• Published 25th Jan 2018
  • 21,442 Views, 9,179 Comments

XCOM: Ranger - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer escapes Equestria... with unforeseen consequences.

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Chapter 177: Drops


Chapter 177: Drops

By Wanderer D

The town glowed with light and blood.

Sunset felt a shiver run down her spine as she, Angel, and Jenny emerged from the Skyranger and started walking (and slithering) towards Angel's Point.

It was almost too much for her senses. All those lives. All that delicious blood, flowing and feeding and keeping life going. With the right spell, she could end it all. With the right spell, she could cause blood to turn their bodies into willing slaves.

An aphrodisiac twist and the orgies would last for days. An adrenaline twist, and their berserker rage would overwhelm any opponent, regardless of losses. The possibilities were all there for her to take.

She could draw out their blood through their pores, take it into herself and use it as armor or weapon, or even a means of transportation.

She could—


Sunset shook her head, blinking. The sound of birds and jungle animals; people talking and laughing, the sounds of waves crashing against the cliffs nearby; the smell of flowers and spices; the warmth of the sun… "What was I thinking?!"


"I-I'm sorry I spaced out, Angel," Sunset said, placing a comforting hand on the viper's shoulder. "I've just been really busy lately, and I haven't slept much."

"Hiss," Angel countered, shaking her head and flicking her tongue.

Sunset crossed her arms. "Whatever. I'll give you as hard a time as I want. I might need sleep, but you need real rest and to recuperate fully."

Angel gave her an unamused glance. She rattled her tail, flicked her tongue and hissed lowly.

"Hey, I need to study as hard as I can!" Sunset growled. "I have to become stronger! There's no way I'm letting what happened to you happen to anypo—anyone else under my watch!"

"That is all well and good, Sunset," a voice spoke up, "but trust me, just cramming up all the information you're learning without rest is not going to help anyone."

Sunset felt Jenny press closer to her, and smiled down at the young girl. "Jenny, this is Fluttershy, she's the leader of the settlement."

Fluttershy smiled, kneeling down so she could look at Jenny at the same height. "Oh my, you must be Jenny then! Like Sunset said, I'm Fluttershy. Welcome to Angel's Point. You and Angel will be staying with me for a little while."

Jenny hid behind Sunset, but managed a shy smile at the gentle tone of the woman. "Why is it called Angel's Point?"

"Oh, that's easy!" Fluttershy said cheerfully, smiling brightly. "Angel was with me when we arrived here along with the Rabbits and their families. She guided us here, you see. We walked all over to the tip of the cliff, and we saw the most marvelous sight! And guess what?"

Jenny's eyes were wide. "What?"

"It turns out that Angel had nested nearby in a cave by the cliff! It was like she was inviting us to her home, so it made perfect sense to name it after her, don't you think?"

"I-I guess!"

"Why don't you and Angel go ahead to town? She can introduce you to everyone while I talk to Sunset."

Jenny looked up at Sunset who smiled and nodded, leaning down to give her a hug. "I'll miss you kiddo, but I promise I will visit."


Sunset turned to Angel, who coiled around her and pulled her in for a hug. Sunset giggled, leaning into the embrace of the giant snake-woman. "I'll miss you."


"I know… I really do, thank you."

Angel rolled her eyes and leaned forth giving Sunset a peck on the cheek before uncoiling and motioning for Jenny to follow. Soon enough they were welcomed at the gate by one very excited Krav.

"She's grown very fond of you."

Sunset sighed. "Yeah. Angel is very devoted."

Fluttershy smiled. "Do you return her feelings?"

Sunset chuckled. "I have no time for that." She gazed at the settlement. "I have too much going on to even consider it, and it's too likely I won't be alive at any given time. I can't jump into a relationship in those conditions."

"I find it interesting you didn't even bring up that she's a snake," Fluttershy said, glancing at Sunset with an inscrutable look. "Most people would have issue with that."

Sunset laughed. "Where I come from, as long as they're sentient, the species doesn't matter. I met once this adorable couple, one was a Minotaur and the other was a Peg—" She cut off, eyes wide, and glanced at Fluttershy. "I-I mean—not...uh… oops?"

Fluttershy giggled. "I suppose that explains how you can talk to her that way. Even I only understand her general intentions, but you can have entire conversations with her."

Sunset groaned and sat on the grassy field. "I guess the cat's out of the bag."

"I guess it is."

"I hope that's not a problem?" Sunset said, looking up at Fluttershy, "I really like it here."

The pink haired woman shook her head. "We have Angel here, don't we? And the Rabbits and I have only good things to say about you, Sunset Shimmer. You're always welcome."

Sunset grinned. "Thank you." She pushed herself up. "I should get going, however," she said, looking at the town. "Take care of them, would you? I tried my best, but I couldn't really be of much help with Jenny… I just didn't know what to say."

Fluttershy hummed. "It's always difficult to try and say the right thing when people suffer... I've seen all sorts: some make it about themselves. They don't tire of telling you how they understand everything you're going through, or how they dealt with things, or how they know exactly how you feel, even if they really don't." She grimaced. "Those are usually the worst, and do more damage than not.

"Others will be honest, and simply say they don't know what to say or do, but that they feel bad for you. Their empathy is honest, and although their words won't help you heal immediately, you know that they care.

"Others understand that each person mourns differently, and will let you talk. They understand that when you're in pain, it's about you, not them. They don't push or try to take advantage of a situation to tell you their opinion. I find those are the most effective."

Fluttershy patted Sunset's shoulder. "In the end, as long as there was real empathy, which I think there was, I think you helped more than you think, Sunset."

Sunset chuckled. "Not as much as Angel," she said, looking at the settlement. "I'll miss her."

"She'll be here waiting for you," Fluttershy said with a shrug, starting to walk back to the town. "Make sure you keep in touch."

"I will."

Sunset watched Fluttershy leave. The rebel leader's heartbeat was steady and strong. Her blood was pure and full of life. She could almost taste it.

"Ugh." Sunset shook her head. "I'd better get back to figuring this stuff out. ADVENT is not going to wait for me to be ready." She started walking back to the Skyranger, where Rainbow Dash's blood silhouette could be seen even at a distance. "But I will make them pay for every drop of blood they've spilled."

o.0.o End Chapter 177 o.0.o

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