• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 82: Meeting


Chapter 82: Meeting

By Wanderer D

"Anything from our team in India, Central?" Chrysalis asked, watching with some amusement as a young female engineer shyly passed a completely oblivious Bradford a pad with updates, before walking out of the Commander's Quarters, presumably to resume her duties.

"Nothing yet, Commander," Bradford replied, scanning the documents. "They are still well within the estimated deadline, so there has been no cause for alarm."

He scanned the document. "First Lieutenant Dash dropped them off as planned at Angel's Point, where the local leader, Fluttershy took over. It is my understanding that they had a volunteer ready to help lead them to the first contact point, and from there they would find the final destination of the equipment, prisoners and mecs we've been following."

Chrysalis nodded. "With some luck, we'll finally find the location of the Assassin's base," she sighed. "I have to admit their constant badgering on communication lines is starting to get annoying."

"Missing the days when all the aliens did was shoot, Commander?" Annette quipped.

"Yes, the days when military protocol demanded respect for your superiors," Chrysalis said, leaning back on her chair.

"Times have changed."

"Indeed." Chrysalis shook her head with some amusement. "Anything from the lab?"

"Yes, Commander," Tygan spoke up. "As you requested, we have started working on reviving the Psionics training for XCOM. We have met some success on that front, as well as with the Thaumic defenses."

"The what now?" Shen asked.

"Magic," Annette clarified.

"Oh." Shen raised an eyebrow. "Why the fancy name?"

"Because Dr. Tygan can't stomach the word, apparently, unless it's said ironically," Annette explained.

"Yes, well," Tygan cleared his throat, pressing a couple of commands and showing up several diagrams and wavelengths.

"What are we looking at, Doctor?" Bradford asked, leaning forward.

"With Miss Sparkle's insight, we have taken tremendous steps into creating what we like to call 'dead areas' for Psionic energies," Tygan said. "It would take some doing, and some effort from Twilight and possibly Sunset herself, but we believe we can create something similar to EMP grenades, but with the sole objective of nullifying psychic powers, and possibly creating a feedback effect."

"That would certainly be helpful," Bradford said gruffly, "just recently one of our agents was subjected to the mind control powers of a Priest. Fortunately Deadwood was able to kill the Priest before he forced our soldier to commit an atrocity, but if we had devices like these…"

"I believe Geist had mentioned a similar power from the Templars," Chrysalis said after a moment's thought. "A specific type of mental feedback that will damage the psychic trying to control our troops."

"Indeed," Tygan said, "but unlike effects like those, as far as we are aware, the aliens have little to no defense against thaumic attacks… and they have very extreme reactions to contact like that. Miss Sparkle accidentally killed a Priest simply by being herself."

"That somehow sounds worse than what it really is," Shen pointed out.

"Yes…" Tygan rolled his eyes.

"The only problem is if the troops carrying those devices are accompanied by any psychics," Annette pointed out. "We can detonate an ADVENT trooper's grenades from a distance, but so could some of ADVENT's troops as well."

"Well, we need all the help we can get," Bradford said.

"Speaking of which," Chrysalis said, dismissing the scientific report, "Volk and Geist are both pressuring me into acting against the Hunter and the Warlock. But other than encountering the Hunter that one occasion, we haven't met either in battle."

"From the recordings it is clear that the Hunter is Sonata Dusk," Annette said, crossing her legs and looking thoughtfully at the hologram of Earth that had popped up. "Which is a shame… she wasn't exactly a gentle soul, but she was at least… not murderously psychotic. I never expected to see her turned into something like that."

"Well, from what the Reapers tell me, she's certainly keen on killing," Chrysalis said. "Any ideas on the Warlock?"

"If we draw the logical conclusion, then the third sister, Adagio, would be the Warlock, completing the set," Annette said.

"I hear a 'but' in there," Chrysalis droned. "I don't like those."

Annette sighed. "From my conversation with Aria, and from what Sunset and Twilight have told me… I have some doubts," she confessed. She summoned a picture of a shadowy figure, crouching down on top of of a building, like some sort of gargoyle. "Not only are there conflicting reports from the Templars that have faced the Warlock, but my instinct and thoughts are leading me to believe that Adagio is not in fact the Warlock."

"Conflicting reports?" Tygan asked, adjusting his glasses. "What type of discrepancies?"

"Some Templars have fought the Warlock… most have not survived, but fewer have actually been in the Warlock's direct presence. None of them have made it out alive, but they have sent psychic impressions to their peers.

"When Geist fought the Warlock on a psychic battle, he did so remotely, projecting his will through his peers and through the Psychic Network. Geist thought he was fighting a powerful woman… well, female alien, but the reports from the Templars at the location talked about a towering, powerful male.

"In addition… whenever the subject of her sisters was brought up by myself or Twilight, Aria clamped up and reacted defensively. I could sense a surprising deep seated sense of regret from her, for just a second…"

"So what are you saying?" Shen asked.

"I believe that Adagio is not the Warlock," Annette said. "Either they betrayed her, or she betrayed them… she could be dead for all we know, but it is a sore spot for Aria, affecting her opinion of loyalty to the extent of immediately reacting to it."

"Hm." Chrysalis raised her pad. "This might bear some investigation… if this Adagio is their enemy now we might glean some useful information if we find out what happened to her and she's willing to talk."

"I'll send word out to the Resistance," Bradford said. "We'll have to do some digging and see if we can get a picture."

"Good luck on that," Annette snorted. "But if ADVENT kept some EXALT records, you'll find it there."


"I'll get on it Commander."

Chrysalis stood. "Very well. If there are no more items in the agenda, this meeting is adjourned."

Chrysalis waited until they were all gone before she summoned the map of India once more. Somewhere there was Sunset…

She glanced at the safe where the Element of Magic was stored. The night before it had shone brightly… perhaps she needed to have another talk with Twilight Sparkle.

o.0.o End Chapter 82 o.0.o

Author's Note:

Sigh. 12:04AM. That's what I get for not writing earlier.

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