• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,402 Views, 9,177 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 242: Comrades


Chapter 242: Comrades

By Wanderer D

The Warlock studied the fight, trying to figure out something—anything that could help him deduce Fugue's limits. But so far, he hadn't been very successful. As the last Viper withered and died in her grasp, the demonic siren simply shuddered in pleasure and shot the camera a smoldering look. "I'm coming for you."

Needless to say, he was not flattered.

Another screen lit up, and the annoying face of the Speaker appeared on it. There was something odd, usually he pretended to be politely in a good mood, but this time around, the whole of his room was torn to shreds behind him, and he looked… almost disheveled. "You called, Warlock? I am in the middle of something right now."

Tirek briefly considered trying to figure out what had the elder's figurehead so distracted, but his situation was more urgent. "I need you to send reinforcements."

"We are unable to teleport more forces to you, Warlock," the Speaker said, his face impassive on the screen. "And I have problems of my own to deal with as I had stated. My bodyguard is missing."

"I am being invaded by the Hunter and Fugue," Tirek retorted, a growl emerging from deep within his chest. "Should they reach me, the Elders will lose another of their trusted servants."

"Ah, yes… this so-called Queen of the Sirens." The Speaker shook his head. "You are one of the Chosen. You can't tell me that this… mutation...is really that much of a threat. Can't you concentrate on the Hunter an—"

"Idiot!" Tirek shouted, slamming his fist next to the console. "You rant and rave because your sex-slave bodyguard left?! It is you who doesn't understand who Fugue is! She's a siren, not just some mutated human! And she's unlike any siren I have ever seen before!"

"So you keep saying," the speaker said, his tone unimpressed. "And I fail to see how some myth from Earth's past is relevant to this discussion, unless "siren" is another faction we were previously unaware of." He leaned back in his comfortable leather chair, safe in some unknown bunker. "Your sad devotion to ancient "magic" is nothing more than a distraction, Warlock."

"Sonata and Aria were both sirens! As was Adagio! Do you not see what this means? Three of the most powerful beings in the whole of the Elders' army were sirens!" Tirek dragged a hand down his face. "And you can't tell me that magic has no bearing on this! You just admitted you can't send troops!"

"And they were such because they were exalted by our masters—"

"No, you imbecile!" Tirek snarled, "They were so before our masters were even here! They could control hundreds of people with their voices! This is why Sombra and I were quick to give them positions of power in EXALT and why we so quickly disposed of Adagio. You have no idea of the power three sirens have! And Adagio is free now! She is not an enemy we want!"

"Are you sure you want to continue this train of thought, Warlock? It sounds to me like you think our masters' power is not enough to deal with a single creature."

"That is exactly what I'm saying!" Tirek shouted. "The masters are not here to deal with her directly!"

The Speaker's sneer became more pronounced. "To think that I was initially honored that the mighty Warlock would request my aid… only to find that he's a coward that fears technology he doesn't comprehend."

Tirek turned around and braced himself, trying to fight his anger. "You fool. You think in such simple terms… even knowing some of what our masters have deigned to show you, you blind yourself to the powers that you dismiss. Heed my words, Speaker. Today it's me. Just like twenty years ago it was Sombra. Tomorrow… it will be you... Stygian."

"Don't call me that."

"Does the mighty Speaker hate the reminder that he was once human?" Tirek sneered at him in return. "Should I remind you that you also attempted to learn the powers of magic? Were you not ridiculed by others for doing so?"

"And look where I am now," the Speaker hissed, "and where are they? Dead. I did not hold on to the fantasies of my youth, Tirek. It is unseemly that you would, knowing what you do."

The pair glared at each other for a moment. "Overwhelm them, Overwhelm this… Fugue and take care of the Hunter yourself. You've bragged about how much more powerful than her you are, haven't you? Prove it."

"I sent several squadrons to stop them from getting past the entrance. All of them are dead or destroyed. It took Fugue seconds."

"A weapon of some sort, Warlock. You are one of the most powerful psionics created by our masters, you can bring the dead back to serve you. You can decimate the minds of humans around you with a mere thought. I would not think you'd be afraid of a single being."

"It doesn't matter to me what you think, but you have not seen what Fugue can do. She will escalate things. She will bring this to you as well. And to the Elders. And unlike XCOM and I, your suffering will not end with your death."

The Speaker did not answer, simply cutting off communications. The Warlock glared at the screen, then roared, his clawed hand splitting the device into pieces. As screens flickered around him, he studied the one showing his base, noting the Hunter and Fugue's progress.

Perhaps there was a way. He glanced up at his sarcophagus. Perhaps there was something he could do after all. He wasn't the young, fumbling wizard of his youth. He touched his chest, where Adagio's gem pulsated with power. Perhaps… he walked forth until he could reach out and touch its surface, watching the psionic powers fluctuate and dance at his command… and into the gem under his armor.


o.0.o End Chapter 242 o.0.o

Author's Note:

Mini-reminder that Gunsmoke Pre-orders are on! Don't miss your chance for the pre-order-only extras! Only 5 days left!

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