• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 67: Disconnect


Chapter 67: Disconnect

By Wanderer D

Can you help me remember how to smile…

It was late, and the day's shenanigans had not helped her mood at all. It also didn't help that that song was playing again.

It brought back memories.

Too many of them, but most importantly… her voice, singing.

Wasn't it enough that she had to see her reincarnated every day? That she had to listen to the sound of her voice, her exact inflection, her exact quirks with every report?

She glanced to one of the shelves in her quarters, where an old bottle of cognac sat, gathering dust. It was tempting. So tempting.

"Commander, Tygan's voice came out from the screen, and Chrysalis turned off the music, grateful for the distraction, and centered her attention on her lead scientist.

"I hope you have some good news, Tygan," she said. "We could all use a boost."

"I have completed the Lancer autopsy and made very interesting discoveries. I believe this should cheer up Lieutenant Shimmer and other rangers."

Chrysalis blinked at the screen as schematics populated it. After a moment studying them, she grinned. "Tell Shen to send them to production. this comes at a good time, Tygan, we're about ready for our next mission."

"Understood, Commander." Tygan could be heard typing through the comms. "What should I focus my research on now?"

Chrysalis pulled up a list of projects, scrolling down and selecting one. "I think it's about time Shen and you collaborated a bit closer… bring Sparkle in on this as well…"

"I foresee a multitude of possibilities stemming from this research, Commander. The science is ready to begin."

Chrysalis snorted, just thinking of what Vahlen would have said to that. She pulled up the file she was looking at. This would give time for her researchers to finish the next project, hopefully. She pressed a button. "Central, bring Lt. Shimmer, Mox and Outrider to my quarters. I have a mission for them."

She shook her head, smirking at the bottle and allowing herself a moment of relishing a small victory. Another day where it would keep gathering dust, rather than burying memories.

"Hey, Jane."

Jane Kelly looked over from her half-dismantled GREMLIN, where she was messing around with the code. "Hey, Sunset, what's up?"

"I can't seem to find Twilight and the Commander called me over. Do you think you could give this to her?"

Jane blinked at the large book that was handed to her. Curious, she flipped the pages, noticing the strange hieroglyphics within. "Um, what is this?"

"My diary," Sunset said. "It's written in another language."

"No shit," Jane deadpanned. "Why don't you give it to her yourself after you meet with the Commander?"

Sunset bit her lip. "I have the feeling that Twilight is avoiding me."

"Any idea why?"

Sunset shook her head, releasing a deep sigh. "Maybe she's still mulling over what happened today. Maybe she blames—"

"I honestly doubt that," Jane interrupted, glaring at her. "There's nothing to blame there. I'll look her up after I put back together my GREMLIN."

"Thanks," Sunset said. "Wish me luck."

Jane snorted.

Sunset headed out of the barracks, and out to the hallways of the Avenger. Following the usual route, she soon found herself in the Commander's Quarters, along with Mox, Elena and Bradford.

"Ah, good, you made it," Chrysalis droned. "I was wondering if you've gotten the message."

"I'm sorry, Commander."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and pressed her lips. "In any case, you're here. Please take a seat, Sunset, we have much to discuss."

The small holographic table turned on and Chrysalis summoned a map. "This is located in India. Although the final destination of the mecs and equipment you and Jane found out about wasn't our objective, we found out that they reach a resupply warehouse somewhere in this area.

"Our local contacts have already confirmed that they have found the location of this place, although it is not easily accessible. There is a high likelihood that we can find the final destination of the equipment that is transported there, and follow that lead. It is our belief, that since there are no more aerial pickups from the remote station there, the Assassin's headquarters are going to be relatively close.

"The area is deep in the jungle, and the locals refuse to go past the resupply station there. If we want to learn where the trail leads, we'll need to follow it past the station. You three have the best skills suited for this situation, and experience facing the chosen."

"What about Annette?" Sunset asked.

"Annette has another mission to deal with," Chrysalis said evenly. "She wants to do some special training here with Twilight, for the inevitable time she joins Menace assaulting the Assassin's base."

Sunset grimaced. "I see."

"So far we have been lucky in that the Hunter didn't seem interested in joining the Assassin after us, and we haven't faced the Warlock. But it is a matter of time before they also join the hunt for us," Chrysalis said. "Having said that, do not expect this mission to go on without combat. If it is really the way to find the Assassin's base of operations, that jungle is going to have more in it than the local fauna."

"Understood, Commander," Mox said, bumping his chest. "We'll make sure to take down all opposition."

"Just try not to get killed in the process," Chrysalis said. "We want the Assassin dead, not you three."

"And once we have taken down the Assassin, we'll be hunting The Hunter," Elena hissed.

"That is correct," Chrysalis said. "The Hunter is next in line."

"And I will gladly assist you in destroying your enemy," Mox said, nodding at Elena, who smirked in return.

"Not without me, you won't," Sunset grinned at the pair. "Look at you both. I'm so proud that you've come so far!"

"Teasing aside," Chrysalis spoke up. "I want you to check in with Shen before you leave, Sunset, she has something for you."

"Aye, aye, Commander."

"Central, make sure to prepare provisions for them before they leave. I expect they'll be away for a couple of weeks."

"Yes, Commander."

Chrysalis looked at the group. "If things go as planned, we'll have taken a large step into destroying one of our most powerful enemies. Don't fail."

"Hey, Lily," Sunset said, walking into Engineering. "I'm here for my armor."

"Ah, just in time Sunset," Lily said, grinning as she pulled out something and put it on the table. "The Commander wanted you to have the first one."

Sunset looked curiously at the long, cloth enveloped object, but shrugging, she picked it up and took off the cloth. She held her breath in surprise. "Oh wow… Shen… this is…"

"I know, it's state of the art, and I'm sure it will—"

"It's a machete with a red blade, and cables stuck into it!" Sunset gasped. "I always wanted a machete with cables. How did you ever know?"

"It's a sword." Shen's smile was gone. "And it's not only made with durable alien alloys and has an edge that shames your previous one, it also has an electric current that will add considerable damage to your opponents. If you don't kill them, it might still stun them."

"Oh, I guess that explains it." Sunset grinned. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you a hard time… this is amazing, Lily."

The engineer grinned. "Well, it was starting to get annoying, but yes, yes it is. The Commander's given me a few additional projects to deal with. Thanks to you we got our hands on a working Skeleton Suit…" Her grin turned into a small smile. "Dad really did amazing work. I was able to copy his design, but I modified yours a little… as a thank you. I've been working on a project I call the E.X.O. suit. I'm still not quite there yet, but it uses automated servos to give soldiers a boost on several fronts."

She walked over to her project table, where Sunset's armor lay. "I was able to mix up some of my designs with the Skeleton Suit… it's not as strong as the final version will be, but it will give you a lot more durability and also, with its mechanical assistance, it will allow you to drag back enemies with your grappling hook, a lot easier… I would still not try that with enemies that are considerably heavier than you, but provided you have a solid foothold, you should be able to have the lighter ones fly to you as easily as Mox does it."

Sunset took Lily's hands in her own, her smile as wide as it would go. "Thank you. You have no idea what a hard time the Skirmishers gave me when I couldn't do that."

"Yes. Well, as I said, don't try to do it with say, a Muton, or you're the one that's going to go flying, even if your intention is the opposite."

"I'll keep that in mind." Sunset examined her armor. It resembled more her original Skirmisher armor, with additional plating added on top, for a more full coverage. She had also asked Lily to change the colors a little. Now that it was officially her own, she'd had insisted on wearing a different body suit and nanovest, both of them black.

The armor itself, however, was still a deep copper and gold, resembling its original colors. It's just that she now didn't look like actual human-sized and shaped bacon. Whatever Sunny One had been, color schemes were not her thing. Unless it was intentionally a joke.

Her old armor's right shoulder guard had been updated in color, and added to her armor, bearing Celestia's cutie mark, which had been repainted. Her own cutie mark was on the chest, above her heart.

Even her shard gun had received brand new designs, and was as coppery-red as her armor, although someone had added a tiny decal of the cartoonish death face of the Viper King to the side.

Lily caught her look. "That was Security, apparently he has a thing for cartooning."

"Gerry?" Sunset chuckled. "It's cute, I'll keep it."

"Speaking of which, have you given any thought to that armor?"

Sunset grimaced. "You mean the one you want to make with the Viper King's skin? Didn't you offer it to the commander?"

Lily pouted. "She said, and I quote: Cobra lalalalalalala!, and then said no."

"What does that even mean?"

"Beats me, but it made Central spit his coffee." Lily sighed. "It's a great design, Sunset, why wouldn't they want it?"

"It might be the cobra head-helmet."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll see what I can do."

"Hey, don't do it on my behalf," Sunset joked. "Anyway, I should go… I guess I'll see you in a week or so." She fist bumped the engineer.

"Yeah," Lily sighed. "Make sure you take enough grenades, bullets and equipment, alright?"

"Don't worry, I have Mox, Elena and Central on that. If they forget anything, they'll never live it down."

Rainbow Dash gave Sunset a look. "So what is it about your missions and going to where my old acquaintances are?"

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"You know that your destination is Angel Point, right?"

Sunset blinked. "Oh." Her eyes widened. "Oooh. Where your friend with the friendly Viper lives."

Rainbow snorted. "Yeah. Friendly." She shook her head. "Anyway, I've made sure all your supplies were loaded. Mox and Elena are already in. Are you ready?"

Sunset glanced around, hoping that Twilight might have stopped by, but there was no sign of her fellow Equestrian.

With a sigh, she nodded. "Yeah, let's get going… the sooner we're done the better."

Rainbow Dash hesitated, as if deciding whether to speak up or not, but then nodded, heading inside, walking past Mox and Elena and sitting down at the cockpit.

She watched Sunset sit down and secure herself in before closing the ramp behind her. "Central, this is Firebrand, Menace is on board, I repeat, Menace is on board."

"Roger that, Firebrand, deliver them to their destination. Fly safe."

o.0.o End Chapter 67 o.0.o

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