• Published 1st Nov 2019
  • 12,813 Views, 359 Comments

I Love Being a Rainboom - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and the Turtles are back again, and in another dimension where another team of mutant turtles live. Join the teams as they learn to work together against allying threats from both universes.

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More Turtles

One afternoon at Applejack's house, the Rainbooms, along with Fugitoid, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Starlight Glimmer, and Princess Twilight along with her Spike were outside and sitting around as if they were waiting for something.

“How much longer do we have to wait?” Sweetie Belle asked sounding impatient.

“Be patient, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity calmed her sister, “They'll be here soon enough.”

“Quite so,” Fugitoid agreed, “The turtles are punctual... to an extent.”

Pinkie looked down the road seeing a familiar party wagon and battle vehicle, “There they are!” she called.

The two vehicles pulled up outside the farm, and out from them came the turtles, and their human allies, “Sup, Rainbooms?” Mikey asked.

The two teams went to each other, “Good to see you all.” Princess Twilight greeted.

“Great to see you too.” Leo agreed, as he hugged both Twilight's.

Karai embraced Starlight, “Nice to see both you and Princess Twilight could come.”

“Well, with the School of Friendship out for the semester, there's plenty of free time for us.” Starlight replied.

“So you all say there's more worlds you want to try exploring?” Fugitoid inquired.

“Yeah. Ever since our trips to Gotham and Moo Mesa, I've still been checking out all the different possible universes.” Donnie explained.

“Wow, other universes?” Apple Bloom gasped.

“Sounds totally awesome!” Scootaloo cheered.

“It sure is.” Rainbow Dash confirmed.

Raph looked over at the trio, “I get we're bringing Princess Twilight and Starlight, but these three?” The CMC frowned at Raph, as Applejack spoke up.

“I know, Raph. But when they heard about this, they begged us to come along.”

“I just don't think it's fair our sisters get to have all the fun with traveling to other worlds.” Apple Bloom said sounding jealous.

“While it may seem fun it's also dangerous.” Donnie reminded them as a warning.

“That's why we've been learning how to be ninjas through Rainbow Dash and the girls.” Scootaloo retaliated.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Raph said to the Rainbooms in disbelief.

“I know it sounds ludicrous, Raphael,” Rarity began, “But we learned if our siblings have potential then they don't need our approval, but our guidance.” she recalled the wise words of Alfred Pennyworth.

The CMC smiled at Rarity's defense of them, making Raph sigh with no further argument. Leo spoke to the three, “Alright, you three can come. But you have to stick with us and no going off on your own.”

“You have the Canterlot Movie Club's solemn promise.” Apple Bloom said, as she and her friends crossed their hearts.

“So now that we got that covered, shall we go?” April suggested.

“Affirmative.” Twilight agreed, as they each piled into either the Shellraiser or the Party Wagon.

Donnie poked out hatch of the Shellraiser with his portal projector. He blasted a portal in front, and called down below, “Ok, here we go!” he popped back into the vehicle. The two vehicles drove right into the portal before it closed up.

Through the void, the two vehicles flew through it, as everyone inside held on, “This is intense!” Scootaloo called.

“I don't think my stomach is agreein' with me.” Apple Bloom said, while covering her mouth.

“We're almost there!” Leo called, as he steered the Party Wagon.

“Hold onto your hats!” Keno called, as they were closing in on the end of the void.

Suddenly the two vehicles came out through another portal and down an alleyway. They pulled to a halt and exited the vehicles, “Everyone ok?” Leo asked, and everyone confirmed.

“Guys, do we look different?” April asked, as she, the turtles, Casey, Keno, Karai, and Shini looked themselves over.

“Yeah, we look like the way we did in our counterparts world,” Donnie looked himself over, “Only with a bit more depth.”

The CMC looked around seeing it was nighttime, “So we're really in another world?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Affirmative, Sweetie Belle.” Fugitoid confirmed.

“Let's get a look from higher ground.” Karai suggested, as the group used grappling hooks to get themselves up top, while Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack held onto each of the CMC, and the two Twilight's each held onto their Spike.

When they reached the top of the building, they looked out into the distance and saw they were in a very familiar city, “Dudes, we're home!” Mikey cheered.

“We're back in New York?” Shini asked.

“Sure looks like it.” Sunset confirmed.

“Or some alternate New York.” Donnie replied.

“Everything looks the same, and yet different.” Leo inspected.

“Hope the pizza of this world is still good.” Mikey said.

“You and me both.” Keno agreed.

“We should probably go look around.” Rainbow insisted.

“It's the most logical thing to do.” Karai nodded.

Before they could go, four silhouette's washed over them. The team stopped and looked at the silhouette's before turning around and looked up.

Standing on top of a sign were four figures that didn't look entirely human. They jumped down and landed before them while sticking to the shadows.

The turtles and Rainbooms were ready to arm, themselves, as one of the shadows spoke up, “Who are you? What're you doing here?”

“Why does he sound familiar?” Fluttershy wondered, as the tone of the one who spoke sounded like someone they knew.

“Looks like a couple of copycats.” another shadow figure stated in an accusing tone.

“What?” Raph asked in confusion, as if he just heard himself.

Stepping out from the shadows were none other than the turtles themselves. But unlike the turtles the Rainbooms knew, they were more muscular and a bit taller too.

“No way!” Sunset gasped.

“The turtles?” The two Twilight's gasped.

“Dudes, they already know us!” the other Mikey said.

“How is this possible?” the other Donnie wondered.

“Who cares?” the other Raph asked, “I don't like wannabes cashin' in on my look!”

“Who're you callin' wannabes?” Raph asked with a growl.

“What are you guys?” the other Leo asked, “Clones made by Stockman or Bishop?”

“Stockman?” Karai asked in confusion.

“Bishop?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Let's just get 'em!” The other Raph called, as the four turtles fought the Rainbooms turtle friends.

As Leo fought the other Leo, he tried defending himself and reason with him, “Look, there's been a mistake! We're not your enemies!”

“I've heard that before.” the other Leo replied, as the two clashed with their katanas.

The two Donnie's fought bo-staff to bo-staff, until Donnie's spear popped out of his shocking the other one, “You have a spear in your bo?”

“Yeah. Doesn't yours?” Donnie asked, as they fought.

“Not really.” he answered sheepishly.

The two Mikey's fought before stopping and looked each other over, “Bro, you are super cute.” Mikey told the other.

“Oh, go on!” the other Mikey acted modest.

“No seriously, on a scale of one to ten, you are eleven.” Mikey continued to flatter the other.

“You ain't so bad yourself.” the other Mikey complimented him.

The two were interrupted by the two Raph's who were fighting the hardest, “Dude, you seriously got some anger issues!” Raph told the other, “And that's a lot coming from me!”

“Well, what's gonna be coming from me is my fist to your face!” the other Raph yelled, as the two continued to fight.

As the Rainbooms and their allies watched from the side, April finally spoke up, “We're not gonna get anywhere if someone doesn't do something right now.”

“I got this.” Twilight sighed, as she used her magic to freeze both groups of turtles before separating them.

“Hey, what's going on?” the other Mikey cried.

“I can't move!” the other Donnie struggled.

The other Raph noticed Twilight, “It's that girl.”

“How is she...” the other Leo wondered, until Twilight spoke up.

“Look, if you four just calm down and refrain from attacking us we'll explain everything.”

“Why should we listen to some kid?” the other Raph argued.

Fluttershy frowned and walked up to him glaring daggers, “You will not speak to my friend in that tone, Mister. Got it?!” she used her infamous stare on the other Raph who suddenly looked terrified.

“Uh-ok,” he answered in fright. Fluttershy smiled sweetly and walked back to her friends, while the other turtles turned to their Raph smirking. The other Raph frowned and spoke, “Not a word!”

So Twilight released her hold on the turtles, as Leo spoke up, “I know how this looks, but I assure you my brothers and I are not clones of any kind.”

“Then what are you?” Leonardo asked.

“We're from another dimension.” Donnie explained.

“Another dimension?” Michelangelo asked.

“That does make plenty of sense.” Donatello admitted having experience with this before.

“As it should.” Fugitoid answered.

“Professor?” the other turtles asked in surprise.

“Oh, so you're already familiar with me?” Fugitoid asked.

“We sure are.” Michelangelo replied.

Donatello spotted April and Casey, “Wait a minute. April? Casey?”

“I don't believe it.” Raphael gasped.

“They're young.” Leonardo noticed.

“Young?” Casey asked in confusion.

“Well at least we know we exist in this dimension too.” April told Casey.

Leonardo took notice of Karai, “Wait a second, Karai?”

Karai answered, “That's right, but I also go by Miwa.”

“Oh this is just great.” Raphael sighed, much to Karai's confusion.

“Am I missing something?” she asked.

“We'll explain later.” Leonardo said.

Michelangelo looked at Keno and Shini, “Who're these two?”

“Name's Keno.”

“And I'm Shinigami. Or Shini for short.”

Michelangelo looked awestruck at the witch girl, “Dudes, she's cute.” he whispered to his brothers, only for Mikey to appear at his side and whispered a warning to him.

“Back off, dude. She's mine.” Michelangelo winced at how threatening his counterpart sounded.

Donatello looked to the Rainbooms and their friends, “So who're these girls?”

“And what's up with their skin?” Raphael asked.

“We're the Rainbooms.” Rainbow Dash answered on behalf of herself and her team.

“Rain-Booms?” Leonardo asked sounding it out.

“What kinda name is that?” Raphael asked with a laugh.

“An awesome name, thank you.” Rainbow answered with a scowl.

Sunset spoke up, “I'm Sunset Shimmer, and this is my team. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.”

Twilight fixed her glasses, Rarity did a flip of her hair, Applejack tipped her hat, Pinkie Pie smiled brightly, Rainbow Dash gave a thumbs up, and Fluttershy waved shyly.

“My name's Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight spoke up.

“I'm Apple Bloom, and this here's Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.” the youngest Apple sib introduced herself and her friends.

“Those are some very unique names.” Leonardo noted.

“Why thank you, Leonardo.” Rarity smiled with appreciation.

Michelangelo took notice of the other Twilight, “Twilight's got a twin?”

“Not exactly.” Twilight answered, as her counterpart spoke up.

“I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Princess?” the other turtles gasped.

“Ohmygosh!” Michelangelo gasped and he dropped down, “Your majesty! I gravel at your feet!” he kissed Princess Twilight's shoes.

“Please don't.” Princess Twilight said feeling uncomfortable.

Donatello pulled Michelangelo up and spoke to him, “And it's pronounced 'grovel'.”

Twilight then motioned to the two dogs, “And these are our dogs, both are named Spike.”

“Sup.” Spike greeted.

“Nice to meetcha.” Dog Spike greeted.

“They can talk?!” Donatello gasped in shock.

“Mind blown!” Michelangelo gasped in equal shock.

The two Spike's gave them an annoyed look, “Seriously? Talking dogs are weirder than walking talking mutant turtles?” Dog Spike asked rhetorically.

“Are they mutants?” Leonardo inquired.

“No, but I was one once,” Spike admitted, “In fact where I come from I'm not really a dog,” he stood on his hind legs, “I'm a ferocious fire-breathing dragon!”

The four other turtles stared blankly at the dog's claim, until Raphael spoke up, “Seriously?”

“It's true,” Princess Twilight confirmed, while not wanting to damage Spike's ego by telling them he's just a baby dragon, “And just like him, this isn't what I normally look like.”

“So what are you?” Donatello asked.

“Twilight's a pony princess.” Mikey answered, while leaning on said girl's shoulder.

“A pony?” Raphael asked in disbelief.

“Like we said, it's a lot to explain.” Leo replied.

“And perhaps we should do this elsewhere?” April suggested.

“You guys got a lair we can go to?” Keno inquired.

“I don't think it's safe to do that,” Leonardo denied, “Master Splinter doesn't allow strangers.”

“Master Splinter?” the group gasped. The idea of seeing their mentor again in some form brought joy to their hearts.

“Yeah, you have him in your dimension too?” Donatello asked.

The group suddenly looked dismal, not sure how to break it to them, until Leo spoke, “I have a feeling your Master Splinter may make an exception for us.”

“How do you know?” Leonardo questioned.

“If there's one constant in any universe, it's that Master Splinter is always understanding.” Leo smiled.

“Not if you saw the crazy version of Master Splinter I saw.” Michelangelo muttered to himself, while recalling another universe where he and his brothers were superheroes, but their master was a villain.

“Well, ok.” Leonardo reluctantly agreed.

“You can show us the way. We'll take our rides.” Donnie said, as the whole team went back to the alley.

The other turtles gasped at the sight of the two vehicles, “Whoa.” Donatello gasped and marveled.

“Not bad.” Raphael said, while checking out the Shellraiser.

“What do you call these?” Donatello asked his counterpart.

“This is the Shellraiser and the Party Wagon.” Donnie explained.

“This is so cool!” Michelangelo cheered.

So the group got into a vehicle each before driving off into the streets of this alternate New York with no idea of the dangers that lurk within it.