• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Tackling the First Member of the Alliance

Inside a Vortex of Rift Energy.

Sandbar's eyes awakened to see that he found himself in a vortex of Rift Energy that enveloped his entire room. He, Gallus, Silverstream and Galarian Ponyta were all in this spiral, floating aimlessly. Thanks to Malamar, they found themselves in this vortex due to Malamar attempting to stop Absol's actions. Now that Absol's Danger Sense was back in action, Malamar had to act fast so his plans were not disrupted.

"I think I'm going to be sick..." Gallus groaned, feeling a sense of motion sickness with all of this spinning.

"Wow...We're really inside it. This day's been pretty great so far." Silverstream commented, unbothered.

Ponyta. Are you alright?" Sandbar's voice was laced with worry as he reached out to his Pokémon companion, his heart heavy with concern for Ponyta.

But before Sandbar could receive a response, the swirling darkness of the vortex parted to reveal the ominous visage of Malamar itself. With eyes gleaming with malevolent intent, Malamar's sinister presence loomed large over the hapless students, its dark influence casting a pall over the already oppressive atmosphere.

As the swirling darkness of the vortex parted, revealing the ominous visage of Malamar, both Silverstream and Gallus caught sight of the sinister entity that now loomed large over them. Their eyes widened with a mixture of fear and apprehension as they beheld the malevolent presence that had ensnared them within its grasp.

Gallus's feathers ruffled with unease, his sharp eyes narrowing as he assessed the looming threat before them. "What... what is that thing?" he muttered, his voice tinged with trepidation as he instinctively edged away from the dark entity.

Silverstream's fins twitched nervously as she regarded Malamar with a mixture of curiosity and dread. "I've never seen anything like it before," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the tumultuous roar of the swirling Rift Energy

"I need you three to do something for me quickly." Malamar finally spoke with an echoing voice, referring to Absol as he would send cosmic swirls towards their bodies, attempting to control them.

Sandbar, Gallus, and Silverstream found themselves transfixed by the dark entity's command. The cosmic swirls that emanated from Malamar's form washed over them, enveloping their bodies in an ethereal glow as they struggled against the invasive influence of the sinister Pokémon.

"Ta!" Retaliating by using Dazzling Gleam was Ponyta, who had enough strength to do so. The radiant energy burst forth in a dazzling display of light, pushing back against the encroaching darkness and illuminating the swirling vortex of Rift Energy with its brilliance.

"Is that all?" But Malamar was not amused. The radiant glow of Galarian Ponyta's Dazzling Gleam faltered as the overpowering force of Malamar's Rift Energy engulfed them, shrouding them in a veil of darkness that smothered the light. Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, and Galarian Ponyta struggled against the onslaught, their forms buffeted by the relentless onslaught of dark energy.

Equestria. Out in the wild. 10 Minutes Ago. Nightfall.

Elsewhere, Absol raced through the lands with Twilight and Espeon in tow, his keen senses on high alert, Twilight's question cut through the stillness of the air. The moon hung high overhead, casting its pale light over the landscape as the trio pressed forward in pursuit of the elusive truth.

"So, you sensed Malamar. He was the one behind all of this?" Twilight asked while flying above her Pokemon. "It must've been Rift Energy. There's no other way for him to pull this off, shutting down every Absol's ability.

"Sol!" Absol cried out in response. Everything else they've done went under his radar. The only ones he managed to pick up on was the incident over at Tropezete Town and the Diamond Domain scenario.

"That's why you also couldn't sense Daybreaker and Gardevoir's actions. They wanted to make sure you never found out earlier." Twilight remarked, her voice tinged with frustration. "That alliance has been troublesome lately. Not that every threat we face isn't troublesome but..." Twilight grumbled.

But they weren't the only ones on the move. Under the night sky, already having a bad feeling as to what was occurring out there was none other than Princess Luna. Luna's expression was grave, her thoughts consumed by the ominous premonition that had plagued her earlier in the day.

"Princess Luna?" Twilight's voice broke through the silence, drawing Luna's attention away from the troubled thoughts that occupied her mind. She turned to face Twilight, her gaze steady and resolute despite the unease that gnawed at her heart.

"You felt it too, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked.

"Absol did. Malamar blocked off his ability to sense incoming disasters. It happened sometime during the Pokemon Festival. The same time Daybreaker shook the world. If only Absol could've sensed them earlier."

But before she could finish her thought, a sudden disturbance interrupted their conversation, drawing their attention away from their urgent discussion. Emerging from the ground appeared to be a gelatinous stream of some sort. A dark and purple stream to be exact. And at the moment, this stream was carrying Sandbar, Gallus and Silverstream.

Luna's eyes widened in alarm as she beheld the unexpected sight, her mind racing to comprehend the nature of the strange phenomenon unfolding before her. "What is this?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with concern as she watched the gelatinous stream carry the trio towards them.

Twilight's heart clenched with worry for her students, her voice trembling as she cried out in alarm, "My students!"
Twilight's heart sank at the sight of her students, knowing that they had been influenced by Malamar's dark power.

"Hey, Principal Twilight! Look! I'm Darkstream now. Get it?" Even when influenced, Silverstream could still crack a joke.

"Twilight Sparkle." However, any semblance of humour was swiftly shattered as the voice of Malamar echoed through the gelatinous stream, its sinister tones sending a chill down Twilight's spine. She tensed, her senses on high alert as she braced herself for whatever dark machinations Malamar had in store.

"Malamar..." Twilight grizzled her teeth. 4 years have passed since Malamar's attack on Ponyville and Canterlot. And once more, he was launching yet another attack, but he wasn't alone this time.

"And look who it is. Luna." Malamar continued, gazing at the pony who sealed him with the Elements of Harmony 4 years ago. Of course, with help from Celestia too. "I'm getting a bit nostalgic seeing you two."

"But how did you even break free...? You should be completely turned to stone!" Luna exclaimed, unaware of how the Dazzlings were accidentally responsible for Malamar's freedom.

Despite the passage of time, Malamar's past actions were not to be forgotten, especially since he was Equestria's first big threat. And now, with the dark Pokémon launching yet another assault, Twilight knew that they could ill afford to underestimate the threat that he presented.

"Not again. Not for a second time. Especially not with my students." Twilight declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "And why are you even with Daybreaker's Alliance in the first place? I thought you wanted to be your own ruler."

"The alliance is beneficial to all parties. I am still my own ruler and eventually, I will be the ruler of this universe. Daybreaker has promised me such a thing. She and the others can rule their respective universes but I will gladly take this one for myself. Especially now that both our worlds have merged to create this Grander World." Malamar cackled. "And I believe it's fitting that my grand path to realizing that goal involves defeating you two. It all comes back to the beginning doesn't it?"

"Ooough..." Gallus's eyes would spin and wobble while in the stream. He couldn't utter a single word at the moment, completely overwhelmed by what was around his body.

"I'll have your own students stop you. Although, the middle one is a mystery. He's out for the count, even though he seems to be the most weak-willed one of them all."

"Sandbar!" Twilight gasped when looking at Sandbar, who was unresponsive at the moment. He could not hear this teacher's cries or even the entire conversation.

"Oh, what does it matter? I can just have these two do it for me!" Malamar laughed as his voice faded away in the distance along with his eyes. He was leaving it all up to the two of them and the gelatinous stream he made.

At that moment, the stream would attack, manipulating the limbs of the two students. The stream extended tendrils of gelatinous material to ensnare its prey, attempting to restrain them.

"Hang on, you three! Absol, use Night Slash!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Darkrai, Poison Jab!" Luna would also shout.

"Absol!" Absol's horn would light up while Darkrai's claws were encased in a poisonous energy. Both Dark-Types approached the tendrils, striking against them. Since it was gelatinous, it was susceptible to anything that could cut. Bits of the tendrils would drop to the ground, fizzling out.

But the gelatinous stream was not defeated yet. In retaliation, it released a burst of corrosive acid from its mass, spraying it in all directions with deadly intent. Luna gasped in alarm, quickly conjuring a protective barrier around herself and everyone present, shielding them from the corrosive onslaught.

The acid met with the barrier, sizzling and hissing as it attempted to dissolve the magical shield. Luna gritted her teeth, pouring more energy into the barrier to reinforce it against the acidic assault. Twilight would assist by making her own barrier, merging it with Luna's.

Together, they created a unified defence that was stronger and more resilient than either could achieve alone. The barrier expanded rapidly, its shimmering surface growing larger and more expansive with each passing moment.

As the acidic spray continued to rain down upon them, the combined barrier acted as a formidable shield, repelling the corrosive substance with ease. The barrier's expanded size allowed it to encompass a larger area, effectively shielding not only Luna, Twilight, and their students, but also the surrounding area from harm.

"We can try and rip them out of that thing. If it uses Malamar's own power, then Fairy-Type attacks are especially effective against it." Luna said, using her magic to hold out one of her Poke Balls. Twilight nodded in agreement as she would do the same. Both would launch their respective Poke Balls into the air, summoning more Pokemon to assist in this.

"Togekiss!" For Twilight, she summoned her Togekiss.

"Florges!" And Luna summoned her Florges. Two Fairy-Types were now on the scene.

"And as a part Psychic, it should also be weak to Dark." Luna smirked, looking back at her Darkrai while Twilight looked at her Absol.

"I don't think it will be that easy though..." Darkrai narrowed his eyes, knowing Malamar wouldn't make it that simple. He was a cunning evil genius after all.

Espeon's tail would twitch as she was suddenly sensing something else appearing from the Gelatinous Stream. Malamar, unlike before, had gained his own team without needing to mind control anyone else. While he was using Silverstream and Gallus, he had his own force that were willing to do what he says.

Emerging from the stream were other Malamars, each riding those pods that were shaped like their heads. Dealing with one Malamar was an issue, but now, they had to deal with multiple of them. Each were equally devious, having many nefarious intentions in their minds.

"More?" Luna gasped. "And I doubt they're even under his control with those looks on their faces."

"Hang in there, three!" Twilight shouted at her students, promising that she would free them.

Sandbar's Mindscape.

As Sandbar's physical body lay unconscious, his consciousness drifted into his own mindscape, a realm born from the depths of his subconscious mind. Here, in this ethereal realm of swirling colours and shifting landscapes, Sandbar found himself immersed in a world of his own creation.

The mindscape was a reflection of Sandbar's innermost thoughts, fears, and desires, a place where his imagination knew no bounds. As he explored this surreal landscape, he encountered fragments of memories, emotions, and experiences that shaped his identity.

In this dreamscape, Sandbar found himself confronted by vivid images and sensations, each one a reflection of his past experiences and innermost thoughts. He wandered through fields of shimmering light and shadowy depths, navigating the intricate labyrinth of his own mind with a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Amidst the swirling colours and shifting landscapes of Sandbar's mindscape, a dark and ominous presence lurked in the shadows. It was the manifestation of the dark power that Malamar had used in an attempt to control him, a sinister force that sought to manipulate and corrupt his thoughts and emotions.

As Sandbar traversed the surreal landscape of his mindscape, he could sense the malevolent energy of the dark power pulsating around him, like a tangible force pressing in from all sides. Shadows danced on the periphery of his vision, whispers of doubt and fear echoing through the depths of his consciousness.

"Sandbar," The voice echoed through the ethereal realm, its tone dripping with malice and deceit. It was none other than Malamar's own voice. "How is it that you are resisting me, boy? Here I thought you were completely weak-willed, especially with your own inner fears."

"I-I'm not weak-willed," Sandbar uttered, looking around the area to see where Malamar's voice was coming from as her nervously wandered his own Mindscape.

"You should be. Perhaps you only act weak-willed. Anyone like you should immediately be working for me and yet you're resisting. Why is that?"

"I think I know why." Sandbar leapt over a hill, gaining impressive air time due to the chaotic gravity here. "It's me and Ponyta."

"You and Ponyta? Ridiculous. Last I saw, that Ponyta was foolish enough to get in the way. What can one small Pokemon hope to do." Malamar scoffed at such a notion. "Admittedly, it always takes more than one Pokemon to stop me and even if Ponyta is the reason for this, it won't last very long."

"It's not just Ponyta." Sandbar uttered before spotting what appeared to be his home in the distance. "I also said it's me. It's better than the two of us. Ponyta! Where are you?!" He would then start screaming, his voice echoing through the ethereal realm as he searched for his faithful Pokémon companion

But as Sandbar ventured closer to his home, the presence of Malamar's dark power grew stronger, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare him in its grasp. He gasped, barely managing to avoid those tendrils as he tripped over. Sandbar found himself rolling down a hill because of this, feeling plenty of turbulence.

Sandbar then slid on the ground face-first, grunting and grumbling. Luckily for him, in his own mindscape, he didn't have to worry about any dirt. But he did have to worry about the darkness that was attempting to overtake his mind. Sandbar would use the gravity in this world to lift himself off the ground as soon as possible while the tendrils approached.

"At this very moment, your principal and princess are being dealt with. Even if I fail to defeat them, I will have enough time in the world to continue my plans." Malamar continued before using his power to show Sandbar what was happening outside.

On the outside, Twilight, Luna and their Pokemon were battling intensively against the many Malamar and the Gelatinous Stream, attempting to save the two students.

With a flick of her horn, Twilight unleashed powerful bursts of psychic energy, sending shimmering waves of light rippling through the air to repel the advancing tendrils of darkness. Beside her, Luna called upon her Pokémon companions, directing them with swift and precise commands as they launched coordinated attacks against their foes.

Absol and Darkrai moved with the speed of Darkness, their movements fluid and graceful as they dodged and countered the attacks of the Malamar minions. With each slash of Absol's razor-sharp claws and each pulse of Darkrai's eerie aura, they struck fear into the hearts of their adversaries, driving them back with unwavering determination.

Dark Pulses from both sides were thrown, blending in with the night. Absol would even cut through the darkness with Night Slash, slashing at the Gelatinous Stream.

Meanwhile, Togekiss and Florges soared through the air, their wings aglow with radiant energy as they unleashed powerful Fairy-Type attacks against the Gelatinous Stream. Bolts of dazzling light and cascades of shimmering petals illuminated the battlefield, striking with precision and accuracy to weaken the dark forces that threatened to overwhelm them.

"Dazzling Gleam!" Twilight shouted, having both Espeon and Togekiss unleash rays of rainbows at high speeds. They could crash into some of the Malamar, dealing super-effective damage in the process.

As Sandbar observed the battle unfolding outside of his mindscape, he felt a surge of fear and urgency wash over him. He knew that his friends and mentors were risking everything to protect him and his classmates from the dark forces that threatened to consume them and here he was trapped in his own mindscape, unsure of what to do next.

"Ta! Ponyta!" At that moment, in the distance of the Mindscape, right near Sandbar's home, Ponyta's voice was heard.

"Ponyta?" Sandbar spoke. Sandbar's heart leapt with hope as he heard Ponyta's voice calling out to him from the distance of his mindscape. With a surge of determination, he set off towards the sound, his resolve strengthened by the knowledge that his faithful Pokémon companion was nearby.

As he approached his home, the silhouette of Ponyta came into view, standing tall and proud against the backdrop of the mindscape. With a joyful neigh, Ponyta bounded towards Sandbar, her mane sparkling with magical energy as she raced to greet him.

"I think not." Only for Malamar to interrupt this by sending a powerful Dark and Psychic Wave from the ground, intercepting them both from the middle. Galarian Ponyta and Sandbar were forced away from each other, the force of the impact sent them both flying in opposite directions, their connection severed by the malevolent force of Malamar's action.

Sandbar gritted his teeth as he felt himself being propelled through the air, the swirling colours and shifting landscapes of his mindscape blurring past him in a dizzying whirl. He fought to maintain his balance as he landed roughly on the ground, his muscles tense with the effort of absorbing the impact.

"Oh, dear..." Sandbar scrunched his face as now he was going to start feeling sick. He fought to maintain his balance as he landed roughly on the ground, his muscles tense with the effort of absorbing the impact. "Ponyta!" Sandbar called out, his voice filled with concern as he struggled to regain his footing.

"Ta!" The Unique Horn Pokemon would also cry out.

"It's just you two. This shouldn't be difficult at all. What was this about how it was better if it was the two of you?" Malamar taunted while the two of them were floating. Above them, the tendrils returned, covering the skies above. "With this, you'll become my puppet. And soon, the entire world!"

The tendrils would then drop, merging together to create a giant black claw that went to grab the two of them, including their own home. "You've resisted me for an impressive time. Especially for someone so young and timid. But that is exactly why you were destined to lose."

The claw would then swallow Sandbar and Ponyta, showing them an empty darkness as the sound of the claw closing caused a booming sound across the entire Mindscape.

Sandbar and Ponyta found themselves ensnared within the dark confines of the giant claw, trapped in absolute darkness. Despite their dire predicament, their spirits remained unbroken, their minds free from Malamar's control for the time being.

"He doesn't know yet...But I don't think it really matters." Sandbar knew of another reason as to why he was still resisting Malamar's control. The same goes for Ponyta. Even so, it wasn't that big of a help if they couldn't break free from this. "I'm sorry, Ponyta."


"Use it? I don't know if we should. Not after what it did the first time." Sandbar understood Ponyta and he immediately rejected what he had to say. But Ponyta wanted to do so. Whatever this thing was, it was crucial to Sandbar and Ponyta's resistance to Malamar's power and yet, it was also something that Sandbar didn't wish to use.

At that moment, the Sandbar began reminiscing the day they met. And since this was his mind, his memory would become realized in this mindscape. He could see it all now even in the absolute darkness.

It was 4 years ago. During the early days of the two worlds meeting thanks to the Rift. Many across the world were confused and lost on what was going on. Humans, ponies and other species alike. The gateways were abundant, leading to many locations.

Among one of them was a gateway to the Galar Region and Sandbar found himself passing through that gateway. He arrived at one of Galar's areas, where sunlight danced through the canopy and the air was filled with the gentle melody of rustling leaves. The vibrant hues of the surrounding flora painted a picturesque scene, inviting him to lose himself in the beauty of nature.

As Sandbar trotted along the winding paths, his keen senses caught the faint sound of distressed whinnies echoing through the trees. Concerned, he quickened his pace, following the plaintive cries to their source. There, nestled amidst a grove of ancient oaks, was a sight that surprised him.

Trapped within a shimmering pool of swirling energy, a lone Ponyta thrashed desperately, its once vibrant mane now dulled by the oppressive darkness of the Rift Energy. Noticeably, Ponyta at that time was a Kantonian Ponyta as oppossed to what he is now.

Ponyta was kicking in screaming as he was unfortunate to be involved in the more chaotic parts of the Rift. Ponyta's powerful hooves weren't even helping him now as the pool of Rift Energy was like a maelstrom. This was further evident by how it was beginning to tear up the environment.

Without hesitation, Sandbar stepped forward, his instincts guiding him as he reached out to Ponyta with a reassuring touch. Despite the chaos of the Rift Energy surrounding them, he remained steadfast in his resolve to free the trapped Pokémon from its grasp.

"Are you alright?!" Sandbar called out, his voice filled with worry. With each step closer to Ponyta, he could feel the oppressive energy of the Rift pushing against him.
As Sandbar approached the distressed Ponyta trapped within the swirling pool of Rift Energy, he couldn't help but notice the devastating effects it was having on the surrounding environment. The once serene grove of ancient oaks was now a scene of chaos and destruction, as the Rift Energy tore through the landscape with relentless fury.

The vibrant hues of the flora were marred by the oppressive darkness of the Rift, their leaves withered and wilted as if drained of life. The gentle melody of rustling leaves had been replaced by the deafening roar of the swirling pool, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the once peaceful surroundings.

The ground trembled beneath Sandbar's hooves, fissures forming as the sheer force of the Rift Energy threatened to tear the very earth asunder. Trees groaned and creaked as their roots were uprooted by the powerful currents, their branches thrashing wildly in the maelstrom of darkness.

Amidst the chaos, Ponyta struggled desperately against the swirling vortex, its powerful hooves kicking and thrashing in a futile attempt to break free. But with each passing moment, it seemed as though the pool of Rift Energy only grew stronger, its grip tightening around Ponyta with relentless determination.

However, Ponyta didn't receive the same treatment as the environment. Seeing how fearsome this all was, Sandbar was starting to regret it all. He wasn't thinking straight prior to all of this and now his own life was in danger.

He had acted rashly, driven by a desire to help Ponyta without fully considering the consequences of his actions. Now, as he stood on the brink of danger, he couldn't help but regret his earlier decisions. All this for a Pokemon he just met and knew very little of.

He knew absolutely nothing about Pokemon in the first place and now he was having to deal with all of this. Back then, Sandbar saw himself as incredibly foolish and he would have perished in this forest on that day. But that seemingly foolish action brought a stark positive.

Suddenly, Sandbar watched in astonishment, the swirling vortex of Rift Energy surrounding Ponyta began to take on a different hue, pulsating with an otherworldly light. With each passing moment, Ponyta's form seemed to shift and change, the energy of the Rift molding and shaping him into something new and unexpected.

At first, Sandbar's heart clenched with fear, fearing that the transformation might only bring more danger to his beloved companion. But as he observed more closely, he realized that something remarkable was happening. The chaotic energy of the Rift was not harming Ponyta but rather, it was imbuing him with a newfound power.

In a dazzling display of light and energy, Ponyta's form underwent a remarkable transformation, his once familiar appearance giving way to the sleek and majestic form of a Galarian Ponyta. His mane blazed with vibrant hues of blue and purple, radiating with an otherworldly glow that seemed to defy explanation.

And because of this, Ponyta gained access to Rift Energy himself. His eyes would unleash that familiar cosmic glow as he would suddenly manipulate the entire around him.

Sandbar was stunned, being the first to not only witness the emergence of Galarian Ponyta thanks to Rift Energy, but to also see a Pokemon utilize Rift Energy to such an impressive level. As if he had telekinesis, Ponyta was lifting the entire forest by using his horn. Even the pool of Rift Energy was being ripped from the ground, spiralling around the Unique Horn Pokemon.

However, the immense power coursing through Ponyta's small body proved to be too much to handle. As he exerted himself to control the Rift Energy, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over him, his strength faltering under the strain of the immense power he wielded.

With a pained whinny, Ponyta stumbled, his body trembling with the effort of maintaining control. The radiant glow of Rift Energy surrounding him flickered and waned, its brilliance dimming as Ponyta struggled to keep it contained.

Ponyta's small body continued to tremble, the strain of his newfound power taking its toll. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that Ponyta's strength was waning, his body unable to withstand the immense energy he had unleashed.

As the last remnants of Rift Energy faded away, Ponyta collapsed to the ground, his breathing laboured and shallow. Sandbar knelt beside him, his heart heavy with concern as he gently cradled his companion in his arms.

"Are you sure you want to use that again?" Sandbar asked while trapped in the darkness. That same power could help free them both but it was highly risky.

"Ponyta." Ponyta was incredibly confident. Sandbar hesitated, his concern for Ponyta's well-being weighing heavily on his mind. He knew that using Ponyta's newfound power again could have serious consequences, potentially putting them both in even greater danger. But he also understood that they were trapped in the darkness, with no other apparent means of escape.

"I don't know, Ponyta. We never went back to that thing since it was too dangerous. I didn't want to use that Rift Energy in you again because of how much it hurts you." Sandbar said, his voice tinged with worry. "Your safety comes first."

Ponyta looked back at Sandbar with determination gleaming in his eyes, a silent assurance that he was willing to do whatever it took to free them both from their predicament. Despite the risks involved, Ponyta seemed unwavering in his resolve to harness the power of Rift Energy once more.

"Alright. I'll trust you. Do it, Ponyta. With a heavy heart, Sandbar nodded in reluctant agreement, knowing that they had little choice but to trust in Ponyta's instincts.

With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, Ponyta unleashed the power of Rift Energy once more, channeling its cosmic essence with a resolute focus. As his eyes flashed with brilliant light, the darkness surrounding them shattered into a million fragments, dispersing like mist in the wind.

"What?! Rift Energy?!" Malamar's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief as he beheld the dazzling display of cosmic energy unleashed by Ponyta. The swirling vortex of darkness that had once ensnared them now crumbled before the radiant power of Rift Energy, its malevolent grip shattered by the sheer force of Ponyta's will.

Sandbar watched in awe as the darkness dissipated, replaced by the brilliant glow of Ponyta's cosmic energy. Despite the risks involved, Ponyta's courage and determination had proven to be their salvation, breaking through the darkness and illuminating their path to freedom.

With a triumphant neigh, Ponyta emerged from the dissipating darkness, his mane ablaze with radiant hues of blue and purple. His eyes sparkled with newfound strength and resolve, a testament to the power that lay within him.

Malamar recoiled in shock and frustration, his carefully laid plans unravelling before his eyes. Despite his best efforts to control the situation, he had underestimated the strength and resilience of Sandbar and Ponyta's bond that the young Earth Pony brought up earlier.

As the brilliance of Ponyta's cosmic display filled the air, Sandbar felt a surge of hope welling in him. However, just like before, Sandbar was aware of the toll that wielding such immense power took on Ponyta's small body. As the mindscape began to shatter and dissipate, Sandbar's consciousness gradually returned to the waking world, leaving behind the surreal realm of dreams and visions.


"You did good, Ponyta. Thank you for that." He thanked his partner.

With a heavy heart, Sandbar gently cradled Ponyta in his arms, his concern for his companion's well-being weighing heavily on his mind. Despite their victory, Sandbar knew that Ponyta had paid a steep price for their freedom, his body weakened by the strain of harnessing the power of Rift Energy for a second time.

The Real World.

Back outside, Twilight, Luna, and their Pokémon watched with bated breath as the Gelatinous Stream began to wobble and tremble violently, its once imposing form now faltering in the face of Ponyta's unleashed power. The brilliant glow of Rift Energy surrounded them, casting a radiant light that illuminated the darkness and filled them with a renewed sense of hope.

With each passing moment, cracks began to form along the surface of the Gelatinous Stream, its gelatinous form quivering as it struggled to maintain its hold on its captives. It was clear that something extraordinary was happening, something beyond their comprehension yet undeniably powerful.

"Amazing..." Twilight gawked. "Did it use Rift Energy on itself? Or was it...?"

"Now is our chance, Twilight!" Luna exclaimed, seeing an opening.

With the Gelatinous Stream weakened and vulnerable, Twilight and Luna wasted no time in seizing the opportunity to free their friends from its clutches. With a coordinated effort, they directed their Pokémon to focus their attacks on the stream, unleashing a barrage of powerful moves aimed at breaking through its defences and shattering its gelatinous form.

"Finish it! Dazzling Gleam!" The two of them shouted. Togekiss, Espeon and Florges each unleashed as many Dazzling Gleams as they could while they had the chance. The rainbows would rapidly bombard the Dark Force, piercing it with pure rays of light.

As the combined assault intensified, cracks began to spread across the surface of the Gelatinous Stream, its once formidable defenses crumbling under the relentless onslaught. With a final surge of effort, Twilight and Luna directed their Pokémon to deliver one last powerful blow, channeling all of their strength and determination into a coordinated attack aimed at shattering the stream once and for all.

With a deafening roar, the Gelatinous Stream finally collapsed, its gelatinous form dissolving into nothingness as the darkness was banished from their midst. Sandbar, Ponyta, and the other students were freed from their imprisonment, emerging unharmed but visibly shaken from their ordeal.

"Gross...This is worse than that one squid back home..." Silverstream shuddered.

"I feel so unclean..." Gallus wobbled, feeling absolutely disgusted by what had just happened. "I wanna go home.

As the dust settled and the darkness receded, Twilight and Luna breathed a sigh of relief, their faces drawn with exhaustion but filled with a sense of triumph. But it wasn't over yet.

"All that's left is you all." Luna narrowed her eyes at the remaining Malamar. The opposing Malamar were visibly intimidated as they didn't expect this. It was their job to keep them busy, but even so, they were feeling a sense of fear.

Meanwhile, Ponyta and Sandbar felt great joy. Ponyta laid there with a smile on his face, even if his body was harmed. If only Galarian Ponytas could heal themselves like how they could heal others. Sandbar would help his friend, glad that they were both safe. Now, he could just leave it to his teacher and Princess.

"After this, we're coming for you, Malamar." Twilight declared, determined to reach the Main Malamar.

On this night, one of the members of the alliance was being confronted as his plans have been revealed. Malamar was no longer discreet. There was no Daybreaker or Second Wind to do most of the work and be out in the open. Now that his return was made clear to everyone else, the Overturning Pokemon's plans were being threatened once more.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 411 End.

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