• Published 25th Jan 2018
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XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 130: Fundamental


Chapter 130: Fundamental

By Wanderer D

She made her way through the damnable forest, slashing with her claws at the underbrush if it got in her way, and the occasional black vine that coiled around trees, blocking her path. Ever since the previous fight had happened, she hadn't been able to clear her mind of the anger and insult she had felt over Fluttershy's accusations.

That she would even imply that… that she or Twilight, or anyone from XCOM killed for blood-fueled amusement… that they, who had sacrificed so much and lost so much and witnessed so much death would just… not care… so what if Fluttershy knew of another way?

And that was a big 'if'. If she knew better then she should have acted faster. Alejandra wasn't going to risk Twilight being chomped in half because some tree-hugger wanted to wait for a giant murder-lizard to be less angry.

Alejandra wasn't putting much stock on her thoughts right now, other than to fight down every sudden spike of anger at the sound of Fluttershy's voice in her mind.

That… condescending, judgmental, misinformed, sanctimonious tone that was trying to make her feel guilty for choosing Twilight's life over that of an enemy creature. It had done something alright, but it hadn't been flooding her with guilt.

Oh, no. Definitely not guilt.

Right now, she wanted to tear something (or someone) up. Still, she kept repeating to herself that it was a misunderstanding.

'She doesn't understand. She's never had to deal with the shit we deal with almost on a daily basis back home. She hasn't seen people torn apart, children split by chryssalid claws right in front of their parents...or sisters.' She slowed down a little, brow darkening before she shook her head and continued her angry stomp. 'Fluttershy has never seen someone burned to death, or stomped into a paste for the sole purpose of terrorizing everyone around and laughing with sadistic glee at their desperate cries.'

She couldn't believe that creatures as dangerous as Discord was supposed to be, or the Sirens-turned-Chosen, or even Sunset Shimmer could come from this world. Here? Where one had the luxury of thinking to reason out the value of life with a wild beast when their friend was in immediate danger?

It really was a different world. Thankfully Twilight was not stupid and had used her magic to get rid of the gator, or who knows what would have happened? What was really frustrating to Alejandra was that Fluttershy was so… so deluded as to even consider the value of that creature over that of her own friend!

How lucky had the pegasus been so far in her life to think that was always choice? One day, no one else would be around and she wouldn't calm down the bear. Or the alligator. Or the dragon, and that day would be too late.

Being kind was one thing. Being oblivious to the actual threat to others because your kindness was focused on 'cuddly' things was another. You could give Angel a hug. But you didn't want to be hugged by just about any other viper, because that hug would kill you.

She slowed down and glanced around warily when she heard several rustling sounds. She had walked into a small clearing in the forest. There was no sign of the others, and being all on her own, it appeared that something was considering her an easy target.

Her human instinct told her the way back… but her griffon instinct wasn't sure that was the best idea. After all, something was looking for trouble and they would find claws and a sharp beak waiting for them.

A vicious smile grew on her face as she saw several vines slither up and split open at the top, like giant fly snappers, hissing angrily at her and swaying threateningly.

Well, she had wanted to deal with the stress somehow.

Fluttershy was Rainbow Dash's first friend, out of the whole group. They had known each other since they were fillies, although their differing natures had kept them from doing more stuff together until Twilight's arrival in Ponyville, and well, if she was honest with herself, most of her truly awesome stunts were not something that excited Fluttershy as much as they did other ponies.

She was supportive, but… quietly so.

She had always thought of her as somepony who would be understanding of others' circumstances. After all, she had been so different from other pegasi back in Cloudsdale, and every time they had encountered something or somepony new, she had been willing to ditch her preconceptions and welcome them in.

So why was it so hard for her to understand that soldiers were not… murderers? It was a particularly sore spot for her, given the role the Wonderbolts had had in the past, and the role they might still have if called into active service.

Rainbow Dash was going to be a Wonderbolt. And it wasn't just the stunts that came with that. There were other responsibilities, and their swearing-in ceremony included plenty of words about sacrifice, battle, love for Princesses and country, etc.

When Twilight had been… drafted, sorta, she had gone to talk to old, retired Wonderbolts, seeking advice. She had, upon their advice, talked to retired guardsponies; flown over to meet with Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire to talk about war… loyalty to a friend was not just… standing there looking awesome. It was about being loyal, doing things for others who you cared for.

And she cared for Twilight. And she cared for Fluttershy… and she saw a similar loyalty in Alejandra. Maybe it was something that only those that thought about joining the military or had joined could really understand?

She shook her head. No… it wasn't that.

"What bothers you, pegasus?"

Dash blinked, looking up at the breezie who was holding on to her mane as she flew towards where she had seen Alejandra last. "Nothing."

"I see. And yet, this 'nothing' has you sighing, frowning, muttering, grimacing and cursing. That's quite a 'nothing'."

"Look, I just don't like what happened back there," Rainbow Dash said, "I know that Fluttershy can calm most things living in this world, and I also know that where you guys come from… that's not always possible. But… I'm conflicted, alright? I don't think Alejandra did anything wrong. Hay, that thing was attacking Twilight, no matter how Fluttershy wants to spin it, but Flutters wasn't completely incorrect, you know? Over here we've solved all of the big battles without a need for violence."

"Is that so?" Tala mused. "And do you expect this to be always so?"

Rainbow Dash didn't answer.

"Before Betos—my faction's leader—sent me to join XCOM to replace Mox, I was a combat trainer for the Skirmishers. More than once, a kind-hearted liberated brother or sister would come to me and ask, "why must we fight, why must we shoot to kill our own?" And every time I had to answer: "Because if we don't, the Elders will kill us through them, whether our brothers and sisters truly want that or not." We don't want to fight our own. We don't want to kill our own. But we must, because our own… and their masters... will kill us all without remorse.

"As I see it, sometimes the answer is not just a clear thing. Could Alejandra have trusted Fluttershy? Yes, I suppose she could have. But what we know of this world is limited… and even though Twilight mentioned Fluttershy's unique abilities to us on the way from Canterlot—mostly for my benefit—the reality is that kindness sometimes needs to be focused on the right thing. For as much as you want to believe a supposed ability can calm any creature... are you willing to risk your friend's life on that slim chance?

"Perhaps, one, horrible day, Fluttershy will have to choose for real between the life of a creature and the life of her friends. We can always hope it will not come to pass, but in my experience, it is inevitable."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "It's not like we're constantly charging into battle like you guys."

"No? And what do you call venturing into a deadly forest to find the origin of the possibly deadly vines?"

Rainbow Dash grunted in annoyance.

"It is hard… and maybe this tiny form is giving me more to think about than I would have otherwise, were I your size, but Mox taught me other things besides combat, and to think, ponder and meditate on our duties, our beliefs and that of others were part of that education… and I see that conflict of fundamental beliefs taking place inside of you.

"Unlike your friends, you are more aware of what people like Twilight, Alejandra and myself go through… maybe you have found out how hard it is to deal with sudden changes in philosophy, not to mention worlds, and this brings me hope, for, as Mox was fond of saying, 'only when we surrender to other's trust and work together, only then can we succeed where before we have failed.'" She snorted. "I believe he actually tried that with a Reaper and it worked."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Maybe we're not that different after all."

That's when they heard the roar.

o.0.o End Chapter 130 o.0.o

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