed, looking at the region on the map.

"As always, I will be in my Lair, making sure everything goes according to plan. I have already performed my greeting to that universe, show them yours. Prepare the Darkened Citadel. We will soon invade. An army of Nightmares spanning such beautiful numbers."

"We will do so immediately, Lady Oculus Gloom." The Nightmare Creatures bowed. This Darkened Citadel in question was a fortress with a very tall and spiky architecture. It was the size of a mountain, built from the remains of what used to be the Crystal Empire, and it had a strong purple aura coming from the inside, its doors being opened.

"Ah, a wonderful sight as always." Oculus Gloom gushed. "With this, we can easily twist the land into a Nightmare. And to think, very soon, those Pokemon Creatures will be joining our beautiful nightmares. Anywhere will be transformed into the most darkening utopia~"

But right as they were about to enter the Nightmare Citadel, elsewhere, a gateway was opening up. One of the monsters was able to sense it, seeing the gateway that would lead to this very universe. It had over 500 Eyes on its body as it was shaped like a Serpent with no limbs, its face was shaped like a skull with an elongated mouth and a long tail.

"Lady Oculussssss. Sssssomething isss approaching."

"Hoh? It must be that Universe." Oculus said, squinting her eyes. "Don't tell me they think they can just immediately show up here? Where we are at our most plentiful? That would be a truly foolish approach. Unless...They aren't just sending someone here..."

In that gateway, a glimmer was shown. No one knew what that meant, but it certainly wasn't just someone flying out of that gateway. And since the gateway was in the sky itself, that meant that whatever was coming through that gateway would making its entrance from above.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 466 End.

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