• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 169: Meanwhile


Chapter 169: Meanwhile

By Wanderer D

Dear Sis,

How are you doing? I haven't heard back from you for a few days now. I hope everything is going okay.

Things have proceeded at a fast pace here: Celestia, Luna and I have spent a lot of time talking about my time on Earth, my studies there and the war. The technology is of great interest to them, as well as possible humanitarian aid, although they are understandably unsure of sending troops over.

You're also probably wondering how Tala and Alejandra are doing.

Alejandra is waiting one day more before being allowed out of the hospital. Your old teacher Galahad has taken her under his wing, and they'll be visiting Ponyville soon to train, then they're going to come back to train with the pegasus guards, who were impressed with Alejandra, despite her lack of ability to fly.

Right now they think it is a side effect of the poison, and that she needs to learn from scratch… I think I'll let it go like that. As for Tala...

"I'm telling you, it's true."

"That's a lie, Twirly," Seebreeze said, watching as the group he was overseeing took a break on the flower fields outside Ponyville. This year had been fortuitous and the weather ideal. They were not just doing good time; they were ahead of schedule, in part thanks to their pony friends being aware of their presence and making things easier for them.

When the cream-colored breezie's eyes watered and she sniffed, Seabreeze cursed inwardly. "Look. I'm sorry I snapped at you. But you know it's very difficult to believe."

Twirly nodded, wiping the tears off her eyes. "I know you're trying and you're a lot better than before… so, it's okay. Look, I'm really not lying, I saw her riding the purple dragon of the pony princess we met."

"Twilight Sparkle?" Seabreeze asked, tapping his chin with a tiny hoof. "But why would a breezie hang out with them while they're still ponies?"

"I don't know, but I also have never seen a breezie like that one."

Seabreeze blinked. "What do you mean?"

Twirly tapped her hooves nervously. "Well… I was flying near Fluttershy's house yesterday morning—"


"I just wanted to say hi to the animals!"

"But we're supposed to be waiting for the next break in the weather! What if it comes and I don't see you?"

"I'm sorry."

Seabreeze sighed. "Look, I don't mind visiting our friends, but let's try and do it as a group, okay? If you want to go somewhere, you can tell me."

Twirly nodded.

"Okay, so this mysterious breezie…"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Twirly screamed as she flew as fast as breeziely possible through the woods. Behind her, she hear could snarling and snapping. She flew over a bush and between some trees, heading into the forest.

It didn't take long for the huge beast to smash through them. The timber wolf growled and howled, chasing her mercilessly, biting just above her every time she tried to fly up. She didn't have enough strength to put enough distance to take advantage of her wings without risking being snapped in half by a single bite of the voracious beast.

It was then that she flew into a small cavern, and knew she was doomed. She doubled back, trying to escape before the timber wolf caught up, but the animated carnivore plant was already there, drooling sap in anticipation.

Twirly slowly fluttered back, her eyes wide and breath coming in short, horrified gasps. It was all over.

The timber wolf took a steady step forth, dry leaves crunching under its paw just as Twirly's own bones surely would too.

The wolf reared back.

And it was then that some sort of metal spike, attached to an equally metallic-looking rope smashed through its snout and jaw. The spike split into three and lodged onto the timber wolf's under jaw, cracking the wood with the force of it, just as the rope was pulled violently up.

Twirly gazed in amazement as another breezie, wearing some sort of strange armor and an equally strange helmet, came violently falling down, pulling the metallic rope behind her.

Twirly could see now that the rope did a loop around a heavy branch above and as the breezie pulled down, the timber wolf's snout went up. The strange breezie then jammed a wicked-looking blade on her hoof against the wall, and pressed something on it.

With a whirring sound, the line was pulled tight and the wolf was lifted off the floor, hanging from the mouth like some sort of drying spice. With claws and fangs.

The wolf struggled, trying to free itself but it couldn't reach the rope with its claws.

"Oh my!"

Now that was a voice that Twirly recognized. She and the mysterious Breezie flew out of the cave to meet Fluttershy, who was gaping at the wolf with a mix of horror and pity.

"Tala!" Fluttershy chided. "Was that really necessary?"

"It was about to consume this… uh, my fellow breezie." The mysterious Tala said in a voice loud enough to make Twirly flutter back in surprise.

Those were very potent lungs that breezie had!

Fluttershy seemed to notice Twirly for the first time. "Oh. Oh my. Um, Tala, please don't use the Royal Canterlot Voice for now, I can hear you just fine and you might hurt Twirly here."

"Twirly," Tala said in a much more breezie-like volume. She nodded at her. "Interesting name. I am pleased I was able to arrive in time to prevent this creature from harming you."

"Um… thank you?" Twirly answered, wide-eyed.

Tala simply nodded.

"Okay Twirly," Fluttershy said gently, "come on, you can ride on my mane. I'll take you back to the others."

"But… what about her?" Twirly asked, still doing as instructed.

"Oh, Tala will figure out a way to put it down." Fluttershy said. And her eyes narrowed. "Without harming it more. Or setting the forest on fire. Or hunting down the species to extinction. Won't you, Tala?"

Tala shrugged. "Your world. Your rules."

...I'm not sure how to describe how Tala is doing.

Anyway, I hope to hear back from you soon! We all want to know how things are. Please write?

Your sister,
Twilight Sparkle

o.0.o End Chapter 169 o.0.o

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