• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 109: Welcome


Chapter 109: Welcome

By Wanderer D

Twilight could hear people outside, talking about what had happened. Most of the ones celebrating had not been in the communications room when the transmission had been going on.

Twilight couldn't even begin to describe what she was feeling. All she had been capable of doing was to cling in horror to the Commander's arm, then, when it was all said and done, she had somehow made her way to her room, turned off the lights, hugged her pillow and huddled in a corner.

She wasn't a naive young princess anymore. She hadn't been since the reality of this world had not only put things in contrast, but also made her painfully aware of how much she missed her home, and how much she would do to protect it.

But even with her own experiences… she hadn't been emotionally prepared to see the brutal way that Sunset was almost torn apart. Only one Chosen had been there, and they had almost all been killed… but she hadn't-how could she… Twilight closed her eyes, and her mind brought up the images, the cameras showing the Assassin slamming her sword down on Sunset's thigh, how she had stepped viciously on the wound…

She could still hear Sunset's screams in her head. The sound of Angel's head hitting the wall. The crack of ribs when Aria had kicked Jane...

Twilight whimpered, tightening her hold on the pillow. If Sunset had died in such a manner… tortured… after Twilight hadn't even given her the time of day in the last month… and all because of what?

Twilight didn't even know.

But if Sunset had died like that, what would Twilight tell herself then? That her attitude was justifiable? She knew what Counselor Luna would say. She'd tell her that she couldn't have known and that everyone has a right to feel angry or stressed.

It wouldn't take away any of the guilt.

A little blip on the computer across the room made her look up. A map of the world was on display there, and a red dot flew moved across it towards a larger dot. It was basically mirroring one of the monitors in the communications room, where the Skyranger's global position was being tracked.

The beep indicated that Rainbow Dash would be back within ten minutes. Generally speaking that was the last warning for the medical teams to be ready, but after that battle… they had scrambled out immediately and were already there twenty minutes ago.

Twilight had a decision to make.

But was it truly a decision that needed to be thought about? She knew everyone in that plane. All of them had been kind to her. Reached out in friendship, even when she was indifferent… even now, she felt the same in some way, but… as indifferent as she felt in some regards, the pain and horror she had felt at seeing them almost die… seeing them suffer… what was her real self feeling? What wasn't hiding behind a wall she had erected to separate herself from the others?

'In the end,' she told herself, 'I'm just trying to find excuses even now to avoid Sunset.' She rested her chin on the pillow and stared at the screen as the small dot got progressively closer to the bigger one. "And I'll never forgive myself… if she's conscious and I'm not there to say…"

There was no more time to hesitate. She dropped the pillow and pushed herself out of the bed, not quite running, but walking fast and determined. She still had a lot of issues to figure out, but she was done with her personal problems making rifts between her and those she cared for.

Chrysalis and Bradford waited along the medical team, headed by Tygan. Fluttershy had already been contacted, and she had sent her notes on Viper anatomy, to help with Angel's healing.

Across the board, there was celebration. Betos had sent a short, but grateful message to Chrysalis, congratulating her on the victory, and promising one hundred percent support from the Skirmishers henceforth.

Geist and Volk were also encouraged, and had shared the development with their own factions. It gave everyone hope that the first of these relentless banes had been defeated. Of course this would make the battle against the others much more difficult, as they would be anticipating XCOM's movements now… and quite frankly, that worried Chrysalis.

"Tell me, Central," she said, glancing to the side as her second in command fidgeted with obvious worry over his non-daughter. "Doesn't it worry you… that the Hunter and the Assassin both have not only communicated to taunt us, but keep antagonizing us… and yet, the Warlock is silent?"

Bradford gave her a look. "You think he's… hiding his presence?"

Chrysalis nodded. "But why? I'm sure we've crossed into his… territory… and yet no sign."

"You think he's just not eager to fight us?"

Chrysalis snorted, shaking her head and giving him an amused smile. "Of course he is. No, he's planning something… and we can only wait for it to happen."

"At least we have one small victory," Bradford said, leaning back against the wall. "We might not have won the war, but the Assassin's death will help morale all across the resistance."

"Let's hope that's enough to even out what'll happen next," Chrysalis said as the hatch above them slowly opened and alarms blared.

They approached the platform, while still remaining behind the medical team. The last thing they wanted was to be in the way.

The Skyranger landed and opened its back hatch, the ramp sliding down, but this time around, there were no limping or walking soldiers. The medical team ran up into the airship, pushing gurneys up, and even pulling a steel platform truck they had borrowed from the warehouse—modified and adapted to make it comfortable for their viper friend to ride.

"It's been a while since the whole team was in such a condition after a mission," Chrysalis said, voice strained. "After what happened to Eagle… I didn't want—" She cut herself off, cracking her knuckles nervously. "I'm just glad they made it."

They watched as Angel was brought down, coiled on her tail on top of the steel platform truck, followed by Annette and Laetitia, both of whom were apparently well enough to be wheeled down in chairs.

Elena made her way down gingerly, on her own, despite the worried nurse behind her. Even though she hadn't received as much direct damage from the Assassin as the others, she had taken the brunt of the attacks from her alien minions.

Jane was next, lying on her back, and grimacing more in annoyance apparently, than in actual pain.

Finally, the gurney with Sunset appeared, and Bradford walked over, ignoring Chrysalis' smirk. She followed him, just a bit behind, her smile fading and twisting into a grimace when they saw just in how bad a state Sunset was.

Her left leg, where the Assassin had run her through was heavily and tightly bandaged, but still bloody. Her breathing was ragged, and her armor had been taken off, replaced by even more blood-soaked bandages. The medics had already hooked her up to several devices, and had an oxygen mask on her face. Her neck was held in place with a brace, and her face was practically a big bruise.

How this young woman had managed to drag herself up there to finish off the Assassin was a miracle best left for future debate. Right now… she looked almost like...

Chrysalis turned around, unable to look, biting her lip. Flashes from what she had been forced to watch. Bodies all around, pieces of alien technology collapsed on itself. One hand on the psychic control, the other grasping the steel beam going through her stomach.

"It's not her," Chrysalis whispered to herself, forcing her head to turn back to gaze at the younger version of Sunset. "It's not her, and this one's alive."

Sunset feebly tried to raise her hand, but Bradford just took it, looking up at Tygan. "Doctor?"

"We shall see," Tygan warily replied to the unasked question. "She's shown tremendous regenerative powers before. We can only hope it will remain true this time around."

Bradford nodded, and just as he was about to say something else, they paused, hearing the sound of someone running. They all looked down the ramp as Twilight dashed into the hangar, stopping briefly to touch Jane's arm, or nod at Elena as her eyes sweeped the room and came to rest on them.

Twilight slowed down to a stop at the base of the ramp, raising her hands up to her lips as she stared at Sunset, then, as if remembering something, she nodded and made her way up to them. She looked nervous, and winded, but when she reached Sunset, her expression was one of determination.

Unable to speak, and barely able to keep her eyes open, Sunset nevertheless managed to raise an eyebrow.

Twilight had paled when she had reached her, perhaps not expecting the sight before her. She swallowed, then took a deep breath and looked Sunset straight in the eye.

"I know it's stupid," Twilight said, her eyes slowly watering up as she took Sunset's free hand in her own, careful not to squeeze. "But I just wanted to say… welcome back."

o.0.o End Chapter 109 o.0.o

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