• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Sea of Eggs

Equestria. The Sea of Eggs. Afternoon.

When pursuing the massive Egg of Bissey, Ash and his friends found themselves staring at a place that seemed to be a Sea of Eggs. The Egg itself came to a halt, stopping in the middle of the sea of smaller eggs. Not only that, the way it sparkles had a Faye feeling to it, much like the Faye Mountains.

And to Ash and Twilight, they gained a split-second flashback. Almost as if they've seen this place before. Especially Twilight. Even though this was their first time being here, their minds said otherwise.

"What is this place?" Fluttershy marvelled at the sight of the egg-filled area. Dragonite, Discord and Twilight would all descend, getting a closer look at the place. The trees also had eggs sticking out of them, even if they had smaller numbers compared to the sea.

There were more of them amidst the dense foliage and tangled undergrowth, these displaced islands create a surreal juxtaposition against the verdant backdrop of the forest floor. Some rest upon moss-covered rocks, while others lie half-buried in the soil, their smooth surfaces gleaming faintly in the dappled sunlight that filters through the canopy above. But that was nothing compared to the waters.

"It's like a Sea of Eggs. Has this always been here?" Bouncing out of the cart was Roseluck and all the other ponies and Pokemon that became eggs. Yet another location that went under the radar, but this one didn't seem to be Pokemon Heavy. At all. If anything, the only Pokemon here was Blissey and she was still inside of the Egg.

"No...It's nowhere on the map." Twilight said after descending. "Is this where Blissey goes to?"

"You don't think all those eggs are...ponies." Rainbow Dash gulped, fearing that all of these eggs are ponies and by extension Pokemon that have been transformed by Blissey.

"It doesn't look like it." But when gazing at the eggs, there were no faces on them. Ash saw a strong lack of them. Not a single egg here had a face on it and were as static as an average egg.

"I recognize this place," Twilight spoke, grabbing everyone's attention. "But it's never been here before..."

"Yeah." Ash was on the same page. "It was just for a moment, but I saw it."

"If it wasn't anywhere on the map...Then that means only one thing." Twilight reached a conclusion and it was one that was coming up a lot recently. "All of this is connected to Prisma. Or I guess the Lost Universe."

"Are you sure" Fluttershy asked. "This relates to Prisma?"

"Seems out of Prisma's style, doesn't it? All of this looks is Fairy-related..." Rainbow Dash shook her egg body. Prisma was more of a Dragon Guy and this was not his style at. But there was a reason for this connection to Prisma, which Twilight Sparkle figured out rather soon

"If I'm going to get an answer to this, there's only one pony I can turn to you. For once, let me speak with you." Twilight closed her eyes, aiming to speak the soul residing within her.

The soul of Twilight Luminaria.

As soon as she attempted it, the Fairy Matter in this place would suddenly rise, leaking out of the eggs. The group watched in amazement as the Faye energy arose, moving through the air in a beautiful dance. Twilight, unintentionally, was drawing the Fairy Matter straight to her.

As Twilight reached out to connect with the soul within her, it was as if the very essence of the Sea of Eggs responded to her call, resonating with the ancient magic that lay dormant within.

As the Fairy Matter began to rise and swirl around Twilight, the others watched in awe, mesmerized by the enchanting display unfolding before their eyes. Dragonite's eyes widened with recognition, sensing the familiar energy that permeated the air.

"Just this once...Let me speak with you." Twilight said to herself. Knowing that her and Twilight Luminaria weren't on best terms, the Princess of Friendship wished to speak with her incarnation, travelling into her own Mindscape.

As Twilight uttered those words to herself, a profound stillness settled over the Sea of Eggs. The gentle lapping of the waves against the egg-shaped islands seemed to hush in reverence of her movements.

With a deep breath, Twilight closed her eyes, focusing her thoughts inward. Slowly, she felt herself slipping away from the physical world, drawn into the depths of her own consciousness.

Twilight's Mindscape.

As she delved deeper, she found herself standing in a vast expanse that seemed to stretch on endlessly in all directions. The landscape before her was a reflection of her innermost thoughts and emotions, a swirling artwork of memories and experiences, starting from Canterlot and returning to Ponyvillle.

In the distance, a figure emerged from the shadows, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. It was Twilight Luminaria, her incarnation within the Mindscape, her features illuminated by a gentle radiance that seemed to emanate from within.

For a moment, the two Twilight's simply regarded each other in silence, each searching the other's eyes for understanding. Despite the animosity that had once existed between them, there was a sense of unity in this shared moment, a recognition of the bond that bound them together.

"Just this once," Twilight whispered, her voice echoing softly in the vastness of the Mindscape. "Let me speak with you."

"You may speak." Twilight Luminaria uttered with a bellowing voice. "I see you've come across the Sea of Eggs."

"So, you do know what it is!" Twilight Sparkle gasped. "Oh, that's great! Then, you know what's with that Blissey, right?"

"The Sea of Eggs is another location that came from my own universe. Much like everything else in my lost universe, it's been revived, finding a new area to reside in. But not only that, it brought the Fairy Matter with it."

"And what about Blissey? Is she from that lost universe too?"

"No. That Blissey simply came across the Fairy Matter and it has adapted to her existence. On top of that, there is a mixture of Rift Energy in her, so that obviously helps. The many eggs you see around you are not ponies or Pokemon. No one has been transformed over the past months, unlike your friends as of recently." Luminaria continued.

"Okay then. That's good to know. I figured that was the case. So then, what are these eggs for ?"

"Those eggs...were another way of defeating Prisma. A backup plan." Sticking to her undying mission to stop Prisma's revival and the fierce conflict she had with him back in the lost universe, Twilight Luminaria revealed the intention of those eggs.

"Those eggs? How?" But Twilight failed to see how those mini-eggs could stop Prisma. The main one that Blissey was in made sense. It even sensed Prisma's soul within Ash. "Unless there are others inside of it? But that's how it's always been?"

"The eggs are brimming with Fairy Matter. The main one Blissey has found herself in was one of my most cultivated eggs." Twilight Luminaria, using her grandiose magic, would show Twilight Sparkle a memory of when she created these eggs.

Once more, Twilight would get to look into the Lost Universe where Humans, Ponies, Pokemon and other species lived in harmony before it all fell. She closed her eyes in the face of this bright light as the environment around her would change, revealing Princess Twilight Luminaria's home.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself in the same area as the Sea of Eggs, but way before it gained its unique appearance. The location was a simple forest with a magnificent sea which let out sparkles, glimmers and shimmers. There, Twilight Luminaria, still appearing as a silhouette, was seen 7 more silhouettes of familiar species. Kirins, Hippogriffs, Changelings and some ponies were seen with her, all wearing regal attire from their respective worlds.

"Since I feared what was happening to Prisma, I came up with many contingencies. One of them was crafting a backup in case something went horribly wrong and we failed. The backup were the Starborn Eggs. With my Royal Court across the vast Super Continent of Unilight, we put our heads together and formed special eggs made out of our own magic."

Twilight Sparkle watched as each member of the Royal Court contributed their unique magic and expertise, pooling their talents to craft these extraordinary vessels of power.

The Kirins, known for their mastery over fire and transformation, lent their fiery energy to the creation of the Starborn Eggs. With each blaze of their magical flames, they imbued the eggs with the warmth and resilience needed to withstand Prisma's destructive fury.

The Hippogriffs, guardians of the seas and masters of water magic, contributed their fluid grace and boundless creativity to the crafting process. With gentle waves of their enchanted waters, they infused the eggs with the ebb and flow of the ocean, instilling them with a sense of fluidity and adaptability.

The Changelings, shapeshifters with a deep connection to the natural world, brought their innate sense of harmony and balance to the creation of the Starborn Eggs. Drawing upon the energy of the earth itself, they infused the eggs with the essence of life and growth, ensuring that they would thrive in even the most challenging environments.

And the ponies, with their diverse array of magical abilities and unwavering determination, provided the foundation upon which the Starborn Eggs were built. With each spark of their arcane energy, they forged a bond between themselves and the eggs, forming a connection that would endure throughout the ages.

"So, it's many forms of magic moulded together..." Twilight gawked with amazement. "Is that how Fairy Matter was made?"

"Not quite. All of them are seperate from each other. But the Fairy Matter...that was my own creation, much like how Dragon Matter was Prisma's creation."

"You created Fairy Matter?!"

With a wave of her hoof, Twilight Luminaria conjured forth a vision of the creation of Fairy Matter, revealing the tiring process by which she had harnessed the essence of pure magic to form this ethereal substance.

As Twilight watched, she saw Twilight Luminaria surrounded by a swirling vortex of magical energy, her form bathed in a radiant glow as she channelled the raw power of the cosmos and all Fairy-Type Pokemon living on that world. With each delicate movement of her hands, she shaped the essence of magic into delicate strands of shimmering light, weaving them together to form the foundation of Fairy Matter.

With each thread of magic she wove, Twilight Luminaria infused the Fairy Matter with her own essence, imbuing it with the light of her spirit and the wisdom of her soul. And as the final strands were woven together, a brilliant burst of light filled the air, heralding the birth of Fairy Matter into the universe.

"I gathered every Fairy-Type in the universe to make it possible. A way to match his Dragon Matter and save Unilight. It took all of their own power and my magic to create this new form of Matter."

"That's how it's made..." Twilight witnessed the creation of this mystical matter for the first time and she could only assume Prisma did it in a similar way when making Dragon Matter.

"From them, new Fairy-Types would be born, with the power to defeat Prisma and bring about true harmony for all of eternity. And the main egg had the most Fairy Matter within it, needing someone as a vessel."

"Then who was the vessel?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"There were many canditates. I even thought about having my Iron Valiant be one of them. But ultimately, due to how things turned out, it was pointless. Our universe was lost in the blink of an eye, leaving the egg with no vessel. That is until Blissey found it." Twiligt Luminaria finished the memory with a wave of her hoof. "No doubt with Rift Energy influence."

"So then, all of that is Rift Energy at play?"

"Almost. My Fairy Matter, or I suppose, your Fairy Matter, should have never come into contact with Rift Energy. Even if it didn't, the purpose of the Fairy Egg would have turned others into eggs regardless. It was intended to turn Prisma and his own Pokemon into Eggs as well."

"But you ended up making something that targets everyone!" Twilight exclaimed, pointing out how the egg went above and beyond what it intended to do. "What were you planning to do if Ash was turned into an egg?!"

"if he was, then that would've made things easier for me. I would not have to worry about erasing Prisma's soul and restarting it with a new one. With everything frmo my universe gradually being revived, the chances of stopping Prisma's return are both high and low."

"Tch. I can't believe I decided to speak with you again." Twilight scoffed, reminded of why she was not fond of her incarnation. The methods she will go to just to stop one threat were unfavourable, especially when it involved a good friend of hers. "And was that part of your plan too? Even the slightest negative thing needs to be turned into an egg?"

"Not quite. That is the influence of Rift Energy merging with Blissey's natural capabilities. However, the Fairy Egg is made to tackle all threats. I knew for a fact taht even if I stopped Prisma, there would be other threats. Unilight would never be perfect, so I had to make sure the Egg was capable of solving every problem."

"Yet you keep making it our problem." Twilight grumbled. "At least tell me how to reverse the effect. Some of my friends have become eggs because of all this."

"There is a way to reverse it. Because you and I are one in the same, you are immune to the Fairy Matter. You discovered that yourself back at Rainbow Falls. But beyond that, you can interact with it and so can those who have dabbled deep into Fairy Magic."

As Twilight Sparkle's Mindscape began to fade away, she absorbed Twilight Luminaria's words with a bit of bitterness but understanding. Though the revelations were weighty and filled with complexities, she knew that she had a responsibility to her friends and allies who had been affected by the Fairy Matter.

It was hers, just as much as it was Twilight Luminaria's.

"...Alright. I'll see what I can do," Twilight affirmed, her voice tinged with resolve as she prepared to return to the physical world. With a final glance at Twilight Luminaria, she gathered her thoughts and focused her energy, she could feel the warmth of the real world returning to her.

As she emerged from the depths of her Mindscape, Twilight Sparkle found herself back in the familiar surroundings of the Sea of Eggs, the gentle rustle of the forest and the shimmering glow of the sea surrounding her. However, something was amiss.

As soon as she returned, the Eggs were suddenly attacking her friends. "W-What the?!" Twilight Sparkle gasped as the eggs were flying everywhere, moving with aggression for something so small. "What happened while I was gone!?" Twilight exclaimed, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of the sudden turn of events.

She knew that something must have gone terribly wrong in her absence, but she couldn't fathom what could have caused the eggs to suddenly turn hostile.

"I don't know! They just started flying at us!" Ash exclaimed, swaying his head and barely avoiding one of the eggs. Pikachu and Dragonite would do the same, needing to move in many directions. The eggs didn't even break when hitting the ground or trees. Quite the durability on them.

"Aaah! Waah!" Pinkie Pie screeched. Meanwhile, Discord was moving the cart of everpony else around, making them screech as well as they felt their bodies wobble and shake.

"Not so rough!" Lyra bellowed before hitting the side of the cart multiple times. Twilight turned to see one of the eggs coming straignt for her. Espeon was ready to save her partner, only for the eggs to turn away themselves. Twilight watched as the eggs did not target her and she knew why.

They knew she was a part of Twilight Luminaria and refused to touch her at all costs, instead focusing their efforts on everyone else, especially Ash.

"I need to make sense of this...I can interact with the Fairy Matter too. I just have to figure out how..." Twilight grizzled her teeth. Interacting with the Fairy Matter mattered more than ever now, but she wasn't sure what to do first. Twilight never really dabbled in Fairy Magic, unlike Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

And that's when it hit her. First, she used Rift Magic to gain special sight, allowing her to see through certain things. With the cosmis energy surrounding her eyes, she looked at every single egg that was flying around here, leaving the trees and sea. And to her surprise, she ended up seeing not just traces of Fairy Matter in them, but what appeared to be spirits.

The Princess of Friendship gasped as what Twilight Luminaria said was true. Inside those eggs were Fairy Pokemon that no one has ever seen before and have yet to be born. They only appeared as spirits with no physical form and yet, thanks to her connection to Luminaria, Twilight knew they were sentient.

"That's it! Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! I need you to do something for me!" Twilight yelled.

"Y-Yes?!" Fluttershy stuttered as she was being held by Audino. Audino was Fluttershy's shield, using her durable body to take a barrage of eggs to the back and keeping her partner safe.

"All those Eggs have Fairy Matter in there! Please! Use your Fairy Magic on them!"

"Fairy Magic?! Are you sure?!" Pinkie Pie questioned.

"It's close enough to Fairy Matter, so give it a whirl!"

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy steeled themselves for the task ahead. Though they were not accustomed to utilizing their Fairy Magic to its fullest extent, they knew that now was a good time to let it reach that extent.

"O-Okay!" Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with determination as they focused their energies on channeling their Fairy Magic.

Pinkie Pie, known for her boundless energy and innate connection to the magical forces of the world, closed her eyes and concentrated, drawing upon the wellspring of her inner strength. With a burst of vibrant energy, she unleashed her Fairy Magic in a dazzling display of light and color, weaving intricate patterns through the air as she sought to calm the agitated spirits within the eggs.

Both of them had beautiful pink lights flying out of them, soaring through the air. They also had to count on their own Pokemon to make this work. For Fluttershy, it was Audino and for Pinkie Pie, it was from all of her Slurpuff.

As Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy worked tirelessly to harness the power of their Fairy Magic, their efforts began to take effect. The egg began to slow their frenzied movements, their movements becoming more erratic as the calming influence of the Fairy Magic washed over them. However, they weren't stopped for good.

All this did was make them react to a familiar calming presence but it did not calm them down. "W-We're not used to this!" Fluttershy groaned. This was similar to telekinesis and it was not pleasant. The only reason they're lasting this long is thanks to the lessons they've learned from Valerie.

"Now to get inside there. I know for a fact this isn't Blissey's fault. One of you has to head in there."Twilight's horn then lit up with Rift Energy. "I can use the Rift Energy to send some of you inside nad get Blissey out of there."

"I'll go!" Pinkie Pie decided. She felt as if it was her, Twilight and Rarity's fault for this scenario and she wanted to make it right. All of this started because of the incident in space and even Pinkie Pie knew that Blissey wouldn't want this. No Blissey would. This was the exact opposite of happiness. "Let me go, Twilight!"

"Alright! I'm counting on you, Pinkie!" Twilight nodded, her horn glowing with Rift Energy as she prepared to send Pinkie Pie into the heart of the Sea of Eggs. With a gentle touch, she reached out and enveloped Pinkie in a shimmering aura, imbuing her with the power to traverse the rift between space. At least, a small space.

As the energy surged around her, Pinkie felt a sense of cosmic power coursing through her veins. With a final nod to her friends, she stepped forward, bracing herself for the journey ahead. With a burst of light, she disappeared into the rift, disappearing from view as she ventured into the Main Egg.

"Woohoo!" Her voice cried out as she jumped right into the egg. She had no idea what was waiting for her inside. Deep inside of that egg, more of that lost universe was waiting in another form.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 434 End.

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